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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1915)
THE MORXIXG OREGONTAX, MONDAY. OCTOBER 23, 19T5. II STTCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED woman mnlAvMl k1r position of trust where tact and brains iu coum; present position goig by cou- "uol,u" rcierencea. AaareM a v zos. Ores on tan. COOK and helper, married couple, wants situation, hotel or camp; thoroughly ex perienced, Ca Shaw, 2X1 llth st. Phone MIDDLE-AGED, woman, good, experienced cook, desires position in lumber or logging camp or big ranch. Address I. ii. B.. 4t. EXPERIENCED laundres wants day work. J. Dor WANTED TO RENT. Business Places. $10 REWARD I want a location for a small dairy lunch on or near Washington, between 5th and 10th sts., vacant now or about to be vacated. D 186, Oregonian. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. THE CARLTON HOTEL effers comfortable furnished, well-ventilated and heated outside rooms at 5 a week; Sft a week with bath; first class, popular priced restaurant in connection; service and accommodations equal to any down town hotel at a much less figure. CARLTON HOTEL, 14th and Washington. LOOK them all over and you win admit that HOTEL. VERNON is different. Con tentment rules here because of perfect service, cheerful rooms and homelikeness everywhere. Choice roomn for permanent or transient. There's a piano in the par lor. 103 12th St., near Washington. ROOMS AT Y. M. C A. List of rooms la all parts of city, also In the Association fireproof building, with shower baths, at $1.50 to $2.75 per week, double, with Individual beds; or S2.5v to S4.-i per week single. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Corner llth and Stark. (3 week and up levator, hot and cold water, steam heat telephone connection In each room; no extra charge for two In a room; room and Dam si aay; transient solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill. Desirable downstairs location. Re spec table and strictly modern. Room rates Si oer clay. S-4 ner week. With ori vate bath $1.50 per aay, $5.00 per week. HOTEL BRISTOL. 12TH AND STARK. Large, clean, comfortable rooms, private baths, individual telephone, electric lights, steam heat; single rooms $2 per week and up, who nam ana up; tnorougniy respeccapie; entrance on iin. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX. -'07-209" 4th st. Rooms with private Dams, i per aay; special ratea to perma nent guests; select now for Winter; plenty ox steam neat ana not water. HOTEL CONRADINB, 10th st., at Oak. Desirable downtown loca tlon; respectable and strictly modern, fire proof building, elevator and large lobby. Rooms $3 per week and up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 ',4 Washington st. ; fireproof; ideat location; steam heat, running hot and cold water, phones, baths, all outside, clean, quiet rooms; $2.50 week up; iOc day up. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St.. at 10 tn- -central location. REDUCED RATES, 50c per day up; week ly, f 2.50 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths, steam heat. HOTEL FORD, 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms without bath. $10 up; with bath. $15 up. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms $10 month, $20 up witn frlvate bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe n connection. Phone East 323. fc ETHELTON HOTEL, 103 Vi 12TH ST. Modern; special reductions on all room".; 9 per weetc ana up. juarsnau mva. XT IS only three blocks from the "Land Products Show" to the Hotel Vernon, at 103 12th st., where you can get a better room for less. NEWLY furnished, steam-heated single room, bath and Telephone, $9 per month. Belknap Apartments, 1S7 17th, near Yam. hill. ' KGW brick, 0-room, high-class, most com plete In Port. Mid ; 21st and Overton; must be seen. Main 80 or 3194. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern, quiet, warm, clean, in walktng distance; $1.75 week and up. 227 H Larrabee. HOTEL LIND. For comfort and convenience; modern and clean; 50c up. 44 Sd st.. Broadway 488. 475 MORRISON Large or single, conven iences, new, clean, bay window, with fire- pla-e. HOTEL CORDOVA. 26S llth st. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. HOTEL NORR1S, 533 14 Alder. Modern out side rooms, $2 per week up. MAXWELL Hall, 207 14th ; strictly modern; use of parlor; real home; $2 up. M. 1153. BTANDISH HOTEL, 548 H Wash. sC Steam-, heated outside rooms. $2 per week up. FurnUhed Rooms in Private Family. LARGE, clean front room, electric lights, heat, not water, strictly private family; convenient to business center. 40 Ella st. Phone Main 6990. AN exceptionally nice, newly furnished bay winiow room, south exposure, in the De zendorf apta.. 208 lrtth. Tel. Marshall 2316 or inquire of manager. MCELV furnished rooms, modern conveni ences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay. n.Mr loth. BRIGHT, airy basement uleeping rooms; furnace heat; fl.uO per week. Main 67S5. 405 W. Park. FOR RENT Largo. well-furnished front room, modern conveniences, walking dis tance. 440 w. Patk. - NEWLY-FURNISHED rooms. $1.50 per week and up; 424 hk Jefferson. Call and see. NIC ELY furnished rooms, modern conven iences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay jiea" 10th. LARGE room for 1 or 2 young men; modern conveniences. Main 6726. 203 13th St. LOVELY mom. refined family. Nob H1K; home comforts; references. Main 3749. FURNISHED rooms In quiet private home. Far particulars phone A 3762. mornings. NEATLY furnished front bedroom, $1.50 per week; walktng distance. 4:9 6th st. LA RGE front room downtown; modern. 246tj Broadway S. Rooms With Board. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel, American plan; on -carline, 10 minutes from business center; price in accord with general business conditions. ISd and Hoyt sts. Marshall 881. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel : attractive Fates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9283, A 6628. ALEXANDRA COURT, CS ELLA ST. Ab American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A B211. Main 44U1. KNICKERBOCKER APTS., 10th and Har rison; one 8-room apt-, corner, private balcony and phone. Splendid location. $27.50. Main 1320. THE MANITOU. 261 13TH ST. Under former management. Large, at tractive rooms. Good board. Reasonable. ARE Just opening the dining-room and fur nish board and room for $ a month and up at the Rainier Hotel. Phone 3143. LARGE, airy room for two or three per sons; walking distance- splendid board; $25 esch. The Manltou. 261 13th st. Rooms With Board In Private FamUyT" BEAUTIFUL, large room. newlyf urnished; hot and cold water, steam heat, twin beds, 3. dressers, every ronvenlence, good board. 