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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1915)
TTTE MORNING OR EGO XI AN". MONDAY. JULY 3. 1913. 13 J HKLF WANTED MALE. tMi'LOYMKNI D PARTM&NT. y. M. C. A, Young men seeking employment In com mercial, ciencal or Laconical lines, are in vited to consuit the employment secre tary. The service of this department U free to all member. To non-mem brs, a special inemursaip la issued, costing $ per annum, giving the service of the de partment tor a year two months luil privileges and a refund of the membership lee if savUfactory employment is not ae cared. T. mTcTjl. Al'TOMOBILE"8CHOOL, SPECIAL SHORT COURSE. REDUCED RATES TO SEPT. 1. Unusual opportunity. For particulars rah at educational office Y. M. C. A. in cluded in tuition cost is full Ass'n mem bership to Oct. 1. BRIGHT, unincumbered men. not afraid to work, to accompany me on whirlwind ad vertising" trip; curiosity seekers, time ab sorbers and town celebrities not reu.uisi- lioueu ; only live wires neea answer; give te e phone for appointmeuu H bis. Ure- COL LUG 1 graduate wanted for good, per manent position vith large concern man. uf acturing scientific instruments; must be aM9 to demonstrate to schools and uni versities; salesmanship ability not require!. Giv full information to box O Ulb, orego. niaii. WANTED Competent, sober gardener, ain grl man, one familiar with truck patch and flowers; I supply cabin, range and die ties ; write, stating wages wanted ; the position is a good one for th-e right man; the piace is on Tillamook. Bay. Ad dree F g25. Qregonian. ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for positions as firemen and brakemen; $1-0 monthly. Railway, care Oregonlan. BC'S wanted to join our P. J. G. Club; good n,ney for light work. J. K. iiavely, "io 4th su RLE LP WANTED fEMALE. WANTED Competent girl for general nouaework; reierences. oj j.otn sc., near College; Portland Height car, ride to Clifton sU walk 4 blocks east. 2 blocks north. Apply mornings. WANTED Young lady who would appre ciate good name, assist witn nousewora and children; small wages; must be fond of children; give phone and aduress. 33 &iy, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced w oman for general housework and plain cooking; two iu fam ily; must furnish city references from last employer; good wages paid. Call iiiil 12th, corner Clay, Tuesday alter 9 A. M. WOMEN as Government clerks, JTO month ; Portland examinations coming. bampie questions f red. Franklin Institute, Dept. T03B, Rochester. N. Y. FIVE bright, capable ladies to traVel, dem onstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. Oil, Omaha, Neb. MAKE MONEY WRITING STORIES OR ARTICLES; big pay; free booklet tells how. Ad a re as United Press syndicate, Kan Francisco. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. All modem business courses $5 mo. Positions when complete. 801 N. W. Hank bldg. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Company, 423 Pittock block, 385 Washington au WANTED Experienced nurse for Infant, with best uf references. Phone .Main bb4s. Call 245 King at. WANTED At 79 W. Park, -a good girl to aoFist in the kitchen, $15 per month, room and board. Call to Hi. 10 NICE appearing young women at once to learn paying business: 514 Abington bldg. WANTED Reliable, neat girl for 2d work. References required, phone Mrs. Tift any, Vancouver Barracks, v ash. W ANTE D L adi e s to demonstrate residen tial work, $2 to $4 per day Is maue. 55 Columbia biflg. GIRL for cooking and general housework: references. Apply 33 W. park. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Apply mornings, N. 21st st. MISS - MATTING LY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. $o mo. 268 14th. Ph. M. 3a3. BOOKKEEPERS stenographers and dicta phone operators. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 414 Dekuin bldg. Sanitary Parlors. -GIRL for general housework. Call at 408 3-d st. North. Willamette liei?hts. WANTED Girl cook for general housework. Apply 7f5 Flanders st. GIRL to do housework. 781 Marshall su HELP WAXTED-MALE OK FEMALE. MEN and WOMEN to learn the barber trade, earn from $15 to $25 per week; tui tion reauced, paia while learning; positions secured ; write for free catalogue. Ths Maier System of colleges. Ad. 4-s N. 2d. OREGON Barber College wants men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; tools free; paid while learning; earn from $ls to $23 week; new court for summer; tuition reduced. '233 Madison. WANTED 2 men, a giris for dramatic sketch. AN M;, Oregonlan. HELP WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific State Schools, McKay bldg., city. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. Uook keepers and Clerks. YUL'NG man, out of business college, wants some position in the ofitce corporation or wholesale house); can act as assistant bookkeeper; tan furnish good reference . and fidelity bond; salary uu object, o b-u, Oregonian. BOOKS KEPT or audited evenings by bank teller. g Oregonlan. MlsceHaneo 0. YOUNG chauffeur and mechanic, living at home, wants to drive private; will work for board and room till proven satisfac tory. Main 5tiJ3 atter e o'clock. ACTIVE, ambitious German, 21i, with busi- ness ability, wants to start at bottom. w here chance for advancement. N bl. Oregonlan. ALTOMo.BILi and gas engine expert warns employment, repairing. AiD SJ5. Orego nlan. ,' TOUXO man wants work as gardener; prl vate family preferred; can give good ref erences. AO 1U7, Oregonlan. 1HOROUGHLY experienced automobile me chanic and gas engineer seeks position; References. AR SWT, oregonian. CHAUFFER with 3 years' experience wish- work, private or delivery; good references and good hablLs. Phone Marshall 1411. CARPENTER Al, rough or finish, nltera tions, general repairs; reasonable. Main PAINTING. papering, kalsomining; good work cheap by contract. Phone Seilwood 87. GRASS and weeds cut off vacant lota Phone Tabor t)5o2. K.ALSOM1M1NG, painting, plaster-patching, reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 2410. SOLOIST Basso-can tan e desires position with good choir. R tl2, Oregonlan. NOTICE Japanese boy wants position in family as housework. N ills. