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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1915)
Mir PORTLAND AERIE. NO 4. y. O. E.. will eiVA benefit dance tonight. July 16. for Broth-er Edward cnaopei at their hall. s64 Va jiiiu.son sc., corner or rniru. vie. C'HAfMAX, Sec ALBERT PIKE LODGE. NO. 3G.S, A. F. AND A. M. Special t winraunicauon lonignt b riaay i at 7 o'clock. F C. degree. Vis itors welcome. Ry order of W. M. E. R. IVY. Secretary PORT LAND LO DG E. N O. 53. a. t . a?l A. M. Stated com. municatiun at 7 :ot this Friday ) evening. is it or welcome, ur der W. M. C. M. STEADMAN, Sec. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F.. will meet this (.Frnday) evening at S o'clock in oauteliows' 'lempie. corner i-irst ana aj der streets. Work in the first degree. Visit ors welcome. FREDERICK COZENS, RICHARD Tt'NK, N. G. Kec. Sec. WEB FOOT CAMP. NO. Co. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday night avi w. . w. x em pie, azs ma airet. ah members welcome. Kuni to Kamp naajr GEO. ROSSMAN, consul commander. EXTRA Emblem Jewelry of all kinds; Special designs maae. Jaeger Bros.. Jewelers. DIED. SMITH SON Mary Alvena Smlthson. asred liS years 4 months 13 days, in this city city, at al. Vincent .Hospital, juiy lo, iiio. Deceased is survived by two children, Helen Melba and Albert Smftluson; a mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Jette. of Charapoeg, Or. ; four brothers and four sisters. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewxaj Undertaking Company, Third ana ciay. Funeral notice later. GARXETT Clara V. Garnett. wif of tbe late A. J. Garnett, at her residence, 535 i.wiuiiima uouievara, juiy n. Lie ceased was a charter member and seare tary for some years of Woodlawn Grange, Funeral notice later. ROUDEBl'SH In this city. July 15. at her jaie resiaence, i-o n;. 3-a si., nacnei Hi. Koudebush, aged 79 years. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery, at 5th. No tice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. MATTHEWS In this city, July 35, Walter J. (JacK.) Matthews, aged i7 years, be loved brother of Frederick D. Matthews. Funeral will take place today (Friday). July 16, at 3 P. M-. from the residence parlors of .Miller & Tracey, thence to the Portland Crematorium, where a select Quartet and solo will be rendered. 6EIFER July 1Z. at the home of his daugh ter. Mrs. Frank Hanigea. East St. Johns, Michael Selfer, aed 72 years, husband of Mrs. Theresa Seifer. The funeral servi ces will b held from St. Joseph's Church tomorrow (Saturday), Julv 17, at 9 A. . M. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Cal vary Cemetery. KNODELL The funeral of the late Rev. James R. Knodell will be held tomorrow (Friday), July 16. at tne First Congrega tional Church. Park and Madison streets, at 3 P. M. The remains will leave his late residence, C715 44th ave. S. E., at 2 P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery. Serv ices at the grave private. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. The only resldeuco undertaking establish tneut in .Portland wlm private driveway. Mala 6. A loUa. J. P. FINLEY & SOX. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeral director. 220 "Third street corner fcaluion. Lady assistant, jl 1511. Main OUT. F. S. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Ai der street. Eafat 5. H 252o. A. U. ZELLLR CO., WU2 W XLL1AM5 AVE. East 1UB. c 1U&S. Lady atlenuant. Day and night service. DUNNING & M'KNXEE, funeral director. Bruadway and Fine. phon. Main 430, A ea! Lau attendant. M1LLEH & TRACEY, independent funeral directors. Funera.s as low as $2u, $40 Idu. Washington and Ella sts. Main ytf'Jl. a'tssj P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay streets. Lady assistant. East 7al. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY 3d arfd Clay. Main 4152, A Lady attendant. Breeze & ynook Sunn side Parlors auto Hearse. lOad Belmont. Tabor 1208. B 1202. R. T. BYRNES, Williams ave. and Knott. Bast 1115. C 1943. Lady attendant. MONlaESTS. PORTLAND Marble Works. 2U6 4th St., opposite City Hall, builders of memorials , JXOKIST8. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 317 Wash. lngton. Main 2ti:i, A 1269. Flowers for an occasions, artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, Morrison St.. Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. BUNNl'SIDB Greenhouse. Fresh flowers. Phone B 1522. E; 33d and Taylor. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. Selling building. CREGON HUMANE SCCIETY 67s. BELMONT ST. Fboaea Ksit 1423. B S5U, Ofu Day ud KUkt Keport all cases of cruelty to this of lice. Lethal chamber for small animals, horse ambulance for sick or disabled anneals at a moment's notice-. Anyone oesirii.s; a pet may communicate with us. NEW TODAY. STOP AT furnished. .iiu rervo- vatad enlarged lobby all modern con veniences. Rooms, with private bath. 1 per day up; without. 75c up. Because the rates are low don't think: the serv ice is poor. Special rates by week, or month. Several rooms with wajl beds. making them practically suites. MORTGAGE LOAnT cn Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. fiC? LARGE LOANS ON Cot C BUSINESS PROPERTIES D -O A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217 - 213 Northwestern Bank Bnildlns. Msrshsll 4114. A 4118. Mortgage Loans LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. GEO. H. THOMAS -n nk St.. Room 2. Alnsworth Bids. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Moucy at current Rates. " MUNICIPAL AMI COHPOKATION BONDS. FARV. AND CITY LOANS. 0 Foortb St.. ilosrn of Trade Rids. lORThWESTERN BANK Bult-DIN 6&7 iriAMQ On City and Farm Properti In Any Amount at Current Kates BAKTMAH-TROKPSOlf, Bankers Corner Jfoorta sod Stark Otiuets. f BP EDVARDLeOUDtY MORTGAGE LOANS 6 OX IMPRO'KB DIMNF.SS PROPTRTirS Residence Loans 6 and 1 Per Cent. Ac cording to' Location Plenty of Money. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-S Asrthwtslrrn Bank Bide REAL ESTATE UEALEK8. PALMER-JON E8 Wilcox bldg. CO IL P- 4o4-4G5-to4 BENEDICT BROS.. 