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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1915)
TIIIS MORNING OREG ONI AN. SATURDAY. JULY SI, 1915. 13 PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS AND TITIJOS, PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. . Pacific Title & Trust Co.. 7 Ch. of Com. ACCORDION- rUAIIXG. PieatlnK hemstitching, picottlng. braiding. e-astern Novelty Co.. Sr. u. 3th. Bdw'y 2000. K. 6TEPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, aide pleat, buttons covered, goods gDOnged; mall orders. at3 Alder. M u73. ASSAyEKS AXU AXAHbTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, J-aiilj 2d. Uold", silver and platinum bought. ATTORN E V S-A T- L A VV. J. S. NELSON. LAWYER, 613 PITTOCK . BLK. CONSULTATION FREE. BD y 5175. XARjA-jtJKs. FLUFF BUGS RAG RUGS. ' New ruts trom old Ingrain. Brussels. Smyrna, Aiminsier carpets: carpet clean. Ins, refitting, resiling; country orders prompt attention. Send for booklet. West ern Fluff Rug Co., S4-S8 Union ave. North. JPhone Fast 6516, B 178. KORTHWEST RCG c6T-Rugs from old'ear' pets, rag rugs. 188 E. 8th. Both phones. CELI.LXOIli BUTTON'S, BADGES. THE IRWIn'hODSO.v'cOMPAST, 837 Washington st. Main 312 and A 1254. cinito romsTS. iwilllam. Estelle and William, Jr.. Doveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city, Varlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. CHIROPODY and pedicuring; Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Fliedner bldg. Main 8473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. XjR. POL'LSON, specialist In paralysis, nerv. ous, chronic diseases, 350 PHtoelt block. Broadway 262. tR. M'MAHON, sixth year, taking time. 31 treatments, Chronic cases S15. 121 4th st. CLEANING ANU PRESSING. IjRESS SUITS for rent. We presa one suit each week for 81.50 a month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. 809 Stark st.. bet. Sth and 6th. Main 814. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 4 2 a Henry Bldg. Phone Marshall 430. KETH CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17!- No coltection. no charge. Established l'oo. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, S5H Gth st., bet. Stark and Oak; sp'l Bummer rates. 6 private lessons, $2; morning, afternoon, evening, all latest dances guaranteed. Class Thurs., Sat. evenings, 7-8:30. Children's elassea Sat.. 1 to 8, 25c. Broadway 2160. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOlTT'iessoni dally; all dancea guaranteed. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Com. today. M. 018. WHOLESALE AND AUTO AND Bl'tidV TOPS. PTJBRUILUE BUGGY TUP CO., 200 8d St. BAGGAXiE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. BREAD UAIvLKV. ' ' ' Royal Bakery & Cunf., Inc.. 11th & ETcrett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHARD, 13th and BurnBlde. DRY UOOItN, NOTIONS, FURNISHINGS. FLEISCHNER. MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Etutvbs Electrical Co., 6th and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCIL4NT8. Albera Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOl'SEH, Board of Trade Bldg. i. roVerIes. WADHAM9 & CO., 67-75 Fourth it. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO., 5-1-55 Front at. . , HIDES. WOOL, CASCARABARK. KAHS BHOS.. 11 Front at, HOP 'MERCHANTS. " M'NEFP BROS., 014 WORCESTER BLDG Main 881. Phones. A 1178. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. FOUNDRY. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARB) HELD AT THI3 OF fMCJlx,OB x THB FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE GRE GON1 AN : A BBS. B 162, 595, 801, 943, 044, 963, 964. 86'J. S70. 994. C-913, 929. 955, 960. 661, 965, 970. I 840. 938, 657, U59, 900, 962. 8t. 952, P58. F 95T, 9n, 960, 961, 964, 969. G b21, 943. JI 820, (140, 958, 957, 961, 963, 963, B6T. 970, $72. J 821, 824. SIS. 897, 940, 941. 961, 967 K BOB, UB3, 60. L 042, 944, 905. 9B9 970. M-eil. Ooi, U00, 967. X 930. 87H, 936, 940. 953. 954. P 955, 9-'7. 92, 9il5, 909, 970. It 917, 941, 944, 956. 963, 964, 967. 968, 971, 972, 973. 976. SOS, '.i3, 922, 919, 039, 958, 960. 963, OSB. 9ri8 973 TUUO, ec'l, 962, 973, 974, 975. V B40, 9B2. 963, 964. 90G, 967. W !)b0. 7. XB37. 0:W. 951, 956. 857. 960. 872. XX997. i 944, 947. 904, 666. AB 937, U47. BE3. 965 969. 970. AC 945, 952, 955, 950, b57, 958, 883, 872, 975. AD 441, 942, 944, 955, 861. 968, 868. AE 947, 950, 957, B74. A-F 904. 941, 942, 948. 934. 955. 950, 957. 958, 960. AG 944, B4, 949, 9S4, 956, 059, 960, B63, 968. AH 941, 942, 940, 856. 959, 862, 963. 966, 968, 974, 975. A.J BSC, 959, 95, 868. 670, 976. AK 940. 946, 948. 952. 962. AL .944, 9"51, 955. 95!). AMiWS. 947, 953, B2. AN'-B54. 968, 861. 97. AO 95fi, 957. 960. 961, 864, 967. 968, 970, 972. 973. 974. AP 841. 851. 953, 854, 889. 62, v69. V75. 976. AR 491, 953, 955, 864. I5C 048. 162, 9!o. BD 694, 033. 943, 954, 9S7, 860, 94, U67, 969, 970. BE 941, 952, 957, 860, 963, 966, 868. If above answers are not called tor within tlx days, "ftme will be destroyed. Phone Tour Want Ads to THE OREGON LAN. Main 7070. A 6083. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 674 BRLMOM' ST. Phone. East 1423, B 2515. Opes Day and NTttht. Tieport all cases o cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for tick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring a pet may communicate witn us. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today, ClOf LARGE LOANS ON f(yf t lO BUSIN ESS PROPERTIES D JO A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-21U Northwestern Bank Bulldine. Marshall 4114, A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS NEW TODAY. 6 ON IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTIES Kesldence Loarts 6 and 7 Per Cent. Ac cording to Location. Plenty of Money. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-S N'ortbveatern Bank: Bids;. Wht WILL BUILD AND FINANCB HOMES Flat, and Apartment! In any part of tb city costing from OOAft n C20 000- tiav. -"fi. ments like rentl jSaaicssjan'Si. Call and sea us. F. IS. BOWMAN sr CO Room 1. Commercial Club BulIdlnK. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Owa Money at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. FA KM AN D CITY LOANS. SO Fourth St Board of Trad Bids, DETECTIVE AGENCIES. PINKERTON & CO.. U.S.DETECTIVii AGCY. Established over 30 years. . SCIENTIFIC DETECT1VU WORK. Investigations and reports mad. on Indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Suite t8o yittock block. Phone .Broadway tiia. EYE. EAR. .NOSE AMI THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. F. K. Cagseday. 