1 .t minutes1 walk to postofflce. Main 63?T. r01 Harrison, near 14th NOB H ILL. walking distance, 2 nicely fur nished front rooms, suitable for 1 or 2 strictly modem. The best of home cook ing, use of piano and nil home privileges. Phone Marshall 5365. PLEASANT front room. connected with bath; replace, also furnace heat, home cooking: walking distance, West Side. Main S158. LARGE front room, running water, individ ual beds, excellent board; two gentlemen; reasonable: central, jtfi West Park IRVINGTON Room and board In private mily. lady or gentleman; references. East 2729. EXCEPTIONALLY nice rooms, rumace heat bath, phone, with or without board 214 llth and Salmon. NICE furnished rooms with or without board, home comforts, in private family walking distance. Call Marshall 30it. ' Two largo rms., with board, absolutely pri vate family, gent, preferred. East 5155. ROOM, board, private home. 2 gentlemen"; sleeping porch. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. FOR business pirl or students. $4 week up. "Anna Lewis" HaM. B10 Flanders x BEAUTIFUL large rooms, with board, $ up. Main 6381. 501 Harrison, near 14th. ROOMS, with board, walking distance, mod em. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. WANT to room and board girls: good home. warning aiBtiince. -i r.. i ayior. Furnished Apartments, CAMAR, 04 Lovejoy: 2 and 3-room front HUWJIB, AViUj SV tO SOU, FOB BENT. Furnished Apartments. APARTMENTS IN A HOC SB THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe, popular, well known and of the highest standing. A bouse of quality, com fort and service. New features: ballroom, billiard and cakdroom3, ladies' pauloks. the wheeldon annex. 10th and Salmon Sts. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five rclnstes walk to Meier & Frank store ; good surroundings, strictly modern. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. w RATES REASONABLE DAY WEEK. MONTH "Kingsbury apartments. 386 Vista ave., scear 23d and Wash ington. Attractive, airy, ail sunny outside rooms, unsurpassed view, furnished com plete. Everything modern. Special rates to those having linen or silver. Reason--hie. Walk inn distance. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments en the Pacific Coast ; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. Reference. BEST FOR MONEY ANYWHERE. to $12 per mo, 'J -room furnished apartments, hot and cold water, steam beat, electric lights, bath, phones, clean, quiet, close In West Side. 7 to $10 per xno., sleeping rooms, 40 3rd. Thomas sen Apartments. THE AVALON. Furnished, or unfurnished 3 -room apart ments; linen, silverware, private, phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 285 cor ner Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Cor. Park and Taylor. Handsomely furnished 2, 3 and 4-room suites; best location in city; reasonable. 4TH AND LINCOLN APTS. 2-roora apis., lis to $25, including pri vate phone, bath, lights and steam heat. Laundry room with steam dry-er. Garage convenient. Main 1377. A 4152. WEST FA L, 410 5th st. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4-room apts. ; auto matic elevator, easy walking distance, most reasonable rent, day, week or month: $20 to $30. Main 2079. MELCLIFFE COURT, EAST 11TH AND ALDER, 2 and 3-room furnished and un furnished apt.; modern service; very rea sonable rates; 3-min. car service; 5 min. from town. WASHINGTON GRAND 2 and 3-room fur. apts., $10 mo. up. Hot and cold water, heat, light and bath furnished. One week's rent free witU first month's rent in ad vance. Grand ave. and E. Wash. E. 4449. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th St., Near Taylor. 3-rcom furnished apts., walking distance, fine view, all outside rooms, everything first-class; reference. Mar. 2324 CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th New, modern: steam heat, private baths, laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3 room apts., lu nun. from business center, save carfare.; rates moderate: references MADISON PARK APTS., Park st., at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, close in; by week or month. the everett! 044 Ev-erett. bet. 20th and Ella sts.; furnished 3-room apts.; with or without sleeping porch; modern. BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 3 and 3-room apartments, furnished, first class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Ciay. Two rooms; light, pleasant' and well fur nished; walking distance; $20 to $25.00 Main S757. HISLOP HALL, cor. East 6th and Haw thorne, 2 and 3-room apts., private baths and phone; also single rooms; well fur- "uwu . up. rnona n.ast S52. HERMEXIA, 400 Hall st., corner 10th, one haitm onf n n r t1 i art A nna - , apt. GRAND-OAK Two and three-room apart ments; prices right, strictly modern. Cor. Grand av-e., East Oak. East 3S02. NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments, steam heat, electric lights, etc; rates $11 to $18. 334 5th st. ELM WOOD Apts., 10th and Hall Lobby, so cial hall, modern 3-room furnished and unfurnished apts.. reasonable. GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Greatly reduced rates. Phone E. 208. HAMMERS LEY COURT. 250 12TH ST. By tne aay, weeic or month; modern, close to P. Q.. reasonable: ref. Marshall 2052. FAIRMOUXT APTS., 286 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments. $20 up; close in. Main '2286. BANNER 4SdClayst., 2 rooms,' furnished $8 to $16, Including heat and light; walk ing distance. Marshall 2074. FOR RENT! " Grace Apartnent. 24th and Northrup 4 room furnished apartment. Marshall 107'J. BJELLAND APARTMENTS."l6th and Love joy Choicest 3 end 4-room furnished and unfurnished apts.; rates lowest. Main 1867. NEW furnished apts.; concrete-block siii and $12, 1114 Union ave. N. WdL 512. THE MUNCEY. S90 Clay, between 10thand y - t-iiri. , . i uuiaj niiu Kitcnenette. CLEAN, comfortably furnished 1 and 2 rms. $14.50 up; light and heat. 328 Mill at. " ARDMAY TERRACE.39o 12TH First-class iu every respect; attractive rates. THE ALAMO. 494 Market st. Nicely' tur- mshed 3-room apts. $16 up. Cnfnrnlshed Apartments. FORDHAAi APARTMENTS. 170 Ford st.. at Washington. The most elegant and best finished 8. 4 and 5-room apartments in the city. Fin ished in oak and mahogany, hardwood floors, elegant plumbing, tiled baths and every modern convenience. 3- room and bath. $30.00 up. 4- room and bath, $27.50 up, 6-room and bath, $42.50 up. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. ZSt Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance light and fresh air. Everything modern. Private balconies, fine location, . unsur passed view. Reasonable. Walking dis tance. LUCRETIA COURT, on Lucretia st.. 1O0 feet north of 23d and v asmngion ; most beautifully located. . nigh-class apartments, 1 and 6 rooms; all large outside rooms; 2 apartments newly furnish d. prices reasonable; references re quired, see them before locating. Man-ag-er, Marshall 1513. PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison sts., furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4 room apartments in four-story brick. Everything modern; situated In the most convenient apartment-house district In tho city and directly on the Park blocks. 353 Harris o n st. p hone M arshall 3070. THE WICKERSHAM, 18TH AND FLANDERS STS. Beautiful 5 and 6-room apartments; alt outside rooms; ideal location ; see these before locating for tho Winter; prices rea sonable. 705 DAVIS ST. Head of King St. Most modern and fashionable apartment-house in Portland; absolutely fire proof. Three to 7-room unfurnished apart ments. