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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1912)
2 EMERGENCY CLAUSE IS GIVEN SETBRGK Councilman Daly Gives Notice He Will Oppose Latitude in Ordinances. SENSATION IS CREATED (.reatrr Care 1 Irjced In Protection to Public and a Rronlt Passage of Scrcral Measure 1 Held l"p for Time. Suddnly and without prevloua warn. In. Councilman-Ialy yeiaerdajr after noon create-d a nenaatton at the Council alnn by l-clarlnt that he would hncforth pppone ftrrt ordinance car rying an emergency clause unlcks a real fmfrpnejr exists. Follomlna; out the announcement. Mr. fa!y foua-ht erery uch rlaue aa they came up numerous, tlmea during the meeting and In two Instances, when the Council failed to sustain lilm. objected to passage of the measures on first rra.ltna- and thereby forced a two weeks' postponement. Both were com paratively trivial. Mr. Ial- contended that the Council should use the emergency clause with BTeat carr. aa he said It vitally affects the public In that Its application to an ordinance passed by the Council and sla-ned by the Mayor shuts off the referendum. T1s to Call Halt, He Smju. "I shall oppose all emersency clauses on ordinances except where there exists a rl and not an imaginary emergency." said Mr. Daly. "All of our business has come to be of an emergency nature. An emergency, so called, exists In everything, and It is time to call a halt. As the business progressed and various ordinances carrying, emergency clauses came up. Mr. I'aly would arise and object. Many limes the Council voted to eliminate tlie cmeraency clause and the ordinances would go through. Among the exceptions made by Mr. Italy were ordinances authorising an appropriation for electrifying the streets by the city electrician for the Itose Festival: creating sewer districts tn sections urgently needing relief and paying off old warrants on which the city had been and still Is paying In terest. Trnm la Pokes! at Daly. One to which he objected and which did not pass was that authorizing the Ksecutlve Board to pay a claim of 1170 to the Home Telephone ac Telrgraph Company for installing telephonea at the Ctty Jail building. Another, con cerning which the members of the Council poked fun at Mr. Daly, waa that making It unlawful for any dealer to leave fruits, meats or perishable foods unscreened. "I think a real emergency exists here. said Councilman Jennings, chair man of the health and police com mittee, which recommended the ordi nance. "We want to shut out the files from these places. "Yes. a real emergency has existed In that line for 1000 years." rejoined Mr. Daly. Councilman Baker got the floor and said: Mayor Calls for Order. 'I rise to inquire what kind of flies those are. but before an answer could be given. Mayor Rushlight rapped the meeting to order. But the Daly objection stopped final passage of the ordinance, as the Coun cil voted that an emergency existed, to which Mr. Daly took exception. The Council at Its morning session refused to grant a saloon license trans fer to 1J Seventeenth street. Sell wood, until, at least, it Is thoroughly Investigated by Councilman Joy, of that ward. Yesterday was the first time In many months that the Council had to adjourn for an afternoon session. Considera tion of the streetcar franchises, the T-enlo Fire Alarm permit and other subjects consumed much time in debate. CONDUCTOR'S LIFE A TRIAL This One Slapped by Woman Who knew Husband's Money O. K. Entering a ML Tabor car at Fifth and Morrison streets Monday evening, an elderly man with his wife and two other women, gave the conductor a silver dollar and received the proper change. A few minutes later the con luctor came to the man and said: "This was a bad dollar you gave me." The possengrr said nothing, but his wife took op the subject and said: "Pa you did not give him a bad dollar. I know exactly what you had tn your pocket. The dollar was a good on." She told tho conductor ha should not insult people this way. The conductor returned to the end of the car as gracefully as he could. At :th street, tha party left the car. the wife being tha last to get off. As she passed she gave the conductor a slap In the face saying. "Take that, you wretch." Tha car was crowded and tha In cident was witnessed by so many that toe conductor, who wore two stripes on his coat sleeve, felt It his duty to say something. He said: "A conductor's Ufa is not always a happy