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work, screen window and door work done cheaply. East 24tfO. GOOD Japanese wants work, cook porter, chamber, any kind. Q P16, Oregonian. WANTED Painting by d ay or cWtVacT. very reasonable. Phone East 1314. CARPENTER wishes position by day or con tract AD 904. Oregonian. SITUATIONS W ANTE D IK MA LE. Bookkeepers and Stcnotmphcr. STENOGRAPHER wants position; will work half day or full time, temporary or per manent. Call A S4Hc box j1 lUu. Orego- REFINED, self-supporting girl desires po sition as stenographer; also had experience aj bookkeeper, references furnisned Mar shall 7''7. EXPERIENCED S TENOGRAPHER DiT SIRE3 HALF-DAY POSITION. MAR SHALL 481. O1. K. stenographer, b. k. and dictaphone, operator v. ants permanent or substitute work. M. 2ft 1 7. I ireMmskcrt. FiFvST-CLASS ureesjnaker and lalloresa, b oay or home. Mrs, summers. Mar. 4 14 4. DRESSMAKING, work guaranteed! prices reasonable. Main 780. DRESSMAKING at borne or by day; stylish and rapid. Phone D 1612. DRESMAKIXG. $2.50 a day. guaranteed. Tabor 4138. satisfaction Na BY practical nurie, fond of children, good cook and seamstress, would assist witn housework, references, city or country jvi 010. Oregonlan. PRACTICAL nure wishes more engage men ta ; best of references, pho Co lumbia 198. H" experienced nurse, more cases. Institu tional work or will care for a child or in- valid ; highest references. Main 723. Housekeepers. EXCELLENT housekeeper, neat, refined, unincumbered, wishes position In good home of widower or bachelor; no nonsense L 823, Oregonlan A WOMAN wants position as housekeeper-in widower's home or an elderly lady, in city 1331 Eas; Division t Phone Tabor 45S7. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. eaMiaerpe:ra BY refined, nettled Easterner, good cook, manager and icamnrs, neat and eco nomic al. fond of children, capable taking complete charfi small e-ta b.ishmenu modet salary, city or country, references. Phone Main 4 17. MIDDLE-AGED LADY with good city refer ences will care for your home while you are away this Summer; or uilt accept a responsible position in some kood home. Address 574 Tillamook it DotDCTllCt. eosiilo: . i5-j as housekeeper or chambermaid. ' M is- 1 1 a neon. DINNERS, teas, parties, weddings planned,' prepared, served Best reiereuce. Seii wood 20U6- VOL'NG woman wants day work, good laun dress. or would take general housework, evenings free. Phone Woodlawn 1&54. LACE CURTAINS, draperies hand-laundered. 25c up. Called for and delivered. feeu- wood COMPETENT colored woman wishes day work or take washing home. Marshall ' 4564. SWEDISH woman wants housework ; ex perienced in housekeeping. 54 N. 23d sL Marf hall 13'2. GOOD hand lauudiess wants day work or bundle washing. Tabor 4 275. GERMAN mo man wants t take in wash- i n g. C 2t4S. E ast 30f7. HOUSE cleaning, lace curtains laundered ; experienced. Seilwood 801. WANTED TO HE NT. UOOMt, MR. HOUSE OWNER: We can rent your iiow-e. We do not opend 011 ren taj sisna in your vacant windows to bring results. We have tne people and get results, our business is house rents. oee Bixby, In tetstate Title bt Loan Co 513 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2M1. WANTED, to list furnished houses where children are admitted, bee bixby, Inter state Title A 1010, 51o Gerliuger bldg. Main 2bol. FURNISHED or unfurnished 5 to li-room modern bungalow, Aluerta district. Taor 171-. FOB KENT. lurninbed Kooins. HOTEL EATON, West Park and Morrison Sts. Transient and Permanent Guests. A centrally located hotel with every modern convenience; rooms, sin gift or en suite, with and without private bath , moaeit prices, with special rates b tue montn to permanent guesta HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Corner 11th and Stark. $4 wm.K and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, teieptione connection in eacn room; no ex tra charge for two In a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill. Desirable downtown location. He spec table and strictly modern. Rates $1 per day. $4 per week. With private bath $1.3u per day. S5.5v per wtek, HOTEL-OCKX.ET. Morrison st.. at loth central location; Rt.Ui;i:kL.O RATIOS, due per day up; week ly, . iJ.5o up; neat rooms, running water, free prione and baths; steam heat, YoUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., listing several hundred in all parts of tne city, also tno& in the Association ouiid injf. HOTEL FORD, 735 ashlngtuu. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms without bam, $l up; with hath, 1S up. HOTEL BRISTOL, STARK AND 12XH STS. Modern, rooms single or with baths, steam heat, electric light, individual tel ephones, plenty of hot water. Low rates. WANTED Roommate to reduce rooming expenses; fireproof builaing. mower baths, lnuvidual beds. Call or a duress Y. M. C A. business oh ice, - xHOTEL TREVES. Northwest corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms, si weekly aad up. Large g round -liuor lobby. ETH ELTON HO'iLL, Modern; special reductions uii all rooms, $2 per w eek and up. Alarsnall 2 bO. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ava and E, Bel mont Rooms slu monthly, up wita private bath ; large, pheasant ioba, caie in connection, Pnone East CS. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE. HOTEL CLIFFORD, ast Morrison su, near Grand ave. CleanUnas and comfort. 3 per wcit up. 8TANDISH HOTEL, 543H WASHINGTON ST.. OPP. " 1STH. Cool, comfortable, airy rooms, tree phones, bath. week, s montn and up. Uul'iL JllXOOa, 4TH e'f-. CORNER OF SALMON; NEW MANAGEMENT. MODERN CONVENIENCES. RATES 500 A. DAY UP; 10 A MONTH UP HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 Washington St. New fireproof brick, all outside, rovias, running hot and cold vt ater, private or public bat ha. quiet and homelike; i.5u wk. IF looking for quiu clean, modern rourna. call X'Zt h-w Lartabee at; transient traue wanted; rates very reasonable. bL'HMAKK HOTEL, 17th and Washington; (uxniaUed rooms, $1.5u up; modern, muIk ing 1S1 stance. hotel cordova. 2 11th at. strictly modern; private baLhs en suite; rooms J up. Main 472. A 4781. HOTEL GRANT, 451 H Washington. Modern. clean rooms, all conveniences; t.ov up. MAXWELL Hall. 2u7 14 th ; strictly modern; use of parlor; real home; 2 up. M. 115s. lToTELNORRTsT633 Vs Alder Modern out side rcoms, 9i per weea up Furnifhed Rooms in Private 1 auiily . LA KG E or single, beautiiul rooms, newly furnished, electricity, phone bath. 4 Morrison. VERY attractive, bright, little room, reason able 2tiS 12tU st. LARGE front room for one or two; from P. O. 213 W. Park. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home ; references, No HilL 7H Johnsou FRONT suite, also front single room, rua ning water. 745 Hou Marshall 4753. v IRV'INGTON Room in new home. 1 blocks to "I" or "H" car; home comiorts. .ast 4a. LARGE front room, modern, private resi dence. 254 North 20 th st. FURNISHED room, close in. Phone Marshall 2484. 35 12th st. NEATLY furnished bedroom, talking dis tance, phone, l.u0 per week. 4 jt oth u Rooms WItli Boara. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern. FIREPROOF residence hotei, American plan; on cariine; lu minutes from business center; price In accord with general business conditions. 