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS 21st and Hoyt. 3 and 4-room Unfurnished Apta $22.50 to $37.50. Exclusive residence district, near schools and shopping district splendid car service. DELAHUNT COURT, 2Sth ana Sandy Blvd. Three-room apartments, completely fur nished, tile bath, hardwood floors white enamel: swell, $b0. Phone East 300 SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broadway St. 1 4-room apt., 1st floor. $30; 1 3-room PL. 2d floor front, 2 wall beds, 2 clothes closets. Mam 3506. ROSEN FELD APTS.. 14th and East Stark Brlok bldg.. strictly modern; 3 and 4-room apts.. all outside rooms, private phones. - janitor service, reasonable rent; refs BRUCE A PTS.. 25,h and Northrup, amidst Portland's select residences; six outside rooms, veranda, hardwood floors; modern service; references. Main 4008. WALDORF COURT. IRVINGTON. 5 rooms, large porch, everything modern, 475 Schuyler. East 547, C 1668. STEVENS APT. large outside rooms, front, back and sleeping porches, heat, not water and phone. 791 Northrup. near 24th ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments. first-class arv15e pj"i vate phone ; ref. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay ets7"Nowls the time to secure high-grade permanent apartments; references. Mar 5753. "MAYO APARTMENTS. 503 H Union ave. N near Broadway, new. strictly modern 3-room apts. re aso'n a b ieJ 780 IRVING, 6 runny outside rooms, two, sleeptng porches. Refs. Marshal) 175S. I THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders . Large. light 3. 6 rms.. reas. M.7516. A2676. THE AMERICAN, 21st and JohnsonT 3-.4T rooms, reasonable. Mar. 3360. KEARNEY APT. 5 room. light and a try, cheap. Apply Manager. 672 Kearney. X . j i-. .i . v i iic j i. r i ve rooms, d 3C; ttracUvitly. arranged. FOR RENT. Furnished or Cni arnlahed Apartments, THE BARKER, corner of list and Irving r urnished and unfurnished apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner free; also 4-room basement apt.. $15. Phone Mar shall ftei MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOICE, - i4-B-i Morgan mag. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartment. Main 2015. AtOlti, HANOVER APARTMENTS. 170 King St., Near Washington. Under New Management. Absolutely fireproof building; private balconies and phones; 2 and 3-room apart ments, furnished or unfurnished; from $17.00 per month up. STELW YN A P ARTMENTS, VERY HI G H -CLASS, elegantly furnished apartments; linen and silver, sleeping porches, white enameled woodwork; very modern; refer ences reauired, lftfi St. Clair iU. cor. Wash, Marshall 2t30. HIGHLAND COURT APT& 22D AND G LI SAN. Largest. most homelike, high-class apartments in city; furnished and unfur nished; sleeping porch ; walking distance. MARSHALL 31S1. WELLINGTON APTS., 15th and Everett; very central, large, light rooms, corner building, 3 r. furnished, $22.50; 2 r. fur nished, $20; 4 r. unfurnished, $17.50. Main B'JENA VISTA, -12th and Harrison. Finest apartmcnt-hjufie on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, " walk ing distance; references. M lu91, II lu52. CECELIA APTS., 22d "andGHsanCorner building, all outside apts., private bal conies, direct phone service, one 3-room, $20.50 furnished; one 3-room, $22.50, un furnished. TRINTY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. ia..'i7 TRIVITV rT A ' l7 MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL 110L CLAY POOLE APARTMENTS, corner llth ana Clay 2 rooms, furnished, $20; 3 rooms, unfurnished, $27.50; close in. splen did, well-k-ept building. THE WOODMANGEE, furnished and unfur nished apartments; private baths. 109 N. 18th st. W ESTONIA APTS. New 2 and 3 "rooms, furnished and unfurnished. 668 Gllsan. THE WINDSOR 3 beautiful front coraer rooms, 2 rooms furnished. E. 2U07. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. 4 AND 5-ROOM apts., with sleeping porches. 185 E. 15th. near Yamhill st. REX ARMS, 13th and E. Morrison 2 and 3 rooms; reasonable, modern service. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King St. a and 4 rooms; high-class- references. Main 2058. LAM BROOK East 7th and Yamhill, clean, comfortable, desirable, l. 2 and 3 rooms. 93 N. 17TH ST., 6-room furnished fiat $32.50. 95 N. 17th St., 6-room unfurnished flat, $22.50. 91 N. 17th St., 5-room unfurnished flat $17.50. Inquire 300 Oak st. 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT 72 Gllsan St., hardwood floors, nearly new, good condi tion, fine neighborhood, fireplace and fur nace; $18 per month. Call Main 2015. FOR RENT Two 5-room flats, upstairs and downstairs; furnace, newly tinted and painted. 1087 Hawthorne ave. Phone Wal lace Drug Co., B 2527 or Tabor 773. 6 OR S-rjoiu upper, newly-tinted fiat cheap. Near In. Call 275 14th. Also 3-room base ment fjat. SWELL modern 7-room flat: furnacA anrf fireplace; $:;5. 446 Park st. Tabor 763 or cast nil. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to auwi a.uu varune ; aesiraoie location. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. LOVELY 4-room upper flat; linoleum, gas bec, w aicj ueaier, luriiuce, porcn. ben- MODERN 6 and 7-room flat, close in. In quire 189 16th st. 4-ROO" flat, every convenience, lowest rent, near zaa, waanington. Alain S98S, A 2676. 7 AND 8-room modern flat; rent cheap. 12th a. lk ix mill, -SO" Bill L. JUUIQ 1UiO. NEWLY tinted 6-room flat, with or without MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jackson, West Side, 10 mln. walk. East 2377. 6-ROOM lower flat, modern. 188 Lownsdale st, inquire 17S m-tn st. a. MODERN 5-room flat, all conveniences 215 East 16th, corner Salmon. East 6640. TEN "ROOMS. Jackson St., close in; good rooming proposition. Main 4172. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 73 Hoyt St. Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 6278. MODERN o-room flat, gas, phone $ld; water paid. 300 Fargo. FurnlHhed Flats. FOR RENT Beautiful 5-room furnished lower uai. sieeping-porcn, nrepiace, fur nace, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, dlniag room and living-room: very fine irs and electric fixtures in each room; rent $20 per month; water and garbage free; 807 ttter ml. , win roui uniurnisnea ior si a. Main 1511. MODERN 4-room furnished flat, sleeping porch, 10 minutes' walk to Union depot; reasonable. Phone East 1235. 189 Halsey st.. near Crosby. v 3 ROOMS, modern furnished flat, in one of ue districts in aunnysiae; sj.a, including water. Phone Tabor 1811. MODERN 5 or 6-room furnished flat. 8 East 12th N. Marshall 797. A 7131. Housekeeping Rooms. $3 WEEK uo, completely furnished house- Keeping rooms, aosomteiy cleanest In town; hot water, baths, every convenience free; also single. H. K. rooms, $2 up. Save carfare. Desirable people only. The Cad illac, 3d near Jefferson. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping ; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $8 month up; clean place. Phone A 4560. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms cheap. Cambridge bid)., 3d. cor. Morrison. THE ELMS, 191 14th st. 2 and 3 rooms, ciean. bath, phone, lights, heat, $14 up. GILMAN HOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping roomscheap. $1.50 week up. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnlshedone and two-room housekeeping apta Reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms In Private FamllyT 1 LARGE room, kitchenette and sleeping porch, electric light, phene. bath and gas for cooking furnished: walking distance, 54 E. Oak st. NICELY furnished basement H. K. room. handy bedroom tent, gas, electricity, heat. hot water, laundry ; $7 mo. 123 N. 23d. CLEAN, furnished 11. K. rooms, oneroom with sleeping porch $8; three rooms, out- side porch, slu. Tabor 4t3. LARGE front H. K. rooms, walking dls fnca; beautiful grounds; $1.50 up. 387 Firat st. 2-ROOM front suite, free phone. $9 month. 35Q 14th. TWO clean light furnished housekeeping rooms. gas, bath. $10 month. yj Front FINE h. k. and sleeping-room,-walking dis- tance, reasonable. Main 6302. 221 13th st. TWO nicely' furnished h. k., close in; free light, phone and bath; 9 E. 7th st. TWO furnished housekeeping in private fam Uy.. $8 a month. 515 Clay st. IKV1NOTOV 3 nicely furnished H. K. rooms. Call East 4308. TWO very large modern frost H. K. rooms, first floor. 429 Main st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, also room with kitchenette. $10 per month. 189 Park: st. THREE cosy housekeeping rooms. $10 per month ; 5S8 Pettygrove. Main 3423. ONE large housekeeping room and kitchen etfre; also 2 rooms. 4 75 Clay. FURNISHED rooms. $1.50 week un. 1S9 West Park. HOUSEKEEPING room with kitchenette. 402 Clay st. Houses. HOT water furnace, small yard, neat 7-room house. 510 Market, near 14th, $22.50. Main 4510. GOOD house and 3 acres. 2 in fruit, llj miles east Lents, $10 month. No chll dren. Call 50s Williams ave. 6-ROOM cottage, near Portland Heights a pretty place; Phone Main 6S09. b-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy. near -d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. HOUSE No. 90 North 16th; 8 roomsTf arnact; rent moderate. Key next door. Owner. 7-ROOM house, 742 Irving t.t near 23d- rent reasonable. Main 5724. $14 6-ROOM HOUSE; first-class condition. Inquire 925 E. Stark st. 7-ROOM cl3n bouse, 268 14th st, near Jef fers on. Main 3&70. 6-ROOM modern corner house, on E. 7th st. North. Inquire t 329 E. 7th st. North. 7-ROOM house. 4S8 lOtli, near hick school. Inquire 41S Park st. A 2S37. l:t 6-ROOM modern house, large chicken house, lawn. Union av. N. TWO strictly modern houses; 352 Lincoln. 3o7 Grant at. Inquire 304 Lincoln. NICE, new 6-room modern house, corner . Hawthorne and Glenn. yS2 Hawthorne. OX Xov. 1. modern six-room house, T3tb st near Market. Apply ct 466 Market st- SS7 EVERETT Six rooms; gas, electricity iuraace. vaiaUng distance. Fboue aat 8. FOB RENT. Hooks, BUNGALOW, 4-room and bath. $6.50. Bungalow. 6-room and bath, $9. Bungalow, 6-room and bath. $1L Bungalow. 7-room and bath. $1L All modern, nearly new, cabinet kitch ens, basements, etc; restricted district. UMBDEN STOCK & LARSON CO.. Broadway 165S. $06 Oak Street. Sunday apply 25$ E. 70th North. BARGAINS. 6-room house. East 9th and Morrison, $10. 10-room house. Grand ave. and. Oregon. $5. 10-room house, 821 Montgomery, near otb, $35. Phone Main 344. FOR RENT Neat, clean, modern horns. 0 rooms. East Side, walking distance; fins neighborhood; very reasonable rent to de sirable tenanta Garage with house if wanted. Better look at this. Get set tled beforo Winter. 30 and 34 East 22d sl Call 747 E. Burnslde st. 4-ROOM house fo rent at $6 a month; mod ern conveniences, pleasant location, close to Multnomah, on the Oregon Electric; Bull Run water, electric lights, telephones. 5c carfare. Sea Ned Burko on the ground or call for particulars at 513 Piatt bldg. 6-ROOM modern house. Just papered and painted, gas range and heater, linoleum kitchen floor, cement basement. Furnace heat, stationary washtub. Rent reasonable. Bjelland's Grocery Main 1867, A 1867. A FINE, modern home, well locatedT having several beautiful and exclusive built-in features; large fireplace, oak floors, fine fixtures and furnace, to good permanent tenant at low rent. R 163. Oregonian. 25 ROOMS, dining-room, seats 70. French range in kitchen, also 10V rooms next door. Cor. 13th and Yamhill. Call 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. PORT. HEIGHTS 8 rros.. modern, furnace and fireplace, four bedrooms, newly paint ed and tinted; rent $25; key next door. Main 5794. Evenings East 4294. $20 7-ROOM house, strictly modern, laun dry, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fur nace, every convenience ; near Reexi Col lege, Eastmoreland. Phone Main 7065. NONE occupied since completed ; Just the bungalows for families of refinement and good taste at only $12.50 and $15. if no children. Qner, 1020 Yeon bldg. 5- KOOM house, modern convenience, on cor ner lot 65x100, with garage. 741 East Broadway; $40. Whitmer-Kelly Co.. 711 Plttock block. VERY desirable unfurnished house. good yard, S large, sunny rooms, newly painted and papered: cheap. 394 Broadway, cor ner of Harrison. 6- ROOM cottage, bath, gas, electricity, laun dry tubs, cement Lasement; yard. 350 ivy st. East 4475. WEST SIDE, modern 8-room house, sleep ing porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences. 206 North 2tth. AT $12.50 you wilt find few places to com pare with my 5-room bungalow at 146 Stafford st. Vanschbach. 1020 Yeon bldg. $13.50 Real nifty pew white four-room bungalow, furnace, trays. 1297 East Mor rison. References. NICE 7-room house, corner of E. 29th and Davis; large porch, southeast exposure; rent reasonable. Phone Main 1013. $10 5-ROOM cottage, bath, gas and elec tric lights. 368 Stevens, 4 blocks south of Hawthorne ave., between Union and 3d. 8 ROOMS, clean, walking distance, good lo cation, near school. West Side, $16. East 4237. $16 MODERN C-room house, in good con dition. Call 995 E. 15th N. or phone -Woudlawn 197. RENT -Easi 12th st. house. aU modern con veniences; walking distance. Apply 804 Morgan bid?. 687 EVERETT BIX rooms; (as. electricity, furnace, walking distance. Phone East a. Furnished Mouses. NEW tine home. 8 rooins and sleeping bal cony, elegantly furnished with mahogany furniture, piano, hot water heat, garage, fine lawn: will rent only to adults for not less than six months; privilege of one year; references required; $60 a month. 1117 Mallory ave. Main 1963. C 28'JJ. ROSE CITY PARK. T rms., including sleeping porch; nicely zurnisnod; Turkish ruga, imported oil palntlajs, fine view corner, to discriminat ing people. S40. J. Hartog, -.'Hu btark su Main 208. Evenings, Tabor S006.- 3-ROOM bungalow, with fireplace, com Fletely furniahed, absolutely clean; $22.50. Electric Hunts, gas and water furnished. Phone Tabor 1610 or call 2i2 E. 44th St., 1 block nortli of Hawthorne ave NEWLY and completely furnished modern house of six rooms and bath, within walk ing distance, reasonable rent. For par ticulars call Marshall 1282. NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow, mrd ern, east Mt. Tabor. 18. 2026 E. Yam hlll. cor. 80th. Ml. Tabor Altamead car. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8-room house, modern, reasonable. Phone East 36, C 2035. 7-ROOM furnished house, $22; 6-room fur- msnes, aio; o-room furnished. $15; blocks Multnomah Club. Mala 8634. FURNISHED 8-room house. West Side, Nob Hill; large rooms, fireplace, piano, lawn, etc.. reasonable rent. Marshall 4869. 