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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1915)
the aroRxrao okegoxia MONDAY, ; JCOVEMBEIS 1. 1915. POBTLAXD, OREGOH. Entered at Portland. Oregon, Fostoffice as second-class matter. Subscription RaiesInvsrlably in advance. (By Mall.) Daily, Sunday Included, one year. . . .. .f 8.00 X)atly. Sunday included, sir months..,. -- Xaily, Sunday included, three months.. 2.25 JJaily, Sunday included, one month.... .75 Xally, without Sunday, one year...... 6.00 Daily, without Sunday, six months.... 3.-5 Dally, without Sunday, three months.. I. Daily, without Sunday, one month..... -60 Weekly, one year. ................... 1.00 Sunday, one year... Li.50 feunday and Weekly, one year. ........ 3.50 (By Carrier.) Daily, Sunday Included, one year. 9.00 Daily, Sunday included, one month..... .75 How to Remit Send posroffice money or der, express prder or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at render's risk. Clive postoffice address in lull, including county and state. restate Bates 12 to 18 pages. 1 cent; IS to 3: pases. 2 cents; 34 to 4S pages, 3 cents; 50 to b pages. 4 cents; 52 to 76 pages, 5 cents: 78 to 02 pages. 6 cents. Foreign postage, double rates. Eastern Business Office Verree Conk Jin. Brunswick building. New York; Verree & Conklin. Stegrer building, Chicago; San Francisco representative, R. J. "Bidwell, V4U Market street. IFOKTLAXP, ilOXDAV. NOV. 1, IBIS. WRITING tJP THH WAR. , So far the story of the war in Eu rope has not been told. So far the fctory of no great battle in Europe has been told. It is doubtful if any one historian or -writer, no matter how glorious his skill, would prove equal to the task, even were the facts and figures available. He would lack per spective. This monstrous black cloud which overcasts the globe with its pall is too near to us of today. Tjme alone will lend perspective, even as time alone will reveal the real data upon which authoritative accounts must be based. We have no doubt but that any one of those great battles could be re ported with fair accuracy of detail and, a sufficient grasp of the whole situation. But that would require a tremendous staff of trained writers, all perfectly organized into a co ordinated factrgatherlng machine. Nor is it to be doubted but that enterprise ins American newspapers would per fect such an organization if circum stances and the new laws of warfare permitted. Fifty men stationed at in tervals from Calais to Verdun, tele phone and telegraph handy, might keep in touch with a centrally located ftaf f of writers, who could Teceive, digest and reduce the scattered facts into a compact and concise running "story." But the war lords refuse to be pes tered by reporters, and the picturesque correspondent who once rode with the commanding General now sulks miles in the rear, feeding on sops and frag ments given him second-hand by obliging refugees or staff officers see lected for that particular duty. Jf he gets anywhere near the zone of action it is under the careful scrutiny of an unimaginative censor. If, perchance, the correspondent sees something not intended for his eyes the facts are carefully and ruthlessly deleted from his dispatch. JJor can the correspondent know what confidence he may place upon the official reports given him at gen eral headquarters. Those nerve cen ters, of the great armies do not hesi tate to practice deception when strat egy dictates. War has no conscience, strategy no veracity. Outright lying is a fine art of the most noble sort when applied to -warfare. To let the word go forth that a great forward movement is being planned when nothing of the sort is even remotely contemplated may be demanded by military expediency. If so, the corre spondents are given the bait. Then there is that larger strategy which is designed to maintain confi dence at home and establish credit abroad. Military forces and virtues may be announced which have no real existence. Viotorles are claimed which are based on no greater event than some local issue at an isolated sector. Most, if not all, those personally con ducted tours among the trenches are not designed for the edification of the correspondents. The commanders have a more subtle purpose, which is to impress the world through these writers with the prowess and inherent virtues of the country's fighting men and their methods of fighting. Ger many has been particularly active in conducting tours calculated to impress the receptive correspondents with Ger man humanity and gentleness. This as an antidote against the charges of barbarity which have been heaped upon the Germans since the outset of the war. With these limitations and restric-tions- in mind, it is certain that we can "only know in the most general way what has happened. Such larger facts as the German domination of Poland, the French offensive of recent date and the counter stroke delivered by the Germans in France in the pres ent month reach us in some detail. But, after all, what do we know of what really happened as a result of the intensive fighting in the west a few weeks ago? After presenting con flicting claims in the matter, both sides suddenly dropped the topic. Of course, all of these obstacles are as nothing to the real writing animal. Novelists and literary fit-throwers penetrate everywhere and see every thing, although from the result of their writings we fear most, of their invasions of the battle line are im aginary and most of the great scenes they report are viewed through the mind's eye. While the honest reporter confines himself to monotonous re ports of cannonading as heard from the distance, your literary special agent dashes to the front ranks and describes