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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1916)
THE MORNING OI.EGONIA!T. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1916. FILMS WIN CAPITAL RAILWAYS REVIVE Me COLONIST RATES Columbia Highway Scenery Is Shown at Washington. Rex BeacKs Famous Story of Love, Romance and Adventure in Old Panama, Featuring Kathlyn Williams, Wheeler Oakman and the Famous "Spoilers'" Cast Transcontinental Lines WL'I Aid HomesccJcers Seeding . to Locate in West. PUBLICITY VALUE GREAT IHff nolct Ha 1 1 room Crowded to SCHEDULE NOT YET MADE Capacity to f-ce Be rgtrr-Joncs Color Picture., Man Congrcsa nicn Bc-lnx In Audience. N .Do r:r- " 1 . . .... ' j V n ' T:,.; ;v-f . . A , I Mzlutj lluhrr i:lr T la t'nr vr Year. Ilowrtrr. I ripea-trd ..w tVrbil Imm Marrh III April I I 1.1 to Are Uarnnt. Ct"" rt- wilt ba arrti'd lr th- lrjDi.n'.,ns!l rred thi. year a nir hm.efcer." tu-het. trmm joint. la th :.t "! Middle Weal . Ilka Pacific foot. TS rn.'ontintal Una rad'allng nl af PvjrfUn.1 wera alvid 11 th rr. will ba affect! from Varrh ;J t, April I 1. both d-l ln- Iui. Th (rcla re ( bu.tne. ba "l bn c;.-n ;.!. bul II la !"' as a that they will b ;cht:y higher tsaa ta r..!onit rate prevailing in pravieu year.. ' Nate r I Ul.d- Tb former ratee Ir.m eoma ef th principal r.oU wera aa fallow" CM. e-ov !!: Dulata. M: "rt Worth, lit IJ. Ilou.ton, S Si: kan.aa Cl'v. III. Leavaworta. I.'1' lit !1: Memohl.. lit.:'.. M . V'in.poli. l:. V w Otl J ; 1 ; l TriAi a. 14 1J. oaUanm CUy. I 11 I'tori. . J.iwr. II. M. t-ia. liJoi; "t. I'aiii. I Pan An fntf HJ Si; City. !! l la pra.uma.l by lai pa.aafiirr ef fVlala tb l Ibaaa fataa will ba In rT9i a boat II S from iv polaL 'ara aaat of I'Hlcno all ba anala ta ninMalni tha 'hirao rm: wi'JI I nm lacal rata to Olfll Tba i;r.4t. i!l.-i?t a wbota- aama noamol ef bona bma tmm-Aif frum tha j.t tn th r.t oa.J.r tha.a loar fr. Thy IU nvaba aaraoat afforta to confma tha traaal af iria w. rlia:tr ara bitu a l,ation.a In tha U at and who rs aet apt l ba-oiia 6'ir'L-tn on t a aommunif -a tt abi b lhay aatab- i a tb'ir aa bom. Taaaaaada af tlara t arrWaV. Tot h-i.rtt ar. pr!ur to t!l tb rrira annually "ufhl th.nad. af aattlar. to t hat fli(Ur !'.( and to tha mtar-moan.-. rajlon or. lor raa-way tirbat.. Tt fra art. af f--.le !!' a ar In tha fprln in tha rn T'o fr--ant!y. boar. I(im r liikt TTra l.)6wk.r than boma- aaaa.ra. I 'l '. d'lar In ' H atri?ta aTo too'a'ca of tba n.aunai.ft an I bil'a t tnm aut of tim r aaaipe. by eUin th.m worth l.aa 1 tuaiioar lht tb!r affor' ta '"'"Vtna ril.a tha sraal tvt ware doinf mora harm than o.t tha rrrira wa y.ara aa ranr.Ii'l a't roloail rta and Kit. b.nt than In iiu.w until im. y-r M.anwblta lhay be baan tnaaall- .. a rondittoaa and baaa ro4a pro iKi.n to ma lhair appaala f.r bu.l aaaa to avt'-iAl Bomaaeaaare at'lu.iTaiy. aaaaaarvUI Orsaalaalkaaa be leL Tha inan wh I. eat ef work abl tba waate t t.n. Waal la l a will Ba diaoor-asra,!. Ifa will ba told thai Iho al a.raadr baa anera werklnfmaa than II can aurnort and thai what I! wanta particuUrly ara !. wba bate aaufb) mmt to atari farmiaa en a email xral. or. parbapa aa a Urcr aeala. CommafiaJ ariaaliat lona b!l ho ortbwaat proo-oaa la eo-ooarat wl:h the camera la Ihalr effort. All ri"ada c-artln( Into tbla tar rttorr will piibli.a tha ow rata. riwarr officii! of lie t"nlon l"a r'fj. orthrn r.-lf;--. fioatharw l"a t'tz. nraal .North.rn. .Nortb luak an J roa :iotru: .i.rUr baran prao a ratio aa ta baadia tha roloalata wbaa laay atari to coma. 