23d and Hoyt ata. Maranall 88L MORE HOME-LIKE '1 HAN HoTEL-LlivL. THE HILL. Washing ion at -3d st. A charming family and transient hotel of the hignest orcr; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables extremely rcasouabe rates ; worth Investigating. Main 154. A 70oJ. ALEXANDER COURT, 3 ELLA STREET. An American plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single rooms. Excellent table. A 6211. Main 4611. THE VIRGINIA H1LX 14th and Jefterson sts. An excellent residential hotel ; attract Its ratea to transients or permanent guesta pnone Main H23, A c&&. FAMILY hotel, rooms private bath, phone, furnished firet-clas; must be Seen to oe appreciated ; Summer rates, 10 up ; board optional. 710 wasmngton. Marshall illo. " AGOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall. 253 6th st., has a fine table trd, modern rooms, sun panor, a real home; reasonable ratea. THE STRYKER 654 Couch, choice modern rcoms. excellent table board. Reason a 01. THE NORToN. 12th and Morrison: rooiba and board or table board. Main v41. Rooms With Board in Private Family. LARGE room. bath attached. excellent board, suitable for two. gentlemen ooiy. reft-rerces required. 01 West park. ROOM and board in newly furnDxhed home; modorn: $-3 month. 434 Ml I. cor. 12 to. Main 4140. WOULD like one or to chi.rrn to care Ijr in niy home at 45 E. 421 sL N. ; C. S. preferred. Phone Tabor 41iL2. ROOM and board Ln modern home; good lo cation ; walking distance. Marshall 3019 201 16th. NICELY furnished rooms In beautiful mod ern home; excellent taole board. ftOu Haw thorne ave. East 300 or B 104. ALL the pleasures of country life Includ lng borne cooking, combined with city conveniences. 64 Lovejoy st. Mar. 6151 WALKING distance, quiet rooms with or without boftid. 529 East Mill. East 5101 FOR business girls or students, $4 week up "Anna Lewis7' Hall, 510 Flanders su KOuM and bosrt!. wa.klng distance, modern! Mai- 6t'7J. L32 lOth st BOARD and room In private family, new'y furnished. $25. 427 Clay st. Mar. 6Wfc4. EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD at w lum su ROOM and board. J5 per month; Irving ton district, rhoae Eit 6152. r OK RENT. Rooms Ulih Award In prlate I a mil. LARGE front room, closet, running watar. io ima.i room, running water mud sleep ing poica; wa.klng distance; home priv Jges; p.nno. Mwriimi Uti.v. 15 Morr.son, I 'bono Marshall 4J3. La KG E, beautiiul .y furnisned front rooms, steam heat, wlth or without private bam, modern and clean; separate uremrers ana be J, excellent meals; cioi in. eay J Jig d is ta nee. 3 u4 1 t h. Marsha. 1 54 4. BEAUTIFUL suite cf rwiisi, for s.x you:. men, 2 rnea.s. sleeping poreji:. hot saU cold water, c.ose in, f : ne rate for Sm mer. 35 1 1 th St., Mam 7 205. ARE you liking for a home for the Sum mer? Ct:i at 0 E. 20tn Nona, R C line. Housekeeping rooms or board to refund aduaa C a. preferred, LARGE front room, modern home, close in. all conveniences freo. bourd opiiusl. r-asnnadle. 474 Salmon st. Marshall 4410. Furaibe A pan meat ta. TUB CROMWELL. 6th and u.umbi tia, S mtn. walk to Meier A Frank store; nice surrour.aings; Just the. tuing for Summer ; sinct.y modern 3 and 3 -room furnisned apts., aii outside, witu Jr'rcnca doors and baiconiea v Day. Week. Month. Rates reasonable. Marshal frlwS. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel . Tentn and aaimon streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMrt. Rates uay, week, month, ear. ' VILLA ST. CLARA. I2tn and lay lor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished Complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. Reference. ONLY 118 to S25 per month or 35 to 37 per week, completely f urnixued houskepiig two-room apts., includu.g electr.c tlghtv, heat, hot mater, bath, private pnone, new brick blag.. 15 minutes trm P. o. Uncoio Apts.. 4tn and Lincoln. Mam 13 1 . A 15. THE AVALON. Furnished or unf u niut S-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private puoae and bath, sleep. ng porch; nearest tne Cuiou Depot of East slue apartments. cor ner ClacKarnas and Ross st. .sjil fc72. KLINE APARTMENTS 5 rooms, newly painted aud icmooeied; prKos reasouab.e; hot and cold tMr; Janitor service, a.l outsiue rooms, litn and Gaan. Marshswl 2705. WASH ING TON-GRAND 2 -room TuTmsHed apts.. $12 per mo. up; Jiul rebuilt, modern, ciean, very desirabte; not and cold water, htat. light, batn furniahea. Grand ave. taq E. Washington st. Pnone East 444 li. GLEN COT RT APARTMENTS, Cor. Park anu Taylor. Handsomely furnisned J and 4 -room suites; bet location in city ; reas-mabte. CARLOTTA COURT Everett and 17th New, modern ; steam beat. pr ate Lams, laundry completely furnished 2 end g iooiu apts.; lu rain, from ousiness center; uvn carfare; rates moaetate; reierencs, HAD DON K ALU 11th st.. corner HlL EieganUj fur nished apartment; private pnone. bata aad balcony potcaes; 13 and up. i41EEVEREtT. 444 Everett, bet. iuta and Ella sta; fur hUned i-room ats.. ta or vritnout aeep- ln, porch; modern.- BOZANTA APARTMENTS. $20 monta up ; mouern J and 4-ro-"m apartments; completely furnisned. lvj North 2d, corner kturucy. Marsuail 2W4-. MADISON PARkAPTS Far st., at kaUjoa. Modern 3, 3 and 4-room turuished apart me;.u, close In; by wovk .or montn. CLAlPOoL ANNEX. Elcveatn and Clay, iwo rooms; Lgut, pleaaant asd well fur nisned; talking cisLaiit-, $ii to t.uu. Mailt s75. BARON APARTMENTS. I4tn and Coiumoia. 2 and 3-room aparimeuLS, furnished. f ii st-Ci a . reasnau.e ratea. Main 73i. WELL-F URN 1SH ED. Dest-arracged 4-room apt. fur rent In Portland; ee ated site ; southern exposure'; separate entrance, se lect ncighoornowu. Mlo 2&0a, A. Hy. UlsLOP HALL. corT East 4 1 h anu H a w . thorue; 3 and 3-i oom ap;s;; private oatns auu puone ; also s.ngi looms, h ,! iur msnu; l2.5a up. puoue a.ast ftai, UkTliK. E LE Y APTS. 3d Trinity Flace3 and li-rwunl apta.; llgt.t ana itiat; baconie ; tc&ui; $l..u to 4 U. u . Mar swa il ao. THE FLORENCE. 3S5 HTH ST. 3-4-xoom apis., thoroughly ruodara and cTean; roof garuen, sand Doxea for cuii uien; $Ju up. Conducted by oner. THE C.arkelou, nn-e.y apts., i&c.uuir.g heat, J.tniior service, fauu i a.ast 521. furitah.d u-roun atei, puouu sua . Aiitn'. 1'houe ELM WOOD APTS.. loTii AND HALL. L-ttj. social hall, mouern mj ana u-ioor f urtu and un: ufitiiaeu apts.. riior,bb:. 1HE CHELTENHAM xeautiful furnsau 2., 8 and 4-faoui apartiuenui, ioaest iae ln city. Corner N. inn and Northiup. THE LETA 5 large rooms, piano, beaut. ful ly furnished ; v. a. king u istance. porch. Mar. 2o. 4uu Lroadway. TUU DEZENDORF, 20$ 16th at., near layior; Marshall 2324; 3, 4 and 6-rouru lurnis ad and ui.ur, ais. FA I R MOUNT APTS. 2 S llXiiT " Mouern luinntieu u o-roo.n saiiuiaau, $U2.5' up; close ln. Main 24. DKlCKaTOX, 448 11th; modern 2 and 3 ruoru apis.; excellent service, aaiaiug uia tance. ju.a.rshaii wb. A 54us. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15ttt and Evarstt 1 vb o rooms, uewiy Xurnsiieu. haruwoud floors, wa.amg distance; $j.5v. Ma.u 12 45l 4 a WEEK, and up, modern, furnished apartments. Including gas and Ujiiu ixar ridun court, iii 5tn au NEW furnished apartments; concrete block; and ! 1144 Union ave, N. JACKSuN APTS., Union ave. and E.DsVis; completely furnished; $i5 to 4,3. E, :i MoDElCN front apt., 2 rot month. 20 lOtu sc. Hec. or CAM AR, 704 Lovejoy Modern brick' build ing; 2, 3-room apta. $lfc to $50. Mar. isll. PAGE apartmenu. K. 3th and E. Burnslda Eet Sit. Desirabie 3 rooms, furL.atifa. ADRMAY TERRACE. 35 1 2Til Flrsl-Caa in every rejpect, atiractit e rates. JACKSON BUNGALOW f.-iooin. modem 1 at. heat, w alklng ctstance. 454 11th sU HAMMERSLY' COURT. 250 l!ths7 Bythe Ciay. week or month; mocern. clos to p. O. ; reasonable; rcf. Marsiia! 2ut. L'nfurnlslied Apstrtmenta. LLCULT1A COURT, ou Lucretia st.. 10 feet north of 2"M and Waitu must beautifully located hlga-cie-apartnienta, 2 to 5 rooms, ail large outsice rooms, apartment navtiy lurniand. prices reasonable;' refoiencva rtuira; see them beloie locating. Manager. Mar rall 1513. - Ionian court lth and Couca. S and 4-roum apartmeuta, large, runny room a. all outside; private batn and tJa phone In eaca; centra i. 2 7 ou tj 45. 700 DAVIS fiT.. Head of hang ht Most - xnoaem and fashionable apart -xnent-hounse lu i'orUaud ; aoso.utely nre proof, "laree to 1-rooia uufurnianed apai t menta. 325 luTll ST., near tay, 5 larxe r 00 a. s." oak floors. front vera at! s, s.eepn.j-rc tl rane, rsirigerstor, litji, hot wte. ouitt ly modern, juat coiupieteu. K.EELER APTS,. 14T1I AND CLAY bis, 3 anu 4-room, wide hal.a. private vestiou.e, pi; one and cath ; brlua ouidi:g; elevator; references. Mgr. Mar, kli. javo.. Mar. Ulkl. H AN T HORN E Al'Aitiil i.N'i a,2 5? lTas U L ni urniancd a pat imt-K, mode a la every respect; coe in. first-caaa service; each apartment has a private uaiewny. BRUCE APTS., 244 N. 25th C roooia, var- sr. da, hardwood floors, ateam Lcau phooca at.d janitor. Main 4utf3. A j17. 4-ROOM apt., unfurnished; 3 bedroOma ail sunny, outside rooms, to porcaes, rafar- encea. 7v Irving t. Mar. 1 . 4. STEVENS i.PT.. large rooms, rroat and oack private porchea, neat, hut waier and pa one. 71 Nortnrqp. near 24tn. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broad a ay and aef ferson E.egant ucfuri.inned apa. tmauts, first-class service, private phone; ref. THE ORMoNDIS on f.-room Zanders. Noo Hill. Ma.n iliL PL 43$ THE AMERICAN. 21at and Johnson, 3, 4. rooms, reasouahia Mar. 3.;0. A 24 7 4. TH e" MARLBOROUGH. 31st and Flanders. Lsrge. ilK-'t 5, 4-r. raaa. M. 7514, a 2ft. 4-ROoM unfurnished apu, aii outside rooms. Nob Hiil district. CaU Mam 5L FurnUhed or Infurnisued Apartment. ROSENFELD APTS.. 14th and East Stark BrRk bldg. and strictly modern; 3 and 4-room ap's.. large rooms, private phone in eah apu ; reason a b.e rent ; ref er.noea WESTONIA APTS. New 2 and 3-room turn, and unfu-n Gllsan st. Pnone Mam 5..44 or A 5,Le MEREDITH 3 and 4 -room apta, very reo sosabe. 713 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. Tlir. CHETOPA. ISth-and" F anders ".. 3."7; room apartments, furnished and unfurn,' i-l'.uOii sutte, rnouern con enienccs, V est Bide, 15 mm. waia postoliice, Ijv. ti-jiii tent rtasonao.e. Au tlw. ui esQnian. FURNISHED 5-roo:n apartment, poi Cii, fcarage It desil ed. Ull Aiuiu4 ave. FOB RUNT. Furnished or L nf uraisiietf ApsxlaieuU, MORGAN. FL1KDSER LOTCE. eig-bii Morgan ii.dg. Furnished and unfurnished a parr meets In a-i par ta of the ci; great arlety of locations, si sea and pruea Our free auto mobile at our service la voting any of our apartissuta. Main I'.IS. A 301S. THE HAHKtR, crmr of 31st and irv;ng t urmsned and unturnisneo a part men is ib 2. 3 aid 4 rsMinia fur-tory brica; elec tric automatic t.cvaior. dtappearit.g bd. t-ullt-lo buflets and writing Ceas. ptDty of closet room. vacuum cteaner free. Phor.e Marshall 2tL HiGiiLAM COURT APT 22 AND GL1SAN. Largest. 11.01 hom..k. liish-clavs apta In city. furn;ned and ur.t uruished. ' sleeping puroiifi. aiking distance. MARSHALL a M'LNA VIsTA. ' 12;h and Harrison. Finest apartrr.ent-house on Parlfle .nat; beautiful location, strictly modern, w a.a lnc d.siance. references. M. luwi. M iuJ. 1S Vista ave., off Washington st 3 and 4 rooms, with pn ate balconies, unfurnisr.ed or furnished; high-Ciass neighborhood ; best of service; reaa.inab.e. THE ROYAL ARMS. l:h and Lotejoy The iifest and mt up-to-date apta In Portland ; hanl wood floors, baiconkt, etc ; all mnti fr.n,1 iTlw 1 -.rinm 1 1 7 '.a 1 3 -room. $ 1i Marshall hil 1. blocks to business center; bert location In port .and ; t uraished and unfurnished ; ail rente reduced Mtlnit4, A 3140. THE EMERSON. 3 and"" 4-rom furnished and unfurnished apts., new, modern; good Iocs tlou. 114 YYUl.ams ave. Woodlawn XI 7 5 GRACE A PA RT.M ENT, 2 4 th and Northrup : B lsrge unf urn is tied rooms, s.eeping porch and all motlern couvemenoes; on 3-rooia furnished apartment. Marsaal luT. TRINITY yi. KCK APARTMENT. IKE HUr; OF TONE. 9-57 TRINITY PLACE. M A NA CER. PI iONK M.VRo il A L L 1 1 0 1. 4 AND 5 -room apts., with sleeping porches. Its E. 13m.. near Y'amhlil st. REX ARMS 13th and E. Morrison: 3 and 3 room . Summer rates ; modern service. THE WINDSOR :,S and 4 beautiful rooms, furnished or not. E. 14th and VsmblU KING-DAVH APTS" 64 King at 3 end 4 roomshighoans; refsrencea Mala 2053. rlata. " PR ETT Y corner f la t. unsurpassed location, accessible to business nd churches, strict ly modern. Tight, cool, clean, one week's rnt free, open for inspect. on; owner, od ltfth st between Davis and Everett. FIVE large rooms, modem throughout, with every built-in convenience and select neighborhood; $25; one month rent free. 2U3 Eaat klst at., near Hawthorne. WEST SID -room , lower flat: furnace) with hot-ater coil, .replace, tubs, faoes '" " . - IvraillVJ i OWU SUU mornings or evenlpga MODERN k-room flat. Irvlngton, 3-family b;dr., very rtasotiaole. Pnone Broauaay 2231. - $12 A MONTH Nfaily tinted 4 room, clos to school and cardne ; des:ra&:e location Off den. Iti7 Sha ot. Wood .a n 202. 5-HOOM modern upper with aleeptng porch; aa.king d. stance; corner East I4tn and Madison; i'noT.e East 704. !. WITH aicr, clean, modern " 5-room lower: furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, et'-. I'a "t l'.'t :i at.d uav Ej u ?l24i. RENT, bargain, nne upper flat. 172 Twenty-third, .lo una on ; $ 1 , forrrrn' $5. C. il.K.ore.i. 2u4Kaliway Licaga. 3-ROOM upper flat, all t'.ght, can rooms, modern, large attic 2od 14ta su, naar Jefferson. DELIGHTFUL, corner, downstairs suite, gas range, runumg aster, beauuful home; 15 mouth. 