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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1912)
FOB Ht-T. riua-i-w. r- r.KNT orf SALE - m- rr ri.t, Ian. r- -.-l-'-rTj 7 -ro'n hou. laundr. tm". ha'b. hot ar-d c-oid water, w und.n. of t-rri. riing or' harl, cti- n - h '. t. , .vrcc r at a'at.-m n 'r n in. ht.-t ground. nn- t"w . h a " a - Pbh'rhol. II-- far. tk- - I' Mrt rmfnl. H. Atwiirf. r.J H-nryhid H 'PS f'ta'-'l ip:rl:n-i In H 'rt of rh n:y. cur : :v 1 v - pa rt it r T thk "'t:r A. J A--: '". U.n 111 .n Si. 4 t-'-T TO KENT 4 Orrcon at.. T r.Km fcoui'. mMTn In v-v rj!i4l!. f-.-n.i rtc. a-- rfl.i to ri r'.;i nd r!o' In. Kh-inf owner. ToV ?w. of t-a.i at hoiia. K-nt 3V KOFI RENT Irvuicion : for onf -ur or mor . riiodrn K - r-m houi , ftir 1I - r.m. at 417 F.4t t. North; r.-n; l v- Tii m- k t. T'tton '" ON . !"-roon riout.? h-'Uf. luiUbl " iik-pir r"j:- -: on 4-rm f-.. ' ' h h rl in o t ' Ha. :-:l'.. 'l .wn "r-a-.-r ff .rnn-.T.-1 !Ut!V:i:N t-rf.-i roil., walking .liaiMn.--. nichHorti..1. c'tit nd p.rf.t r--n- Hitmn. f 'i.inr- K Vl'"". orr Mtii. rtmn Kt Mil HOL."W AM FLATS K H lifclNI". R. N T t KK 'i:L CO . 4"T M' .r. H C. War 447. a 4Z HKST' -rm b'uf tn 511. Th.r. S- it and I cn I M i 1 t- urk. T.ibTjCI. f tt Mr"n.' . ni.l- r n. Ik na 1-nnc. ! n--r Hro.iv. hou la OM.V $Ji rwil MONTH Nt1 f)irnuhcd ti-roorn u;t'Um ho. Zoz fci. "1st t.. K. bath, j ini, fttrnrr on l:r-ik.u ra.'l;;. I K El)C K IN S. i I 4 ia '. ii in K bl! S Kl KXISHKD FLAT. Vroin tr'l f urn th 1 lor tlrttthlt flat. r r Kat 17th an.i A'dr; r"l ran; ir tio.-w t. . jr. Apply W. Vunj' ll. til t- m'f A Ph.n Ft llv .NKW. wrll-furnlahcU walking rfninmr: all Tn!.-ri ifnrtt: adult only. Call l c; . or phonr 1$"9. firniah(.-t wti. :i in;. i in it: i. k in i. y hrn. po.t nd 4 irorT.. a'-P'f; r'ft --Ptnnat vlf . rnt T'. ''! u ft -rr.j l-H'.MXJ furnUhf.l ctt.t--. '! Mark St.; pr month. Apply W-u rn vulvae .'47 Washington. .V.TLY t-irntfiid m..! rn '-r-'tii h-' 1 u.. Unv Dor.-h a'! ir.l. m;Junin an1 wa--r. tV-i liliaii k wn 41" ivi', I'liotie .K'i . l r. K X f rn :.- d '- rH.itt ctta. a T .. 4-n 'n f nt. bath and ra. I Fa.-t J'r. vk c. Jl'ilKIi. t-room furn:ifd f.t. p-r h arid -i. S l-'in. U-i. Arh'uy aad burn Mur-'Ki.l T'.T. A T 11 !'": A-room nn. rw. nrxi'-rr. n.v . i.npi.-teiy rial. ilJ M.H. Main u: i L'Er.N -rvirn hHi. firrih rf. l-tnok lxn Hii:. 714 Kut ! h at ?uth. I'hnn- ."4. H 1-4". II KNI-Mi:i rr pri f iriuti.l nf. m-"i-rrti h-n- n.r . uri tiuri . "iU ra-'-n-Ka !a.u m.. h-t. .11 t a:'1 :.L r 't Ti. V m'i'n hon .'v a ion . hrutti,ry. .nr. K.-i! J"t h at. F noma. Itrb.' 3 moiitiia or ihd ho'jw. rti'drn. for S; K. Yamhill. tmr Ral. l-urnitor ror SaUav a hk;ain. Ft-u i fut f ;rn't u r-. m i nmjit nrar. ln'-itM-'iul)otny .tnd rir- .3..n fo- n.; mual b a-.t Nfrr M 1: partl rainc t. - n. Aprt rii.nt .;. Atrnindii l- " n t . ST'" I'KKN -nofn fat. .o:-i;'iy f t.rn il4., n-r Wiihinfton at . fumuu;' for -i 1". r.t for rrn. or . : r it to r-ionit).e prty. -S irtto a l. North. 'I KNITl F: t: nf -t '-r ;nrr. f Tlat. Ju- rirtifhd nfw. itn.(p! t rit t r-Mi Tt- n td ia a r ; r-h i :f tak-n al P: N 17' i. I r. M ttihll 4741 -I;h.M jt. ftirn tu- f r v 'ail n.or:i- tfi si b'fr 1 I c. x n-i 1 1 'r r J I. L l."J' -N. at. Mar i. tN H f'r fmt Lm -;n a"!iol . ;ay r- s r'.r g-ir.r ' frt.m r.r a wk fur j(: r-h al. appr ail fir. a' f u r n a ctn.litj. ji c a - r m L a c ; .! N. -'.'d at. furr.irur of l-rn. av ia fuil. '.:i-nt I a .01. ft KX' fiaf. -r-"rn co'irfa. nmjli. to h: .i a t I'llcr. w.I accry t triiitf. iJiJ1 wn at. ft' v Vi S of g.-ni furnitu-. a. I aju-k-P-i a aiip if t ika bHtora M 1 . r-nt j v i-a fcti".h at. M ! EK V trt-rootn houaa. nw lurnitura; (ir t-wation. faou full, good iin-oiua. Ta j H r. a r aarif i. . furniture. linn. ni"l ma. .nr.-. ro..ri flat, wranda Main P""J ; - i -. m i i t.f fM I ftirr:l.irf, 4 rma 1 ,T-.r.r. Fn.-n la.a '.V'.l i:o.i s. rrr.t hiiik p.(i. .a of trma. no M-n'a. 4th. L --NtATI.Y furtiian- I r.-tt-. j-i F-al tt, in-itnrr r-xt ','r- H " ti f 'f r r. t . ( i p ! t u- f rxiin for IT", f'tn. Vir.ia! T4-l. Mvin-IANTS': f om r- . t i t on ar I t i inp t f HK.-T sTOKri in r-r.and Kt aa from -u r lia ou "-n that sjf . F" N l! I sTOF5K on . ntxt to thf riri1'un f - r - tt.-k't ofrirf ? If vnu hav nn, t 'ur-.f lh Jtii lf lo aa k l an to tti Muitno nih H't-1 and Lr; t n rijL i th- m T'r'.r!inarv ator r.w otj I h rrarkf . " -7. with pi-nt v of l-ai fr hal n. Jm- akyhit'tt and fuil .. Utrm-ni. Tin ta tii- LA-T rJT : K n Iff t In th1 tioirl Multponin. v h-n tntP N fci la .. rn:iil r ' tor n tU a4Ai- mh:knt hi iij-ini; r.- ." vf.aks. Nu tuVT W AIT. 1-t a a't t.-arth-r i ttiia. Th ai.'f ia Urtr., Iiglil and ; r . T- lo.-at'n l Tl'K FtVST. Tlf: FKI'K l.i'IHT WKHH Tf'f.KY, W4 Tn Fop ITohM ta new l-atopy brirk. ood locatloa for t :rat-claaa a rx-r. oi-at tntrktt, raw la uraai. d'lt'n. iuiiiinr. barbar aiiop: Caat Flrat at. and Hoi.aday aa. ; tha pr met pal transfar point for toa nr iri brtda ; bui.d rl r April 1. For !As app.y O A. Ly ruaa. Ftrnry bldg IHFIKii lOf. "a O ii.h, r'-- to liura- . Ornish. Eaa- -nl. rnt I.'.. I'lfv -pftmrni THK FKED A. J A ' ' . K"tt. 14H .11 H St. A IT i'f:H. tth fin" fixiurr. auu4M for mil . i n '-- or rlrwmiik r nT n: r t htf h f V ar inct.n at ri. f-i r-nt. Ir i uita i jr. t I.jijn !rvK s. -"iti at. I'huue 74 -r M nn 17 n4: lit a-.d aahmrton. mx5; :o four (orrp. ini.i- rw hru k Lu. dm; in-Mirn frrnl. n':i"r,ihlf rrnt. K- J. I iatv. rmi'.ng il:ds. Ft-'K Kr'NT Sp-iuiid bnsm-a location on aan muum atrT, S. :, n tf!i and 7th, adjotnmg Arr.n Thair; lone Call at of? ir. F.-;. , i' ii t r h o' ul in tf. T H Kr: fl-Kn, 22x part or w hota, n W trica; bui.dict. 16. ti and Marahaii. lull ab a rtal. aon, or !it tnaauXao turtng. A. G. Long. CORN F;R liWh and V.iahtn gion. aio 4 jtor.l. 154".. n.- (-1. K 4-u i ' i ; n ; nu-J-rrn front. r'miin4'n rrr.i, t;. J. I '. 2 K.H'pr. b:d g. F U KKNT tor-. No. :n and H a w- t lonio a. al nj ..f Ki A I ply thornr f. k ' F".-it LM'-i. bi't.'HFi. rornrr 3-1 and I'mi. h. to r-nt; I-a f.r fa.. App Pi premie V 1. Ure- La rt ncht tor. i.ijoui ;.-. o nar lat aca aiu. ata. Inuuira at j j-' trai. LAR'. E Ugh ator.,,' about 2"tT V- nar 1st and Man ata. Irquir at --tf Flral. " OffWaw " ' LA Rn E. lofty-room. ul:ab fnr mus.c or drruavc studio, with uaa of Tare hail and a-a:. App y K-yat Avadamy H.t. p -t ttwrn trk anl ak ata. LA R : K uM of .'ic. furn!hd or unfur-rt:i-d. with of rc'pi.on room and tipn r. in filing bag. I'hona Mar an.1 4.7L 31 TsiL'; r-tu. in in: auta of cw of-li-. with ni -h me gnd ua of r ion rom. 'a I M r"n. Main 1.. k,Oj-T central locatm offioea. a.l-aigat air arvica avJ iwcc'.acd bUg ata a d v a h 1 n x t n n I'Kt K .r il-!k r-Kn r .rn-'t-l with uir rr-f !