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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1915)
10 TTTE MORXIXG OREGONIAX. MONDAY. JUIA .'5. 1015. RACER ON TAGOfi SPEEDWAY KILLED Guy Ruckstell Wins 250-Mile Dash, in Which Paul Fran zen Meets Death. ' - BILLY CARLSON MAY DIE Driver of Wrecked Car Leading at Time Auto Leaps From Track. Kay Lentz' Machine Barns. Cooper is 2d and Pullen 3d. TACOMA. Wash.. July 4. Takrhg the lead at the start and holding: it. ex ' cept for 'a brief visit to the pits in the 114th mile. Guy Ruckstell won today's 250-mile Montamarathon automobile race at the Tacoma Speedway. - The race was marred by the death of Paul Franzen, mechanician for Billy Carlson, and the injuring; of Carlson, when a tire blowout on a steep curve hurled the ear from the track, throwing: Fran zen against a stump and breaking: his back. Franzen was 27 years of age, and is survived by a widow in San Diego. Cal. Late tonight it was said that Carlson probably was fatally injured, serious internal injuries and injuries about the head causing: alarm. Ruckstell's time for the 250 miles was 2 hours and 57 minutes. Earl Cooper was second. 2 hours 58 minutes 5 seconds; Eddie Pullen was third. 2 hours 58 minutes 55 1-5 seconds; Bob Burman, fourth. 3 hours 8 minutes 44 4-5 seconds; Barney Oldfield. fifth. Ruckstell averaged a little better than 84 miles an hour. One Car Burns. Ray Lentz' car burned, putting; him out of the race on the first lap. The bearings of Lentz' car burned as the result of the car being: overheated. The car had as aeroplane engine and was without a water-cooling- system. Tomorrow morning- the century race, 100 miles, will be run, and tomorrow afternoon - the Potlatcb, trophy, 200 miles. ' Cooper had won the Montamarathon twice in the past, and Ruckstell's vic tory today nosed him out of permanent possession of the trophy. With the winning- of the Montamara thon. Ruckstell. in his Mercer Wasp, averaged 84.8 miles an hour, while Cooper, last year's winner and taker of second money in today's classic, av eraged 73.44 miles in 1914. The laying of a solid planking:, covered with a thin coating of asphalt, added to the speed, for practically the same cars were entered today as last year. Ruckstell. the star driver of the day, is in his second season as a driver. He has been connected with the Mercer team as mechanician and came to Ta coma in 1914 as assistant to Eddie Pul len, his teammate today. He was put In last year and drove consistently, but his brain work has improved won derfully in the last 12 months, during which time he has been through the gruelling Elgin road race, the Corona grind and the prize events at'the Pan ama Exposition. He is but "25 years of age. - Reynolds in a Marmon, the same car In which Wilbur D'Alene turned over last year when he was leading- the field in the intercity event, went out in the 25th lap. The machine was not able to make the oval because Reynolds did not understand it thoroug-hly. Spectators Caan at Hiatap. A gasp went up from the 15.000 spec tators when Billy Carlson and his mechanician. Paul Franzen, went hurtling from the track. Their right front tire had blown as they were high on the bank and the car, being- pushed at terrific speed, went hurtling: into epaee. It was the 59th lap and Carlson"! was holding his Maxwell mount in the lea 1. Franzen was thrown clear of the car and struck a tree. He never moved. His neck was broken by the impact. Carlson was picked up and rushed to a hospital. He suffered lacerations about the face and head and bruises about the body, with possible internal injuries. The machine was demolished. Mrs. Carlson, a bride of but a few months, went to the hospital with her husband. She was calm. She had im plored him Just prior to the race to tcratch his entry, as she felt that an accident might occur, but he kissed her at the gate and laughed away her fears and strode out to his car. Cooper Makes Hard Rush. It was during the last few miles of the 129 laps that the brush for first honors and money - came. Ruckstell, maintaining his lead, was forced to go into the pits, once while Cooper, in his Stutz. pushed him hard. At the finish , Cooper was slightly more than a lap in the rear, while Eddie Pullen. in a Mer cer, was close behind. The pace hit during those last few miles was ter rific, the speed amounting to more than 100 miles an hour, while the fear less drivers and their mechanicians strained to push every ounce of energy possible through the cylinders. Elliott, in ' a Gordon Special, fur nished one of the thrills. He was do ing his 41st lap when his front right tire blew off on the last bank. Just as he was entering the stretch. His car