'J30 Hawthorne ave. REAL KTATg. Cor bale Lota. I WANT $aui) for my equity of (.lu in tivo splendid lots, one a corner lot. close to streetcar; city water, good nelnnborhood; lots ar worth $J(Xf; I paid $utj; balance on contract can be puiu S10 a month; no trades. Ph'jna Main T.VJo. LARGE, beautiful- view. homesite on the West Side. 15 minutes' riue. 5-cent fare. city water, best alue in Portland; .".o; 10 down, ti a month. M. E. Lee, iu5 toroeti DldK. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Ha.-e several downright sacrifices, both In lots and houses; mane an olfer Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 8S3U. Soou LENT full hulf-RiTH l,.t t.uif lot 3. block S, Cad will s Addition. Ad dress "Owner." 2115 W. 29th Place. Los Anjjeiea, cat. HAVE you a good lot close In that sewer and paving assessments -are burdensome that you will sacrifice your eciuity in lor . s- guri. ciregonian. LOWEST price lots in city through The Oregon Home Builders if you desire to build, a home. See us. 133l N. W. Bank inqg. BEST LOTS in Portland, your own price. western lyocators, t'l.i Chamber of Com- inerce. FOR SALE Jl::0u lot, close In"! w ill sac- mice ior tb'io. call 2ud Madison st. For aale ltcacli Propert y . - ACHES, North Beach, $:l20u Fine front age on ocean, part in meadow- and part in beau.u'ul trees, about 2 acres very rich garden land and lo acres cranberry marsh heretofore held at V.uuo; a great chance for little group of peoplo or lor one per son desiring roomy place. CANNON BEACH, beat location, streets ciearea. spring water, 'mountain trout, OUxluu. $70 to I3UO. S10 monthly, no ln tcresu See owner, bu Chamber of Com. LONO BEACH, Wash., J75 cash buys a 2o0 -ii, uiwns xioin 1 inner s liotei and R. R. statiun. Phone Main 7270. GKARHART, new 7-room house and lot; For Sale Uwun, "STRIKE" out now and buy this brand new 6-room colonial bungalow- in LAL'RELHURST, lo cated near beautiful LALKELHLRST PARK. Planned by a woman, so you know every thing's O. K 4ooo if bought Inn weelt, on your own terms. You'll feel like you had made a "home run" when you can say '-it's mine." Portland's prospects never looked brighter. Values ure now on bedrock. Novv's your chance to get a home. Let me be your umpire. F. E.' CLEMENTS, 'HO-.i Stark st. Main 1003, A lili. LOVE'S LABOR LOST. That's what It means when you enrich the landlord with your reft money, money which you ought to pay to yourself thus turning a deficit into an asset; you're in a rut; get out of it; I can sell you a clasey o-room bungalow In Laureiburst for $2.iM; only $-zji) cash, balance 2i monthly, which Includes interest. Another new bungalow creation, with lot TlxlJO for $2;suu, similar terms. Phone and 1 11 call with auto and show you. J. W. CROSaLiuV. 2.v) mark au Main 1503. A 1315. . WLEKE AM 1 ? Eight here at Stark St.. waiting to. snow you the biegest bargain you ever saw In a new well-built 5-room colonial bungalow in LALKELHLRST. .Every modern built-in convenience imaginable. iiUxloo lot. 2 blocks to car. Priced at J'.o. 1 am going to sell It this wees, for X34U0. Get in line. Everything camel to him who waits on himself. J. DELA HUNTY. Main 1.-.03, A 1515. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FLRN1SH Tilt MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE K.NUW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE riONDS. L. K BAILEY 4t CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS, 324 AB IN GTON BLDG LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. 0-rm. bungalow just completed, con venient to car, up-to-date In every par ticular, must raise some money, $:t4i0, easy terms. See E. H. Russell, at Hurt man Thompson, cor. 4th and Stark, or cail Tabor 2545, evening. WHY NOT make some money on your va cant lot? The present business depre--slon presents unprecedented opportunity for economic home building. Let me show you how- to take advantage of present conditions by assisting with your plans and financial requirements. Am special izing in homes costing flMltl to Xuou. Curtis, 237 y. Oak si LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES. Before haying be sure to look at our list .of brand new. exquisite homes in LAU RELHURST. the addition of beautilu. homes, ranging from (25U0 up Laurei 'nursi Co., 2;u-,i Stark st., or at tract of fice In Laurelhurst. E. 311th and Glisan sts. NEW ideal home way below cost; 7 rooms. "-i, biccijjiik purcn, odK Iloors. Duilt-in butfet. bookcase, fireplaco, cabinet kitchen full cement basement, furnace, etc. Block to Broadway car. E. J. G. GORDON S. W. Cor. E. th and Broadway. OKECLOSL'RE SALE Forced to accept $3400 for my modern $550'J Alameda Park residence. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, paved streeia, Broadway carllne; J4U0 will han dle. East 2SG5. Owner, Box 302, Paso Robles, cal. WHY PAY" RENT when you can buy a new nome on tne est side Tor 50 down, $10 a month, ti per cent interest, from r.5u to J10OO? M. E. Lee, 0O5 Cor bett bidg. NOTHING DOWN. New 6-1 00m, modern, 50x100 lot; In good district; near car; cement walk; fruit, berries; small monthly payments, lnclud Ing int. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex THOROUGHLY modern G-room house two stories, complete in every detail, lot SoxU'O. valued at $3750; sell ;;ouo terms or fJtnM) cash. Phone Tabor for par tlculars. FOR SALE by owner, best bargain in city; tion c ouy your nome until you see this splendid bungalow, in Piedmont. Phone Woodlawn 702. LET us build you a home. Any piaco in city. i, in-, or ours. uentai terms if de- sireed. The Oregon Home Builders. 1330 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' AM up against it; absolutely must sell six- ruuin moaern nouse In Beaumont- most any offer accepted. Dubois, 723 Chamber of Commerce, SNAP 5()0 equity 8-room cottage. '50 1. V. li.l,... t'llUI 1 T iwjuuio per montn, for quick sale; 64t$ Highland st. Wood lawn 3so9 FOR SALE fpOOO equity In nice large bun- Kaiow mr iou casn it taken in 15 days. S- 939, Oregonlan. FOR sale by owner, cheap, a strictly modern v-ivoiu uuusAiuw. 111 restricted tl strict . terms to suit buyer. 