047 Dlcum bids., 3d & Vn. HAT CLEANING AND BLOCKING. PANAMAS blocked and bleached T3e; straws & fells oOc. Kaufman's. 4--S!i 3d. nr. Stark. INSURANCE. DAVID M. DUNNE, gen'l insurance; fire. marine, auto. 03 tt and 53S Cham, of Com ME3SENGERr"s.ERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycle, and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2153. MUSICAL. Emil Thleihorn, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledn e r bldg. A 4160, Marshall 162U. . OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIAN a. 0"0 A fight on high prices. Why pay 35 to .10 for glasses when I can fit your eyes with first - quality lenses, gold-filled frames as low si 11.50 7 C. W. Goodman, 2uU Morrison. Mall orders prompt ly filled. Writ, for particulars. Main PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice U. S., and foreign patents. tJOl Dekum bldg. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 84th and York sts. Main iJ. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS "PICK THE BEST" Household Good. Specialists. Storage, Packing, ship ping and Moving. Horse or Auto V ans. Spxcial freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STuRA'lB CO., 2d Pine tits., Broaaway 6Uo, A luna. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GIUu St., corner 13th. Telephone Main b9 or A 110'J. "We own and operate two larg. class "A" warehouse, ana terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In city. MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. STORAGE. Reduced freight rates to all points. MANNING Warehouse A Transfer Co.. Main 7u3. Dth and Hoyt. .A " 214. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main "Wl. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 13. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. c. Keane, pres., 1S18 liar. ket st., Han Franelaco. WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood. blockwood. Pan. ama Fuel Co., Main 5720. A ZH'JO. MANUFACTURERS LEATHER AND SHOK TRADE hUPI'MES. CHAS. L. MASTICK. & CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description; taps, mfg. findings. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., 83 5lh St. MI I. LINE By! ' BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d A Columbia. TAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. p. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davis. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN CO.. 2d and Taylor streets. I'IPE, PIPE FITTINGS AVI) VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-811 Front at. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES, M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. KW.BALTES A CO.. 1st and Oak eta. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEHD1.NO & FARRELL. 140 Front. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. VT. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. WALL PAPER. MORGAN' WALL PAPER CO 30 2d It. NEW TODAY. STOP AT Newly re furnished, papered tU and Aide ana reno vated enlarged lobby all modern con veniences. Rooms, with Drivata bath. II per day up; without, 75c up. Because the rates are low, don't think the serv ice is poor. Special rates by week: or month. Several rooms with -wall beds, making them practically suites. LWLtOODBf ! MARTHUFSTFRM HAMrf Run T- 1 rsif- f03 fio a. v oa AAUf M O RTGAG &LUTUVO On Cltr and Farm Propertlee !n Any Amount at Current Uatea EAKTHAH-TBOICrgOir, Baakwa Comer Fourth and btaric btxoeta. REAL ESTATE DFtlltBS PALMER-JONES CO, H. P 404-408-404 rw tii;ua U1U BENEDICT BROS.. 30 Hawthorne ave. REAL ESTATK. for Bale Lots. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, two lota, fiuxl02 vauu. locatea ou CBBl nan st. ana bteeie ave., near Reed Institute, must be sold to settle an estate; no reasonable offer re fused. Address E. E. Boarus.ey. 1057 SBin DO you want a lot for home building pur poaes7 We will locate you. build the home and carry you on monthly terms. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 is', w DO you want choice lot. Alameda Park 7 Will sell my choice view lot (no agents), block front car, for much leas than autual value, w 94.Oregonlan. PDRTI.A Ml IIVrilUTJ PV. T-c r. " Have severa. downright sacrifices. Doth -" .wm .u 1 1 j uat a , iimae an otter. Marshall 4817. BROOKS. A S3 5x100 ON 2th t.; hard-surfaced nts, iew- c Biuewams in. llloo. East ;'J5 For bal .ilonaefl. . ,?CEW XRVINGTON HOME. COxlOO lot On the Gnrn.r fnn. largo llvinc-room and dining-room com plete kitchen, extra good furnace, hardwou Iloors up and down atairs. Ivory enamel finish in living-room, dining-room and hall, and white enamel finish in bedrooms and kitchen; cement garage, 1x20: if you want a complete house, see thi. one; will ma v 1 - ana terms rignt. HOLMES JO MKVM'KB 209 Ry. Exchange bldg. Phone jlaln 500S. THAT VACANT TOT WHT NOT TURN A BI.BDEV IVTd INCOME7 WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RES1- UK AN I THING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPO.NKIKLE: WK livillir HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L R. BAILEY k. CO., CONTRACTING ARC111- 1 t,i.i a. S2 AxilN UTU. BLDG. 1RV1NGTON HOME HACRIFICE GOING EAST. Business takes me away next week; will refuse no reasonable offer on my new home. 0 rooms, bath, maid's room and sleeping porch; small amount down and reasonable monthly, payments; fireplaces upstairs and downstairs; elegant lawn aim lowers. K.ast T101. TALK to us about the financing the build ins: Of a home for VOU on nmnrhlv ....... . We are the largest home builders in the city and can give you some valuable In- iiiiinauon. j n uregon Home Builders, iiow a. xaii rv v in . WILL el! for nothing- down apd $L'0 per month house chat cost to build sifiao Bnrt on two lots. tch lUOxaO; total cost was a-ocateti near uoniaviiia. Will sell vii mua rnay utrmi tor f2U, H. ,xiiey wmpny, Aoinstoa oiag. .ROOr haviA. lot Sflwl t Kitr- ... Sell tioO down, balanaa $10 psr mo,p r rLiiiiiiBo iir xjo Anseiea property or Portland acreage. oun. 4t Uiile, $5K CASH for equity of JS.V in 6-room modern bungalow, balance $12.V) at flo pvr in u ti in, o iici ieui i ri irrvti, nee OWnCri t)4UH 4Jtn ave. a. c. Arcner atation. FOR SALE 7 -room house. Lldri'i .dHftlr.n $-,."S0O, $lf00 cash, balance terms. Call fiast 1U!H. FOR HALE New, modern I-etorv tutie& low in Irvine;ton; complete in ever aeriaii; price rnon, 4id. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, hardwood floor furnace, fireplace; J1M. Owner 1067 ncnuyier, xaoor pvv. 6-ROOM bungalow. Inquire of owner at H7 Setr. in. jsroaaway tiv. SEAL ESTATE. -Houses. NEW, modern home, for sale or r-ent. In Irvlngton and Laurelhrusc East 122. Suburban Homo Property. AN Ideal home. 23 min. from town, modern bungalow; full basement, fireplace, fur nace, large porches, flowers, fruit trees, lawns, nice chicken park, 2-s lots cheap; price J320O. terms. HMO Fowler ave. Phone Columbia 4T9. Frank M. Ward, owner. FINEST 2l-acre suburban home, adjoining Portland, on section line road, good build ings. Bull Run water, 6 acre, all kinds fruit and berries, fin. lawn, shrubbery, etc Sei! all or part. Kaat. liroe., of. Henry bldg. GIBSON HALF ACHES. Good soil, good water, close to cariine; ay terms; will build to ault purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or fceilwood 47, - JO HN GIBSON. OW.NKK. For friale Acrrar CHICKLN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. near t-ortiana, uresnain oifltrlct: near electric station; 'b to $-u0 per acre; evs terms; best soil, free wood. Farms for sale, all alEea. FRANK MFA RLAND HEALT.' CO., 80ft Yeoa Bldg., Portland, Or. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUT: 13 acres, near Or.nco; beat biaclc loam soli, all cultivated; f Zlh per acre; wlU di vide and give easy term. If desired. 8. Mr. Handy, owner, 305 Stock Exchange bids. Marshall 205. FOR SALE 74 acre.: 17 Improved; rua- ning water; huo coraa rirst-oiass wood ; would consider part trade; close In; would sacrifice for cash. Inquli. ZOii rs Larabee. corner Halsey. IJ.50 PER acre. . 1UI acres In Yamhill county; creeK tnrougn .very so; a fin. .tock or .ub-dlvlslon proposiuoa; two ! old bldgs. Loren Seward, Vancouver. Wasn. 4 ACREd on Oregon City cariine. r.ear tosrtney &ia; gooa nouse. Darn, rruit tree, and running water; easy terms Emit Tucholke. Sumner. Iowa. Box Ua. ONE or two acres, Willamette River front age, near Klsley station, $16.'o an acre. ala acreage overlooking the river. It. o. Starkweather. RLsiey station. 4(0 FOR 10 acres, closo to section line roaj. 7 miles rrom courtnouse. owner. 131 N. 12nh St.. cliy. TO 40 acres, well watered by running atreame, choice garden land no agents. CJTS, Oregonian. BEAV'TIKUL 2-acre tract. 5-oent far.; make oner. Hox 12. Lent. P.O. Homeatrsdi. HollKSTEAU relinquishment, Clatsop Countv, some improvements; will .fll cheap; write for particulars. M. AnscMu, Ham:et. Or, HOMESTEADS and reilixjulslimet ts, Ore gon, w anningfii, laho and Montana. Western 1icalori Ch.m. of Com. VvNTfclU Homestead re!lnqul-hmcnt. esiern urrgon. a r u.', ure.udian. Vi'ANTED H bines tead rtUnq uiB.iment, weatern ureeon. A F uJ. OrKonlan. WANTED Home. Leal relinquishment. w eatern urfgon. A e M I. ureRonlan. "ANTED Hjm-ftt-ad relinquishment, Wentern Oregon. K mil, Oregonian. WANTED Homestead relinquishment. For Sale -Fariiaa. FOR SALE liest stork ranch In the foot hills: 33 miles from Portland, 8 mil, from R. R. station: 10 ares. best of .oil, no rocks, with thousands of acre! of out range, 14 acres cultivated, 16 acres more easily cleared. 4 aurres orchard; partly In bearing, cream route, fjh pond stocked with 12.000 trout on place; eight-room houso with hot and cold water supplied by unfniilnsr springs. Furniture, barn,, workshop with carpentes and plumber's tools, on. wagon, two hack., machin. ry and farming tools, two horses and cjlt, 40 stand, bers, one-half Interest in 40 head of cattle; hay in barn, rtne acre potatoes; price M-OO, some terms If wanted. For Information applv to W. W. Hagemann, R. F. D. No. 2, Oregon ( lty, Oregon. FOR BALE CowIltS County stump lands. 5m per acre up; gooa eon, wen waterea. . R. Sharp. 430 Pllioc-t blork. Portland. WAMKIV REAL BSTATFI. UEdlDENClS 1XT and 2i payments ar.ted in exchange for swell 5-room bungalow. Owner and builder. 1020 Yeon bldjf. W1UL buy Vi or full lot east of l?th st.. not more than 4 blocks louth of Washing ton, P. O.xHox 253, Portland. HOUSE wanted. $8000 to I .000, x will ex change tots for It. fdain lib. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM for rent ; crop, chickens and Imple ments zor laie. write to u. J-l. ivacster, Route 1, Lents, Or. FOB SALE TIMBE8 LAXD3. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT ANU ISOLD. C. J. MeCRAKEN. 304 M'KAT BLDG. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WANT small farm and Income, seashore preferred, lor dairy proposition, Adtlresa av r. uregoman WE handle good property anywhere la ex- ' . am . . uve avs. WWW ., t- J UIUB, TO EXCHANGK--KAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. My 13000 equity la J 4 2 -acre ranch, H mils S. W. Uil.ard. Or.; no acres fine bottom land, lot, cultivation : 1 horse. 2 mares, 2 colts, 1 cow and calf. 4 sows with pig. culclcen. flue collie dog. wagon, harness. mowing machine, rake, lots of tools, hay, grain; fine water, good orchard ; place mostly fenced; good trade for house and lot in Portland or small I arm near Portland. Answer quick big sacrifice. Here only few days, b. L. THOMPSON, Diilard. Or. FIVE STOItES with flats modern bulldine an renteu, net income today over I luO month, 2vJ ft, street frontage, on canine (Includes 'Z corners); will sell or trade for eioee-in ,asi blue vacant corner or r .at bid -r. Htaney fa. Thompson Co., Ownrs, rtuinrniiii hiug. a. ii'J, EXCHANGE or will sell ranch In Hood rviver uoumy, en acres, j acres in youns trees, so acres eaaily cleared ; horses, cows, chickens and hoes, also wagons anil all kinds of farming Implements; will soil or exchange for residence properly In rwnanii. a v 14 1, fjrtsgonian. IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTY rUK KACii ANGti WE CAN MATCH YOU VfJ liUN'T HANDLE JINK PROPERTY. AYERS KMiTH 'C. B01 NORTH WEdT li LDG. MAIN 7264. MODEHN S -room bunxaluw, bft th, toilet, electricity, lot Zogluu. Marshfleid. or , rented $11 per month; will or trade i'ertiana property aiue fiuou. K 6. Oregontan. id ACRES on L'mnoua River. rlo to nurg, i acra in -ywar-oui commercial orchard, pears and apples; has had butt of care. What have uu to eachangst AO n 1 1, uregonian. WILL exchange two beautiful lota, value a ivjw eacn, ana equity in 1 -ruom uuis tor acreage; win assume If necessary. AK oregonian. WILL trade my 5-room bungalow and a iota, ait. acutt aistrici, against roraoa, Hawthorne Fuel Co., E. Uth and Haw thorne. 