skidded and turned completely around four times. Cooper was in his 114th lap and right behind Elliott. Going at 92 miles an hour, he swerved his ear downward and missed the disabled racer by a foot. Elliottt hobbled to his pits and was out of the race. Ruckstell's Prize 2r.OO. Ruckstell. by winning the classic, hoius the Montamarathon trophy and won $2500: Cooper earned $1500; Pullen. $950. and Bob Burman, in a Peugeot, in fourth place, drew down $550. One of the surprises of the race was Barney Oldneld's showing. He went to the pit for a tire change in the 14th lap and was unable to make up the race set by the youthful Ruckstell and the veteran Cooper. Hundreds of Portland residents, as well as representatives of other Oregon cities, attended the races, and every town in Southwestern Washington sent large delegations. Most of them wl:l remain over tomorrow to witness the Golden Potlatch and intercity events. The former is approximately 200 miles and the latter is 100 miles. Auto Itacer at Fresno Hart. VIS ALIA. Cal.. July 4. Tom Mc- Kelv-y, an automobile race driver of Fresno. Cal., was perhaps fatally In jured here today when, his car in which he was to have competed in a road race tomorrow, crashed into a garbage wagon and turned turtle. He was taken to a hospital suffering from a fractured skull and received internal injuries. John McKelvy, his mechani cian, was also seriously injured. WALLOWA YOUTH DROWXS High School Senior. Football Player, Dies In Mill Pond. WALLOWA. Or., July 4. While bath ing in the Nibley Mimnaugh Lumber Company's mill pond, Clarence South" -wick, the son of ilr, and iirs. , W. Southwlck, was drowned yesterday morning. Clarence was in company with his brothers. Fred and Morris. All were fine swimmers. Clarence swam out into the middle of the pond, when his brother Fred noticed that he had sunk. Fred managed to get the body to the bank. Dr. G. M. Roberts was called and worked .over the body for two hours. Clarence Southwlck was one of the most popular high school students and was in his senior year. He was elected president of the student body last year and was a member of the football team, one of the best in Wallowa County. He is survived by his father and mother, one sister and seven brothers. Arrange ments for the funeral will be- made later. Sidelights and Satire BY ROSCOE FAWCETT. EL BAKER, Portland boy. who la -tar-ins behind the .bat for -Detroit, pulled D an odd one In a recent came. A Detroit writer tell., the atorjr: "Del Baker on Tuesday entered the Hall of Fame established for those who make freak plays, pulling; an error not seen be fore this season. Walsh opened the inning with a double. Shutton bunted at the first ball, lut missed If. Walsh had taken a biK lead off second, to advance with the sacrifice, and was caught fiat-footed mid way between sacks. "Baker hesitated an Instant, as between Bush and Vitt f -r the throw. Then he lost himself and threw straight at Walsh. The runner had to jump in the air to escape being hit by the ball, which went to left field. Walsh stopped at third, and waa thrown out at the plate on Austin's grounder to Bush, after Shotton mas hit. "Maybe Del was thinking of the old rules. In baseball's Infancy you could put a run ner out by hitting htm with the ball." Now the Insurance clan la Issuing liability policies to golf players. For S4 a year the Insurance folk will protect you in case you swat a caddie behind the ear or clip i tray lock from an opponent's thatch with a particularly bad brass! slice Poor old "Sphinx" Koestner Is slipping MECHANICIAN WHO WAS KILLED IN TACOMA AUTOMOBILE RACE AND DRIVER IN THEIR CAR - i i " - -' i !li5SrW , 1 sm. I - h V t '1 l it 'A Jr-rr-r'i-r". 'Z1-' .'V a , - ,- .er. . - - PAIL fL&t. This time Koestner has drawn a re lease from the Montreal club of the Inter national Ueague. Koestner was a star for Portland three or four years back, but Mc Credle saw what was coming and traded him off to Venice for Al Carson. Carson is now a policeman at San Diego and Koest ner probably wishes he had as good a Job. a Connie Mack's espionage system Is surely a wonderful thing. it Is said that the astute Philadelphia manager haa a line on every youiig ball player in the country, and that he has half the grammar grade atars already signed to contracta for the year 1950 or thereabouts. Hence, it occasioned only mild surprise In Portland when the news came over the wire the other day tht Mack had purchasea that young beattle twirler. Patrick Eastiey. Eaatley Is a "busher" on the same theory that the Pacific Ocean is not yet In Its 'teens. Frank broke Into baseball as early aa 1904. and haa been pitching ever since in ail sorts of league from the bush to