-n rtn and tt i' ,'hona. Apply 7 " s:.lnj bi'S- VVI1.I. aharw our off (-e. ati'tMa fn!a"r. rrinc't. maiiuf!itur-r'a aa Pi J Lwta l"K-K L 'VI f.-r r- II alia. jlf f'f; f T ra 'I a r. ! b. ortn rap! loa r'oorni. atr. 'l'a"-- ' : ;"tnovn !'. par. n a and racna a A PPT Ro , A'Uiitr Hail Mia- r .ar u.j, bi- i.f;n Pboaa aiaia i FOB RFNX Hall. ppw "O fS I A"idv aui. P-m -a. U lRili.4 ..".. II V Ji P : '1 BATHMOVPK-Ud nd u' aaparata dptrtmrnt; ihowir. tub. ataam w.u mi re tanks: aiao connection. IS Ruiitl blcl. TO ! t ASF. ii..irf.HinjUi Ascocy, 115 Chamber of ri'mni'K''. ma)t am t-orvn. Fol .ND Whfrt ou c?i but ouln hair matimtrt retail at whoH prlr.a; rrnvtat- maitra and return aama a to r-noal t-athr Portland Curd (ir Vartory. II. Mtier. Front. i hrre Warn 4T4. A 134 i.i..T U.IIiKUAl. REWARD! ."!l l.-h r..i mnosrm lob Sunday nlrM t J'an- 7 M-rrison at. ' j(,ST lv..rl n'-kl.r b.ln V.t rr! llih jir . Fun. !.'. Kinder return to E. C. M.. lT'-T i ;.!(! f". wt-h kfr. rmtrd A. Uhlj i.l lo J.-hn F. lrx.!i l. rf : rrturn 30 l!lf at. or llr(ih.inr M. 4T,Jj;rrrd; L !T lar.- KnrliA huIltloB. .rin.ll. n- -!-, n.m of Tdd. IM! .all J. M. M inn. ."!! Vain r A L.ST-Wal. h au.t f -t. M. K. f . on lt. bt ft-n Washinei.-n and MorrliMm; rc .irl. AB 4. nrj!.n1n. , I' Ilurrh k.. Kimlr mum lo i'o. K.ward. unc Kiisiiah atttrr. ;r.3 Ford al. A ! I,rST run., onlalnina J k- ' and about "3 r nl- I'hon Main U7I Bflr 4 o cl.c. fT7TlllaTk and hlt l.ull.l'- collar on. K."l IMi.m A .""IS. tX'l ND ont atrard rtd ( o. k v. tall 41 L, T Smiill l av man-: hlt rt and ai...t on (nrrfiPaiJ. Main ....i. BtMES nrroBUMTIK IIOLUKHS OF MINING tllX'KS THAT HAVE PROVED A DISAPPOINTMENT. W ha farilltla that often enahla to ronv.rl your d-ad or worthaa mlnin atoc'.a Into pr.1tabie and antiaailory ln rrilmrma Writa ua. K:iinera. AV 114. U: ra.nlian. . r JI'ST- I.N VOHK Is tlir prl.v of thej.t lull'l''l xrT best I.Kalol I'MARMACY In th- -it.; prin-i.l Ui.TonKhf rr: lon l.-a.. l.Mt.u rscrllrnl "" " mli.r rloinl in.-atlrfulioo m- f. J. RRHl'KS A CO. 1 1'hnmhyr t.f '.nimrrf Bl.lg. VA ;TKL Farlnrr. r. l:il f-.1' nJ, J,Kf n. .n. with from to t. lnMt and a-t aa huln.- minii't In a . .;ahii-h-d cori-.ratl -n. I'.unt thoroushl ,.,.i..--d in f.-ry may. l-ul lncrinK huim.a iLmands m..r rui.ilal and a ..t.ncf. S.l'irv a.lj-jt-d iMM" as. it. Kxvri'ilonAl oiportunity f..r tha nam man. - TruM.-.-. i fpuldlnic I NT EST IO AT ED BCSINEOS CHANCES. Wa ' w a r haT ood r-ofrr ' '" aal whu h w can ttcBinmral a iur b-nrr.. to itlva ua a cail. I-HAI'IN at HKK1JJ. S3I-i C!un:i-r ot Oommarca. Ai for A. Kriier. IF ya ara look In - fr rl orporTanltia l Crron. Wa.hinrton. Maho or Montana. -CO" i TO THK PACIFIC WITH AKiT Til paldln BMC Port. and. Or. T"a furnlt tl oppor-.unlllaa ll furnlab tUa aalcamaaahln. OFFICE. ian.i;in farmn and othar lnat m.nt. anta a ffl man l. attend phonr.. rtc. a. lnrr ia out .howlnu j.r.(i.rtv a .wxl dl; r.frrnca x-tha-iKrd: ra ckr month: re- :o.l I.umtr b.tcnana-- C.:l'HATION an: manara for tvwf l..n on Col: H tou hava no monay ou .-an mak- c.hi.1 f: lth i you can trkr ;.-N ullti ou can mnka ;,.,. ti. a la clean. hih-claM bualnraa. l... l'imin. : . THIS. llui! .ncrlfl'-- rr.taursnt' In hur ;? t'l.fl fV to dal'.v t.u!in..!: rnt X-O. S ,ar Ira..: '! tln. haLan.- ray. M-jt ma-krl on Waahinin al.; ...; hu.ln.ia. rant. J.V thia. ..1 Swnland Pl.ltf. " .. . " . .,..tli i . .. . A riwic. Onlv $l.-.w ca.h. lerroa on balanc: h..mrlik: tran.lrnt: at.r 111 .tram hral; Ml 5 room.; rood . ar : 5 mmut.a- wm'.k from I' O. : win ,rr.!.r tra.l AE lrtl. orritorlan. . VTil, 1 T Hv. you ll.". r nior. to Invrat; ayn d!.at nur lormtii to hand a:at .-.p.i:i..n; 1 invr.rr.l mm jt j prollt within anort whl.a. o V.l. Oi- KK -K O-K Harur. and .addl-ry manu f.i. turir. - nt. (ully .g.ulppr.1 and ith . :l-r.iabi!hrd trad: rraaonab.a trrma lo rtM rartira: ai.lrn.lld u.p.irtun liy to purcha aroaina Addreaa tna A. A. Krart l o . Si knr. Wat. ONLY a-40Wi:i erour. a. i'rpintu: Uroraia po.r.ion whl.h ran e.rn vriy arse p ort'B without rutrlnf th attention wf ti. ownrr. Wre for pho'o. and Jra ir.p offrr. Go. W. Ln. ii"X 41x1. ay rro.a. Oa. t'K . ll.K Thoroughly ..i ll-ea-t.ih'iamd rleanmr and dynnn hui.ina. In x.i..iic Hi- ?"' of tnr .uina: ruri.ira $!.. J. r .Mk: owner icomi; aoilth. AB I'l.V i .rrK-.n'an. Cl.K4.NINH and prr..!n. onrr wanla .i.adv partn-r: mil t. a. h you the hui-n.-. an l suiir" b. Hrr than i;i !... rr.iu.rrd. Iloom l'J Lumber hx- ihanao t-l.K. Cl'IK KAI-Tdllt for aala; will aril M near f.-tory at rraaor.aolo price; trada c.taoilahed In rood territory: ood chanca f or a rik-armak. r. Fhona. wrlta or call Iward Amleraon. i ar....i. ANTF.I A aood llva man to ln eat in . tnM pavlna bn.inraa on inr c.. . .... . xlth aervl. mnt hair about -"" J" bm'lie. For further intormatlon lifil. 1 r.i; CMF.K.-E butler. e:a and Lent ioir': w.ut. leltinle nirtn as prtiu-r; Jltnl month a!irv. he.d.a ahar of profit"; .,.! re.i.ur.d. nhich l aecured. I fcniSr R.'Lint BIKGHY FOR SALE town in Wil'.am elta v:r. ilokoit d bualnea. Summer and Fall bake loavea dally: prlra reaonalia; terms to rlulit party. AV 17, Prraonlaft. 4 N TED Confectionery at-re In exchange for houa and lot clear of Inrumhrancea. yalued at i'0; thla la a nl.'e place S blocks from car. lot &0xl. Jordan. 1 Lumliemirni I.ICACT tore. nice llvlnar-rooms, hit chool trade In candy. Ic cream, etc; will sell cheap, miaa thla moncy makltiic rliama. Koom 31:1 Lumber Ex clmnre bide. CKVPRAL MPSE. STOKE, near Portland. alrkne.a cat.iw ae:lins; doln J.'.iimi per cionth. moatly citi. i'artlcuiArs 02 Bord f.f Trada. . FIARBER SHOP. Threehalr barWr ahp. new Hotel Mil' waukie. Apply Josepn Meudel, alliwau k'e. or. DKY GO."L)S and ahoa atock. doinr rood cash business, well located. In one of Portland'a best suburbs: Inroica about isnoo. Owner. AV H. Oreonlan. C S you sliow landT If so. and w ill Inwsl '."lui will show you wto-re you ran mak ..od money. Particulars To: Itoard of Trade. KF-TAI'U .NT Tak- In. Ji a day; clear ance 1"0 a month: must he sold today: p-i e' f "75. 410 Lumber Exchange, Jd and . in. HE E-TACKAVT Muat,a:l th.a good-paylng amall restaurant: InvestiK.ta and yju buy It- long leaae; part terma. App.y . 1 JllOII.WM 1.,.,. FOrt Ml i-32-room hotel, with bar. enjoylna; x-ood trsd-. at l-athlam.-t. Wash.: exsy I'mii A p p : y to W. H. ox man. 'athlam.-t. nsh. Foil SALE First-class meat market In E iKene r-asons for selllna on ah-ount C si n.u For partlculara addreaa box AX. 1 tr-K Fxlt SA l.E Thr. e-cliair harl-r 'iop. It'.d I. nation, doitic good bus.nvss. i".i r-asi tor-. n .1. F.'i: SALE Veil established transfer hu..