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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1912)
TTTE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. TIIITRSDAY, APRIL 18, 1912. Snlendid Noonday Service and Menu in Our Seventh-Floor Tea Room Delightful Surroundings Orchestra Music Don't Merely Ask for Gloves, Ask for Perrin's Gloves Mail Order Patrons, Send for Our New 1 30-PageJatajogue M , . . 1 . AS LADDER FALLS WEATHER: FAIR TODAY. 1 THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. FIREMEN NJUBED Captain and Pipeman Thrown 30 Feet in Blaze at Ellis Home. PLUNGE THROUGH TREE orrk-cr I Srrioufl) Hurt and "I-addy" IXotorn to Scene After Wounds Are lmwd Dam age Near $10,000. Thrown 30 feet to the k round m non a lsMr en which they were, mounted Flipped skiewsys and fell. Harry Polio-k. captain of Hone No. . and R. Ixtllack. a pipeman of the iim com panr. were seriously Injured late laat Tight In a fire which putted the home of A. 8. Kills, a contractor, of 0 Gll van street. Pollock waa ao severely hurt that he waa taken to hi home in the Red Croaa ambulance, but after treatment In a nearby drugstore. Lol lark plucklly went back to the fire. A tree. crowing- In the lawn of the realdenca. aaved both from more serl ua Injuries. As the ladder fell I tHpTed the tree to the irround. and Pollock waa hurled clear of It. and. af ter passing- through the branches of the tree. fell down. Ixllack was thrown Into the tree and manasred to kern his a-rlp upon a branch, but h was bruised and his face badly cut by the branches. To the tune of "Oh. You Beautiful roll." played next door by a party o boys throughout the time of the (Ire, the Bremen fought the blase, which was a stubborn one on the top half story of a story and a half house. I Is thousrht to have been atarted from an overheated chimney. The house Is valued at about 125.000 and Is used aa a residence. It waa damaged to the amount of about 110.- a large part of the loaa being due to the ruin of expensive furnishings. A rrowd thronged about the house anil attempted to nter. With Tatrol man Mo, who turned in the alarm. Patrolmen Griffith. Ileid and White held back the people. OFICER DENOUNCES BRUTE Irte-tle Would Hang lan Charged With Degrading Woman. Feeling ran high among the officers and attaches of the Police Court yes trrday when R J. Mandlsch appeared to answer to a charge of accepting the Illicit earnlnga of his wife, formerly Margaret Milliard, whom he married to escape a prison sentence aeveral weeks ago. Petectlve Coleman, who waa en gaged In the case, delivered a scathing denunciation of Maadlach from the witness-stand, over the protests of Mandlsch's attorneys and the admoni tions of the court. "He ought to be hung or shot down, Coleman shouted. The girl, who formerly moved in respectable circles, met Mandlsch sev eral years ago. He. It Is charged. In duced her to go to Alaska where she entered upon a disorderly life. Several months ago she returned to Portland and made several attempts to return to her family, but this was frustrated by Mandlsch. Mandlsch was arrested, fined 1300 and sentenced to 100 days, but this sen tence was suspended on condition he marry the glrL The girl agreed to this. Saturday the girl was arrested upon a charge of stealing ISO from Adolf Hoffman, a machinist. She waa tried yesterday on a grand larceny charge, and the eaae was taken under advise ment until April 20. The case against MaiMliacb will be tried later. CHARGES DENIED BY LANE Kcports of Treachery In Political Action Held False. POr.TLAXT. April 17. (To th tor. ) Having been Informed today that a report is being circulated In dis tant parts of the state to the effect tfat I "have acted treacherously to Walter M. Pierce, a candidate for th Jiomoeratlc nomination for United States Senator, by promising or assur ing him that I would not become a candidate against him. thereby in veigling and Inducing him to become a cnndlrlate