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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1915)
12 TRE MORXIXG OlSECOXIAX. MONDAY, JULY o, into. PORTLAND ABSTRACTS AXD TITLES. I'llOMPT SEKVICE at reasonable price. Pacific Tula &. trim Co., 7 Cn. of Com. ACCOBXHOX I'LEATING. ACCORDION" knife tod box pleating, plcut- lns. hemstitching, braiding, embroidering. Eastern Novelty Mia. Co., 8oV 5tn at. K. BTEPHAN HeintHclng and scalloping. accord, aide pleat, buttona covered, goods sponged; mail orders. 3&3 Alder, ia. Wi'S. Mail ordera promptly atteafded to. ARCHITECTS. BUNGALOW plan book 10c; plana i- A. ii. Faber. 3W Alaaworth ave. AHllal, WAltK UULOBa, CILLNA PAJSTi0. JEANNB M. STEWART. D28 Plttoclt bloc. ASiSArtBS A1 ANALYaK) MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142V 2d. Golli. -liver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J. SILFORD KELSON', LAWYER, 618 PIT IOCK HLK. PHONE BKOAUWA Y uli'a. CARl'ET WEAVERS. KORTHWEST RUO CO. Rugs from old car pets. rag rugs. 188 E. 8th. Both phones. CELLILOIU BUTTONS, BAtHiES. THE 1BWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 887 Washington st. Main Z2 and A 124, CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and William, Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 3u2 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. corner id and Alder. Phone Main 1301. NEW YORK. grad. chiropodist, manicurist, for ladles and gentlemen. 04 Macleay blag. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mra. M. D. HIU. Office Flledner bldg. Main 873. CHIROPRACTIC NERVE SPECIALIST. PR. A- H. BRI0O3, 605 BeUand bldg. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHON. sixth year. Chronic cases taking time. 31 .treatments. $15. 121 4th st. XR. POULSON, specialist In paralysis, nerv. oua. chronic diseases. 830 Plttoclc block. Broadway '262. CLEANING A NO PRESSING. DRESS SUITS to rent. We press on ault each week for $1.50 a month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 809 Startt il. bet. 6th and 6th. Main B14. COLLECTION AGENCY. ' CLAIMS ct any description collected on per centage anywhere. Highest class refer encea. The Halden Mercantile Agency, 426 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 48C. KETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1798 No collection, no charge. Established 1BUO. AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. rrUBRtnLLE BUGGY TOP CO, 200 2d BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A Omnibus Transfer. Park A Davis. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery A Conf., Inc., 11th A Ererett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1KHARD, 13th and Bum aids. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, KURNISHMNGS. FLE1SCHNER, MAYER St CO.. 207 Ash st. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Sttrpbbg Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine sta GRAIN MERCHANTS. Aloers Bros. Milling Co, Front and Marshall. H. M. HOCSER, Board of Trade Bldg. GROCERIES. WADHAMS A CO., 67-75 Fourth at. HOPE IS ON, FARMERS REV, MR ELDRIDGG SAYS NATION LEADS WORLD TO PEACE. United States Can Support Population of 1,500,000,000, Asserted In Talk Before Evealag Stnr Grange "Agricultural Life, the Hope of the Nation," was the subject of the address by Rev. O. E. Kldridge, before Evening Star Grange Saturday afternoon, at the hall on the Section Line road, and in the course of his address be said that more than 6,000,000 farmers are piling up the wealth of this country, and that i these farmers and their sons are the hope of the .Nation. "They are furnishing- the brains and muscles which keep In. motion the great industries of the country," he said. "There are 11,000,000 square miles of territory in the United States and we can easily support a population of 1, 300,000,000 in our territory. This coun try is leading the nations of the earth toward a permanent peace. I pre dict at the close of the awful struggle in Europe this country will be one Na tion to which these warring nations will turn to lead them to adjustment and peace. This, because we are a. great Nation; great in wealth, brains, morality and stability." Miss Grace DeGraff spoke on "The First International Congress of Wo men at The Hague." C B. Zeek. of Tillamook, spoke on "Advantage of Co-operation." H. A. Lewis, president of the Mult nomah. County Fair Association, told of the coming fair, and asked for the co-operation of the granges in mak ing it a success. Mr. Lewis called at tention to Farmers' Field day, which will be held at Gresham, July 24, which all the farmers of this county and nearby counties are invited to at tend. S. F. Ball, principal, gave some in teresting information about the new Franklin High School soon to be built on Division street. He said it will be dif ferent from any- other high school building in Portland, for the reason it will be built practically on the ground and will contain one story with a base ment. He Eaid it would not be neces sary to make it fireproof, owing to its being only one story in height, and the cost per room would be less than were concrete or brick used. Another advantage was. he said, that additions can be added indefinitely. The audi torium, however, will be fire-proof. Mr. Ball pointed out that the new Frank lin High School would be one of the most advanced and modern on the Pa cific Coast in equipment. The athletic field will be all outdoors. GOLDEN WEDDING IS HELD Mr. and 3Irs. Alec Monroe, Early Residents, Receive SO Guests. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Monroe, early residents of Oregon, who were married In Connecticut, was the occasion for a pleasant celebration at their home, 8425 South Fifty-sixth street Southeast, yesterday afternoon. In 1879 they moved to California and four years later came to Sherwood, Or., where they Invested in land and lived until 10 years ago, when Mr. Monroe retired, and since then they have been Portland residents. Their two children, Mrs. C. P. Dorais and Mrs. Frank Hoff man, and their grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoffman, Miss Lorina. Ar thur. Leona, and Ulrtc Dorais received with Mr. and Mrs. Monroe more than 50 guests, during the afternoon. Luncheon was served outdoors and the couple received several beautiful . remembrances. Mrs. Monroe is 69 years old and her husband 76 years old. JAIL -CELEBRATION HELD Sheriff Gives Dinner and Prisoners Present Programme. The prisoners In the County Jail cele brated the Fourth of July with ap propriate exercises yesterday. The jail bad been decorated with flags, and was unusually spick and span. Many Federal prisoners, including BUSINESS DIRECTORY DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. biVi &-h su, bet. Stark and Oa; -p'i Summer rates, 0 private lessons, Z; morning. aXierquon. evening, all latest dances guaranteed. caa Thurs., Sat. evenings. 7-b:3i. Children's classes Sat.. 2 to 3, 25c. Broadway 21tfO. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons dally, class Krl. eve., 8 to 141. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morri son eta Lessons 2Gc. Main 8018. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. P1NKERTON CO., CS. DETECTIVE AOC1. Established over :; years SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigations and reports made on Indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Suite 554 Pittock block. Phone Brosd waytt.l. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; gtaaaea fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum biur3U c Wn. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought. Bold, rented and repaired. We do ail kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 31 1st St. f. phone Broadway t3i. HAT CLEANING AND BLOCKING. PANAMAS blocked and bleached, "T.c; straws A felts, BOc Kaufman's. 44-48 3d. nr. Stark. JEWELRY, REPAIRING. H. J. ALT3TOCK. 141 A. Broadway. (LADIES' TAILOR. A. DE BLANCHE, 408 Washington. WIVIOTT BROS.. 41a Morrison. MANICURING. MANICURING and elee. treatment. Burke. 19 Lafayette bld. Ethel MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycle and bicycles. Phone Main C3. A 2153. MILLINERY. ELIZABETH'S. Orpneum Tbeater bldg. MUSICAL. MUSIC published, arranged, printed, popu larized. Verses written to melodies. Send manuscripts. Echo Musio Publishing Co., Seattle. Wash. Emll Tht-Ihorn, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk, 207 Flledner bldg. A 41HO. Marshall l-J. OSTRICH PRODUCTS. PORTLAND FEATHER DYE WORKS. Sta and Washington. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO. 64-65 Front St. HIDES, WOOL, CAjSCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 1D1 Front it HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEF? 'BROS, 614 WORCESTER BLDG, Main Ml. Phonea A 1178. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON. STRUCTURAL STBBL PLANT, FOUNDRY. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CH AS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front; leather of every docription; taps, mfg- findings. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 Sth at. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS, Morrison and 7th sts. several Indians, took part in the en tertainment. Prominent among the events was a banquet furnished by Sheriff Hurlburt. The menu consisted of roast beef, veg etables, macaroni, cheese, bread and butter, tea, ice-cream and cakes. In the jail are a number of good singers, including several negroes. These gathered in the corridors at night and sang patriotic songs. No suggestions for the entertainment were made by the jailers, who left the pris oners as free as possible to follow their own inclinations. ANOTHER MAD DOG LOOSE More Stringent Quarantine Likely In Sheridan District. SHERIDAN. Or.. July 4. (Special.) The epidemic of rabbles in this sec tion still continues. Two mad dogs were killed in Willamlna yesterday. Another mad dog outside of the quar antine district, between here and Amity, was reported . last night and caused a general search. More stringent quarantine probably will be placed in the 15 by 20-mile dis. trlct around here that is already under quarantine. As yet no persons have been bitten and the authorities are taking all precautions for protection. ASITSESIKNTS. 1"? a I '2 af mriHiE dahy 230 George Primrose The Velvet-Footrot Prime Minister of Mia- etrrlHy, and Ills lar0 Company of hinajera, Dsnrfni and lntrumentilits. Matinee ::30 1'. M -Vlrht 2 febows Now at BROADWAY AND STARK ggg Oaks Portland's Greatest Amusement Park. TODAY'S FREE mOGRASIMEl Z30 f. M. AMI 8iSO P. M. Bostoa Troabilonra In Tb Suf fragettes." Oaks' Hawaiian Dm. cias. Bls;a:eat Frre Shew In City. Fas for the Kindles. MI.I.E. TRVOX, PRIMA DONNA. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Corner Vaughn and Twenty-Fourth Sta OAKLAND PORTLAND Two Games Today Reserved box seats for sale at Rlcbe's Cigar Stand. Sixth and Washington Sta. Ladlea' Dare Wednesday nnn Friday. Big Picnic Council Crest Today Dancing Afternoon and Evening Fraternal Brotherhood. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTIC IAN S. bsaeaaYC5aacMo04t etaoln ahrdl shrd A FIGHT on high prior". W by pay U u Hi) lor glasses sftco 1 can tit Ity lenses, gold-filled frames as low as l.iUT k.. vv. oooaman. au? Morrison. Mall orders GRACE ADAMS. . Saetiand bids. J-ATtMS. SIX PATENTS For sale cheap. Two priv ilege new patents folding armchair, fold ing writing dosk, and four otnera. part ners In company. Jonn apoUar, i -Medina su. Detroit. Mich. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 23 years' practice U. S. and foreign patenta tfcol DeKum bid. iiril PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York ata Main g.atf. SHEET MLslC". Mack'a Mualc Shop, Broadway bldg. tTOKAGE AND IK-lNlltK. C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co. Office and commodious 4-story bnck warehouse, separate Iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sis Planoa and furniture moved and packed for shipments. Special rates made on good In our through cars to all domestic and foreign porta Main &it. A lulwt. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. corner 13th. Telephone Main 80 or A lieu. We omn and operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracka Lowest Insurance ratea In city. MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING. STORAGE Reduced freight rates to all points. MANNING Warehouse Transfer Co, ' Main 703. !th and Hoyt. A 2214. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office. 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agenta. phone Main 7el. bUPEKi'LlOUS HAIR AND WART KEMOt kJ. MLLE. Dl LONG. 604 Bwetland bldg. TAILOK.S TO MEN AND WOMEN. Huffman A Grant. Broadway and Alder. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. 8. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 13. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keane. prea, 1818 Mar ket st.. San Francisco. WOOD. BARK. blockwood. boxwood. cord wood. Multnomah fuel Co. Main 6540, A 2 114. GREEN and dry slsbwood. block wood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 6720. A 381)9. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire A Iron Wke.. 2d A Columbia. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. F1LLEK A Co, 1-th and Davla PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. RASJfrPSKN A CO.. '-M and Taylor PIPE, l'IFK II1ILVOS AND VALUES. M. L, KLINE. 84-et Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIEJi. iS. L. KLINE. 84-"i Front s:. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. W. HAI.TKS A CO, 1st and Osk f'Koii:c. COM MISSION MLKI HANTS. EVEHUIMi KAHKtl.U HO rronu ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. land Cordsge Co, Hth and Northnip. Port KAS1I I KM) KM AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO, 12lh and Da via WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO, 230 2d St. ACCTION HAI KU TODAY. Perd A notion Rous. 211 1st. rucniture. carpets, eta. Bale at z P. aC At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. at, furniture. 1 AS-S First MEKTINO NOTICE8. at WASHINGTON LOHOE. NO. f J 4l. A. K. AND A. il Hartlra for aAta picnic take ferson-st. I Vi-fyX. iy A. M . picnic take special train at Jet- tetol. I:11 this (Hon as train all! be made " up at this p at tnis point. No atops esc Garden Home. Tlcketa good on all recular tralna. J. H. KICHMONO. fecc. WII.I.iyETTP IinK Xo- 2. A. K. AND A. M. stated com munication tnia iMoiam evn. Ins. at 7: art o'clock. This will he a bciiness meeting only and the last metine before vaca- W. f. WKEKS, Secretary. CORNELIA CHAPTER. No. ST. O E. J . fe'lMted communication this Mortlay, flerrees. 1W nr-lT W. M. MAKI B. IIOUIN.-WJN. Secretary. EXTRA Emblem Jewelry of all kinds; pec la 1 designs tnaae. Jaeger Bros, Jewelera DiKDw M 1XL.ER In thl city, July 4, Mm. HMn Miller. nel s year. t her rem dence, JO1, Vancourer ve. Announce ment of luneral later. Uemaina care Kric!on residence undertaklntf parlor. 1TXERAL NOTICES. MISENER In thla city. Julv 4. mt the fam ny residence. ;; tut za onn, jumiu Karl, ton of Mr. and Mrs. William K. .) ener, aged ft years. 4 month. -5 d . brother of Floyi. WIIHam II. Jr., and Klon I. Miaenrr. The funeral aervicea will ba held at the above re'ldenrn at p. M-. tomorrow Tues!ay ), July H. Kriend Invited. Interment Kaie c ity cemetery JAHN At her lata residence at Oak Grove. nvannn in v x I n r I at i n a i n n tr tn fi yeirr The funeral arvl- ea will be held today (Monday). July I, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the residence entabltjhment of J. 1. . Klnley &, Son. Montnomery, at nth. Friends Invited. Interment at Itlverview Ceme tery. FONTAXA At her late realdence. 340 K love nth street, Theraa 1- on tana, aged vein. Funeral service will b held at Bt. T'hlllo 3.1 art Church, tieventeenth and OIvi- alon street. Vtonday at 2 .20 P. M. Remains at P. I ... Lerch undertaking Varlor Kt-at Kleventb and Ciay streets. laEAENS In this rltr. July 4. Mr. Helena Oliver Lemvem. Ba i S yeara. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. July ft, at 10:30 A. M from Portland rematorltim Remain leave Krlcaon undertaking parlors 10 A. M. VASSA Private funeral servlce will h held at the residence and Mt. ncott t emeter) at 2:30 P. M. today Monday). Friends In vited to view the remains at 'i'7 Kaat 2Jd st. up to noon today. FUN E RAX. DLBJiCTORa. otu rtkiavOM uMMtamog eatabllabw ntot In xpotiand nltn privaua orivewsky. at am , loifu. J. F. FIN LET 4 BON, Montgomery at Fifth, MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leadlat funeral director. Z'M Third street, oornoc baixuoo. L-ady naauataau A 16 ii. Main M. F. a- ULAMNO. IXC Kaat Side Funeral Ulrectora 414 der street. Last B A- K. itLLLLH CO, W 1 l.l.I M d AVaV Laal Ium, C luoa. Lady siuudasu Oajr ana niEbt servlosv UUM.Nti St M'iv-STivit. funeral dirwatora. Broaawar and Fine, Fboao Main 4a. A aoe. Hmy attepuant. BKLaUea auto aait k b-SoUfcw bunnyaide Far! ore. iUaie biu.u&i l Isvbox liets M ILLalvR