- rrouirr. two trucks to opera, .mint. 'rrsonlan $H-..i P. EST A I' RANT .'( acl business, rrnt :.; t'avls. :t4:tw Morrison St. Fine location, lease. Meriy 41 PK.N rER-F.lHTOR. lon experstn. a. atrirt'y irmpeiatr. at liberty klav 1: have a Ut- t'e mor-v. AV 141. OffnliB faol Til IVIT corner of F.rat and iloi rison to lse for term of five years. Caii Main ?.tfi. A C. ri. r.K d ihn'x soid on tailt Invoice. r-rdi. ene.i rem. IrSB..; Unom Tin l.umNrr Kvri.sng- b.dc. THE MOR.VIXC OKEnOXIAy. WEDNESDAY. Arr.IL 10, 1912- .10 . T- - nvivriAr. I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BthOLS orrORTCMTLES $ rvR more Invested now assures profitable im-ome Investment tuat Is perfectly protected, with or witnout .mployment. to high crade aalesmau or well-connected lady with circlo of frlanda. L. M-4. Orcsuntaa. liilUD. CLEAN INVESTMENT. Quartg gold and copper mining proposi tion of unquestionable, quality and quan tilc -ulTlciciitlv developed to warrant th'a . atat'titif-nt; engine, pump, compressor and every u!pinunt provided: buildnm com plete: close to transportation, electric i...r; roads complete; want pna man or moro to plcj tlie same to producing: a comparatively small amount of cash re quired, no Incumbrance on place; title ta perfect; none but prlncipala need respond, condltlona positively suaranleed. AJ w. I'rejonlau. FOR PAINTINO. I'HONE EAST i3-, OWL. PIUNT1NU CO Our 7 speclale. Heat them If you can. Iii.mi busiucaa cards, lHio carda (roujid cornered, dle-cuw, I- .. !. hill heada (6 Mnesl, II. i Jinny I.ill heads (12 !lnes. 12 00. lii(M) statements (regular kindt. ' Unmh envelopes (standard 8 I. - looo letter heads (good bond paper). PICTCKE FRAMEK WANTED. A young man with experience needed In our work ahop. Splendid opportunity for richt party. Apply to auperlntendcut a ol- flce before 10 A- M. LI I'M A.N". WOLFE CO. OLD established firm, desiring to Increase, will s. II an to young or jnldille- ged man of good standing: l.-st business on Coa.w and will continue to grow. ..! to $100011 required: experience not neces sary, hut must be a live man. If 'Interest ed, give name, addreaa and phone No. A It ore gonl an. MR. DliririilST. , ro ou d.-sli-e to sell? We are having calls everv day from buyera. e ara experienced druceists and can handle your stores no matter where located, call or write. O. J. 11ROOKS CO.. III Chamber of Cummcrce Bldg. li EST a"1 RAN T S?a ts people. In mod ern l.uildlnr. w ell esla hlisllrd. good lease, furniture. French range, silverware, caeu resiijler. table linen, granite and crockery . ware; will Invoice Mk: will sell for ..N. us owner Is very old; a younger man run ci.-a- l-i month over all expensea. J"J l.uniher r.Tchnnge, FOit SALE Modern hotel In lleuu. or., fastest growing city In the state; 1H rooms newly furnished; new stone building: re.tuurs.iit In connection; rent reasonable; long lease; receipts 7.-. to 10O dally; price lk; a montiy-raaker. Inquire !. r. lioff.iian. Or-gon Hotel, ror. 7th and Stark Portland, between i aim o ' - -' H XVF. you a business of your own? Are you hiving up money for a rainy day? Are yo'u willing to do your best lo gel re sults? Have vou confidence In your abll IIt as a salesman? Do you want to work for yourself? Address In confidence. A . Oregonisn. W A N TKU -In amusement company, a man to sell tickets and act as cashier: salary ll.-xD month and all expenses; IlllOO re quired aa aecurltv and you handle your own money; besides you are secured with x!.',o.i(i for your money: yon absolutely tske no chancea. o'J.I Lumber Exchange WANTED. Partnwr to take half Interest In a light rrranufarturlng plant; a man who eaa take charge of an office and manau maa: snlary. llJ per month. Kinney A Btam- Sl-2 Lumber Exchange bids;. NEWSPAPER opportunity; half Interest one of be.t weekly newspaper properties In Northwest Washington for sails. Little cash needed. Excellent opportunity for young newspaper man or printer. Address AV I6D. oregonlalb 1 4O0. A business paving 1 1 0 per month can be had for l"0. this will stanil a thorough .nvrstigallon. Cail at loom l'-'-'l Yeon Mdx. DO YOU know what your Minn.-aota Invest ment Is worth? Many people cannot llnd out without great expense; all Information strictly i-onll.lentlal and terms reasonable. Correspondence invited. F- M. Snyd. r. 4J 4.2 Plymouth bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. HAVE a cssh buyer for a stock of mer chandise that can be had at big discount. Drop me a line or phone ao that 1 may have a talk with you. Jordan. 410 Lum bermena bldgv liTilTli) office business, open to the fullest Inve.tliratlon; wants partner lo keep pialn a.-counte and act aa cashier; books open for inspection: will pay you 2."0 month; liio. Lumber Exchange. FOR aala or leaae, bathhouae.' ladles' and gents' separate department, shower tub. at earn and swimming tanks; also 27 rooms furnlahed la connection. U Rus sell bldg WANTED Msr. with small capital to rep res nt us in each county In Oregon and Washington: great opportunity lo make money. Address Portland Sioro 8i;pply Co 2..0 2d st.. Portland. Or., or call. MAN 'thoroughly experienced In cleaning and pre.slng clothing and hats wanla partner (experience unnecessary), or posi tion. Falrd. 1. Willow St. East rt"d N. HwMLi bakrry and confectionery business, with 4 living-rooms, and paying ll-".0 month over all expenses; rent I2J month; Sts.-l. .".2 1 Lumber Exchange. r.M MISSISSIPPI AVE. For sale, a bargain If sold al once, meat market. Ice chest and all llxturea; a good lease and cheap rent: roust be sold this week. Ol'Pt RTl'N IT Y rr office man lo Invlst some money with services; will pay ll.'.O month salary, also big profits. Room 31a Lumber Exchange bldg. X. exceptionally good business Investment; 'only $'.-i required: don't fall to Investi gate this. Jordan will tell you alt about li. 1S Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE at a sriap. poolroom, clgarstand, with confectionery aiid soda fountain; lo-cHt.