the majors. Probably the reason Connie mlsaed him long ago was because he got his start at Plttaburg. Pa.. sand Connie couldn't see through , the- smoke. Pat owns up to 27 birthdays. Washington drafted him In 1907 from Wheeling, of the Central League, and he was shunted to San Francisco In 1008. After pitching tor the Seals In 1900 and 1010 Kastley was released to the Portland North Western Leaguers. He remained with the Colts and pitched good ball until the fag end of last Fall, when Walt McCredle yanked him over to help him win the Portland Coast League bunting. Eastiey was not con sidered quite classy enough for the Coast, however, so was released. This Spring he was given a chance by Salt Lake, and Cliff Blankenshlp released him and that's why he is now at Seattle. If Pat burns up the American league aftet being tinwared by three Coast League man agers, we are willing to doff our chapeaux to old Cornelius McGUllcuddy and say: "You're surely there, old top." Tacoms ball stars are now stockholders In the team. When Joe McClnnlty noti fied the players of reductions In their sal aries he promised them the difference be tween the old salaries and the new in stock. If the Tigers keep on paying dividends at the rate thejr have the past five or six vears this stock ought to be worth about a nickel a bale by 1D20. Fpeaklng for the ball players we sincerely hope their gift horse is non-assessable. Giants Beat Yanks in Charity Game. NEW YORK. July 4. The New York Nationals defeated the New York Amer ican League team 5 to 3 today in an exhibition game for charity at the Polo Grounds. Baseball Statistics. 8IAWIXG8 OF THE TEAM!. National League. W. L. P.c.l W. U P C. Chicago 3S 27 5i Brooklyn at 34 .477 Philaoelp'a 34 2 ..Uh Boston :o S.'i .4i'-' Pittsburg . 8-f iil inclnnatl. 311 34 .514 New York. . 2(1 34 .43 Amerlcaa League. St. Louis.. Chicago. . . Detroit. . - . Boston New York. 4 24 .n'.T'Washlnrton 42 27 .''.! Cleveland . ., 8" 24 .07.fl. Louis.. 85 33 .522! I'hlladelp'a 32 30 .tin 24 41 .JtoO 2 4 42 .34 23 43 .34S Federal League. Kansas City 43 2. .SOt'Newark. ... Ht. Louts. 40 27 ..107'Brooklyn. .. Chicago 3 31 rS.17 Buffalo. Pittsburg.. 37 3U .502 Baltimore. . American Association. Indianapolis 44 26 .21! Milwaukee. Louisville. 37 32 .."ia-l Cleveland. . St.. Paul.. 35 34 .S07Minneapolls Kanaae City 3d 06 .5UOColumbua. . Western Leaffue. 3S 3.1 ..".on 3H 4 .42i 27 44 .3o 26 42 .300 34 X". .4 AT. 32 34 .HI . 31 33 27 41 .3UA Des Moines. Omaha. ... Lincoln . ... Topeka. ... 37 25 .597 Denver 35 31 .."3" Sioux City., S3 St .46.-. 2S 30 .4:;s 24 37 413 2 36 .413 S 34 .44 ' ' 30 ..VI8 St. Joseph.. 37 3U .4b7Wlchita Northwestern League. Snokane 4 29 .61 3! Victoria Tacoma 42 3S Aberdeen. . . it 41.474 Vancouver. 3S 36 .514 Seattle 28 48.366 Yesterdays Kesulta. American Association At Louisville 2, Indianapolis 5: At Cleveland 5-5. Columbus 4-2: at Milwaukee 6-4. Kansas City 2-2: at Minneapolis 4-4. St. Paul 3-6. Western League At Dei Moines 4. Stoux C'ty 3: at Wichita 6, Lincoln 2: at Omaha 7-3. St. Joseph 2-0; at Dtjnver 6-3. Topeka ""' Where the Teams Play Today. Pacific Coast League Oakland vs. Port land, at Portland; Venice vs. San Francisco, at San Francisco; Salt Lake vs. Los Angelea. at Los Angelea. How the Series Stand. Pacific Coast League Portland 3 games. Oakland 1 game; Los Angeles 4 games. Salt Lake 3 games-.San Francisco 3 games, Venice 2 gamesT Beaver Batting Averages, Ab. H. Av.l Ah. H. At. Bates . . Speas Hillvsrd Klaher . Sti'mpf .222 TS.3jl'Dotn9 213 5:1 .249 .2:9 7ii .318 Uusn 4-1 11.244 .1S1 57 .:tlo Krause .... 52 11.211 " r.4 .3 1 Kvans 3ti 7 .19! 2 .1:3 8 .111 3 .'-3 ..347 lf .3'i5 Kahier 1:1 I.ober 2T M .ZVUitil.IX Bll Da . 321 86 .2is.;oveleskle. . 3 Uerrlck ..34t 91 .267 Keels IS 1.076 Caxuicb. ..12U 33.200t HIGGINBOTHAVVINS TWOFOLD HONORS Big Slabster Not Only Beats Oaks and Klawitter, but He Does It With Own Bat. BEAVERS VyiN GAME IN 11TH Portland Goes Behind In 10th, bat Bates' Hit Ties It and In Xezt Inning Mackmen Meet Teuton's Slants and Drive in Victory. Pacific Coaa League standings. w. I. Pel w. I- Pc 8. rrtnclico.49 J.i;i..o Angeles. 40 4S .505 Portland ...II II ..'MJaXliud (i;o.)i; Salt Lake. . .4i 2 41SU.401 Yesterday. Results. At Portland Portland 7. Oakland 6 (It At San Francisco V nice 3-5. Fan Fran clwo r, -ti. At Ics Angeles Salt Lake -4. Los Anze lea 1-S (second game lu Innings). BY; ROSCOE FAWCETT. . "Dutch" Klawitter and the rest of the Oak clan tried to disguise them- I PRANZG.V (LEFT) AD BILLY CARLSOX, selves under the National colors yes terday but It didn't work. The Mack men found them out. and. although it required about $1,000,001 worth of strategy, Portland finally put the crusher on Klawitter again and woo. Score. 