115 N. 2oL $14 5o MODERN 4-room upper f at. n f'w building, baaament, furnace, a.eepina-porcn, a.d. 2 Upshur at. MoDEUN 6-room; Inquire 175 14th au 3-room house. FOR RENT 5-room modern fat. $15 C ot :i. cor. Burn aide. 1 FLAT of 4 rooms and bath. 7IJ Hoi au Inquire 130 Ml st. P.ioi.e Main 42 73. MODERN 4 sr.d 4 rooms, rear City 1 ark, re a so a s hie. M. V S .AJ 4 1 4. MODERN ana 4-rooin flats very reaaoa ao.e. Everett a:.. Wtt Side. W EST SIDE. ooit 14th, near Taylor, $2?0 6-roum inodi-ru flat. East 2501. Ai.v rooms, modern, perfect condition, fir e piace. gas rang, garage. juat 1 1U7. xurnishevl fbaia. $12 COMPLETELY furnip.ied., includ ing etcclr.cii) . water. 05 v A.otna ave., coi ner li.audvnai L car or Aitsuaippl avi JiLr.ey. NKLLY furnished 4-room loaer f .au car lire. 1 bu Helniont. Tstor laim. S. S. $ll 4-ROOM furr.lpliet. 1 noi.e East -Jo, coaip.ete. ELi:GANTLY furnia-hed 4 rooms. Nob eict iie.giboi hood. K. it 1 4. Creghis 5 -ROOM and bath, finely f uraishedT luum heated. oo7 11th at 4 -ROOM, ni'xjfrn, tie kaisomtned. 53 at., - b'-''CS lroaua bild.o; $10. Hiii. a. flat, Ross 5dd DROADV. AY 5-rooru furnished fla u all ;no.:Tri : i(aui:ault r nt. Housekeeping Rooms. $1 lo 32.50 a eek, clean, furnished houae-l.ct-p.i. tooms. tuiito.o fwr or 4, gaa trvo tteaU auudr, oaui. ard. avast w. -tr a (i va v . r. bautou. U" car. LI' aii 51 ARK. Hofi;U i;th a. id a..n.k Conpie:i; luitiinned huueke'-p.t.g ruiim. 1 1 ee a. elw. tr il, uK.eiu. liutu sj ui 41 E.V?r Molt Rl AON Furnished labu rom nTikeiyii.; apartments ieawuaOe. oiL.uAN lioi EL, 1st and Alder t urnisoTd 1 tuseaerp.Dt; ioouis clieap. tl-5vl uk up a- L It N liH aD housekeeping rwuti. cUeap. i.ainoif.go, 3d. cor Morissoa. lloucepug lioouis iia A't ale latniiy. DEH1R.VRLE housekeeping suite of il large 1 ooms a. d bata. entire upper f taU in r f .ntu. modern home, i rcaaouable. 451 '1 11 11 d at. TiiKilK f ai L.lh"il hounekeepitg ,nia, e c-1 thitin iurnu.neu, laise ai raatwu nj.t i 4 1 L ruoii ave. N. ; ha HI. r.. siiifc lu or en suite, nt a . t.n tr.u. p.ionc, butii. vfctll ventl.ated. 4 M011 1011. FRONT suite, runulhg water, phone, gaa, (elect neiKiiborlioud. ouly $10 month. 4 2Ut St. No. T ti'.i mlki.m 1 sins te roo:ns. 4: to 314 1 t.-r iu..n:n; fiec baiu and p.ioue. 450 Yam-' Mil. bttnii 12111 and lath, CLEAN. ieaani front room, very res Uc-nce iici;:Mbiliuuit, aa rane. bath, con venient, met. th. 115 N. 2 3d. LAHGE froiit roi!i.i, K::tn-n-Ui sun .ep Ing porctt. a.o li.sic roniha; buuut-r pi ice . rvli r. w--7 1 21 n. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping room, close in, fre Hgut. bath, p no i.e. $ E. Itu. TWO larg" 4t2S c.i f rint liouaekeeplng room a, bath, y su LARGE room, completely furnished for Lgat housekeeping, no ClU.areD. aO ltb. FOl R raoa.a funusaed or unrurnished, vate rnooe l'd tath. pbona .et Ilouaca, slX-IttoM modern, new, electricity, furnace, water hearer, larre jarU, excei,ent ca.i.i borhood. five mln -tes wsla buinn ici ter. Apply manager Cariwtta court, it'ta and L . crett. FOR RENT Two '-room houses, la gooi t on 01 1 ion. e.oae to n 1. and oi4 factory, rent vtry raasonaLle. Phone bs.i- WOO'i 1?SC N i-. vV y-room niwd rn 51 1 E- 4-"d st. N ; b. .lu;d tiHim, 2 battia and tol t, all ionii.f ..ui; W..I lease vary rsonsble to repon.i.e panlea. Call Tabor lu, MODERN 6-r-om b"-.:s-f. fwly renovated. waiKir. d.atanca. West S.ce 010 Nwr- tnrup ai. $"l4 CLEAN five-room house. ei-c trl--I:"and If 5 E- 2 th, tetai-en Auir and Want- it: -:t"ii. r. att v ater xr-. MDl.N'f 'f AJ!( KNiiiui ror couyl. bun galow. 1 S acr Ititprov ed . fur t.aee. sas, f.ower. frul".: 1 5 ino. K a44. U:rh auu. M o 1 el 1 1 N , very .'J atd 2 " tit slra:.! 6-room t.jwk, v n Ra,Mel , c.v.e in. Last MoDEUN a -room houwa. good netgUborliood, rea-M.naMe, good .t.r service, Xrutt and yard. Phcne se;i5' 522. 5-RocM modern cottage, centra L in Sun nyside; rent $15- Fur key prion Tabor lell. LOWER of duplex res. den ca 13:h and Knot 1. lrvng:on. ro'-dern. Marahall ejo. t Oil RFNT irict. I'hoi. nti I: out . a mi ail v.i. lr lag'.uii u.s- BUNGALOW 5 room. oioUtra; $1;. tr lac. V scant J ul a. VQ5 Liv inon. W-R cr iC!l RLN i 5-room bunfrauw"w at I045 t-. ruia a. j twue a. iwa JfcT THINK Only $14: 0-rootn bouse with i.sih. 45 clay st. 0-R00M moclrn bo t. . 1'Jth and Alder a . Titor 3 :. o57 EVERETT. 0 rooma gas. e ectncliy. fur iiacc. w j kit. g ilistance. 1'hone Et ? "ROOM modern house. 711 Lovejoy, near ;2d. Inqairo 10 4th. Main 42 3a. iOR RENT. . 5 -room cottage fJitsn Pho 1. a East 3 S 10. i-KuuM houa. nfe y H rl j ". KaM Taylor, corN i;:h. Key neat clour. Ma.n 5'k5, run svrvr. Uo MR. HoUSiS HUNTER. 8- ua f re you rot a pistca to live to. Five tnmuua in our ofrice under our tiw si stui equals a uaonta of praoaai stArctnutf. We will shew vu any pro p 4eriy ou 1cq to see. o-ce Lnxty, 1 NT ERST A I E TllLE ss U'AS CO, 15 vrnngr bidg. Main oL Lt-IKAbLfcl l-ruum Ow.n.g. Broad way V wm i , f:rp.sce. (urtct, gaa, -t:;c.t, ojoderti itMOLa rcL t red s. n L.iiiLi. k-a First ic ft-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE Fireplace, heater. t'M'ti.eoi. cement lor. tras, gas at.u e.cctri..ty. 722 kuiiauan. I'hune Last J J. Koviis. oil Htn si.. ner H.; st-. r.ean ana ues.i afc: v. Kent 41. Key at No. 4'n lith au I'arTiau, Wuiu a. Co., No -J st. 5 KuoI.-. No. 41 J, lltn. corner si.. !lrit-i.l ror,i:i,oa aud lot ;ion; rui I.O. 1 rr-"'n- U aTttir.s A Co.. lot! d st 1 ROOM hardwood floors, (.rtplaca, Tur nace. - porch, gsraga, East & t n. fceur lia tnorna k ttor-e East a toK RENT Mouern S-roono hoose. .ot i"iU. 1 blnrk from car line. akst Slua, iii'or :.2l5. 4 RooMS. furnace, gaa, do flre p.aces. aa.ttu.g d:stauoa. App.y 5 4 Mor ta Iveut 3. 6-HOuil bungalow, fireplace, D Jtch batii. uta tr a. I nous East M Id. il - L 'Z i . N ;-r sont Lk use. r:nt $.5. tX-H East Mh t. N. lurnUlted iious T-UOOM houi-e, beaufTTuily furuUhed. Men. Xt ada pian, c w. il: g, itava.and . ti ::.a. every thing lr hutne comiort ; no en. 6u5 E 5vth st. Richmond cat. li wiuii-L Jitney, lu minutes', iu o,un. Terms exceptional. NICELY faruUtied 3-room bungalow for leaso until .Nov. 1 or lunger, gas range, haruwood floors, firep.aca, furuace, cice baserr tnt, laau, rosea, saeet peas; adu.ts "'ii-y. Lt.l 1 uesday. lcauruoct car. 53 to. 4 1 it Norm. W ILL rent for one ear or more my home ot tf rooms, situated in Nortn vaiern part cf city, t om p. ete.y furnished with Ch a ertn itrnnd pana, l trinu rut, antique na h ok any ana osk fumr. ure. price su niuntii. L oj7. otejoi.isn. V.O.M PLE rtLY f ui r.Uticd home to respon sible parties fh lCo city 1 ark; furnace, lnrp'.a.i', fc-as and good ranges; ail uuiU-in c iivi-nii nr e. pm-ne C 1J2 $-L M Y 5-roin I urnlied modern home. ASts fe,ast Mii, ui-tr uawthorno, tor re d v intbn' i art ff non Taoor 4112. S-H'juM fuinlshcd houae to rent for one )ear or Jonicrr; ptarw and modern Conen-I'-nitj; within a. aing clsianc of Pst o: I ice. 131 East loth st. Phone East 5a. b. il 1 R ACT1 V C 5-roum buaxalow until Nov. 1. ItraumAii cur, 5J5 E. 4lst su North. c 177. MY house for reiii d urine Mimmr. raason- a.e: uiaoo, phone, modern. .loee in. good location. Eat -45, tKo East Aider. N 1. W L Y furnished modern bungalow. lawn and t.ota. Phone Marsha! 