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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1915)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1915. Ju. V nnnnnnnnnnn i i . . ' in dw . iii m-z- . JITNEY INSPECTION IS DECIDED UPON Mayor Urges Issues and Pro posed Ordinance Goes Back Again for Redrafting. DRIVERS TO BE EXAMINED .Eighteen-Year Age Limit Fixed and " $3 to Be License Fee Cars of Jlore Than 5500 Pounds to Stop at Train Tracks. SEW POINTS DEFINITELY I) K- i CIDEO UPON BY COt'.VCIL f IN PROPOSED JITNEY t ORDINANCE. I Examination of all drivers to be required. Inspection of brakes on all jit- t neys to be provided at least I monthly. Age limit of IS years to be fixed for drivers. Cars weighing more than 5500 pounds to be required to stop before crossing train tracks. License to be 93 a month for all cars, with 25 cents a month ad ditional for each seat over seven. Number of passengers to be limited to licensed seating capacity. Holding that it is important that the Jitney business be regulated along reas onable lines without further delay. Mayor Albee yesterday brought about a decision in the City Council on near ly all questions not settled heretofore regarding regulation. The proposed jitney ordinance again was sent back for redrafting. It will be returned to the Council for final consideration and passage possibly tomorrow. The majority of the members of the Council decided to require every Jit ney driver to pass an examination to show his ability to operate a machine safely and to appoint one or two auto mobile experts to make inspections of the machines at least once each month. To raise money to defray the cost of the inspection, the Jitneys will be licensed. It is expected the amount of license will be sufficient not only to pay for the inspection, but also to provide a fair-sized fund to add to the standing fund now on hand for the maintenance and repair of streets. 18 Tra Age Limit Fixed. Inspection of the jitneys will be con fined at the outset to tests of the brakes to see that they are in proper working order. The inspector who will do the work will inspect each car as often as possible. It is probable that later an effort will be made to inspect other parts of the machines used as Jitneys. The method of examination of drivers has not been decided 'upon. It has been settled, however, that a person to pass the examination will have to be more than 18 years of age, will have to understand the city traffic rules and will have to be an experienced driver. The license fee decided upon is S3 a month for all cars, with 25 cents a seat for each seat over seven in a machine. In the operation of the large auto buses a provision will be Inserted in the ordinance requiring hem to come to a full stop before crossing train tracks. This is required now of streetcars. Cars weighing up to 5500 pounds will not be required to stop. Others will. This weight is considered the dividing point in weight between the touring cars and the large busses. Protection to Patrons Tussles. About the only point that has not been cleared up by the Council yet is the matter of insurance to protect patrons of the jitneys in case of ac cident. Commissioner Brewster recom mended yesterday the creation of a fund from the license fees exacted from the Jitneys. City Attorney La Hoche says he has heard that some of the insurance companies are plan ning a new insurance policy to cover accidents of the kind. The question of insurance will be considered later. 11. P. Jones, who heads the Auto Transit Welfare Association, an or ganization of about 260 of the jitneys, declared to the Council yesterday that the drivers of jitneys should be ex amined. He said one-fourth of the drivers do not know the traffic laws or rules and many of them know but little about operating a car. For that reason, he said, many jitney accidents occur and the Jitney business as a whole receives a set-back. PUPiLSliTl TIDY IF NOT THEY JUST EAT LUNCHES INSIDE SCHOOL BVILDING. Coniplnlntx From Washington High Vicinity That Student. Litter Linn Causes Action by Principal. Students at the "Washington High School are on the verge of losing their noon half-hour. In fact they have become involved with the residents in the neighbor liood of the school, and H. H. Herd man. Jr., principal, has advised the students they must mend matter with the neighbors or be content to stay in their seats