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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1915)
TIT 12 MOTtNIXG OTIEGONIAX. FRIDAY. JULY JG. 1913. IS PORT ASKS WAIVER Title to Dredging Waste Left f in "Boneyard" Sought. FUTURE DOCK CONSIDERED Commission Divided on Method. but AVants O.-W. R. & X. to Relin quish Rights to Material on Threat of Halting Work. Providing that the O.-W. R. & N. in terests will execute a waiver, relin quishing title to, material being pumped on to the "boneyard" property In North Portland, by the dredge Port land, of the Port of Portland fleet, the Commission of Public Docks will not take action to enjoin the fill being continued. The matter was discussed at a special session yesterday and it was agreed to write. the O.-W. R. & N. and request that such a waiver be signed. The Commission takes the position that if the "boneyard" is desired later as a public dock site for pier and slip construction, - a large amount of labor would be necessary in dredging from the slips the material now being de posited, besides removing: that natu rally in place: that in the past payment has been made for fills when property was purchased for dock purposes and . that it has been claimed by upland owners. "When fills are made you immedi ately establish a new hijjh-water line." caid F. W. Mulkey, chairman of the Commission. Waiver to Material Sought. "At one time North Front street was washed by the river, yet we paid for the fill there in securing the site of Dock No. 1," remarked Dan Kellaher. That material taken from the river could be deposited at street ends and the gravel used for street work throughout the city, so the improve ment of the harbor could be con tinued." I would have no objection to the fill being made if the owner would ign a waiver right to the material, . eaid C. B. Moores. "The Supreme Court has held that land between high and low-water marks belong to the abutting owner, and lfjteps are to be taken to stop mis it win simply prevent owners from improving their property," Bald Mr. Burgard. "I favor a waiver being Bigned and the work allowed to go on.' "As there appears to be a conflict of opinion I believe the question should be decided definitely. We have estab lished a bulkhead line in our ordinance and it has not been complied with.' asserted Mr. Kellaher. "Then the thing to do is to test that under the present ordinance," said Mr. Burgard. Injunction Plan Defeated. Mr. Kellaher moved that the O.-W. H. & N. be enjoined from making the fill, but Mr. Moores offered an amend ment to the effect that the company first be permitted to sign a waiver and that carried. Mr. Selling said he thought there were enough natural ob stacles to overcome in channel work now without placing more in the way, and said he did not feel inclined to act until additional information was available. Permission was granted the Stand ard Box & Lumber-Company to erect a temporary office building, 20 by 30 feet in diameter, on its property south of the east approach of the Burnside street bridge, for a period of 18 months. The plant was destroyed by fire June 8 and the company desired to have an office in cleaning up stock on hand. The structure will be built on piling left standing and is to be protected from fire. The Commission, on the suggestion of Chief Engineer Hegardt, ordered that a . checker be employed for 1 one month to ascertain the volume and character of business passing over the recently acquired St Johns dock so that a tariff could be compiled and regulations adopted. An aged man is to be retained as watchman there at $10 a month, which was his compen sation under the St. Johns administra tion. . Dredging: Slip Authorised, Saturday. Tha T. J. Potter remain on her present schedule, leaving here at 9 o'clock each night, except Saturday, when she departs at 10 o'clock, and her sailing is omitted