fierce hand-to-hand assaults in which blood, forms rivulets and" the dead are heaped in mountains. All of this is told with a wealth of detail which denotes close personal observa tion. Therefore, when we are informed that "the battle rages .today from Sarnbor to Str5i,, we picture to our selves the dauntless special writer dashing on foaming steed from sector to sector counting the wounded and gathering local color. That the two points are separated by some fifty miles is too obscure for general detec tion. . Then. too. the rapidity with which these writing specialists master mili tary science ig a marvel of the age. They discourse learnedly on the mor ale of armies, the systems of supply, the technique of combat, the effective ness of artillery fire, the reconstruc tion qf tactics and what not. They dis cover sweepiug changes in methods cf warfare and describe the reasons In minutest detail. It is probable that few of them really know the dif ference between a salient and a salmon, between a range-finder and a stove detective, between a first-aid station and a lemonade stand. But no matter. We must know something about the war. We demand an intimate view of the workings of those great fighting machines. This demand is not fully met by Jhs calm and observant writers who confine themselves to what they actually see and honestly believe. So perhaps we must look to the producers of drivel and dross who draw on imagination for their illuminating facts. Much of it makes good reading matter. Twenty-five years from now we may be able to find out exactly what was go ing on today. HT7NG OX A ROTTEN REG. Even the latest apology for his ship purchase bill which has been discov ered by Secretary McAdoo proves to be unfounded. He calls our attention to the urgent need of naval auxiliaries, thus making his scheme a tail to the National . defense kite, and he states that the Navy needs 1,172,000 tons of such ships, but that the merchant ma rine could supply enly 700,000 tons. Hence the Government must provide the remainder. A list of steamship companies is given by Shipping Illustrated which "could amply supply the required 1,172,000 tons out ef their existing fleets, built or building." It includes only "high-class passenger and-or cargo vessels, exclusive of tankers." Referring to Mr. McAdoo's call for 324 vessels for minesweeping, the same paper says there is no lack of vessels for this purpose, "Inasmuch as the ex isting fleets of high-power screw tugs are the finest of their kind" and would supply "a better fleet of minesweepers than any yet created, not excepting that of England." The Secretary of the Treasury was simply left without a leg to stand on in his ship-purchase fight at the last session of Congress. Senator Burton talked him into a corner. He has been seeking ever since for something to hang his scheme on, and he has fas tened upon the naval auxiliary peg. It is rotten, and cannot bear the weight. XS IT LEGISLATION T Mayor Gill's veto qf the Seattle tax levy has perhaps been circumvented by adoption of a resolution fixing the levy at the same figure with which the Mayor found fault, though we doubt it. To override the veto required a two thirds vote; it was possible to adopt the resolution by a majority vote. Be sides, the resolution is not subject to the Mayor's veto. Probably the theory upon which this has been done is that fixing a tax levy is an administrative, pot a legislative, function. It is argued in Portland that that status removes the city tax levy ordinance from the referendum power, which, it will be remembered, the Cir cuit Court has held may be invoked against municipal legislation of what soever character. It is quite clear that the tax-levying duty performed by the State Board of Equalization is administrative, but it is not so clear that the. City Council is not legislating when it fixes the city tax levy. The state tax levy is a mat ter of mathematical computation. The basis is the appropriations made by the Legislature, which,' it is generally con ceded, are legislation and subject to the veto and referendum. The State Board, ascertains the value of property and the sum required by the state to carry on its business, and proceeds, ac cordingly. It has no power to say that the state shall spend more or less than the needs certified to it. But the City Council at tax-levying time does control the amount of ex penditures for the ensuing period. In Portland the budget, to most intents and purposes, may be likened to an omnibus appropriation bill adopted by a Legislature. The expenditure of the items specifically contained in the budget is authorized by the adoption of the budget and tax levy, and no further appropriating ordinance is thereafter required. It is pretty hard to get away from the idea that in adopting the tax levy the City Council is legislating. STATES NEEp POLICE FORCE. During a recent strike at Nashua, N. H., women strikers with babies in their arms sat on the railroad track leading to the factory involved- Na tional Guardsmen attempted to drive them away, and when they refused to go, charged a crowd that had collected. One woman was fatally wounded and a man was shot. There is no cause for surprise that men are reluctant to enlist in the Na tional Guard and that labor unions de nounce and boycott it, when it - is called upon to perform this kind, of service. The National Guard, as its name implies, is organized to defend the country, not to dp police duy. This work is forced upon it by the neglect of the states to provide an adequate police force for such occasions as that at Nashua. The police of a city or the Sheriff of a county are rarely equal to the emer gencies pf a strike. A. Sheriff may