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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1912)
THE MORN i NO OKECiONIA.V, TUESDAY, A PHIL -0 1012. 16 HELP WAVTETv-FrMAl-B. 1TA)CTED-TOCKO X-k-IE4 TO TKaV PHONE OPERATING. WITH O WTTH CCT KXPCRIKNC. APPLT TBB FA CJP1C TSUPUONI TgI..eVB-.Pa CO CAiT fTU AND AJiKXKT TI. txrrsiEvrp waitrke tv a n tk n u- tn jjnr A prank stores th floor wKafinl. Mint hava thorough hnowl erfc of entl-. of r service. OOO-l P-1'. j.eaant irrouidtn.s. Apply rr.uurut desk at once. TV a VTtn rl ytm th of I- and 2. fr prrmrn poal l oin. Apo IV T. T. Co.. 4 Ala. t.. r 1K nM Anken? st. 1 A NTF-D- V-ui c rl to in ho.i- rrk. tmill famil-. o. horn- i J"'"1 p-mn N'-k .1 M. Helen p Court. Take Port land H-isms or to '.''Wh d Spline, m-fl-j:r in drusMor. I ACTIV N"w Vwrk H-hl; nd lrVs to II yrjrt od. . -ounC irrn n1 w-.en f..r ihrAirtral ork. Call today. h'llfA .'.to Filerw tidi W ANTK D R" o:wo. n 1 and years of ae, 'h bi ci-s. healt hf'i! outs'dfl work. ood charre for d ncment- ln- e.jtr. ir. tay. .U t,.Hr. ff-r c'ieral his-ork arwl eall In eare of two children, peasant hm', ' J i area for experienced glrL la'. . 7 pfA.l(JJl. WANT $trtN on c;o-tn irovert. appfald at ill an ec-ptlon-il Tod ioan. I fae cn in proiu rn. . Horcliera. 7"T r4inlaa bl'ts. WANT'cli iood pt-nocrp:ier. rm "l- rW n - :n bkk'eptn pr. lTTJ. Stat-. e-p-rince nd a-4ry expected. A I -. T' crtn b n. WOMAN to at ins with hueework and rre f.f chi.oreu. pleasant home for woman f '-d dtspoaii on and wmina;. ref rentes. AP V". ' negonian. Y01"N;l"sde of ood""appearance and buai-ne- t.iinr to a sp'al lin of work tr a larce r-'-pration; Mlry. Apply r A M . o Selling bi'lar. ATTIN' New York hehol: Hi and girt 4 to I old : also oulltf nten nd for ttcircal work. Call today. si.t- .l Kier hM WANT KD An experlencd general hu"- o-k slrt. paln co'klnsr. lo wMn. J-r monrh; (.Tinan or Swedish pref. rrwd. K. 3:td Seu'h; Hawthorn" cmrlln-. : I r. i , i. aJ M In general tiotptew ork. am 1 vtf m ork , 74.4 Oerton t- leiepnono an .lflL for ffneral houarwork. hour frorn ft A. M. and go home nlt'ht. iC Mult nomah at. r;i;ir.NCKl Iuegirl wanted. of irirof, -. per month. Call Xorhrp. Alt famtir at 7I icKd. nowrs JUtIE-r AOKMCT, fVastUeton bidg.. th and Waaa, aSaw Ms!n iJ4or A A. T.l'Ni girl to answer phone and lejrn htnrtK, mail salary to begin. AK tnl, U'ANTF') KTterienrd nurse to tako car of roun; cliHd; reference reiiuired. 'l M'b t. . . WANTFr A jr-ss-t "n negltpe hlrt. . o u obia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. I'hoenix. KI . til L HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCt. S421 aah:ngoa St.. cor. 7th. upstair Ok.... Main "M'k? OiI;L or aneral housework; god Vome i r-.sht part. Applr In tta momlug b- -n and 13. nnr- WANTED ajirl to aMst In Hcht hou rk and lake car of children. tell M 4'-.'. W AVTKD Milunrry palea.adie. only ei-iM-rlmred le:p. ,Ppl" incc. Port tand's F.-np-nnm. l.'i Sixth t. XV N" T K T Comieienl ft lr for general huework family of rtdrilT. Tet-phone Marshall :M or cH 17h .Vorthrup it iTlPl" for"general house work. V.2 I-ove-o st. , NOMAS' of atrorig v. refinement and energy who wads a good-pa irg po sition, al 'tnr D WAN'TEp" "competent girl for general honeework In private boaxdlng houe. Call 4-3 lurk st. . iM'Fr.IEN'Kt) girl foe cooking and down -'tir work; good, wages. tail after Id. wt V rhatl. U TF.l A clrl foe e ond work- Apply tr lb mornlrg at 7-1 Johnwofl U 1.1 fit. for general housework, family ot tnr T ' one Varshall i tl Y lrner and mangle help. Colum-T- a Laundry o. t A N T KD tr! for general houwork ad .