Sun day and Monday nights. captain McGraw eoes out as master of the Hassalo when she leaves on her Initial trip at 1 o'clock tomorrow after noon, and with him will be Captain Gildez as pilot. Captain McGraw has been In the fleet for some time, while Captain Gildez recently resigned from the Port.of Portland service, after hav- ng been with that fleet three and a half years, and previous to that he was with the fan aver line. The Hassalo is to leave here weekdays at 8:30 o'clock the morning, reaching Megler at 2:30. She leaves Megler on the return at 3:30 o'clock and arrives here at 10:30 o'clock at nisrht. When sig naled the Hassalo will stop at Kalama except Saturday and Sunday, but makes no other way points. There will be about 20 excursionists from points along the Oregon Short Line to arrive here Wednesday, and they will be taken down the river on the Hassalo, being bound for North Beach to pass a few days. Captain Carlson and Pilot Johnson, who have heen on the Hassalo. are to be transferred to the Harvest Queen. The latter broke a shaft not long ago and was delayed while another was shipped from San Francisco, anddur ing the Interim she has been gone over so as to place her in condition for. the Summer. SHIPPING BODY NAMED g COMMITTEE TO PROMOTE INDUS TRIES IJf CITY CHOSES, TOO. CHINESE SEEK SHIPS PURCHASE OK PACIFIC MAIL, GARDED AS PROBABLE. RE- Some of Vessels to Be Acquired Em It Company Is Xot Taken In En tirety, According . to Report. SAN FRANCISCO. July 15. (Special.) Purchase by Chinese capital of the Pacific Mall Steamship Company, or ac quisition of several of its big steamers as a nucleus for a -trans-Pacific line to compete with the Japanese liners, is re garded as probable In the near future. Completion of negotiations whereby a Chinese syndicate will acquire the steamship fleet of the Pacific Mail is probable, according to information given out in San Francisco today. , If the Pacific Mail is not taken over in its entirety, some of its vessels will be shortly acquired, it is said. Representing Chinese capitalists. Feng Sui. of Canton, left San Francisco today for New York to confer with R. P. Schwerin. head of the "Pacific Mail Steamship Company. and Eastern bankers. Feng Sui spent more than a week in San Francisco. He took pains to keep his presence and his mission here a secret. I can say," said I. P. Allen, manager the Bank of Canton, "that China Is Head af Members' Coancll of Cham of Commtrrc Also Seleeta Aida on Land Settlement. President ?3. L. Thompson, of the members' council of the Chamber of Commerce, announced yesterday the personnel of the three committees which are to have charge of the ac tivities of the organization for the development of Portland's shipping, the promotijn of industries and the set tlement and improvement of the land of the -state: These committees were authorized at a gathering of the Cham ber Monday. The new shipping committee is com posed of Hy Eilers. chairman: Captain A. B. Graham. Drake O'Reilly, A. G. Labbe, George B. McLeod. " T. D. Wheel right and Russell Hawkins. This comimttee will work up some plan for the fnancing of lines of steam ers to various ports. Its plans also include the establishment of a ship building plant. The committee for the development of industries includes: K. W. Hardy, chairman: Lloyd Mullt, W. P. Dickey, I F, S. Doernbecher and Everett Ames. Its work will be principally the foe- I tcring of. the weaker industries, and will include the giving of assistance in the securing-of markets. Among other plans are the establishment of a factory for the manufacture of rail road cars in order to utilize Oregon lumber.