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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1912)
TTTT! MOTtNTXO OREODXTA. TTTTTRSDAT. MAT 9, 1912. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONXIX TILIPHOXEl Cripple Lobes Alto Case. R. Len non. aged and crippled, took no chances on the second automobile after he bad been knocked down by a machine at First and Burnnlde streets, Tuesday afternoon, and he stood squarely In rnntat-nmrn mn.jri i front or the next machine, he said, .." circulation sis -na u hl. - , hi. safety secure. The driver became Managing Editor ......... .aiam To7o A ej9i Sunday Ed nor ........... .Ma. a 707u A as Compoitag-rMa ..sua Tc'OAS'U euparioiadeai buiidis . .Main Tutu A Su3 AJaTJEMEXT. fc.EIX.IO THEATER (Seventh and Tsjrlor T r. muiicil routUI "Toe i'lns. Tonight at 11 iylor La!). BAKKH THEATER Eleventh and Merrt eon Ba4er Stock mpany :n tn piar lie Jimmy Valentine- Tonight at 1. OKPHEl'M THEATER (Morrison. b.twa fimtta aod Seventh) Vaudevli; This afl teraoon at Ml sad wnigbl at CIS e'eloca. VANTAGES THEATER (Seventh and Al- Vaudeville. This afternoon at 1.1 laaight ni T.lo and s'ciock. EMPKE'ie THEATER (Park asd Washing ton) Vaudeville. This sfl.rnooa at 2:a. tonight ai 1 :)o aod e'eloca. LTRrr THEATER (Fourth an 4 dtarkt Keating at F1xl Company In "Tbt Marry Monarch." This afternoon at 3JU aad lo aiattt at T:0 ami B o clock. rtLk.- "r AKCADE. OH JOT. JIVOLI AND CRYSTAL Flrst-rua 4e turaa, 11 a. M -11 p. u SIOIEtTIOX PARK (Tv.nty-fonrth and "l" Portland vs. Victoria, baseball. This afternoon at 1 o'clock, V!rTKD BkeTH a rVwn Daw 8. Shower f begins Its fon at 10 A. M. this morn raner-menl for the sessions of the ,ne starting- point being- at Third Oresron conference of the United : nJ l,orr'on. no Second and Washlna--Brethern Church to be held In the First ,on- heretofore. Two trips are made Church. East Fifteenth and Belmont ! T!"" .y'!"l.i T"' ?n,K""" streets. June 1. It hid ln trrancnl . Hlht Is included In the Itinerary, to hold conference at Everett. Wash ' " observation car Is the only one inis year, but the nlace h h.n . ..i..,- -. -" - Bishop William abusive and refuard to stop. Lennon rausrd the chauffeur's arrest, and testthed against him in the Municipal Court yesterday. K. Blanchard. the driver, denied that he was groins- more than ten miles an hour, and a com panlon who was with Blanchard said they were not golnc more than seven miles. For want of testimony the case was dismissed. Viewkrs Finish East CSlisam Street. K. VerMesr. John P. Schmeer and A. A. Kadderly. viewers for the opening of Kast Gilnsn between Kat Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-sixth streets, completed their work yester day. Damages to the amount of nearly 114.000 were allowed. A strip 200 feet long by 0 feet wide was titken and It cuts through the lots, tsktng slices and fractions and whole lots. Claims to the amount of flo.ouo for damages were filed by owners of the property. A district extending- from the Sandy boulevard Into Laurrlhurst was formed which will be assessed to psy the damages. The "Observatio-j Car" of the Port- and Railway. Light Power Company rhanged to Portland II. Bell, of Los Anreles. CaL will nr.. . side. Rev. Mr. Showers is also com pleting arrangements for the annual convention of the Christian Endeavor Society to convene In " First Church June 17-1. It Is expected also that he Women's Missionary Association will meet tn the First Church at a data yet to be fixed. Tao Dat Brixm Result. Tag day at Lents Saturday conducted by the women of the Parents-Teachers' Club netted $175. partly from the sale of tags on the streets of the snburb by the women and partly through contri butions from business men. The money will be used to provide equipment for the playgrounds. Including swings, sand boxes, lawn tennis court, basket ball and baseball grounds. The money will not purchase all that Is needed for the grounds. The Parents-Teachers' Club will ask the Board of Education to secure more ground adjoining the Lents schoolhouse. where "00 dudIIi attend and 22 teachers are employed. Bad Chk.