one." BACKS OF TWO ARE BROKEN railing Scaffolding In Mark-Street Sewer Catches Workmen. Karly yesterday morning two labor ers were caught beneath a scaffolding In a sewer at East First and Stark streets, and may die because of their injuries. They are Fred Zlpsy and TV. O. Dufresne. They were working for the Consolidated Contracting Com pany. It Is believed their backs are broken. Their Injuries seem to be similar. One Is completely paralyzed and tha other Is partially so. An x-ray ex amination of their bodies was made yesterday at the St. Vincent's hos pital. Mrs. Fannie Crawford, who was struck by a streetcar Saturday night is still low. She was conscious at brief periods yesterday, but otherwise her condition Is about the same. COUNSEL SUES PROMOTERS Seattle Attorney Ak Pec From Oregon Southern Head. l Roeenbeum. of Seattle, counsel for the promoters of the Oregon Southern Railway, has Instituted two suits against his clients, one at Spring dale, Or., and the other at Red Bluff, Cal., according to Attorney Harry Tanckwlch. who has been endeavoring to collect for Rosenbaum In Portland. The Sprlngdsle suit, says the Portland lawyer, names as defendants J. Arnold Doyle. H. M. Farren. George Godfrey and Charles Radebaugh, while the Red Bluff suit Is against Radebaugh. of whom about 13000 la demanded. "The promoters owe Mr. Rosenbaum 14317.93. said Mr. Yanckwtch yester day. "The original bill was for HI8T.03, but $S00 of this was paid. They have agreed to pay the balance, but have not done so. "These men represented to Rosenbaum that they had enough to start the rallrortd. He thought they had 150.000 or f0.000. enough for preliminary sur veys, attorney's fees and other ex penses to put the company on a atock selllnx basis. "Although the promoters represented they were acquiring rights of way they have acquired nothing except the artlclea of Incorporation. These articles were filed In Washington, and f 1.000.000 worth of stock was on the market In Oregon, but the articles were not filed here. "The projected electric line from THREE Roseburg to Marshfield Is perfectly feasible, but It is only a paper road." WHITE GETS NEW JOB SVPKIlVISOTt IS ADVAXCK TO Q I'AKKY S f PKB I MKXDKXT. Connt) Judge Cleeton Announces That Promotion la .Untie Willi View of Economy. The first step In a general plan ar ranged by the County Court to place the rock quarrlea and gravel pits of the county on a strict business basis waa taken yesterday when the court promoted A. H. White from the-position of supervisor of road district No. 2 to the newly-created position of superin tendent of quarries and gravel pits. Mr. White will begin at once to reorganise the working forces at the various quar ries to make their operation more economical and to bring about a more perfect system of rock distribution for road construction. The need for better quarry condi tions waa seen early in the year, when arrangements were begun for extensive road-building during the present and coming construction seasons. Hereto fore there haa been no head of the quarries, their operation having been under the sole direction of superin tendent of districts. This has often led to conflicts between the various districts, and consequently to delays in th delivery of rot-k as needed In road work. .It Is thought the new system will mean a large saving to the county by the work being so systematlsed that delivery of rock can be counted upon when needed, thus preventing delaya in work which In the past have been the source of much expense. It Is planned to change aome of the quarrlea and pits so that rock can' bo produced more cheaply. Thla will be done by the Installation of new and more modern machinery wherever needed and by the rearranging of shutea and rock receptaclea so that the rock can be loaded on cars or wagons without delay or waste. Mr. White is considered an expert quarryman. navmg rouowru mav of work practically all his life. For more than a year he has had charge of the Taylor's Ferry quarry near over view Cemetery, and has changed Its working to such an extent that the cost of rock production is about one half now what It was a year ago. -We have been - looking over our quarry and gravel pit system for a long time and have louna it. in i""" " changes." said County Judge Cleeton yesterday. "After csreiui inveBiiB"" we have concluded that there should be a man in airecr. cnarge and we have selected Mr. White because we believe him