1KV1NGTON Part of furnished house, 5 rooms, on carline; entire ground floor, in cluding heat, $30; adults. East 43S4. MODERN' 7-room house, furnished complete, wood in basement, at cost. 377 E. 47th st. Phone P 1184 MODERN 6-room house. 1 block from LRiurelhurst on S. S. carline. Phone Ta bor 31)4 or Tabor 4254. 555 TAYLOR, near 17th. beautifully fur nished 5-room flat, piano; rent- $30 ; also 4-room flat, piano, rent $22.50. ROSE CITY Park, 46th st., 5 rooms and garage; nicely furnished and piano. Tabor MODERN, well-furnlshed, 7-room house for rent; piano. 852 Schuyler St. Phon. Eaat 0025. . Jlo. 50 3-ROOM house, well furnished, WW car, 50th ava. and 38th St. S. E. Phone Main 1 0tl5. 6-ROOM modern furnished house, furnace. zireplace, lawn, piano; room 3, VVasa lngton bldg. Phone Marshall 4261. FURNISHED modern 6-room house Irving ton district. East 5W26 for Information. $15 5-room modern bungalow, - partly fur nished. 397 Emeraoo st. Tabor 6442. FURNISHED BUNGALOW and garage; 449 Tillamook; rent $3). Phone East 644. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage, coro Pietely furnished, fine view. Main 3543. SNAP 5-room furnished bungalow, close in. block to car. 626 E. 2Sth st. Marshall 2513. 6-ROOM upper corntr flat, furnished. 575 E. Salmon. THREE-STORY and basement store. 49x8u, Front St.; will arrange to suit tenant; good lease. 424 Chamber of Commerce GOOD store on Third st., corner or Inside; will change front to suit. J. H. Mlddle ton, 424 Chamber of Commerce. TWO stores, each 25xfr4, Nos. 543 and 04a First St. Owner, 324 Worcester bldg. ' Offices. DANDY private office, connected with splendldly-furnlehed suite; very large re ception room, bath, telephones; reasonable rent to desirable party. Call 528-531 Mor gan bldg. DESK ROOM, including new flat top or roll-top desk, phone, care of calls, etc.. In light, airy office, ground floor. 306 Oak st; ' PRIVATE office with reception room, $12.50 month also furnished office. $10; elegant suite, reasonable. Stock Exchange. $d and Yamhill sts. WELL-FURNISHED private office, also d'esk room. $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room; tree pnone; very reasonaoie; port- land's busiest corner. 803 Swetiand b i d g, Uaila. HALL for rent for dances, parties or wed dings, very reasonable: Front and Glbbs. Main 1511. M iscellaneou. GOOr5 duck pond, close In, plenty of birds; with cabin. AH 174, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Paying cash grocery stock, all new and clean; nave other business rnd must sell this week. For particulars call B 2591. GROCERY, delicatessen. West Side, involoe over $1500; responsible people. $950; $350 cash, balance $25 month; no agents. Main 9332. FOR SALE; Garage and repair shop, close in, west iae location, aoing very gooa business. - M 181, Oregonian. WELL established, completely equipped. moving picture toeater ror sale, reasonable. For particulars phone Mar. 830. or A 20&7. ONLY tailor ahop in booming town of UO0; price $10. u. iiatson. owner. McCleary, Wash FOR SALE Filling station and auto repair snop; icauu iii. i,uu .nu cacap rent; Dar galn. E. Kidney. 1050 Corbett at. WANT TO SELL Interest in auto supply Business wuu it .unuut service; will take 3Wlo J5000. AO 172, Oregonian. DAIRY Best business In city; place for rent. stocK tor oaie a. in, oregonian. GROCERY and market combined for pale at invoice. y nu. oregonian. Fori SALE Hotel range, ftrat-clas condl- (wn. AV loti, urcgontan. FGfc. SALE Corset business with estab iiaaed patronage. EC 110, Oregonian. BUSINESS Ol-POKTI'NITIES. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE WIRE t WITH SOME MONEY. The automobile business Is tn its In fancy In the Northwest good roads will make this business the best In this part of the country during the next 10 yeara. I have the .Northwest agency for the most sensational pleasure ear and most truck. Need a branch manager with some money and brains. Apply quickly. 317 FOR SALE Up-to-date fully equipped soda water bottling works. In one of the best towns in Northern California. Chlco and suburbs has a population of over 18.000 and la growing rapidly.x Besides this we have a good, large outside territory. Our Plant haa a capacity of 1200 bottles daily. This is a snap for the right party; The reason for selling we have other business v Interest that we have to attend to. For full particulars eddress the owners. P. O. box 785, Chico, Butte Co., CsX AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for a few men of good character to get steady working positions In strictly modern man ufacturing business where you receive your rightful share of all you produce and salaries automatically increased from time to time; a small secured Investment is re quired. See us at once. 418 Lumber exenange bldg.. second and Stark sts. I WANT to meet party or parties desiring an active Interest in hlgh-claas manufac turing business of great merit and future possibilities; only plant of the kind on tha Coast; requires investment of few thou sand dollars; men of good character and ability only solicited; investments fully secured. J 16K. Oregonian. . CAUTION. BUYERS! Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWOILL, Secy. 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WELL-ESTABLISHED grocery In growing community, ten mlies from Portland; good, clean stock, now,, modern building, small rent; will sell at Inventory, as owner has other business; direct from owner, no agents. S 151). Oregonian. THE) best tar in Fresno. beautifully equipped, clearing between $1200 and $100 a month. Long lease, cheap rent, prominent corner. Settling Walcott es tate. Lavy Bros., 1933 Fresno su. Fresno. WANT partner to r'irchase half Interest In a paying automobile supplv business; a rood alesman or bookkeeper . preferred ; fine location; books open to inspection. AG 158. Oregonian. A GOOD general dry goods business in a town of about 60O inhabitants, with a good, big steady payroll and good farming community: about $5000 cash required. Address AY 220. Oregonian. $10 REWARD I want a location for a small dairy lunch on or near Washington, between 5th and 10th sts., now vacant or about to be vacated. O 181. Oregonian. A NEW, up-to-date millinery store, splendio location, cheap rent; $150 will handle, good reason for the sacrifice. AE 170, Oregonian. FOR SALE Half Interest In foundry and machine shop; doing a good business. Fee-ney-Bremer Co.. Inc. J. Feeney, Tllla mook. ur. I HAVE a good proposition suitable for lady or gentleman who can invest a small amount of money; no chance to take; handle your own money. S 181, Oregonian. A FIRST-CLAS3 restaurant for sale abso lutey on a credit to the right party. Good location, reasonable rent. Answer Quick. R 184. Oregonian. MINING men, take notice! Galena lead, sli ver, copper properties for sale. ANDREW COOL1N. Coolln, Bonnar County, Idaho. PARTNER with $150 to $200 for good work-Ins-nan's hotel. Phone A 5810, 8 rings. BOO MING-HOUSES. MRS. M. E. LENT, Leading Ilotel-Aphrtinent-House Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 50S-D N. W. Bank bldg.. uth and Morrison. FURNITURE of 11-room housekeeping and sleeping-room, cheap. 