-k Cask Dismissed. On motion of Deputy District Attorney Collier the Indictment against F. M. Barrett charging the obtaining of money by false pretenses was dismissed by Judge Kavanaugh yesterday morn ing. Barrett was accused of passing on Anthony Hardy a worthless check for SeS drawn on the First National Bank of Browns Valley. Minn. The District Attorney was unable to secure the attendance as witnesses of officials of the Minnesota bank to testify that Barrett had no account there at the time the check waa cashed by Mr. Hardy. O-rg of the finest views of the im mediate surroundings of Portland la to be had from the crown of the hill on Abernethy Heights. The view of moun tains, foothills and river from there la royal. The Golf Links and East Port land look Ilka a checker board. Bull Run water la being pumped up to the whole tract and roada are being opened. Ask Mr. Van Nlca for further informa tion, with Oregon Realty Company. 43 Fourth street. This strictly first-class suburban property la being- "bought by our best business men. Lracoa-Saxuca Plbvads Orn.Tr. v nsriana, proprietor oi A place known as the 11-mtle house on the Base Line road, entered a plea of guilty before jucge jiavanaugn yesterday to a charge of selling liquor without a 11. cense. He will be sentenced Frldav. The prosecution of Charland was in stituted by Tom Word. ex-Sheriff and gain a candidate for that office on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Word charged that Charland was In the habit of dispensing Intoxicants to young ooya. Htix to Speak c Roads. Samuel Hill. "Father of Good Roads In the Northwest," and president of the Home Telephone at Telegraph Company, will be the principal speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Portland Trans portation Club at the Imperial Hotel thla afternoon. H. J. Houghton, con tracting freight agent for the Great Northern, will be chairman of the day. Mr. Hill will speak on the subject of good roads and will tell of their rea llons to the rail lines. New ScHOOutorss Over-Crowded. At the meeting of the Rose City Park Improvement League Tuesday night In St- Rose Hall. A. H. Metclf. chairman of the school committee reported that the new eight-room schoolhouse la overcrowded. He recommended that steps be taken to have the remainder of the building erected as soon as It ca'n be done. The new building was recently occupied- Philip S. Bates de livered an Illustrated lecture on "Good Roads." B. I.x a Paoct. offers for sale at attractive prices, two beautiful sub urban homes. with large grounds. splendid Improvements, and close to car. The opportunity to purchase homes of this character seldom oc curs. One of them represents a trus teeship, and must be sold at once for s the best price that can be obtained. Phone Main 7 6 J. 414 Falling bldg. Alsixa Club to Meet. The- North Fast Side Improvement Association will hold a meeting tomorrow night In Woodmen Hall. Russell street and Rodney avenue, to consider street lighting, rental of the new railroad bridge and other matters of Interest to the district. During the month of May we will French dry-clean gents' suits for fL ladies' suits for $1.60 and any skirt for 75 cents- All work guaranteed. Call ua up. C S. Laundry Company dry cleaning department. B 113. East 6S. Scptraoists to Hear Iectvum. Dr. C. H. Chapman will speak at a meet ing of the Portland Equal Suffrage League at the Multnomah Hotel at 15 o'clock tonight. The meeting Is public and no admission will be charged. Cm: womem to Meet. The Port land Woman's Willamette Club will meet today at 1:S0 P. M. at the Young Women'a Christian Association to con sider plans to assist the Willamette University endowment campaign. Riv. G. C. Carl. Goes East. Rev. George C. Carl, pastor of the Brethren Church (the Dunkards). of North Al blna. will leave Saturday to attend the meeting of the general conference