T HACK X. Independent funera. directors Funeiaa aa low aa .u. 4u. u. Washinston and k,lla sts. ateta Ql. A T&aA. F. L. LLH'JH. Lat Httt aad Ciay lUtec. fctkiCWlM L'N UivHTAsvI.Nii COM ANT. ad and ciay. Mala A Lady attendant. K. T. Bl'KNfc.T, WiiUama ave. aad avnoit. East lltu. C Lauly alteouant. aLOUldTtt. MAKT1N a. FOUbU Cu tlurUta. Ill Waab eUiffton. Maiu a-vk. a l.'titf. 1-tow era lur mJ occaaiona. a rustically arranged. CLARKK BKO&., fiunsLa, MorrUon at.. Main or A looi. 1-lne rioarera aad floral deltf ns. No branch storea. b L N Y is 1 D E tireeobouse. tr'remh f loarsrA Pbone B E, R31 and Taylor. MAX M. SMITH. Main 71i. A 6aUJng build. na;. MONTJ M E NTS. PORTLAND Marble Works, 2o5 4tb it, oppoalte City Uali, builder of mauorlaUa. tlon. CLASSIFIED AZ RATES Daily B -xi AosdAy. ret Use lie Oae flo two coDMmitlfs time lie hante avU ttxree camuti lime e iie smI a4a m evra ra-eraits tiroes. . frc lbe mxos e rate apply te avd eriiaroirDU under "fw TiMimy avxta ail e)tlu c4aUca turt ec-pt the lolliaa;t M turn i too v Bniro Male, lMtuattwue amri i rmele. or stent, jjuonn frusu Fa mil I e. tVuerd mad iioom t'rlval k avinU.ra. JiuuM'k.eepiuar UofneFri vale a-aauillaa, Kate . uie ale ciaaaUicat uxt im 1 casta a line etcb taverUuav. Oai "rbirce" dvrn Ufmfim rnavra-a will be bawd oa lue Dumbfr ! lio-e km 4ne pevper. rrgirdlma of (tie sunibcr et tria la nM-u line, miuimtun coarae. use) iLoea. Ihe OrrcuOkas Still accril ciaaailird ad- vert l"e turn ta ever the telepboae, provldel the advertiser la m auiecrtter to either pUotne, IS a yficci sill be qu(ej lbe piiane. bat bill will be rvacicred tb fwlloning tiajr. V aetaer aubeeq ueot ad vert aemeate alii t accepted over tUe pbune orpeod upon t be promptneaa of pay n vera t of tr puone adver tlameoia. rii uaiiooa siuiea ana I'rraotiaj advertlaementa will oat be arc-epted. over tite telepboae. Orders for oae ioacriion only will be acrepted for lruraliaro for isaie." "ttuat- coo Opportunities," "li4M-mw-llouaa"" aad Wanted to Heal." Advertiaetnenta to re-ret ve Droront rlaaalfU ration muat bo In The Oreaonlaa of fico be fore 9 o'clock at oljcht. rirrpt tMkturdajr. Clooixia; bour for Tbe nuadajr Orearoniaii Mill be i .av o clock rvai uruajr aiitii. 1 be ortico will be open until 10 o'clock i. M.. aa uauaA. and all ads received too lata for proper rlaaaJficatioa will be run under tbe hcstiiu Too Ljite to t laaetfy." Telephone Main A WOflS. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY B74 BKLSIO.T IT. Fnonen Knat 1423. A S31&. Oses Uaj nan Klxht Report all cnaen of cruelty to thla of fice. LeUitl cbamber lor email an i mala Horse ambulance for alck or dusbixl animal at a moment' notice. Anyone sveiriui ai pel may communicate) Wilis ua. KltTV TO DAT. STOP AT Newly re furnished. papered -tth and Alder nu rereo- vaced enlarged lobby all modern con veniences. Itooma. with hrlvit. hath $1 per day up; lUiout, 7."c up. Hecrauae the ratea are low don't think the ierv Ice ta poor. Special relet by weebt or month. Several rooms with wall beds. "Mfg inem practically suites. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current ratea. Attractive repayment pri vuctca. ueni quickly Closed, call today. 6 Of I.AROR 11AN ON CtC lC BlI.Nt:9 FltOfKIt I'ltCS O .0 A. II. BIRRELL CO. 217 -21 nsrth.calrra Bees B.lidlBK. MaraajxJl 4114. A 41IH. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 impkov:i Bifi:s rRorritTir Healdence Loam 4 and 7 Per Cent, Ao. cordlner to Location Plenty of Money. ROBERTSON & EWING IQ7-H Xsrlsmslers Bisk Bldg. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Moiy at current Ratea. UUMllPII. AMI t OKI'dK A I IOV MO.VUS. FA KM AM t ITY LOANS. . roortli h.. Hoar. . I ra.l. fllda. iinu: riT' rtHK iiomk for ki.k Clarsy revn-room reaidence. Juat com pleted, modern throughout, lareje rooma. siraro neu i. auower ana pivani belli white enamel finish: Karaite, etc. I14 Korty-rinlh street North, two hundred feet from andy boulevard. l'oors open unlay and .Monday. I a l 'fill! NORThe5ItriN BANK 6- LDI t.3 CJ fir T . LOANS MORTGAGE REAL EST AT r DK.LERJs. PAI.MKK-iOMwi Wilcox bids. BENEDICT lROS. 34 Hawtboroe ave RL.VL KSTATIl. ra sle POHTUND HlblUHTit. KXCLUSIVBLY. Have several doaoribt aacririra. bota In lots aad housee. make aa offer. Marshall 421. PHoOKt-. A lUt. UKi OKlKI(K i'oriland H- Ights view lot. rtiKK'st narcain on ir lieiichta. Uwdu; Mailt 1 ."J. ISDOr S1BQ. CHOICK residence lot Dear pavrtt and caj Bat offer lakes It. ataraball Fog Sale-Hd-ach t'ropert f. O tA N I.A K k I'AHK. TILIaAMK. TlLUMdnk UKACJf. " hacri t tee way biw aurwM vitn. It lota, pretty new cotta.e. nlcvly f urnian-Ml An extra ooi propo.itloti ; it mean a aa easy I. vine lor aumcone; onr or aicnt on protrty t-r al iioraa. Uu Broaawajr mil ur. t ain. 32 ACRbS. Nartb aieacti, :tO; fine OfMn frontaae. shaoe treea ana serosa .sua about one-intrd tat rraoUrr, bog; err at buy at .oo prr acre, t'bone oaner, Mars. tail or ttil Ho ch. of Com. lor Nik DO TOU WANT A HOMKT Not merely a bouae and lot. but a htm. Fnii t4rrtee. srapera, nrdrn truck. tuta n r bout, arbors, ail neceaaary to i borne. I bave it. 4.100 value, loO mt. soars for 10vO cwa and aaauma. L B.i. Oretroniaru OW.NEK Ul nia borne in HoCsday's A da. 1 ion, whu-i) h has bsld at I-' !.'. wl l Mil for U'a 00 of ths b-st homes in the city. lrse lasn. l.orr. trers. plenty of porches. 01 a rooms, nn Interior flmsh. A MKti-ciaas bom in every riinc U anl is Iocs Led on a corner, sr il street. W 111 take smaller house la tr l and balance can stand. L V.'ti. ore or. 1 a n. S I .'.00 T K, It MS 9 1 oo Almost new. jbMirta ? 