1182 E. Lincoln st. $1350 CASH equity In modern 8-room bun galow at your own price. BC 839. Orego- FOR SALE 5-room modern house and 2 101s, iruit, Derries, tiowers; cheap terms Owner. h33 E. 39th st. WW car. FOR SALE New, modern 1 14 -story bunga low In Irvlngton; complete In every detail; price S45O0 Phone E. 4545. NEW, modern 12-room house. In lrvinftun. R. B. Rice. East 2482. iEV modern homes for sale or rent. in Irvlngton and Laurelhurst. East 2432. NOTHING down, easy payments, strictiv modern. 1435 Alhlna. Woodlawn 712. 5-ROOM house. 2 lots 40x100 each. 2 block's mm ui. i,w wimi. j oregonlan. $1675 ALBERTA BARGAIN; five-room moaern bungalow. Call 1021 East 2:th N". Suburban Home Property. AN Ideal home, 25 min. from town, mocl-i-n' bungalow, full basement, fireplace fur nacs, large porches, flowers, fruit 'trees lawns nice chicken park. 2H lots (cheap): price S32.H), terms. l40 Fowler ave Phone Columbia 470. Frank M. Ward, owner GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne. easy terms: will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15SS or Sellwood 4IJ. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. Forbale Acreage. I WILL sell any part of fine" 20-acre tract, all In cultivation, on Oregon Electric R. K . 10 miles out. in Tualatin Valley; terms to suit; $225 per acre. See Handy, owner 206 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 205. 110 DOWN and 10 a month will buy a cor ner acre, fronting electric line, onlv 30 ft. from station. ;:o minutes out 10c fare see this Sunday. AP !:,. Oreponian R ,ALE -room house, barn and other builnlngs: 1 aire of ground: fine fruit; on car lne; luc fare. Will take 1100O for my equity. AP 837. Oregoniaa. SES BEAVEKTON-KEEDVILLE At h i- ai.p: And you will say with ui It I. th. hHt about Portland; only 30 minutes out. 20 a.iiy pass inrougu 11 the Bis; Htd feteel trains. Raises buss onion. vnt. tables, anythliiK. One purchaser sets about SSu per month' now for esxs sold; (10(1 h-n at bishest nrlca. lias three acres. Buy a tract, any alia, cash or ay payment. IliE SHAW-FEAB COMPANY, 1Q2 Fourth Street. '5 LOCATC.-i Villi riv a irM.'i iTaied a little way out of city Un.lts on Poweil all-y road, now being paved. This is One of the chmo-F t Iniria tin iht. tv.v driveway and nn ideal homesite; land lies '. e"ua sou; wi.i war closest investljfa tlon. Price lisu. terms month. LI 'E DDE MANN COMPANY. 813 Chamber of Commerce. Under 4u mi!es from Port'land. Just over two miles from rlat.on and wharf, rich. deep soil, all tillable, now beinu riearr ed. balance may be worked out In llKht labor iiucr 0 commerce. CH1CKKN C-HI'IT ' - 11 I.L- V t, . V . - . , 1 . . Near Portland. Gresbam district; near ic iauuii, iiii to suu per acre; easy terms; best soil, free wood. Farms for sale, all sires. FRANK MKARLAND REALTY CO, 3utf Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. lllttnrv in 1 vr l' Two acres, fine soil, all in cultlv., nice 5-room house, chicken-house, etc., fruit trees. 5 minutes from station. HotJO It-ss balance time: no trade. Call on Jos. cJ Gibson, 3116 Gcrllnger bldg. $.-,i HALF ACRE with beautiful shads trees, rine sou, right at station. com muters' tare; only SS per montS AO WATCH UOBLE GROW City and ranch property cn easy terms. H. F. Joslin, iol.le, or. Irrigated Lands. FOR BALE All or part of 160 acres Irri gated land, near Redmond. Or. Call East 1U2. H omesteSHla. FOR HOMESTEADS AND REL1NOU1SH MEXTS. W e have the best in Oregon. Washington, Idaho and Montana. Western Locators, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Ian ACRES relinquishment JI. K. . or T. & S. filing Estimated 1.,hiO.Uui) ft. of yellow pine timber. Casri suo or trill trade for used auto in good condition Address Box 1, Crescent, or. CHANCE of a lifetime; homestead re linquishment, small payment down, terms on balance. Western Locators, 723 Cham ber of Commerce. WANT homestead relinquishment; must be .cheap. Western Locators. 723 Chamber of Commerce. 1100-ACRE DIVERSIFIED FARM AND stock ranch; 50 acres alfalfa. 120 ready for wheat this Fail, 200 mope suitable for wheat, now In grass: 25 orchard; 40 more cultivated; balance fine pasture; 2 houses, barn and other buildings, fair condition; i miles hog-tight fence; R R. station and boatiandlng on place; orchard good money maker, account fine local market to farm ers; can be profitably rented; all spring water gravity system; finest diversified farming opportunity Imaginable: price 4i, 000; must have Sls.Ovv cash; will take up to Slo.Oou in city property or good farm; long time on balance at 7 per cent. W rits VICTOR LANDQCIST. Lewiston. Idaho. A 110-ACRE, highly Improved, well stocked farm on banks of Willamette River, 20 miles from Portlsnd; good roads. This is one of the prettiest and most profitable suburban farms with modern Improve ments in the country: In excellent neigh borhood. JJ7.000; J15.0O0 cash; long terms on baiancc. If you want a money-inaklntf chow place this is it. Telephone owner, M. i13Q. 532 Ry. Exch. B'.dg ONLY $15 PER ACRE. 70 acres of good soil, spring and brook. 15 a. in cultiv.. bal. rotten stumps easy to clear: no buildings; county road, 3 ml. to station on C. 4ic E.. 12 ml. west of Cor valiis. Good stock ranch, cheap, half price, cheap at only 15 per acre; 7."iO cash. Grab this quickly. Call on Jos. C. Gibson, 306 Gerllnger bldg., Portland. VERY fine slock ranch. Central Oregon. fine range and alfalfa land, for sale at a great sacrifice; owner would take some exchange; stock business is the most staple business that a man possibly can Invest his money in and brings the great est returns on the investment. J. L. RoMnson, 503 Corbett bldg. DON'T MISS THIS. A fine little 7-acre ranch right In town, only 10 miies from Portland; neat 4-ruom house, orchard, level black lsnti, all in cult.. 3 blocks to electric depot. Price 275i; part can run at l per cent. J.B.RULEY CO, 02S Cham, of Com. STOCK RANT IL ' " Wonderful value In ! acres, fully equipped with stock, crop and Imple ment., less 3 Interest in 42 head of cattle; 35 miles of Portland. Further particulars from M. Pedeison. 