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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1915)
TITE MORNING OREGONTAN. MONDAY, JtTLT 5, 1913. MEMBERS OF CLEVELAND. O., Y. M. C A. PARTY WHO WERE VISITING IN PORTLAND YESTERDAY ON A TOUR OF THE WEST. CHURCH'S OUTYTOLD Olds, Worttnan & King Portland's Foremost Store Encouragement of Partiotism Declared Responsibility. We Give S. A . Green Stamps. Save Them and Choose Beau- Press Club Spends Day as Au ditors to Eagle's Scream Out at Bonneville. . tiful Premium Free of Cost LOYALTY SERMON THEME NEWS IGNORED TO SHOW PATRIOTISM 300 CELEBRATE FOURTH Oration by C. A. Johns Before Wri ters and Friends Is Followed by Defeat of Admen, at Base ball and Sport Events. The patriotic screams of the eagle resounded among the cliffs and crags of the Columbia Gorge about Bonne ville yesterday, while the members of the Portland Press Club "whooped 'er up" in honor of the day that gave this Nation birth. There were some 500 persons partici pating in the whooping-up process, in cluding, besides the active members of the Press Club, their wives, sweet hearts and friends and their friends' wives, sweethearts and friends, to say nothing of their lamilles. About 300 of them went by special train from the Union Depot to Bonne ville, leaving Portland at 9 o'clock. The rest went as the mood struck them, riding in automobiles over the 37 miles of the Columbia Highway. Rufus Holman, County Commissioner, was chairman of the patriotic pro gramme, with B. F. Irvine and C. A. Johns as speakers of the day, the ma jor oratorical burden being shouldered by Mr. Johns. Mr. Johns Gives Oration. In part, Mr. Johns said: "We are assembled on the banks of the lordly Columbia to celebrate our National independence. From time im memorial its majestic waters have been softly calling to the sea, and it has been immortalized in poetry, fiction and song, and has played a grand and noble part in the events of the great Northwest. It is indeed fitting and proper that on the banks of . this grand old river, so rich in historical events, we should lay aside the cares, duties and troubles of life and pay tribute and respect to the birth of this Nation, dedicated to liberty and freedom and the pursuit of happiness. "On this beautiful morning, as we view the broad expanse of its calm and peaceful waters, our thoughts be come sublime and we bow our heads in silence, and are truly thankful that we are American citizens, in the land of the free and the home of the brave. "No stronger indictment than the Declaration of Independence was ever drawn- No more important document was ever published. It overthrew the divine right of kings, and shattered the monarchical traditions of thrones and empires, and broadly proclaimed to the world that all just powers are derived from the consent of the gov erned. Constitution Is Kings' .Undoing. "It was followed by the adoption of the Federal Constitution, which did more, and will continue to do more to tear down and destroy the power and privileges of king, emperor, monarch and czar, than any other constitution in the world's history. "Through the adoption of that Declaration and the Federal Constitu tion a new race and a new nation was born, and it was the American race and the American Nation, with a republican form of government, founded on equality, liberty and free ,dcm. Its foundation was broad and deep, and it had higher objects and aims than any other nation. It was the net result and the net product of the combined experience and patriotism of the best thought and intelligence of the world's history. "When we look over the growth and history of this Nation, we have a right to feel proud that we are American citizens. It is a grand and glorious privilege, and yet I feel that some of us do not know what it means. Flag Demands Honor. "As American citizens, and in return for the privileges we enjoy, we have a corresponding duty, as fathers and mothers, to the home and fireside, neighbors and friends, the city, county and state, and to the Nation's flag. And any man or woman who does not honor and respect that flag and its sacred memories is not fit to be an American citizen. "That grand old flag means some thing; stands for something, repre sents something. It is the emblem of liberty and freedom and of a repub lican form of government, and while dark clouds have hovered over and around it, and it has been mangled and torn and stormed with shot and shell, and has struggled with foes from without and foes from within, yet to day w should thank God that, with out a scar or