for aald nomination," I wish to say that the said report Is false. I neither promised nor assured Mr. Fierce, Mr. Miller or Mr. ComUow any thing of the sort, nor led them to be lieve anything of the sort. I did publicly decline to become a candidate after the gentlemen here named had been announced as candi dates and I only finally consented to enter the race as a candidate myself after the presentation to me of peti tions signed by large numbers of Dem ocrats from all over the Mate, asking Jne to reconsider my action. I consented to do so mlthout preju dice to any other candidate and at no time have I "Jockeyed'' or attempted to do so with their rights as candidates. HARRY LAN K. PIERCE'S NAME OMiTTED Icmorratlc Candidate for Senator Worried by Ballot I.rror. Walter M. Tierce, candidate for the T-emocratlc nomination for I'nited States Penator. was considerably wor ried and alarmed lust night by the re ceipt of a telerram from his arret. F. B. Currey, at Hot l.ake. Or, informing hint that his name had been left off the ballot in Malheur County. "What I am afraid of." said Mr. Pierce, "is that my name may also be missing from other counties as well and also thai people, on perceiving no mention of my name, may not go to the polls at all. or If they do go will not take the trouble to inquire, but vote for one of the others. The difficulty is to reach every voter in time to let him know definitely that of course I am still running. To do this notices will be sent to each voting place and mes sengers were being sent out to notify all election Judges and workers last night." The telegram runs as follows: "Your came left off ballot Malheur County. Am arranging notice to be sent each voting place, explaining that messen gers are being sent to notify all elec tion Judges and workers tonight. Think this will cause your friends over state to work harder. V. R. iTltltEY.". Vote for Teddy: he started the Pan ama Canal; let hliu fliilsn iu (Paid Aiiv.j Across-the-Sea Sale off Laces am d Emroideries We've Given Out 25,000 Across the-Sea Souvenir Postcards! FROM hundreds of miles around, we have been called upon for these valuable souvenir Flap Postcards of I'nited States and principal nations, being distributed during this notable Across-tbe-Sea Sale. Over 25.000 ranis have been given out in the last 10 days. Un til Saturday night or while lots hold out. you'll find them in the various departments, where goods from the different eountries are represented. 0 . --L . v I n i M I m I a rrii n i7i Ti -Bx V- sa." The Last 3 Days Bring fi Forth Many New Savings WITn Laces and Embroideries at the height of the greatest rogue in rears, this great Across-the-Sea Sale carries won derful savings on the very -widths, patterns and grades so much in demand ! Our importations of Embroideries direct from the great St. Gall factories are greater than any store hereabouts. From .Not tingham, England, come many of the beautiful heavy and shadow Laces. All these we own devoid of middleman's and job bers' profits. These extraordinary specials for the last three days of the Across-the-Sea Sale : 30X 30c Silk-Striped Ginghams at 19c ANEW lot of these beau tiful Silk-Striped Ging- hams we sold over 1200 yards in a tinjle day the last time advertised. They are 27 inches wide,, of a fine wearing quality, in pretty plaids and stripes of blue, pink, lavender, green, tan. etr. Strirtly tub-proof rolors. Beautiful Ginsrhams - for children's dresses, and Summer frocks. 1Q. Splendid 30e grade, today, yd. C 35c Pongee Shirtings 19c ' For men's and boys' Shirts, new niannihb waists for women, these fine Pongee Shirtings are in greatest de mand. Blue, gray, white, ereara, lav ender grounds with various neat stripes. Kegular 35e grade, 1 Qf placed on sale today, the yard a7C V New Heather Linens 75c Woven like the Scotch homespuns white, tan, brown with mottled col oring of black, blue, pink, etc. Noth ing smarter for new tub dresses, suits and coats. At Meier & Frank's 7C first, of course. The yard at C First rioar. Xew naHdlaa:. 