1.0 or catl L. ;nh st. South, Col I P LEI ELY 1 urnlaaed 5-r.M-m cottage; piano, victrola, sru, bummer uiontna. na whiiureru i 5ih au Mam 51ol. COMPLETELY furnished cottage, S rooms, piano, on Roduey ave. Cail Rodney, near Russell. Km $17. 4 ROOMS, large ard, flowers, close in. cor ner; ery low tent to respons.o.e ism ..y. lLRoaa, Marsha. i 1.5. a tass. ELL-FL" KN ISH ED 4-rooiu, modern houa. newly tinted. &it and oCtont. the pace )uu a ant. See it. s oix. .a u 134. liAWTHoRNE, 4-room house; oaner aauis to kfp room. AC blfr. uricniau. 5-Rool bungalow, 1117 Grant; Hawthorne r hichmotid car, 3Tth; garden. $-o. ELEGANTLY furnisned modern 5 -room lU ntr a .t ; plar.o. l2- E. client. SQ at- PL rvN 1 U t- D cotisgv. ucliab. iixaiWh Pftone M-ln 7ll. Ca?l 414 Cot.ege. O-ROOM modern ho-M. palanu 344 Tll.a iitaH at. 1' none Est U5u. CoMPLtlTLLY furnished cottage. c.tao. cosy. trulL 7i L. itu 9i. "w A car. o- hut M cotta g. n.ce J, iwr re.a July 1. l'!,npi Nlsii J't.t. sttsincr Keaerta. C A N N iN hLAv H a-1 e-roiu cottage a ita spcli. ua ieeplt.g porvU. for Jco. r our-rochn oui.gatow un sleeping por !. bam ana .replace, lor Jui) ax-u A u 4 1L ua:.ip; 1 4x10 lent and cabin, all com- fur.auO f ui uvncd. M. it. m KAY. Eco'a. or. GEARHAKT Modern 6-room house. Cot ta sc av., completely f urn. shed, s.eep.iig f. replace, tiaiu; lor August, reason adi reCt A. II. LlrtnnLU -17 Northwestern Back Mais..a.l 4114. A 4114. $oR RENT Modaro. completely fuir.ied I-ioofiA iiuui at erattut w.i October I. hit 4 tiouL.e bls; 1 o.ock from i.aisto rium, rt:t $2" ; aju cos lui;sbad itM, Phuae East t.d'J. T liE V tea ut iOUf e. Canuoa Beach r urc' except ..verwre. laile and Led llu-n; icto.untuMtit l'l. nlnullou. priwt.a Wuwa.u m4U, Mia IL A. Co. R.o.a. r. lu t or nii J rooma, wit it or ai'.hnui t ard. iiivste hoaia. facing icaau, Ot- ll.'toiy l(cated. reaaobal fur tao of iti.ti lomcnui Moojki4. Main 4-bU, auoru- yr PACIFIC VIEW BEACH cottages and tent iiouacs for reuu Complete fur man d, S4..d and $5 per week, t .au t?ec4u iish 1114. k ate oeos. Cad 14 aiocl svactkadige btUi. ium a. 05. Tllil ALLYN c;u, ou lius. la.ittg iun at ffu., a :. ; has f .re, .ace. t-aut r.J etcc t: lu ite ta. aa-u or A 2 7 A to t-.V.-l Lt- M ay 0 Coi la s. on boat d, S town. . iiria.y ni.uern. coiup.ia 1 ur tu. co. Phone V2d. FoU REN T 5-room cottage, 1 futnUhad. coua house from boat d w a. a. Aa4axe lwl or Sell 'wood lis. oc.ioiU c -1 or tent, tai uiaittil ietwai cl te on tne r;:i. unoottutd viv. p. iars:all 4i-i sGiC RENT 7-rooin beach cottage, fur i.ubo. t unning water and tatta . a'losa, v au,. ocean irontage. I hone s.aat 4. WtLL I n tailed i-r i.m not.. North Reach. . oati vieu. rant m lor sasou, rnuna Ham lulJ. - l.uu M furniaud h home, facing o ea for August, rcuui.aine ii.u Paou uuorn lug i r ev eumga. Mata 4w:0. 5-Iu oM f urutshed cotisge. Gear!. art, 3-u s-'SSou Jut and Augtt. t'ltou l'aoor after 0 P- M-. or before li A, M. SL ASIDE Mod.n Cottage, com.ete fur i.:."id. ;r city luiivaniiULK. phone Ma.n a7 a t ii.Si?'it.i) voLtaa, iarse aro. .S(t. W at!natii. l'a: , l I'ukbit). M5 Cortctl blcg. FOR KENT at fceafcie. tx-rooni co: tae. (.H'Kliif o ew., i-r a. 4 or part 01 c-a it It. rluied. A 4u., Malu in ltd at tea v lea. 1 : pnone East 5. o. LONG LtACH, W a t- IL 5-r oou furitial lO'.'.nt. Mattt at4. NEAT 5-room cottage at Ocean Park. Wash. be. .wood 1MMX MV Gjrrirt Co;taa. aar. Jcroft. for sea-s-n. 7 rooms snd rsth. 1'hone Tator 4le4. 4-KoOM SssMa cottage, fu. 11 la bed. $u pr tasaoiu 11 2ol4. Fast 1$4. SEASIDE toir.plaiel furnished rot tags, ritooe: 1. g "vod i auon. Marshall Uac SEASIDE Furnished cottages overiooklag for rant cheap, Taoor 4414. MOL" NT ROOD auto gtags call any part of c:t. Ma.n 351. A 7 "LOOM a U f urnthed cr 1 1 a g a Addrwsa .N. itsrria ocoau l ara. Wash blioP, i'x 440. north l.ght; Hawthorne ave. dear oncga 11. N. Burpee, Mau ;ii'' ak'hrl and offico rooms f r iwnt la ratal! bu.ues ti:stricu C ss. oregumaa. Offioraw $ 1 it ? 1 -c. L. S dental tuil to iet. s..are ooe 4 sif rrei t.wn-rm aitA ; M Ij. . cettiial ioest;cn iii bus. oistrui ; r-ssoiau.e rcuis.. K 47, or. gwu.ea. Kt UMlt b private office. $10 cuontu. a.o ai;-turnahJ. oft.oau cheap lor two tnonttija. at o.k Litania oidg.. al a-ia v aitth..i slS- W WL1.-1 ClNiSH;.D c.rate; ukik iu u.. a sud I.". :3 woamber of Cu.ii3i'r- Of r k'tlS $19 wp. f ui offlcea and d , rootn , ir .h tie . v er 1 rr aanat. I oc 1 lu3 s bus.eet corner. 30$ bai.aad bug. Ullt!H OPPOKTl MTUA tTAL HA N T very rhp cMip run. 1 trao Ua r.iio au small tar a. a P ace, oaa v FOR SALE or fade. bry and ouBfte. t.onr. ice (Mia iar.or ln conoecuoa. Auurass bat II, Castle Hock. Vv ssa, INVti-"i':. f iv ca partorsu.p n grv,id buainos (tit mah ai,ar than sg-a. Il 3"llumr-r Echt:ge. Cli"C";'t Y- -eip ..lid Et locaTou. fi-.iig .t."i iitv r.e. i.ut o aa.i. i.aat I 5'. I Ce li L l.i ber . hr f GEN" 1. MftKrl A NDIm: ar.j .imtrr jaro. a ayig fi'i;ea ;tt iu:-3 to a u, wito u r-r. A V ' Ai'OJL N r i.fkncia m jst i.e vat ci- , ;ir ;ad m town. Iwtu.-a C .u Sen ruin, 40'j sh:ngtua sU M r. RC n AX DIS1-; i""-e 11. Ccwil, V.T. .or ae. si p.y Thus $IMKvh OPhKllM1U.$. CAUTlcN. BU Y ERA Before closing deal (or -ca.led interest ta esteb:tshed real aatate busiuasa gat a,d Vlce f Portland Rea.:y Board. PAUL A. COWGILL. e. $14 Chamber of totaiotrca hJ Foti sale oit "IKADu K.rat-c a meat market dtng good rah t umsa locateo la goJ country town. Ovtin oan tu)in( and ktii'-ng from rou.ury. lur fartteulara addfva a 'a tao, Nrn. or. LiuHT grocariea. ice ci earn and coufacilun e;. corner, f.ue location, avear sta. at f itura. Irv ir.g-rKnta. cheap rant , par ticulars L. L, Ibooiitaos as Ca4 23 Mad lut aiwt PALINUR in busy sarage lo attend lha of nte and look after ta bustnew. with a c h4 nee to ara t he repatr roo of t he Lu.uea ; go-d clauca lor ecuva ana a. 1 - o t al: ill Luisi ier Lirtiinc. Hl.r-CLAti ariHfry. ctta stocs. t&voice about $.f"0; tnou'.bly sae flooo. In heart of c.ty with t"P- of l?t0v. country and tity trade; want t ret-r. psrt caab, Lai. a nee t A 2.rt. Oresoniaa. OWNER w t.l icr:br on account of sic k rsieteria tn live town, on Main au. go-d busineas. ul Itivantory IHm-o, make i.rirr for quick aa.a. AuJcn iC M. lit P, 5 1 y. :n st., l- w.stvn. In a ho. HIGH -Cl-A .-vS and confecitonery lor. irig 4au Amy car b business, central o caiion; invoace atocS an) d.. ount AiturM. -d te:ma. Call 315 LutnOer l it litre. FC R SALE, or will exchanga for farmclty property or acreage, a -cha:r barbr ahp and 3 batxe doing good buaineaa Owner wishea to retire, M, -o Oregonian, MlAfPAl'tK Kelt SAl.E Oua of the" be. t eu.pped and most up-to-aate p.auta 10 tae alle. At a bargsin if so.d soon. a ciaret s av ;4v M 1 LL1N KHY fixtures for sa.e or traae for real stat; a. ready in a:or that mou.d be sal iaoe. $.5d Mill hand.e, c will. or WAN 1 fc, D Party wuh a thoussnd do'.isrs. snare In profile with or witnoui rnrv, a atrl.