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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1916)
rnn jiorxing oregoxiax, rrtiPAY, February 11, 1916. . OflE JA1LEDL 1 FREED IN 2 LIQUOR GASES Festaurant Proprietor Fined S250 and Sentenced to . Term of 60 Da)$. W. G. MA..M..G ACQUITTED HirrhoifO C'oMtav Of fW Ul I In- dlaaalrat of Malntalnlaz MKt It. I OaalfbrM . J I rUcc4 TrUl. ri hr J-t ntnc an., fi" & -i 1 iliul comprl.e.l aVar's r-od in the "H'.';i "' lril la ta t'iatfit-l Court. t .-trtcl J'd,s U jeatsrday pro aua:t BtBc tipoa M4J-bI. arwfrvetne ef I French-lteliaa rae-li--t at lrl tr'. who fjt4 t;:tr f Boot!'.'" by a Jiry . a f cf l. were ImfW'i 9 rrvtoue cirnioj before Ju-i.e f'U. IS fin- had bees, ii and no !! n(rw bad been S.IV'B- Tht l.-inefwr haa com l en i -roun.-'l Juaf 'll jtrdr. sarins: list ta ett coai' tin f"T aottein I fefta court would mean a m-airour ..t.n.-e Bti' ta.'e etn-l-ta cicium'KM The re had not b"t mora vera bafor w. b aie the raaee fsrA'J. (a ik tMa tottor bed pleaded -.1fT. Mr. MiAnl we J-aild -tfitr afternoon m U' f va . I. Waealaal freed y J. TT. at. Uinniiii. ef trie Ml"l0 Trrjoi4 Company, waa freed T Jtrv la t court cf I'i'rlct Jo-He Joe. ve.terdey. I' waa chared IU na:ntalnin a effUer fcav tc fooed tne fr-ma ti ca of iT rrru ls-l4 "iarrur ta tria (wmiwnl of Ma nhiu. n un'l c.fr4-.r. Mr. a'ntf blmlt'M t!i "4 katp P"Jt t hmor In f brrl- -It air t bni:a It that T. i?Utn4. Ui'f c"ef4 ef hfkr "l ra 4tffi- cii to triaa brrl. iart M. .n. mBr af It T. Norton Cotnrxnr. c.tiri4 In rllo . a ( ki-!i-srrt a tfS frvm Mr. Xbb;b. tack Krat to Lacker. r.lar4 HrtthrH. crtanr cf tha Manaiaa Wintsaw Compaar. tol.l of f rtttnt!r carrila bottl.a of wnuky l Ida triir4 floor t tRa rtUow a4 apiul n thrt Is a lu.-ar miBtlo4 kr B. K Oatflaid. formar lirtBjr of laa r l loa. Mr. ificl4 an trial la ta coort of t'iatricl Jj.1a Jilt for boat!!B lt tM wbi.ijr. lr. huiima at ait Mr. JJan- ta a P:K bottlaa Into tfia wwrlrtiit ' Karrat. Mr. Maaatnc t toiiitat a Mr. l;rith;i. l;o6-rt K. jtf'.a't a.t pU'1 ao tru. .for. JJa tl. IC3 IapBtT ?if rt.-C Attnrm7a ltmmarlr aai liaa proarut;a- ataria aftarnooo. an.l tsa caa m:l ba concl44'4 l-n moriiis Jo finer, t&a pr1Bcirl ,IM, prxtLc4 lr ISa proaacatioa jt.urlir. .rlr4 da ha4 purrfta4 tt:a cf r!Uy fraot Mr. l f.a;4 tit II. aai l&at 15a aUr .p la pptr of .ituof ta ISa MaaiB irft4M. P1SGAH "BOYT BUSY SOON lrxNrr I aarrarc Makra I"W-a Oor I.r for Po4aUi I'laala. Vthar I-arra-a al !ia nih Wnrrtm ait an4 bar -Va'" aul la tna fi!4 af tha Boon lo P'l In ta pria crop, far It U from taaa eropa taat fa Uin f tria lnniala an! aaita af ta ta:eisa of taa ioatilatioa la dariaart Maar -af l!a mMi al ta I imh floma ara nrra than ' al4 4 at abl- lo do nui'h ork. btl ar hrmlf ilkiol t frtr I aar to bi. aarl an4 t rpriB plaatinc tll K forward marrlli prol4'o laara ta .jonatKInx to ptDl. lt year an arP'at from Mothar UafM bratjM forth nb po'a I to run ta farm pi.