during the noon half-hour. The growing habit of the students to take a "walking lunch" at the noon hour and scatter crumbs and paper sacks and boxes to the four winds and all over the lawns in the neighborhood roiled the neighbors and formal com plaints in plenty were lodged with Principal Herdman. Monday morning Professor Herd man called the students together in assembly and laid down the law to them. He told them he would give them a few days of grace in which to tidy up their luncheon habits, and if they didn"t he would declare a block ade on eating lunches in the open. While the students and faculty were thinking the problem over, it was finally agreed among all concerned to allow the June. la. class to formulate m set of rules to govern the students. Professor Herdman has agreed to the plan, and this morning the stu dents will gather in assembly again and pass upon the work of the high and mighty near-graduates. Biddle Combs is president of the class working out the rules. If an accept able set is presented. Principal Herd man will allow them a few days to put the rules in practice and follow them. But. if the rules are violated, there will be no further noon hours at the school. Throe Cars of Cattle Shipped. C ATE WAT. Or.. March 17. (Special.) .Willis W. Brown, of Hay Creek. hipped three cars of cattle Saturday to Portland. Two were loaded here and One Grand Cleanup of Women's $1.00, $1.25 KID Gloves 43c 2 Pairs 80c Four different styles, as follows: LOT 1 Eeynier Suede Gloves, in tans, mode and black. LOT 2 Real Mocha Gloves, in brown shades only. LOT 3 Lambskin Glace Gloves, pique sewn, good shades. LOT 4 Chamois Washable Gloves, white and natural. Not every size in each color in these lots. None C. O. D. or exchanged. First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Children s Smart, New Spring Coats We're making a specialty of $5 Coats for 1 to 5-year-olds this season. Fine diagonals, serges and novelty checks, great variety of effects, also high-belted styles. NEW COATS PRICED $9.75 Silk-lined serges, checked materials and silk poplin coats, high or low-belted styles, with silk crepe, or hand-embroidered lingerie collars, cuffs, 2 to 6 years. Other models at $6.50, $10.50 to $25. New Wash Dresses, 6 to 14 sizes, $1.25 to $7.50. Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. A. km ISS7 -- Tm& QjualitV Store of Portland rrfU. SiJcOv "Morrison, Afcfer 3ts. 200 Pairs Curtains $1.85 $2.25 Grade Nottingham lace, new goods, ten patterns. $3.00 Madras Curtains, 48 pairs, 4 patterns, tt( cream color, pair. . P X .J J Temporary Annex, Ninth Fl While They Last 240 These $2.75 Venetian Silk Knickers for Women Well Made Fine Silk Special at In White Pink and Black We promised not to mention the makers name hut he is the Emperor of his business And as you read this announcement the name will be on the tip of your tongue. These garments are all perfect, beautifully finished and most luxurious. Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Dainty Ne w Undermuslins ' Three unusually good values which we considered too important for you to overiooK. Envelope Chemise 98c Also priced at $1.25. Nainsook, Swiss insertion and lace edgings, lace bottom. X New Gowns 98c Crepe, Nainsook, cambric. High and low necks. Scalloped edges. Lace, embroidery, ribbon trimmings. 75c Corset Covers 59c Nainsook, longcloth, trimmed with fine embroideries, lace me dallions and edges. Second Floor. Slxth-St. Bldg. ?55 ?4 tzs::o , "IpJK fa en's Hose M Four sensational items on new Spring goods. Read: 25 c Onyx Silk Lisle Hose at 7c 3 Pairs 50c Black, tans, grays, navy, with double heels and toes. 50c Silk and Cashmere Hose at 50c Onyx Pure Silk Hose at 3 Pairs 75c Plain colors and combinations, knit in colors, lisle tops. $1.00 All Pure Silk Hose at 79c 3 Pairs $1.00 3 Pairs $2.25 Pumle. black, tans, white, nat- 1 Black, tans, grays, na"y, white ural shade and navy. Choice of all I and champagne. Lisle soles, silk sizes. "PS- Sale of Gotham Shirts Still going on with more vigor than ever. $1.50 to $2.00 Shirts, 95c $4.00 Shirts Priced $1.95 $2.50 to $3.50 Shirts, $1.35 $5.00 to $7.50 Shirts, $3.35 Temporary A line. Klrat Floor. Just Arrived Direct by Express These ' &Ss , Women s Silk D resses $15, $20, $25 Also Others Priced Up to $45 No matter what kind of a dress you have in mind you will find something here so like it that you'll de clare, "Just what I