-tlv high grade business. 2 N. V.-. Pairit Mtfr. G KOCE K V. Lei it aU'n and confectioner . 2 livinr rooT.a. Kor ss'.e cheap, account 111 By owner. $4$ Ruise:i su FOR SALE Saloon, one ofthe beat looa tlons in the city; tf Interested, commu nicate w?tn Bert Eepey. Pu Joseph. M J. FOR SALE CoutacT lonery. good locatiu doing buPinera of $..0 par day; $70o or 1 voice. sQ Washlnston st. GKOc til V. Coi.rctlor.ery and reita urai.u dotns goxi buinea, across from a big school. 1 ail Columbia ikj. i.t.-TAl HANI Snap. quick sale. doing good business. Sc oung Gl!!e, 2 1 ha -n her of Commerce. UA KG A I N Saw m ill. o 0oj capacity, logg;i equ.pnicnta and tlai&er. AV 4 1. Oregon. a BAHPEHS! Good Scbair shop foraa:e;i cppne.non; cheap, ms 4th st. BOiNEs orrokTinits wanteix MANAGER of LlKh-cisss uaov lu-plctura theaters desires position, or mil cor.siacr part net sh.p in new project ; thorougn knowledge of all branches of tan business, including planning, designing, decorating and -q u.pi ing. G ill. iinecoman. PAltTV with caM lhes ruomir.i-liouiv aIo grKrerr. See Young and Gi.le. 723 v .lann er ot commerce. iMAl.L grocery or confernonery. $.idt tc 4 caah, any part of tit jr. Aii e2d. Ore gonisn. ROOMING-HOUSES. BARGAIN luarge bosrdlng-ho-.: for sale: tertraity located, well furnished, hot and co.d running water in rooms, f ut nit ur firt cla; ow ner for. ad to sei or i- ciianca on account of joung chi.d phone A-.u-n t l - 1 I 4 Spalding bii:g. MPS. U. E LENT. Leading Hot el-A part meat -house Agent. huh Pu er and Si ler Protect ad, O.deac Kejiat't Agency in City, foa-o w H.i;k OMi., otti ard MarntAR $lh l'a H. $110 our lerma buys lo- room f furniture, r ms rented, West .i.le iocstion. Urge ard. a snap, Catl lot ii. near f lark. ht'VMJNu.Jl 'L.-E I-" rtHih.s; f.l.e, modern houe. rent i;,iy $'.c. West r-lJe, line trvwiey. matter; near furntMn; a t-arc a. n. e-'t .t r !ni i I !-! 4tn t. wrOAi h'Mri. centra y located. cn-ap rem. tor .e at Dirgain or will -laat partner. tall 55 North 6th. bl'iiit.-T st. ap to Pvri.ard, 1 7-ioout nouse, lesa t'.an l; f. Mars.ia.i 5754. I.i "J.VI l N G - HOc E l-r tat a tJ rap, o a .er, : hi ). 1X41 AM IOINU. Lo t i iuri!ty inornlr.g on Prosuw car . or oetweeo iticiu iy maa St. r. at au oepol. a 0'imonj. oiai ana iuiquu.r troo. i. I.lberai faward lor ttluro. v5 1'ilto.a b.oca LOST On Sand y b"u. ard. bunc h of Ue s with name attached; nnoer . tease u.vr to janitor of E.cctric btdg.. or iha. E w rnrr. LoT A l-'inch of ka. owner's m lur . attached itetur a 1-d 1 hirU st R arri. Lc I C I. lids sandal, brow a. N a. $. lott ssiurda,. 5 I'J at d aud Aider. Tabor 4.i- H I" G. Id f"i. ran.e Hcflrt t.x:avti; KlrM-r phor Eat 1214. Lo T n River r -a i. oi.e tire and rn. Fli.der p. ease ca.l Isfor 4J17. LOST I' breastpin. Reward. -AO 1-. Orf(An,tn. BPECIAU NOTtCg-ft. $-rope a la lavUaei. IN T 1 i i tr:ct Court or the United Mta lor tne D-strU-t ot Oregon : in tie in a i ter of Machinery A Supply Co.. bai-krupt: Nv tea is herer y given thai the nader s.gned. aa trustee in banaruptc ut tat a L oeen titled c:tsta. w .tl re ; ea.4 t-.-s cp t- 12 uiiix r.oon of lr.ur;, July . 1;15. at tr.e o't.ce of A. M. usa nn. reter m tsnkrupicv. s.ty Noiti. westera bank bui.c.ta lor a I of u. m s c blue r . supplf'S. coout a area ana n:r hi mi vl aa.d tauarupt estate, an of wniCh la uow loai a at taw former p.aca of bus.Se of ssM I ntiru;u, st t. r irt and amni.l street a I'ortiand. Ore gon. ini f U'n of tr.e same csu ie inaue at any time to sa-id uaia and a.tao i am:uat Ion of t ha iu v ant or at a.d I v a -tiou t-o v e named. Ail t .us must te c.'inpar. .ed by certified cliec k for lu per rent of t :.e amount ld. niaie a vsMe to the uit.leraigne!. and tne unuertg a.d re serves the r.gtit to reject any ana a.l bids ir.ada. JOHX W. MINTO. Truttta In Far.kru p t c y . SEALED propoaa a w;ii ba rce:ved at the -if.ce of the uniia.tncd1 401 v'ourtnous. Ui.t.: i: M. e?ne:s July 14 141. fr ft.:.t!r.g of new Kernely School Bl!S !,; be t'ineil tn room Joa, CurtOwuaa. at 4 P. M . Tnursiay. Ju.) 15, lrpo.t f Is required ior plat.s and spev .f . at.ooa, whic:. mar b obia.ntd at t he off rt of i A. Nitamura, sept, cf Properties. 305 Courthouse. Cart ..'ied check for 1 per cant of amount of pro;oia, paabla to R. Ii. Thima. c h o- 1 t ie k. must accompany eacn proraat. flard cf Dirwctora reaerkca tne right 10 reject any and ad propoaa-a Abated July 3. H- H. TMuMAR, ftchool Clerk. Tv I.Or.NC F. FELL snd Mh LOP. Nil A BfELL. TAKE NOliCE thai Gouriav. t Inter 4k I.eem.i.g I eve iued a writ against you for t re pa inent of two huuared and I M ent i -f our doi.ara and seven t -f i v cents 7"'C d' on m pis".o -ur-r.,ard front i r em and fvr in aa i of a I ma:n rii hc.d ty them as security fr tt.e ld rbU lriiti ou enter a 1tput not witMn t n . Mrki from th a i of tha iat ap pears t.c ui I'll n's'oj, in p. .:i 1 1 1 ; m . s.n jugment a(ant o u ty dafaulu ' ll;'u-.e r.'.t sr.t.uid be llisd at the Office of lb County uouru Vic U'lU, lc c. HAWVKT COMHK. reg1trv. patad at Gloria. It. C. Julie Ji. IU. FIXANCIAI-. K Hi Y mutbsg bonds at J not W L T FHN RON D A MuHfO AG H CO v stn st.. lizard ofTrad o.clg. FIHT and aevutid mcrttaa, also sel era' l .'.erest in routrsrts putci.-C. Oregon or W ash. Ii R Nob. Lustoer utena t.Cg. W K buy ertsou te. bonds and rron cgea Ftob Ling. ;o N. w . Mag. MoRTil AG K lost. . notes, contracts, mtga l-urrho. Lewis a- Co.. 4 Ua o.Ug Money te I.cmsb oa Real Late. yiiV on hand for mortgage loans, mort gage bought; no delay; m eat rale r red a. W Ut.araa. $2i First SU llO -o TO $io.C' at 4 to I per raat" HL M urton. 31 7 Worcester bldg. Ma.n 43$. Mc'NKY - amoui.U t- i fer s.i.u" W. lt &e is a Co. 314 Raiding b.t.g MOf TO LoAN IN ANY Ailo 4.4 . - N -f Ci lls:n:nord Mortg sga v VAv. HlGA.n LOAN'S, 4 and 7 i til t N LOl IS AUHO.N t'o. $"Q OAK i. tslTfE M' 'N KV7ALL AjToTNrTi il yr. l k a v. tao t ramof com SO o n-niMion I Wo cr ieaa. A- R. Ciark. IV 3 "pal'l rg blcg. T : A. Prerg na de.ay. N Ml, oie c niati LOANS: ClTy. "i - : farm. 7 - IHJRH K. KtAr-r-T CU Cham, of Com Fit L ou o.-.a, r Midi ter: con.V-'frs C - 20;-, Om a at. Uv3t b. oat I and Lt an.d. tbtlai, .u' S ITNA.XC1AU iooey o Loan e-n Krai l.tale. MOKTtUO.E LOW A Any amouut I . o:u 5 per cnt to T per cett on ti, .; j , j t 011 ! . I:ncea and a pat I me m- ho a s; q ju k aci s.ous ana favurab.c ir.t.a vlwh-D. fiic-RL si Ccj., ,u..-4 Not t:.westm laaa Maraltell 1 -V MONLV LOAN .O. Improved busies j uv.