'Portland 7. Oakland . After both managers hadused up half the pitching material on the bench, the battle settled down between those ancient Teuton rivals, Klawitter and Iligginbotham. and as luck would have it. Hlggintrotham won the game himself in the last of the eleventh inning with a single to center field, scoring Carisch. ' Beavers Agsls la Seeoasl. Hlggy's blow shoved the champions back up into second place by the nar row margin of .0002. which is about one-sixteenth the thickness of a ci garette paper, we take lt- In its rapidity and multiplicity of action the - game was a rare treat. Nothing was left out of the mixture except actual homicide. There were boots galors, and home-runa two of them and crass boneheads. and pinch hits, and Jack Ness kept up his record of continuous hitting, and well we'll leave it to the 3842 fans In the grand stand If it wasn't worth the sharp re buke from wifey for being late for dinner. Portland had the game sewed up two or three times only to boot It away. . Bobby Uavls tosaed low to the plate In the seventh and this run enabled the Oaks to tie the score Id the eighth. 5 to 5. In the tenth Bill Ktumpf overthrew first base by sev eral rods and -this gave the Oaks at 6-5 lead. Champa Are I'adaaatrd. Undaunted even by this fatal crack Id the defense the champions rushed to the assault In the last half of the tenth, and. taking advantage of an error by Shortstop Keed. pushed the tying run across the plate on a smash into right field by Bates. I Kowdy Klliott saved the game at! this juncture for the Oaks by catching Bates napping off third when Speas stole second base. This ended the I tenth, but. in the eleventh. Carisch opened' with a single, advanced to sec ond on Leber's out. and raced home ward with the winning run on Hlg glnbotham's prod to centerf leld. . Kan a Stage Deasoastratlosu One could easily imagine that Bryan was resigning from something to hear the roar and Jubilee that followed the Teuton's thump out beyond the inner line of trenches. The fans arose en masse and staged a demonstration such as used to be the custom back In the Buddy Ryan days of 1911 only nobody was careless enough to throw money. Perhaps some hug might have done that if he'd known who was most entitled to it Kay Batea and Ty Lober. for In stance, were quite as important as Mr. Higginbotham. Batea Was vhe author of a miscue In permitting himself to get caught off third, 'tis true, but he atoned by whacking a home-run over the left field fence In the second inning, and later by bringing home the tying run In the tenth. Lober's portion was In bagging three hits in five trips. Spelts' great throw ing arm also pushed itself into print a couple of times. Ns Keepa Illttlasr. Jack Ness featured with a home run for the Oaks. Previously Jack had doubled to left field for his con tinuous record-clincher but his homer into the centerfleld bleachers in the sixth Inning showed he wss no close fisted grocer when It came to giving good measure. Ness' record is now 32 consecutive games without a skin, or within eight games of Ty Cobb's world's mark. Whereupon we come to the panora mic portion of the story the pitchers. As we stated before. Portland used four Coveleskle. Kahler, Krause and Higginbotham and the Oaks a trio Prough. Prulett and Kla winter. Coveleski and Prough were dismal failures. The rest of th- fllngers pitched good ball and were yanked only in the common cause of Dime Str&tegem. Kahler relieved Coveleskie in the eighth and was in turn suc ceeded by Southpaw Krauze In the ninth when a left-handed batsman. Keed. came up with first and second bases populated. Krause fanned Keed, but it made no difference to Walt Mc- 'hen Elliott sent Marcan out! Mlddleton, McCredle yanked I to bat for Krause and Higginbotham finished the battle. Tot Casaea Taaar1 Card." Prulett went to Prough's assistance in the seventh and developed a lame wing; after retiring; one batsman. That a why Mister Klawitter is nurs ing; a crouch again this morning; and sadly rummlnatlng on the .fickleness of the pitching; statistics. Two aaaea will be played today. This morning; at 10:30 Southpaw l.unh will be sent against Prulett or Abies and in the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock either Evans or Krause will battle the Oak clan. The series at present stands five to one. Yesterday's score: Oakland I Portland B H O A E. B H O A fc Reed. a. . .. Mlddle'n.l Johns'n.m Nnu.I Uardner.r. fcllloti.c. . l.ltschl.3. . Manda.l-2 Proua h.p .. Mundorrt Pruett.p. . Klawrlt'r.p 1irrin.l'. 2 o S 1 Davis. s 5 12 u I uowmcK.l.. 4 1 B V 1 OOMumpr.2.. 