of , the church. June 4-7. Ba.vkrcptct Reperex Is Named. L'nited States District Judge Wolver ton announced yesterday the appoint ment of Frank J. Newman, of Medford. Jackson County, as a referee In bank ruptcy. Circx to Elect OrrrrgRa, -The Montavllla Parent-Teachers' Circle will elect officers for the ensuing year at Its regulsr meeting to be held In the schoolhouse this afternoon. ITRE TO Speak. W. 8. ITRen wlU speak In the hail at I2S Second street tonight, on The New Oregon Con stitution. " For Rsrrr. Lower dock, foot of Mor rison and Tamhlll streets. Call 112 Morrison. Main 114$. Dr. Wtu. Jack sox dentsl office Is again open for business at Thirty-fourth and Belmont streets. . -Sam Sloax cigar, sold for $ cents worth more. e Heights, the distance being too far and the ascent too difficult for other kinds of conveysnces than the street car. For the two-hour ride only 60 rents Is charged. Trips are made at 1 A. M. and 2 P. M. each day. including Sunday. Vetera: Pilot Bl-ried. The fu neral of Captain W. S. Buchanan, the veteran open-river pilot who died at Long Beach on Sunday evening, was held tn the Scottish Rite Cathedral yes terday afternoon. The Rev. John H. Boyd, pastor of the First Iresbyter1an Church, held the service In the cathe dral and the Portland Lodge, No. 65. A. F. and A- M. had charge of the Interment In Rlvervlew Cemetery. Six master pilots of the Columbia River were the pallbearers, as follows: A. L. Pease. I. Turpps, J. Spelr. K. W. Wright. A. W. Gates and J. Anderson. Committee to Confer With Gas Com pact. The committee from the North AlMna Improvement Association. H. L. HaJd. E. D. Flndley and George C. Carl, will confer with the officials of the Portland Gas Company tonight con cerning the gas reservoir near the Jef ferson High School. The community desires the company to move the tank to the river. Mr. Carl expressed the opinion yesterday that the objectionable features of the tank and grounds may be eliminated, but doubted whether the tank Itself can be moved. Sellwood Club Passes. The prop erty of the Sellwood Commercial Club, on Umatilla avenue, near East Thir teenth streets, has been sold to J. A. Miller and the club has passed out of existence. Mr. Miller took the prop erty by paying off the indebtedness. It Includes the clubhouse and grounds. Directors of the Sellwood Commercial Club ssy the business men would not support the organisation. Mr. Miller haa leased the property to the Sellwood Social Club, of which F. H. Lehman Is president and C. B. Lance Is secretary. Riohtb op Wat Needed. There may be some delsy In completing the wster main for the Westmoreland and Sellwood district south- from Holgate street, from which place a It-Inch main Is to be laid on Eaat Twenty-third street. Several placea are dosed up and the property ownera are not In clined to give righta of way for the water main. Work at the Sellwood end of the main Is In progress and It la dealred to complete the main before the Summer season to prevent short age of water In Sellwood. Sellwood Fiohts Liquor Store. A remonstrance against establishment of a liquor store near the corner of East Thirteenth street and I'matllla avenue haa been circulated and filed with the City Auditor. It was not known until recently that such store was to be opened. Walter Adams, who was active In circulating the petition, de clared yesterday that If the license Is granted the four precincts In Sellwood will be grouped together at the next election to make that entire district dry. Gboroe H. Himes to Lecttrb. 