- y, 5 ' to -r nu Improved realdaave pror-erty. 6 lo T rar cenu improved farm propertj, 7 to s jar cenu W i i 1 31 KU.ak.Lv a-O.. III Fitlocw l.ock- mon e v T loan on IMI'KyV l.H REAL K.TATK X R li ILl'.NJ PL K Pes , r.KV rLLXl littl c i N T It AC i , No C . ji, 1 i ON a. coLi MiiiA lu ri a T:;tr cu, -lt M'Ai.t'iNJ M.n.. TO L'AN AT 7 Pl ii CilT. $2ooU. a.i.Kt. $..Mt. t4ca.u. iAhl to 4 1 Jk.lOX' On Port.aad Iittproeu Properly Maae .on to OOOlvsK l.L RRoa.. i-l L-ais nidi? MoKIGAGE L"A.H. Any amount. lw tu-, j r i ti) closed. Atuacu v e reiamert i', A. ti. MKhti l. c IT N vrtha nna 1-ai.a Plg. Marsha. 1 4 114. A-all-v MoNalT t kan on property In Laure)huri. lrington. Koa City Pat a. ioauire. Walnut Park. Piedmont and o -mttons; low rales latereet , quicit aclluO. R. W. Hagooq. 1 1 Joutnal btug. MiNY to loan at 5 v to 7 per cent, Port land tuiue and te:f1v.ts propart. Fariu luar.k a: 7 to s per enu MALL A VON BuiiSlsU lu4 I'd St.. ucar buara. CITY AND FARM LOANS. Lowest ratas. No Ceay. C. D. ;IMONt. St7 c'orbett Rt.g. $ T o Loan in sun. to su.: ; bu. . -ing loan lowest rates. W. G. btck. Si 'si::r.fbtn. 5 TO 8 per cent monev s on b is;nes prop erty. apartments, owe.iins. farms R, H. iitosaout. 1UJ North e:e. n Bauia blag. FlELDo a- H O N Y iiA N i T G AGE c o. U'c R OVV.N I'M n lt;5-lOJ EON bLL'O. TO LOAN $4-.Uo tR LEcS. k AP.lilNG roN. 0 4T1I PT.. ROAKD Or IRAl'K FLt1. .E us twesy for losvus ou improved city proi erty. to 3 per cei.t ; i-0 snd up. Ce.-arw-Mnrt on Co.. -4 eon btcg. 6 To 7 p:.vate funds, see us firu Prompt serv b e, tatr treatment. A. K. II i LU 4J Unry li.g. McR f Cm AGE LOANS IN ANY AMoUNT. OREGON IXV. ac MORTGAGE -.o.. INC, stov k Exchange blag.. i4 and Ya.ullt. $tH). $100 and upward on ,mrirove real ettate . fa v urab.e ter ais . r.o cc.a s, i br.ergge Jonn bain, i-07 Spa.j.t.g t.di. $l.iia To $-o,uvu private mo.e. U v.'ia ""farm and city mortgage'lo v.7". A. Il laAKDlNG. cliA M. OF V. oM. $1750 T LOAN 1 st. or 52o. on real estate. $. $-5u, $k-U $e-0. ;.o. $is-c lied ciermaa Co., b14 Cr. a ru t ar of Cuiniuarca. Money to iau- L battel and Saiarirw. IMM KD1ATE LOANS. ON riAiiONo.- AND jt.W ELIv r AT LUMKK.N r.AiLiv We have one of Hie fi.t retatl Jaweirr stores in the eft . A. iosn depsrt ment m conducted in eon ner; ion w ua mmiv. a n.aa lng business b I h IcT L Y tv-'A' a1.-Mi.iu, al.:ei no sign o.-.sfinc lan tut;. res di.sed it. front oi o.r slot, a I merv' pleoged is held for period or U mom its. lii; o cot in:erat is tsid when due. vv are l'.v:.ed and ha en eats ..;. d since N con:ec;.n with any other loan ettablisdment m LU.a c.t. A- A M. rr.LOVA'TK. JEWELERS, 5- 4 itnni;.n St. blAliM-Cl HIU CO- Oldes- eats blisi.ed salary loan eons r a r j in vtrefioa. Re.iao.e rti::t;r terms. Aus.ues str.ctiy Cwbf.Ccoiai. Our wsll-known rpu:aln for square d-a..i. g aod courteous i ra t :nut &u..c tn pat la our best rcfeieuce. STATE .! RITV CO, LI t-Nt.l- $rv la...T.g r:rtg MoNEi' TO LOAN. or van Ct. i ir i od at at Ug-i taie. an l'lani.'Dck, Auto, piano. I'.ruu'. Lt v . a or Mo. ore cies. Pay b.k j per mouift r mora. lteiei g ttr cent OFFRTS Ai-. Ul u.1.1 I T.JVMC. luiW UNU LoAN c . 1.1c i NM11 SU Prku n b! .fi . a1 ard W s : :ig ;on. M . N A. Y A T - N v iZ. l.H'l A L l-AlSuK iMt l;,?T DiamordN Jewer, Musical 1 1 : i u.uenia A.l Ple:ft 1 ie, J ui. ar. .Tpna'.f Lc; i for Lau.ea KLli i t'V. i ANV Liv-i.e.: . $20 Lj:r Fa. I'1'- S:ar St. WE loan money on diamonds at. vl jri.i, at 1 a.l th rates charged by b.wn tia idart. 74 ad sU WAN 1 CD From pritu-tpl d.iecU a $ -."-ca lon at per vent fur a i a. tu a l;..i.y Improved larm wiw.tii -o it..s of 1 oi t l.ti.d. cu lu W tla.. telto 1.1 r, valued at S2.0ffi. ft ltd patttg cod irUin tU tt.l vsiue. lite .wt.i, who is t . i, m r a 1 1 e ; w orta $ Jot.tKN. aitl 1 ) iiii o: e 1 1, a loan. nt.Hti.ii It b-.l-eog. No couiittisatun. Tele pUvn Maiu olu. SF.Vr.-tAL HK f Mo K -.AcJl Tr saTe. M oN. a V A.MKD Ii c: p :iu lpa c -c i al g od Ion i on hanu; Va.ioa k.i..ut. itei)i C a rudooiuiwc, l.uai.t-.a a..U Morsan t ld. W A N I c-D U'an of iti-o 1 1 oat private pait.ea for Z ara at per ci.t on a on. and irop- i ert va.uea st iuu1, t.rst tnon g t a aud Al mot a r:sa; Lo broaars AN t, u; g xr.iio. 35.u. 3 Y 1-S . 7 per tent, W'st S.d Ircui&a property worth $'V. 3-7 Nona Isth s rbUAO.SAL, e-a-. ct4. loi l..;a. r.c: for Ut4.t. i.vr fttaiLtvv. ta c lt.e i. j . tL li tal I, U.hkUl mi;i4 U e a.a. atu. Mu i.d tr so. .M.a lu ui"liU.. C t.v tra .oiiicli, tu j at :4HuiH tui -vl .1.1 a l.c a.utVba, Uiu) a.stjswu oa ot.e .M ttic .ea. a.e to .o Uct iMi.Kfai.-td awa lU U (.a;. A.l t-C aui ottlcr caaeS u k-e .ti.tsaia4. j its. a tiiLLiPS A H A RM AN, W s Sr. Ci. 1 Ails Al A 1 XV. liAl iC :-i.v u i t.. a t;. .$4 si -tti.a lea Ut.--'0 4. &a bbt.Nu lit 1a rtf Owvil tot 5u oa r as. n. " ...... .35s aL au. uutwi uwa ...... c Miiuuukt na.i ivii.utit o tr;c.. UuiUtM. c ut i-an . uj a:at. aatlc'-S i. a. l'l c t..l. a. i.a. btHi a arioi. 4vf-41 lthuiu aiia aa. vaaufiuu. 1 lo t kbk LT a llA.Nt-HLt. Leading a g a- loup U-aaets, Store ii uiu4tt ha. oo . a it, uc s lr out 3c v.p , Ua' ui - iuu(.uil. lace ana acw. t; Mil ioei. U cott04i.S u.w uy ta Otasi. ll l.rawa a . i.. i M 't i on. Main 5 s . Clivcic. l'.a-s ileadac u.a. J..'.i.n,a tou. o olti , tuuioiK a .a a : ', b.c No lCiuiit, No u,-jowLa, t .ti l.- t n o: I :s.cs, i..fcUioi), J an. iawou at-t isti v iswoa Fra. 1 2 to a siUKtiu a.cua Dt. v . a, at.iuu. c. a s a. N ti tlti. t:a.u-d ttuiD and msa Mva, tituitkta lr i r.a ,, 1 uut ai a.uiav..a, ets-, UD bI-s. iaas ,.Aa a. cwttiic o.Ak&ia 14C; a.aY.u - It. a u Ma.'sl.a.t 5.-3. 1 km v A 1"V MLi' to cUte pi.i b.ikbw !!' urn. a r.a wa-..- n , 4.-i.-. t- o a'to.ut.r. Jl.or.e fa.ii 4W CZZTi i..- V lavRAloi: ueua.a.a, la.a. a: a ro.toc.j Mi -o. ' o c p tt.a trini laujM 1. Mir l'l i. at , i a j. v u. a- d a s ,uHVV I u.A l.a4--d w.irMj b-a-itei oittrt.t, i. I j Xi 2v v Si . I ; ia tiiat crj . . - u s aoct V prvt V Aa s. eA5Aluiulk rtas ui for pu -ad aa Utthiai 4toaika. .a ay - or aiia- Sta-vt-Nr. ia; turi.aj. a -uuwawd aa-tt and c .a.l v o. an , a.'.nor w f a. l. . - Aic i-w Cilr i-LA' Aii a a i4j .or larsT av:a. .a;.i.g. uom.. pai a Saal.rt a. S . tu totu . " MAit, or" Ov it cell Li .CuS." ii usaty i ar..i 4v i,at l. g 5t1 tt. i A &AC. 1. at .eas ciij.'O,,. 5a l aa.a.a b.u r..o e x w pc . uKAOlATK M ASKT;s1. trst Ti,fa d.v.v. scalp aais was ge. 1 . o .a at ; t. spc U cTaLM OF F! i coVhU'M)."" l.ojs"-." I lific.i ."'4 Ls i 1 lirt sn G-N T LL -d a-N Uai.uur l.i.i.;.o. meaaag, 55c i.otnethl.d, 2- : M' a ,t. u' " C bor eu nt: rsm ftl ft-i u.a.4 Cm babt.ta f ..-a. A wrvtifctata. a4c'4V-a-o tv a --. r.a.r txov,i Mrs. JH d ri..:. 4- iT,u"gf,.i": 5- wiiiAcrhAc i 1C e ip. . c,satas awj r.taj.i . 1 tr a :.... -. 1,1 a... SA.Vi'. i l.t.N .-t.O SOj tc C l. Ift'S. H oo ta : 3 a m it . i i Ma.'- 5-b: sot. c r.;.. .j ar,.' i: lk,r l. r:n. 4 '. Uju, na: ... r. La c' N la p l.rtr.o.os a d cat d i .Jm -,t .ti sc. i Luci Xs.B T54v CliiRopcOY ar.1 :eetrtf tsT'iloc a : 3.-o t. wc t r is.q u