-d on one of the main alreeta, rent ;.). A R Do oregonian. HAVE nun and wife here from Mlnneavolls who want cigar, confectionery, etc., with living-room-; will pay cash. ;w3 Lum ber Exenanee. t li . v Lt .niul will show for Itself which I will trada for lots or what have you? Must settle busi ness In the Fast. AE fe:H. Oregonian ClflAR and confectlonei y etore. located on Fast Side: most be sold to sstlsfy claims of creditors. inquire at Hoohfeld Broa.' Cigar Co.. 211 Morrison a. BARtTvlN" MOVINO-PICT FRF. SHOW; good location. long lease: sests over 2ih; pi lea IMoO, terma; inveatlgate. Call Main anf.'i. PARTNER wanted for a market business. ThU will iiy you 1200 a month and you tou can trv It before you buy. Room 319 Lumber Exchangw bldg. REAL ESTATE office, partner can secura good business with Investment of 1250. Particulars 70S Board of Trade. FOR SALE Saloon, Independent license: tons' lease; kouu ouiorr. nwu tow n. A I) '.4. Oreg.snlan. GROCERY and confectionery doing a good business, located across the street from a sc h ool. 361 East 7'h St. $1. WILL give you Interest In good little cash business) that owner will guarantee vou I'1 week, .tl'.t Lumber Exchange. WANTED Partner wllh 5M); Investiga tion will prove this rare opportunity. For i.i.n-ix address AS 1.'..L Oregonian. ti -1 vTrii Grocery stock direct from own ' -. ...ll rll-u'.ara. AD Bill. Ore- r . . K"- ' r gonian. ON F-H AI.F interest In real estate office; hustler more than money: must know the business, gol Swetland bldg. NICE little restaurant. IS50 Is the price. doing goes! business, low rrni, Kin. rat ticulars 702 Hoard of Trade. WANTEI Man with amall capital to buy good raving business: see us Arst; snap. Call l'-"..l E. Morrison or phone B 2QQ5. jTk W TO W N SITE Want general etore and hotel; good location In best section of count v. 4'all Tahor 74.V p. m .I.K. M and cigar store, four tahlea. card room, doing sood business: $1.1J0; a bargain, terms. .'.24 Washington St. wTTit SALE Creamery on Burnslde; will . .. . . ol Rv. Ex. bldg. WANTED A partner lo open a barber busi if At Oreronian. WANTED Hntcher to oten new market. Irt'lo F. Division st. Tahor 322 , TAILOR shop for sale, good location. 247 Midlson. DA IKY covs. wilh route; good lease. - ihii ilrf gon isn. FOR SAI.F. Conf-cllonery store; prlr nht 2"S Ry. Fx bldg FOR s I E Restaurant. .V4 North 2d St.. near Davla. Good business. BrslNF.SB OPPORTrXITIES MINI NO AND INDUSTRIAL. BTOCK8. Telephone and other bonds bought aj4 sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. .225 Ablngton. 1IOVINO-PICTFRE THEATER for asUa. cjoae In. downtown district. Inqulr si. C. Stev. s. a 7th at. , FOR RENT Garage. Base Line and E. 74th St.. room for 7 automobiles: mut 20. AO P.-.rl, Orefioninn. CIGAR STAND Good location, cheap for qui.-k sa.e-.owner leaving town; call after 2 P. M. 245 Aider AGFNCT for sale: small capital required; a money-maker for a live man. Call SS Sherlock bldg- 1100 DAY business: rent 40 month; must leave city; no fake. See agent. J. E. Hall. aos.Ablngton bldg. WILT. Tease TrOxlOO. two minutes' walk from good packing plant, owner. P. O. Box 678. city. HOG RANCH Everything lu running ord-r, Including 1-".o head hogs, all sixes; long lease. Address L. Nclsclil. Llnnton. KORs aTe House and lotfto exchange for . auto. 20X Ry Ex. bldg. CUKAPT fine barbershop: best location Portland: terms, l'joj Yeon bldgj BARBER ahop for sale. 6 chairs, baths, 28 y, N. 6th St. CIGAR stand, soda fountain nd poolroom, 2 lablea. 10.i N. lit ti St., cheap. bvsines4 orroRTryiTiEs wasted. WANT To open chain -of 4 or 5 general merchandise stores. Can handle atocka from 110.000 to I50.000. AH Ml. Ore gonian. WANTED Business place; I mult have some kind of a business at once. B Don. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. TWO BIG BARGAINS. NEW TODAY, ill ROOMS. Steam heat, strictly modern, good furni ture, rent only $:ks. good long lease; price 110.10: part cash, or will take good prop erty. See thla at once. Someone will get big bargain. 71 ROOMS. Never before offered for sale, 3tl bnths. strictly modern, new concrete building, clost in, seven-year lease, rent only 14 per room, cheapest rent In city; price 7oUs"lj must have JLtieM) cash to handle; has 5" steady roomers at present. Owner gol this on trade and has hired help running place. 1 hla Is a sold mine for some good hotel mnn. Thia place cost 1 15,000 to fur nish. R. H. GOODKIND CO., , 1 Iimi.-i and lovrt Wilcox Ulilg. Memb.-rs Realty Board. MODI-iHS TRANSIENT HOUSE. 20 ROt'MS. wllhin 2 blocks of Imperial Hotel. furnished w ith AX M. carpets, BRASS BEDS; STEAM HEAT furnished. XOT anil COLD water In nil rooms; 1:HI0 cash: balance you can make out of the house this Summer. O c. R. ELLIS ft CO.,!)-.Mll Wilcox Bldg. PRICE REDUCED TO $4000. APARTMENT-HOUSE, 110 ROOMS, one of the close-in places. 2 and 3 rooms, such as vou will always keep filled; the price has been cut In two. and you can buy It on very easy terms; a long lease goes with it. O C. R. ELLIS ft CO., -'!-.'1I Wilcox Bldg. SMALL APARTMENTS. Just newly furnlsh.-d; cheapest rent In city: located within H block of six car lines: ten 2 and ::-e-oom- apartments; price I.iihio, on very easy terms; no rent to pay until May 1. C.RUSSI ft HOLDS, 31S Board of TradeBldg.. 4th and Oak. FORTY-TWO ROOM hotel, prominent lora tlon: hot and cold water In all rooms, furnace heat. bath, phones, call bells, large halls. good furniture, long lease, brick bldg., full basement. neat. ,clean, all Bioiiia filled; right prire. H1CLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLANDS LEADING HOTEL AOENCT. HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT HOUSES, " All sixes and prices. 822-4 Falling bidg.. 3d and Washington. " 12 ROOMS I4o0 CASH. .1 blocks from Postofllre: nice house, well furnished; rent l.'.i. Income 1.("; price l.'.o: rare bargain. O. C. R. Ellis ft Co.. .loo-Mo Wilcox bldg. 27 ROOMS in best transient district; fine furniture, good lease, rent only to room. You can easily clear 1"I month: is well worth ..ou; will sacrifice for IIWOO; easy terms. Call fs 10th. near Stark HOTEL. FOR SALE! ! ! The leaso. furniture and good will of the Calumet Hotel. 130 Park at., for sale. For terms and further particulars apply at hotel. STATE HOUSE. 22 rooms, cor. 4th and Stark, one of the best locations: rent paid till Mav 1: well furnished: tins ia a snap; -.H0 takes all. Call and see the proprie tor. 91 l 4th st. gTOO CASH and 135 per month. 18-room house (West Side); 3 yeara' leaae: good -furniture, close In. HIOLEY BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. SNAP 42 rooms, brick building, long lease, rent $0 room. West Side, close In, full every night; a moiiey-muker. Call at M loth, neur Stark. ' Il-KOOM modern dw-rflling. elegantly fur nished, new and clean; best local. on; big Income and always full; long lease, terms; cheap. By owner. 6.'.5 Flanders. EIGHT rooms, close In, all newly furnished ( months ago. cost s0; must sell at sacrifice; rent $40; income $112.50; price I.-..-.0. l.-.0 cash. Call KS 10th. near Stark. 44 ROOMS NEW ll.'