-o.w mr mm! be ftood rook. all F- 44-. La r;l:ir.NOl tflrl tr general houaewofa. T.V l.iiMtt St- W AtTRKFS. eounirv hotel. per month. .Mre 7. Ptella. Wih i:r. for hounework. and aaaiat with cblld- flone fvaet 5 iTTRt. wanted to assist In housework la 4- room fiat. Apply 224) North 1Mb. HVtP WANTErv MAVM OB FfMALE roTiov ricTrr.E operators wanted in ail c-ltie ilimutlioul ihe world; t-.ow i the time to learn a nne.ving rM!ina; operators earn f to $.;; weekly; short h"ur. eay Inalde w ork . com je tent opera -rs tn demand ; theater make l i. !' daily. fiit. get full Information how 10 at Art a theater on a email ta -inrnt down. New York Film Co.. 0.u '4 Washington, near 17th. .-ifMM.RAPHi'.R. with at lad five years p-ri'-nre. machinery house experience irerrH ; stale salary deal red ; lady r ie. mut live at OreK,n -tT. woere ct ' f Itvlnc la le than tn Portland: e reference. Addrcaa Boa C. Oregon tv. Or. ,; MHtR joung men are wanted by rail rojo in teirgraph and station service; i on pa ring f 73 to Sim per month, r particular cmil or a.ldre leiegraph left.. om mou wealth bid., tth and An-s.-n' - iTiT. HOMTI POOKKKKPINO AND IN--T r.lCTH V COMPANY. - M wetland i'l ig.. w anta male or t em tie repreaenr ne in every town. Write for partic- II Ft P WANTED MlSCElXANEOia, WANTED Age M to U to prepare 'r tirme- or brakemn, nearby rail road. $! to 1199 monthly. Experience un neceaaary; no strike; pronaotiwo engine or conductor. $liS to JOS monthly; good lfe careers: state age; send stamp. Kail way A asoe latton. Boa . QregoBlan. yK.S and women to War the barber trade la etgat weeks; speeiai rndoeameata; per cettsga paid whu learn tog; tool freeg acwt tastructore; IT yeara In the bai kh; IT srbooie; a lifetime) mem&eraaip v ' . a to eaca atodaat. aioler barber Coa Wae. t N. Poartb at.. Portlaad. Of. Pr.E.-SINC and cleaning prior wni i-adv mm as partner. If inexperience d, rr w i.l teach you; good wc-s aa-suT-ed from s:art; required, ui Luin h- t.i:'ia!.. l T. " O'jR" A P H E R 5 ejaukly drilled and p:aed In p-:t iona. K. B L. Husineaa oiiege. 4Zi Worcester biock. Maiahail J7.L MoVINO-Pli'Tl KK operat(n. fuil practical course taught in theater, the only way rf learning it tlpht ; price reaaoaabie; t erm s. 4 t 4 RoJ;c n i Id b Id g. RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare do, es ceUnt salaries and promo t toas; no lay off, sure pa ; free book. Call today. Pa c.rc Mates h"oi. McKay bidg city. :ru RAILWAY mail clerks, IH month: Portland sxamlaattoa May a. ooacaiag free. PraakUa iaatitata. DepU Sl Bocheeter. N. T. U ILLINERT school aad flower snaking. ;ara ail la six weeks; old bats made ever Hke aew. Beautiful trimmed hat a. Cail Goodnouga bldg.. opa. Foet.jf rice. La k'k aaoney errlting abort star lea. er fee paper; big pay: free booklet tails bow, V ntted pre Eynd'cal. Pan Praneisoo AM ED Plctura f'ay writers; big pa; we'll teach yoj. Pwtaxe Fiay Aaaoeia tto;i. (an Francisco. Li.ITK PRIVATE t0SIN7rH CO LLC OK, 12 Hamilton B'dg. north end. Type wrttlca. Uookkeeptng. etc Marshall 4ii WNTPD VOl'Nr, MKN TO t.j IT! a f? v OPERATING. iil Ki.