-ty a4 taia baira tka aupport af tla koma oal Iminafiwlr. AU wa ara atla I .a rco Inbnta plarta fr la ar plot of cnga4 ara Taata4 to atifr tka Jlura kara trirr can ba pro.ar4. PERSONAL MENTION. :. r. JI:Corcni-k. ef lam. ! at lha r'l J R Morton, af paBa. la al tba artoaia. .V J. i.raff. of lt4 nir. Is al tm rcrkina. . If. mttaohoa. of lur. Or.. l At lha Itaton. II . Vitrhall. of cSpokana. W'm, U al lha :aton. tl. Unj. of fn I'rtadKo, ia at tka Nortonia. Ma M ' Thar la r;itr4 at For Pimply Faces Try Culicura Soap and Ointment Free lj Post A aisipt, mrr, fprrnjjr tfa'tamt. S'onr tb with Cu-K-ur CK&tmrot oo rod'-C f fiaf aad sjoar It to mnaia about fit mlnutra. Culkura Jsoap and hoi ii'r anJ toa'inue batlv- ifiX for toai minutra. Tti treatment bcaC upoo haios afid rrtihof. but i umukn effertir at any tiaK. Tor pizcp!, rKia, rohc-a, iu-b-io g od cr-.aOoo, cUaJruff. itcbinf bca-'p and faIioJ bair, red, rrxith banla aad baby raabra, Ucbiopt and cbaSojs Ibraa fraaraat tuprf-trraniy rrnoIUiU ar WtJodcTfliL Tbnr J apJroJal (or aurTT anJ toilet purpac. Sample Each Free by Mall wxm i-vo nn Konk aa raqaaat. A4 C.- Ota tha Tortus! Itotal from Wit Una. Or. J. C Proara. of a?aarwo4. Or, M a tka Coroalioa. U M. Curl. Maior f Al&aajr. Or, U al tba I'arklc. n. J. Tark. of MoIUlIa. I rreltara4 al la I'arkina. M-a. J. t. Uo'-lo. cf Fraaao, CaL. is at tba 'ortiao4. J. II. Laroox. ef WU Walla. Wuh. al tha Urasoa. Mr. aa4 Mra. J. P. Oajard. of Jm. ara al th ui'ion. Mra. t. r. Caorco. of SeatMa. Wuh, la al ta I'ort.aad. R J. ton. of Toraat ro. I rrjU l.r.l at lha ttoa. i It. Cot. automoblta man of feat tlo. U al taa Oracoo. r. 11. fanlal la rrltaral at tha Nortoma frsra Aatorla. Jam.a M. falmar. ef faalt!. la r ia'..ra4 al l ortooia. P. Aab. ban bar of c5tcoOB, I ractatarr4 at tec Imperial. (1 C. Jmr.lro. of Wblt falmoo. la racial. ra4 al laa I'arkina. W M !on of Cottaco Grora. la rlt'rJ at tba ward. Ir. W. II. Itt. of waatport, or u rcistrc4 at tka hcaard. R. r.oncr and Mra. Konr, cf Omasa. N'b. ara at tka Portland William J. lUIynulal. ef Sal am, la rxvaccrc4 at tlia Coroctlua. UaKnomah. Is al tba orrsoo. IL tv. Mabon. mlnlnar man or . cam pion, or. Is at tba Imperial. Jamaa 11 frnton. attornrr. ef Fan PrancUco. U at tba Imperial. Mr an4 Mrs. Otoreo Ilanalnsrr, of Tba Pall 'a. ara al tba Katon. V. rx. Ji w - . . . -, Or, ta al lha Imperial. Mr. an4 Mr, r- J. iinmpnrajr. oi raila4alpbia. ara at tha Coroattus. it Tl . k . . M.KAnt n f lA . cdala. Waab, la at tha Cornelius. Mra. Chartra R. llieclaa la r(lt lrr4 at tba f ar arl from Astoria. JEWISH FUND MOUNTS cotiuiitium or ia.ra brjc TtTa. TO txnT. Ikarrkca aa4 Wrllaaaaia Oraaalaaltaaa Lca4 at Ilk WoaalUaa Pa a4 lata a Jffrrlac la flM-TaV. Churches and ratistou orcaoUatlont of various kinds continue to lead In tka tol'Jm and tiumbcr of donationa to the leal Jewtan rel et f-4nif.rbl0 ba aaar rcbe4 a total cf HJ.Tir. Tba larxaat n4tMail Bill retri be Treasurer Man b-Illnit reatarctar aa a collection acrecatlns t la I. " . laara tip by lha ro: craeatlon of lha ITb.rlan a aurrn o a rnirtl.. Tba tromaat tka fund I tit) ma r a Treaaurar Ndllnc lll forarard anolhr to tba t.rsral j.el.ri llalief Aascx-latlon In .New Tor. Ma baa already aeat to toe National treasurer. Tba atandmar of tha local fund to lata la aa lo .oaa: fraalta:r a-kai ......... 111. tt? W T J II. a T. 4J ra-- . i r-.T-.'ian nurck tf 'ad..le " W-a J A. ecatj.e . ... War- a -priaa ll-na. ........ " a 1: tle- f' V. .at Ml J-aal nl"a Ha4r a.' Uool i V- a t w-a. II -r ar I i. t.aot. . . 'aa4o 'i-"l ................... 1 a. 1 - Li ri ? i " t t i .- ep T t. f . s-ua f V kiaer a'irat lrmaa llaaaa;ial Aa B w. r..n.r ........ V f -l Via. X l v-a . . -ka tt !taaa arnkar Co... rirr fa-"k ' f'-iealiat. . ! W. IjOC -r ilarioa ai Ki'd K. tMarleac V-. Nl'. "'"a v r Kan"e rccria t.oora taltaa Crtarck ! Tatal; POUND CHANGE COSTLY ttntTiii r i i:pr-CTrn. Ikrtalle-d Plaaa far eee Saatean aad aalraeaaeala Ara (tabaslllral by llaaaaaa aacirle. To operate th d"l pound under lha planned by lha Orecon llumnna sxlrtr when th cur lurna or tha pound a all roat I:.i4 a month mora tkan tha present coat, nctordinc to a detailed statement ef plana subrtiitted veaterrUy tr officers of lha socletT lo . orr.mlaaloncr Hakrr. II la prcpoaed to lake tha present roat of I ITS a month and ad I to II li a month for rental of around. J a month for part time serTlcea of a tetrrlnarian. III5 a month for Hsrht. leal and fuel. II a month for tele phone. $i a month for one additional helper. :l a month for Iho malnta r.anoe of bullJInaT and rrounds. I a month for Iho maintenance and up keep of venules and Ka a month for mtatellaneoue expensea This would brine lha lota: cost to 17110 a monib. a ... & ... Tha araaant roil ia II II? a month. It l planned to rent a trart cf prop erty rtoee In for i a month. t erect an sdminlstratlra bulldlnc for 11400." to provide a combination boaMtal and atatle and Isolation boepltal lor lt;eU. t. buy an automobtla for HOO, to pro .1a a hospital, operating lablea and other ao-Jipmenl lo cost 1400. and lo fit bp at a coat of i . rnaklnit a total expenditure of In equip ment in addlltoo to the Increased cost cf operation. I. II. Iliddt ClTra Oat rial form. ItiWF.Bt'RO. Or, Pcb. 14. (Srw-ial ) ; . H. HiOrtlr. ran.UJata for I'ltrlcl Attorney at tba Hepubllcan primary t .. i. f . . hea announced "Kron. omr. efficiency and strict law enforce ment ara my watchword." This is the atatemenl Mr. KI M dcslraa lo have u j. i- i: !! U X ) t ire 'V- i if.-i I ! v i : : - - ; l-i: Mra. (alatl IWalaaala. ! far. Uaat. Hbt Haa a44alr Ila- a aaaaarTaV. W0MAN,3B,VANISHES Mrs. G. F. Benjamin Believed Obsessed With Wanderlust. FRIENDS START SEARCH Mother IMivapix-ara After Vlsltios Library fr IUxk of Crcrk Morlcs to Itrad to tier fvon. Who Is 1IL. A t-oolc cf old Greek stories, sylvan Icrr-rUa which probably obsessed her with a wanderluet peculiar to her Rus sian temperament, la betlaved respon- Ible for the diaappraranca of Mr. Goldle P. itcntamtn. wife of Morris lice; tnln. TIO Kront street. Mr. Hen )amin niysterioualy vanished lil Fri day after coins: to the Kouth Portland Library and taklnar ot Haldwln'a "Old Greek Moriee."" Tha ala aya-preacnt brief headnhawl. typical of Kuaslan women's wearing I . a. .( -. W .l,.nk wra the only protection asamsi tha elements tha took with nor. Her failure lo return caused appre hension amour, her friends, and a wide search San start'd. Police, county of ficials and workers In the Neighbor Hood House ef Sou Hi Portland were enlisted. Mra. Itealaaala 3d lea re Old. Mr. Ftenlamln la 3a! years old. Her ft. ..-.-... I nnA itms a-.ll.ln.ilA Bee. end-hand dealer on Third street, la pal year or act. Thev were mar ried about ! years aco, and have three rhlldren. aecd 4 and . The rest dene ) i ;;o Kront treet. Mrs. Jlenlamln la a h!h'y educated woman In the Russian and other Ku ropean lonaiues. ha Is an Incessant reader and waa particularly adept at selecting appropriate hooks for her awtn Ih. el. teat n 1 lha ehllrlren She fre quently read with hlni. and the Greek stories were lor Ms delectation, as no haa been III. Yeaaparary TVraaealla Peered. Temporary