- The bureau of industries and manufactures of the- Chamber of Com merce has almost completed a survey of the manufacturing industries of this city, and when finished this will be turned over to the new committee for its assistance. The committee on land settlement consists of J. E. Cronan. chairman; L. Franck, R. J. Brock, J. H. Barbour and F. S. Stanley. The finding of land suitable for settlement and the assisting of settlers in locating upon it will be a portion of the function of this committee. A committee for the reception of United States Forester Graves and the promotion of a park along the Colum bia River Highway, which was author ized at the same time, was chosen sev eral days ago. and the personnel an nounced. lrLdr& n iO) Specials for Friday -and Saturday is 00 Chesterfield Suits Sizes 34 to 48, Worth $20, $25 and $30 a Suit, Your Choice for $13.75 of going to have a trans-Pacific steamship line." "I have not seen Feng Sui," A. J. Frey, assistant manager of the Pacific Mail, said today, "but our steamers are for sale to the Chinese government or anyone else who cares to buy thern. We have a fleet of 12 steamers. The Chinese government or Chinese capital ma-y buy them." With" San Francisco Chinese bankers Sui left word that he was going to New York to attend a meeting of steamship men. "at which the matter of the estab lishment of a Chinese-American steam ship line would be taken up." WHEAT EXPORTING PLANNED Port of AsiorJa Will Build Grain Elevator and Handle Shipments. ASTORIA. Or, July 15. (Special.) - Under an agreement made be- ween the Port of Astoria Commission and the Astoria Flouring Mills Com pany, the latter will operate a line of steamers between Astoria and Upper Columbia River points, bringing wheat to be stored at the municipal wharf. The company also is to export five or six cargoes of grain from the local wharf during the coming season. According to the agreement, the Port Commission is to erect an elevator. nstall cleaning machinery and arrange for grading the wheat. Negotiations are now under way for the chartering of two ships for early Fall loading and it is understood the charters will be closed immediately. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FISHERMAN USES RIFLE SHOTS FIRED AT BAXKOKV HARD WHEN NET IS FOILED. Captain Sandairom to Aalc Federal Aid in. Apprehending: Man Wear Rainier Who CHd Disturbance. Federal assistance will be sought to day by Capt. Richard, Sandstrom, of the Columbia River Pilots'- Association, in the apprehension of a fisherman, in the vicinity of Rainier, who is accused of having fired five shots from a rifle early Tuesday morning at the Japanese steamer Bankoku Maru, while she was at anchor opposite Rainier, because in making & "drift his net had brought up across the bow of the steamer ana become fouled In the anchor chain Captain Sandstrom arrived here last Steamer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. Kama. From Bear. ...Los Angeles Beaver Los Angelea. Great Northern. . aa Francisco. Geo. W. Ulder. . . -San Diego banta Clara. . . . ..ban ranclsco. .. Northern Pacific. Wan Francisco. .. Breakwater Coos Bay Home City - l.oi Angeles. .... F. A- Kllburn. ... an Francisco.. . Koanoka. ...... ..iian llgo. ... ... DUE TO DEPART. Mr. Hegardt was authorized to com-(night as pilot of the American-Ha- plete dredging the slip at the north end of Municipal Dock No. 1 In ad vance of piling beinjr driven near the slip for warehouse B. Commissioner Selling was granted leave until September 1, as he departs tomorrow for Honolulu to pass) a few weeks. As the old British prison ship Suc cess, now exhibited at San Francisco, "is to be brought here, the Commission fixed a rate of $2.60 a day for the use of space at the foot of Yamhill street as a berth. It is said the vessel will remain two months. In the matter of recommending an extension of the harbor lines from St. Johns and Linnton to the mouth of the river. Chairman Mulkey named ' Com missioners Burgard and Moores to serve with himself in conferring with a commitee from the Port of Portland Commission consisting of E. C. O'Reilly. R. D. Inman