00 m bungalow and Inside lot near Sv.n anl Couton comb, fixtures, aindow auauca, (lowers and berry tmshca. JiOl i-K COST 1COO TO BCri.D. Inquire 1 I Lumber Kx. lills. LIaT OK blCIKAltLa 11 UM KA. Before buying be sure to look at ear 1!M tf brand iw. homes in LAu Ji F.I.H L HT, tne addition of beautiful homes, ranjclna from i:si9 up Laurei- hurat Co.. 2 .u htsrtt si. or at tract of -f ee in Laur:hurtt, fc.. ath and Oiisaa sta. A HEAL 11 A ltj AIN. TV 1 11 discount ft'.y euuiiy in my ft -room modern borne In Norm Mount Tabor. If ou are looking fir a imp. see thia piare. ier:a to autc iij s. uin at. i. at. car 7 -Room mo-irm buntiion, buKt by owner, fur sale b owner; take l't as r:rt payment, balance Ilka rent. ZdOu L. L. corner i union. WOttKIN'i; MAN. don't te fooled; Inveetl cats; notninc doe n and .o monih for n v w houM-, our oan; prir 91 7i. Save rfnimiin. Owner. AM tl?. Oreeonlsn. IK ou oui'l like lo fominrnre) the tuliJ trig of a new home Immediately and have It fully rintnfM. come In and talk It over. urtis. '.'n; Oa st. FOR BALE New. modern IS -story bun a low in irvincton; complete in etery oetsii; price rnont c a4&. KINK n.O'lern home. Prlre and toimi 1 rieht. i'hune Main 6U1 mornings and e e .1 1 n its. ft it SALK Modern A-rourn bunicaiow modern convenience, loo feet frem thfme ear. K. 4 h ; on eaay term- C. 1 ... ana -r. u- w (uncau m ; easy in nun;eini. i w tie- r . i t'-'j -on D. d g t NEVV, moderd 12-room bouae, in Irvlngtoa. tx. if. lAice. r.iii J. IF yoa own a lot and w)h tu bu:;d. cum In and stre ua. Curtis, 21 J Oak st. EDWARD E IM Va5-w I OoClfrafHl Farm frtTertl-e in I T' I An Amount at Currrnt laatoe -Sr A BATaTAlf-THOafrOir, maakra KmrJkZrM Comer koorUk and ttark tetreata. THAT VACANT LOT. why Nut tlun a llkukv lvn IVCoMET WL WILL. l-LKMMl THU M JM.V, nClI.l Ai'AHTM K..N X?C Iv K i -LthsNCtU OH A.NTlHl.Nvj. J'UNi KHtt. fc. Aft IC Pt-ro.NSiBLK; WE k,NoV H'JW; lALtw WlTti C. K CL1l.Ts: bavi Ol'KWOKK; WH.L OIVK lO.NbA U K HAII.KV At CO.. CONTHAOllNtA AKclil Ttnu. l:t AlllNOTON BLLmL 1 or .! -tftaolne Iroprrty. J II fa A UK Corner lot, witli at ore a r.d x 00 1 u a a o aul It of Treumn t , 9 :0'. do n, y tcrtns oa bel.; must se.L T oreRonisn. (m b urban 1 lame Pron-ecty. AN Ideal suburban home, ii minutes from t ov n. mod rrn bunicaiow, iu.l Urmnt. f Irep.a-e, furnace, lare porches, f lowers, fruit trees, laun, nice ri.ickrn l-ark. ? S lota cbeap; price unnt IHo Kowlir ave. Phone Cu.umM 1 J. Fran a: M Ward, owner. GIBSON HALK ACHEfi. x Oood soil. tod m iter, cioee to car line ; eaay terms: wil; bui.d to suit purcUaeer. J i none Minns.i irs or tre.iwooa . JOHN GIBSON, UVVMvK. KAaT M U l.TN UM AH. The Ideal p'sce for a Hummer home, the idea, piece for a Hu.a farm, tiy.veater E. Kvsps. Corbet t. Or. Fee- bade fc E BfiA V Kit To N- KtLVl LLK ACKEAUE. And you will say al;h ua It la the beet about Portland; only 30 minutes oit. ItO tralna dally pass tnrouah It the Big- Red r-teel trains. Kalaea hopa. or. I on a. veere taniee, antblnK. One purchaser seta a 1 -out Sso per nonth now for ecu a sold ; f 100 hen at blithest price Has three acres. Buy a tract, any stia. casb cr aay pay merits. THE tiHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth Street. CHICKEN. KKU1T. GARDEN RANCH Eii. Near Portland, Greefiara diatrict; tear electric station; $T5 to $.0 per acr, ay terms; brst soil, free wood. Karms for sa;e aU s'.see, FRANK M'KAKLAND REAETT CO J09 Yeon b.d.. Port. and. Or. t WILL sell any part of fine :o-acre tract. ail in cultivation, on urea on E.ectno K. H.. lt mik-s out, in Tualatin Vale ; tvriua to suit; $ ? j per acre. &ee HanUy. owner, tvi M-k Exrhacce b.d. Marshall 3i. 0 ACRES, unincumbered land, about a0.(Ko zet (itnoer; 14 miles from ancouver. NNaeh.. price IIS per acre; terms ) -J ram, bL 4 vara. ( per 00 qL Bjx ftl. Vancouver, W asru ATKKH, a:; cleared. Rood 4 -room house and email barn, on Oi'Cun E.enric Hai.- y, rear Corteliua. Cheap for cs-u b 1J Iliiiuentreilo. CHARTS of a ppr'Xlrnateiy al lan. is opon lor entrv w a'0 luuui:, each toanarilp l or Sale r ruit land. lo ACivES nn- fiu.t ,end. on '.'uiuml'ii 11 4h vay. near H00M Liver.. Cheap for ct:i. R UJTi, t rer on IrrtcMted lutda. FOR t-AI.K All or part of lek) acres Irrt- iiea land, uear Jvedmond. or. Call E-aat 1 n. -r arena. FARMER If you mlh t t uy a s-oyvl fsrrn on elrc trie road, 1 mile from Port land, or, in Waatilrcfon Couiity. one that vaiM ra ' " 1 ua?el a heat. 0 .i.s hay or i.VO ira. clovr seed per a.-rc. and vii easv terms, rtte owner. P. O. ito jox. Forest Grove. Oregon. OWl.ii I o w a'. !t of on:r. a til . 1 j ( pact 1 -f:-e to .ash tuer. 40 crea at l..e. V ar. o-room houa. w it h all moirn iin,io. men a. barn and i.ihor Luii : A horses rhirk n a nt ft rrn 1 00 : a. immi apple t r-. p erny of water and tinrer. C . i-un:a Monody. Hf'fl :de. 1'h.arlci ilumau. f ,(f fo f : . o mv reunuinment end im rro e m. ii t s o o-a"re homete for ale. miles from port land ; : anl :a r country. A bund ano- f r-mtMiK. . acre chared. 1. at II out r" -t-ffi "o, l'i'. --'ond st l.e ACItKS iholro land; lrnprovoiHU; 40 miies from Prii ud; c te to K. ; w:; make superior aa.ry farm livorau.a la 1 ma. A. La. Pur tei. cH s Co. umt.e bwa4 pk ane. Wash. liHt Kl) sat-ri: it--. U'!. Ko. s -me Im . t'l-ivrinrM'.i. $!. .. o i.c r. CUuDtx P-artiey. (tr-iron City. . IruR SALE 'o lus County stump itnua. A 10 per acre tip ; goo so: I. a e.l w stered. J II S!.aip. 4itf psiiock block, l'sri.aao. lo Ai'HKS. ba:f lu cu.tival.on. am.M.i County, jour price bua it; terms to ault purer aser. los J -1, t ar. ton. or. t.,u'HK ftm. ae'.l improved, lor city. AO Mi. Oregon lan. W ANTr D Ri: l. KsTATf, LANIt WANTED. S to acres c. cared and in cultivation; wouid lik-? v:ue frontuue on the Wil lameite River and a .