419 Henry bldg. CjOOD 320 acres homestead relinquishment for sale in Central oreson- price Also good dairy farm with stock In polk Co., cheap. C. p. WELLS, Independence. Or. ONE of the most modern ranches In the valley. 173 acres, new. modern buildings plenty springs. 2 creeks through place, 12 acres apples and prunes, 4 years old; 12 w acres bou. Call 48 6th st, 125 ACRES choice land; Improvements; 40 miles from Portland; close to Ry.; will make superior dairy; farm. Favorable terms. A. L. Porter. 30s Columbia bldg Spokane. Wash. 30 ACRES, partly improved. TnifdlrliTs! county road, running water, school sell cheap. Small payment down, balance long time, or trade. Owner. lix K7. Caane Rjc-k. Wash. 110 ACRES, all In crops, modern buildings 30 miles fro! Portland, easy terms, cali at hotel. 22S i? 2d st. FOR SALE Cowllts County stump lands. 10 per acre up: good soil, well watered. J R Sharp. 430 Plttock block. Portland. POK SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMRITR T A -T-t3 BOUGHT AND SOLD C. J. . M CRACKEN. 804 M' KAY BLDO. waxti: -REAL ESTATE. WANTED MODERN BUNGALOW Have tlooo cash and equltv of S2500 In 3i acres on Buckley ave., all under cul tivation, that 1 will give for a strictly up-to-date bungalow In a good restricted o:,".tr.tLt; Puerto deal with owners only. -2 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU WILL SELL CHEAP. trade or give terms on Portland property vacant lots, acreage or farm lands, call at one-. Western Locators. 723 Chamber of nmmerce. STi' 3?.AiSTVVm traa" my equity of I15O0 In IJ'JOO 6-room cottage. Hawthorne dis trict, for St. Johns house. AE U35. Ore- gonian. 1S15 FORD touring car and $1600 equity In now- modern ti-room bungalow facing San dy boulevard, to trade for smaller house. s 93i. Oregonlan. ALAMEDA PARK Want bargain for cash"; give-lot number. S 917, Oregonian. WANTED Modern house to $'too; I will trade good lots for it. Main llCrt. WAynrn t-t rext farms. WAN 1bD To lease, with option to pur chase, large Improved farm, stock and implements, near Portland. Y B35. Ore- ' gonian. FIVE to 20 acres, house, barn; reasonable rent. BF !':i5. Oregonlan. WANTED Farm 10 water and buildings :o 30 acres, running near carllne. 65 th. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE One small creamery out fit, together with boiler, engine, com puting scales, refrigerator, etc., for sub-urb-in lot or acreage near Portland. Phone CORNER lot, 60x100. unrestricted West Side for house In irvlngton. not over seven rooms, modern: state price and street number. M 938. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON home for- trade or sale7- s rooms, 2 fireplaces, hard floor, sleep'inc porch, garftge. corner 100x100. Hancock st. East 5504. LARGE and small listings given-same csre ful painstaking servic-. Exchangf through The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N w Bank Bldg. CLEAR Income property, flats, stores, $10 -Out, trade clo-ie-lr. acreage or farm,' must be on good rosd, near carllne. US514. AIMna ave. DAIRY proposition, want smaller p'.a-e not high-priced. Give particulars. AV 330 Oregonlsn. WILL exchange 5-room house and 2 lots for 1 or more acres close in. W. Prescott street. FOR SALE or trade. 10 acres. Columbia Highway, all In good orchard; small house. Phone Marshall C.44. IF YOU have good property and want to ex change it. see Bell Real Estate Co. sia Railway Exchange. 7 DAIRY ranch for salt wr.ter property hotel What have you? AV 3-2. Oregonlan. WE handle good property, anywhere, in ex- change See Brace. .Ti McKay bldg. EXCHANGE unimproved land for close-in rooming-home, c o:;.y Oregonlan. FINS improved farms to exchange" for city property. W.. J. Davie. 505 Corbett Bide. 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening and 9 o'clock other evenings is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fications for the next day's issue. Classified advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading fTOO. LATE TO CLASSIFY" fOKll'HAAoE REAL. tMATK. sii AC'K KS, U miUi east of Courtnousc, h mil orf Sanoy road; 13 acr-a umirr cul tivation, reat pasture. lmprox r ment fl n e 9.:t5n modern ban 2 alow, $3.11" barn, Wxj water aystem, other building. 1 i yuthouno Tor hlp. Total priutj All build inra now thla rar. I also have other acreage In ;im Kca tlon from 1 to 4 acrej, price $3.0 and up, cleared and uncleared. I will lake In trace for flrat place men tioned modern house up to t Mh 9 iMm, baiance time. Call Tabor U 44 O. Pnrr. Kafrview. Or. KLOUH1NG MILL Eastern Washington, Rood wheat bolt; lOo-barrel capacity, water power, elevator, feedroora, flourroom, office, two residence-. 2 barns, other buildings; 33 acres land, all for $30,000 and 111 take tradt-. city -r valley, to $20. too, $.MM cash, balance time. Fine proposition for rood miller vKti some capita.1. Family reasons for deslrlnc to nell. Call or write Jon. c. j id so 11, 30tt Uerllnger bids;., Portland, Or. LHNT HEAD TH IS or I will .-t your money; a lOti-acre (arm, 1ks than .10 mlles of Portland, with nearly 4i a'rs in crop, balance in brufh and. pasture, ome fruit trea, 7-room huum , good aprinir of water; price .iiOft; $i'uo cji1i. balance time or miirht take clear prop erty as paxt payment. H. N. HTtRI.K, . 206 Hallway Kxchangc. t HAVE an 11 -acre ranch one mile from AuiuHvlIle. Or., with lioUw barn, fruit and all in cultivation, that I will trade for a stock of goods running from $J.'-oo to $30ou, owliK to Ilk. a tlon and c.!nii. tlon. Thin la an (deal shkckeu , ranch In the largest cex and dairy produciuic ac. tion of the Willamette Yn I ;-. A. P. rtfer, Aumnvnie, ur. Uu ACHES. XVsj MILES FROM ElOENE H'.'