.OO DOWN. Brick bldg.. running water, steam heat, new furniture: big anap. O. C. R. Ellis at Co.. soD-510 Wilcox bldg. EXTRA BARGAIN Jl-room rooming-house: 140 rent; lease. S.IRi Washington it. Price i0; 1J0 down 36 ROOMS, always full, clears 13500 pr year; will sell for I30OO In good security or cash: w-ill pay for itae'f in lo months; state your security. AG H7i, Oregonion. BIG SACRIFICE 2o rooma. clearing lino month: irood lease; worth I1T.00; my price today $7oo, A cash. Don't lose this one; see It Is to buy. SI 10th. near Stark 36-ROOM hotel, new brick, modem through out: Holladay ave. and Eaat Elrst si. In quire O. A. Lyman. 5 IP Honry bldg. 10 ROOMS, nicely furnished, first-cjass lo cation, very reasonable. Owner leaving city. Phone Main 3?i9. FOR SALE 70-room hotel. , years' lra.-e. location beat in city; 000o will haudle. AH eV.3. Oregonian. 12 ROOMS, highly furnished. Must leavs city; will sell reasonable. See agent, J. E. Hall, 308 Ablngton bldg. BOARDING and -rooining-houee Sor aala. Osner, 202 12th at. Phone Main 3161. 03 ROOMS; rent V; clear 100; terms or trade. Owner. C 1i2X 11 ROOMS, furnished. 125 North Portland. Main 546 Walnut St., 57. arFCiAi. xttT icriv Proposals Invltcel. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PIPE LINE SYSTEM (WOOD TIPE) AND CONCRETE RESERVOIR, Gladatone. Or.. March 2H. 1!112. Sealed propoaals will be received by the City Recorder of Gladstone. Oregon (Gladatons P. O.) until 7 o'clock P. M.. April 16th. J812, for furnishing material and constructing portions of a water works system for the city of Gladstone. Bids will be received separately, or as a whols for the foilowjng subdivisions of the system: (1). For ditching and back filling complete. 12J For wood plpa and finings installed. complete. 3 For reservoir, complete. " Plans and specifications, forms of eon trsct and proposal, may be obtained upon application at the office of Cross & Ham mond. Beaver Bldg.. Oregon City, Oregon: the City Engineer, at Gladstone. Oregon, or of C. A. Williams, chairman. Fire and Water Committee. No. 221) Lab be Bldg., Portland. Oregon. Alternative bids wilt be received for the above work. (1) for caah, (2) for the city'e twenty-year, six per cenL authorized bonda The right la reserved to. reject any or all bids, or to accept any part of any bid. ' By order of the Common Council of the 01ly of Gladstone. . UAH VET E. CROSS. Mayor. JOHN N. SIEVERS. Recorder SEALED bids will be received by . S. Fields. Cbunty Clerk. Courthouse, Port land Oregon, until 10 A. M. on Monday. April 2. 1D12, for furnishing supplies for Multnomah County Farm, at Troutriate, Ojegon. Supplies to be delivered at Mult nomah County Farm. ...... Copies of supplies may be had at the office of the County Commissioners at the Courlhouse. ... , No bid will be considered unless ac companltd by a certified check payable to the order of the County Court for at least 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. The right to Ject any or all bids ia ex pressly reserved. T J CLEKTON. County Judge. W L. L1GHTNER. County Commissioner. v HART. County Commissioner. CLOSING OUT OUR BUSINESS We Invite proposals to purchase our entire atock of general merchandise and fixtures, consist ing of groceries, hardware, furnishing goods, dry g.ods. shoes, etc. Ail - stock good ' llv merchandise. Will Invoice about lvt'00. stock may be Inspected at any time at Bridal Veil, Or. Aldrlch. ft LiSBiU owner cim."'T i w vvririi H a - - - . - Proposals Invited. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of fice of the undersigned. 402 Tilford build ing, until S P. M.. April 17. 1912, for lighting fixturea In rhe New Lincoln High School. Copy of specifications may be obtained at the office U" Archilecte Whlle housi. ft Foulllioux. M)9 Wilcox building. Certified check for lo per cent of the amount of tho bid, payable to R. H. Thomas. S.-h.H)l clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated April a. 1912. R. H. Thomas, School Clerk. OKI ICE C. O. M.. Chronicle bldK.. San Franclaco. Oil.. April 10. 11G2. Scaled pro posals will be received here until 11 A. -M-, May 10. 1012, for furnishing wood, coke, charcoal, fuel and mineral oil, and gaso line, required at posts in Western Divi sion during fiscal year commencing July 1, 1012. Information furnished on appli cation here or to Post yuartermasters and Quartermasters at SoalUc, Wash.. Port land, Or., and Honolulu. H. T.. and bids may he received by Post Quartermasters and Quartermaster. Honolulu, H. T.. until 11 A. M.. Pacific time. May 10. 11)12- F. Von Srhrader. C. Q. M. Miscellaneous. X WILL not be responsible for any bills contracted by- Atlco Westerman. Sam Westerman. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tons tullo. 39 Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. FINANCIAL MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, MortgaKCs. Equities. Chattels, Diamonds and Rem Security. Speeiul serv ice rendered. I.AWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO.. 130U Yeon Bldg. Tel. M. 3I47 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or aellefa equity In contract of sals on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bought. E. L. Dtver eaux. loin) Spalding bldg.. 3d and Wash ington. Main (13. WE pay highest cash prjee tor buiilders' con tracts, first and second mortssagea and other securities. Home Installment Co.. 401-402 McKay bldg. Marshall .satin. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes: no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding bldg. , WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages flrat and second!, equities. F. H. Lewis ft Co 3 Lewis bldg. : , FOR SALE 20 shares Portland Concrete, Pile & Equipment stock. AF 961, Ore gonian. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Ablngton bldg. I3MI0 FIRT mortgage good Portland prop erty for sale. V 7, Oregunian. Mener to loan Real K'tv TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. 120OO. 13(MI0, .",00. I70O0. gl.l.OOO. On Portland improved property or good close-in acreage; can make prompt de livery of above arrssunts. Apply at once to GOODSELL BROS., 433 WorcesterBldg. WE have money to loan on quick action ranging 11000 to 110O.000. See Mr. Harbolt. A. J. DETSCH CO.. SIX) Chamber of Commerce. SOO. Ono at ( per cent.; IIO.OOO at i per cent.; 14000 at 7 per cent.: 2000 at 8 per cent.; 11200 at H per cent. R. N. TVFFORD & CO.. Mar. 4547, A 4545. 4t)7 Spalding bids. IJOOiMI OR LESS TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT ON IMPROVED FARM OR CLOSE IN IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. WARD & YOUNGER. SUITE 42(1 YEON BLDG. LARGE supply of money to loan In sums of 500 and upward, on real estate secur ity, at 6 and 7 er cent, MALL ft VAN HORSTEL 104 Second St.. Near Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. 