( ma li m.les of I'ort .and : so.; m st be t ir st-caaa. An er I kl Orcgonian. cucl IimaUuo and price. for nrxt-HRM. A'.'KKS a.l mpr o et. goo I houte, barn, poultry ahrii., tunmni aaTer. I'hooe T 1 J or call Vt . A. Oarner. M.twaukie. FtR fiAI.t T1MBFR LAND 24 MILLION fe tlinl-. r, 14 south. 4 east W M , Linn io., caeli; no trade. AN ). Oregonian; TIMBER U.NUH POfi.Hr A N L SOLD. C. J. M'CKACKEN. 3u4 M KAY CLDO. WAHTKIl TO KENT FARMS. WANTEI To rent email ranch mar R. R.. Id to ! a-rra. barn and house, can fur nish good referenees. give tu.l part.culaxs in first reply, x '.IH. Oregomaa. TO EXCHANGEREAL RhTAI'B. AiU. you movinjtr to loan to b,iy butter-m-ik. cream, irgs. fruit, berries, vege-tibU-a? Why? Will tra.!e my equity of 1 Too In an bur ban pui - tiiat wl!. supply you witrt tfif-e trtnea for small acreage and some cam,. K -7. Oregonian. SEATTLE. Wanted, to trade Port'an.1 res! rste for Pea it. real caiaie- Adareas AV Ore Ionian. COWS W ANTlII. Horses t trade, a. agio ur double, for ITilirli eoas or pi;. OERLINGEP. MOTtn CAR CO lk K. .; a!i ir if toti it. ll.WE two pierea of ii-an( r. periy, lOOg In eac!i piece. VI ue f a .'i ; ia to exchange for a Lome un eat lie or Close in tin Kail ile. W'.:i aasume some. Epton. 4 Tj fiamt'er of C om mer e. IF iC H A E aTy G-l I Hufi-.u i I FR EXCHANGE WE CAN MT 11 . o. WE bj. f HA.NiM.r! Ji'NK I'l.Ul'UiiT V. AVKI.S Mr r M II' 11 CO. f-1 NORTHWEST I-I.1G. M V I N IA'E Iioum a r.d I'l st orth $ ;u,..i for G . e r ooiri ino.urn homve. near the Ankcny car t-arna. to tie aloe of iif..v J . o. 1 pton. i.i? ham .f Commnc 1 it!g. HAVE mde rn. furnil f .ed. r-m lu:i a.. - a . trade m v ll'-ou euitv f..r clear !t or auto or am a. I runa&out mm iari i-amcnt. At. recontan. WILL trade 4d a r rea lar.d. tou!hern Crgot. or pt.tno for V t tro.a in goo.i condiitoa. A l'2i. Orgor.ian LA1HT RANCH for .; liotf-l : a hat ha e wu ? :er T'rup-. LV Si 4. ore IF Yt.ii; hae .n :rop rty and want to change n Reil iCeal Lstat Co, 31$ Lai way Kicriatja. GUAIV a-I twg farms well watered. Kla nat h Count . for a p a r t m n t -1. or a c r e r e Al.rtM P"0n. Or. y INL, rnM ern rom Irvmrtorj home t r.r 1 "smarten a or l.a Are-lri home. Ii jbo., Tj; CVamber l'oM.rn-n -. O-Lt M hou- J 1 a t t iae I rr. p, irrj n p t. rtt roT-rt. u A I'AM'V launch alll be a.;d or trad-i th week If iu read my ad under New lar column of Siir.ia s 1 irr gonl sn. l4Hili( WET SITV. !'vm you a-me coae. in e-rage nrih 1 , pton. 4i2 'hn;hT of C -rn m ere. 1 LL AM i. VTK aut- ataniisl nirnt. fr..o; r-aidm-. Cl.Bnnev latner. Ores Ciy llTT flUe oanrr. A' KKn. a.;,-- to Ci ffr auto. lr...tO"e : iini-'a iiirhaay. trade AMrr t WILL esrharge Lt a-re or cod hou for hotel furniture. T Or-gonian. 5 M ALL tagr. Improved (rni -;irt I.ifnt-r E- i. fie 20 nne hu i V r n N.t : ail take cu4.ri. 2li Lumber Esch ar ge. Itcea, ehlelea. larwea. tic. WAiiON.H and -"horses by day. Al Ii. I. Coueo, 2M Water st. Ms.n Main . OPEN caret age, email. X-seated, very cheap. . Tin st- N orth. l)FAI) horses and anlmala hauled aaat- free. W ood lawn In. Po r t : s n d P.endertng Co. VF.AMH a anted to haul a o Mu ton su i a.i at V L i- A O horses and c't tV-n easy free. c.1.1 Cay or labor i-oj. FOU sALK. lloewaw, eld-, i, Haraveea. Lefto. W -! l-M VTKi 1'vrri rioa team weiatiinc ;To it,, n.h. i eais eld. iron-ra e:- -'t'r and b.ue-roau mare, auund ana true. J- span of ceuVnca. ff and ! years oM. eikt. r.c r- . out if t.ard wora, II. i. aj.o :v head d:rr-rr.l a av horse just 14 froi the country at Model stable, ita and I-a.a . At C rioN :"' At CTUN! Ta e-:! ar. t :ai; on a tr u :ly com m ! - Ion baaia ; I. of Be, harneavw. a. tu. ea J - .r a, I'UCClfi, Ut Sto.k, tr vr t h t K iuarani.4d as r rentd . eery Ttmria. J i. M.. fcharp. M til t con a i a LI-. l; : and Stiadisja. J. M. McMahon. auction eer A C CT : O N ! At CT ION! Horses. mus. ah .c. a ha roes, every Mornl ay and Friday. 1 A. M. ; c niy strictly corr m in -n tit)i In tie clt ; cons. en n.ent solicit ed. The McCie! and H irt 4 Mule Co . 14 i East t:n su fc.sst CJ15 COW WANTED. Horace to trade, sins; le or double, for mi:-n oov s or pisrs. UEi LINGER MOTOR CAR CO Lek E. U0 Vihlnlun St. PAIR younte. brown marea, h.f-aiittera. the prettiest and best a U-around team In the city ; can be bought at f.iinrt your oa n pn.e. Corner and E. burn. Trial a '. 1 o a rd. KEPLACINC WITH ALTO VANS and wish to dispose Vf a few rairs food w or k horses. Co rue and see them. The prices are right. C. o. rick Transfer A tutorage Co, -d and Pine. C A 1 ' IT A l7S T All f. K , f Krt.nt i. r ieiv'd. C4r! off stern Up'gon horses, wig .t l-OO to I'.tK los. ; ii. Glermau. prop. ONE light farm wagon, $2.; 1 mare, will f 1 oon. ia;o. M ; good ranch bore. lt7 k. Stark. Planoa. Org ana and Moelrml laaimysseia THE SECURITY 6TO RAG E CO slifc liae out to firm caller: - " Mctammon piano. $.15 cnah. e.irtd Mar-ihail UeuUcll. 0 rash. .l.V Welitnton. oak. A 11 3 cash. Ieeker A Son a. w aiuut, $ I i5 caalTu $-' auto-player piano. $ -.o C!tsb. $T0O Ktmbnii ho,by atrna. A.t. caab. UW 4TH ST. COI'C H FLUQ. TEH MS. Peat buy In city. H..trt M. Cable p-an-.. Mali oa any f ;nih, good as new, cost A4-. ud a 00 ut 2 moii ins. niut sell at uiiit. P; -i"3. 6 CAell. alth doubi credit for fla buys new flSo at liii, $ month , without Interest charged e.sewl.ere. makas total savit.c S14J : to you. Schwaa Pne Co.. Ill 4:h sc P KAlOU'K Y 0 r if.Kd piano w 1 11 be cli-sed out f.-r $; t:.;s week. Security Siorsge Co., IA'j Kurti St. WILL civ ou -C p.HVIT-p.r.O. '. Koun h st. fT.V automatic elec v urity rtorae Co . A PLKN1!1 tnlk.rc machine and SJ ae lections, a.l prrfr i re.