1'liont East 3l". WHAT have you, and mhat do you want la excitant r bee tne hirhani 1 depart ment, the Oregon Hume iiuiMcra, and get quictr. action. pi. . hbuk Mdjc. THE Exchange Department of the Oregon ii'imo jiunuera can put over tne deal you wish. Call and talk It over. J.iau X. w. Mantt mug. HOTEL for sale or trade: u ill take rood auto tor iirm payment- Alto piano (or sain or irauo. i an m St. ACREAGE near IMtwauKie. on ear for mod ern nome, values let-s tnan smjoo will not iiernna:ierei. a K. vuj. urernnlan. S-ROOM residence, ." suburban lots, and 7-pasngcr car In Portland for farm or timber. Loren Sew a fd, Vanco uver, Wash. w a.n-i t.u Kirst mortraee on Portland or farm property for equity In 70j0 irvingTon aisL name, ap oregonian. 40 ACRES Yamhill County land for automo- Dlie or auto truck, wm. Oelnch. Orenco, Oregon. EQUITY in beautiful bungalow for farm. Last 37 7 u. No agents. FOB SALE. Iunc, Vehlclee, Harneaa. Ele. SPORTIEST and handsomest outfit In the West; must be oid at once, es than haif price; r-year-old chejitnut mare. 180 los . lady broke, ride or drive, new harness and new orr nuggy, sen separate or to getner. nno etn at. CHEAP trnm. mare and horae. a v o and It), weight 24iH; sound, good fieili, true workers, ing.e or double, bargain, $ ; Oregon CMty ear to Arlington station, come up to wagon nr. age. cross, turn to left. .rsi nouse. A FIRST-CLASS ara, weight 30r lbs. one -year-oid mare weighing l.r0 lbs. one farm horse weighing l-"'0 l(s. : on' delivery horse weighing 1000 lbs. ; Jtusseu m. CAPITAL STABLES. 287 FRONT PT. Just received. 10 head horses and mares, well matched; It will pay you to come ana see mem. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.15. I. Cohen, 3Ki water sr. Main zzuft, v:n 4394. DEAD horses and nlmali hauled away free. wooqian Portland i.cnaerlng (:. DEAD horses and cattie taken away tree. tan aa.v or nignt. i anor 4o. FOR SALK One good team, Larnesa, nagon, FOK 8ALE Horwi, Vehicles. Harnett. Ft- FOR SALE. BARGAIN. SURREY RUBBER -TIRED. R V N A H O UT It U R U E R - X 1 R E D. WAGON b' U RNITU RE O It EXP R ES 8. These are in f:rst-clasa conultlon and a big bargain. Call Stanton IL Phone Eat 10s or East 44:7. AUCTI O N I AUCTION! Strictly commission basis; horses, htr ne.t. wH.gona. sadji-ss. buKKcs, large stook; guarauire'l as represented; every Thurs day 2 P. M, Multnomah titabU. ISUi and Madison. J. M. McManon, auctioneer. FOR HALE Good hors. perfectly sound. aultau.. for t'eiivery or exprtM wagon, liairia Trunk Co., 13t Sth at. Planoe, Organs and Musical Instrumenta. CLOSING Ot'T TO FIRST CALLER. I4U0 BHAUHL'RV ptunos for cash. 'JtJ CiiJOKtHINti piano for 'V5 cash. I :;. CHAa E HKoS. uprlirht, iu. ) VALLEY tiEM upright. lo." cash. fi.'iO Al'T'J PIANO player. t-'-'O cash. $7ft0 K I M HALL baby Fraud. $S45 caah. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. lOtt -4ih ht. PIANOS in this column are usually for cash. ccawftn rino o., ill iin at., terms casn with double cred.t for $1 hen d Lverlng a 43JO new . piauo for .'tJ. 44 monthly, without Interest, saving; total saving to you 9125.3& bulng now. $75 DIaC talking machine, six double recoros, tor 4.1. u. bpienuia cvauiUuu. 11 1 ittt st. W A XTKL-ctiuare or upright piano cheap iur can. 111 111 w UPHlGIiT PI . NO, f!rt-cias shnpo, oniy mini r oia l once. Aia st. LO. fl. AND bj $T.', $100. parltr orrrans. security .storage 'o., iv' 4th. WANTED Piar.o, a:;y condition, for caah. FoR ISA I.E i-ju:ire piano, rosewood caao. you. lyl E. 27th at. Fomh. ic MONTHLY stores piano, becurlty blor- D1A iluN D l ulNT 1'iionKrpU nd O rc oroii. OMiy ,1 111 4:h st. loge, Hirde, iVt r3tock. AIREDALES ARE GOOD DXii. GOOD LA DP IX KENNELS. E.ST AC A DA. OR. Poultry. CCH) HET arad Anrona White Lreghorna. Rhode Ialtvnd red cockerels, hens and pul lets. Muat bo s'i,d 1 ri: nitd iately . M;. cuius will l-vo Fonter Holvl, 4 and lavis. at 1 P. M. to enow b.rda. .Uc, Tie- l. Phil Gevurlg. i0 FAT white d-jeks. Last 4274. Live-Mock. JERSEY cow and yearling hellVr. bath l:h cair to sun or in i-, r. thamplon Jrrvrjr Luii: wlU saorlfice. 4'hune A, oak ro a. a:tvr 0 P. M FOR SALE i'K". I H. F. Lrund u, .Maple Lane, oicfcou City. Phono a.a... Oregon City. IF ou have a S'd fat eow or veai for eaie. Ijauncliee and Itoai. Sl-FOOT gasoline launch, fl-h.p., f irsi-claas c-nait;on, lor aie for flftO. CaU Ma.n u- FT. LAUNCH '..-cylinder engine, first ciaae conuitiou. A bargain. AP ioO, Or go man. Autooaubiica, WC HAVE the following care left from our sac rt rice saie, you cto buy from 4lvu to 4ii0 than any otuor ptace in Portland; 1913 CHALMERS, 4-pauCDgr coupe. 1913 CHALMERS, tV-cyL, 7-paaaenger. 1U13 CHALMERS. 3-paaeenger. 1913 STEARN3-KN1GHT, 4-cyL, C-paaa. 1912 WINTON, T-paaseuger. 1014 WINTON. paasenger. THE WINTON CO ZZd and Washington fita. CLOSED SUNDAY, BAKGAl.N't. IN TIKE:. We have on uand a nuintiur of odd tlrea for Fult cheap. 1 aix3 ri. v. Goodyear. 1 Jtixa Clincher Goodyear. 1 tx49 L'tinciier Ooodear. a -xi1 Clincher Diamond. 1 .,1 ti. W. Michcluv 3 14x4 Clincher Goodyear. N 0 1 1 T H V E a T AL TO CO.. 13 road w ay and Couch, phone Broadway bb7. ask for Mr. Htrmphill USED AUTO SNAPS. Lioeral Tvrini U-vsaa. MITCHELL, 6 -pa. i-cyl.. overhau.ed B LICK. DEL.. 4-cyL Just .90,3 $i 4-cyL, panel COMMERCE DEL., nouy, biaud new Several others to select from. MITi'HELL, LEWIS &. fiXAVLh CO., East 1st and Eaat Morrison fata. East 177. U ltl. O V E RLAND ."$ 4U0 HUP . 1 ou NATIONAL Iihju KAMULLH buo MlClilGAM liUP RD 4UV DLX-MAGE-MANLEY auto CO.. 4t--.e N. ijoth. Itl5 4 -C V Li N Dim 6-paaaunger REO. run n:y nunurvu mile. s aa taaea in ex- chanjjo for REO ti. Will aell vry roa uiiut.e. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and Couch, phono Broad way bo 7. Aak for Mr. Hemphlil. WANTED I have au option un one of the best automouue aifenctoe in I'oruena tnat contro.s the beat hue of trucka aud pleas ure cars on the market. Would coDiiuor partner with capital to nan aw thia Leae our communication at oregontan office. The company w:ll bear the .osai Investi gation. AP 5s, oregonian. NEW AND USED rOKD ACToMOOiLES BOLD ON LA6Y 'il.Mi BENJAMIN E. BOON E t CO. b ord Aaeuta. 