-K 1 h M HrRS' AQ.-OC I ATIO V fr p.-i.eoU ard tea-ners. t Hwetland bMg. l.Alk; school KHOKTHAND aad TYPC W.;TUNU S mo. Jue 14tb at. Mala aeeJ. frITTATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers ud Clerks. NOB II U.I. apartment-house in1 ouaMfr l-iock In exclusive d;irif-t. on biork from car; urn. a may te arrane-d; deal direct lth owner. AK Oriiaian. SlTI.WTIOji" wanted by youns; married man a bookkeeper; S years' experience In hankina?. real e-tate and Inruranc busi nrt; in sjiva he.-t of reference and fur nish auretv bond If neoeaeary; am milling to Mart on small aalary where there t a. nance for advancement and an opprtu- j filtv to make joM. Address F. T. Hmall- j room J urMmitna noiri, wn u Mark It. WANTKD Hv vnutt man of wide experi ence as tlmeHeepr. b"okkepr and eom minary clrk on all lines of 'eonstrnciton work, position at one. AT W. Oreajon 1 1 n. Tnl NO man. 'J-. ah- enertlc and will lor. deatrs position with mrcantll louae; evpernced In ntationer ; refer ep--. AW . treconan. WILL Al'DlT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITS cp book a. prepare balances and atavt tnenta, install ijitcmt oillinchara. so d.tor. 411 Lewis bidg. Marshall 717. WANTKD by sintie oun m.vr. poiiit,n as rlerk 4n ro. ery sor.. one er s xi en tm; go inwh'ir. Ad-lrtas el John Adams at.. Oregon t.'uy. Cr. ItY A1 law clerk and stnor. plicr . 6 ara eierten e: can furnish beat of rr far-em-. eS T I, lire con la ft. CM"N mart want a rt staurmnt ; steady joelt Ion ap n;.: s.i i a hicr lu crcK'Mitan. M I ! Iaji e k. MUMCIPA-L FRKS KMFLOTMKNT DtHkAU. IIS ffecond ft. Corner falmon. Women's Department. 24S iilmon. All claaaes of unakillad. skilled, profes aHotiat and clerical mala and female help furnished on short notice. No fte caarged. Psoas Main lisi. A 624. W A N poftkfMipr executive ability anl sound bust nen training desires higU-cl con nection with manufacturing or mercantile concern; unleri'y graduate with cWan cut personal! I y : Kastern and Weetern rcf erenees. Address A.N IN. Oreffonian. Map mechanic with eiir experience and tectinbal education desires a change I rom present emp!o nient . g nt erwtion nd ( n.-t ruction . fair electrician. J. O. unn Wallace, Idnho. EMK KI KX Kl shoe, gent a' and ladiee' furnishing, man i open for reliable posi tion, age J 7. capable of taking charge and selling ttie tiiuicliuntltse ; city or out of town. M H7.1, Oregon trui. K'i'Ni; hi en. alerting character and m1 city refeepors. fie yeara' emierlence ruti nlnc confectionery and Ice cream, on ;er's experience drug store, wishes po i.on. p. O. ro jva. city, or K-t ;.... POSITION wanted by giaduate C. three vein experience, atructural. city and rert.imat ton work. w. care Valley Hot el, "i and Main st. INI Kl-I.l iKNT young man want- tHsition: w:l!tiig to turn hlj hand to anvthtng; aeT rral ears exjerience as hanilv tnau; not afraid of work. A I! O.m, lrei;onlan. Yl Ni; married man want posit ion as grocery or delivery clerk ; beat of refer en re. AS t-VV Orcgoman. DA IKY lunch worker, a Japanese ynuns man w ants position In dairy lunch husnies; want steady J oh. D VVl, Oregon Ian. I'HAl KKKI K, niti hanir. want- positlin. 