enroll special deputies, but they are usually inexperienced and undisci plined and throw a heavy expense on the county. Employers insist on their right to protection for employes anc property and. in the guise of watch men, hire armed men to whom the Sheriff, glad to save expense, gives au thority as deputies. These guards naturally are more loyal to those who pay them than to the law which merely gives them a star. They are selected for their fighting proclivities and are inclined to violence n mistaken zeal for their employers. Their presence irritates striking workmen and armed conflict is the inevitable result. The National Guard is then called out to do police duty, and the anger of strik ers turns against it. TOMORROW'S ELECTIONS. Although politicians may be able to gain some idea as to the trend of poli tics in the elections tomorrow, proba bly among people generally greater in terest will be found in the fate of the New York constitution, woman suff rage n New Tork, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, and prohibition in Ohio. Four states rMassachusetts, Maryland, Kentucky and Mississippi will elect Governors, but only in Massachusetts does there seem to be much doubt as to the outcome. Legislative elections will be held in New Tork, Massachu setts, Maryland, New Jersey, Kentucky and Mississippi. Outstanding among the issues Is that presented by the proposed constitution of New York. As emanating from a New York convention, it is a fairly progressive document! It contains nothing relative to direct legislation or the recall, but it contains an ambi tious short-ballot ' proposal.' In fact. the document was designed, according to no less an authority than Senator Root, chairman af the constitutional convention, to meet growing disatisfac tiojn with governmental forms. In an address the other day he said that there had been an absolute necessity to make the new constitution "so good so sound, so effective, that all demand for the abandoning of representaUYfinients .with, which, it must get its f lans. government and the substitution of di rect legislation would pass away and be refuted." The short-ballot provision is the most striking portion of the new con stitution. New York now has 152 ad ministrative or executive agencies. Jf -the new constitution carries, these will be reduced to seventeen and no new departments may thereafter be ere--ated. Any administrative function newly designed must be placed in one ef the seventeen departments. Whereas there is no uniformity in the methods ef appointment, election or removal of the heads of the presr ent 152 departments, the heads of nine of the reorganized .departments are to be appointed by the Governor and removed at will. As to most of the others, he appoints with the con sent of the Senate and may remove for cause. Four elective state offices are eliminated and generally the ex ecutive office is placed more nearly on a parity with the oabinet principle of the National Government than in any state. Considerable opposition to the new constitution has developed among union labor leaders, but their objec tions apparently are directed against otjier features than the short ballot. A provision authorizing one accused of a minor crime to waive indictment by gran'd jury and said by proponents of the constitution to be designed to enable the accused to expedite his trial has been construed by labor or ganizations to restrict the fight of trial by jury. The new constitution also eliminates the practice of appointing court ref erees paid by a fee system and substi tutes permanent salaried commission ers. Labor leaders criticise this pro vision as creating powerful judges without nomination or election. The existing court commissioner system, it is charged, on the other hand, provides elected judges with a means of paying political debts with remunerative judi cial appointments. It is significant in this connection that Tammany is op posing the constitution. There is some discontent, also, in labor circles, over the rejection by the constitutional convention of amend ments fixing hours of labor on public works and establishing minimum wages for women and children. The new constitution leaves these Questions to the Legislature. Another important amendment in the new constitution establishes the budget system in such a way as to place responsibility for economic con duct pf state affairs upon the Gov ernor. The budget is to be submitted by the Governor; the Legislature may reduce but pot increase items. The third most important provision is directed at the law's delays. It in cludes simplification of the rules of ciyil procedure and regulates and re duces the number of appeals. ' While submitted at the same elecT tion, the equal suffrage amendment is not tied up with the prpposed consti-. tution. It will be voted on separately. AS TO THE COXTIXENTAl, ARMY. The most severely criticized item in the Administration's programme of National defense is that providing for a continental Army of citizen volun teers to stand behind the regular Army and the National Guard. At the present time there would be no difficulty in raising the required force of 130,000 men each year. The people are fully alive to the necessity of National defense, and employers would doubtless as sist" by keeping their employes' places open during the two months of an nual training, for all are impressed by the object lesson presented by Europe. But when peace is restored, the pacifist may again lull the Nation into its normal indolence and reliance upon our own good intentions for immunity from attack by nations which Have evil intentions. "Volunteering might then drop off , until the continental Army became a mere