and Captain .tr. W. Spencer. i ONEONTA REPAIRS ARE BEGUN Willamette Iron & Steel Works Rnslies Job on Bar Tug. - Repairs to the. Port of Portland bar tug Oneonta. damaged Wednesday , afternoon at Flavel, when the liner Northern Pacific backed Into her, have been undertaken by the Willamette Iron & Steel: Works in the sum of J1100 and are to be completed in three days. Meanwhile, E. W. Wright, man ager of the Port of Portland, has se cured the tug Henry J. Biddle, of the Columbia Contract Company's fleet, and she leaves for the lower river to day to remain in the bar service until the Oneonta is ready. Captain Charles Johnson will- be in -command, with Charles Hobson, formerly of the tug wallula, as chief engineer, and others aDoard will be from .he Oneonta. The Oneonta was lifted on the public drydock at St. Johns yesterday, and bids for the work were filedby the Vulcan Iron Works in the sum of $1110 to be completed In five days. and by the Alblna Engine & Machine works for 11280 to take four days, so the figure and time of the Willamette were accepted. Mr. Wright Bays that when the Northern Pacific struck the tug a hole was cut through her bull and into the oil tank on the port side being about five or six inches long by eight inches wide. The fact that the tug Wallula as being overhauled here left the Port without a vessel to place- in tne oar service at once. Out the Bid die will be on the ground early today. HASSALO GOES ON DAY ROT Harvest Qneen Resumes Service Portland-Astoria Route. Repairs and a thorough overhauling being ended, the O.-W. R. & N. steamer Harvest Queen resumed her run be tween Portland and Astoria, making way points, at 8 o'clock last night, re lieving the steamer Hassalo, which goes on a. daily round-trip schedule between Portland and Megler. so as to serve North Beach points, beginning wallan liner HonoluLan. He said the fisherman had no excuse for his actions and that scores of others were in the vicinity but apparently saw the ship anchored, while proper lights were dis played as required by law. Pilots say they have had no trouble with fishermen on that part of the river, though complaints have been made of others in the estuary and on the bar for drifting in the fairway. Captain Sandstrom said fishermen who were in the vicinity did not Join Jn tne aemonstration, ana one wno accom panted the irate gunman in his beat in the morning had nothing to say, DAMAGED CRAFT BEING TOWED Decorah, With Rudder and Part of Keel Gone, on Way to Portland. ASTORIA, Or.. July 15. (Spcial.) With her rudder broken off and a short piece of her keel torn away as the result of grounding on Clatsop Spit, the halibut fishing schooner De corah is being towed to Portland by the steamer Jordan. The Decorah was entering the river about 11 o'clock last night when her steering gear failed to work properly on account of the stock having worked loose. As a result sh struck the edge of Clatsop Spit and hung there for nearly two hours before she could be worked into deep water. Flares were : sent up and the Coast Guard crews responded and towed the disabled craft to the Hammond wharf. While the Decorah is leaking slight ly, the principal damage is the loss of the rudder and about four feet of the keel. The schooner had been'fishlng off Yaquina and has on board about 20,003 pounds of halibut. She also brought two curiosities, a large shark and a head or sun fish that weighs approximately 100 pounds. Marine Notes. It bas been decided to lift the American Darn jonn na on trie public orydock Mori aay lor cleaning ana painting. Some pairs tre being made aboard at present. About 400,000 feet of lumber will be loaded aooara me steamer cnenans at St. Helens, and sne finishes on Wlllapa Harbor. The Leiuo. witn passengers ana a lumber cargo sailed from St. Helena last night for ports . i i pun 1 E. P. Thomp, of the united States