614 Alder bt. . Mala 3066 bAhGAlNn in t.a:U autus and delivery cars terms given. NO UTH WEST AUTO CO.. Broad ay and Couch, phont-s luoauaay at7, A AUTO repair and machine shop for r.-ut or would sell; It you are the right man you ean keep small or. buy a.l tne tli.i , uvr tuu car owners to draw irouu N OrtgoDian. CALL EAoT ul ii. East Bide Auto Eacnauga. Automold1s bought and otd ; ganeral repairing at a storage. 410 East A iL, Uctr Uran4 ave. BARGAIN -S iu used autoe and deiiverjr cars, termg giveu. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch. Phones Broadway a.. A 44o BARGAINS IN USED A L'TOH. Large Mol. 1'rlres itM to $163. OREGON Motor car CO.. fatudeoaker B.og Corner ana Alder. ANYONE wishing to buy new B-pae. S'l ti. h. auto wiu receive amrtnini i area Intoreat by sending name and addre to box L , orgonian. .o agents. liatlRE is your opiiurtunlty to get a a -pass Miir late mode, touring car; wwi taae roa. inter as part pa men 1, ba.anoa terms to suit. N 9 '4. Oregon. an. FOR SALE -It'll! Ford, in firat-claaa me cnanictl conuuton. tui.y equippeu; cneup for csh ; no trades, M r. House. Main 4040. WANT A TRADE 7 S-paaseuger roadster: wui trade for flve- paseai.ajer car anu iii..e niuuey. or urott. X wltu, urcguniau. OA RAGES erected complete ZO up; rtiady cut or portablw huuii, 41- up. TAKE UuWK MFG. CO., 449 Watar st-. near Hatran. Mala 1147, TO rent by the week or montn. Ford deliv ery cara; on y rponstba buaii.ess (U (u or siorea 11 vu a ,.r. m j . uuuai. U15 FE DERA 1. Tit Cc K, 1 Ions witn goo-1 big lixly. heat of condition, for sale at very reaxonat'ie price. l itii, 1 ' 7-FASENi E R M Itrheil car for an) or trade; party leaving aown. ca.i i5e Grand av. 5-PAfe.SF.NGER Manweil, new tires, goo1 running, iioy tin naiiQie. c M r. I' -mnhi'.l, Hroadway s1. BIG KNAP. l.'-passenger louring car, flrst-efaas conflinon; mum s. u ci.eap. i.iin - xua. 6-P ASS ENGER Maxwell, new tlrea. good running order; 10o will handle. Call Mr Hemphill, brua iway ia Bl" ICK -pass , terms. Cnil after 1 A. M. l mi u I re l.'th ana jer reran n. 1914 FORD, J-'O; electric lights and aclf- ftarter. X L Uregonan. 5-l'ASEN IKil aui) f'ir sale. Jubt over hauled and painted. N. wtri, A PNAP 5-ton truck; little money re quired; eaay terma. t an by w ash tng ton 114 FORD, $100 down. X MQ. Orcg.nlsn. Automnhllew Wanted. CASH for 4 or 5-i.aaaner late model car ele?tiie lltrhta and atnrter; state condition. mK ana prir i, oregonian. PAINT vour car ynjrself. save S2S to J75 partlruiurs mailed tree. Auto Paint r varnion t o-. " i viiin si. iori iann. WANTED To luaae 2 or 2-ton truck. lHl, Oregonian. FORD ft-raMiger. eheap $100 down. La. aac monthly, r v. orsgoniao. FOR SALE. Autoruubiiea autxi. 1'JH OR 3'J15 model, 6 or 7-paas. automobile, siauiiard maUe. no old aty.e cooilutrl. in xl.inKe for 1-u acres In Morrow County. a.ud at 4i50u, pay some run a: :rc ace. Call 40i McKay b.dg. Ma.m l'3a. W A N TED Oood rudater la exchange fox some cash and Jlwt) stock In we 11-eat ao hanrd local concern- Telephone after 0 P. M .. Manhall H'.Hi, WILL tiade tnotorcjele with side car, two ped, and k!cx starter, for t-mall road- ;-r. Ca.i Wwodlaan Z'iSii from 12 to & a : : c moon. WANT to bviy one late moJel i-paenar Ford or other make of light machine; 111 pav ;. don n and fiu per month. 1'iiona ood 'J2S. WANT 1 - paa. auto; give J7 aorta la C.ackamae 1 ounty ; state particulars. L -71, orus.mlan, WANTLl) Kord ruu-bout. Write me and gve purtlcuiara. W. L- Tupper. Hli.a tro, or. Muiorr) clra. POLE motorize., govd. conUltion. $3j. AF oreg Type-writer. TYPEWRITERS for rent: S months for $3 and up; 4 uiosiiis rent ap,iid on pur ci.aae price. Remington T pe writer Com tuny, ib Broad ay. Portland. Or. U E ae uu from 40 10 74 p-r eent un ail ni3ke of type, riiers; and or pir iiaifl f.-irtrr. Hfta 1 derartment WHOLE SJk LE T V H EW R ITER t o., .i I V aan, at isTAMMKI) vi.ib.e ipwr;icrt rented ti; 1 o D.onths for 44, d,iera.i. Call at 44 Mara st., or phone Ma.n 4214. T V I- i- A til i EKS. all makes, $lv to 1-15. The .ortcMt lypear.ier Co i42 ft lark su Main t 2i. NEW. rebuilt ecor.d-r.and rentata at cut rates. I. D. c, ji 1 bterk my Ma.q 107. NO. 7 K"ml::gtoa la perfect condliioa $14, 'Oak st. M I we I ban om . ALL atstlatica show Sioux City. Iowa, to In the reart cr the mat proeperoua aeo tion of the United atatea. i'he Sioux 1 y Tribune Is Issued each evnntng to readers approximating ;j4u.j'V a 'id covere bloux 1, Northwaalwrn Iowa, Northeastern StiftMa- aini oumirn aouta l'akui. tnorougiUy. 1 am Tiibune baa more circulation tnaa any ct.ier avening or rooming pawtjar publUned la tae fatats ti lowa. Tbe "Oreat Trl-Ptate Want Ad Medium' w 11 carry our meage 1 tha ttomti of ims big twrritrjr at cost or cn.y one rbt a word sac a cat. send our advertlse- tncut totia. TUm SIOUX CITY Tit ! BUN C falOL X C1TV. low A. t'HulCE R I IT. IOO trees li-.ii.eit p-ar, 4J trees Wash Inatun 1.. urns. 4o cents tre pears, 5 cents tree plums. noma rnnuay. aaaw, v ineyaru aiauuu Ctreuon City tar. MOTORS, genera tore boug ht, sold, rented ana rtauta. w e do an k.naa of reair- lt.g and rtvin;in; au work guarantea. It. M 11. E ectnu Co., 41 1st st N. Phone xiroadway ) . SEWING MACHINE, new and ecr.d-hand. sa.e or rent. . uu. sewing atct.ine r.m pjriuiu. 1 d, au. near Taur, Maia ll, A Si4. BILLIARDS N-w and second-hand carom and pocket bllttard lab.t-a and bowling and accvaurlea ; easy payoieiua, 1 if H run iwi(:Ku-iWaLu, tenner o., s-s in, CAH Ri-ilTEi;a. iai ge stock on hand; we avi uu 4U to J per cent; all regulars guaranteed. Caah Register Egcbange, iim W anliUigloll St. HoCHFELD'fa Camera Exchange. - JJ at. C a moras, kodaks aud ietiaoa boug ht. sola and exchanged. We aeh tne lea cameras. DIAMOND house painta. strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gaiiou. xi.iu. rori.avna l'alnt Co.. - jo Front it. Marshall 100 FOR SALE Family i err;g. rat.r. Ur ll E. enough lor grocery aium, ...tcap. Use Baaett's Nutive Herbs for r heuiuat.aiu. 6i) laoieia for .c. A.I uruggiata THE neutral Cigar Havana ceit Xor 6c. isites i:ge :oc. tiurpsiue. ALMOST new luniacu for t rooms, ctiiiipletc. cheap. Hose city y. reciting u., c. -o-.