shadow. The machinery would rust and Congress, more intent on pork than prepared ness, would let the equipment run down. Our main reliance would then be the regular Army, which it is pro posed to increase to 140,000 men; the reserve, which it is proposed to increase to 300,000 men by auto matically transferring men from the regular Army when training has rendered them efficient; and the Na tional Guard pf 125,000 men, which is to be brought up to the National standard of efficiency by being paid by the Nation; a total of 565,000 men. The continental Army would so fluctuate in strength and efficiency as to be an uncertain quantity, for we could not rely upon it to supply any definite number of trained and fully equipped men when a sudden call to arms was made. The Administration's plan seems to be a compromise to please those who wish to increase the regular Army to 200,000 men, serving one year with the colors and five years In the reserve, and those who advocate the Swiss system of withdrawing all men from civil occupations for only a short time each year for military training. The former plan raises the spectre of militarism and alarms Congressmen with visions of enormous expense. The latter Is also miscalled mili tarism in defiance of the fact that Switzerland uses It for Na tional defense alone. It also causes a cry against conscription among the " didn't-raise-my-boy-to-be-a-soldier " crowd and among that large propor tion of our people who 'would resist compulsion to do anything for their country. The motive behind the Administra tion is suggested by John S. Gregory in an article in World's Work. That motive is to present a plan 'that will appeal to Congress and to the peo ple as reasonable" and the plan offered, he says, "hits with a hitrh degree of Judgment that middle ground, wnere our iational needs and our Na tional temperament meet." Military experts can prove that we need im mediately an Army of 1,000,000 men, but 'they under-estimate the impos sibility, in our present civic and eco nomic phases of preparedness, of getting together and handling a body of this size." The Administration must try to "adopt their advocacy of radical measures to the temper and charac teristics of the country as they now are." A new consciousness has been awakened and the plans submitted must 'warm it, kindle it," not "chill the whole thing." In Mr. Gregory's opinion -the Administration and those who are directing the Army policies feel that they have a great chance to accomplish something -to advocate a measure which can he passed, and thus with the greatest possible saving of time get something started; they do pot want o fumble this chance-" One reason for the Administration's caution is the unpromising instru- through Congress for -both Army and Navy. Chairman Hay, of the House military committee, has opposed measures for -a larger and more effi cient Army ever since th6 Spanish War. He denounced Secretary Root's Army increase bill in 1899. as a "vicious piece of legislation" and only last January he said: "I am utterly opposed to adding a single man to the standing Army as it now exists." When Secretary Garrison asked for 7500 ad ditional men to deal with our Mexican troubles he led his committee in re fusing to grant them and he cut to the bone appropriations for artillery and ammunition. Though he reels off the usual Bryanlte pacifist patter, he re vealed a more ignoble motive by saying in Congress that he did not believe in military expenditures "at the expense of our harbors, of our public buildings,! or our roads." He has persistently fought all of General Wood's Army reforms and all plans to take the Army out of politics, and his scheme to leg islate General Wood out of office in 1912 was blocked by President Taft's veto of the Army appropriation bill. Senator Chamberlain, chairman of the Senate military committee, is in full accord with the Administration on Army expansion. The Administration's plans can cer tainly be improved by the friendly criticism which Republicans can give. President Wilson should welcome their aid in perfecting the system which he proposes. The continental army . is the weakest point in that system, and apparently was included as a compro mise with men of Mr. Hay's type and as a concession to those people who balk at any suggestion of universal or compulsory service. The Repub licans can, by keeping the people awake to the necessity of taking no chances with the country's safety, help to win popular support for a more ef fective measure. By supporting the President in advocacy of such a meas ure they can enable him to whip com pletely into, line men like Mr. Hay. The hitter's conversion to the Presi dent's ideas has recently been an nounced; discovery that he is one of a small minority might render him ex tremely pliable, even at the sacrifice of his cherished pork. JAPAN'S SINISTER MOVEMENT. Japan's warning to China that res toration of monarchy may cause inter nal disorder is a new development of the island empire's policy toward its big but helpless neighbor. As the Chi nese revolutionists make their head quarters in Japan and as they used that country for a base in their last attempt to overturn Yuan Shi Kai, the conclusion to be drawn from Japan's action is plain. The warning was in tended, as a threat to turn loose the revolutionists if Yuan goes ahead with bis plana. If Yuan became Emperor, he would use his great genius, his energy and cunning to build up a strong central government and to exclude Japanese influence. He would restore' China's credit, organize a modern army and navy, and seek backing among the great powers. So long as the present sham repuhlic coptinues, its weakness affords Japan