'The Oregon Historical Society and Some Pioneer Industrial Activities" will be the subject of an address to be delivered at noon today, before the Progressive Business Men's. Club, by George H. Himes. The luncheon will be served at the Multnomah Hotel at 1:15 o'clock. The Progressive Quartet will sing. It Is under the leadership of John Claire Montelth. Albim Bound Over. Joseph Albln was given a hearing yesterday before I'ntted Statea Commissioner Cannon on a charge of white slavery and was bound over to await the action of the next Federal grand Jury. He was unable to furnish bail for $4000. Jake Grouch. who. was arrested at the same time as Albln on a similar charge, will be given hearing this afternoon before Judge Cannon. William H. Dolmam Is III. William H. Dolman, for many years merchant and postmaster at St. Helens and well known throughout Columbia County, is critically i;i at his home, (06 Laurel street. Portland Heights. Mr. Dolman haa been in poor health for several I months. His condition became serious a short time ago and no hopea are now entertained for his recovery. Illinois Society Holds Daxce. The Illinois Society of Portland held a dance, "600" party and reception at the Women of Woodcraft Hall, at Tenth and Taylor streets, last night. Business waa suspended until the next meet ing. U C. Mackay. C. L. Burton, Miss Rose Baumgarten and Mlsa Mabel Hol loway were tn charge. Church . to Givb "Povertt" Social. The Epworth League of Trinity Methodist Church will give a "poverty social" tomorrow night at the parson age. $68 Hemlock street. Amusing contests, as well as the costumes, will furnish merriment. "Boxed" refresh ments will be served. MirHtnAX Alumni to Dine. The i University of Michigan Alumni Associa tion will hold Its weekly luncheon at the Oregon Grille today at 12:13 P. M. Judge John B. Cleland will give a short talk on "The Recall of Judges and Judicial Decisions." Teachers to Meet Mokdat. The Oregon State Teachers' Association will meet at the Bowers Hotel Monday night, for a meeting postponed from tonight. Colonel C. E. S. Wood haa accepted an invitation to give an address. Carnations to Be Sold at Church. The Cathedral Ladles' Aid Society will sell carnations next Sundsy. "Mothers' day." at the Cathedral In Davla street, for the benefit of St. Agnes Baby Home. Carnations may be had at the church door. Sold Liquor to Indian Is Charob. C L. Mosier has been arrested at Klamath Falls on a charge of selling liquor to an Indian of the Klamath reservation on an Information filed by Deputy District Attorney Johnson. Cartoxian Bros.' Oriental ruga satisfy the most critical buyers. Rugs of such character at most satisfactory prices here. Cartoslan Bros.. Importers, 472 Wsh.. bet. 13th and 14th sis. Choice Selectiom of Imported Spring woolens: high-grade work only: 20 per cent rebate for cash pavment until further notice. J. Pollrka A Co, tailors, to Corbett bide. THE MEREST SPECK OF ACLCUD Girls' Anmoter Sent t,o Jail. John Brown, alias John Smith, arrested yes terday by Patrolman McCuIlough. Is believed to be one of the men who has been annoying girls on the (Cast Side. Frequent complaints have been made to the police recently. He was caught at the East Side freight depot, st the foot of Glisan street, after three little girls hsd told the officers that he had addressed Insulting remarks to them. Brown was fined $100 and sen tenced to to days' Imprisonment. Women to Debate Capital Punish ment. At the regular meeting of the Women's Political Science meeting, to be held this afternoon at 230 o'clock In room 506 Kllers bulldlnu. there will be a debate on: "Resolved That capltaf punishment should be abolished." Colonel Robert A. Miller will take the affirmative, and Mrs. George A. Kyle the negative. The public te Invited. Civil Service Tests Announced. The United States Civil Service Com mission announces that the following examinations will be held for new ap plicants and to fill vacancies In the different departments: Map colorlst. June 6; preparator In soology, June a. Further Information with reference to these examinations may be obtained from Z. A. Leigh at the Portland Post- office. Railroad Mas Takes New Job. C. W. Schermerhorn. who recently re signed aa mechanical accountant with the O.