-. HAKKH. a A F Ed. The Mosler Safe Co.. btarkJCt. FOR SALE Auto and vacuum carpet cancr combined. Phone East as a. 375 OPERA chalta. p.iwera 0-ptcture ma chine, price rij; ht. Bog 1U04. Portland. WANTKI MISCLLLANtOlB. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We pay htghrat caan price for iaaira and gems catoff cloth ing, bicclea and e very tn Ing in mercnand;. t a.i ua up. We tiocd it and will pay for lu GLOBE faTORE, i irst 8L Main kbbO. Main tt44. WANTED One 0U press to handle 1M- liicu aueea. rw. a-o, uicuuwin, FO R a thoroughly reliable house to buy or st-; I household goous or anwiing in tn liardwaie line. caU the Levin Hardware 4e um.ture Co.. -i Front, phone A J1I4. Mam KU72. i n.l.-.UMi CLOTHING W MEil.R, THE. 1 A 1 bUK, rA x a uas i 1 UiCLs. SHOES liOLoIiT. CALL MAIN i:iv. i: MADISON atf. GAoLlNE tugboat wanted. We will l-ae or buy gaao.ine tug. -C3 to ou n- p. v rue full particular. Kerry Timber C--. West- or. WILL PAY CASH FOR SEOoND-H AND HtUUiuLU GOOD. PHONE MAIN 3J.".'i A Ud7. 144 1st MlriH FURN1TUKB CO 1 84 let. Lerore ou buy or ae.i uur i uuui-g-t jur prices Mala 414s. KLI N E" S BUY, fa K I . L AND tAGU.S GE 11 A W1 HORN E AVE, EAST 7144. li iG 11 Er T prices paid for good usa furni- luru, carp i is, e;c w uiva ruri..o.orw, 1st. bet. "la Kr and tealmoa. Marsnall 4e7 WANTED To buy a avomid-hand canoe t heap; not particular, si la price. jk n. Oregolllao. WANT fio.ooe ueed furniture; pay gooa prices ; st srltng new slot e. Pe.iwooq as. ANikl' National caah register, aisun 4i, -ftl 4 1A aaii.ngton st. uckiu sweond-bana r..a wanaso. a. i CASH paid for l.slr combing a sanitary luiuly ia r i o rw. ivv uu u a- W A N 1 El i"r ta!-; sarj, f.r t ord auto. t Tttw nsend. 1 '.. 4th N. WANT a cail or trap for rnali horse; must be cheap, phone labor l it i. WANT r.D iUa y t--I i an it, not less than :.-m liilun capacity. Vain U'-ai. OWL 1 I'KMTl' RE Co. as b-l price for our furniture, 'p l'l at, aiaia tir.i.p uaxt:-male. HAMAIVS IN MEN'S SUITS. A tew l.ght-colored summer su.ts left. In tsee 35 ana 44, for quuk eearence the uric is 4 .''0 Jimmy Dunn. 414-14-12 blug, K.tvaur lo id fiocr. Mi DDLE - AG fclD and elder iy men maae mony selaug our hare , g uarantaad orna mental and fru.t stock, caan ekii part e&psnat-s provided. Waa;uugtuo Nurer Co., Topp,mn, Wash. W ANl i'lBj.y.itirtl H'uni in an. 1 .1. who wou.d llSe to connect with good irav.iuig l r.T Appty b lo a J', xi. ar. Brew t-r. 1 1 roc d wa y J I t a:. WANTED-Good, capable manager to man age line picture show or vaudeville-: state a pericuce auu aai j a. .meMfws.a, GoV LilNMEN'T POSITIONS are easy to K-i ; my free booklet, -It. tells how r:le torta) NuW. Earl Hopkiba, W aaa li.gifin, D. C. W ANiEi A miti and w le to run roatau rant; uit onporiunity will be Klvn to enir without investing money. X iKiJ, .rK'inian. want a live man to brli with He i.ianu (d turttiK of movir.g pici urt ; sin ail in veMiuent roitiired; jood opeuing fcr right men. A It fi.'J. iregoiuan. v.- i v i 1 1 T !.orour hiv -xprt - need aprt mrnt-lioiiae janitor. Hotel Ramapo, I4tn and W m) in g ton I ir vnu are skilled in any line of work reg liter with us. Kormwestern KiT.cleucy Bureau. 4 Eilcrs b.dg. no cnarga. ENi'EMlkNCED door patcher wanted. Write or a bu.y To cncnaa c u ygor ao- fleary. Wash. MOLER iarber College wants men to loarn ilia traue: tuition reaucea ; pirn w n learning; send for catalogue. 44 N. Second. VA N TED at once, - mm to lea ru aut nrnv,. bile repairing aud driving, tal at Haw- fhprn i.Aram. 45 Hawthorne ae. MAN and w ife for Janitor work in em nil HtHrtti.tnt houte. Call 10 lo 1 11 A. M. :U ;id st., ror. Collrge. PHOTO au enta. somethirg new; extra com- m!i:o n y a id. baro n y b tudio .Rai bldg. WANTS!) Two si -lienors. c!"anlng and pre it ar fhop Wood law n r.v.a. TWO POTS At once, to learn tha barber trade. N. ia L HELP WANTFD MALE- FEW FPECIAD WANTS TOP AT. Ratchet setter, small mill. 4.1.7a. Grader la lumber yard, I Z. 2'. Five young utea Iur factory work, J20 and beard. News agents, railway service, RouKh carpenters. $i.50, Htker. 1 week. He, per, $10, room and board. tthers too numerous to mention here, PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. C-U4 Couch fct.. bet- 1st and 3d. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. T. M. C. A. Young man seeking empioniei.t in com mema:. clerical or lines are in vttd t'i consult the emu,oyinent secre tary. Tha serv tee of tuis department is free to a.i raambera. To non-ujmtera. a s facial membership la issued, coaimg t par annum. gUing the itruca of the de partmant for a year two months full rrlvigs and a refund of the tneiubership fee if a:i.:aciory tmpigymcAt la hut cured. WANTED, In California, competent. iliaMe mucitin mau tor cracker tatory ; muat run Sultana ruachiie. cracker maritiue. Doufcii Lr-te. etc. Weekly wagea 4ll-u fog five da murk. Cat. not, pay trans portation. wbr, cutnpetcut man would have gott position. i, piy by nifciht leia giam. Btahutf Cracker lactoiy, h.u Diego, Cal. MACHINISTS, mo drs. woodworkers, fiw- unaki d workmen for automob.,e factof . stf ady emp.t'j ment. bet wa.;ea w ;tn our pr 3?.t-ahari..g p. an ; sma :; invest meat w lit. abaolui eecut u at T per vent Interast rt,u:r4. Reply, slating ee( esper.ence, amount money ou can inveat, married er aing.e. N o, Ore gonian. Y. M. C. A. AUTwMoUlLE KlluuL SPECIAL BHORT (Ol'R.HE. ur.prcro ratkh to tht. i. I'nuaual oppor t ui.i t y. "r or t rticu'are call at euut-aiional office Y. M. C- A. In e.uded In l-.Uun cuat la full Awu. tatloa im m be r h i p te 0 i pw r I . MAN leairua of a' tt tulna poait I' l baa a big f ut ure. w it it .arte automoti.a contra tperai:r.g lranf h r.ouva tn tn (oik. I'cra.