opportunities which would be denied by a strong monarchy. Division continues; with division comes disorder, and from it may come civil war, which would be Japan's op portunity to Intervene. The past proves clearly enough that, once in, Japan would never go out. The initial "number of the Walnut Book and Horticultural Digest, pub lished by H. V. Meade, of Orenco, has appeared. Like the descendant of the Juglans regia, which is its mission to exploit, it is full of good meat. This magazine should be considered by everyone who is at all nutty, for the business of walnut growing has not fairly begun and there is much to learn. Typographically the Walnut Book is typical of Van Meade's work tne latest thing in printing. The British military and diplomatic blunders may be th,e fruit of the polit ical truce. A government which had to look forward to frank criticism from its opponents would scarcely have dared to make the hopeless at tack on the Dardanelles, to let Bul garia deceive it or to leave Serbia un defended. A muzzled Parliament made the government careless. An important element in National defense is development of our latent military resources. Then why not de velop the shipbuilding resources of the Pacific Coast by constructing some of the new warships here? The time will cornet when we shall need the entire capacity of both coasts to keep our Navy up to strength. Whether we wish it or not, many of us must, go on the water wagon next year to save money with which to pay higher taxes. We may not even get the financial benefits of our absti nence. If a man knew that some time his wife would start proceedings to secure a decree and allege a lot of things, he would be so careful in sayings and ac tions as to be marvelous. The plan of teaching thrift to be tried at Pendleton must not embrace giving a boy a penny when he expects a nickel- That course will lead to wild extravagance. At last we are going to do what we should have done several years ago compel the Mexicans to confine their shooting to their own country. Investment of 3,000,000 in locomo tives and other equipment by the Bal timore & phip shows hayr business is in the Middle West. Ontario is to hold a corn carnival soon and one can get an idea of it by seeing the Malheur County exhibit at the Land Show. .federal restriction of the use of meats in Germany will make vegetari anism unpopular by very contrariness or the victims. Anybody who has seen an automn bile skid after turning a sharp corner understands why accidents happen. One need not be an artist to see real beauty in the potatoes at the Land snow. John Austin Hooper, wanted on this coast, is certainly an elusive chap. Did you recover the gate that was spirited away by the spooks T Who would these times? not be a shipowner Been to the Land Show yet? If not Why, nqtZ . Twenty-five Years Ago From The Oregonian of November .1. 1880. Chicago, Oct- 30. Archibishop Fre han's silver jubilee came to an end here tonight. Addresses in many languages were given and a colored man spoke on behalf of Catholic Afri cans. Astoria. Oct. SO. The celebrated shanghaing case of- "Bunco" Kelly was up before Justice Cleveland today. St. Paul Archbishop Ireland, in an interview regarding his call to Rome, said that he had never spoken against compulsory education. He said it was not a matter pf religion. Jack DemDBflv n H Fitisimmnn, will fight before the Olympic Cluh of New Orleans January li for lia.OOO. The loser will get 1000. James M. Thompson, who recently went to San Francisco to make ar rangements for an electric railway to Willamette Heights, is expected to re turn today. Work on the road will start next month. Miss Henrietta Vaders. now in Port land playing heavies with Thomas W. Keen, has acted with Edwin Booth and Lawrence Barrett also. She is the best "Queen Elizabeth" on the stage. Dr. Hammell, of Drain, has assumed the management of the Casino Theater. Sheriff James D. Birdsey. of Jack sonville. Or., being ill, his affianced. Mrs. Fannie Johnson, was called to his bedside, where they were married Octo ber 29. Mrs. John W. Mackay opened the Autumn season in the American colonv at London recently by giving a re ception In honor of her rather. Colonel Daniel Hungerford. Miss Florence Olson wrote the class chronicle read at the tree planting ex ercises at the high school. Bittle Wells played a violin solo. Miss Lloyd Jes sup read the class poem and Miss Eva Bonser read her prophecy of the class. George Coyne delivered the class ora tion and Professor F. G. Young, the principal, delivered the formal address. Half a Century Ago From The Oregonian of November 1, 166a. Cree's block on Stark street is not disfigured by inaccurate rows of awn ing posts rough, long:, oblong nor square, but soma creditable hitching posts have been planted at conveni ent distances at the outer edge of the walk. , The wires being out of order be tween this city and California, we are not in receipt or our regular news dis patches. On Saturday and Sunday the line was down between Portland and Salem; that being repaired showed the line out of repair between there and Canyonville, and communication was still interrupted last evening. Mount Hood has received accessions to the white robe it wears the last few days. Much anxiety is felt at San Francisco over the steamship Ne Plus Ultra, now over six months out of New York, and extra insurance is in some instances beiag paid. The managers of the New York Cen tral railroads have made an arrange ment by which there will soon be a narrow gauge from New York to St. Louis, so that freight can be sent through without transfer in about one half the time that it now takes. W. E. Cooper yesterday presented us with a sample of