blemish, its folds are floating on the gentle Summer breeze in a beautiful, clear and peaceful sky. --we are living in a commercial aire. in which the standing of too many persons is measured by their assets in dollars and cents only. There are many, many things In this world be sides money, and which are of greater value, and which money cannot buv. Above and beyond everything are the domestic fireside, the peaceful home, the sweet, happy. Innocent children, sound body, clear conscience, void of offense before God or man. a high sense of honor and loyalty to country and flag. With such assets there is no country or nation in which there are grander opportunities. Humble Citizen Highly Rated. 'TJur form of government teaches me that the humblest citizen in his lowlv cottage is the peer of the wealthiest in his lordly mansion. "I know not what may be the des tiny of this nation, but I am convinced that it was born -under the star of divine progress, and that the spirit of our fathers which was moulded Into that Declaration of Independence and that Federal Constitution will move on and on to the goal of its highest ambition, and that in the not distant future, and without a stain, our grand old flag will proudly wave from the highest pinnacle of National fame and honor. Having properly observed the pat riotic celebration of Independence day. the Press Club went out and watched its baseball team wrest back the chain pionship cup from the baseball team of the Ad Club. P. E. Sullivan, president of the Press Club, was umpire, which, some of the Admen maintain, accounts for the outcome of the game. The lineup of the teams follows: Ad Club. Press Club.' Marcon c Leader Stranborg L.F Bhear Holman KF Ktnney Stevens IB DuKette Conn S 8 Harrison Lampman CF Rickers Smith ZB Shinn 1'eterson .......... .3 B. ............ . Webb Werleln P Fischer Following are the results of the ath letic events: Boys' 50-yard race Mike Galacheff. flrat; Theodore Swett. second. Olrls' .-yard race Flora L.uders. first; Infra Sengstake. second. Married women's race Mrs. D. Ahxens, A if v. . W Wmm , tigsSS it ' 1 Avsv tgzW ,. r , . ' ;..M , ' 1 iMm:&L:r:r:)L .CV' . . first; Mrs. L. Durgan, second; Mrs. T. John son, third. Fat man's race P. H. rater. first: Ray Barkhurst. second; M. J. Buckley, third. 100-yard dash William Hesnlan. first; Scott Stevens, second; F. D. McNaughton. third. loO-yard dash free-for-all J. A. etone. first; G. Llvlniiton, second; T. Hall, third. Broad jump Scott Stevens, first B. B. BrannlDR. second. Prize waltz C. M. Bristol and Mrs. E. H. Tracey. 'and Mr. and Mrs. A. Pleuold. PORTLAND TO CELEBRATE (Continued From First Pare.) Withycombe. C. A. Johns and Wallace McCamant will be the speakers of the day. George W. Caldwell will read the Declaration of Independence. Tab lea a to Be Sti One of the features of the programme will be a patriotic tableau staged un der the auspices of the patriotic soci eties of Portland, with Mrs. Harriet Hendee chairman of the committee on arrangements. .All banks and public offices will be closed today and most of the stores will be closed, at least in the after noon hours. The larger stores In the business center of the city will be closed all day. The Postoffice will be closed, only the usual holiday deliv eries being made, one in the residence and two in the business districts. Aksre, liat of tna Party Bc4oot. M. D. Craeket, Right, ail F. W. Wao Art In Ckarae at the Party. Klatt. Left. Dnfur Celebration Today. DUFUR, Or.. July 4. (Special.) The Fourth of July will be celebrated In Dufur tomorrow under the auspices of the Methodist and Christian Sunday Schools. There will be a circus pa rade through the streets of the cltv to the city park in the morning, after which there will be an oration. At noon basket lunches will be served in the park, and at 2 o'clock in the after noon various sporting events will be held, including races and a game of water baseball in the municipal swim ming pool in the park. Pine Crest Grange to Celebrate. DUFUR. Or.. July 4. (Special.) Pine Crest Grange, at Rail Hollow, near Dufur. will hold a Fourth of July celebration tomorrow at Friend. Chris tian Scheubel. of Oregon City, will de liver the address of the day. There will be -sports, games, luncheons and dancing. FIFTY BOYS VISITORS Coos Bay Residents Celebrate. MARSHFIELD, Or.. July 4. (Spe cial.) All Coos Bay celebrated Sunday at tounset Bay, 14 miles from here on the beach. There were 3000 at the re sort, where dancing, bathing and boat. in; were the amusements. The throngs were carried in automobiles and boats, and the dancing