.ow In profit in wood on place; two bouses, good barn, fence and iriitki; $loy per acre, a-3 value; will take $ .lm in clear Portland 10-ume propriy. ears on Lalanr- Ownr. in"' v-ti:amit on balance. Owutr, r unfile, ur 10o KCsjL ITY Jrvlniton home, near tennis court, value .oo, lor drugstore or vacant lt, some cash. l.".in equity Oxl00, West Kid", som In come, value $ir5,OM-i, for farm or stuck of roercnamnye. umi'r. Main hci. IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PltOl'KKT V PDU I" N" I J . V r" L- 1 . s. a -r. t v . i V1 DON'T HA.NDLt-: JINK f . AYKKai c SMI 111 CO., 51 NORTHvVLai BLUG, MAIN 7l6. H"M) WOKTil of unencumbered lots and mort Kattf s to exchaugu a uod 7 -room house. Kose 'ity I'nrK, Iruuton or La ur-l hurst. ill assume fJOiNt. Lptou, CtirtmUer of Conwm r.e Hlfi. OL'It en hans. service brtiiKS rnuUt. lioof? n 1 t SHtMi.uoii del -e tul uer t;iu other day, lann and t y property. T lie KxchH n Iepartmrnt. Tne i ron l!om liuiltlers. i:t lO N. . Hank Hlds. IOK HALE. llorac. etiicles. liarmess i-tc. BLACK, mare and oark iron Kiay Ki-il" tC. u aiiu u ears om. w et nm uuuiii .1.0 pounds, sound and tivv Iroia ly.eiiiUue. j;o. Matched brown team, mare and c'ldir.ic, weitthiUK AJO pounds, luuvy bot.e 1. bloi Ky build, 6 aud 7 .ars old; wia work slut;. ur double ; auuud and trua, -ju. Span of matched bay delivery homes, wviniiinr 2ouu puur.ds; f ret of blvru.incJ and a bandsome driving team, 1 ana 6 ears lold, MODEL STABLES, Oih aud Davis Ma. WHEEL SCllAPEKS, $8 upbee; 4-lncb buii.;y, platform sprnitf w ason w ith top pule and shafts. 3U; Fresnoa, $ apiece. Kirk Hoover, 5i Cuia inTcial st. I'liuiia Wooatmvn 11J. AUCTION! AUCTION! Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, ever Moncay and f riday. lt A. M. . uni strictly cumiiiiuiou stables in th city; cuuaiicn mei.t solicited. The Mcclcllanu liuise c Mmq Co., Eas: 8th st- Kt tkiio. AUCTION! AUCTION! Strictly commission basis; horses, nar neaa. tgoiu aaddiea. buK8'es. laras -to a. icuaraatecd as represenieu ; every 1 uurs uay, a P. M. Multuoinah titables. ltitb and Madison. J. M. McManon, auciiuoeer. KEPLs.ClNO WITH Ac To VANS and wish to dispose of a few pairs good work horses. Corno and see t:iem. i'he prices are right. C. o. Fick Tranhfr x Storage Co.. 'd and Pine. FOR SALE One of the s w e.lest ponies in town ; younn. sound, bc-auttt ul and as sa te as a trained nurse for a. klu. No. 04 Latt OVtth, or phone i l.y. FOR SALE or trade, an Al delivery uiRun, cneap, or win trauo tor a uukk'; must be in Kood condition. Call not .au-r than 2 o'clock Friday. 3 7 liliuma ave. WAGONS and horses by day, $1 I. Cohen, ni v "hlt (.. jaaiu ..-us, Aiain o.mj. DEAD horses aaid animals hauled away free. tvooaiawn -u. t'oriianu neuurnr.g co. pE AD horses and cattle taken away free. c an aay or ni-nt. A spur 4os. STt'DEDAKElt dump cart, nearlv nw cost su; price can iatior I4e. , l'lanoe. O rgansand Musical Instrument sT THE SECURITY STORAGE CO. will t-se out to 11 rat caiier: $272 McCamrnon piano. $3. cash. $300 Marshall & Vvendcll. $.'kj cash. 3A0 Wellington, oak, $115 cuh. $tu0 Decker A Sons, walnut, $125 cash. $.'0 auto-plaer piano, af-JW cash. $00 Kimball baby grand, S 3 4 w cash. 10U 4TU ST. COUCH H LUG. $0 CASH, with double credit for $10 buys new 3 00 piano at .to. . ...u montniy without Interest charad else wh ere. inaaes total savttiK el45.U u you, bcDaa Piano Co., Ill 4th st. $1 MONTHLY stores your piano. Security Storage Co.. H-tf 4tn St. Main o3a. $40 DISC talking machine, with double disc records. $11. Ill fourth it WANTED Square or upright piano cheap for cash. Ill 4th at. WANTED Piano In any condlilou, cheap f or caii fa. B U U2T . Or y on la n. EDIt'ON phonograph in good condition. $2.00. Ill lourth st. 1'LA Y ER piano cheap; take tailoring part payment, a sat. Dogii, Birds, Pet Mock. FOR SALE Full-blooded Scotch Collie. male, 11 months old; has fine disposition; will sell for $10 to part v assuring good care. Call East !1 or write AP tjre Konlan. GOINO AWAY Will sell the best 8-monthi- oiu Kiigllrin bull in Portland lor -U; pd lsreed. Marshall 4K REAL Airedales, hunters, pais, guaxds. Lad- um Kennt.t, Lita-aua, Or. PEUIOHEED Irish Setter pupa. M. IL Knox lus lvnott st tr-none tut -t-i. WANTED Toy black-and-tan dog; Prmne Marshall 30.,. Kurmltare It 8eJe. SPECIAL THIj WEEK ONLY. M A T T I . KS E rf AT CO S T. 4-lb. ComMnatioQ Felt, regular price $tt..Vt, our price j . , ;i 4 4.-Ib. Layer Felt, rcRular price $ IO, ou , price $r.Oi rt-lb. Layer Felt, regular price $li. our prt- e M 00 ouarantHi"! full six and- ul! nt lump. All Steel Spring with coil supports. r-a"-ular $7 tx, our price .'..".0 A good Baby Sulky, regular) v soitl at $2 00. for , ... 70c MISll FUiOilxURfi CO.. 14 FIRST tsT. r OK AIJ- r'umiturc for SaWw NEW llx 14 tent f-r sale, with polrs and P'Ks; also two kitchen tables and four new comfort ra; must sell cheap, lent is r.iw and up in back yard. Also 3-burner b'UO Fiji mo I'erfwtton oil atove. 475 K. 4 .th st., next houe to livlsion at Llveetocfc. caliTaL!-0-001 CW r VA t0r " Automobile WE have the followlns; cars left from our sacrifice sale, which you can buy from 100 to luo less than any other place in 1 ortland- - 1913 CHALMEf', 4-paaaenrer coupe. 1913 CHALMERS. 6-cyL, 7-paaacncer. l'J13 CHALMERS. 5-pasaenccr. 1913 STEA RNS-KN ICJHT, o-cyl . 3-pass. 1012 WIXTON. 7-passenger. 1314 WIN TON", 6-paaMDcer. 1911 P1ERCE-ARROW. 7-paesencer. THE'WIXTOX CO., 23d aiid Washington SLa. SOME BARGAINS. FORD rc.-r. BolU inasneto, Rayfleld carburetor, nou-skd tire, the CiMnt bug in town. DELIVERY CARS, .Y0U and 3;u. OVKRLAXl) PANEL top delivery new tire, ovtrhauiwd, iefluiued. MAXWELL lisnt csnvas top dellvwrv, new Lju, overhauled. rcIiniaiicU. aooa tires. TOIRING CARS. '0 and $lou. 11M J model t Vr.itl-A.M. 5-pass., elec tric starter, etc. In perfect condition throu it. KLiluHE, 4-cylinder. 3-paa.. liicht car, S-s3-v lirr. pii-iiuh hrcl tse; iivw top !i-w.y paiUied, tfood car for good, m chaaic J. W. LEAVITT A CO. " O-'J ashing ton St. A FEW UARC.AINS. 1914 Cadillac. Vou must ride in this car to appreciate its worm. l'.M3 CADILLAi'. tf-paas.. newly re painifl ana in excellent condition; new top. Kel.oKg power tire pump. Klaxon 'oorn. EVKRITT six. This car Is In splendid coi,,tumn ihMuihut, r-ialnted and at $--'' n . ; our price. $000. WOOD'S ELECT Kl. a very eervlcable town car at only 3mj. s e 11. CAIULLAC. ipasfw., anap at 22.V EK1.AND. 4 -pass.. good condition. $'--i. 'tJVY MOTOR CAP. CO.. 21st and Wash, USED AUTO SNAPS. LIlirtRAL TERMS GIVEN. 