to be one oi ln"": experts in this line In the county. What we want Is economy in all our depart ments. Management or ino and pits without aome person in uireti charge of all. wa nave iounu waste and delays wnicn are -We are undertaking thla year an extraordinarily large amount or roao work, and we want It none as .llv aa oosstbie. we conaiuc. the quarry part oi ine worn. sart of tne w-ora most important ieaiures. n r now on" to keep absolute tab on these. SOLID SUPPORT IS SOUGHT Republicans Want Defeated Candl , dates to Aid Victors. Solid support of the Republican ticket by candidates who were defeated in the primary election will be sought by the Multnomah County Republican central ramiKiiiM. At a meeting of the execu tive committee Tuesday night resolu- . tlnn. were nreDared for Int Production at the next meeting of the general com. mlttee. asking that the aereatea can didates Join the Republicans as a whole In a fight for the solid Republican ticket. In addition to this work the execu tive committee made a number of ap pointments of precinct committeemen in precincts where there was no elec tion In April or where there waa a tie vote. The appointment of others was left to the chairmen of the ward com mittees. SAM SLOAN STANDS ALONE Every resource of the manufacturer has been extended to create the "Sam Sloan" c cigar. k. - -a; -v' ViL ; liN TITE MORXIXG SHOW WORK HEM Master Carpenter With "The Pink Lady" Is Busy Man. COSTUME MISTRESS TOILS Big C'revr Carried by lancer Production Klaw & F.r- Twelve Truck Ued to Carry Company's Baggage. On his ::d trip to the Pacific Coast is Robert Cowan, master carpenter with "The Pink Lady." at the Helllg. For "PINK LADY" STARS AT THE Is or 17 years. Mr. Cowan says, he has been associated with the Klaw &. Er lantcer productions. He lias been on th- road louger than any other stage cai renter. Kvery one of the big shows sent out bv Klaw A: Krlanger. or having their production under the management of that firm have been under the eye of Mr. Cowan so far as the scenery and properties are concerned. There Is a system about It all that makes the compassing of the big under, taking a matter of comparative sim plicity. The company travels In a special trnln of eight cars. Including a diner, three baggage cars, each 70 feet long, the usual run being from CO to 60 feet. The rest are sleepers. Of the 89 per soni. carried In the company only the lf musicians, all of whom formerly played at the Amsterdam Theater in New York, and the actual employes, who work on placing the production, have all of their expenses paid. The stage crew consists of Mr. Cow an, one head electrician and his assis tant, one transportation man, Mr. Cow an's two assistant carpenters, one prop erly man and his assistant, and a ward robe woman. Record Kept of Costumes. In each city where "The Pink Uady" shows, there are five women, known as diesaers, hired for each performance. The wardrobe mistress keeps track of every gown, headdress, slipper or ornament worn by every chorus girl or principal. She catalogues them, and a's each costume Is replaced by a change, she puts It away in its place. The say ing, "everything in - Its place," was written about wardrobe mistresses. Sewing, mending torn finery, cleaning tHts or making alterations keep the wardrobe mistress always busy. In similar manner a force of workmen is ever busy rcglldlng tables, mending broken bits of furniture, bric-a-brac, or painting afresh fading or soiled pieces of scenery. In Portland, besides the regular stage crew brought by "The Pink Lady," the Helllg management has for this show a ciew of 60 men in its working staff. Of these twenty-nine are stage car penters known as "flymen" and "grips : fourteen are In the property department and are known as "clear era" and seventeen are In the electri cal crew and are known as "clearers" and "operators.'' Show's Baggage Heavy. Statistics are not always interesting reading but Just a few concerning the Wgsrage of "The Pink Lady" are un- usual. Twelve truck loads of flat scenery Is carried from the station to theatre and back sgalo when the show j 19 wfr. ris vi iiicbc irutK iviua of properties the furniture used in the production. There are 10S pieces of luggage clothes, etc., packed In trunks. This does not Include the in dividual luggage of tha travelers, who look after their own suit cases and traveling bags. Their personal bag gage is delivered to their hotels. Kighty-ona