-W. R. A N., will leave tomorrow for Astoria, where he will be connected with .the Hammond Lumber Company as cash accountant. Miwhh nw Rah to Meet. All mem- sage received yesterday from that bers of the bar are requested to meet I plB-oe. It was announced that the inter In Judge Kavanaugh's courtroom this 1 ment would take place In New Tork In may be the harbin ger of the most devastating storm. Carelessness or In experience in re gard to title mat ters may precipi tate upon you a storm of annoyance and loss of busi ness. Trust these matters to an EX PERT. Protect yourself and your client by our guar anteed Certificate of Title. Investi gate. Call for book let. Title & Trust Co., Fourth and Oak BASKET PICNIC AND BAND CONCERT FOR WAGE EARNERS GREATER PENINSULA DAY morning at to take proper action In regard to the death of Judge Mar' quam. 5IAUT0 FALLS DOWN BANK DRIVER LIVES AFTER FALL OF 80 FEET OX HEIGHTS. compliance with the wish of Mrs. Davenport, but It is aald that W. R. Hearst Interceded, and as a result the funeral will be held as Davenport wished at his old home. The body Is being accompanied here by Homer Davenport. Jr., who will arrive Sun day. II ALL DAY SUNDAY MAY 12 William Lenarh Is Thrown Front Car, Which Passes Over Him In Perpendicular Drop. A seven-passenger touring car driven by William Lensch. of Lensch Broth ers, flour and feed firm. 141 First street, plunged down an 80-foot perpendicu lar embankment on Portland Heights Just below the old castle, yesterday af ternoon, and when Its progress was stopped by an old apple tree, was al most completely demolished. The driv er was seriously Injured, but not fatal ly. It Is believed, and he la now at SI Vincent's hospital. Lensch was driving along an old road that runa off the Patton road and winds about the hills. The road Is exceeding ly steep. Just as the machine was rounding a sharp curve In an up ward direction, the clutch gave way, and In a moment the machine had backed and was tumbling over the bank, which la almost perpendicular. The driver waa thrown out and the machine came tumbling after him. and passed over his body on Its way down. A number of fruit trees were broken In Its downward course. It finally brought up against an old apple tree In an upright position, giving the ap pearance of having come down the hill aide forward and upright. The accident attracted nearby real- BEACH TRAINS TO START Regular Service to Oregon Resorts Begins Next Saturday. Regular beach service to Seaside. Gearhart and other resorts on the Ore gon coast will be inaugurated over the North Bank road on Saturday. A spe cial train will ' leave Portland at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon and will re turn from Seaside at 6:45 P. M Sunday, giving excursionists more than 24 hours at the beaches. The service Is started earlier than usual this year, but travel on the spe cial trains operated to Gearhart during the last few weeks has been so heavy that regular weekly service has become necessary. Indications point to an un usually heavy traffic to the beaches this year. Regular fast daily trains between Portland and the coast will be placed In service within a few weeks. IT Oa South Bank of Colombia. AT MOORE'S CRO S SING Oa Vancouver CarUne. Free to PRISONERS GET FLOWERS Aged Woman Carries Carnations to Mien In City Jail. Five white carnations, which an elderly woman- was selling on the streets in preparation for Mothers' day, next Sunday, brought pleasure to a score of prisoners in the city Jail Tues day night. Mrs. Flynn. who sells the flowers. came to the police station early In the evening with the carnations. "I read in some of the papers." she explained "that some of the boyg here wanted flowers to wear Mothers' day. I have dents, and Lensch was found shortly "A" 11 Zm kT f, t m ! . . . , . , might give them to the boys In Jail." after and taken to the hospital. He . Sne handed the bouauet to Caotain Free streetcar fares. Special car leaving Second and Wash ington every hour, beginning at 10 o'clock A. M. Ideal picnic grounds. Games, Band Con cert and other amusements. Pack your baskets and plan to attend this big outing and picnic. Full