1012 Mitchell 5-pasa. body, self -starling, rebuilt 1111 Marlon roaidster, 80-h. p., $:;. 111- MichtKan, 0-pass., 3-h. p., $ PX. Several others to select from. MITCHELL LEWIS A ST AVER CO., East 1 st and East Morrison Sts. East 1.1 77. B 1-11 USED CARS. EAf Y TERMS. J 109 will 1. anile ly.o Chalmers; $172 will hanclu Max a ell l.ght ueilver ; tc will handle beautiful 1311 I-passenver Uwfta; J"t w;ii handle 1112 StudvUaaer roadster; will handle 2-ton Reu truck. toVf ri ot tier models lo select from, NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway at Couch St. Broadwa fc&7. a 45. 114 MICHIGAN 1112 HUP 113 NATIONAL Ult RAMULER 5-ton RELIANCE truck.. . 7. vi . . boo ... looo ... fc'H) . . . aouo DULMAGE-M ANLEY AUTO CO.. 44 N. iuth st, ONE 7riTi,DKY.I V ER Y TR VCK7 ONE ltM-m. DELIVERY TRUCK, for sale at a great sacrifice. Here ts a chance, Mr. Merchant, to get Just what you need and can afford to buy. Terms If den. red. OER LINGER MOTOR CAR CO.. ui4 'Washington M. ford "nt:G. A dandy little rebuilt vmr. Trurrtc and gasoline tank on roar, full elliptic springs At water Kent ion, all new nou-skd tires. Prtoe liERUXOKKMOTOR CAR CO., rti4 Washington Ft. RUN A ROT TT. M ax weP. In f irst -class condition : a bar gwin at $ 1 0. Covey Motorcar Co., lst and Wash nip ton LIGHT SIX. 3-PASSENOER. Electric starter and liphts; leaving city; no reasonable cash offer or t : me propo sition refused. See me quick, IL W. Lyons. 694 Washington st. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock. Prices $00 to li0. OUEOoN MOTOR CAR CO, Studet'aker Bldg.. Corner chapmn and Alder. PARTY going to Chicago w i.l s.-,l 1;1J Cidtilac. 3pasenger, cheap, has only run 1 0.000 miles; car Just as good as nyw; can be seen at 110 liolmonu Phono 1 1 t Mi. CARACES ereited complete $TiO up; ready cut or portable houses $12. up, TAKE DOWN MFG. CO, 648 Water iL. near Harr tson. Main 11T. AUTO TIPES, Make two of your oid tires do the work c-f a nr on. 1 n estimate. Auto Specialty Co.. 7- liroadway. l$li FORD. 5-pasa.. "$350; 113 Ford. $pasa, $310; 113 Kord roadster. :t; 1U ford delivery. $29: 114 Kord body. &-pasa.. $o. BOY ER OARAGE, &0& Bumside. 1-TON auto truck to trade for good, serv iceable team. inj2 E. Taylor $Wh Al ii TRUCK. '.0 h. p.. $.oo delivered in lvn!iind. O j. Colter, i,lTada. Or. 1W1! OVERLAND roadster; gle tne a cash offer. 14 N. Wh st. Aolumuiitlrv V anted. I HAVE 40 acres, clear warranty deed and abstract. vaue $1. to exchange for a got'd roadster or light 4-passenger car. R PIT. Orexorian. 5-PASS, late modfl a ut . up to i oo. as , first payment on Jo."o uw bur.cslo , clo.e in, corner. AO ore gonian. WANTED Kord autom .1 He for cash Ui4 or 1115 model. 1907 East Oliaan or Tabor HZZ. THITK w auted. 2 to 5 tons, tic har.g fine i'adiiiae t ar or corporal! n stock. caui Marshall 314. WILL p.y cash for 1 -too truck. Phone Mum 3ie3. TWo 3ol lots at C(xs Bay, Marshficld. for auto. s- II wood ur.o. Motorcycles). NEW 1917. 3-spee.I Hurley lalliun. rlc tnc, a hapam, tan cash. tal. easy terms. !! Morgan lilj. Automobile for litre. 1115 FORD for hire, $1 hur. Partb s taken up Columbia Uitusay, $&. ast 4iOX lauofbr anl lioeia. I U'N'vH fur sa.c. very rce--nw.f. ;, ti lor 7 fu beam, 3-;-n. p 4-cyt. .t.K) enKne. guod coiuiiiioa. Inquire 0-4 l;a.- lioTuHbOAT SNAP if-ti ai It, 4 sped l m. ea. $..5 complete wlta tyu r.sst Sj mnusy. E r,.tt weea oaya K A l.stl utiM cruaer. eoxa, new and com p.ete. a bargain. trm.s to suiu .n Tj renters, 1 Vi'ttt iUTLlvS lor rent; 3 moctas for $ and up; e xnoctnv rent appitru on pur cnaee price. Remington 1 j pewritex Com- lmaJa?, Portland, or. WE save ou from M to iS per cent on e.i n.aaes of t pe i rtt era. Mtid ior ur traied fIrlar. hc'.a.i d(aitm &t iios fcALE TV Pa.W ttll ER CO.. a-1 Wtiu tit oTANDALD lki three months I" -'4 1 Star St.. ! ie i ; runs $4. dclie:cl. p.-.jne Main tJ TYPEWRITERS, a.l makes. $1 to id The Northw est 1 ypsa rtter Co.. i. toiark a. Main siJtU NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. u. C. 31 Stsrk at Main IsoT. Buildlaa: Materiad, k lii-r -C I.A icvkK lumlr for aa.s hcap t owner at itl Columbia. Mlnrellaarwua,. MOTORS, yeneratora bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do al kmos f rvpa;r itig and re Indtng; all wori guarai.ic-u. 11. M li. Ectric Co., 51 1st si N. i buu liroao ws y iiV. 11 1.L1AX.DS -New end second-ha r.d carom and pocket billiard tables and bomuag aliovs ai.U ai'crtsorirJ ; c-ay pamenta. Tu iruns k k- Bal ke-Coi lender Co., 4t- 5ta TEACHERS, students, a sua ; ; new . ciu plete t Dr. Eliot 5-foot sne'.f of booaa. liarvatd classics, io o.uinee. t'a.l or ad d r.ies owner. E. 1 st. houtk. CAH HEvjiSLKS. targe stock on band; we save u 40 to 00 per ceut; all rvgtsteie guaranteed. Cash Register Exchange, Washington st, SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sale or rent, $2 up. Pewing Machine Emporium. llu d u, near 'iaior. kaia Hat. A ai2tt. MAXWELL r.auur ar, flist-c.asa lue ib;intial coiuunon. One 131i moirt Singer lnB macl-.ttie ehap. Altert lull. Hum ;1 St. E. Hcm'HKKUj'8 Camera Exchange, hi lid at. Cameras, koilaas and lenses bouicht sold and exchanged. We sell the lea cam raw UiAAloNU house paints, strictly pure. mi.U in Orenou; per sailon. $1.75. port. and Pal" t o.. 2"o Front si. Marball lw TH E Neutral Cigar Havana rttler seila for 6c tast s liKe -ic -tia Hurnaide. PLUMR1NG supplies at wholesale prices. atark-DavU Co.. .111 ed at. Main 797. 6 A EES. The Mosler Pafe Co., SAKES. 264 tark St. USE HoMrtt'i Native H-rts tor rheumatism. $0 taolets for ic All drugglsta. DIAMOND for sale; O 2S. Oregoman. carat; reasonab.e. -CARAT DIAMOND. 40: Morgan 4!.ifi. Lai a, a in for casn. FOR SALE Tent and fly. 1-.M, $io. J weeks, t'nij ViH:laii 17ro, Fl RST -CLASS hot -air furnace Phone Mar. P"-, East 4tT. ery cUeai. WA.NTLI M1S( KLLAXEOI S. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES We pay hignest cash price fir lauiee" and gents cutoff clothing, blcyciee end ertning In merchandises, t ai a up. We need it and w.ll pay (or It. OLOLE to TO RE. isa First St. Main Main 2010. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or an thirg in the hardware sine, ca.l the Lewn Hardware at Furniture Co., 2.1 Krone Phone A 1 ; 4. Jlain SECON U-HA.V l Cl-OTUiNG WAN l'Kl J MEIER, IHR TAILOR, FA.. Ht T 1 -RICE. SHoE-4 huliillT. CALL MAIN 7.'. To. MAD Ipo N ST. li I' ill EST prlcca a: J for good used f nrnl tuie, ci jk it, etc. (iovurta Furn. Mora, -"T 1st., bet. Talor aud Salmon. Matsha.l 14 1st UlMi H'K.MTfRE t O. 1S4 1st. Refore you bu or sell your .lutuituit get our pr.ces. Main Mt'A WILL l'AY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD OOOD8L 1'HONL MAIN $3. A 2i4 1. Kl.l N E S RU Y. SELL AND EJiCH ANGK FURNITURE. 1 0 r PRICES PA1U. .4 It A W 1 Hull . E AVE EAST 116$. WANTED To bu ,Z-t on tiitU-rn hou-. but ; will pay cash. Phono il 1 1 lo. t L) .tr-Ronian. WANT i-uioir m, taitd -a, pt.i!..T and ta od, lutiit pu!, r-hafuuE and haoit. it4. AL P.:, rr(finJin. OWL Fl KXITl KK Co. paa bMt price for your furniture. 11 1st su Ma.n 44J7. WANT $10.00 turd rurnlture. pay good prU t a ; starting ne w store. Sellm ood 1 WANTED National caah reg.steT k4.11 4v6 1M S sshir.gton st. WANTED Esca. sting and toant woTk7TeT ep?i one East 4S04. C 14 77. WANT 12-iiK-h wood .ah with ah aft and pu ie s O "4, Oregonlan. CASH id for hair combing a Sanitary Ikau Parlora. 40 Dekum bldg. WANTED -To tent, tract ton tL,iue M:iin -J1. WANTED cnln sr and Li"i .I'oua-l.aii'i n ma- ex trar tor. A y.-J. rec or.lan. H El.P A NT ED HAUC. LA UN DR Y O I EK A TO i t Flrstclaaa opor ator v arcii and finish shirts and. col lata. one. havir.k- had experience and alio to .urn nut iirat-ciuss ora, one ued to Sharp's Monarch steam-heated col ar nia caine preferred ; steady employment, sniarr. Mnaicu bteatn L-aundrj. Van louver. a!l. WANTED Window trimmer and card writer; man with- department store experi ence. Apply by lftier to KlnivS Depart ment Stoi tr, Corvali Or. ME NTS suits reduced. Just a f t w I!sht-cot-orcd suits left, s.xes lio to .is. Out they go at $7.00. Just tn:na or 1:. $ii suns Ir $7.oO jimmy Dui.u. 8 1 5 - 1 -1 1 Orego man b.dg. Elc ator to 3d floor. MN with references wanletl to take charge tf tiUtrlt-utinjr i.rant ii for uuguu J a ten ted article u-d on uuto, motor bo., is. steamships, steam plants; bi; p:t. Adams Co., 4ij Chamber of Commerce, Tu cu :11a, Waflu TALLYMAN, car loading, $J..'m). Two milkers. $40. Coolc for small crew. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT C , Couch st., bet, hi aud d. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. A c ha nee to learn automoM . driving and impairing at a sma.l expuuso. Call in tiie n. urn 111 g. 10 o'clock. Uou 11 ill and Jelierson Pta ALL AROUND laundryman wanted for small pwttit, washing principal job; niuitt be able to turn out f irrt-cl.ts work. Olve r-fei eiioi'. No bouior. Dallas S:eam Laun ury. OaiiHS, Or. W A NTED Young man to trawl a:.d learn good -paying bu9tn-is; en optional oppor tunity lor artt-it 10 us vouny man. Call 1 to 4 P. M. at M: Roval C A 11 advanced you weekly selling our han dy guaranteed ornamental and iru.t stovk. Right now best tirua to start. W atning ton Nursery Coinuany, Toppenlsh. ash. Portland ba riser colleoe Expert tcstructor lo ta h you the barber traue in t w eeks ; too s f re; pott it Ion g uaranteeu, ysid while learning. ai. r.t-ar Main an. v.iiAKI.KS liERTRl M A N DEKro. N. pleaso ar this ad. "E." 74i Northrup M., ruum 1. WANTED Name of young men wanting to be rai.way mail clerks. $;s month. Answer Immediately. A V :. Oregonlan. MAN and w Us to go on unimproved plr-e7; i wu ti-ain . -iuiMi 1'inre tor ftiu a ; otu.r mploment lo be had. A 7 In. Lo 1 vault .1 I -1 rv n 10 and J rars of aire for foundry work. Apply Smith A ats-m Iron Work a. WANTED at once. n-n to N-arn a -i 1 ..:ni-1 ie repairing and driMnn. Call a; Haathorne I)raKe. 44. " Haw t hot ne ave. PARTNER for w o.d sawing r-ut. tiisran-te-d ioO niontli; mut t rb-r "and gioa w ork.-r ; money secured. Elmore Co., 7J4 I'himitr "f Commtr-e. WANTED One experienced door maker and one experienced stock cutler. Call at o5 Oregoman bldg. WANTED Four first-clsaa neat appearing woilcttors; new live proasition. Ca.l l;w lL'ttt t-. 0 to 11 o'clock A. M . 0.tD strong experienced b-y to m:k cow w ges tfU'i pvr month and boa id. Cui -." Alder St. tioon t'lany. W 1 LL exchange tininc un:berd b-ach K-t at S a. i air. mar sta.ii-n, for jatnting uouae In P.rt.a::d. R !. Oregon. an. tWO BOYS At once, to learn the barber t ra d e. 4 8 N. id at. PHOTO agents, meii-m n- ; xtra com m lTinn paid, far on y muiio. Kv al b,!g. lt Y aout 11 ars tor ll K M of I-co ,uk Hiom i. B'-aru of T radt- WANTED tiood sporti ivr. Phor.e East "Jo, r and d r. WANTED Busnrl nan and m3Ll.:r. st V"lel Cieanvtn ft Dwra. Fl R ci; sa:n on vs. 14 Pit ic f.nt- new I i.--k HAKHKK wanted, steady Joo. Morrisu lit Li WAXTUWVAIK EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. T.M. C A. " - . M pr'ii aipo roent in com- rner- ia , c.erica. or icclin.,a4 ..nea. are id tll i cons.t ibo emp40meot secre 1 ice of urnmnt is ! 7,1? ' m'In 'r- 1 v ooo-imtera, a vK r a la irsueU, roaiiag $ Lirti orwee of 11.. de partment for a ear t0 month fu.l pru ..fhxe and a reiand of the xtuenibers.i.p cul ctorjr luoimsoi is not ee- business In a:nr()ttcin and t.rcn: mi.t r.a col.-ff eu.-atton or tea, f.r;n-em- n t.uX.c KlOf., at our bunes is u ri t.v s iy:,.,rjuo stvrti to mir. .nirn lV:ia r--ll-"rt i.r nianager Is on n , w- r rkm I r j et- onal Inurvir. A.i-iri n 1 i,,.....e. L?!,-' " irntoli jj- t.-j. .au'e Was:.. A MARK! ED n.aa .:h an ai7:7u.: urao"i-i-ie rduts::0n. 1 t.t.r..uK n: jmi.iar r.a mo..e n r.g and cm, kn r..n( ..a wr.l farming, to iak vt r:.- of a rl.-n;prffa ana w , ke.l l.o-arre Irm. 0 m..n from,,;. .S.Lt ep- -..'.r Im. r.ji.rr on sa.ry or prt.t- ANTED Liper'.enccd mrreba-ndlse man, ger. inns; be man who kn..s mercnan-- se th.r.vug::lv and can take cl.srce r.'.t'1", hse;ine Cv piione atimber. X , Or ti o n ; a n. M- - A. AC TOM OR ILK SCiiOOU SPECIAL 6HORT COURSE. REDUCED RATES TO SEPT 1 t nuaua opportunity. For particulars CtiUCil Y. M. C- A. In cluded in tuitivn coi ts fu.i Asao.auv.a mtmufrifiip to ocioor L Help aoted A gen to. CANVASSERS, fast telling artIc.p",nK-t h 7g rew ; a-.e most every ca.l. ea triaKo bl.. Help Wanted mm. SAl.r.MAN wanted to sell our fruit and ornaane.aal nursery stock, roses. hru--oery. etc.; excl.isiw terr.tory. l.i.erai ca-a advance weekly on or.1.r. rr ou:f.u ak:ma As Co.umtoa Ri wr N uricry Co N c'M 11 Va k itna. to-ti. WANTED Saj-.