dementia I believed to l ave seised Mrs. llenamln foilua-ins; a long visril of readme Her friends ran account In no other way for the sudden disappearance, except that she became obaeased with the spirit of lha old Greek stories sho had been read ier. tehe Is pretty, they say. and temper amental. About a yar and a half o be relumed from the hoapital at la lem. where sho was treated for a mild Insanity. It was believed she had re covered completely. Mrs. llenjamln Is dark-haired, but her complexion is comparatively pale, bha uses the Knsrllsh lanauaife with ease and is well-poised, her friends say. It la thouaht possible she may have foot lo visit some friends. FOLK PLAY TO BE GIVEN "The SIKrr Tlirrad" to lie I'rt-wnt-rU at Little Tlwalcr Saturday. The Silver Thread." a Cornish play in three acta, the mission of which Is to teach children the folly of fear, will . Bflarnniui at S oe preecntc'a ' - o'cloa-k at tha Ultlo Theater. Twenty third street, near Washington. The production will be un-er the direction . . . . . . o-n,.l.. .nit it will be or aaisa c . v - .- - - iiven each Saturday afternoon for the remainder or reoruary. The members cf lha cast Will be as follows: . .Hnftr Tnaftt )!rr I low-nil-. 1 .. . tea. il Hu'B :rael. Mlaa .orn.lia Uroad- a kX.-a V. L niuv . . - l ri. laa-.rr a a " ; ' , - 7..U.J Kel-ert leal.. J-a IMaaldnle. J.,ha p-roe-l. i:"am Warrens. HIHla Biiy and lioatacy w. The caat alsn Incl-idcs coMlns. maids in aamna " m - -. . - --- play is conceived In a mythical In a hlncdorn weat oi ma " of the sun. yet not too far from the bills of Cornwall. CHAPEL CARAT ST. JOHNS S-rvirc- In small Catholic Church Will IK? Ilrld isnnd.iv. The Salnl Peter Catholic Chapel car will be on the aldetrack at K.aat M. i.i.a on tinndar for a limited stay omy. The car waa built al a cost of til. 99. It la In reality a Catholic- church on wheels, fitted with all furnlahlnKa n.uallr found In a Catholic? church. In cluding altar. aam-tiir. pew, sacris ty, confessional, vestments. rl The car ill open to ti e public; Sunday from I.3C to 4 oMork. Sunday nluht thera will t a lecture In the car al t oclo. on "What the Catholic Church Is aad la Not." TRAINING OF GIRLS URGED Cortallla Irofcaaor I-cx-turcs on Home lUtiiiotnli-e. In School, In her aJ.lreaa yeterdr afternoon before the Mother-Tea--her Club of rtM.Rti, op BFrrietrn m m. RKHMtX Mil. I. HH IIKI.Il TOI1 1 V. TUekarat T, Dabaey. The funeral of Richard T. tah ney, retired lumberman, who died recently at tha are of to year, will bo held from the family resi dence. I3J F.4BI Twenty-ninth street, thla afternoon at ".o'clock Interment will ba al the .Mount Scott Cemetery. Iter. J. J. Staure pastor of the Sunnyslde Consrecatlonal Church, will have charge of the services. Vocal numbers will ba, riven by Mr. Lulu Liahl Miller. i a :1 y V e- ) it L ii Jt Suit A COMING TITLED: 112 Brooklyn School. Miss A. Milam, rro fessor of home economics at tha Ore gon Agricultural College and chairman of tha home economics committee of the Federated Clubs, outlined the course that I belna; taught at the college. She said that home economics Is simply the art of right living. Miss Milam pointed out the Import ance of home-maker knowing, not STOP DANDRUFF Hair Becomes Charming. Wavy, Lustrous and Thick in a Few Moments. Every Bit of Dandruff Disap pears and Hair Stops Coming Out For 25 cents