lasted far into the night. Community Sins Held at Astoria. ASTORIA. Or. .'July 4. (Special.) The Fourth was observed here today by a big community sing at the City Park. The programme consisted of a series of patriotic songs with ad dresses, the principal speaker being J. M. Anaeraon. or this city. Y. M. C. A. Party From Cleve land Is Touring West. SERVICES ARE CONDUCTED Vouny Men Guests of Portland As sociation for Day, Arriving In Morning; From Paget Bound and Going On to California. F. W. Klatt and M. C Crackel. of Cleveland, O., and the 50 visiting boys from the Toung Men's Christian Asso ciation of that city were In charge of the meeting at the Portland Associa tion yesterday afternoon. Mr. Klatt. who, with Mr. Crackel. is In charge of the party, dellvcered the address and the visiting boys contributed several musical numbers. "Efficiency" was the subject taken by Mr. Klatt. who is a member of the efficiency department of the National Carbon Company. He showed the need of efficiency in the development of boys and girls into men and women as well as in the industrial fields of life. The speaker showed how anyone coming into contact wiih those In the development stage might do something which would mar a character or pre INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS TO BE HELD TODAY. t PORTLAND COMMUNITIES. "Americanization day" programme by patriotic and National socle ties of the city at Multnomah Field at 10 A. M. Governor Withy combe. Irvington Park celebration. East Thirtieth and Ainsworth. at 11 A. M. Irvington Club celebration. Fast Twenty - second and Thompson, afternoon and evening, under the auspices of the Irvington Club, be ginning at 2 P. M. Kenllworth community celebration, at Kenllworth Park, beginning at 10 A..M. Band concert and patriotic exercises at 2 P. M. North Portland Commercial Club at Peninsula Park, beginning at 10 A. M. Patriotic exercises at 2 P. M. Joint Sunday-school celebration,- with pageant and patriotic exer cises at Columbia Park, 10:30 A. M. Governor Withycombe to speak in the afternoon. Sellwood community celebration at Sell wood playground, beginning at 9:30 A. M. Woodstock community celebration at Woodstock schoolhouse, be ginning at 10 A. M.. with patriotic programme at 2 P. M. Laurelhurst community celebration, with children's pageant and games at the playground. 11 A. M. Alblna Homestead Parent-Teacher Association celebration at Lin coln Park at 10 1-L. M. Lents playground. North Park playground and Washington Park playground celebrations at 10 A. M. Community celebration at Arleta schoolhouse at 10 A. M. Holy Cross parish at Columbia University grounds, and St. Steph en's parish at East Forty-second and Taylor streets, all-day celebra- ' tlons, beginning at 10 A. M. Forty-fifth-street Baptist Sunday-school picnic at Mount Tabor Park at 10 A. M. Morrow County Reunion Association at Columbia Park. St. Clare's parish. Capitol Hill, picnic at church grounds, starting at noon. CELEBRATIONS OUT OF TOWS. Mazamas annual ascent of Mount Hood and Mount St. Helens. Helio graph signals from the summits at high noon. St. Lawrence parish celebration at Crystal Lake park. Oddfellows and Rebekah's excursion to Bonneville, leaving Union Depot at 9 o'clock. Oregon City Moose lodge at Gladstone Park. Military drills and celebration at Vancouver. Wash. Clan McCleay and Caledonian Society at Cricket Club grounds. Estacada fire department at Entacada Park. German Baptist Sunday schools at Jennings Lodge. Sellwood Oddfellows at Estacada. Welsh societies of Portland and Beaver Creek at Gladstone. Community celebrations at Gresham and Sandy, and Fourth of July picnic at Bull Run. Yacht and rowing clubs at Oswego Lake. LOCATION OP PARKS IX PORTLAND. Washington Park, at head of Washington street, reached on Port land Heights and on Twenty-third-street cars. Irvington Park. East Thirtieth and Ainsworth: Irvington Club, East Twenty-second and Thompson, reached by Broadway or Irving J ton cars. ' Kenllworth Park. East Thirty-second. Cora and Holgate streets, reached by Woodstock car. Peninsula Park. Portland Boulevard and Ainsworth avenue, reached by St. Johns car. Columbia Park, Lombard and Woolsey streets, reached by St. Johns car. Sellwood playgrounds. East Seventh and Maiden, reached by Sell wood car. Woodstock, Fiftieth avenue Southeast and Forty-ninth street, . reached by Woodstock car. Laurelhurst Park, East Thirty-ninth and Burnslde. reached by Sun nyside car. Lincoln Park. Mallory. Garfield Beech and Failing streets, reached by Williams-avenue or Union-avenue cars. Lents playground. Lents, reached