-or.'s. lor J5; terms If d-s red. 1 1 1 Fourth su -T tar or painting cheap, for p.ano. caea nr a nvtMr.g E 13 7. f'W. ('ASH buf a At Enters. .u plnl to- '"rrou . irsse t o., low 4:n at. JO "ASH b iS 1 1 ;t. Laley organ. Storage Co. h-u Fourth St. GCM'I d.s? p't.m'.eraph ee-.c?lni:s f r A r.l Tv-arAn'eed. and 1 1 1 Kourt h st. $1 XIO fHLl a orta your piano security f-lL' ci!- 1 L Main PH Nvjn A I'll in per.'7t cor.dtl"n7sanTs a n-e . jt rail. Call Mj n ."..i.'-i J- 1: Ni I H ,. Kr.MuVAl. M'.ii lvl.S ! w.-eU; A purx. s;cel ratine. A 1 . Jtr stert r .rrr A ! o h" -a-t rar-ge. Ai-i; No. -t rookioe. . ( .i(rr (h-( C - a targe, f . liar a r.d gas ran-e. . . Jeel c r ;..'.. fault a r v ,orft lli n;at:ree. 1 V , f..! t i V t $-0. ..4-in flat aai.ltar d A 1 . -1 ,--a and tinafi. $2 to 4.". . 1 friirer- to ! , :.0. i . .Tiirft! m- e w Itlg i) - e nt.e. : tiniif r a u 1 n g in a. - h ine. :r-r l" I. A 1 . iniMhn iii-ur, g eutte. round taf-e. .:iffe- and rK.-ilt al fo lio . It) rary ti U. . ..o t. H: ;,.i; gart-.r an, r.niw.a,..i i..'.o to f . Iiaii and iron h-iM. a; m r- a. St . a m u-; 1 . aptincs. C'V to he. fl to t .'.r-oa. r of f:i ia.n.'-. . h;ff .n- l 1 " to 1-; roiim-!w ru.l In.! rar pe: a. S - ."O and ip. fine T 1 J At-nmi r r -J j. A'. . a no! her t.i.e. e I 1 o M. : j. we are -! (inc aprci .n li. - : a : I rnen : a . no lti:er.-ai, free er in tne ei;. We ara fi thta m ir.ih and ou r.n find lota of dd r : "" t aa-oown rr'.rra, W K'TKIIN SALVAGE ... i4. W a ir.fft'-n. t et. Kth and lTth. our r.ew aJdr-aa aitl t-e - a Or. Kth tnj WaK.Mrk-:-n st.. Liock farther a-st. 1 -1 ,-!."t r, Pi. IV ATI-; ."'ALL Li.ri .' breWf .st tai..e - n.l 4 fh.iii in tna hoc .i n y and cne; In... Cfrnr (1 furft.lutr. Kr.oil Mii!l-nu, o J Urr pl-vr a. r m t r :o t. ', nten ; . M In ." 1 . Ia. Hird. pet tKtv. LEAL. Alred;. hum a:a. gjardA Lad i K K e r re s. E t S-a rf . t e. Pemllry. 1 : i i ki: y t w hit a Ujihorns Phone I ah.r I 4 I Jresterk. IF VOt' hae a g od fat cow or vea! for aa.e n I Tabor tTIO. A atornobilea. WK have ije following cars left from our scr!fi r sa'e w htch you ran buy from tl"0 to f."Vf0 leji than any other place In Toi t:aed: CMAI.MF.RS, A-pasaenger coup. 1?8 CH A f .M FHi -c)l!nder. T-pssaerger 1913 CM.; eSFR.-. n-reneer. 1T11 f TKARNS-KXR3HT. B-c I., 3-pasa. l?Hf WINTC-N. T-paaaenger. l!t WINTf N. T-rsenger. Jt WIN TON. a-paeaenger. 1 t riE::C: APP-OW. 7-pansencer. ini3 FLA ND'i S ELECTRIC'. A-passenger THH WINTON CO.. 2."M and wafhington Fts, Orn Evenir-s. Closed Jul 4th and Mh, A 1-itt.e pit Hown and A Li-tle lit Karh Month, rsi.l) OAR liAKoAINVt Re hut it and tilr for Sr vice. T pAeni:ir, h- w ar- u t r ! ' eo. rAl.r HUP fV-7 TT-MHiM'nger Herreehoff. 3 - p- -1 Urr Eord Hunalout. Th loa neat rf irta and terma will amase rm, ci t-jy GEKLINGK.: MiTiR OAR CO, r.-.4 W Afhtngtcn St. DF M ON -TRATt RVA P. King. fi paaeengr. e.g!t e-ytindPr, If I A model ; ru n lea than 1 I1 mi lea. Esr-eptional oppurtuanty for ItitendiaV! car t'uver. GEKLTVGFn MOTOR PtR CO, t4 Waahtngton rt. PI 4 V AN 1 V T' 1 T'11 I i I'M'! : I.E . 1 l- ItOM l Mt IM LM A,;?: - M VM EY i N . . a A : A I To C . srv A V I T 1 nr.t ai " ; i . i n f: a . v t i u v. s Tr:njam:v e. hoNi. co. Ir ord A ;ent. Ml V-lr ', Main V"vV Wll 1 eft- i t. : i . I " e r'V'.:er m T-er- fe- t cn t. it!.in. r;(-a'Mr a i l e r ! r !lrhir t e-n . fr ! r" o. r 1 r" e.l J-?M tHr rmr f--r ti'M-ran. Tr lj tion Man T ?-1 c r M re h . 14? PAR'HIN N 1 TA ITC. Lsrse stork. PrWa to I TiO. OREUN MOTOR OAR CO- HtutakB BV. for nee Cr.apTian acd Alder. t.on;-.-E AT ox llr -rr Vpa-a Au"nr f ref1wir ra. r-t; ti"-. rii I ke nea. f . ? ? eii.ipre-t. f t a' t ea-h fiVrS ! tmui. t-"-i. iTnd liatarn Tihr 41' OAKA'o'S ete-il roml-l ;.. read -Cut or i---aH ho -iea fi?-, UB, TAKi: tMHVN M F-1 CO. JS Wtr s' . r-ae Hitfi.i. t .- 1"7 L1C.HT PX 5 pe-nre-. e(et-lr -tarter And llaThta; leaVng ctty; no raawnab mh of fer or time pei-roit ion rfua4 ; BDar ma lul'-lt. H '' -V reCOntnn. o't!l I IE C.' - rnr Oail V .TrJ . . n l-0 and a-rarge fnr I'iuTHbia Rier li.h aa trip ard . s " g. A I.4 'LPTEt.Y new MiteheM auto.noo,, 115 mKlrl. run les than 00 miles; har ftn. E OP.. oregonian. AcR hAl K F-rd ruraMu 1 rci't'-n. CaM 11" I nlon In f.rst- ve. V. fr"t.'Kt. ul a montlia, per:-cl cinniin, 4oJ MeTehanta Tru-t h dg Main MVA It. t A I '."TKU- . . e a . snap. $2': ft-e ml! Tie-a.. a r. 1 H E p are p bt:y or aa used cars Cast blue Auto It-cpa.r Co all Hawthorn. WANTKll ?-jt;ar p:an for can. 1 1 1 4 : h C WANT E! jqi: are p.ano for rn'i. Ill 4:h St, ffrarnitare for Sate. fOR fALE. A a l mo4 1 1 e. csrn avto strs. Ti.:im gi V. !t !.A N l rviJtf-, lato mo-?l. ;-r V Al.l' t.s" roac:er. Mill HKI.U l.i'.t e S . :,.;n, MIlulKUL i-pas.. 40 n .. rear!v rf. ifecral others t t from; p-.cs up t-s ttfore ou to. We will save oa morf). HTOHK1.U l.KWH .C- TAKR on.. Kit .rst ad i;; M rr;:i Sts Et -ITT. R i.ia. A FEW BARGAINS. PVnitl.AM .N-rftM.. .Sj 11. P. -.;a. i.i4 o 1 ::.anu, $'."' 13 OVhKuAM', .-paaa.. $ OVKHl.AMr I'Ki.lVEKY t'A K. e.C9L M AXW K.l.L dr.hrry ar, $T.V LLMOKE. J. W. LKAVITT A CO.. ;.2 W asMr.gton. Automobile for Hire. FOR HIKE-ll.:; per hour. A-rasscnger Dil FOHly. Phone Wowl'.awn 14u. ON E a v re P 'verdale at 1 1 ion, ar.storra ; '.a . r:rni ; a .i in c;; . 1 1 a t ;on, W or : , 1V hi. If ou hae n.rilj AltaMi. g!e you Ut-aL L.uon. 4-J Chamber o I'ommerce. WANT Lite mdl. el.-ctrlc lighted, starter, etc. Will traoe l.ocean lot In good. 1 x-at'on, value l.iu I ox 43 El a... W 1 Uu trace f re rnrrer Ir-t in Cap;:. H I for late nole! auiuiiii'Iiiio in noj cor.Al t on. E.ift 4440. Motorcycle. 114 .'M'EKL I a i.ifj, fu;; ; pr.i. r.ew r, use-l rry l.u.t, :n..i L S vd at on.e; Port. and. ph.:; a lse or ri;l for A. ii. H o. r. 4..; p t : ; c a H . i i 1 4 tA.n-... fu!y cqu.pped Cu.l La A aft. itow. ;.i e. laitnrheii ami Itoate. l'UX T FAIL TO REAl MY -1 ur.irr New Today c-!i.:ijn .