4 O 1 lit ll Hatea.3 5 2 2 2 2 OOHlllard.m 5 2 4 1 4 4 u tss.r. ... S 3 I 3 2 III' Flther.c... 4 111 1 4 3 u loter. I ft 3 w O 0 O O Coveles'e.p 1 O 0 O O o 0 Kanier.p.. 0 O O 0 O OUKrauscp.. V 0 O 0 0 3 u HIiKln'm.p S 1 O O 1 1 V Cariacn.c. 112 0 u 1 u u 0 u 3 o o o 0 u 1 o o u o u S h 1 tluest.s. . o O 0 0 V Totals. 3 11 31 111 Totals.. 42 14 33 IS 1 One out when winning run scored. Hstted fur trough In seventh. Oakland C v 0 O 1 1 2 I o 1 o Hits O 1O031SI 11U Portland 0 I2002O0U11 Hits 0 13 O 1 3 V 1 12 2 14 Runs. Johnston 2. Ness, (iardner. l.ltechL Manila. Ijavls. Derrick. Hates. Hlllard. Speas. Loher. c trlsch. Struck out. by i ove. leakie 6. Krause 1. lllggtnboihsm 1. Trough 3. Kiaaltler 1. frleses on balls, off Cove! kle 1. KihW 2. Migglnbotbam 2. Klamitler 2. Two-base hits. Ness. lavis. Uerrli-k. Hpeaa. Home runs. Hates. Ness. Runs re sponsible f'r. Prulett 5. Klawitter 1. 1'ove- leskle 4. lilitclnbothem 1. l.'narae defeat to Klawitter. credit H:ggintKtham. Farrtflra hits, Coveleskie 2. Ness 2. Siumpl. Klawitter. Stolen bases. Mande. Keed 2. Lltsehl. Klawitter. Lober. Innings pttchea rv prouiti e. nita a. ruiu . at bat . Prulett 1-3. hits O. runs o. at bat 1; Cot leskie 7. bits s. runs 4. at tat name' . . j . v , . 1;" "-J 1 1-3. hits 2. runs 1. at bat 4: Krause, 1-S hits 0. runs 0. at bat 1. Time. Um pires. Williams and Kinney. Notes of the (iaine. Milton need looked mighty good at short for the Oaka. despite his costly error in the tenth Inning. Twice Reed delivered plnrh hits, scoring runners. He la still weak from his Illness, and had to retire In the last Inning. e "Rowdy" Elliott is another Happy Hogan. He had red. white and blue ribbons flut tering from every Osk cap Is celebration of Independence day. Speas cut off a run at the plate by a great peg In the fifth and threw Uardner out at second In the elghtg inning trying to stretch the single that tied the game Into a two-bagger. With two out. Speas on first and Batea on third with the winning run, some of the fana thought Speas anould aot'have at tempted a ateal in tne tenth. But Cap waa playing good baaeball, and the fact that Bates allowed himself to get trapped off third on Elllott'a uluff throw to aeoond base waa not tsill's fault. Bates should have known that uo aane catcher wduld throw to aeond in a critical place like that. Speas reason for stealing waa to remove the danger of a force-out at second. s . Coveleskie doesn't seem to have much luck against Oakland, and Walt -leCredle would do well to forget the Pole next time the oaks are on the mri SF.VLS LOSE OXE OF 3 GAMES Venice Wins by Rally In Ninth and Leaders Take Next in Same Way. SAN FRANCISCO. July 4. San Fran cisco and Venice split, a double-header today, each team winning Its leg by dint of a ninth-Inning roily. In the ninth frame of the morning game at Oakland, with honors even at three all. a bajte on balls followed by Mltse's triple snd Carlisle's single gave the Venetians a 6-to-S victory. The Seals came to bat In the last half of the ninth Inning of the after noon' game, played here, one run to the bad. Brown, a Seal pitcher, made good as a pinch hitter and scored on an error and a sacrifice fly. Schaller then broke up the game with a home run over the right-field fence. San Fran cisco winning C to 5. The series now stands S to I In favor of the .Seals. Score: Morning game: Venice Pan Frsnrisro B H O A r. ' B H O A F. Csrlis'e 1. P.-rr.s. I 4 II r itilf riq.r 4 2 3 o t. 1 o 1 o Hchs iler.l. 4 1 1 on w ' i f i o! t . r . H v ! rtx I'UTt-11.3. oi. h'n.r Iberg.2 Mltae.c. . Chech. p.. 1 3 n O Bodie.m. . 3 O 2 O t n 1 O I Hwl'nn.l. 2 1 S o i I aiiowns.2.. 4 1 4 2b 112 In Jones 3... '4 0 1 io n 4 0Corhan.s.. 4 OS 4 n O Schmidt. c. 4 14 1 3 1 Ki;u:ay.p. 3 o o I o 2 3 0 1 IMe.oec-.. I o 0 0 0 Tot.Ts Z1 7 27 11 31 Totals. 32 T 27 12 I M:oan batted for KIMll.y in ninth. Venice e O O 2 a O 2 s Hits o a 1 1 o 3 O 1 27 - n Francisco ...n 0 O S o o u o o 3 Hits 1 0 1 4 O 0 0 1 0 I Runs. Wllholt 2. Halsa. Rlsberg. Mine v-ne n i. mo. en oas-s. Wlinolt. I.eft oi bases. Venire 4. fan Franclsto . Rons sponsible for. Klilllay 4. Che. h 2. Time of game l:4."i. Umpires. Held and tiuthrte. ' Afternoon game: Venice Saa Francisco B H O A F. 11 il OAK Carllsle.l. 3 ii 3 0 Fltgerald.r 4 1 1 o t Rerger.s.. 3 2 I O Sch a ll-r.l . . 3 14 o o Wllholt.r. 4 12 0 w Hellmann.1 4 112 Haylesa m 4 14 O U Im ns.2. .. 3 O t 5 t Pftrteii.j.. 4 O o 1 Hodle.m. .. 3 2 3 vo C,!elrh n.l. 4 l' 1 U Jones.3 . . .. 3 1111 ltlsberg.2. 4 13 o Hlock.e. . . 4 O T 0 I) Spencer.c. 4 2 3 0 Corhan.e. . 4 2 O 41 Kromme.p 2 O t) 3 0 Smith, p.. . 2 O 1 O0 Plercey.p. 1 O 0 0 1 Fanning. p. 1 o u 2 IMeloan.r.. O O o ou llron... 1 I v 0 u jLeard... 0 0 0 00 Totals. S3 t 2d 111! Totals.. 