2 yeara' experience, sing'e; rrfniirei. AL ire yon i an. J A PAN KSK man. c xp-roncd. want few hour' work in family or hot:!. Marshall l-r.3. M A Hi: 1 KD mn wants work on ranch : x rtc need ; no children. AK t;i, O rc g on -tan. OY of 1; would like work In P-rtlnd. W. A. t.arner. V- 07lh ave. Southeast, Wood mere jttaiion. JAMToii portr wan tea roitt Ion ; know a steam and hot air; will work anywhere; references. Addra A J b4 Hregontan. FRY COjK. good second on tlinner. combi nation man. or would manage small places. K. .'d. Orgonlan. JAI'ANKSF. Janitor want a posit it building from & to b P. M. All In office 1..7. Orw- CUFP, married, wanta ioition In restau rant or hotel, wife to work In dtntng ro.m K P." 4. regtipn. Al SAt.E MAKKI; and huicher. a l.errnan. wanta steady work. rit or country. K. L.. ITotej Reinphaig, Portland. J A PAN K.- fc) porter w ni pn Ion In hotel or MHioon. midnight to 6 A. M. All PN. regnia n. C HAl'KKrJl'U want position; small wg-s, good r-f Tnet-. fan call uf ler 0 P. M. AH ?!. itrcgonlatu W I N I m W washing, house cleaning, floors waed and polished by competent men. Sell wood IIX MAN. wife (.olorel wsnt position In city or country, private family; man as porter, w fe mm rook. Arthur. ; lt St. N. MAN mud wife wish cooking, camp or com pany boarding-house; best references. M. It urge, 311 I'herry st. Fast .L';. A JApANKSK wanta few hours" woik after Z P. M. F. Namher. o- N. 4th st. GA R DKNFU. landscape, experience d man wants steady work. A H PT. OregnIan. MTFTION WANTED Ft MA US. COMPETENT. experien;ed stenographer de sires po-Jtinn; ome legal experience. Phone Marshall i:;il. Nti lady with little knowlelge of sfen oar.iphy wtehei position lii an office. Phone Marshall A YOI"N1 Isdy teacher desire rlrrmil work or keeping. Phone room -"tt. Sargent Jlot I. URKf.-MAKrll wisl-e sewing by the rfnv or at home: i."rf I'hone Marshall 3.3. M;F.MAKi;il want work l the day or at home. t ail evening A It41. Host key aera. H I'lH-i'I.ASS dremking Party gow r. a specialty; 11 yeara tn perlen-e ; best Port -tnd and Eastern reference; only f-w days op n ; my work pieae you. Phone T.ibor 3n;.. Jfe Kast 40th it., any If n thorne-avenue cat. l.A IY with no Incumbmn.v w ould like po sition as housekeeper in'itotel or rooniint house; no ohjetlon to going to Vancouver. Wash. : can civs reference. Phone Talr tetweenu and 11 A. M. or addre jol lano sr. NEAT, rc lined widow !! deir a situation is housekeeper In widowers familv. St, lula Agency, SCHt Aider. Main -.;:. OMAN with &-months-fM child desires housework. I'hone A 74.7. PRIVATE mate-nlty home for thoe d-s'r-tr fir st-cia care al reaonbU rait a.; tl. tark st. Tabor zr.'.j. M ETERNITY nurse wants ca ill! do light housework. Msin 14 . O." 'D. pr'it a I nurse; doctor's references; -?iirge4 ie:tsonahl'. Main tii :7. I lorn est tew. CUMPETENT work. I'XM man w ants general h ..k. AM tH. iregvnfa Nieyllaaess. P.EFINED lady. . rrpioyrd. d.-sirea home with 4'hristlan family in exchange for servirea or care of cylldrca cveuiugs. All f''. Qregonla n. WANTED Care of one or more email chil dren, good Christian home; terms reason able. !! 