-t S;.n.1l'l 4 ireg.tti inn ; if ou a an t go, l p,,, r asser. g-r. f red :-.t lauut ii lor ra.t t ar (a.a or elm 27 FEET LTTx I l p kT "icT ;"c !:i Vs. F K. WITH Top am Fv 1 !"' E '' ; V 1 a !; ; v 1 n. a p ply r'AVuitiri; 1 0 a T- r .1 : isnci or Tiot. Iiu .,-c MoTi R I it - AT $o. w ' t , . S liniTTi. r. hi'. 1 carry a i . built T pre r tt era. 1 r r.W Kl . ELS f.r rent; 5 t!.s for IS and up; n..n:ns" re: t s; p:.ei on pur chaee prL-e. Kerrtlr. g :on 'Ipear.ter Cru paf.. s H-n.Kiy l ort.aud. t.r. V1 e ou fiaa to 7 prr cent on a.l 1'iakea f t jv a r i ! e rs . aenu lor o-ir J.ija iiii 3 f". 1 r. Ieta : o-ia rt men t WHcLE- AIK lHKVj; 'U. J - 1 Wa-n at. 1 i pkw k; rti:s. a:i n aa. a. $io to $-; 1 h North eat lpei.:rr Co, lb Mark at. Va n IA.XiiKI ..!i.e t 'tnr;ltl t'ii ea nioa: f r . Oeliwrnl, v rvrn.rot at noma. 1 h-'.ara; at. Man 4;T1. a N-V. ixuii.t arc. a-d rrMa i at Cut rca. P. l. C. :;i Mara t. Ma n 147. .Mlrelkarrwu, i . . t. .- . .-.-. c r 1. N . a Aio. a a hot.-r.'e a' . I t I, nr a t " 11 1 . ! -tc e ami :... V w Leon V Nc a L a . 1 .', 1 o nh i. a... j".r.e :u -.''frr-Dt make t o le ...! !,n mat .'i:i- suara- tfr.1 at: t t a k m one to ft- p ia. f an ( Mat por.utn. I'- at., r.tar '' me of e e i are of e Vn Ma.n I . 1 , A 3' - V FIVE roil-lop a. 4 I a i -1 o ; d' -.. - ho.-.k- k-r-er Crka, a :.t:a, 1 !-, 4 l...' til. . i. i a. I'l SHOV'J M . Vl I a: ii, Firrf! Jfi s 1 . L I A L i 1 N e ar and e-(o r, u !nr,J dtont an l prt, k. t b . llsr.i la .- ea art bra . g a..i"i ai.o gr.-rM.' ; cur pauien:s The 1 ,i . w i a-La .--.. t.. -4v Ml. i .... . , iiif v i n i . . : : T ." N 'lr:ir.i. I t ft "el. Sa:l !! ( (. -. i' -r : a r t. r airu.en'a, n l.i oa , p. o. LA M'l.KKKl i If it t o i I ' PL II . L . 1 K .!.- r t-!rr,.fh i 1'cif Ir ! .ir ni a .rate M i ' a a u k r t; M i AnI lti:i.;"TKi:. lerc ste-clt on hanA; a se )ou to to to f.r re:.?, a I re e-a c aa..teed. Can L suiter i-ac..:.-. J. Waa :i e. on st. TrTw 1 i MACHINE. new a ".1 second l and, as e .r rri.t. t ur Mar.n L- jo:.u't.. 1 -1 st near Ja.ur. Ma. a :i. a :. . v m n i 1 ti (Mr i I a 1 -1 a.- t a ' p" r ,.ui I -d iiiw'i" it KKl.l i a Evct ancr, t i 3d at a a nn a n ar:aii ami en s s Doutm, so. 4 a 4 ra-v rangeai. W c srll the lea caoiai s. 1 IX 't. i:-'t. A; in m iii Nil s ip,.: S:arlt-la is Co., sd st m.: THE Neutral I'ar Havana Ac tsst-s I.We .".c. r se'l SAKE. Tr Safe Co., rtt Mart .ct Title Ml f n.i.Ar:ois. V A N T E I fr'.i'O.M) - HAM i'1-jTHK.S We pay hifc!-ea: cah t-;ice for lioi- and gnts ca-t"If ...utning. ttcCiea araf ev -r 1 1: nia; lu nwrt haiun, Cal us upw W need It a:ij ;i pay for It. iimiiC ulCLii. -i 1'Irst t. Msln . ia.n rci0 i-EC-N l- M A N P Cl.oT HI x.; v NT EL. J. V EVER. TPK TAll-oK. TAT! THE UIviHi.sT 1 . K FOI CLOTHING AN1 Ml'.'KS. V. t CALU PK- Ml'Il.Y. THE It ELI ABLE I'L VfciU Main ' t .. .-: m u-i.-on, Ev.'K a t Jtoroii. n. le I.ip tf r-uy or -.! hrtuK'f.ii jjo...a ur a-t" log tra tni 1, a. . r, 1 I , i I i ... m I a i i . . . I . ai d ire Ac l umlt ire Co., Front. A n Mam v 7. 114. L MP Kit V AM i' N... J ,-r m. ,..J f-ceir.d- 1 . 1' O ' r .. I-Ta- l.H 7 .. or M4)'i 1 .. , i. . t: . 1 1 It, I - tt. - . 1 1 -Ii;. KLIN E lit Y. ?ELL AMi" E-H A N '. r i i:mu tv I . ; i r. . l i; . t. n t u. HFitiN!) HNU H(.lc.liOLi CrOOn. 1 iiuK MAIN SSZ A OWL Ft IIMTLRE CO pas heal prt our lum.nir. Ill 1 at at. Ma:n 442 WANT 10or usd furniture; pay pr:o-i, sts-t ng r.rt st. c. e..w..vo s fr 1 paid for hair conbira. ivaa.tary leuty p ors, 4.H pea am b'.dg WAN 1 t. ct t.J . '. , YAltH National caan rg-a:r. M-in ' S al Waah.r.gtoo st IP ou aail h.ghest prlfri tT :-d fur niture, carpriis et.-.. Ca i i ; vudi, Mar. r.7. III I P W WTI I) MAI F- p' " I- K i E :nlnli"i ', P 1 .1 ao. .v. 1 "I e j a -e ri-, u oi r luMn'-f er I n.ei.t tl.'l,i.rr, v -t s 1 f c-. 'A r le ( v. Pa : cr aon till1 Ser Us 1 ...ol. Loc ;.; r. N Y. m i.n iii. ii ' . pc Lrrrrr Men! I Lat . -. a :i.r s w.r:h I.' a:id - ". ! : h' t 4 1. n.jr ll.: id-i;.. Cr6w..n I il I f W A N 1 1 i -el . I -Cta a l-a . I Pa.r.ivr-tl h- -.a a 1 n.l r... .-j I ' o . 'lid,, aa 1 s---. V t-k M IU. A. t.N w t t -t i !, f i r :rf4. Lu .ur pa:, : t 1 1 ..m J I lir tl. ln.e J . . J at.. I A.; .e. - i :..1T. ui e : in i to .. : f o .r CAM1 a Han. rrj cu aeealv ae.'.r g our aa t v g aa f a 11 1 r-et ,n a iw-ii.'. a tor a, J. g 1. 1 n w tet 1 tr, a t start w as Mr.g ton N uraery 1 .in;ar, T o pi r. :s t. W aa i i I t. N T C -." : i. It a t i.4 : ' r ! : ; . ; viii I' a j I r t-.rr ,; -n a .... - -i :-. h -1 n,t ara t ; 1 t j.t. A,, .j- Ait. .'.'ii, M a k "' m x 1. 1 s ..iriNo M ; . . TT; a I,T1C1.!; iff . ;:ee i-..a . t to 1.". A! ?r-a t .lcA i :tm i- iid U a : -. ' Ft s r, .a LI.T:.tMi li I. ! L ii 1 "i.l.j... " a ;-t rt I rs rctt.r to Ira !l oj , ' . e ;t rf tra.. .!.. .i, It' r( j ' 'llf'H g ti r.j 1 el ; pr 1 1 r- ' e j. a r" 1 . . 1 . mr M it. W A N T E! N a-n-a .f ung men a aot.nit e ra . aay me : c e-iua. i m !)i Aewr a:.'v AV I-.. I'ruub.ta. WAMKI'- V I .-k to ,.r..u f irr, r.r-T a is f vir il ftii.r -r". n in nu; h 01 el at "a : r . r .. i 1 u 1 j-. ... o " r fn ... W AM r-1 A t r..-e. ; n ti i'lin a u lu- n.oi. if r; .rmg s-.d dru:i.j Ca.t at li a a rcir iit'i.- a Hii: ir, TVtl Rot At n--e. trt icsro t he ha7:r trade. 4 N tt. Pit ACTIC A L nu ee f r Inat it u I ion a 1 aorlc I vl'-i, I'regonian. W A N V K I tr ' i 1 ' -Man. ep-rt Uodan t ;, AH tirnoTsn U.vl.M ii, ulo!, steal j-. w a x r p ; ; .: -t brine; too ' . to aell rarde In 1 t : P M "." I Ft?, prea h'.'g 1 iU'iO agents, aome: h 1 r g new; ettra ceeja iiiiitoa paid. tarxn btudio. Ro)al b.oa. Foi HIKE, rlin;, t ; :.. liji.-n tar, 1 arei ni, i:n p.smt driver. Main ' -IT V Auouiu(nlr anted. A