En glneer's force at the Custom House. Invested in a tox or cigars yesieraay. which ne dis tributed in honor of the arrival at his borne, ii7. least Twenty-tnira street North, of promising son. To load lumber for Sydney under charter to Hind. Ttolph & Co., the schooner LJzzle vance sai:ea rrom ban ranclsco for Port land yesterday. Eke was taken at SO shin intra. Most recent of the grain charters reported i itiai Di ine japine steamer Asam; Maru. by M. H. Houser, to load here fo Australia, sne is on ner way to Honolul from Newcastle with coal, having left th Auriraiian riaroor juiy t. Bias were opened yesterday at the office ot colonel McKlnstry. uorps of Engineers. L- H. A., for the construction of two fuel oaraes ror service on the river, to he use in iransponinc ruei to dredges. The P Johns Shipbuilding Company bid $44R7.ftO miso-i Brothers, S4no: St. Helens Ship uuiiumg viiuiH.ii?, -iiiii; rornani Sihlp building Companj. 4SO0, and Joseph Sup It la reported from Fan Francisco that th Grace steamer Cacique. whlc"i loaded here tast weeK. is completing ner Australian wmigw iu sua auipzueai nay. Data. ...In port ...July ,o . J uiy ,. .uly ...July . .July . . .Juiy .. .July . . J uiy . ..July Name. Tosamlte.... Bear Multnomah. . For . . San Diego. . . . Los Angeles. . ban llego. Ureat Northern. . .ban Francisco.. ..a. F. to I. A.. . .fean Diego. ... . . -H. F.toL. A.... ..Ban Francisco.. .Honolulu. ...... . lito Diego. ... .. .ban Diego ban t ranclsco. . Harvard. Willamette. ... Yale S3i ta Clara. ... Kiamath. W a uam a ..... J. H. Stetson. . . Northern Pacific. Beaver Los Angelea. tieo. w. Elder. ....-an Diego Breakwater. .... .Coos Bay. . . . F. A. Kllburn. ... .an Francisco... Kom City. .... L.OS Angelea. . .. Roanoke San Diego. ...... Celllo -baa Diego. ..... Data. ..July 1 ..July ..July ..July ..July ..July ..July . .July . July ..July ..July . . Ju.y ..July ..July . .Juiy ..July . .July ..July . .Juiy 30 Sound. 1 miles southeast of ban July 1.-.. 8 P. M. , Carlos. ran rin) mr can . v. , miles west of Fan Pedro. Northern Pacific, navel lor c-sn rr.n- clsco. mo miles .south or tna toiumoia 1 1 1 . - Knanoke. portiana ror n r r,nLi,.u. miles south of the i olumbla Kivar. Cusco. 8an r rantisco ior lacuius. mll-s north of Pan Iraricisco Willamette. Son Franuro lor oraine. i" miles north of Ssn r ranclsco. Kllburn, Anuria ror l oos Dai, to luiie. south -of the Columbia Kiver. Beaver, fan r ranclsco lor ronn Heceta Head. Kl Keaundo. towing narre ii Fortlaad-Atlantle Service. DIE TO ARRIVE. Nam. From . Data Honoiulan New York ....In port Nevadan New York. ....... .Aug. 14 Santa Cecelia. ... New York..... .... .July ltl Oh loan. Ne York. ..Aug. 'S lowaa. ... ...... .aw Tors. ........July l:i DUE TO DEPART. Name. For- Data. Honoiulan. ...... New York. ... .... ..July iw bant a Cecelia. .. New York ....Juiy 20 lowan.. ........ .New ork. . . .... . .J ui n Nevadan New York. ........ .Auar. 17 onloan .New l ork Aug. zl Movements of' Vessels. PORTLAND. July 15. Arrived Steamers Avalon. from ban I-ranclsco: Honoiulan. from New York via say ports: tug uneonta. irom Astoria, r-auea steamers BreaKMater. lor coua Bay; celllo. lor ban Diego. Astoria. July lo. Arrived down at 2 and sailed at 7 A. M-, steamer Roanoke, for ban Diego and way porta. Steamer Avalon was floated and let up at 3 A M. Arrived t Hammond at a A. M.. steamer Nehaleui. from San Pedro. Arrived at 10 and left up 11:30 A. M.. steamer Honoiulan. from New - York via way pwaws. Uaa schooner Decorah ran aground on Peacock Spit. Con dltion not aerious. Sailed at :15 P. M. Steamer F. A Kllburn. for San Francisco via Coos Bay and burtka; at ::1!5 P. M-, steamer Northern Pacllic. for ban Francisco, Arrived down at B:3 ana sailed at o:4o P. M.a steamer Breakwater, for Coos Bay. Seattle, July 13. -Arrived at 7 A. At., steamer Hawaiian, from Portland. San FTanclsco. July IS. Sailed