-ns.tty and educailou sen t :al rsqu;st. Pr :r man of rron nict, good faml'v. 1'refeivnee wiil be g 1 en th who cn In v?at rr. a tt amonni of mor.v and are willing to le-rn. C t"-i, Oregonian. GooD AGENT wanted to hand an auto mobile accoa-vor y iteJtJ t 4 or J u n--s; s;ult agcnr I vr raliab.e man; ap.en d profit . rf-rnca Tviulre4. Hlruberg N- f t u.. Scu Fe ! t , Van f ratictsco. Help aaai Haleaoara. .RAND LMON TEA CO M P ANY. 1. a l m ; s t li l t a ;i e r of h 1 ; 11 -r-LA.; tkas AND CoFFEEfa IN T U E V. NIT ED T A T Kti. Watv salesmen and house-to-house -lic!tra can cur aa 01-10 rt unity to c.emonsti ate their ability, anu if tiiav can make good and enme up to tha standard retjutncl of or and Cm:n rep reaau tail a a gwd rraiica Lr aoanrimmi la aw sured them. We are offering a new rat of romrii.aa.ona. Better put in that ap p.irat'un bow. 1 It E HOME OP QUALITY OOODft 4s f ASHlNGrN bT. I'O KTLA N D. O R. WANTED A liv salesman for a real estate prvpoeltion tnat le s-a.iing ; cnmmiaaint, on.y. G. W)dd Witaoa, toi Chamber o( CoHtmerca 8PECIALTV uUimia, kperinre pi pf . rred. a-a.ary aft i co:uiiUs;on, Cult 14 stark at. iafwre noon. hei.i wantf.iv itmau: ANT El A young lady, not ovvr 115 care o:d. (or aaaiatant boilkeit:r . must be ex- t - r t n 1 awl in ra.iiUr Ilia ami at t. a u. 1 sul ir a rtt ,uu,ng machine; state expe rience anu give TV rvftirances. Apply L Wla. oregonian. LADY agents, lo handle hosiery and sani tary utui, b.g coiuiulaaion ; rtqairta uo capita, to ocg.u. wr.te for partlou.aia R Iiwna Mfg. to., Loe Angelea. cal. ST E NOOK A PH K RS wanted. Go verumrntTlS month ; 1'ort.aud exam, nation a Oct. 15; samp.e questions frre. Frank. ia InstRute, ELL-EDI 'i AT ED w omen of fine anpuar an co. i-rcltrsbi' about 3. and Ua.d to inevun g i lie puMlc ; permanen t, good pay. Give pnot. . AO U7t. oregot.l:i WANTED An experienced German Kirl. witn references, tor cooking and general housework ; god w ages. call at 11-1 E, G.i nan n., ai.crnoun. lEAi'HERH wanted for rural schools, Waah Ing ton. Oregon, Idauo, Montana. Spokane 1 rati. era' Aarncy. H O.d National Bank, Spokane. W aali. W A NT El Kef i rved. capable woman for re- ,onaiuie position, v Company, 4.4 Putock block. 4a. Waaiiington au W ANTED leaf hrs ior Oregon aohooia. We hire ui:ecc M ra. sen w artx, huurs 10-12, 2-4. 7 ' 4 Ch g ru be rof Com me roe. WAN TED Gil I f r general housework; one m ho understsntls c nilUren. Apply 1U til-nn ave., bear Hawthorne. G i Kl. to help lu snoot u:g gallery, out of city; .0 per n.ont.i. Cut. r pnune. afler r nous. I in pert j i li ot e!, room fat. HooL g iri want ed to In small family. Phone Main .oo4 ur call 7J5 Peru ae. Port land) i uigl. la. W AMhH Houek-per lor family on farm; state watca; German pretarrea. A V 4ul. oregonian. I UtkJi aio t.a liu for corny to m tor oi.r - air; now la the time to learu. Call kJ Morgan bldg. THOROUGHLY esprricnced nujia for sma.l cui.d. Apply liii.iic.lui:. t'onic.l road at licad uf Maraaa.i at. IOST Brooch, sunburst pattern; li L-ral r- wari. ihme Ti.arjsrU -7 . Mlfa slATTl.N'tLV'K SCHOOL Shortnand. 1 pew ruing, 4- mo. 2a Min. Pb. XI. 44. HOTEL c"k. 4-5; pantry girl, a allr uinei-a. Howes Auc, H. .70 Weem FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 414 ueautu Ding, bauitary i snora. MoLER Barber Callage wants Isdies to leara spac-ai ra taa. I ,. fcacoud. W a s i a ermaid fur boa en rraurt. Phone Tabor !!. W ANTED A Stock glrL A.der. Holliday Co., 303 HELP wAXTtD MALE Oft FEMALE. OR EGCN Barber Co: lege wants men aud w pin r a to learn tne barber trau In w eras , too .a free , paiU whii learning , eara from 414 to 4:4 w-k; new riur ivr Summer; tuition reu ucau. liu Mal.aon. H t. Lr W A N TED M 1 tK E I X AN EO C li. GoVERNMksNf clerka. iaj itwuiu. pu.i o. beceaaar. . cum too a Jucaun; vacaiiona. si.ort hours, rat .a ptumuiioa. Wiue tniineu.ately for free .ai ol poa.i.a-t s now obiainabio. 4 ranauu luetiiute, uivl R. P.oct.vftter. N. . KAiLWAY uiall ciarks. P. O. c.e; aa. car rer s. exam, soon ; parcel poat ij.manUi many more aa; at at once. i a.i..c S,a;a aciioola. xcaI . city. WANTED Names of ajto 14 or over w .an il. uutrbnibt lub, v4 moath ; no pu.t baceaaary. A V 15 J. Orgot.iai. H1TC ATIONH W A N T4-l M A LE. boAAkaetnvt ajatl CWraa, ACc MAX I" wants w oca. bote or mrr caniKu, ran tpewrlte. jvaas Kniuo, rreticn. German, ita.ian, Si-auitt; wi.l do an )Ui ii g . T Vb... ore a wni a n. CLERICAL woiik wanted. boo keej'.r.fc. tpit -r co.i..or. faim.iar wttu city, b t r-:ureu-s. sd J and usarr.ed AD vbo, t rtir.,Hn. Ai'Ai.b free Employment, hurtao. A lo7c. Jaansee Aa a e Ore. Henry bldg. BoOKRElkl ER l of books i or lima hou.s day. or full tune, experienced; tmei ra-feiebce. phone Ss-1. PS. B Y certiGed a'.countaut. c:iy or couutry. whule or part AH bbl. Ore go;.. a a. CARPENTER for etna a contract. tw!4 4'.l h t. tanu wora. day, S. C .rilavood J. WANT work ai m ry rr, a n ' . art) thine, caj-r r lcr.fcd gro M. '. pit one East M J. Miacellja-aeoua. MARRIED man situation janitor ap.trtment n tiuj, best local refcreocra A -lot a. Alata EXP. Ch-iufrur want roaitlon. aour, tots, smail wages at- d board. AN t ' r g o man. ret PtJ. SI E A ! Y f arm ; br young mau wants ura on good ref -aOCca. AK. 941. Cre- g t:)M n. loi'N'l MAN warns worg on ranch. A-l hand on ranch, also with a toe a. F Wtil, Oregonian. MAN aud wife w ant w ork of any kind, or chard preferred. Chaa. Voo ,ltt. Bog 1 07. K. o. Ilfofi Liver, Or. GOOD Jaj-aneaa wants poaitln, rook, waller, porter, c hsmber. any klud ut w ore, T oregonian. Good riparifticcl Japanca. coo at w ants position . has r-faranties; city or country. Adr-si H. J72 Everett st. PtsITloN wanted by m-ehanic, all around man at anj thing, married man. F K Oregon! Jn. WANTEI e,l w ood F levator or Janitor Job. 2'h. JAPAN EfeE w ants position as baker's helper. T. rhi:tiltu. l0 N. th st., city. yiiu-T-OLAra bartender would like position In city. F '-. Oregonlsn. CHA' FFll"R and gardener wants position, private place. C iV. Oregonian. K A ! rMtVTNG p". irtlne. r'aa tr-r tchlnj. rtaguable, Woodlaw a SiTrO. ITPATIOXa W ANT F. D M A t .F.. Mleoe4 PO.-l TloN wanted aa chauffeur by oucg mau. i 7 years eid. good appearance, goo a banns, no boos, garace expar.ence and paat 4 eara. tx-M of reiorencea, Addre-s P. O. boa 141. Munnon, 1... I AM m en for -ngagemon"t AuFi j twk of heatiug and Janitor service in butuimg (sa.ary or contract). H.pht city relcreuvea. Ana U. AP Pub. Ort.onn, or phone Maxshall 3t3. Yt'C NG man. I'lT jjoi ha bite, ow na oTs business, wishes expertonca. city, waaes eapertvd. monay to invest worthy rr.,t.. sition; personal lnteri-w. o i-ij, Orc,;- nun, MARRIED man. thoroughly exr-cr;encl n't anu rncn ith, b si reierenco. no ciiildren. wile A-l c.ik, drlri psrniar.ent posiu-sn; prefer Eaatcrn Oregon. AG Oreg cman. FA KM hand W gnta poaitlon. g--od ni;.kr. handy with to-iit, competent to taa riar.i Henry N. Puehrar, 7J C Tta si. iior.e r.aat r-ui . V KJi' N G married man w an is em ploy ment as ;rk. shtppiKir cirk or a!rirn. ran f'tr. n!ah the test ot rclvrtncca AM PM, Ctc gonlsn. J AMToU, espariancad. dealra ru:or . un3reiana piumnin. coal anil ml burners. good reference. C 74, Ore - pc Pif.n. S 1 S. your.g. strong. aohr men. wants w.