82 27 12 Two out when winning run scored Urown batted for Fanning In ninth. M-eard ran for Brown In ninth. Ventre O02O3tn o s lilts O O 0 3 1 4 o o San Francisco n 3 o o o 0 u 1 2 e Hits 0 2 0 0 1 I 1 1 3 u Runs. Carlisle. Fterger 2. Wllholl. rilelrh msnn. Frhaller. lioana 2. Jones. Corhan. Leard. Four runs. T hits off tmlth. 23 st I. st In S 2-3 Innings, out In sixth. 2 on, 2 out. Four runs. 7 hits off Fromtne. 2H st bat In 7 1-3 Innings, out In eighth. 2 on. I out. Homo runs. forhen. tilelrhmenn Schaller. Facrlflce hits. Itodle. From me. llase on balls, off From me 3. Smith 1. Kin. nine. 1. Struck ont, by From me 1, Sm:tn "-. Fanning 8. plercy 1. Sacrifice fl Jones. Meloan. Stolen hases. Wllholt. fta less. Sch.i.ier. Jones. Vt'tl'l pilches. Smith. Fan ning. Runs responsible for. Fromme 3. , Smith X fierce 2. Lei I on bases, Venice . Credle. Wh nuns, vtiinoit s. Ma is. Kisberg. Mine. Hermann. lowns. Corhan. Three-base hit Mltse. Two-bj.e hit. Corhan. I-Ucrlflre hits. Hsy.s. Kliil'ay. WMhoit. rtod.e First base on called balls, off Kl'll.ay 3. o'f Che4-h 1. Klrilrk nail h w k" tl 1 1 l n Fan Frsnrlsco 6 Crellt vlctorv to Fanning. Charge dffeat to 1'i-rcey. lime, !.w. Lm- plrss. Guthrie and fill BEES AND ANGELS EACH WIN Second Game of Divided Double- Header Goes Ten Innings. LOS ANGELES. July 4. Salt Lake and Los Angeles split a double-header today, the Bees taking the morning game, C to 1. and the Angels a ten- j inning battle, 5 to 4. The winning run ! waa made when Luis stretched a sin- I gle for an extra base and scored on Boles' bounder over third base. Hughes and LaKoy each pulled out of tight holes when double plays prevented tallies with the bases full. Scores: Morning game: ball Laae I Los Angeles -BHOAL lHOAc Fhlnn.r... 3 2 1 t u M'M ull'n.2 3 13 riri m . . X 1 X i li,,. ri irt "Uedeon.2. i 1 1 ' ilu i.ier.r U u U U 1 U 0 v 3 o 1 H. loan. I.. 4 13 VuKoerner.l. yacher.m. 4 11 uK..i.l T-nnar. 1. 1 2 1 13 SOTerrv.e... llarbour.3 3 O 1 1 V Hrooka.c. . Rohrer.c. 4 13 1" Metxcer 3. Oregury.p. SOI 2 U l' p. . J loan'. . I Love.p. . . . I V 1 u u u o u Totals. 33 11 27 14 u. Totals 30 B 27 12 I' Batted fur 1'errltl In e.shth. Salt Lake 2 O u u U 3 1 0 0 Hits 3 U 1 0 0 3 2 1 1 It Los Angelea uolooooo o l Hlta I 1 1 O I tt u 0 1 Huns. Shlnn. Orr. tedeon 2. B. Kysn. Zfti'her. VIcMullen. Two-base hits. OeOeoti 3. barrlflie hlta. Orr 2. Tennant 2. Har bour 2. Struck out. bv P-rrttt 1. tlregory l.I-ove 1. liases on balls, off Perrltt 1. Cregory 1. L"ve 1. Runs responsible for. Perrltt 6. Gregory I. Ten hits. 6 runs. 2 at bat. ofe" Perrlit In H Innlnss Charse defeat to Perrltt. liub:e plav. Trnnanl to Orr to Tennant. lilt by pitched ball. Buemllier. Umpires. and Phi. Time. 1.02. Afternoon game: v Salt Lake Loi Angeles HII'OAC IIHOAE Sh'.nn.r... 5 i 4 0 o McMul!'n.2 2 I 3 1 Dm J 5 o i:iiirmi;iiTr.r 3 2 o ui JeJeon.S.. 4 3 3 3 0 V.'olter.m.. 4 2 I o B llvin.l.. 4 U 1 OOKoerner.l. 3 2 14 10 y.aeher.m. 3 13 OUKIIIs.l 2 12 OO Tennent.l. 4 113 0 t) Ten v.s . . . . 3 O 4 30 Harbour.X 4 1111 rtoles.c i 2 S 20 Kohrer.c. 4 O 4 2 Metiger.3. 4 O O 11 Fltlery.p'. 1 1 n 0 0 lluches.p.. 4 1 0 SO UHcv.p.. 2 O O 3 0, Meek.... 0 n n no Unrtsot.. O A O O (. liall.p.... o 0 0 O 0f Totals. .Stt S2 IS I! Totals.. .17 12 30 IS 3 "Rotted for 1-a Ho in ninth. tKan for yitk In ninth. lone out when wlnntne; run scored. Sa't T-ake O 22000000 O 4 lilts 1 1 IOOOI S 2 0 ft Los Angelea 0 03 I 00000 1 3 Hits II 4 1 lllOO 312 Runs. Orr. ;eden. Tennant. Rohrer. Mc slullen 2. rtuerr. 1! !er. Wolter, Kills. Two- Is e Kits Orr. tills. Sacrifice hits. Oedeon KUta 2. Struck out. by tturhea S. by 1-eKot, 2. bv Ha'l 1. Hbs on talis, off Hucbei 1. off LaRov 3. off Hall 1. Huns respon sible for. Fltterr .1. Hall I. Five hits. 3 runs. 12 at bat off Filter In 2 1-3 Innlnss 3 hits. 1 run. to a: bat off l.aRoy in r 2-3 innlnss: - charge 1efest to Hall. roubie plas. Oedeon. Tennant. lulRoy to Rohrer to Tennant: Hughes to Terry to Koerner: Hua.ies to Poles to Koerner. Hit by pitched ball. V. Rvan by Meeks. wild pitch. Hushes. Lmplres, Ph vie en1 Toman Time. S.lxi. SEALS SIGH CHRISTIAN WOI.VERTOX HARD PRKED riTCHINO MATERIAL FOR Pisg Bowie Warms a l hea O there Kali si4 May Be Called for Duty 1st Os c;asae Today. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal, July 4. (Spe cial.) Tyler Christian, the deposed Oakland manager, is now a member of the Ban Francisco pitching staff. Man ager Wolverton signed the foxy vet eran tonight, and haa slated him to hurl the game In Oaatland against Venice Monday morning. It Is expected that the trans-bay fans will turn out In round numbers to cheer on Tyler, who thinks he received a pretty rough deal from the Oakland management. Without the services of Christian, the Seals would have been up against it for elabmen. Spider Baum. who can generally be depended on for two games a week, is out of the game with a troublesome hip. and Curly Browns elbow has brer, paining so much that Wolverton Is afraid to risk using him. The pair may he out a week or longer. This leaves Wolverton with only four heavers J!mith. Fanning. Beisigl snd Klilllay. Smith. Fanning and Klilllay were In the fray today and Itelnlgl the day before, so that the heavera are pretty well worn out. There Is a double-header Monday, but Wolverton Is confident that Christian and Fanning can hold their own. If anything should go wrong there Is always Ping Bodle to fall back on. Ping broke in as a pitcher, and is always trying his hand at throwing curves, spittera and the like. Wolverton was so hard-pressed for talent today that he had Bodle warming up. IU:iS BEAT CARDINALS TWICE Two CIomj Gomes Are Taken by Hcr- sos's Men, Pit -hers naming Hard. CINCINNATI. July . Cincinnati nosed out Ft. Louis In both g sines of couble-hesder today here, winning the first 1 to 0 and second X to X. In tho first Cincinnati's run was scored by a base on balls, a sacrifice and a single by I'ale. Irs the second game Cincinnati hit Sallee hard and he left the mound In the seventh, after one run had been cored, tleing the score, and two men were on bases. Orlner could not stop the locals for a single by Ilergog brought home the winning run. Rain stopped the game after the seventh. The vrorra: First game R. H. K I St. Louis. ..S S llClncinnstt naileries Robinson and Dale and Wlngo. Clark. Second game R. II. E St. Louis... 3 S 0; -Inclnnatl R. II. F .17 0 Snyder: U. II. K. .3 1 Batteries Sallee, Orlner and Snyder. Lear and Clarke. Chicago 8, Pltfsbnrg S. CHICAGO, July i. Chicago defeated Pittsburg 8 to & In the final game of the series here today. The locals made their runs tv hunching hits off Mc Quillan and Cooper. Cheney weakened In the fifth when the visitors started a rally and retired In favor of Lavender. The score: II. H. E.I - IL II. E lttsburg. & 7 3 'hlrago. ... 12 S Batteries Mryuillan. Cooper and Gibson; Cheney. Lavender and Archer YKLOBAXS DKFKAT YAMHILL Visiting Tram at McMlnnTllU? Is Beaten Drsplte Port landers. M'MINXVILLE. Or- July 4. (Spe cial.) The Yelobans defeated a part of Portland playing under the nom-de-plume. Yamhill Itexalls, by a score of It to 4. Ysmhill iad six Portland men. two from their home town and one from Hlllbboro. In the first frame the Yelobans annexed three runs driving out several long hits. In the second Yamhill took four runs, made by two walks, one hit and one over-t he-fence for a home run. After that the Yelo bans tightened up and the visitors failed to score further. In the fourth Inning the Yelobans took four score on two singles, a two-bagger and a three bagger, and from then on it was a procession. Foster, for the Yelobans. struck out eight men. allowing only five hits, while the visitors allowed IS hlta snd struck out five men. Batterle- Yelobans. Foster snd Mc Bride: Ysmhill. Osborne. Cornellnson and Harthulemew. Th. se teams will play at Yamhill tomorrow. AWARDED MFDIL OP IIOR AT PANAMA - PAClr IC FroITIOX iH. clia iriiga j ones en el vaso de vino" "Tie drops into bos & Have you ever eaten an apple which by accident found its way into a potato barrel? Ugh ! The flavor is spoiled utterly. The apple has become an appleish potato. Even so does all tobacco leaf tend to absorb flavor from that which comes near it. That Van Dyck do not thnift it carelessly into a pocket which has carried about pencils, leather card-case or cijrars of leaf not bo good. You have in your precious Van Dyck Cigar the treat of a connoisseur. Tould a connoisseur drop bread crumbs into his wine-glass? Ah no ! The paper case, the ci par case or best of all the cedar box is the home for so splendid a cigar. I would not have you risk Van Dycks for worlds! TC 17" anm Havana all Havana Spanish made Two for a quarter and up 1. A. Cunst & DETROIT STOPS SOX Heavy Batting of Tigers De feats Chicago in Tenth. FABER FORCES IN SCORE Lou dor ml Ik Pitches One-Hit Game Against Cleveland and Helps St. Ivouis Win S-O Game by luteins; Oat TMo-Uacger. DETROIT. July 4 Detroit defeated Chicago in the tenth Inning today. 8 to 7. Detroit's heavy hitters knocked Hcott out of the box In five Innings. obtaining a six-run lead. Steen became wild In the eighth and his support weakened, enabling Chicago to tie the score. With two men out In the tenth and Cobb and Cram ford on bases, Fsher purposely passed Bush. He then walked Baker on four pitched balls, forcing In Cobh. toore: R. H. E ' R. H. E. Chicago ...7 I Detroit s IS 4 Batteries pcott. Wolfgang. Faber and Hrhalk; Stern, Coveleskie and Ba ker. SU Louis 3, Cleveland I. ST. LOCIS. July 4. Lowdermllk shut out Cleveland today. 