20c to 40c Laces, 15c A great special lot of dainty Platte Val. Edges, 4 to 6 inches wide; French Val. Edges, IV2 to 3 inches wide; also Barman Lace Edges and Insertions and Ven ise Bands, 1 to inch. 1 Reg. 20c to 40c grades G To S3 Lace Bands. 1.39 Handsome Venise and Ratine Bands, in white and cream. From 3 to 6 inches, for hat and dress trimmings. The heavy de signs so popular. Regular $1.7.1 to $3 grades for last three days of Across-the-Sea fljl OQ Sale, the yard only pX.O7 Tol.50Embroid's69c Direct from St. Gall. An im mense lot of beautiful Embroid ery Bands, Edges and Flounc ings, in exquisite Baby Irish de signs. In demand for lingerie gowns. Regular $1 to ?Q $1.50 grades, for 3 days vlaU To40cRufflingyd.l8c Cambric Ruffling, 5 to 12 inches wide, with rows of tuck ing, machine Torchon insertion and edging. Very serviceable and dainty for trimming under muslins. The 20c to 40c 1 O grades, on sale, the yard O Robe Patterns S6.98 Lovely Robe Patterns, which may be made up with very lit tle work. On voile and batiste, in white and colors.. Pattern consist of 3V2 yards of 42-inch Flouncings and 3 yards of Band ing. Worth $8.00 to QQ $10.00, at this sale P".JO To 30c Embroid's 10c Over 3000 yards of pretty St. Gall Embrideries. Swiss, nain sook and Cambric Edges and In sertions, 1 to 9 inches wide, for children's wear and undermus lins. Splendid 18c to 30c 1 rj grades for 3 days only Eppo Elastic Band Petti coats Fit Like a Glove Teachers' and Students' Bibles SUNDAY SCHOOL AVOllKUKS who expect to attend the Multnomah Sunday School Convention, beginning tomor row, will be interested, we know, in the splen did line of Bible3 and Testaments we have for your selection. The helps are authoritative, text accurate, durable and flexble bindings. In clear, easily read type. The American Standard Bibles in brevier. Known and favored the land over. Our price is S2.20. Standard Teachers' Bibles with Testaments In clotb, black, bible encyclopedia, concordance minion type. Priced at only 75 self-pronouncing. Ret in long Text Bibles In ruby type. They primer. Priced at $4.50 are a popular edition. At $1.20 Famous Fulton Blue Serge Is Used iur $ 1 5 Suits MISS BLOCK, direct from the New York factory, is here in our second floor section to tell you of the many advantages the "Eppo" ha3 over the old-style Petti coat. Made with an invisible elas tic waistband, fastening at the side with glove clasps. Fits any figure closely and smoothly. Truly, the "Eppo"' is an ideal Petticoat for wear with the present narrow skirts. Here only in Portland. At S1.22 "Eppo" Petti coats of cotton, near-silk and sateen. Flounces shirred or with rows of pin tucks. Black and colors. At S1.65 "Eppo" Petti coats of cotton Epoline and Hal cyon fabrics. Double pleated flounces. In black and colors. At S5 "Eppo" Petticoats of messaline and taffeta. Flounces with tailored bands, pleating or shirred. "White, black and colors. Second At- $6 and S6.50 hand some'Eppo" Petticoats of best quality messaline. Cut plain and straight for narrow skirts. Others lengthened with flounces. Plain and changeable colors. $5 and $6 Eppos, $3.65 Messalines and taffetas, in close-fitting styles with embroid ered, fringed and pin-tucked flounces. Mostly black few colors. Regular $5 and . $6 trrades.' $3.65. Floor, Mats) Bplldlng. Mall Orders Fill Big Ribbon Sale Continued THOUSANDS of yards of beautiful new Ribbons iu the sale wonderful variety of patterns and color ings and at phenomenal savings. 35c Ribbons Today at 19c Pretty all-silk Moires, Taffetas, fancy Warp Prints, Dresdens and satin-striped novelty Rib- " bons in 5 and 6-inch widths AUG To 50c Ribbons Only 25c Only 25c for Ribbons that sell regularly at 40c and 50c. 5 and 6 inch, extra quality plain Taffetas, Moires and fancy Dresden Ribbons. Also two-toned Satins and OC. 5-in. Messalines ; to 50c val. To 75c Ribbons Only 37c All-silk Faille and Ombre Rib bons with striped centers. 