4 S.J E. lh St. or phone Sell wood 1 4TT. Will I.D I k t get work In a t'hri-tian Uinily. more for home than wager. t lt at., room 4. TWO experienced girl want position same Place a aecund maid and cod, wages .A and $:'. Phone Marhail 447. liKSrECTABLE woman want work by the day. 15c p r hour. 4fc" Commercial st. N. Woodhou-e. L.PK KI EN ED woman eook desire posi tion tn faml'y where second girl kept. C b,S7. Oregon tan. HOUSEKEEPERS, rooks, waitresses, second girl, chambermaids, nurses. St. Louis Ag-n "y.- VA dr. Main A 477.'. LACE Cl'R TAINS washed and starched by expert Mre. Sott. TlNr 'J44 M A N wants work by the hour. 4:-:ii Marshall TW irri want waitress or chamber work out of cltv. Marshall 47n. WOMAN wants hous'clening, Iroulng. etc Phone Kast lf17, room H. LADY warns risy work of any kind, or sew-li-c. C..ll morning. Mtm 4 room Tyl'NG g!rl want light housework. fcS E. l'7th st. North, near Eeerftt st. CAPAHLK worn .in diwlres situation, cooking. psti y, boardlng-houae. Mam a 475. COMPETENT woman w. A "i '. i athoti. nt day work- M. Women's Jeaene. Cl'RTAlNM wanted, hand laundry, lawa .04. to WANTFP FKMALP- I i pee 1 1 a n ro a a. CAPABLH woman, day work, i ins. rlnninc. cook in jr. Vain M A N - antn da) Vah. st. work or nursing. 41V1, WOMAN day. A wants laundry, 'sewlns. etc.. 1447. v by WOMAN" wants work today. Sturri7. Mala iV.ti-. Thursday and TWO rinn. plr' want Iiouwwork; atrcs not than ::n. Pref.e Kat .1M4. N K W K HAN woman Phone Main 4 wants day work. COMI'KTKNT younr lady wants day work, I'hone H WAJSTEU AfiEVTS. AGKXTS wanted, room 4 1 Northwest bide A p p i y o'clock tMs morning. AGKNTS wanfd. Ak fur 1huc. Call 353 Morrison. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED April 'Jl. furnished 4 or f o iK or bunualow ; niu(t bo n conenlent to car. not too fur out gid district: no children. State tirulars in full. All 1til. Qrcotiiai V-rooin M.iern. tiu in trticu- YOl'Ni'i couple vin! furntslised bungalow or small house, Juno 1; slat lent dcalred or purchase price and location. U l . i reonlun. WANTED To rnl, a bungalow i Sunny aide, with privilege of buvin,r; Hawitiome or SuiinyslJc district preferred. T l'4X Oregon I n, W .i'vtKD A fmall f urniwiicl cottnn- t SenslOe re-pnsihle, rrtv. from April l. until June 1. Addre AJ Oregon Inn. WANTED iiv coup) t h vht'd. f nrnl-died iIiiti. i.r f.ur-rooin modem Diiac. y est Stde: Mate price. A K "'. Cirrgoniati -,y. with 4 i and rent- r & hd rooms; state lova H 94o. Oregonian. yiVE or ix-room bungaluw: young oup,e, no child- en ; r -ferepe . a. Marshall 4V-Z. WANT o c furnished rooms. Call Main 17 or East M" , Aparlmenls. l7ol"KK EE Pi Nti - It t 'M n d kitchenette; bath. cleetri lights; e !) In , inuat he ele-n. AP !-. egonian. Hooma, r.v w. n- i a nnf urnlshed rooms. 'J or bivks from l lih-Wash. ; w-rnisn-ntl; private preferred. AN l. Qregonian. TAVO modem houw ke. pi nir looms, by ou couple, n ith fl-s-t -class family. AL lregnnian. ttooene With Bears) tTv- TWrt iniinv men. room and board with prUate family on Wot Side; not too lar (Mil. A It !.. TrRt'luiw iviVTL-ii Kv vmina unman m oloy- I, home with young eoup : will pay month; go.d rarlliie. I 77. Oregonlnn. FOR KENT. Furnished 1 looms. Now Open. 112 Reoma Now Open. HOTEL BTRON. HOTEL CAPLK3. Seventh and Taylor fats. Residential and transient; absolutely ..... irnin Poatof flee. tores, 'theaters and restaurants; Just oft, urMn ann carllnas: ouletest and bj location: handsome brick. ampia steam haU hot running water and phones in every loom, sunea uiu . elevater. Keputau.w and