have been looking for." Among the novelties shown are lovely flowered silks, taf feta silks in charming colors made in semi-tailored style, crepe de chine and embroidered chiffon combinations. The new Bolero jackets, quaint high-waisted effects with pleating at bottom, cuffed skirt bottoms, and many other fea tures that are NEW and the acme of style are represented in this splendid collection of dresses, priced $15 to $45. Fourth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. It's Your Opportunity A Sale of , Aluminum Sauce Pans All made of pure, sanitary aluminum, that will not rust, chip or scale, but gives long ana satisiactory wear. $1.60 Nest of 3 Sauce pans at Set consists of one 1 quart, one 1-quart and one 2-quart saucepan like illustration. Temporn ry Annex. Third Floor. Today Only Handsome Nickel-Plated $2.50 Casseroles, 99c Made of pure aluminum, with aluminum cover, frame in neat pierced de sign, heavily nickel-plated. The inset is 4-pint size. $3.00 Nest of 3 Sauce pans at $199 Temporary Annex. Fourth Floor. In this set are one 3 quart, one 4-quart and one 5-quart saucepan like il lustration. Temporary Annex. Third Floor. Have You Bought Your Souvenir Tea Spoons 15 c The "Washington" Spoon is now on sale, together with those of "Oregon" and "Mis souri." All made and guaranteed by the R. Wallace & Sons Mfg. Co., those famous sil versmiths. Flr.t Floor, Slxth-St. Bid. Sugar Cured Shoulder amslllc H Best quality, closely trimmed, smoked, meaty and very tasty. well Flour. Graham, V -barrel sacks, $1.70; -QQ barrel sacks Oi7t Syrup, Log Cabin brand, 1-gal. cans $1.29; (ZC--gal. cans VtUK 20c Peaches, Cling, per fect halves, 2 cans, doz en, $1.75; a can J Cider Vinegar, pure, fine for salads, full qt. 1 E jars Butter, Jersey brand, su perior quality, spe- CQ. cial, roll OiC Red Beans, fancy quality, five - pound cloth OQ sacks dWC Sliced Pineaonle. No. 2 cans, dozen cans, $1.40; XT:. 122c Raisins, Del Monte QC $1.25, or 6-lb. bx. VC 50c Teas, Victor basket fired Japan orOfl Ceylon, pound . .. Mustard, pure, freshly ground, fu 1 lOC. strength, pound. . . Macaroni, cut, freshly made, curve cut, 3- "1 Q lb. cloth sacks... Cocoanut, shredded, fresh- Pyoucn1!h:e.a.d3:17V2c Figs, for cooking, Cali fornia black, 4 lbs. y C for tJV Oranges, the Dozen, 10c Additional shipment just received. - Sweet, thin skinned, juicy fruit. 250-to-the-case size. Oranges, 216-to-the-case size, dozen 12'i Pure Food Grocery, Bn.eiuent, Mxth-St. BWs Your Choice These Women's $4.00, $5.00 Shoes at $245 Velvet, suede and cravenette street Shoes, plain or tipped toes, button style. Made with welt soles and Cuban heels. ?4, $4.50 and 55.00 Shoes, pair ?2.45. Third Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Your Choice These Men's $6, $6.50 & $7 Shoes at $4.85 French, Shriner & Urner make, in patent leathers, gunmetal, vici kid and tan Russia leathers, in lace or Blucher style. All styles, narrow English to the broad foot. J ' Third Floor, Slxth-M. Bldn. OUT-OF-TOWN Mail Orders Filled From This and All Our Ads If Received Within Three Days of Date of Publication We give our out-of-town custom ers the same privilege of buying from our daily advertisements as those who live in the city. More over, our method is not a "mail order system," it is, rather, a sys tematized shopping service which gives the personal attention of a trained shopper to the filling of every mail order. Your order is studied and promptly filled with as much "in telligent interest" as if you were here yourself. Should you come in person we will be glad, upon re quest, to have one of our experi enced shoppers assist and conduct you to as many of the 75 different departments as you choose. There is no charge. Sale of Solid Gold Hat Pins 75c Regularly $1.25 A special purchase. Buy them for Easter gifts. Good variety of styles, solid gold with steel stems. First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. The Best Antiseptic Listerine 19c A nose and throat anti septic. Relieves catarrhal conditions. As a nfouth wtih it sweetens the breath, cleanses between the teeth, keeps the gum healthy retards decay. After shaving, Lister ine is soothing to the skin; takes out the iu-h and sting. Fine for the hair and scalp. Prevents dandruff and saves the hair. Used and endorsed by leading physicians and dentists for 30 years. It is one of our best sellers. Frt Floor. Sixth-M. Bids. one at Kaskela,