6 inches wide. Also 8-inch fancy Satins in all favored shades. For mil- w7 g linery, sashes, etc. 50c, 75c G To $1 Ribbons Today 67c Beautiful, 8-inch Brocaded Rib bons, 5 to 7-inch Warp Prints and Dresdens and 10-inch all-silk Taf fetas. Handsome for hats, ?7 etc. Lovely colorings. Price, OIL $1.25-$2 White Aprons at 98c DAINTIEST of Aprons specialed today at 98c. Includes hand-cmbroidered styles. Small sewing and Tea Aprons. Maids' and Nurses' Aprons. Regular $1.25 to QQ. $2.00 grades, today only 70C Pretty, New, Embroidered Tea Aprons, maids' and nurses' Aprons of fine lawns and nain sook. Some slightly soiled that's the reason for reductions today. $2.50 Aprons at only $1.59 ' f MPOSSIBLE," said the bip: wholesale tailors when our Clothing chief first placed the Fulton Mills' Blue Serge at the top of his specifications for our $15 line ! In the end we won out the immense orders accomplished it. Fulton Blue Serge has heretofore been used very rarely by any maker in $20 Suits some even consider it costs too much to put into their $25 line. Only the best long-fiber Austrian wool is used in Fulton Serge. You can easily distinguish it by the soft, silky feeling. It is guaranteed fade proof. Also notable is the splendid hand tailoring ,the fit and finish. Models for the young man, and the most conservative, l ou save a third and more on our Blue Serge Suit at only Third Floor, Jiw Bulldlne. i, ana the most $15 The 25th Anniversary of "Onyx" Hosiery a Sale Morris Supreme Hams, Lb. 17c MORRIS SUPKE31E HAIS, with a national reputa tion for their sugar-cured sweetness and old-fash-. ioned hickory smoked flavor! We've secured 2000 genuine Supreme Eastern llama for todav's sale. Medium size. Not over one to a customer and none to dealers. We priced them at, lb. 1?C Yellow Corn Meal, sack, only 25 Japanese Style Rice, 5 pounds 25 60c Brooms, largo size, at ouly 50 Raisins, 3 packages for only 25 Hartley's Marmalade, the jar 25C Canned Corn, 3 for 25c, dozen 05 String Beans, the dozen, at $1.20 Maine Corne, the dozen cans $1.20 Maine Succotash, dozen cans $1.20 Standard Tomatoes, dozen $1.10 Cove Oysters, 3 cans for only 25 25c Grape Juice, the bottle 201 Table Peaches, 3 large cans for 50 Table Apricots, ' 3 large cans 50 Sail Laundry Soap, 9 bars for 25 10c Ivory Soap, 4 bars for only 30 Bunnrit Store, Mala Building-. Save On Reliable Trunks! JJERE'S- just the sturdy, moderate-priced Trunk you irant for Summer vacation and out ing trips. Canvas covered, water-proof Trunks', with brass trimmings, and fiber bound. Art cloth lined with two leather straps and two 'large trays. All sizes at spe cial prices for three days only:' $9.75 Trunks, 30-inch, at only $8.25 $10.25 Trunks. 32-inch, at $8.70 I $11.25 Trunks, 36-inch, at $9.45 FOR WOMEN Women's 50c Onyx Gauze Lisle Hose Black, tan and white with "DCB-L" top, high spliced heel and double sole. Onyi An- QC niversary 3 pairs $1, pairC Women '8 50c Onyx Black Lisle Hose Special gauze weight with "DUB-L" top, reinforced heel, sole and toe. Finest mercer- OC ized j'arn. At 3 pairs $1, pr. JJC Women's $1.50 Onyx Silk Hose Rich, fast black with garterproof welt tops, high spliced heel and double lisle sole. Onyx ttjl fC Anniversary special, pr P IODAY we continue the extraor- dinary sale of famous "Onyx" Hosiery for men and women, which is being held all over the country this week in cele bration of the 25th Anniversary of Lord & Taylor, the makers ! Every saving is a reduction from the regular, year-around prices of "Onyx" Hosiery, in the most staple grades. FOR MEN 3000 Men's 25c Wash Ties Men's 60c Onyx Pure Silk Socks Black and colors, with lisle heel and sole. Onyx Anniver-QC sary, 3 pairs $1, pair only Men's 50c Onyx Black Silk Lisle Socks The best, widest-known 50c 'quality. Beautiful silky Summer weight. Onyx Anniversary OC special, 3 pairs for $1; pair OiJC Men's 50c Onyx