you can aave your hair. In less than ten minutes you can dou ble Us beauty. Tour hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap pears aa soft, lustrous and charming aa a young girls after applying some Ianderlne. Also try this moisten a cloth with a little Lianderlno and care fully draw It through your hair, tak ing one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil. and in Just a few mo ments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair haa been neglected or la scraggy, laded, dry, brittle or thlrs. Besides beautifying the hair. Danderlna dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleansea. purifies and invigorates tha scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will ba after a few weeks' use. when you see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty. oft hair, and lots of It. surely get a JS-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and Just try It. r jr II 11 GIRLS BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND : Bet a Dollar We Make Your Next Read This Ad Through Opees Tomorrow A Real Tailor Shop For Real Men! And you have a date with us No matter who's your tailor, we will open your eyes and win your business if not tomorrow, then later. Rose Craft Special Tailored-to-Order Clothes The Best Clothes in America at the Price- And They Are Portland Made Few Words to This City's Business and Professional Men By M. Rose-N-Bury We open in Tortland knowing that we can deliver to you the very finest and highest r a d e BUILT - TO - ORDER CLOTHES, at prices heretofore unknown to you Portland men. WE'LL SAVE YOU ?10 TO ?15 ON EVERY GARMENT. a BUT IT IS QUALITY, STYLE AND HOME INDUSTRY WE WISH TO TALK not price SO DIGEST THIS: a As a loyal citizen it is your duty, and naturally your desire, to buy PORTLAND MADE CLOTHES. That is, if such clothes are the equal of Eastern-made1 clothes, and the price for same no higher. SOON, AN ARTICLE THAT WILL SET YOU THINKING, "Are You for Portland or Do You Just Live Here?" OS Tailors Sixth Street, Bet. Washington and Stark Do We Win or Do We Lose? You'll Find the Answer at the Store It's Up to You! only how to cook .food properly, but how to select and purchase economi cally. Miss Milam declared that home eco nomics should be taught even In the fifth and sixth grades, for the reason only about 5 per cent of schoolgirls enter the hiKh schools, and 1 per cent enter college. AT ALL STAGES OF LIFE "he Woman's Medicine. Good for All Ages. Mrs. Harold Smith s Experience. Clarksburg;, W. Vs. "I am writing to tell you tha good your medicine has always done me ana I hope my letter may be the means of helping some other suffering woman. When I was 16 years old I caught cold and had suppression for two months. I got so weak I could scarce ly drag myself up the stairs. I went to two doctors, then my mother got a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I took it. I never had any more trouble and got strong fast, lien I took it again before my little girl was born and it helped me a good deal and I give the Compound the credit ffcr it. Then this spring I felt very badly again, but I took the Compound and have been well all summer. I can not be grateful enough for your medi cine." Mrs. Harold M. Smith, 470 Water Street, Clarksburg, W. Va. , For forty years it has been 'making Women strong and well, and