strawberries, plucked from the vine at this late season, in a perfect state of ripeness. We failed to learn the variety, but concluded that Mr. Cooper had reduced the growing of this delicious fruit to a science. Company B, Oregon Infantry, Cap tain Crandall, was mustered out of service at Fort Vancouver yesterday, under orders received from headquar ters, its members having lately been relieved by regular troops at Fort Steilacoom. Captain Crandall's com pany has seen not quite 12 months' service. FRIVOLOlSESS IX BOTH SEXF9, Single or Married Flirtatious! Compan ions Too Often Sought. PENDLETON, Or., Oct. 30. (To the Editor.) I am a constant reader of The Oregonian read everything to the last word on the last page, and I am always interested in the editorials. It seems many of both sexes are trying to solve the problem of how the right girl is to meet the right man.. One male writer says the girls are all looking for the idle, cigarette-smoking, street-loafing, male flirt. From personal observation I find that not only girls but sometimes married women with families are too ready to pick that class of male acquain tance. Of cot rse it must be remembered that there are always exceptions to the rule. A woman writer says the men are always looking for sweet young fluffy ruffles that have nothing else to do but walk the street and flirt. Again it is not always the single man but often the married man who takes to that pastime. Is there any prevention or ' cure for these diseases? Verily there seems to be none. There is undoubtedly plenty of the right kind of both sexes, but where to meet them? Some say go to church to meet good men and women. One could" go to church until ready for the grave and not be likely to meet the right one or any one in particular, so far as that goes, unless it should be a small country church, and we do not all live in the country. Others say get out and go to the parties and dances. The dance is the place to meet them, and that's the place that breaks up more homes than the saloon. I am not an advocate of the saloon, and much less of the dance halL If It were carefully sifted to the very bottom you would find that my asser tion is about correct. One married man said, take a chance at the srrab-batj. Unfortunately we arc not all lucky at the grab-bag, and if one doesn't make a lucky grab at that sort of a grab-bag he is indeed un lucky. ' There still seerrs to be no solution to the problem. Don't censure me for what I wrote for I was one pf the unlucky in the grab-bag;. A PENDLETON READER. How to Get Rid of Moths. PORTLAND. Oct. 31. (To the Edl tor.) If you can, will" you please give a remedy to kill moths? I moved into an eight-room house about six months ago; it had been tinted, painted and cleaned before going in. All rooms are now. clean of moths except one, where we have killed them every day, still they are coming. I have used moth balls without success. There is no carpet on the floor. I would be very thankful for an extermination, " ' '. " ' " A. T. S. A method of exterminating moths is to fumigate with sulphur fumes. Sul phur candles, which may be secured at any drug store may be used for this The candle should be lit and the room shut and allowed to remain for about 24 hours. Formaldehyde will also ex terminate them, but it is more diffi cult to set rid pf the fumes afterwards, TWO "ARMIES' AXD BIRTHRATE Unemployed and the Military Poos Re aorta (or Mothers' Sons. PATERSON, WASH., Oct. SO. (To the Editor.) The Oregonian, October XS, publishes a report of unemployment in nine Coast cities ranging from 7 to ever 43 per cent partly or wholly unemployed and based on figures taken in June and July. No doubt the percentages are greatly increased now. On the editorial page, the same date, ls. a letter signed A. P. Crothers. In which the writer deplores the falling American birthrate, and says: "The situation is such as calls for the most prayerful thought." Confronted by these two conditions, I. for one, deny the efficacy of "pray erful thought'' to remedy these or any other conditions. It will require a great deal of honest and unselfish ac tion as distinguished from "prayerful thought" even to ameliorate them, perhaps a greater amount of devoted service than tha venders of prayers are even willing to give. Thoroughly and completely to cure the "unemployed problem" would be to wreck our whole present economic system, and the falling birthrate is largely a corollary of that very prob lem. What thoughtful woman or man walking through the "Plasa" or the Burnside section of Portland has not registered an oath in heaven never, by any act of theirs, to augment that flood-tide of "Es&us," who never had a birth-right? Yet we are the most enlightened and intelligent nation on earth, are we not? The politicians tell us so, and we applaud what they say, and in that manner prove that we are nothing of the kind yet. But the falling birthrate is proof conclusive that we are getting to be just that. The cherished little conceit of woman's that men never really un derstand women, may find its vindica tion in the conduct of -married women today in the United States. The men, through centuries of devotion to "Cain" and his pclicies, have failed. It is as if Nature, driven to her last extremity to save her children, calls on the mother instinct, the natural conserver of life, to withhold the sup ply of raw material until Mr. Cain changes his policies. Why should a woman blindly bring children into the world and wrap the. little lives in the very fabric of her own soul only to see them' later in the army of unem ployed, or worse, if possible, the army employed only to kill? If God ever weeps it surely is when he "reviews," not his