'SIELtA'UPTOBiGELOW riaot xion rintno pum-e sow to ie ol.n. rwtan Wlkk W aa eeatfcea ef R. aval CtaaJflea BBww II. It Aperal la tl'.a. ?sear roma mora rrtef along fixture (wH; line. Mayor gats thieae etr!cbtne4 out l:h tha sno- Ilea CK'iiir. people ef tha ctry ao that ceaaortbip la working ssaootbly. when along ceir.. a tattar from 11. A. Vaugbaa. ef La Asel. fitter BoCira laat aa Intend, la bring la Portland for .ihlMtl.ii th lirmui Hi I. paint ing eail4 -Stall.- "U it all right. I. aaita Tha pl'tjra n ona ef tha ana- tieaa of Iba l'B4m4rkffd rltpoaitlon, and star. !! baa attracted attention la I-o Aag.l. wher II ha been thlbitloa. tl la a painting In rod af a baautiful woman la a rcciimn; oattloo. Mayor A I baa. after kmc peoderd ver th u5)a.rl fir conpla ef day. r.atarlr paaaa-1 Iba rr.i'tr a.onr to r.mmlMloa.r f::a(oar. arno handtaa tha Kin. mn4 ef Iba cltr. It la Itkaty ba i:l paaa raapeastaiutr aioear to tba Mr CoumIL Joat alia ia la waathar tha picture la loo mrrop.f far Iba pMaa4 avaa of lortlartd la a a'aM.-a bn:a protabljr baa la ba at:id by tha lounr.l al.ira. Tba board of a-iorla pw-t'ir la aald la d:TJ.:a-i baaua Ibara la Be anattoa to I ha pirtara. RAILROAD OFFICIAL IS DEAD C. Ira TatlKr. of Orrsna) J-hrirt 1.1 or Victim of la ;rlpr- f. tra T'4tt. fraifbl banl of T.i aa. 4:a. at b.. '. yaatarHay. a a..!Mat tnrat the UT-r-n hort borne In Lake r.r a brtf Itlnait from la rirro. Afl"a of bta dain wa ra'aio.d hare tjr raitroal otTl li: who la. blm. Mr T'Jttla tu w:t known throaih. ! the Northwaat. h.'mirh aa ba bad nt rhartra of a! tba liaaatorb and aronl iMpmrn'j oar tha nort Una. ITa fraiTanlr 1aita.f Port I !. Ma an ab-snt i yaar otd an-d bad b-an la tha hort Ijna rl a m.'. than 2 yaar. YoaralU fete J Wtioa ral. rijrmT'J. r-. rb, t .pa--iat Tba Tctint!:. City Council baa naaaad aa erdinanva :u-i a ip'UI ala.t.n I, Bald ea April 17 to tola bond la tha a-in of l;i..Jt aim ali- to In 'l mnnl' tpaa wtr ayatanv Tba avatar wl I ba tkn from A-Im. Cra. a. wkk-a la located ! ef ! Tomn nm r:Triir, I-aorUa -TudJnhoad WILoo." Tnbad the Sailor." Columbia "Tba Oraon Swamp." "A (ori Mar 5faati: Mraly Vary Ann." -, National "ona of !-atn." I I. k ford "I rolta ef I'a.lra " "Tha lUack Crook." Cirrlc "Kattjr .Vr'juckle." Colombia. AN Inli.-tmrnl hood la th tlrarn r-war N In ii.tmrnt of Jcilour woman- ha k.rnota cf "Th mp." a Trlaoarle faa- (tira thick haad the Columbia bill, alon-r witrt SaUrk Swain In "Tba ilol Star " with a pt-n.tld raal haadrd by j- b I jminaria at t baauliful Ill liarrlacala and liru. a Mclla. a atory wbU'h bold the Intrrrat tinSacclaa. and .!!rnl rhotorphlc arract. Tba Oraaa'' la antllUd to racr.cnu.un at ona of the bai Trlansl produottona. and ona which Intoltca a I latua. Tbla ttory ef the Kraan-ayad Cod how a wouun' 1(h acalnal Jaal ovay and bar final triumph and hapl na.a. War,' rla AI'.Lon Rndt fault con, tiaually with bar bnaband. t'r. Aittaon. irrip bins of Birlinc on avary orca loo. Tna doctor rcai a call which th wife ipir.H. aimoat rraultlna la lb oa(h of a rblld. II tor-tla bar. Th do. tor bacam Iniactatj wllb tataaua. bad lo eat hia wife from worry (old bar ba waa coin- oo a juurnry. The wife learn that ba la Iba city. n-e-ea blm to tba noma of a frirad. and la on Iba point of braaklnat Into a room whre Iho doctor la BB-laraoina: a moat dallcat opara tmn wban aha raaliaaa tba foollaba of bar a.