comf ortabie. From lie daUy. 44 week;. Acy car from depot. THE HA ID SENT HOTEL. Grand and llawihoriie Avenues. I'nr r..t.l tl.A finest COmel. PBrlof. bl room and bath nunc tn the city, large r.oms. t-autirullv furnished. nin- win dows, fine vie of all the mountains. Also some single rooms, elevator service, tele phone, hot nd cold water, electric ItBht uud steam heat, moderate price for de niable unani. Eight streetcar lines ps iho hulldliiK- U vou are looking for rwrmartent. home-like quarters, b" sttrw nnd Inspect the Sargent before locating. Exrcllcnt restaurant In eonnoctioji with hotel. Teleph'Uie El "-"'1 J. H. CLARK, PROPRIETOR. ANGELA HOTKL, Washington St. L uder Management. Laj-ge lobby, flinched in mahogany, tile and marble,; ladi-' parlor w ith elegant fMcplit'i-; treo telephone service In rooms, all night and d. electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cld water In all room, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where ncry eifort Is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; rens toe mofi lensouablo Mi the city; ioou;s by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car at depot. Ket ol f at I'-'th and Washington. NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN I Those tnree beautifully furnished hote.s HOTEL HOTKL HOTEL MiNOOiC PAKSONd. ROWLANDS. 213W 4lh at. 4th sC 207 4th at. On V'ourth St., running (rom lay lor to Saimon St.; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished, steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to data la ail respects. ai:d al popular prices. If you want sometnnug out of the ordinary. In tae heart of tne city, at rea sonable prices, gUe us a call, aa we know ou will like U. Room a by the day, weeat or month. Touriat trade solicited HOTEL bAVON. 181 tie vent a Street. New, modern brick building; steam heated, private batns. hot and cold water la rooms; beautifully furnished, caay. com fortable, rent reasonable. Call and see m. fer gular and trans l en t trade solicited. 4JRAND t MON HOT tL. Asl'n East Hurnslde. Live on ihe last bide and sava money en your room riet; we have 10 modsra rooms, s peels I price on rooms and suites with private bath; rates Sua to Sii per dsy; $j, to Ft per week. East otf4u. B laT Bl K I Nti II AM HO TEU i-V Va Waflilngtou st ; undt-r new maitageiueni ; :iom brick building, well furiiNhed and comfortable; steam neat, hot and cold water, free tele phone lu room, private, baths: rates S-t per wck and up; permanent and transient soin-ited. Piiune Main HI. UOlkt LA bALLE. lutt. and Hurnsid sia. Aasolute.y lire proof ; new and eiegaauf luxaianed rooms; private baths, sisaa heat, bet and cold water, private pauaee in each room; special raies ty tne mania: Bboae service trea Pbone MarnaU 4wA LOT EL KESWICK An Ideal home for busi es pl. ccntrsuly located; elegaat rooms, ail modern convenience. 7 in aad lay lor sia. 1 block from Portland Hote. eppwaita Uelllg 'laeater. Pnuo aaaia l HAIN1EK UUTIU One block from Lnton Depi; 140 outside reoma, with hot and cold water and tuta heat; offcra apelal rate for prmaaaa gueats; rats boo to 2 a oay; 44.&4 aad up per wa. Pbone Main a 4 la. VAN OOHDEH HOTEL. 