-ra on (arm: riniry or nra farm work, got milker. Aadraas J. H.. l!ti J c & arson 'J d t Kll. ltl -vn rrs eiparlen.e. n:r position m city or country; has hB'i T ? esperience. Anawcr. AV 4- Ore gonian. , v til.Y w r'.l and etror.g. eT runcal farmvr, wants work, good team m:mr and c.n irf.k. IU per month; rf frrfc. M.. in I. A 1MT. li ' . , 1 G. strong and w..r.. i ants work. VV ;:'.:ng to e.o a thlr.g to r1 mnr a in tfid. rc.crr.cti. Mala TuM. A 1511: M II ! 'I-E-AG ED man is.r-s'ti. strict. y vNi, .n-ntucj on farm, want work, br-at of rrittii.i'i. Main A 117. 411 Com- rr rt,: .' t ' r h . Yot"N.i l o 5 .; t ,f j.vd. w KRta nrk en f -rrn. $1& montti, A 1 rrfrnr, Maja A IV.. 411 .'ommemal block. E X 1 i.MilNv'i.h, ra. ab.e ii n wants hua . unii . inuor. ratre; relerejucea. Main T.-.M. A IMT. G A i i. i; N Eit. ihurytia'h.r c'n petent lo -ar for rrlate i.a ts a. a s-oc. raful auto criver C f-i. ornsonlan. j i ri'i.l IV La ir iii e 4, rru; a " ! r !.;;. best rt'ir-Tftr wenta w.rk, full er J art t!::ia. Mnhele Ha- a.l h-cw CilAI H-K1K with r-.errne: d own m-fcirin., hfu.s i..i m'ATIQ4 .Uaok keeper awd tewtMrrapherw, KSnwnArilLr. wants ataauy i-f'ic. l o- a.l.on; i.l accept 41a montti watt pr;v l vgm ? doing some puo.ic atcnegraphv. at 1411 a n.,SuilAriiril. e rs tii trtri r, t.rri Atfta, S'Uie n riir tU lavt , g rvj.l r'l'Ttfti, r 'lf1 ,s a ti :.'. i.i.'ViiT.'Mi'.l l.K opftauir. wr.h a rr :,( r, f. .i'iri positlun, piwna Main -llo. M ia Jiod. T Y l'l S X aantj post t ton. t-erma rtant or tam -forary. part or a-l of lima, tail A 11. LNi'r Kil-.Nv Lll st'-i.t rair jo-am-.n. Phone past TT4. LADY w 4.'t V any km! oli.c woi- Dreaamakere, DREcS MAKING; waah drct.ra $; bp, or day ivl B.icha.ian. sia.n Sll. Nurwee, loi NG gul. la. i.s.l-Pl(,ftOiig aiul raiul lin.rri poainon as i.uim g ,i 1 and to -s at with houaaWork. Mjin Ii'M. A IMT. HAVE p.cdtaiit home for o.d peo;..e. N tea, snaoy arJ; $j weak and up, Eaat 1 ; i ... ti: at. 1'HNE Maiu Ull for au exprientd auree; ri-Mi)iiaitit terma 1E-AG K 1 . 1 radical lence. ilnln tu.7. Uoctor s I'ltiVA'll" home. a'.ep,iR rch. trains! nure. home comfort a i alor - JlU. Good cast-i re.i.tle tvuiso wt:i taau maternity Mar. ft":;.', raorn 14. HouM-kee,! I'oSlTH N ua huua keeper for a la he- r gf-rit .ctuan on I..rn ly w idu . age J J citt e. tier man deaant. with hre a p.t-naant childi uD ; irl fa years, boys I 1 itiid 1-i )i-.ira. Adurt-rui Mia. M. P. M ., H 1 1 4 K. Uikf St.. M i nue h wl, 41 in a. l.o A , with three aiuu;l chlir-n, a !:. piuori aa liuuitkei tr lu the coji,i.- where aha can lee M r fr-rr.i.. Mra. D H ttr inal etl. or. Ml i 'I'LL-Ati ED Eaataru laiy wuhrs po sition as houaekeep-r. wivioaer's r elder ly iad s home. Main 7 1. 7 1 . A E pa-i, i 'rt'-tiian. LA D Y -C rf iOr me ri h u-kuitr n n: K lo. t.' 44, daairce posit ion as s boma vf gcul.aisAA. KEF I N 1-i H'UUit lady hoiel p-ja.Un a uCIDa'-hnuK . I.O Un-krppvr t a i Mart all 4MU CaP A l.LE woman Uti t w.. iiuaU c r - :i wants place as huu t k c er , must have tTk- M"" "'. A I .17. WIIkia with girl k to kt.-i. house lor gea t.m:in; no triflTS. ' 1 1 '.a v n (bet ao, N a MJtltl 1 1 with k II! l i g Mieral & i.-r i uce wia-bva liirHolH ItTi VV 1 . .ir REFINED, mnidle aa httu k-i r. aed l.nly want poaitlon i-' '.Hi u, i iregon.a. wameet.c. MH' w oim.j n. very 1'i.mj.firiit. csptrir. ed cook, siium in or out of tl. city, t dc;rcs po n a a iiau.lur !i her to : oM. A 1517 l. whom she could lake aitst. At re!t-renca. Juj 4 11 uiiimT'-lal biock. MlDl'LE-AGi.D woman Ipariiy deaf grad ual of il i a. Borers looking St ha j., Pi.t.uti(-iln.A. wants huuictku.k Mi mm. I Imi wtier tiieia la i.u .11 tr nu t M.tln IhM, A 1-M7. M 1 1 ' i.E-AG l.D Kuiiuii, coM)p-teut and T ' ,:a:-o. ex per lent 1 in houanura ai.l r k.iig, aii.ti a oik, per utouto. M TM. A 11.1 T. 1.M LKiKNCKH co-a mn'.s uk lit bo r -i:;g - , Ai r Jer a ii f-s , .u per ii-.M 7o.M, A 117. LADY, good cook, coo lor Hart, lr Mra. Gr:ffnh. fii.ii ai manager, a: an. country r .an.i eJ way. !-! IToS la ilrnmil aa maia, xuert-me and w i'Tr or -r-n Laat i rfcr n. o. UKI.1 Ahl.K German g.rl wattra, ri.cinX. . r . r- a f ; . kj r r, . a r. CM N. . U L warts c, Pi)ona Ik, s ' a w n l " M un.a O W B It t 8 illUH' lit A rip. A J t1 orrg n'an J a Pa 4-r I - ar r I w an is pos-tlon, bwuac w ork, V , or jrtlan M Lop1 I aneovia. at liiij a or a , w i , n'.a a pa.r , cottc : n 7cM, A 1M: C A P A U.E. rc.laO.e w omaii w at. is .a urn la nia houip . will ca.i for it any tin., t-fe-encee Main 7-.M. A 1517. N r we oik e W and frtan g.rl aanta Jj and Sunda 1 I. S 11 Ort cuii.l t a r n U EXpEiTil K D aurrh ir.d i n n troner and in .auuur). K Vj nti. a r w la.icsa w or k rcv:.:in. Tl.AlM.U iiui e for partner in an a, p.tai. r. iw 4pen; no cap'.tsl r4uirt J A PA N Kj-K. I'.ouaew or k t -r ti ii.4 :i. t'lUCatf (1. la I'.'ha'.i liolirft g.l 1. l x-u.i.y. ap G 1 i L w g -o-1 N. com work f any kind, Tor -!.ot o p.a a. 1 f. 4 N c r:l n. CAPABLE w oman u!ia p'l bermaiu or umltifc-twoia U-bi. kW KDlMi w a.i at 17 a nmn ir.t'i work by tha l-arabc at. or phone T W c French n -r'.m w ih pMtioi. i governess and lauy a maid. X g oniau, lao!E it private family f r irirl. airi 1 i i.; pay s "tie f.r t-o.nd. R Orgri' eTIti'NG woman aanta flay work: laundt j j.T-el rr ant Boom II. M aratmll .'4'.-t. E.'El.Lr NT woman wants Phon e Woodla w n 1 . ua o. v. G.iAXIMAK and other vate laa4inav. l.aat M Jecis taught, j-n. U'ANTK D TO l; FNT. Ifoaaaa. MR. HOt si OWNER:, ,W can rwtt y.-wr bouae. We Co not depend On ranta. it your vacant winuo-i to bring raeu . a We have the peop.e and get result av Our buakncaa la houae rents. Interstate Tit e A 1-an ."o., 5.i Ger.mger bidg. Main 3vi. i4'li.KN 4 or ft -room or cttaee. rrti l-laat aide preferred; full parttcu.arg first leu er iD i4. Orerriia n. BY Auguat 3, 4 or 7 room a. absolutely mod em, r.rv rhhrtren: Irvlngton Laurr-ihurat, or "o ?ay eaj of 14th. Call C 14 7. 4-LoM furnU-hed or bur. 4 a !ow, mod ern ; must bo reasonable, AN abX. Orego- rian, WANTED - i-1 1 - ro o m cr more) furnish d oUse. Call W'oc-dlswn ??8. Row ma. xTKMsHKO rom for oung Gorman, wl: rlenv and gas s'ove prarerred, waging 0.:tanca. AG it 05, Oroniatu l.tLiAt.;.;; od lia:r.n'i t c N 7 '