crates are used to box the properties. Each packing box Is num bered and the transportation man has that end of the work to bother about. Two assistants help at the scenery car and two at the property car and each Is locked and sealed the cars, not the assistants by deputies of tha railroad, according to a contract. Before tha show reached Portland the advance man made arrangements for the transportation of the property and acenery. Arrived at the theatre, i everything is unpacked at the stage I entrance on the street, and the empty crates are put down In the basement, each one pigeonholed as neatly as if by card Index though the casual ob server would see only a heterogeneous pile of all sorts and sixes of boxes. The scenery for each act is set or "struck" as it Is needed. By a require ment of the law no scenery Is allowed to occupy the floor space of the stage when not in ose. All of the scenery is hoisted first, by pulleys and ropes, into the flies. When "The Pink Lady' reached Portland last Sunday it waa 7:40 A. M.. and bv 2:30 P. M. the show was "hung": that Is, the flat stuff was re ready for adjustment at the night per- rmanee. Mr. Cowan stays right on the Job un til everything la In readiness. Mis only breathing spells are while the show is In actual progress. He super Intends the packing and unparklng. Is the first at he theatre and the last to leave. STATUTORY CHARGE LOOMS Greek Is Accused of Causing Boy' Delinquency. Through the vigilance of Benjamin Brick. Democratic nominee to the Leg islature. Sam Kondos. a Greek, was ar rested last night In a rooming-house at First and Washington streets for caus- OREGONIAV TITUIISPAY, lna; the delinquency of a 14-year-ol office boy. The case came to the at tention of Brick, who is a volunteer of ficer of the Juvenile Court, through several thefts the boy had committed. T. E. Fisher, a Juvenile Court officer, assisted In securing the evidence nga'nst Kondos. and participated in the arrest, which was also participated in bv Patrolmen Wylle and Gustovensen, of the curfew squad. -Kondos has been working In a poolroom at 228 Burnside street. BRIDGE PLAN IS OPPOSED Kat Side Business Men Object to Vpper Deck Scheme. A committee from the East Side Bus iness Men's Club, consisting of Dan Kel laher, L. M. Lepper. George Black and C. A. Blgelow. called on the County Court yesterday morning to urge that the proposition of the O.-W. R. & Company to give the county rights for pedestrian and vehicular traffic over the upper deck of the new steel bridge at a rental of $19,100 a year and main tenance costs, be not accepted. It has HETLIG. bcen estimated that tho total cost to the county under this arrangement would be $31,000 a year. Members of the committee recalled that the Supreme Court has held that the Port of Portland Commission had no right to' give the company a fran chise and that, consequently, no fran chise exists. It was suggested that the county has the whip hand nil should use It. Mr. Kellaher declared that this fact should be used as a club to force tho Southern raclfic to concede com mon user rights on Its East Side lines. He said the county could afford to Ig nore the company's upper deck entirely and use the Broadway bridge. Mr. pep per condemned the vacation of East Side street ends to furnish a landing for the bridge. ECZEMA CUBED IX 10 TO 30 DATS. The Paris Medicine Co.. I2t Pine St.. fit. Louis. Mo., manufacturers of Laxative Bro mo Quinine, have a new and wonderful dls cvry. GROVE'S SA-NARB CUTIS, which they ruarantee to cure any case of ECZEMA, no matter of how long standing, in ID to SO days and will refund money If it fails. Grove's Sa-Nare Cutis Is perfectly clean and does not stain. If your druggist hasn't It, send us c stamps and It will be sent by mail. 4- V l MaKimg Dollars From Jing'les We want a lot of Jingles for a book. $1000.00 will be paid for suitable ones received in May, 1912. Plenty of fun for Girls, Boys, Women and Men. A COMPLETE JINGLE (As an example only.) Little Jack Horner, so the siory goes. Sitting in the comer, what do you suppose, Didn't have plum pudding:, didn't cry for pies, Had a bowl of Toast ies of enormous size. Sign here Name Street and Number City Jingle Dept. 620, AVe will buy 50 Post Toasties Jingles, accept able for use in a Jingle Book, received during May, 1912, at $20.00 each. Only the Jingles we pay for will be used. There will be 50 Jingles purchased and the names and addresses of the writers will be print ed and mailed to each enquirer who sends us a lc stamped and addressed envelope for return. The Jingles will be judged honestly upon merit, so if you are a sensitive person and not a good sportsman don't try, for we have no time to "pet up" those whose Jingles are not accepted. ' Post Toasties the delicious food made of crisj), delicately browned bits of corn. With milk or cream it is not easily forgotten. MAY 9. 