241 5th Main 2803. LOST AND FOUND. LOST An umbrella with horn handle, deco rated In silver. Of great intrinsic value to the owner. Was prooably left at Old Peo ple's Home. E. 33d and Sandy Dlvd. Party who took by mistake will greatly oblige by communicating with owner. Liberal re ward. Call 512 Piatt bldg. FOUND Two checks on The Royal Bank of Canada; party losing same call S2o Washington sl. LOST Near Burnslde bridge, black purse containing $5.35. Return to Oregonian. Re ward. FOUND White liver spotted English, bull bitch, no license. Call 670 UolmanT BPECliaL. NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Sealed brooosala will bu receivH h board of directors of tne buttles Lake Irrigation District, at their offices In Lam- Dert s store building, near Urandview Postoffice, Jefferson County, Oregon, up and until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of Monday, the 22d day of November, 1915, tor the sale of th bonds of said irriga tion district to the 'amount of six Hun dred Thousand Dollars $t00,000, wntch bonds were authorized Issued by -vote of said district on the id day of October, 1915. No bonds will be sold for lets than 90 per cent of the face value thereof. The right is reserved to reject any or ail bids. All bids should be plainly marked. HARRY J. CHENOIVETH, President. i. nn.isn;sE.. secretary. 1 WILL receive sealed bids at my office up to 12 o'clock noou of Wednesday, Oct. 2i, of ciotning. men's furnishings, shoes, hals, etc., of tne approximate value of $2,5u, fixtures $185; stock of Leader, Astoria, Oregon. Certified check for 10 per cent of tne amount uuertu must accompany eacn tid. Right is reserved to reject any and nil K1H. I'll,. Bl,w.r fan Ku i r . n H the Inv.ntnrv ii.n hv nnnlvlnv . r mv t.t - fice. MURRAY C. WHEAT. Attorney, Dated Oct. 21. 1015. Astoria, Or. Miscellaneous. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. SALEM, OREGON. Notice is hereby given that by authority of Chanter 137 iinr.i La Oregon. 1015. all state warrants issueu ior a j-'eriou ct more than, seven years prior to July 1. lais. win be declared void and payment thereon refused by the State Treasurer of Oregon, unless present ed for payment at the office of tn. Mint. Treasurer at Salem, Oregon, within tto the date of the first publication of this uuuee, .A. uv nuj warrants follows; GENERAL FUND. War rant Date. No. 18b8. In whose favor Amnu,t 4.S20 Mar. 18, Mclntire & Co $ 8.33 b.iuu jjneitu, tr.tpara, L fcl ''4 50 8.444 Oct. 30. Daily Astorian I bu U.125 Dec 10, Morely & Patrick.... 123 U.373 Dec 20. Agee, R '3a v,3 uec. iii, uriver, x. J......... 6 62 9.401 Dec. 21, Misner, J. H 114 9,402 Dec, 21. Ross, B. F 3 23 9.407 Dec. 21, Case. E. P ' 3.18 9,432 Dec 22. Lane, S P 20.50 uec, j. 0. .......... 1.85 9.438 Dec 22, Maddux, E. C 188 9.451 Eec. 22, Rlncbart. F. M 102 9,50 Dec. 27, Heyerly Bros. fttti 9.511 Dec 27. Heyerly. J. .......... ..26 uc 01, rowa. u. ......... ., 7..U 1899. ' 10.192 Jan. 10, DooUttle, Jamas 12.00 10.209 Jan. 10. Carter, F la.ou 10.244 Jan. 11, Miller. Byron 18.00 iu,h Jan. 11. Anaerson. Elmer AX... 16..1U 10.2. JO Jan. 11. Bodycoat. B. S. ...... 16.50 10.203 Jan. 11. Marshall. Wm. J I8.00 10,295 Jan. 11. Miles, James 18.Ut 10.208 Jan. 11, Reynolds, Daniel .... ..OO 10.3. 2 Jan. 1 1, Sternberg. John...... 21. 00 3o. 359 Jan. 11, Tayior. Frank P. 24. 00 10.547 -Feb. 9, Purlnton, Wm. ...... 16.50 10.570 Mar. 7. Peterson. F. F. ..... 9. 00 2.333 Jun. 19, Dodson, John U.00 i,oo. 10.S01 Mar. 7. Sinks, W. A. T4.3 1. 10.602 Mar. 7. Wells. A. D 88.75 A 13,483 May 11, Wood 4t Co.. Wm..... 6.O0 37.003 Sep. 30, Young. Jouann E. ... 3.23 17,281 Oct. 3. Pacitlc Tel. at Tel. Co. 10.95 10OL 4.709 Jun. 8. Huffman, clande D..". ll.oo 6.250 Jun. 80. Bailey, J. R 09.18 C.717 Aug. 21, Holbert. George 1.97 7.5S2 Oct. 7. Steelhammer, c G 83 8.331 Nov. 4, Luckiamute Mill Co.. .80 8.339 Nov. G, Quimby. L. P. W 16 8,501 Nov. 8. Bohemian Nugget ... 2.40 8.569 Nov. 12. Eppa. John E. 40.5o 1)0. 9.641 Jan. 9, Firemens Fund Insur auce Co 92 00 ju.saz Apr. 7. Smith. Iva 1.61 13.0S8 Aug. 6, Nisley. W. 0 0.00 14.815 Dec. 3, Warden, chas. B 1.67 1903. 15,443 Jan. T, New York Institute tor Blind :.. 7.00 20.171 Sep. 10. Science Press 0.23 20.677 Oct. 6. Speer, S. B. 2.50 21.677 Nov. 3. Nelson. T. O. 10.00 21.603 Nov. 4, Speer, S. B 2.42 22.011 Dec 9. Cbancey. Mrs. Eliza beth , 1.U0 1904. 23.214 Jan. 12. Harris. Thomas G. ... 9 87 24.694 Apr. 8. Henderson, Hal 1.25 25.172 May 4, Warner. M. 0 4.00 26,803 Aug. 3. White, a T 2-2 1905. 29.811 Jan. 28. WalLFrank E. 2.60 2U.S37 Jan. 2S. Gil. is. A. B. 3.00 37,057 Aug. 13, O Mara. H. 81 1907. 43.3S1 Jul. 5. Springfield News l.uf) 45.204 Oct. 10, Moore. Nicholas P. . . . 10.00 1908. 49.742 May 20, Wardrlp, H. IT. 20 PORTAGE RAILWAY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FUND. 1907. 43.230 Oct. 12. Martin, Henry 8.02 BOUNTY 1 L'KO. 1809. 1,769 May 22, Welch. H. F. 10.00 8FEFLU NOTICES. Miscellaneous. 1.865' May 29, Shannon. F. M. S.3U JuL 26, Dumore. Frank . 10.00 .. 2.00 ;t.oo o.ou jut ztt, Lee, w m. 4.220 Aug. 11. Robinson, L. T o 4 54S Aug. 19. Miller. Frank H 4 00 .uv Aug. iv. csaa rtoaa. jamca 5.111 Sep. 19. Williams. H. C "-'.WO 6.149 Sep. 19, MacAuley, John 14.00 0,150 Sep. 19. MacAuley, John 4.00 6.243 Sen. 28. Eppinger, F. W. ..... 2.00 6.307 Sep. 28. Johnson. Joe 12.00 6.310 Oct. 1L Fleetwood. Georg. ... 2.00 6.463 Oct. 11, Dalrymple. John ..... 6-t'o 6.917 Nov. 14. Redden. A. L. 2.00 6.924 Nov. 14, Bahr. John N. 14.UO 6.937 Nov. 14. Holbrook. Ed A- 2 00 6.949 Nov. 14, Dalrymple. John .... 2.00 6.953 Nov. 14. Gardner, Henry 2.00 7.110 Dec 2, Smith. W. L. 2. 00 T.413 Dec 2. Wakefield. K. N 12. 00 S.166 Dec SO. Hibbard. X. E. S.OO 8.150 Dec 80. Ayers, J. L. 16.O0 i.li7 Dec SO, Cole. Wm. 6.00 1900. 9.084 Feb. 1. PuIIem. Wm 6.00 9.713 Feb. 8. Johnson. A. S. 2.00 9.721 Feb. 8. Thompson. T. J 2.O0 9.889 Feb. 12, Maxwell, Marmaduke. lo.oo 9.SIS Feb. 12. Wakefield. E. N 6.00 10,087 Feb. 14, Mclntyre, J. M. 4.00 10,111 Feb. 14. Ray. James A. 4.oo 10.359 Feb. 14. Bade. A. F 8.O0 10.419 Feb. 14. VYamock. F. K 8.00 10.421 Feb. 14. Christy. C B. 2.00 10.432 Feb. 14, Smith. J. C. i 2.00 10,478 Feb. 14, Smith. L. L. 4.00 10.683 Mar. 1. Holland. J. W. 2.00 10.705 J!ar. 1, White. W. C 1..00 10.882 Mar. 20. Mack. W. S 2.00 11.004 Mar. 20, Stewart. Robert 1.00 11.021 Mar. 20. Landers. Chas. 2.00 11,039 Mar. 20. Nelson. James 2.00 1900. 11.042 Mar. 20. Terry. J. T 2.00 11.149 Mar. 29, McGee, O. T 2.00 12.008 Apr. 10, Baughman. H. D. .... 2.W 12.034 Apr. 10, Skeiton. L. J 2.00 12.278 Apr. 10. Raw-eon. C. T. 2.00 12,421 Apr. 18. Hinchle, Sadie 2.00 12.478 Apr. 18. Phillips. Willis 2.U0 12.911 Apr. 24. Hammett. Ralph .... 2.00 32.640 Apr. 24. Wallls. G. E 8.00 13,006 May 1. Delaney, S 2.00 13.009 May 1. Deianey. 8 2 00 13.037 May 4, Grant, Glenn 2.00 13.038 May 4. Guerin, George 2.00 13.135 May 4, Harris, Mrs. Laura ... 2.00 13,142 May 4. James. Arthur L .... Z.u, 13.337 May 9, Abernathy, Edwin ... 4. OO 13.341 May 9, Wumingham, James . 2.00 13.343 May 9. Van Pelt, Samuel 2.00 13.344 May 9, Miller, James L. 4.00 13.345 May "9, Moore. Ernest 2. 00 , 13.407 May 9, Baldwin, Geo. W 2.00 13.416 May 9. Nash. Roderick N. ... 2.00 13,556 May IS, Thompson. E. F 8.00 13.5t0 May 18, Colenbaugh. A. B. ... 