-tlota. A Motia ritor" la crammad fall of taoKfce. more Ibaa yo'J at out of Karatuo cemedtaa. Mack !. aa th moil atar. who empnaticajir bat, hiuvaalf." la a acrrana. II go a a notl. iho. tnakee a epaerh t lor ta adortnaT onaa Ibara lo " hi -ra it. ana cotare nimaati who clory until tilrt and th kid arrive. Than tb atory I far. far dinarant. rk-ktortl. r.ohart Warwick, on of tha moat popular of ecraea atar. aad aa actor who la alwara a powerful and conlne Inc Crura in rl drama, ta at bit boat la TrultB of a atrona atorr of tba aleal mnojirr. wnito onanad yaatarday at the ll.kford- AmMtlon. wlttt lie rutnia.a cmaoioa of compatllloa la lb effort to acftieae lure.., ta the central tbam of tba lory, with tb ultimata raallaatioa that what haa baan achld I worth- i.aa aa romDarad with Bapplneaa. Iraaamitmc of taal tnllla. hbod-lo-hand ronrtu-t and IntaraaSIn: acna of th i-i, in ooeration are dapictaa ia in Warwlrk. who Plays IB role oi vara -ratlin ia a country lad amomoua to hacoma a rtowar In tba elaal worio. ii .ra bla bom and twaeinaari ana oa to ts milt. rilnc from manual lahrr lo ia( forooaan and than .klll.d Jaborar. Ha 1! In the borne .1 a bon foreman, la loted by the daarhter. and when tha father ahairad Trultt lakaa hi place, lurn Inr from lh Ctrl at th call of arabl- I Trultt flrhta on r!ntle!y. bom and tbtn a rartnT. It r.tum to th country, marrta his old lo.a. bat th wife bacoma a aoclai tuttarC : lhay are atrand and di raaulta. Alone la bla araat mao- ..... TroLii rraltira th waJtn of a tl-a without love, leak out the rtrl of hi day In the rut. burr tteel milL r.nd bar loan alill ataad.'aat aad makea bar hia wir. Anothrr nijr I'llin Scrap, rrra tinea Tb Ppollarf lnucur ata. aomathlnc nw la fiatic ralira B a tcrarn f.'atur producer hay barn trlvinc to praant tomathint; mora con-tlnoin-t la roush and lurnbi. acrapplna. I TitT wk or two a producer ndr t.a a acrap which ttcaada In brutal ity and lntnity that of Th Jiiill-ar.- whrr man really four hi -until tBy crippled lhnul. Thar h bn fixht. Bom trn uou and ion. ! ao. tlnc Tb -pollr- waa filmed, but Bdranca no-11-. pay lo Th N ar-do- all." a llav, tach n-raaor to hia firt filmed book. Iba tribute of pre.entinc a amp wbti h a-ual thai stated In aa Alaakao flea. Vol only one flat ftrht la offrrtd In Tba Na er-do-Welt." but a number of them all t lo tha nine reeie ton ttructad about the lif of a dowa-and-out tort ef a tranaportallon kinr. who waataare all aorta of siorrae baf ora hrpin enter bla Ufa or lh a-rrcanlns of ThO Ne'r-do Wall." which etarte riunday. tba Ulll Tbeailar baa brao obtained, aa tha hon.e t.t ralcuiatad lo accommodata film fandorn. Mactlc. ' -Mra!y Mary Ana." a delightful photodrama reekln; with heart Inter aal and po.aeaalns a wealth Of lander remedy, received it Initial Portland .-raenina- at tba Majeatte Theater yea tarday. Introdqrln; th dainty and winaome Vllan Martin aa a William -o atar. JU.J Uartla. who la lh trn'.cr of In ter. t at all etarcB cf th fltm. haa a vehicle which It eminently aultd for bar typ of actinr. and the It prrt'nted to much better advantaa than In any f Is.- tnroductlont. K T O III the rit-ai tha auitienc la wholly In eym pathy with the quaintly Innocent Utile country rlrl and lie a cn of mental rh..r. a. hen aha rmtriti from the locim which enahroudt her younir Hfo. Tha ttory of -Merely Mary Ann" In volve a country orphan who declrtn to trrk her fortune in lh city. She aecuret a Job aa maid of a'l work In a roomlnT-hou. where aha wathe d.ahea. . rube the floort. take care of the furnace, thlnet thoe. and doe the r.miia ai-hinr in addition to other A ill ir a A dancehaU habitue trie to lure her Into a By IK but la foiled by a young artitl with whom the Inno.