curing back ache, nervousness, uterine and ovarian inflammation, weakness, displacements. Irregularity and periodic pains. If you want spwlal advice write Lydia E. IMnkham Medicine Co. (confidential), IiTnn.Ma3a , iili THE COMING OF THE R0SE-N-BURY CO. TO PORTLAND SOLVES YOUR PROBLEM, FOR OUR BUILT-T0-0RDER ROSE-CRAFT CLOTHES POSI TIVELY EXCEL ANY CLOTHES YOU HAVE EVER WORN. LET US PROVE IT. And this shop will protect you against rising; costs so far as possible. OUR OPENING STOCKS, thousands upon thousands of yards of the finest domestic and imported woolens, WERE PUR CHASED BEFORE THE PRESENT AD VANCE OF WOOLENS, AND SO LONG AS THESE STOCKS REMAIN OUR TWO GREAT SPECIALS WILL BE SUITS AND OVERCOATS TO ORDER AT $19 AND $24. Fully Guaranteed to Be With out An Equal in All America. TOGROWif-jASSIST lAliJMlJRE HAIR GROWS OR NO PAY When your hair falls out there is lack of na ture's nourishment, which comes from th-a blood. The Modern Vacuum Cap draws the blood to the hair roots and Klves it RE NEWED I,IrE. This Is forced circulation, which dlstenda the small blood vessels, re moving all the clogged and sluggish blood from around the hair roots and supplies fresh new blood. The hair takes on new life. Makes your hair have a healthy glow, stops it from falling out and renewa tha life in the dormant hair follicles ao that they again arrow a healthy head of hair. We end our caps out on ... HIXTY; HAYS' FREE TRIAL in your own home. We let you be the Judge. If you are not satisfied with the showing made you return the Cap, and there are no charges. We run all the risk that you will be glad to purchase the Cap at the end of 6K days, or WE LOSE. There Is no pub licity, or unpleasant notoriety, as all ship ments ara made by Tared Post without ad vertising. Write today for our booklet and partic-4:irs rfnt sealed In plain envelope. MOIIKRV VACIIM TAP CO., .611 iiurclaz Uloca Denver, Utlo, i -Bar None EN- fCL l7V,',fl a-katmital Saves Cost of Trip to Hot Springs 6088 (Sixty-Eighty-Eight) acts almost identically the same as the waters of Hot Springs. It eliminates the causes of Rheumatism. 6088 (Sfcry-Eichty-EIclit) Is guar anteed. 6088 must relieve yout Rheumatlsm must prove beneficial in cases of Chronic Skin Eruptions, biliousness or indiEestion-or your money will be returned to you by your own drneclst. Now you've no reason tq continue to suffer from RHEUMATISM You have no reason for loneer tak Ine a chance on the permanent defor mities that Rheumatism frequently causes. You've no loncrer any reason to endure the aeony of Chronic Skin Eruptions, biliousness or indltrestlon. aoaa also cleanses th. entire system, ra-. eive. normal strength of organs, i and aids Nature to restore your old-time Deal in and vitality. rnrp This "valuable book t" ixCI-a Advice on Rheomatiam." Prac- tieal-aathoritative. Enables you to detect symptoms or inniunnjmwry, .u."...- to diet. How to take ear. of yourself. Send your nams and address lor it S-T:- today. -eases-- turrtltrc Mstt J. ' i...n1 Viii- r Johnson i e.hfVHnr thai toa-aAVs troaxteei. rtaad ttomd Op. It a apt to tea Let Grtpjaas. Tb faywt thtr-jr try "WUKI1 MItK . or - . ca ftt all drag Read Tiie Oresoman's Clais.lieti Ads. Company "-'' DeptX. t ' .8' St.Pal.MiaA fi' SIXTY V EIGHTY - l,,st f-aWlae. K:' !WTK Hi i i an -r- aatwra. !. 17, mm. ti korouaMUa ko rV4 Adv. ' r. lataaUeO. U.a BaelOb