troops, but man's troops, in these two armies. Why call for more lives and then spend five hundred mil lion dollars next year for the purpose of destroying life? This brazen affront to the Giver of the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill," might also call for a moderate dose of "prayerful thought." Some Americans, perhaps, who are not given to advertising their patriot ism, believe that in the "cosmos" of things there is only one destiny, a human dentiny, and that one of the first steps toward it is to sink our "Nationalism" (which, being inter preted, means narrowness and greed) Into a world with a common hope, a common guiding star, a humanized hu manity. Let our fatherland be "as the blue heaven, wide and free." No baby would dare to stay out ot a world like that. H. J. SPENCER. COl. HOFER FtlLV EXPECTS IT He Predicted That Sunday Bine Laws Would Follow Resolution SALEM, Or.. Oct. 30. To the Ed itor.) The protest of the grocers that a Sunday law should not be enacted, as it will ruin many of them, comes too late, for the same majorities that declared for state-wide prohibition in Oregon can and will enact a Sunday law modeled after that of Canada and a few other colonies under puritanical regime. In the campaign against pro hibition. I warned all I could reach that a Sunday law was the next step in the programme of restriction. I have just come from a month spent in San Francisco. Of course, in that wicked and benighted city, all corner groceries are ppen most pf the day anc night, and commit the further in iquity of having on sale bottled beer and wine, and some even stronger liq uor. I did not see a drunken man in California in a stay of 10 weeks alto gether. But in California the people are so far gone in wickedness that they dance in all the principal hotels and restaurants and in various parts of the state they even have horse races. It is probable that many of the gro cers voted for state-wide prohibition and they have nothing to expect but Sunday-closing. The people of a com monwealth that enter upon a career of restricting their own liberties, destroy ing some of their own liberties, and enacting laws that favor the rich and powerful ruling classes, cannot balk at further policies that will destroy property and stop people doing busi ness, employing labor and spending money. Many of us, had we known the kind of a law that the prohibitionists were going to, enact might not have opposed their campaign so energetically. Cer tainly, those who want to have liquors in their residences and clubs and pre vent the poorer classes, the wage slaves and propertyless proletariat from enjoying all the pleasures of civilization, have no kick at the law which goes into effect January 1. In the same way the classes enjoying the higher privileges of society will not be hurt much by the Sunday laws. They can import all the groceries they need and so motoring on Sunday. E. HOFER. DEFFEREXT WHEN WOHEX MEET Flowers in Legislative Halls and No Fet on Desks During Convention. SALEM, pet. 30. (To the Editor.) Being born and brought up in the vicinity of the State Capitol, I have frequently visited the halls of legisla tion and through successive' sessions have heard various laws made, amended and unmade, sometimes with dignity, sometimes with pyrotechnics. During the years that equal suffrage seemed a vital quetsion to some women, tne remarx wouia be made Imagine women in a place like this: they would pull hair and fight." " Well, the vision has been realized in part at least, two women having actually "been there" as lawmakers. But of tna' I am not writing. ' ' The recent Federation of Woman's iuos lea me to compare the bout erv- semble with that when the male species of the genus homo prevailed. The House was beautiful. Stately palms were placed about and the sun shed a glow of warm tints through the branches of Autumn leaves banked at the windows. A profusion of flowers oecked the Speaker s desk and tablea tne air was good most of the time. Tobacco smoke and spittoons were con- ttiitcuuua uy lubic aosence. J ne wo men kept their feet under the desk at any rate or the floor. Parliamen tary law was strictly observed: dues tions were stated for the most part in a ciear manner and discussed in controlled voices. The subjects dealt witn were usually important and up lifting humane ' and for the better ment of conditions in our state. While there was often diversity of opinion concerning methods, the discus sions were dignified and thoughtful: I noticed but one personality indulged in. Of course this was not a 40-daxs' session, but I think the few days of the Federation were a fair sample of what might be expected and an en couraging outlook to those, of little faith in the intelligence and womanly dignity of their own kind. A DISINTERESTED OBSERVER. How to Keep Well By Dr. W. A. Evans. Vocal Cord Phthisis. Tuberculosis of or near the vocal cords is a very serious disease. Re covery from it is very rare. When Dr. uworetzKy examined the throats of 500 patients in the New York municipal sanitarium he found that one or every tour naa tnis Kind or tuberculosis. Of those in whom consumption of the, lungs was just beginning, only one out of eight had the diseasa In the throat. Of those with advanced con sumption one out of two had tuber culosis of the larynx. ow take these separate statements. join them, and see what you get. What you get is that consumption usually starts In the lungs, that after a while the throat becomes involved, and that when, the disease involves the throat there is not much hope. With this statement accepted, anv sensible consumptive could reason about this way: Every time I cough up any sputum it must pass through