details in Sun day's papers under head of -"$205 in Cash Prizes for Wuge Earners." haa a broken hip bone, and Is severely bruised, but It baa not yet been as certained whether or not he Is Intern ally Injured. Lensch lives at 1277 Haw thorne avenue. The automobile accident, and two other accidents that occurred yester day are in line with the large num ber of accidents that within the last week have been happening at the rate of from three to four a day. DEN10ALARM MUST PAY COMPANY TO PAY S PER CENT GROSS EARNINGS TO CITY. Council Votes Permit After Long . Wrangle Device Will Be Attached to Phones. After a long wrangle yesterday morning the City Council voted a spe cial permit to the Home Telephone A Telegraph Company. granting the right to the Denlo Fire Alarm Com pany to Install an automatic attach ment to Home telephones for turning In alarms of fire to the city's fire head quarters at the City Hall. As psssed. the permit requires the payment to the city of I per cent of the gross earnings of the company, but If the gross earnings tax nets less than $250 a year, the company must pay the city I2o0 as rental. The fight on this permit had con tinued for months, the proposition be ing shifted about from one committee to another and being recommended fi nally to the Council by the committee on Industry. There was no provision, however, for any rental or percentage of the groKS income, and on this feat ure several of the members centered their efforts, with success. Councilman Baker offered an amend ment, requiring the company to pay 1250 a year to the city, and Council man Watklna submitted another, com bining the gross receipts provision, which carried. The permit waa then sent to the City Attorney for approval as to form. The Denlo Company wants to attach Its automatic patent to Home tele phones, and has specified in Its permit that It will not charge to exceed 60 cents a month. Riley. "It Isn't Mother's day yet, but maybe they'll do some good, anyway." The captain made a little presenta tion speech to the prisoners. An Important Engagement. You should see Aune's portraits of men, women and children, each depart ment is In charge of an expert; Co lumbia building. Sawdust, Cord wood. Coal. Holman Fuel Co., successors to Bas-fleld-Veysey Fuel Co. M. J53. A 3353. VESTS, UNION SUITS ." J If tsi' Hose Gaaranteed 12 months. For men, women and children. We operate our own shop. Mill to consumer. New Spring styles 1 n underwear. Something new in Out size Hosiery, aa soft and silky as worm silk, wears much - better and never turns yellow with washing. Is absorbent and keeps the skin dry and in a healthy condi 1 1 o n. Write for cat alog B. 4th Floor Selling Bldg., 6th and Alder. a;-. w v ; w m ii "ii i i- ' - -vWSfcfiSa -mm mmm uMis ua iriisra : rscste GOLDEN C0FFE ORTlAND z VIRGINIA BAKED HAM. Creamed sweetbreads, lamb croquetts, calves liver and bacon, chicken salad, artichokes, strawberry Ice cream, pineapple, sponge-wlilpped cream. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 1S6 6tl St. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE At the Hazel wood. We are again serving our delicious strawberry shortcake. The Haselwood. llt-390 Washington street. Seating capacity for 400. Golden West Steel 1 Cut Coffee is the choice of particu lar people. It is as nearly perfect as a coffee can be. A guarantee with every pair of FowneS KID FITTING SILK GLOVES Double tips, of courta 8 J. K. STERN LADIES' TAILOR $50 Opportunity I am going to make regular $60 and $65 Suits for $50. Long coats at $45. These prices for a limited time only. Nothing but the best domestic and imported materiah used. Guaranteed satin linings. 