by Mount Scott car. Columbia University grounds, reached by St. Johns car. Mount Tabor Park, East Side, reached by Mount Tabor cars running on Morrison. , Arleta schoolhouse, reached by Mount Scott car. Multnomah Field, Salmon street between Chapman and Stout, reached by Westover cars, on Morrison street, or Portland Heights and Twenty-third-street cars on Washington. Entrances on east, west and south sides. vent It from the complete development which it otherwise would have reached. "We see many men about the city, he said, "who exhibit on their faces and la their down-and-out appearance the fact that when they were being developed somebody slipped up. The speaker urged his hearers to live the sort of a life that would pro- vide the right kind of an influence for the young people. The Cleveland party Is making an educational tour of the West, with Its final destination the Han Francisco and Han Diego fairs. The members left Cleveland June 18. coming west through Chicago and then by way of the Canadian Pacific They arrived In Portland from Puget Sound points yes terday morning at C:4a and left last night for the- south on the ( o'clock train. While in Portland the Cleveland boys visited various points of interest about the city and all expressed themselves as well pleased with their reception here. They made the Young Men's Christian Association their headquar ters and were the guests of honor at a dinner served at the association cafe teria following the afternoon meeting. OLD TRADITION MAY GO END OP1 MONROE DOCTRINE POS SIBLE. SAYS REV. W. G. ELIOT. "Laa-ae for Eifsrrlac Peace Might . Brlaa- A boat Chaser, Talake Fas. tor of L'altariaai rkarrk. "We may have to give up the Monroe Doctrine." said Rev. W. O. Eliot. Jr., pastor of the Unitarian Church, who. In his morning sermon, explained the scheme known as the "League for En forcing Peace." which was termed by him as the solution for the present day problem of war and peace. "The time has come to create a work ing union of sovereign nations to ra ta hi is h and preserve peace." said Dr. Eliot. "Under this scheme, all Just la sues not settled by arbitration would be submitted to a Judicial tribunal." The pastor explained the plans for the Jolnlrg together of different na tions in such a tribunal, as the best solution of the perplexing problems that arise from the study of theories of peace-at-any-prlce persons, pacifi cists and militarists. "In the history of the world, every thing that has made for peace has. It seems, also made for war." said Mr. Eliot. "Every epoch with great possi bilities fur pear has ended In a big war. The simple answer Is that there must be an 'umpire' to keep men from war. "Before we get through we will prob ably have to give up the Monroe Doc trine." Dr. Eliot terms this famed doctrine "a tradition that under the newer order of thinga would be oblit erated." He quoted from a sermon de livered a year ago In which he pre dicted the present war. and then took up a discussion of the confusion now prevailing regarding the ethics of war and peace. The types of war were designated by Dr. Eliot as aggressive, which be said was altogether wrong, wicked and deserving; of condemnation; the war of resistance, as sometimes Justifiable: the war against aggression that op. presses others, or the war of chivalry, and the police war. War as a means of settling International disputes wss declared barbarism, wicked, antiquated and stupid. He said, however, that he was not a "peace-at-any-price" advo cate, nor did he favor complete dis armament at present. "We should have time to turn around before thor oughly disarming," said Dr. Eliot. Snake River Harvesting On. DATTON. Wash., July 4. (Special.) Harvesting Is getting under way In the northern part of Columbia County In the Snake River country. Three hun dred acres of fortyfold were harvest ed, this week, and many farmers having the "3" variety find It ready to thresh. The grain In many places stands seven feet high, and stalks measuring more than five feet in height are by no means unusual. The grain nortB of Dayton Is entirely out of danger, and only in a few places does It show signs of pinching or burning. A few miles out the grain Is burned in spots, but no great loss will be felt Thomas Dollman, of Caahmrre, Die. CASHMERE. Wash".. July 4. (Spe cial.) Thomas Bollman. former Post master of Cashmere and for years prominent In the Republican party of this section, died at his borne in Cash mere Friday afternoon. The funeral service was held this morning at o'clock from the Baptist Church. Mr. Bollman