1913. o Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar MO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE 'F $90 RAISED TO DATE FOR JOHN' SOX TWIN'S. Sympathizers Swell Total $17.50 In Ono Day Ankle of Everett Is In fected With Dread Disease. HJSO FOB JOHNSON TWISS. Previously reported . D. W. Tilford A. H. Devers Cash, W. S Mrs. D. K. Matbewa. Cash, A. L Total 72.-0 , ,vnf . . . . 3.00 1.30 3. SO 2.50 The fund for the Johnson "twins, the two half-orphan boys who are being treated at the Open Air Sanitarium for tuberculosis, continues to grow. Yes terday H7.50 was received from kind hearted sympathizers, swellinc the total amount to 90. This will not meet tho entire expense of keeping the lads in the sanitarium, but if the fund continues to grow in the next few days as it has since Sunday, contributors will probably give enough to cover it. Earl had been suffering from ade noids and tubercular glands, but is now practically recovered. Everett suffered from a like affliction, and In addition to this hia ankle had become Infected with tuberculosis so that he is com pelled to walk on crutches. When the lads were received at the sanitarium their throats were so badly swollen that they were unable to breathe ex cept through the mouth, and Everett's foot was swollen to twice its proper size. The swelling has now gone down and most of the pain Is gone. Everett desires to walk without the crutches, but Dr. Pierce will not yet permit it. because of the danger from the disease for several months to come. BUSINESS TRIP MAY 21-23 Portlanders Set Date for Their Ex cursion to Tillamook. The dates for the business men's ex cursion to Tillamook have been def initely set for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 21-23. and an Itinerary is being prepared In which the com plete programme for the trip Is out lined. The party will consist of about Bf Date State Cut out this coupon and mail to POSTTJM CEREAL CO., LTD., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. ER business men of the city. A rate of $17.50 has been given by the railroad, which includes all expenses except ing breakfasts, which will be served a la carte on the train or at stations at which they stop. Leaving Portland at 7:30. May 21. the special will reach Tillamook at o'clock the afternoon of the, same day, having visited Banks. Buxton. Timber, Summit and Mohler. for short stops en route. At Mohler they will receive the Tillamook committee and upon their arrival In Tillamook will be met by a band and entertainment with a banquet uncer the auspices of the Commercial Club The following day will be spent In automobile and launch trips about the city and surrounding country and in the. evening the business men of Til lamook will be the guests of the Port land party. Thursday they will vist Bay City and. Nclialem and enjoy an automobile trip on the beaches and a launch ride to Via forks of the Nehalem River. Leaving Nehalcm at 4 o'clock In the afternoon, t'lc party will reach Portland at about 10 o'clock. PICTURE SHOW MEN DINE Photoplay Managers Attend Liuneh con of Portland Ad Club. Melvin G. Winstock. general manager of the People's Amusement Company, presided over the meeting of the Port land Ad Clnb at the Multnomah Hotel yesterday and presented a series of speakers who reviewed the growth of the moving-picture business R. R. Earle, representing the Pathe Weekly, gave a practical demonstration of op erating a moving-picture camera and H. C. Stevens, general manager of the General Film Company, described the methods of distribution. D. Soils Cohen spoke upon the educational influence of the moving picture and a message was read from V. H. Rothchild. presi dent of the People's Amusement Com pany who had been Invited to attend the luncheon. Mr. Rothchild thanked the ad men and expressed regret at inability to attend their luncheon. The latest film of the Pathe Weekly, containing pictures of the Titanic starting on her voyage and the Carpa thla bringing in the