the narrow crack between my vocal cords; it is full of tubercle bacilli: if tne bacilli get a foothold on my cords I am gone; what cant I do to protect my throat against infection? Dr. Dworetzky answers that question in the Journal of Outdoor Life. First, the patient must breathe through his nose. If he breathes through his nose, especially in cold weather, the cold air reaches his vocal cords while yet cold. every one has noticed that on a very cold morning the inside of his nose stings and drops of water run out of the nostrils. The nose man will tell him that un der those circumstances the membranes over the turbinated bones are swollen. tne membrane there can stand it, but a similar condition in, or near the vocal cords of a consumptive would render infection with tubercle bacilli probable. The second admonition is that the patient cough as little as possible. On the one hand, coughing always irri tates the vocal cords. Nothins: snaoa and rasps the' vocal cords any more man does a hard coughing spell. Five hard raps just as a coughing gives will irritate the cords more than will live minutes of orating or singing. On the other hand, the sputum must be drained from the lungs, and coughing is an enective way to do it. Some means must be found. The means is this: Coughing must be used; it must not be abused. A cough that raises phlegm is all right. A cough that raises no phlegm is all wrong. But on a practical basis, what can be done? In the popular mind coughs are rending the air like gatling guns. The fact is that cough ing is infrequently heard. The reason? Patients in sanitaria know how to re press useless coughing by will power. Some people cough when their feet get cold. They must keep their feet warm with warm socks and hot water bottles. Some cough at night if their backs get cold. The remedy is a warmer, snugger bed. In some a long palate causes coughs. A little opera tion will remedy matters. The third admonition is that the voice is not abused by excessive talk ing or violent laughing. Have you ever noticed the coughing in a theater during comedy, especially farce com edy? The next is that no tobacco or alco hol be used. And the last is that the consumptive have his nose and throat examined periodically, and if any trou ble be found have it attended to. t Manner of Sleeping. Mrs. M. H. writes: "Two normally healthy persons sleeping in the same roorii sleep with plenty of covers. The foot of the bed is towards the window. Is there any danger of taking cold in having the window open from the top and bottom, even though the air strikes the bed directly? Also if a person is susceptible to colds, is there any dan ger of one's contracting pneumonia or kindred disease by sleeping in this manner? By this I don't mean a very delicate person, but one who is usually healthy." REPLY. No. to each question. Pains In Stomach- W. T., of Indiana, writes: T am troubled with pains in pit of stomach, following each meal. What would you advise as an efficient treatment?" REPLY. Pain in the pit ot the stomach after eat ing swge&lE three diseases cancer of the stomach, ulcer of tha stomach, and neu ralgia of the stomach. Before you can de cide on treatment you must know which of these diseases you have. May Be Form of Ecsenuv, M. C. S. writes: "I am 18 years old and have discovered my navel Is slight ly inllamed, is very painful, and the pus is offensive. What" can be" the. cause and what should I do? I have bathed it and used boVacic acid pow der, but it stays -sore, and I'm 'uneasy. Please answer this." REPLY. It is difficult to clean tho navel and keep it clean Ey reason of this fact the navel is frequently the seat of a form of eczema and not inf reo.uer.tiy it is infected. Ia your case clean weli every day with fresh, clean vaseline. Then dust "with any 'one of tho iodine or bismuth dusting powders. If you will eive the sore daily attention you will effect a cure. Fruit Before Breakfast. M. E. B. writes:. "Will you kindly print in your column the best time to eat apples and grapes for a person who desires to get rid of constipation?" REPLY. Any time Is a good time. Before break fast is best. Severe Anemia. A subscriber writes: "When the hemoglobin is only 45 per cent does it indicate a serious condition, and just what is meant? Would this cause weakness?" REPLY. It means you havo a severe anemia If the anemia is ot the pernicious anemia type the condition is very serious. If It is sec ondary to some illness it is less serious. If the anemia is of the chlorosis type it Is still less serious. Not Said By Cabinet Member. POMEROY, Wash., Oct. SO. (To the Editor.) In The Oregonian, October 27, page 1, column 1. a headline runs: "Lansdowne Admits Gallipolt Venture Is Disappointment-1 Page 2. column 2, has a portrait of "Lord Lansdowne, who tells British peers that . . . . Dardanelles ven ture disappointment.' The report of the speech does not justify this statement. It says: -'We are disappointed in the Dardanelles en terprise," the Earl continued. The "Earl" is Earl Loreburn, to whom Lord Lansdowne was replying. Lord Lans downe is a Marquis. As you cannot wish to mislead your readers, I trust you will publish a cor rection. ' ROBERT GONNEL. Picking Up Experience Usually when we pick up a little experience we drop a tew dollars as we stoop over. Thinking in advance, sometimes saves this unfair exchange. A wise man keeps a strangle hold on his dollar until he knows what he is going to get for it. This same wise man is a reader of newspaper advertising because jt gives him information." He does not buy hit or miss from Smith if Brown has an article bet ter suited to bis needs. He likes the satisfaction of a fnll money's worth when he goes shopping.