14.00 13.628 May 18. Elmer. Lot 2.O0 13.6S1 May 20. Sanders. R. M. 6.ou 13.733 May 20. Peters. A. S 2.00 14.002 June 1, MacAulay. John . 4.00 14.250 June 12. Waldron. R. A 14.00 14.319 June 12, Klrkham, C. E. 2.00 14.595 June 28. Stnrglll. J. M 2.00 14.637 June 28, Shrum, George 2.O0 13.648 July 14. Westfall. Albert -. 10.00 15.674 July 14. Smith. R F 6.CO 15.713 July 14. Daniel W. H 2.00 15.740 July 14. Jones. Floyd T 2.00 15,923 July 24. Dalrymple. John 2.00 16,025 Aug. 2. Swcatlngen, Perry.... 2. 00 16,161 Aug. 2. McGInniss. T. J 6.00 16.3SS Aug. 23. Llmpach. W 2.00 16.403 Aug. 23. Woodland, T. G 14.00 16,448 Aug. 23, Johnson. James...... 4.00 i.8i sept e, Hortt, Charles 14.00 ' 16,679 Sept. 6. Dyer. A, F 2.00 16.857 Sept. 25. McCubbin W. T. . . . . 4.00 16.S5U Sept 23. Adams, Warren 2.00 10.865 Sept. 25. Fosleen, John 4.00 IB.9S5 Sept. 25. New. R. T 10.O0 17.000 Sept. 25. Davis. Ed 2.00 17.011 Sept-25. Summers, W. E 2.0O 17.019 Sept- 25. Moore, VV". A. 4.00 17.772 Oct. 9, SturclU, Steven D 2.00 17.S02 Oct, 9. Towne. George 2.00 1T.S20 Oct. 9. Burilngham, ,1. M 2.00 18.562 Nov. 22. Mathias. Fred 4.00 18,923 Dec. 7. Hunt, J. B. 2.0 IS, 927 Dec 7, Woodward, Chauncey.. 2.00 uec. l'J, overly, w. H- 2.00 19.137 Dec 19. Gl Christ, J. L. 4.00 1901 276 Feb. 13, Ward, Oliver 2.0fi 16.1 Feb. 13, Calvin. J. w. 8.00 710 Feb. 2. Brasfleld. A. T 4.00 712 Feb. 28. Alexander. E 2.00 772 Feb. 26. Epps, Otto 6 00 824 Feb. 26, Hardie. Georgo 2.00 b63 Feb. 26. Adams. J. W 2.00 903 Feb. 1M. Savage, W. J . 2.00 1.366 Mar. 12, Currier, W. A 2.00 1.408 Mar. 12. Bullis. C. H 2.00 1.433 Mar. 12. Wales. A. A 4.00 1.706 Mar. 16. Leonard, C. H 2.00 1,755 Mar. 16, Backman, Al 4.00 1.774 Mar. 16. Johnson. E, E. 2.00 1.814 Mar. 16. Stone. Walter 2.00 1.912 Mar. 22, Collins. Archie F.... 2.00 1.917 Mar. 22. Fleming. C, H 8.00 1,931 Mar. 22. Crory. F. M 2.00 1.963 Mar. 22, Sheldon. E. P.... 4.00 1,'JSS Mar. 22. Harris, H. H 2.00 2.014 Mar. 22. Lent, J. E 2.00 z.ois Mar. 22. Loft us. Tab.., 2.00 2.019 Mar. 22, Roberts. L. V 16.00 2,033 Mar. 22. Austin, L. M. 2.00 2.104 Mar. 22. Kimsey. J. E- 4.00 ' 2.105 Mar. 22. Belsa. Julius 2.V0 2.139 Mar. 22, Kirby, L. R. 2.00 2,207 Mar. 27, Hood. F. C 2.00 2.248 Mar. 27, Morgan, Marian . . 12.00 . , . 1 alar. 27. jMreen, Wm. ......... 14. 00 2.2S2 Mar. 27. Cornett. R. C. 22.00 2.284 Mar. 27. Allen. Richard 2.00 2.3.10 Mar. 27. Bolson. Henry 6.00 z.sod alar, l'i, cnapin. Anna B 2.00 2.30O Mar. 21. Chapin. George W.... 2.00 2.402 Mar. 27, Harrin, John W 6.00 S.4C9 May 3, Von Blaricon, M. 2.00 3.472 May 3. Fraser. Clyde 2.00 3.482 May 3, McKinney, Wm. ...... 6.0O 3,486 MayS. Hannah, J. C 2.H 3.494 Mav 3, Blower. Joe 2.00 3,408 May 3. Overton, Dell 2.00 3.521 May 3, Lindsey, Alex 2.00 3.578 May 3, Steen, Joseph 2.00 3.5S3 May 3. Morgan, Seth 2.00 8.8S4 May 20, Blackwell. John L. ... 44.00 3.8S6 May 20, Caetleman, Rufus.... 2.00 3,901 May 20. McCormick, L 2.00 4.733 June 7, Rice. A. C 2.00 6.02S July 11. Belshaw, Grant 2.00 6.591 Aug. 12, Lofftus. J. w 4.00 7.117 Sept. 10, Wade, Samuel. 6.00 7.118 Sept. 10, Wade, Sam. ..... 6.00 8,296 Oct. 30, Flood, S. H 8.00 S..102 Oct- 30, Cglesby. Charles 2.00 8.864 Dec. 10, Meyer, I. B 14.00 8.865 Dec lO.Tobey. Frank L. 4.00 8,86ii Dec. 10. Cohoe, George....... 6.00 1902 10,022 Jan. 23, Dean. B 4.00 10,024 Jan. 23. Wilson, Louis u.uo 11,503 April 26, King, D. P ' 2.0O 11.304 April 26. Heuey. Henry 0.00 April 26. Drewett, A. H 10.00 11.509 April 26, Thomas. H. M 10.00 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the State of Oregon to be hereto affixed, ihis eu oay pi ocwuer, iwio. BEN W. OLCOTT. Secretary of State. COUNTY WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that Mu'.momah County warrants, classes "G and 'H," the same having been drawn upon the road fund and that . were pr -vented and indorsed "Not paid ior want 01 tunas, irom uctooer o. t)l5, to October 21, 1915. both dates inclusive, will, if properly Indorsed, be Dald on ore- sentation at the office of the County Treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after tne oate or this notice. Portland, Oregon. October 25, 1913. JOMN M. LEWIS. County Treasurer. A SPECIAL meeting of the members of vie rJeaver state uercnants Mutual J ire In surance Ass'n will be held in Its i.flce. bl8 Worcester building. Portland. Oregon. November 3, at 6:00 P. M-, for the purpose 01 e.ecting oirectors ana amending by laws. BEAVER STATE MERCHANTS MUTUAL r utE i.NaLitA.M.ii AosuciAiio.y BY J. C. MANN. Pres. SEALED BIDS will be received at the omce of Clerk of School District No. 137. Marlon County, Oregon, until the hour of 2 P. M., Tuesday. November 2, 1915, for tne sate or scnooi oonas to tne amount nr $1500. Tha School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids must be accompanied by certified cneca ior aiuu. jartb. rAI ft A z , Clerk, October 23, 1913. St. Paul, Or. MAX SALEK having disposed of his whole business at N. E. corner of Yamhill and 4th ats. all persons havins- claims aralnat said Max Salen . are hereby required to present same to Bernsten St Cohen. 36 Chamber of Commerce, within five days from tne date hereof. Portland, Or.. Oct, 23. 1913. TO BE sold to highest bidder, stock and fix tures or )oston Jlyvienlo Corset Co., at 408 Morrison street, today, at 10 A. M. BARGES tor rent, 400 tons capacity. Main 110 FINANCIAL. FOR SALE: Three $1000 bonds of the Portland Realty Association; must be sold to settle estate. Make me an offer. Address P. J. Walsh. Shaniko, Or. WE BUY mortgage bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 60 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noole. Lumbermen's bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Kob ertson & Ewlng. 2Q7-8 N. W. Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewis St Co. 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Iteal Estata. MONEY loaned, city and farm lands. 633 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. $6500 TO LOAN at 7 per cent on good se curity, a aV- (60O0 OR any part. 7 per cent, improved property. X 953. Oregonian. $1000 UP to $5000 to loan on real estate. 1 OL'Ul I FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS." A. H. HARDING. 313 CHAM. OF COmT $120O TO LOAN on real estate. Call 513 Piatt bullaing for particulars. $5o0 TO LOAN on real estate. Cail for nr! ticulars at 512 Piatt building. I MAKE loans from 20O to $500 on real estate security. Submit your property ia me at 012 Piatt builcUng. " "Party to FIN'ANC IAL. Money to Loan ma Kfa Estate. PORTLAND TRUST & SAVINGS BANE. MORTGAGE LOAN a 5t."Pt service. Reasonable terms. JH3RTLAN-D TRUST ai SAVINGS BANK. Sixth and Morrison sta. MONEY LOANED, improved business property. to per cent. percent4 re'idance property. to 1 Improved farm property, 7 to $ par cut. WHITMER-K.ELLT CO. 111 Plttock Block. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closs4 Attractive repayment privilege. ... A. H. B1KRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE roi BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS . NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. 