-enl child fall In love. A ficht between the two when th rlrl l attacked in her room It a feature of th film. The Kirl la irn a fortune and the artlat achieve fame Then thev are united. Tha enmedv featur It another OI lh.... -Luke- affair, which are becom ina- Donular. This time Luke irl Tb Candy Kid." rcoplc. The prervBtlon of a nialrpiec of American lltratur in motion piciure. la a difficult. If prlwori..y. a-waer taklnr. Tha I-aaky company hai achieved an artlatlc triumph In It In tarrrctatlon of "Tudd'tthead llaon. which opened at th I'eoplet yrtterday. and one cannot yt linn. It exhibition without a rreater love for Mark Twain and a hlsher regard for tha ability of Theodora Koberta. fi'tdom doa one have tha opportunity to wltnata turh a bit of character act ina; at tr. Ilobertt rivet ut In "Ihjdd'n haad." Th part fit like a itlov and to th avaraare tpectator Twain char arter baa been lifted bodily out of the book and tet down on th trreen. The other character preserve tha artistry of th production, one of Its greatest charm belnr that tba photoplay wrlrht haa taken no liberties with the nrlrlnal. Kverythlnc Is there Juat as each reader haa "vuioned" It n.rro bark, cot ton fldd.. tmall town street with old- fathloned bnuics. court arena, the rental and shrewd Puddnhead" who derived hia same from a remark: I wiah I owned half of that dor. I'd kill my half." tba manly chanceiinr and tba cowardly and builylns; villain. The story. Involving the chagrin; of babies so that an octoroon become the master and tb white boy tha alave. and the study of flnjcr prints which reveal a murderer and rettorea to the white lad bis heritage and rives him the rlrl of bla heart, la too well known to elab orate upon. Th liray-Ollbert silhouette comedy, "lnbad tba Pallor." la a splendid work of photographic art. Screen Goaaip. The stockholders of th Peoples Amuiement Company held their regu lar annual meeting Wednetday after noon, resulting In the election of th old board of director for another term. The director are: Mx R. Hlrtch. Charles A. Malarkey. p. H-.n Cohen. K. hhalnwaW. Lr. Holt ?. Vllon. Kred II. Kotbarhlld and M. Pallet. Th di rector re-elected, th Incumbent offi cial. Mr. Hlrtch being president. Mr. Ma'.arkrr. vice-president : Mr. Cohen, trrretary, and Mr. t-halnaald. treas urer. e e e Ttrday th members of the Ore con Motion Picture Men's Association. ; strong, met at their regular weekly luncheon meeting at the Oregon Hotel, a a a rathe'a "Engineering Feats of Ore gon" Is a scenic featur of tha Colum bia programme starting yeaterday. The wondera of Oregon construction, par ticularly In tranaportatton and water power development, ara eplendidly bown. a a a C. E. Couch, of tha Sunset Theater, I reeponaibl for an attractive lobby dlaplay lo Bdvertlee Th Flack Crook," which la being screened at that playhouae. Surrounded by re a light, bats tkulls. owls, etc.. sits the devil. In full panoply. Tha papler marhe hall, with th effect of fiery perdition, is attracting much atten tion. e a e Th battle between Kd.lle Foy and Mark Per net t has been patched up for good. The flrht grew out or th re quest that Foy and llmburgrr cheese. H Is said, should mlJt for in rum, but that's where th sho pinched. At a result th suit started aralnat the film company for on wek'a salary will ba dlamlased. annonnc Foy'a at torney. e e Harold Iock wood haa Joined th Ijiaky Company, according to tba lat sl reports from the Et a a a The Clara Kimball Toung Corpora tion, of whlcn Mrs. Young Is the etar. la a tl.vOO.voa concern, with Lewis J. Kelinick as Ita preaident and general manager. Selsnick will supervise all productions lo b mad from scenarios written especially for th beautirui actress. a a a Baatrla ltrheaitm alwaya cries when he es herself n The rnwritten iw." Hi-r tears ara shed out of an Impersonal appreciation of her work. and not because h wl.he ah had never been bora or anything like that. Valuabla publicity ha been trained for Portland and Oregon through the exhibition of tha Berger-Joncs color pictures at tha National capital, aca cording to telegtaphlc mearisges re ceived yeaterday by the Chamber of Commerce from members or or ganisation now In Washington City. Th pictures were shown In ina oau- room of the