447 Alder Street MUMS S THE GEO. LAWRENCE CO. Foster & Kleiser BJck Grade Commercial aad Eleetrts SIGNS East CeveBtk and kail Everett Streets Pbaaea Bast HIV. B 223 A FIVE-CENT DELIGHT. A whole lot of people hare an Idea that all &o cigars are alike. If you want to find one that's different, buy a "8am Sloan." Davenport Funeral Monday. Honwr C. Davenport, the cartoonist, will be burled In Sllverton at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, aooordlsg to mea. J in Cash Prizes for Wage-Earners Full 'Details in Sunday's Papers SATUR AFTERNOON DAY TRAIN TO CLATSOP BEACH AND ASTORIA GEARHART AND SEASIDE ON FOR THE SEASON LEAVES PORTLAND 2:00 P. M. BEGINNING SATURDAY. MAY 11TH RETURNS SUNDAY EVENING A THROUGH TRAIN This train stops only at Goble, Rainier, Astoria and Clatsop Beach Points. It arrives Gearhart and Seaside before dinner Saturday and returns from Beach points after din ner Sunday, allowing the full week-end at the ocean. This is the time to make hotel and cottage ar rangements for the vacation season. ROUND-TRIP FARES $3 Saturday to Monday. $4 Daily, Season Limit. $15 Five Round Trips, Individual. Other trains leave Portland 8:00 A. M. daily and 6:30 P. M. Saturday. CITY TICKET OFFICE, FIFTH AVD STARK STREETS. NORTH B.4KK STATION, ELEVENTH AND HOTT STREETS rannmiinioiinnnnnaniiraiiiiiiHGiini FREE SOCKS DARNED FREE We darn socks FREE of charge. The PALACE Is famous for PERFECT laundry work. Send your next parcel here and be convinced that we EXCEL in all kinds of work. COLLECTION and DELIVERY SHOES REPAIRED When your shoes need repair ing, telephone for a driver to call. We call for and deliver to any part of the city. Shoes repaired promptly at nominal charges. SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT at our uptown shop, 131 Eleventh, be tween Washington and Alder. PALACE LAUNDRY East Tenth and Everett . Phones, B 2113; East 1030 0-5-9-12 J. H. J. SAVINGS ANDLOAN Where can you put a dollar a month and have it earn for you 6 per cent per annum, with payment guaranteed by a Reserve Fund of one hundred thousand dollait t Ask us for the answer. Officers and Directors! Harrison O. Piatt, President J. P. Jaeger Frank E. Dooly E. G. Crawford. Vice-President H. G. Colton R. C Jinleht. Agency Clrsetoi Henry A. Sargent. Vict-Pres. W. O McPherson Plstt & Piatt. Counsel F. R. COOK. SECRETARY. S6a Stark Street. Main f'327 A Portland Corporation Under State Supervision TOOLS jllli CUTLERY Stiletto Tools are made for the mechanic who wants the best. They are manufactured from tha best Tool Steel, are prop erly made to fill his every requirement, and every one is warranted. Sold by All Hardware Dealers DIABETES treated with greaiett succefs without re stricted diet. Physlo-nutrltlve Sal-Sano removes sll symp toms of the disease, produces gsln In weight, muscles and nerve power and energy. At leading druggists. AtrAXO CO., New York. 89 W. Broadway. Write for Booklet. Gl.'S Improved Liver PILLS. PEOPLE having Indigestion, bilious spelia and headache, with bad complexion or pim ples can be cured with these vegetable pilla. They drive out the cause of aickneas and clear the complexion. You look better and feel better after using them. One for a doss. SS centa at druggists or by mail. For sample write Dr. Boaanko Co. 16S1 VLNE SX, FHir.inriTinA, iA. A lower Belmont. Has the notch which makes it sit right. 2 for 25c n Cluett, Peabody & Co. makers of i ARROW COLLARS COLUMBIA SANITARIUM The Columbia Sanitarium 1b a urical and. medical Institute, located at the corner of Sixth and Tamhlll etreeta, next to the Port land Hotel, and It well prepared to treat and cure diseases of men, women and children This Institution was established In Port land six years ago. where during tbeae year Its marvelous sunoess In curing: thousands of persons of dl has canted It to etand the pnr of any like Institution In the Weac We make a specialty of the y. ear. nose, throat, heart, atorneoh. kidneys, catarrh, rheumatism and all chronic llAea. Our surgical, electrical and medical laboratory departments are com pi eta. Columbia Sani tarium. 181 sixth street. Portland. Ore so a. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 Qf t-aaieja uoUa on Hail FTrrf jp hcrtiand Securities aC iar fr'naiia tor Business Preaatust autt Cioac-us tteaiueucee mi 7 D.YARa H0UDEYB,iK2?e.