202 STEVENS "5LDO. HA K some priva'e money listed that de sires first mur;aK(J on close-in city resi dence and income propertv. Financial dept.. The Oregon Home Builders, 133 N. W. Bank bids. - GOOD lupn; of money to loan on Im- f roved Portland realty at 6 to 7 per cent arm Inans 7 and s per cent MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 2d St.. near stark. TO LOAN $400,000 OR LESS. FARR1NGTON. 80 4TH ST.. BOARD OF TRADE BLIO. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT! OREGON INV at MORTGAGE CO.. IXC, Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Ya MIL, r IL.LDS at HON EY MAN MORTGAGE CO. OUR OWN FUNDS 1025-1029 YEON BLDO. $2UO.OOO TO LOAN in sums 10 suit; bulld ViS Umn,: lowe" rates. W. G. Beck. 314 315 Failing bldg $1000.000 AT T PER CENT on choice Oregon i?.r-2clty Property; fire insurance. M KENZIE CO.. 015 Gorllnger bids-. 39 TO 8 on city and farm property. Mort gages and contracts purchased. R. H. Blossom. 1125 Northwestern Bk. bldg. $000. $1000 and upwards on improved real -estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Properties handled for non-residents. Coe A- McKanna 4k Co- 27Chamber of Commerce bldg. $100,000 TO loan at 6. 7 and 8 per cent. from $500 up. OODDARD & WIBDRICK. 43Stark St. SEE us today for loans on Improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent; $200 and un. ' Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. . MONEY Any amuunt, 6 to S per cent. V H. Seitz, 310 Spalding. Main 6584. $2i-o. $.!50. iiilO. $!100. $1200. $lsuo. Fred W. -German Co.. 73J chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. G AND 7 PER-CENT . LOUIS SALOMON.; CO., 300 OAK ST. $50o UP: 7 and 8 per cent, no commission. - $7300 OR LESS, improve.! farm or city croo- ' erty. E 166. Oregonian. LOOK NOW H. L. Murton haa money to loan. 267 ft Oak su Muln 1743. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS '' ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail jew- , elry stores in the city; loan department is conducted in connection with same, making ouslnesa STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL; absolutely no sign designating loan business disp.ayed In front of our store; all merchandise pledged is held for period of 12 months, whether or not Interest is paid when due; we are licensed and have been established since JSS9; no connection . with any other loan establishment in this city. t A. M. DEI. OV AGE, JEWELERS, - 324 Washington St. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. QUICK. SERVICE. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAIa, i TOD CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. i STATE SECURITY CO LICENSED. - 108 FAILING BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. at legal ratea on Diamonds. Autos. Pianos. Furniture, Livestock or " Motorcyclea Pay back at $5 per month or mora. 1 Interest 3 per cent. OFFICE ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE. PORTLAND LOAN CO., LICENSED. ' 3311 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. MONEY AT ONCE. LEGAL RA'iE OF INTEREST Diamonds, Jewelry. Musical Instruments. All Pledges Held One Year. Separate Department for Ladlea, ELBY COMPANY (Licensed). 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and stark sta MONEY to loan ou diamonds and jewelry at legal rates; all articles held one year; esatbllshcd since 1S8S. Dan Mark, 74 3d. LOWEST rates on furniture and household goods. Geo. Harvey. East 1172. Loans IVaoted. WILL pay 8 per cent for small loans in multiples of $100 or of $500, Interest semi annually, guaranteed by first mortgages on farms. J. H. Hartog. 269 Stark, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON WANTED To borrow $500 from private party; first mortgage. Will pay 10 per cent. S 182, Oregonian. WANTED $3000 on $7500 Income property. 8 per cent, no brokerage. R ISO, Orego nian. WANTED $1000. 7 per cent. 1st mortgage: ood security; no agents. Pbona Main 5251. WANT $1700 and $1900 at 8 per cent; good residence loans; no com. Curtis. 207 Oak st. WANTED Loan of $S500, 3 years, at C per cent; Inside property, worth $25,000. -V 177. Oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy switch. 3 Sep. ........ .$LS5 24-lnch wavy switch. 3 Sep......... 1.00 All-around transformation ......... 1.4 Hairdresslng, shampoo, faco massage, hair bobbin, manicuring. 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle; switch made of combings, 95c We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum biug., 3d and Washington. Marshall 1702. ORIENTAL massage, cure for rheumatism, iumbatfo and nervousness; perfect health and circulation, bath; volcano, mountain flower or sulphur, good for all sorts of , diseases anu sulleriiig from old bruises. ' U. L Ehara. 22 h North Third St., cor. Burnsiae, furtlanu. Or. Phone A 2S54. FEBVET St HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers- finest stock aumao hair gootia, switches from 85c , up; nairdressir.g. manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combings made up to or der. 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. Main 546. LOUISE NETZEL. trained nurse and mas seuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc; tub baths, mas- sage and electric blankets, lady assist ant. 254 llth St. Marshall SU33. On en Sundays. WHEREABOUTS, dead or alive, wanted by daughter of C. L. Friable. Mrs. L. L. Evans. Tacoma. Wash. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her temple open dally. 375 Taylor at. ELECTRIC VIBRATOR for rheumatism, lumbago, nervousness and scalp treat ments. Main e359. sriRiTL'ALISM Kev. May A. Price; Circle Tuesday 2; Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. ; read lnga dally. 603 5th at. Marshall 3960. MADAME FONEDA. teBCher of palmistry. Hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Office. 395 Yamhill L, cor. loth. NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseuse. electric blanket treatment; hours 12 A. M,. 8 P. M. 2uaVj 3d st.. rooms 2 and 3. AS-CAP-SO promptly relievea headache, neu- raigia and la grippe. For saUa by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. . UMBRELLAS, all colors and styles; largest stock; re-covering: new handles put on. Meredith's, 329 Washington su ROZENA TAYLOR. D. A, T. Thereapeutic, magnetic massage. Room 310 Royal Annex, GRADUATE masseuse: treatment Cally and : Sundays. 170 2d su. 4th floor, apt. V. DK. ETHEL A. SACRY. painless chiropodlsu Room 307. OS Grand ave. East 4785. MADAME MUNZELLA. instructor in palm istry and card reading. 422 1 Morrison. USE I'.asseu'a Naliv Herbs fo. rneua.atisrn. OO tablets for 2Ec. All -rurgists. ' MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. Main 373. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Royal Tonic ' Tablet. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2393. MAY IRWIN, electric treatmenu room 233, 350H Morrison atrocu LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. : 235 6th SU Phone Main 7348. FUR SHOP New orders, remodeling, trim ming. 605 Swetiand bldg. MANICURING and electrical treatmenu liu garet Johnson. 19 Lafayette bldg. 1915 7-PASSENGER Main 8910. $2 per hour. GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo, face mis. sage, nc iu Rotnenua. 2V4.Wasb. su t MADAME NONA, teacher of palmistry and HAViifv.JOU seen Octavius? Ask . your friends; ask your neighbors. lISjQS