at 10 A. M.. schooner V m. H. Smltiu for bureka 11 A. M.. eteamer ureat Northern, for Flavel. Arrived Steamers Santa Clara. from Portland via Coos Bay and Eureaa; w. Elder, from San Diego, for Port land via way porta. Sailed, steamer Roat City, from Portland, for San Pedro. Sailed 3 p. M.. schooner Lizzie ance; steamer Tamalpal. for portiana. juiy i. Arrived at 8 P. M.. steamer Shasta, from Columbia River; collided wltn steamer riaray on tn heads. Sailed at 10 p. M.. steamer Santa Cecilia, from New York, lor Portland vis way porta. Seattle July 14. Arrived at 0 P. M.. U. steamer Burnslde, from Portland. PrtmnT. July 14. Arrived Japanese steamer Bankoku llaru, irom Portland, for Shanghai. Port San Lnrs, July 16. Palled at lO t. M.. steamer Catania, for Portland. San Pedro, July 15. Arrived Steamer Henry T Scott, from Portland, for Wut Coast. Seattle, Wash.. July 13. Ar.-lved Steam- era president, from San Diego: Hawaiian, via New York, from San Francisco and Port land: prince Rupert British from Princa Runert: United states fish patrol Albatross, from Washington and Oregon coast. Sailed Steamers Jefferson, for Southeastern Alaska: City of Fuebla, Capt. A. F. l.uci and J. A. Moffett, for San Francisco; Prince Rupert (British!, for Prince Rupert: United States ltgbtahtp relief; No. Vi. tor coast cruisa. San Francisco. July 1.. Arrived Steamers Fifield. from Bookings; J. L. l,uck enbach. from New York; Santa Clara, from Portland. Sailed Steamers O. C. l.lndauer, for Grays Hsrbor: Umatilla, for Victoria Francis Hsnlfy, for Topoiobampo; Tamal pa:a and Lizzie Vance, for Astoria; V. s. t Paul Jones. Preble. Truxton, Perry. Whip pie, Hull. Hopkins. Stewart. Lawrence and Bremerton, for Alaska; Great Northern, for Astoria: shabonee British), and Col. E. Drake, for Vancouver. Marconi Wireless Reports. 20 Dozen Straw Hats Values $3.00 to $5.00 - ff Your Choice for ... P 1 VFU IS Straws and Panama Hats Half Price SpecialMen'sNeckwear Large Lot CCn $1.00 Value at JOC Big Reductions Entire Line Special Wilson Bros. Shirts $1.50 Values, Choice for 95c $1.00 Values, Choice for 75c Extra Special 100 Ladies 1 1 Suits Values $3Q to $50, Choice Friday ana Saturday Only The Regular Sale Prices Prevail Throughout the Store. Terms of Sale Cash Washington and W. Park Mo AY Washington and W. Park 1 . fj Pedro, 15 4S3 off Hlcfc mond bar at S P. miles. M. Sea smooth; wind, south. 12 ' LlglilfUIps Dclnjr Overhauled. As llfbtvessel . No. 92 left Seattle yesterday. after having- been repaired and given her annual overhauling. Rob ert W'arrack. Inspector of the 17th lighthouse district, spent Wednesday 67. on Umatilla Reef, so the latter can proceed lnrlda for needed work. Next In line will b No. SS. off the mouth of the Columbia, which will be replaced for wl short time by No. 92. Rldgericld RIDOEFIRLD. (Special.) It looses Service. " Wash- July la reported that for 430 miles 151 Francisco. Francisco. 1S71 miles M 03 miles Eureka. S San Frsn ban Francisco. S Seattle, San Pedro. Francisco for Topolo- for Keaule. M miles north of r-an rrincuro. Oreat Northern, nan tranciKu iwr - - torla. off Blunts Ker. ...... Corona-lo. San Krancisco tor Aoerumu. Point Delgada. . . Santa Cecilia. MW Torn ir "--. 3S3 miles aouth of the Columrtia luver. Wapama. I a com a ior can ,,,. mil., north of Nortnwest !-eai noc-n. Chanalor. Monterey tor r-veren. north of Monterey. . Centralla. Kureaa tor ran irn.i.-. In Eureka. ilyaues, tiiio ior r . out. July 1. I-. M. , ... Liberia. San Francisco ior iionii". miles out. July 14. P. M. Manchuria, nonoiuiu ir ' " 19:t4 miles out, July 14. B P. M. Wllhelmlna. Honolulu ior 1944 miles out. July 14, s r. m. Atlas. Klohmona ior n-anuim. ou. July 14. s r. - Hllonlan. eame ir riwuvi",-. from Flatterv. July 14. 