-meit In OrCKot, t,. t i Safety Steering Dvvu-e for FoiJ an t electric c.i . .unr..niw,l 7 to 1 . . -rtiv. l.rferences iv.)nin-,i. 1.. K. Wat, is. r:iK-i . Id..ho Nortut 1 i t r:lMi t r . WANTED M.fiaian to rli CarperTter s t y and auvert.k.iig t-allmu., as a s.ue Lne treg.n and aujaceut ten awry. Carputer l'aper Co.. Omaha, .Neb. HELP WANT K IT H; MA LK. LAUNDRY OPERATOR First-.las oj er ator to nun n anu fumh smrts and c.. lars, one having had xerieuie ana awe to turn out t in-t-cia won. .ne ukM to Sharp s Monarch, steam-heated col ar m.. c.wne preferred; stesdv em pl . vmeiu. 1 y. Monarch Lcam Uuuury. an couver. Wah. NEAT oung girl with good ref erenctp U ir.g w limn " s n!k:i,i; distance of Bi wJi ay and Fast 1 t h N., to de- v ote about six houia uaii v to csre of a child of two war. App.y In person Pe t w e-n J and L J7.l Esj-i I'.'it h . N. A Wv'MAN to ko in trie countiy i.nd u houMttotk: must hae go..u refer--nc. V1.' at Oraco Apartmcr.ta, No. o. Tci. m. ST ENi 0 KA I'll r.i ;S w anted, dm ernmer.t, $." month; Portland exam tnat lona Oct, l.i sample quesUona free. Frai.kiin Ltituie. Depr.. 7o.l F, Rochester. N. Y. $jo l'El: MoNTH for woman or girl paM 11 to work lz sliotmg sitry. sme ex.peii- 1 witii un reu a i rxxi . ?u :im r t.t i ; - 1 AN twiMai.t rardencr with m et-co f.r suturran p'ace ; gi ' exp fereii rip.Tio.irf ana wa Oir- on 1 j ?t. rijuvtoil. T :4o WANTED Refined, capable w,-man for re" s;ons.b.e posiilon. ia. Company. 4.2 1' ittock blok, ja j W asn.rgton st !;,;. ES1 V E BU IN Ks"cy LLE'TZ A'i inmifrn hutnri rouri mo l:tioDl when rr.l N W. t!:c. W A N 1 i.i Mti'i rtfnc'-d mrkrii and sort -ers . st Ate w hTe I.'i-v.erly e cd and w 1 rv ei.-fte.l. A !.'!, , iff. ,.t u.n w a rr.D on sotch :t .- c.h v a r.d .: no a . 1 j v fr ulf i fworth ave, haiur. 1 Mi NUKSE wanted with some bo;.:tai caperl for general duty in ho;aal Port Jsndiienrral Ho p.. 1$ Ixit Joy t W ANTED ." g od pieaaiiut outil 'or t he r. i lit l-eople ap;eajlng Indies i itk ; Ms hriit i CitJI K.,-t 4-'.!7 for Nl ItSE wanted with s!ii h r ni. e f r ser.eral duty in t.;7. Orcc.'Man pita" x, .o.v;.i;s(. TH Kol ; H I. Y cxp-nem-d rr:i,ii Jp .- . lew m.iiisrr. rviui Mcnantilf Co 4-'t Lumlxr Escharuce bldg. EXPERIENCED c h-olut. c.T '.r; i .r.r i . f M t h I ; TiK, ;.Kiern rd i ;,iT-.s-r R K K EE I KK,'. nl(t-i' , nrd n t Por M-r.ito-s. J l N. W. i sra b M lS VI ATTIN'ILY S C'HOOL Shnrihnl Tjpewri:jng.$5 roo.j: lathPh. at. Sftsx. FIVE alrls 1 ea m bra ut i 1 1 u 414 lekuin bU'.g. Sanitary Per lore Hi'ME len In eX'-bance fr company sons asitance. Ts'or -'7. and Oil'.!, to an-ii witn ho'--ork nn.i care of eMMrn ; t"frr-i)T. ,'4 k. 4-;t!i N. TWO iifs-.-iiMvartnc 1 i.iif-s. $lo week. U to 12 A M. 'H Mrg.m t-.,.K. C I K L for g ncrsl )iouic work. Apply t ;;an. ItFl.P WANTED MAI K OH FEMALE. MEN and WOMEN lo learn the barber trade, earn from-$15 to $1 per week, tui tion reduced, paid whCe learn. ng; positions secured, write ftr free csia.ogue. Tte Sjstem of Colleges Ad. 4s N. Id uht'luN Barber Co: lege w ans men and wom?n to learn the barber trat; In a " - -is- ' siiiii learning; earn from $18 to $l'5 week; new course for Summer; tuition reduced. 22 Madison. CH I ROPR ACTOR who Is graduate in Pa- ciTftc Chiropractic ('niinf and u llcen!" rred. can iitiv t'tirntlon m sanitarium; references. M i., H F LP U A N TED M 1 E LIAN EOl 8, ST EN "IKAlli El .S make good s.-IIinsT" O.. A E. carbon iper, cish p:lr contest, .'0o for samples, o. A l- Cart-on l'aper. Fac tory ol f ie. 31 2 Empire State b'dg.. Slo kane. '.tii. RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. cork a. car riers, exam. so.n; parcel post uxmanda many more cierka; act at once. Pacific state Schools, McKay blug.. city. MTU ATIONS V.NTED MALT. Boik key perm end 1 lerka. I'OOEKEEriNVi. Simple and inexpenie systems tn staltcd to suit the tiit!Kess; aicoutits aud ited, hooks kept, lnwntones ficuiei ii-o. Kidout, c. P. A. Marshall -MJ. tti lin street ST E N n.UA PH E K. .ur(t man. several years experience, knoaleae of tiook keeping, good it'feronccf. ill w ork for merely living expen-a. BF IC4, orego- r. i n . BOOKKEEPING. The proper met hod of keep.ric stock holders' accounts and rm-ter .f tranfi, notes receivab.e and notes psabie. Oeo. Rld-jut, C P. A. Marana.l 2si, :s lath, POSITION by man of "J."', h.iriiware rx;y riem e, or wiP take col.etii.i: or any : hi:i g ; have best of rctreii es. r Ulti. 'Oregu n i a n. l iitrellMDroas, Vul'N'i man. t insiiinh &:id p.un.I t: i helper, wants woi ; i ao experienced teamster; r ferenci s. Ma.u 7oM, a 101 i. MAN and w ife, Italian. EnK.ifh s peak m k, experienced, want work on farm; reter ences, Ma.n 7t'.l. A 1.M7. P A INTINO. la permg, kalsom "nln g ; good "otk cheap l tontracu l'hone sellwood 17. EN PEPIENCEi and careful ctiauffeurw ante posi-.ion; w to do saw a work, Co- iu:nt;a 12. VolNd Ju4;:oe. ma: ricd hanl y ,;) hii. mit rave wtv. antiiiL.K; reter- EN PErx 1 ENCED f ir t -c -a a iMufrur a me : h.- mc .va nrs pi su ion . 1 est, re i e rem BD P..7. Ori-iiiiihtrj, ea. IRISHMAN wants !"'.i!m in grocery s! ore. honest ;"ie. niMirn. ii'i. w.i,,., Iturke. 71 l Slxtl st. N. her, w .i,.t.g to iratQ. Mr. CARr ENTER. A-l ttviis, r entrn repa.t reaiu:iattc bl-7. Main JAPANESE chaufleur. rr-,.ab.e and carefm: ir. any j vara vper.ence; good referer.cea B" . Orec on. an. A-l JAPANESE c..k lly or hotel. In Oregon :n. cu y or country. AL M-. MAN and lie war.t work on farm for ro:rt ronrt ar.l mrr.i; psv. !n 7-, 1. A i:.iJ C'tAL ail oil fireman d steam fnclriw expert' r.ce urea w r.rk ; hi Ms In 7iio MARRIED V. N, n.l afra of w ork. w j'.l sr y t n .r g R i n lan. PAi :. l-.ti. HANOI Nt? era a bolt ; pa d tir.tirg cheaply O.-ne, Tabor a n KALSoMlNINtL linTin tng; re.ij"mnl-le. ... CiI N TRY 1 !.Y wouTl" D, May. 7I li. 1-ue. x. patch- like w ork on farm.