3 to 8 years' liberal repavment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable bav lngs ft Loan Association, 240 Stark st. (OuO.OOo ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenxio ft Co.. B14-515-316 Gerllnger bldg. STRICTLY private money on real estate, farms, ranches, etc; mortgages and con tracts bought and sold. Straw. 711 belling bldg. TO LOAN ON FARM. 13000. Security must be highly Improved f irm; make application to GOODSELL BROS.. 433 Worcester bldg. TO LOAN 15000 OR LESS. r i . - , -.COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDO. S1.V(H) to loan by owner on Inside real estate. H per cent, 2 to 3 years. Phone Marshall 677. 500 AND upwards on Improved real estate; notes and mortgages bought, W. A. Hath- ' away, room IP Washington bldg. WILL- LOAN 70O0 on city real estate at current rates in -amounta to sfjlt. 612 Wil cox bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 11000 to 12500. first mortgage, 40 per cent valuations; close in. Cltlxens Bank. Grand ave. and Alder, IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages bought, W H. Nunn. 44g Sherlock bldg. $1000 Tdl50)0 to loan at lowest rates, also larger amounts. Trowbridge ft Lltphens, 301 Wilcox Diag. 1200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. building loans, lowest ratea W. G. Beck. 8 '.5-810 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg., 3d snd Stark. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland hemes, for building purposes. 266 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS ft LOAN A-3'N. MORTGAGE LOANS tn any amount. Liberal terma Mortgages purchased. . Henry c. Prudhomme Co.. B07 Wlicox bldg. " 6 PER CENT MONEY, 7 PER CENT For first mortgages on improved real estate. Address Posloff IceBox 352. 3 KY to loan at reasonable rates In sums from 5U0 up. The Lawrence Co., 24!) A. Oer st. w ; 1100 TO 1300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIME ON ANY GOOD SECURITY, Br PKI V ATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. PRIVATE money, any amount. 6 to 6 per cent- Georgia A. Hass. 401) Macleay bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS on real, peraonal, chattel or collat- eial security. C. W. Fallen. MS-U Fetiton. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, A, li. HARDING. 3U3 CO. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, J. O GOLrRA. FAILING BLDG. thOOO to loan on close-in improved city prop erty. Leonard Bios.. 317 Chamber Com. MONEY for Improving your home to, loan. See Cobb. -OS KJ. r-x- oiug. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. 11. Mlley. room 204 Gerllnger bldg. loin) TO LOAN on Portland real estate, "shlvely. HI05 Yeon bldg. STATE funds, 6 per cent, w. -. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. 11. Sella Co.. 311) Spalding Bldg. l"o0 UP Dwelling houses; principals only; no brokerage. Attorney, 210 Allsky bldg. 132.000 OR any part Tabor 77L to loan pu real estate. 11000 11500, $2000, $3000 TO LOAN, lien kle' ft Harrison, Geriinger bldg. -- Atone j to -an- Liiatteia aua $ft to D. D. -KA .. v 1100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without security, mortgage or Indorse ment cheapest rates, best and most prl ' vate terma in Portland. So7 Spalding bldg. Buccesaora to Hutton Credit Co. - f MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and othere fur nished witnout security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It, and pay as yau can. Offices In all principal clues. D. ti. Toi- nxan. all Lumber Ex6 h a tig a. " PRIVATE PARTY LOANS $10 to $101. On furniture, goods In storags, ata 6TR1CTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 120 Lumbar Exchange Bldg. Onen Monday and Saturday till a P. X. . Call, write or phone Main 4617. MONEY LOANED. watches, diamonds. Jewelry, afo. ELBY COMPANY, woom 32o Lumber Exchange Bldg. iiiANS on diamonde. Jewelry and valuables -? almost bankers' rata of Interest. 324 vailing bldg'. 31 pd Washington streets. 5Tf LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the ratea charged by brokera. u. ft Bioch. 74 Id at. i""i iw EST rales, chattel loana. Call Geo. Harvey. Pol East Davis. MONEY loaned on diamonda and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 S 3d. near Aider. LuANS on diamonds and other aecuritiea. Wnx . Ho'I. room Waahmgton bldg. MONEY sold on installment; confidential; salaried people, F. A. Newton. Henry blag. a l OAN for 'ha asking, salary or chatteia. Tna Loan Co.. 41 Dekum bldg. Money -to Loan Chattels and CHATTEL SALARY LOANS. LOANS, ll.oo to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 2 per cent l and up. WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN CO S. 'regardless of what they advertise. OUR NEW RATES. Borrow $10 pay back $12.00 In 6 pay ts. Borrow $.',-. pay back $2S.9i in S P1 "' Borrow $50 pay back 156.45 In 6 pay ts. CAN YOU BEAT THEM. ,., ON LOANS UP TO 11O0? If the of the family dies before the account is paid In full and the payments are made as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. -YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given If paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 2"-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4tli and 5th sts.. "V if' Onen Mouilar and Saturday till t s. at. $ I $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO 10. LOWEST KATES IN PORTLAND. HO. re i, a hi in installments of". ? ? $20. repaid in installments of f .'no l.'iil. reoaid in installments of. Larger amouuia in proportlon. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges In plain figures. Business strictly ronnuca.'.'. STATE SECURITY 11$ $ Wn Falling Bldg. $ $$$$ DO YOU NEED MONEY T Wa will furnish you. strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other kinds of gecuritles, on terms to suit; aiao a weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and second real estate mort gages contracts and chattel mortgagee. V. S. REAL ESTATE ft BROKERAGE CO . 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 Sd. Main 2084. $$$ PRIVATE PARTY LOANS. Salaried people and women keeping houa. M V $10 to $100. Strictly Confidential. 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Ivoana Wanted. MONEY wanted on these high-c.lass farms. 15 to 33 per cent of belling value: 1 year, 10 per cent, on 30 lots at Cash value S5oo. $2500. Tigard. 3 years. 