8 P- . ,. Korea, San e nnci, , Honolulu. R912 miles out. Juiy ' " , , .i -Al.,n Dart inn I Or W l r 1 1 . i lav, - from Columbia. River. J uiy i. t lra M a. k enmonu mv.w.. from Rlchmona. Tnnska HaVTl r nnriurn mil north of Point taal na Km Til ..nOB J. -trt mt norm or rn rum fonfrei. Il,ll ior miles norm of Arna. rmitlllu, fcn r r-.ut.-sH w wa miles north of tan Kranciwco. Rosa City. n rrii 1st n.ia aouth or oini cur. oampo. iin'r" ' r."B, r.ann mun. " , 15 mllea north of sn rrancuca. Xews From Oregon Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. July 15. FpeciaL) The steamer Breaawater aaiiea toasy inr looi Bav. carrying freight ana passengers irom Portland and Astoria. The steamer Roanoke sailed for San Fran Cisco and San Pedro wltn ireisnt ana pss- seneers for Portland and Astoria, The ateamer Kortnern racmc sai:eo ior sn Francisco, with mor. than 630. her full complement, of passengers and a fair feelrht. The steam schooner Nehalem arrived from San Pedro and went to th. Hammond mill to load lumber. The American-Hawaiian line steamer Honoiulan arrived from N.w York via San Francisco, with part cars, for Portland. Th. steamer F. A. Kllburn aatled for Coos Bit. Eureka and San Francisco. wltb frelaht and passengers from Portland and Astoria. Th. steam schooner Avalon. which struck her nose on the sands above Tongu. Point veaterdav morning, waa floated flunnt th' nlrht. after her declcload of aaphaltum had been shifted aft, Sh. was pulled into deep water by th. steamers Melvlll. and Hsncer son. COOS BAT. Or.. July 15. (Special.) Th. rasolln. rehooner Roamer called here las night en rout, to Portland with canned sal mon from th. Maclcay establishment on Kogu. River. Th. gasoline schooner GJoa sailed this morning at 4 o'clock for Rogue River altn supplies for th. Seaborg cannery. The steamsnipa I . a. anourn ana riresa water. from Portland, and th. gaaolln. schooners RMtless and Relief, from Florence, are due tomorrow. The steam schooner Tellowstone Is du. to sail Friday with lumber for San Franclaca Tides at Astoria Friday. Hlsn. Low. M ... .8.0 feet' t:SS A. M....01 foot H 7.8 tet,ll:v3 P. M....1-S feat there to inspect tne ship. lie has twis River Navigation Company ordered that she replace llshtvesael N. an office at thin place, which has 15 the wltn op erated various boats, amonjr them be ing the steamer Woodland and a gaso line) boat, Wallula, between RldgeneM and potnta on Lewis River and Port land, has abandoned this run Indefi nitely, on account of lack of business. The steamer Mltnare operates between this place. Lake Kiver and Portland and the steamer Mvtlako. which was placed on thla run some time aao. takes care of the lewls River business and also operate to Portland. 3:49 4 :00 Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAP, July 13. Condition ff tha How You Can Remove Every Trace of Hair (All positions reported at P. M., July 15, unless oinerwise iouiraieo.1 Speedwell. Coos Bay for San Diego. miles souin or ean rroro. Governor. San Pedro for San Franclsoo, two miles south of Point Arguello. Asuncion. Richmond for El egundo, Ul miles from El Segundo. Henry T. Scott. Fan Pedro for Valparaiso, 30 miles south of Ssn Pedro. Northlsnd. San D'.fio lor San Pedro, leaving San D1ero. .VYUltAia Blieu. Philadelphia for Put (Toilet Talks.) A attff Pasta made with some pow- 21 1 dered delatone and water and spread on a hairy suriace aoout minuteia win. when removed, take every trace of bair with It. The skin should then be washed to free it from the remaining delatone. No harm can result from this treatment, but be sure it Is dela tone you get and you wilt not bo dla appolnted. Adv. STOP - LOOK - LISTEN We will extend our sale of K.UUD GAS WATER HEATE To Saturday, July 17th Inclusive All Connections FREE Salesroom Open. Until 9 P. M. Saturday Evening i. : f , i, , i ' ' i 1 : -.: H I."- ! !)l t t All Connections FREE Salesroom Open Until 9 P. M. Saturday Evening PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO. Fifth and Yamhill I