2 to 0. In a one- hit game. In which both teams played errorless ball. Lowdermllk helprd his team win by doubling In the eighth snd scoring on Shmton's double, tv-ore: IL II. K.l K. H. E. Cleveland . I 0 St. Louis... 3 a 0 Batteries Mitchell. Jones and O'Neill: Lowdermllk and Severeid. KANSS CITY AGAIN" IV I.IiAl) llelilrr Jones hi. Iuula l'cd Are Pushed Hark lo Second Place. KANSAS CITY. July 4. fcvery Kan sas Citv Federal hatter got at least one safe hit from a St. Louis pitcher to day The score was 14 to & ano sent St. I-ouU hack ti second place, giving the lead to the locals again. Scor: R II K- It II F St. Louis... i t SKansasClty. 1 11 Batteries Davenport. Watson. Her bert and Hartley. Chapman; U. John son. I'ackard and Easterly. Chicago S.Mtt'bnrg 4. CHICAGO. July 4 McCnnnell's hit ting and pitching Mere factors In Chi cago's S-to-4 defeat of the rittsburg Federals today. The visitors pounded McConnell herd, but he wss strong in most of the tla-nt places, tcore: R H E; RUE Plttshurg... 4 11 0 Chicago.. SIS J Batteries Dickson. Allen. Barger and O'Connor. Berry: McConnell and Wilson. Haltlmore 3. Newark O. NEWARK. July 4 Baltimore Fed erals defeated Newark here today S to 0. Bailey ent-tly bested Kalserllng and never was In danger. Score: R H. E l R. H. E. Baltimore. S 11 2 Newark 0 J 1 Batteries Bailey and Owens; Kaiser ling, and Randvn. I taker Dcfrat I -a Grande. BAKER. Or.. July . 4. (Speeisl ) With Foshury. of B.krr. pitching strike-out bail, and bunched hits In the second and -lpht! frames, the I cal team won from La Grande here fVWaTC WiTWT V-V'rrrea-sa 4Ve4VV is bread crumbs" vyine-glass, J Tl Jljyek wT 6 . :. Y 4 Co., Inc., Distributors today In the Eastern Oregon Lessue series 4 to 0. Colemiin. of r. threw his arm out with the first ball pitched and was benched. Score: R. H K.l IL H. E. Baker 4 4 La Grande.. 0 4 Batteries Coleman. Fosbury and Jackson; derrick and Richtcr. INDIAN'S LOSK IN 13 INNINGS Vancouver Scores 3 in I-aM laiut, SKkane Itally Counts. Only 2. SPOKANE, Wash.. July 4. Vancou ver defeated Spokane 8 lo 7 toilsy after 13 Innings of play. Both Sml'h and Kl.-k were hit hard. McQusrry's single In the 15th. with two on. followed by Brottem's double, gave Vancouver three. Spokane came back with a brace cf tallies, but Williams was nailed trying to stretch a double into a triple, ending the rally. Hoy Brown and Williams furnished fielding features. Score: R. H. K.l R. H. K. Vancouver .8 IS 4Spokane ....7 14 0 Batteries Smith and Broltcm; Fisk and Brrnnan. Victoria 3, Scuttle 3. SEATTLE. Wash.. July 4. Victoria nosed out a 3 -1 o- 2 victory against Seat tle hero tins afternoon, when Kaylor hit for two bases In the 11th. advanced to third on a bunt and catne home on Haworth's hot drive. The score: R. 11. K.l R. H. E. Seattle 2 1 Victoria 3 1 Batteries Esstley and Barth: lionner and Haworth. Aberdeen , Tacoma O. ABERDEEN. Wash, July 4 Bad errors by -Tacoma helped Aberdeen win today's game 4 to 0. itoth Kaufniann and Mrlkle were effective, and the re sult should have been 1 to u for Aber deen. Score: R. H. E l R. IL E. Aberdeen . . i 1 Tacoma 0 4 6 Batteries Mrlkle and Vance; Kauf mann and Stevens. SALEM XINK m:rKATS ALBANY Clierry City Tram Wins Deciding Game of Serle of Three. SALEM. Or.. July 4. (Special.) Ir. an exciting game here today, the Salem l.aselall team defeated Albany. 7 to 4. Clark. for the visitors. held the Salem men lo six lilts, but his support was not aa good as thit given Craig. Salem has detested Aibanv twice this season In three games. The score: It. IL K Ii. 11. E l Albany.... 4 SSalem J 4 i Batteries Craig. Kexford and Jones; Clark and Sma.l. POKTLANH OIKSMKX VICTOKS NeMcII and Hanlcj Win Junior 1 dou bles at Coeur d'Alene. SPOKANE. Wash.. July 4. tSpeelsl.) Before SooO spectators the second day of the regatta at Coeur d'Alene. Idaho Newell and Hanlry. Vf Portland, wors the only race In which Portland oars men were to compete today. It was the Junior doubles, a mile, and they gamely out sculled Laltimore and Colquhoun of Coeur d'Alene. finishing nearly a length lo the good; time, 4:il 4-S. The Portland pair will race tomorrow against last year's champions. Newell and Hanley. to acconimodato the crowd, joined forces with the Coeur d'Alene sthletes and gave entertaining ex hibitions of canoe tilting. Auto Kncer Dies Kroni Injuries. fclOCX CITY. lows, July 4. C. C. Cox. one of the entrsnta In the ro.i mlle sweepstakes races run yesterday, died tills morning of Injuries receive ! when his rar plunged throuah t h .-! 1'irnoil li:rtl. .... I Ma in Cincinnati. H:s body will b4) re I taken there for Interment. 4