New w liiarci oiei io large and distinguished audience Wednesday night, Kast night they were again exhibited and members of Presi dent Wilson's Cabinet viewed the Irene. nr Telegrams were received from Wash ington yesterday aa follows: fhambw of Commerce. Portland: Plc tnrr ah nan to capacity house of more than l;,i fillms ballroom of th Wlllard. It aa publicity thai could not ba bousht at ry one and I bound to retull In bis dlv lo'n: to oreenn. Edward A. Kilene. of Il..ton. and ItaObl Stephen 8. Wta. of New Tork. tha principal i.eker. Wo regard .... B e arett nlirht fur Oregon and for Portland. Tha combination of Lancaater. lh ansmeer. and tha natural color pictures captured tha audience. Harry L. Corbett Nathan "trau. Oeonre, r. Hrdy. Joho E. Teal. Z. bwaat. Ouy V. Talbot. Julius U Mler: Greet night for Portland snd Oreton. Tha color picture made won derful lniprlon. Tb new Wlllard Hotel h. roam tu crowded to cpclty. The pic ture mad a wonderful Impreealon. supple mented by Incaatef personality. Dr. Babhl Wl waa here and delivered wonder ,ul introductory --TUAX SXRACSS, ch.mhee of rommerc. Portland: In Judr- i.. ..i... r nubllcttr tonlrhl It should be home in mind that the audtenc conal.ted of deleaatea from every part of the Lnlted ai.i.a and In addition about "i Senator and Keprcaeotatlve. GtiOROE E- HARDT. Higlivtajr ricturcs Shown Again. OREGOMAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash InaTf nn. r f b. 1J. The Jonea-Borger Co lumbia Highway pictures, shown with ucces laal night before the United State Chamber of Commerce, were exhibited tonight before the Washing ton Corr.merelnl Club. CENSOR PLi DISCUSSED MOTIB yiF.S MEET WITH BOARD AD MAYOR ALBEF. Method f Preaeatlag Fllma la Ca.t Over, la Pre-veat Jllanaderalaad laga II viewers M Bated. Fo that ther would be no mlsunder- Handing aa to the new arrangement for motion-picture censorship, a dele gallon of motion-picture theater peo ple met yesterday with the Hoard of Motion-Picture censors ana uiscusncu tha details. t'nee tha arrangement, two or more vlewera ara to view each film offered for censoring. They will not report 10 the Board of Censors before making a decision. They will have the rlgnt 10 oeee eliminations, or to condemn piciure. The manager In charge of the picture may appeal lo the Censor Boaru from the decision of viewers. In no case will the board, or any of Its mem bers, sit as tha original viewers oi me nintiirea. The board will serve in me capacity of an appeal board entirely. Mavoe Albe announced at ine meet Ing that he has appointed Rev. Oswald W. Taylor as a member or the ooara. The board voted for the appointment of 11 women and two men lo serve as viewers, in addition to me nsi ap- nointad at the beginning of the year. They are: Mrs. Jay emlin. lit, ev. Ft. P. Martin. Mrs. H. P. Coffin. Mrs. W. H. Gilbert. Mrs. Ueorge cirong, airs. W. A. Evana. Mrs. Bernard Hutchin son. Xavia iiooinson. aire. i"ii Heusner. Mrs. E. J. Meeie. aire. r.. J. Hammond. Mr, William Robson and Miss Clarice Biles. ALBANY LAYMEN ANSWER Large Delegation Will Attend Mis sionary Conference. ALBANY. Or.. Feb. 10. (Special.) That Albany will have a large dele gation at the Laymen's Missionary Con ference In Portland was inaicaieu th number promising to attend, fol lowing a rousing meeting held at the First Methodist Church here last night i a forerunner to the conference. Ivan B. Hhodea. O. Evert Baker and George M. Taylor, all of Portland, ad dressed the meeting, and great enthusi asm was aroused. The meeting waa In the form of a dinner with more than 100 Albany laymen in attendance. Pongtna Trade Club Meetings Set-TtOKERL-RG. Or.. Feb. II. (Special.) With a view of Increasing Interest in Industrial