had been a sufferer for the past three years from Bright's disease and has sought expert medical aid East and West. He was succeeded In the Cashmere postoffice a year ago after eight yean' service. He was for. mer publisher of the Cashmere Journal. Rev. C. C. Rarick Declares That Upon America Depends Whether or Not the World at Large Accepts Christianity.. The church's part In the upbuilding of the country. Its duty to the Nation and its responsibilities in encouraging the . right kind of patriotism were among the themes found yesterday in the sermons delivered by Portland pastors. In nearly every church of the city reference to the celebration of In dependence day was made and many Inspiring addresses were heard. "America" and other patriotic songs found a place on the musical pro grammes. Kev. C. C. Rarick. pastor of Central Methodist Church, gave one of the In dependence day sermons at the morn Ing service, taking as his subject "The lour Pillars of the American Repub lie."' lie named these as Intelligence. manly courage, loyalty to institutions and evangelical Christianity. "It Is Im possible." said Dr. Rarlrk "to over estimate the elevating power of a com. mora Intelligence. Man never rises higher than hla. Ideas. As he reads and thinks, so Is he. "It Is by our public school system that we shall rise In our Ideas, and the diverse and conflicting elements of society be welded Into a homogeneous whole, thus making us one people with common Interests and a common des tiny. But what signifies Intelligence, mere mental power or school drill If there be lacking the element of manly courage? A coward never wins any where, but manly courage, supporting the right, vlna always. "With 100 men on the side of right. Gideon put to flight 115.000 men of war. The founders of our republic fought for God and home and country. We may never be called upon to prove our loyalty on the field of battle as did the heroes of Bunker Hill, of Gettysburg, of Shlloh. but no man on the battle fields of our country needed or exercised greater courage than is needed by men now In the everyday conflicts of life.' Wo have enemies to meet and conquer enemies cruel, re lentless, powerful, who will test our Intelligence and courage. We are sur rounded with elements of destruction. Evils, stubborn and threatening, stand In the way of progress and strike at the principles for which our fathers gave their blood. On the other hand, we face opportunities the like of which never before existed. "Back of. and upon which Intelli gence, courage and loyalty to duty are founded. Is the one sufficient, sup-erne, divine remedy for the Ills of evet) age and country Christianity. He who strikes a blow at Christianity strikes at the foundation of hope and peace for the entire race. ' "Reform in the social, political and industrial world Is watting for -a re vival of religion. Christianity la the keystone of the arch which strength ens and sustains the whole fabric of our American Intltutions. If America will stand by Christianity she will con. quer the world. If America fails, the world fails. America Christianized means the world . Christianized. It Is ours to be either the grave In which the hopes of the world shall be entombed or the pillar of cloud that shall pilot the race onward to its mil lennial glory." Sermon Thoughts From Portland Churches. OUR count homes ai that the UR country Is made up of the and the Individuals, so condition of the state- at-large depends upon the home-life and the Individual life. I doubt the high quality of patriotism of any Irre ligious or religiously Indifferent per son." This, the opinion of the Rev. A. L Taxis, pastor of Anahel Presbvterlan 'fwOkW' AFi RemainCtoscd Ww3l4 AllDayTodatj r7h X July Sth In Commemoration of Our Nation's Birthday See Monday Evening and Tuesday Morning Papers for Our July Clearance Sale Offerings FOLLOWING OUR USUAL custom, the store will re main closed all day Mon day in commemoration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence 133 years afro. Let every loyal citizen wear a flair and from every staff float "Old Glory" to the breere proclaiming- once again, "America The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave." .a. Church, was given yesterday morning In his sermon entitled: "The Prayer of a Patriot." a subject In keeping with Independence day. Rev. Mr. Taxis said In part: "If tie is not vitally solid, tous about hla family a man cannot cars about hla country. A man must give God the primary place In bis per sonal life If he desires to be an ex. emplar of patriotism and his prayers