Fancy Lisle Socks In scores of smart checked, figured and embroidered patterns, for Summer wear. Also silk plaited in all plain colors. OC. Onyx Anniversary, 3 prs. a Sale of Parisian Ivory! WHAT gives the boudoir a daintier appearance . than this Parisian Ivory Toiletware? One can hardly have too many pieces of it. We 've just received a big shipment of the very best grade of Par isian Ivory in newest and most wanted styles. And these special for 3 days only : NEW BONNET MIRRORS $4.25 Paris. Ivory Mirrors $3.19 $5."0 Paris. Ivory Mirrors $3.89 $6.75 Paris. Ivory Mirrors $4.89 THE ROUND MIRRORS $2.50 Round Parisian Ivory Mir rors, on sale at only $1.89 THE HAIR BRUSHES $3.25 Long Bristle, at $2.19 $4.00 Long Bristle, at $2.89 $4.25 Long Bristle, at $3.19 $5.00 Long Bristle, at $3.89 PARISIAN IVORY COMBS $ .85 Parisian Ivory combs 59 $1.25 Heavy Ivory Combs 89r PARISIAN IVORY BRUSHES ?3.25 Ivory Cloth Brushes $2.39 $1.75 Ivory Hat Brushes $1.29 .$1.50 Ivorv Whisk Broom $1.09 PARIS. IVORY PUFF BOXES $4.25 large Puff Boxes with puff, French top, priced at $3.19 $5.00 large Puff Boxes with puff, French top. priced at $3.89 75c Ivory Salve Boxes at 49i First Floor, New Bulldlm. Mull Orders Killed. T'LL be the wise man who comes himself or sends for at least a dozen of these pretty, new Wash Ties at today sale price ! The manufacturer made up 3000 of them for us during his dull sea son Ties which we could not buy regularly to sell under 25c. White Reps White Piques White Madrases Fancy Woven Stripes. Neat Dots and Fignre3. New Plain Colors All iy2 inches wide and 50 inches long. The sort of Wash Ties which are worn by men and women alike. A big sale on the Center Aisle today. Every one a 23c Tie at 12V2&. $10.75 Trunks. 34-inch, at $9.15 $11.75 Trunks. 38-inch, at $9.95 $7.50 Cowhide Suitcases Full leather cowhide, linen-lined, with shirt fold. Size 24 inches long, 6 inches deep, 13 inches wide. Extra tC A C strong handle, with brass lock and bolts. Low price, this sale Foarth F1sT, Mala Balldlaa;. Mall Orders Filled. IWiMaVMMiilsWaMMHM . PRIVATE EX. 4: Ir lignum fACLtm HOME, 6101 $5 Lawn Mowers $3.99 The easy-running, ball-bearing Reliance make, Number V2, as il- frustrated; 14-inch size, with three blades. Sure to give lasting satis faction. Our regular $5.00 Re liance Mowers today in CjQ QQ this big April sale at PlsJ7U $8 Mower $6.49 The celebrated Philadelphia make the highest grade Mower made. No. "K" style, with five cutting . blades. 10-inch-high wheels. Perfect and easy running. Our $8 Philadelphia AQ Mowers. Special, only 43J $4.75 Lawn Mower $3.69 The popular Reliance make splendid value even at the regular price. No. 2 style, 14-inch size, with 4 cutting blades. C0 CQ $4.75 regularly. Today pO.UI Sale of Paints, Brushes and Supplies Timely specials on supplies needed for the renovating and freshening the home. But few of the offerings mentioned here. An expert from the factory is here to give you advice on Paints. Imperial Floor Paint, quart, 44 Imperial Floor Paint, Va-gaL 79. Imperial House Paint, quart, 49 Imperial House Paint, gal., $1.69 Imperial H'se Paint, 5-gal $7.9S Imperial Porch Paint, 1-qt., 68 & Imp'l Porch Paint, y2 gaL, $1.22 Imp'l Porch Paint, 1 gal., $2.24 25c Liquid Veneer, special. 19 60c Liquid Veneer, special, 37 Japanese Oil Stains, y2 Pt., 18 Japanese Oil Stains, J. ptM 27 Jap-a-lac varnish-stain, y2 pt. 25 Jap-a-lac varnish-stain, 1 pt. 45 Johnson's Floor Wax, 1 lb., 39 Johnson's Floor Wax, 4 lb. $1.49 10c black bristle Varnish Brushes, 1- inch, special this sale at 8 15c black bristle' Varnish Brushes, lV-inch, special this sale 12J 25c black bristle Varnish Brushes, 2- inch, special this sale at 19 30c black bristle Varnish Brushes, 212-hich, special this sale 24 40c black bristle Varnish Brushes, 3- inch, special this sale at 33 25c black bristle Faint Brushes, 2-inch, special this sale at 19 30c black bristle Paint Brushes, 2y2-inch, special this sale 24 4 i