club work throughout uoug las County O. C. Brown, county super intendent, has arranged a aeries of meetings to be held here In March. Practical v every aisirici in iouyuia County will be visited. Mr. Brown will be assisted in ina von oy . -mnne tha new Industrial club leader. and Miss Helen Cowglll. of the depart ment of domestic science. Drink Golden Cream Specially awarded Gold Medal of Honor over all Beverages of its kind at the PAN -YMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF., 1915. Absolutely Pure and Wholesome In Bottles Only. Call up the Astor Company, Agents Office, with Portland Van and Storage Co. and Kearney. Phone Main 5640. HOT O 'ne Week The Most Important Theatrical Event of the Season, Thrilling Sensational Spectacular . r 1000 Seats 15 1000 at 25 1 1 SUIT MONEY IS OFFERED XEW TIBS IS IAKF.X 1 AMERI CAN LIFE ASSETS SCIT. Atlorarya fr lockholdera Seek Ac for Hreelvrr Against In Ion Pacific lasnranc) Company. An ' offer to supply money for the suit against the Union Pacific Life inaneanca Comoanv for the recovery r.t tsnnort assets transferred from the American Life St Accident Insurance cnn,n.nv in 1914. if they mar be al l-,l to continue with the suit they t..e hiMtKt in the name of the re celver for the American Life, waa made yesterday by Attorney Whealdon and nnniwav. aDoearlng for stockholders n .Ka H.fnnrt romDtnV. cie.nit Juile-a Catena Is willing to allow the substitution of Receiver NT W. Rountree for N. Whealdon and others aa party plaintiff In the suit brought in December. If It is agreeable to the attorneys for the defense. The merits of the substitution will be argued before Judge Gatens Sat urday morning. The attorneys for the original plain tiffs In the suit, to which a demurrer was sustained by Judge Gatens last week, say that if the order of the Judge that the receiver onnx suit be carried out the suit may be a friendly, collusive affair. In which the officials of the Union Pacific Life will bo whitewashed. This, In spite of the offer of the court to allow them to sit as friends of the court and to offer what evi dence they have against the defend- ants" POSTAL SALE IS BLOWN Quartet of Idaho Cracksmen Make Hani of Sfore Than $1100. COEU?t D'ALENE, Idaho, Feb. 10. At Post Falls. Kootenai County, the postofflce safe was blown t 1:4a A. M. Thursday. The safe, was wrecked and 1000 In W i " I - V - I sV " ' ' " a-,. I t : . ; .- . ..- imz. . v -Ski Beginning Sun., Feb. 13 -a : zr?". v ' , rJ stamps and more than $100 in cash taken. Four men implicated were seen by John Schnlzel. who was wakened by the explosion. They were dressed as lumberjacks. The quartet escaped on a handcar along the railway toward Spokane. Entrance was forced through the front door to the jewelry store In works It raises down arch to its normal position. It makes walking easier, as well as prevents the ultimate breaking so commonly experienced by persons who are constantly on their feet. t,ii::i; The Miracle Shoe relieves the foot of all strain. It corrects any foot ills. It combines the desir able qualities of the best shoes with its own dis tinctive feature of the built-in arch support. The Miracle Shoe is exceptionally neat in ap pearance and in good taste anywhere. The price is $6. On sale at L29 Tenth SL ' Seliff's lNIam 4 moth Nine-Part Production. First time in Pic tures First time in the city. which the postofflce was located. A safe in the store coiitaininir cash and valuable jewelry was not touched. County authorities, postal inspectors and Spokane police are 'working, and expect to have the men soon. T. J. Russell is postmaster and owncp of th jewelry store. wonders with the feet. the weak or broken- down of the arch ThoroiSfour Trouble !