survivors of the wreck, was shown. Tono Miner's Wife Destitute. CENTRALIA. Wash.. May 8. (Spe cial.) While - Fred Marshall, a Tono coal miner. Is lying in the Lewis County Jail awaiting his trial on the charge of assault. Mrs. Marshall has been left with six small children to support. The attention of the Lewis County Commis sioners was called to the woman's case yesterday and steps are being taken to have the county care for her until her husband is released. FINISH THIS JINGLE If a body meet a body coming thru the com, If a body greet a body on a sunny morn, Could a body tell a body nice and soft and street. (Fill In this line, anentioninc Toastles and write plainly.) Fill in the missing Hdc of the incomplete Jingle printed above, making the last line include the name "Toasties," with correct rhj-me and metre. Or write an original Post Toasties Jin gle of not less than 4 lines, any line of which must contain "Post Toasties" or "Toasties." - As many Jingles may be submitted aa desired. It's pleasant recreation and we all get somo good from it, besides it may result in your joining, the army of users of CRITICAL TIME OF WOMAN'S LIFE From 40 to 50 Years of Age. How It May Be Passed in Safety. Odd, Va,:-"I am enjoying better health than I have 20 years, and I Den v l can saieiy say now tha' I am a well woman. I was reared r. n a farm and had all kindsof heavy work to do which caused the troubles that came on me la ter. For five years during the Change of Life I was not ablo to lift a pail of wa ter. I had hemor- which would last for weeks and I was not able to sit up in bed. I suffered a great deal with my back and was so nervous I could scarcely sleep at night, arid I did not do any housework for three years. "Now I can do as much work as any woman of my age in the county, thanks to the benefit I have received from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I recommend your remedies to all suffering women. "Mrs. Martha Lw Hollow ay. Odd, Va. No other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and unquali fied endorsement. We know of no other ; medicine which has such a record of i success as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 30 i vears it has been the standard remedy for woman's ilia. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. The Refined use of CARMEN Complexion Powder wriTt enhance thet youthful loveliness that nature (rave vcu. and will not show an unsightly "powdor effect." (jirmrn. unlike other rvrwdcrs. will not come off until you remove it. nor will It lose its fascinating frojrrance. Carmen isentirely "different" noreand harmless, it beautifies sad benefits tlieskin. Flesh, While, Pink, and Cream -pro vovr Driipotit or Department Store. Toilet Sua foe. Carmen Cold Cream i and softens Irritated end roueh l:in Snow -white Non-sticky harmless, f 5c and 5c Stafford-MUIer Co. 515 Olive Street St. Louia, Mo. A NOTED DOCTOR SAYS,- Everyone should use some little anti septic powder in the shoes. ConfinlnK the fet in shoes. Is in Itself unnatural and cauws a moist or smarting condi tion. People of refinement now use dailv. Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the Bhoes, and would as soon go wl'hout a denti frice as without the use of Allen's Foot Ease. FERTILE POWELL VALLEY ONE, TWO, FIVE AND TEN ACRE TRACTS at Rockwood, Ruby, Base Line, Gillis, Gresham, Pleasant Home, Scenic, Cottrell. The most fer tile soil in Multnomah County. Acres as low as $150. Monthly payments, $3. Business Lots Residence Lots at new, rapidly growing townsites, as low as $100. Monthly terms, $2. ImMstigate the great oppor tunity. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. 286 Oak Street Reputable Physicians will tell you most ailments are directly traceable to the stomach, and "no man is stronger than his stomach" is an old adag-e and a true one. So if you have headache, gastritis, pain and fluttering of the heart, rhcuma-; tism, bloating and gas formation after!, eating, you will know it's the stomach' that's wrnnsr. bcotchMomachKemedy will put your stomach ?n good work ing order, cure an Daa symptoms, di gest your food and give you new life, or your money back. That's the sort of a guarantee you will find on each bottle of Scotch Stomach Remcdv. For the past score of vears this won- derfnl remedy has cured tens of thou sands and is guaranteed to cure you or the medicine will be free. okidmore urug Uo. 151 Third Street. I fii i LUJ. ffff