8 per cent. 110 acres of land. 63 acres In fruit. A-l. lm us. at Lyle, Waish. Value $-o.000. $2200, orchard provemepts, at Lyle, $3ooo. 5 yrs.. 8 per cent, ft. of timber In Skamania -Vulne Xlll.litlO. on 8,000.000 Co., Wash. o r. T ..or cent. OrtO acrcS! In Eastern Or., partly cleared and culti vated. Cash value $20,000. $4300. 5 yrs.. S per cent. H'.O acres, good improvements and partly cultivated.. Cash value $14,000. At Corbetts sta. $15,000. 5 yrs.. S per cent. 300 acres near Vnncouver. highly cultivated. A-l bids. Cash value $4o,O0O. $.10,000.5 yrs.. 7 per cent, 000 acres at Salem. 200 acres beaverdam land, sola one year ago $.5,000 cash. $125,000, 5 yrs., 7 per cent, on S00 acres near Salem, 300 acres tine beaver dam; owner living on place; Income la," year $31,000. cash value .oo,..e. $150,000. 10 yrs.. 7 per cent.' 3000 acres of cultivated lana. die noie, '- "'X' last yr s. income $40,000; refused I4o,ooo. See Mr. Harbolt. Mar. 420. A J. DETSCH CO.. A lo59. 840 Chamber of Commerce. 1 1 1 A V WANTED. We want a loan of $5000 . f or three .r nn income Portland property, valued at. $17,000, at 7 per cent interest GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., 2 Lumbermens Bldg. I WANT $2500 on my high-class California bungalow 1 am buuuing in oeauo. a cost of $5500; have plans and specifica tions In my ofllce; from private party; will mv S ner cent interest. V b2, Ore gonian. WANTED To borrow 0.000 from private parts for 3 years; will pay Interest quar terly at 8 per cent; ample security. 977. Oregonian. WANT to borrow $3o0 on lot valued at $000, or will give mortgage for 1 or 2 years' time: lot near Rose City carline. Main 42SS. WNT to borrow $00.04)0 on new four-story brick building, cost over 1SO.0O0; will pay 6 per cent: principals only. Et. J. Daly, 222 Falling bldg. WANT $.;ooO on close-in property, appraised at $lt),otKi; an exceptional goou loan. Please call In person. Wm. C. Borchers, 2'i7 Oregonian bldg. MONEY WANTED Appllcatlona on hand for desirable loans, mortgagea for sale. Her.ry c frudhomme Co.. 807 Wilcox olg. W ANTE D $ 1 OHO on $:hmio home. for 3 years. Main 1106. 8 per cent. PERSONAL ONLY $25. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS. 4U0-414 DEKUM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that if you come here yon will be taught everything that Is neces sary and nothing that is unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL In other words. If you invest your money In Instruction here it will get you the greatest possible increase In earnings afterward.- OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know bow to make your work intejresting, and have the teachers and the equipment for doing 1L OUR SCHOOL is' THE SCHOOL . FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. B00 -PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 ID-Inch twitches $4.45 $6 26-lnch switches 2.4j Hair dressing 25 Face massage - .2j Shampoo ......... -2o Manicuring. 25c, 5 for 100 12 scalp treatments.... ' 6.00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45 Cut hair in any shade: switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. RADICAL cure by the latest natural heal ing methods. Including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion, baths, massage, adjustment aid manipulations. Most expensive, finest equipped private office in Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 6000 treated patients and not a death while under our care. We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 31,2 Rothchljd blclg GEKMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.: massages and baths. 30O Holladay ave.. cor. OccidentaL U car. Phone East 30O8. C 2553. Open Sundays. ' SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslugforl graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th st second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 260. B 183. DETECTIVE. (Licensed). Shadow work a specialty, correct re port s and strictly confidential. AK 941, OregonlanJ -DK CATHERINE C. GATES I have had 11 years' practical experience treating nervous and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 307 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 314 Hours: 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. DRESS SUITS for rent. $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressedr buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. out) Btark. MRS. STEVENS, IS years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her lata book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 2ii Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. FOUND A place where special attention la given to remodeling of bats, by up-to-date trimmers. English correct millinery. 31 Morrison St.. Marquam bldg. MRS. S. C. MORRISON, steam baths and maseeurii.c; for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 347 Jefferson. A 447Q. Open Sundays. SCIENTIFIC facial and scalp treatments; ladies' and gents' manicuring. Violet Parlors, 613 Swetland bldg. Marshall 36D1. Z.NEROL The great nerve tonic and ays tern builder. $1 per ' box 6 boxes $5. Stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 2b9 Morrison st. m ' "MAuToF YOUR COMBING Switches, 93c: curls and puffs. 75c. San itary Beauty r-ariors. iitKiim bigg. VKS SOPHIA n. n.einai anu spirit ual scientist. 302 Allsky bid,. Main 624. Meetings Wednesday. Friday, 8 P. M. SCOTCH women, mental scientist treatments, rheumaliani, lumbago. 555 Morrison at. A 50O6. LADY barber shop, 2S."i Salmon, opp. Court house. TTTTTfs superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. n Hill. 29 Fiiedner bldg. Main 3473. M OF FIGS. Compound. Royal Vr.Jli.tiL. 632 Davia at. Main 9215. . MANICURING PARLOR, facial and ecalp treatment, shampooing. 314 Swetland bldg. Analytiear WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., analytics chemists, examiners of chemicals, drugs foods, etc. ' Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney -at-law. Genera! practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. S73. A 2071. Assayer and Analyst. Welis & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 201 y Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 7S6 Morrison at. Carpet Cleanings - JAPANESE, electric carpet cleaning work. Phone Marshall 1653 or A 2202. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brasa castim and machine work. 106 Bth. Main 2702. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. ColumUa -ldg. next Star Theater. A 5255. Main 5t7; res, B 2976. Chiropodis-ts. WILLIAM. Estello and Flossie Deveny. th4 l only scientific chiropodists in "he city.- Parlors 32 Geriinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Xaln 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 421) Fllednur blug. Main 3473. Chiropody. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER, lady cxperv assistant, 305 Alisky bldg., 3d and M'ic rison. Main 5702. treats all Ills of tin foot, without danger of infection: corns bunions, ingrowing and atrophied nails, flat foot and bunions a specialty. . C oai. ' . COAL AI.BINA FUEL CO. BLOCK . WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOO"). Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coai and wood. Marshall D60. A 8545. 374 Water at. Duncing. MR AND MRS. HEATH S SCHOOLS., 109 :d St., bet. Wash, and Stark, and Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught daily; waltz and two-step guaranteed lu four lessons; class Monday and Friday eve, S to 10, at 109 2d st. ; lessons 25c. 1UNGLER S SCHOOL Private and class in structlon; lady assistants; Social, stao. fancy dances. 2-11 Morrison. Marsh'l M3. Educational. ' STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield, l'Jlo Grove. Oakiand.Cal. Engines Gag and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea bury steam engines and boilers, ijusoline en- feed Store. . ZIGLEH & M1SNER. hay. grain, feed, ca ment, stiing 1 es. 21)4 Grand ave. E. 482. f Kodak Finishing. v' QUICK service, cut rates; send for price lift. The Kodakery. (ith and ".'ash. Lan dscape Gardeners. IF you havo residential grounds to beautify, consult our landscape expert, Mr. C. P. McDougall. 12 years' experience in Scot land and Eastern cities. Now is the time to plant. Advice free. Phone Main 81(16; or write the Oregon Nursery Company. Orenco, Oregon. FRED W. BULLOCK. Artistic Landscape Gardening.. t S10 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432, New Lawns a Specially. Shrubbery. Plants and ornamental Trees. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MAS.T1CK CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mfs. findings. J A. &TKOWBK1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S5S. ISO Front at. Mediial. BOSTON graduate massage and medical gymnastics. 3U2 JelTersou. UP one flight. BOSTON graduate massago and medical gymnastics. 302 Jefferson, up one flight. Musical, Eniil Thielhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. uuu Marquam. A 416Q. Marshall 1629. MUSIC Btudio, 261) 14th, ariaugeme'ut made fjr practicing. Main 3ai)3. Osteopathic Physicians. - DR LEROY SMITH, graduate Kirkvllle, Mo. class of lsut; posi-graduate 190i. un der Dr A. T. Still, founder of the science. 1122 Selling bldg. M la7. A HISo. Dr R B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone. Office. M. 349: res. East or B 1028 : l'aiuts. Oils and Glass. CO AST -MADE paint and varnish is best adapted to tlie Coast climate. BASS HEUTER PAINT CO.. 101 Second st- RASMUSSEN ft CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and iayior. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K- Mock, attorney-at-law. llite-or U. S. patent ofiioe. Book let free. 719 the Board of Irade bldg. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights registered, all countries. Booklet Iree. PETE R HABERLIN, 326 Worcester bidg. U S AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. Martin. 4o9 Chamber of Commerce bldg. p. c WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, lntrlnKernentcaaes. 6U4 Dekum blug. Patent Engl eera. INVENTIONS DEVELOPED. And patents secured. Coop Scnmltt. con sulting engineers. 501 Henry blug. Phuu. Main 12851 tusu2tJitIonfiee: l'alierlug and Tintlug. Paperhanglng. painting ; tinting reasonable price. can . Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 year n Portland. 71 Otli st. Phone Mala 91Q. Paving. thi." Harbor 'Asphalt paving Company, 604 Tis ffiectrtc blog. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and FU111W" ",. ,.rf v..,u rs. Mam 34&U. olfice near THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. I r factory prices; second-hand sales. second-Hand poods. wk buy clothing, furniture aim tooia. iiiga W. price paid lor second-nand furniture! tools. Marshall 23.4. - -T, .. ,.ay the highest prices for secondhand ifi'L Vntl snoes. Main Toot.. t-IQ ota. ....-aea. Bunk and show 1 ixtures. , , , , u k MFG. CO., branch Grand ttap Showcase ?c .th -nd HoyL Lutae. manager. ; : H it B1KDSALL, 208 Hamilton bidg. Show casef in stock; prompt dcUvery. , a.- iT.nt. M. Winter Lumber Co. vTvwsnALL MFG. CO.. 4th and couch;-new Mot sewud-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet Work SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. P0UV.VX ..i-iain i17. Cabinet work. 125 N. Steamships. r ALL.WN LINE Royal Mall steamers. T.ntreaL Liverpool. Glasgow, Montreal. Plymouth. London; the picturesque i, l awieiico route; lour days on tne ocean; thrt.e daya In river and gulf; spleu Turbine steamers; saioon, second ihin and third class; superior one-class cab 5 service; cuisine unexcelled; courteous ?ieSlion; send for circulars rates, plans, it" Allan ft Co.. '127 N. Dearborn IL,' Chicago; ; 1 Btorage and Transfer. r; ' pioK Transfer ft Storage Co., offices commodious 4-elory buck warehouse, seuarate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults lit valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta iuanos and luruiture . moved and packed lor shipping, special ralea mate on gouU4 in our through cars, bo all uomestic foreign- points. Main 50C, A 91)6. , ,i sfiS.KOB TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, nianos and furniture moved and packed, fo? shipment. 87-M Front at. . Xeicphone.V- Main 547 or A 224.. TtiANSFER CO.. established 1870. nroWi'er and forwarding agents. Offices cur. 13 tit aiid Lilian. Fhonea Main 0. A llotf. riri it &. gI-nTKK, tinners and " A 13U6, Main 3542. tinners and roofera, . Typewritera. ... TO $65 will buy a REBUILT TYPE- WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes lo choose from at,. Gill's, 3d and Alder- terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main 8500 or A 6ut8. oVT buy a poorly constructed machine when you can buy high-priced standard makes direct -from the- manufacturer . at 135 on the basis of $5 per month, or $30 cash' rentals 3 months for $5. Inveatlgate. r. T Co., 245 Stark st. handle standard makes of genulns Eastern factory rebuilt tytewrltera (no tunk). Pncea right. Buy a reliaole ma chine from a reliable house. Paci.i Sta'y ft Ptg. Co.. 107 2d at. WE are tna exenange for the largest type writer concern on luls Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter ciiange.351Vi Washington st. . NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. Well'DHlHng. DRILLING walla. Phone Main 1346 oi mtii ' A. West. 182 Morrison at.