express his patriotism most perfectly." "To take life as God gives It. not as we want It. and then make the best of It, Is the isrd. lesson that life puts before the human soul to be learned." This was one of the atatemenls made yesterday by the Rev. T. W. Lane, pastor of Centenary Methodist Church, who scattered throughout his sermon many epigrammatic sentences, a few of which follow: "-Whoso trusteth In the Lord, happy Is he. Worry robs you of the Joy of the day, but gives you no added strength for any other day. Trust In the Lord. lie knows and he cares. "If you have been 'truotlng the Lord and keeping your powder dry all the year, try trusting the Lord and using some of your powder to bring forth results. It Is fatal to keep your pow der dry too long. When the time comes for business, get busy. "Persistence can weave a most beau tiful garland of victory out of the most unfavorable conditions, and the most unpromising materials." "What kind of a life are you liv ing?" This question, asked by Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor of the East Fide Baptist Church yesterday morning, wss the keynote of his sermon. In the course of his address Mr. Shank said: "Is It a melancholy .life, tilled with gloom and dark forebodings? "This black streak of melancholy Is either a disease of mind or brought on by remorse of sin. It may be In hertled or cultivated. "Is your life a disappointment to vou? Many good people are defeated In life by a multitude of disappointments. Many are living the sshylock' life. Their whole h.tpff 1 bent on rtt'Tg riches and they will have It at any cost. "Others are chasing the bubbles of life. They are hunting the light and fickle things, hi. h are here today. t but gone tomorrow. "The true life Is the Christ life: a life of purity, honesty, and good deeds. This is life In the highest sense." "The theme of our rejoicing today Is not our great National prosperity." said lr. K. olin l'.ldrldge. pastor of Mount Tabor Methodist Church, "but ttw truth demonstrated In our National life that before ciod all men are equal as hla children. "Our National constitution Is the ser mon on the Mount translated Into modern thought and governmental life. "The only aristocracy to be acknowl edged is that of merit. No man has the npbt to thrive at the expense of another. Life without liberty la w-orth-1 oss. I tome fell because she was founded on slavery. Our Nation, punned by the breath of God. Is the land of freedom and the greatest moral power In the world." Dr. Eldrldge spoke of the duty of the cltixens to develop all powers that are God-given. "As far as possible." he said, "every man should be self-sup-porting and Inheritors of fortunes should be subject to these requirements. We have organisations for the Increase of wagea and the shortening of hours of labor, which la right. But we also need one for honest work and fair money. The danger to society does not lie in the so-railed slum, but In the heights of society." "We must keep the flag tied to the cross, not cavalry but calvary will save our land." said Rev. L. K. Rich ardson, pastor of Kenllworth Presbyte rian Church. In his Indrpendenre-uay sermon yesterday. The spesker ursed the need of keeping the National lite pure and the flag unsullied. "The flag Is more than bunting and colors." said the spesker. Tho red stands for liberty and loyalty, the white for peace and purity and the blue reminds us of the blue dome of heaven and tho God of all." Tht d:vtanra from which VTjTitur ard ili,t apv tn!r prr Is a. mast locrsdib.. Celebrate the day with "BETTIE BUBBLES" Drink r "First for Thirfit 5c at all fountains -T7 v TrT-IT? TPC!" has already sent in her 66 1) & 1 J. lUi .D U -DID JUlliO estimate in the Problem r Contest for 19 Handsome Prizes. j 1) She thinks that about 150 frallons will flow through the I Jr Never-Emptying Bottle in 300 hours. THE PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY FREE to the 19 persons who calculate nearest to the correct number of gallons. Each bottle flows same amount. Contest doses August 1. Estimate Cards are ready for you at all Celro-Kola fountains. Get one. Make your esti mate and leave it at any Celro-Kola fountain or mail direct to Celro-Kola Co., Portland, Or. No cost no catch; you have the same chance as anyone to' get a handsome prize. Bottle and prizes are on display in various down town fountain windows. Note You can order it in bottles, by the case, for family use, at American Soda Works, East 5G4, or at Celro-Kola Co., Main 211, A G004. Bottling companies wanted for distributors in outside towns.