106 Iwetltb at Marabatl i7Q. la bart of buaineas ouitrict; staaua heat, hot and cold water, free peons m overs1, team; A day and up;4 week and up. HOTEL OAKLAND. Trinity place, cor. Waa.iingun; new brick. steara-beated building, private telepltunea; sticily md eru: la'.ea. t.i wee up; permanent aad transient solicited. BY THE MoNTn kit tea building. A K. cor. ith and Stark. f'oor; h.-t, light, hot v ater; rent reasoiiabN . Appiy o m r, o Coiuinbtj, bltig. W, Park ud Wati. TUB LIN DELL. Large pleasant front room, easy walk It.g distance, ail home conveniences. SU. Z.SO to M per week. 4th St. Main uotl. 47aLL MET HOTEL. 10 Park aZ Itae rooms, hot and cold water, eteaa beau elevator aad all modern conveniences; a per montb aad up. cjuiet and comfurtaaie LARGE, elegantly furnished front room. $3; one a; one F Aider Grand, l-'l Grand a e. aioTEL NOR II IS. modern conveuieucea. ;.' to $b week. 0:i3 lj Alder, to. uer lUh. HOTKL CONG RES; now openl handsomely furnished, modern conveniences. 2 blocks from P. O. fih and M.nn. THE LARRAUEF. 1' ' y I-arrabee. Quiet. transient; permanent; modern; near Steel NP'ELY riMttn. 2tth. furnis'ied f r out room, a lo attic 7 Trinity place, between JOth and l;EAl"Tli?LLLV furnished room in steam heated apartment; walking distance. Phone Main S1M. T Wo nicely ' urniMiied rooms. model ate pi tee. 4s Talor t.. near lt h. bOATJIOl SE. tarnished roiiu ; laun. h ; ca noe; lent reaaonable. Phone Woodl'n 17;;4. Fl RN 1SH ED rooms. .Vh and Yamhill, -4th floor .opdnougn h'dg; reasonable rate. GooD. clean. l!rht rooms, rent reasonable, at X2 W'at l ark. NICE clean sleeping rooms. icasTnablcT DHnmniro Hotel. r,S2t, E. Clay. THE EDGAR, corner 14th and Wabhlngton Newly ftirulPhed rooms, reasonable. Fiirnih-d Room lu PHate Family. N E TI.Y futniphed bedroom: ga.i and phone, a week. 4iv tith. ROOM ene i with prite porch, modern conen s. board opil.mnl. -jm) j tT j, i'l.KASA.ST front room, use of piano, walk ing distance, 3H luth. FOB BENT. Furn I tried Rom In PHrate Ptallr. TO gentlemen; nicely furnished front t"no with porch, hot water heat, fine bath, hot and coH water. 3 adults In family; no uthor roomers- I'hone A 4.".9 In A. M. and after 0 p. M. or call Mont gomery st. 141 l.iTU ST.. corner Alder; nhely fur-iiiKh-d outride room m private family suitable lor one or two gentlemen, rea-M.iiHl'l- rent to proper parties. PLEASANT room for two In private fam ily; breakfast. 12 mo. each. Marshall . PLEASANT front room, electric light, phone. 3.oo weekly, ivalkit.g distance. uOJ Wash ington. ri.KASAXT room, modern house; walking i 'stan e . choice neighborhood. Phone C tHi Grand ave. N cor. Multnomah. TWO rooms, alcove, gas range, sinks bath; ruiiable ladies or young married couple. IU N. 2Hd. I'hone A ::s7 4. i.Akiik fmnt room, with sleeping porch everv nn venience : private home. S4 I'ollcge st. '2 Kl'RMSHEH rooms. light cheap rent; modern. 300 1-th Columbia. nd airy, corner vi.-i.-i v- r..piwlifl rnnnm. from S'J.MI weekly Phone. easv walking distance. 0&5 W a - h i p g ' o n. LeirMblo furnished room, stnin heat, haiii. !. -trie iigni, waiHins ply -cond floor, D. 4bi jencrsou n. CV a rtTV furnished slnrl room, furn heat, phone, bath. etc.. $.'.2i per week. ovj JotiMP'-n st., near 14th. 'lit W V. K K , c od clean ;.o. rt'. vjtTi rt. room ; attic, si Kl'KM ' 1 i K D room a. closo lu, modern. 82 E Tth N NEW LY furnished rooms, gentlemen only, 7'i Johnson. I'hone Mam Jt'-'o. MODERN ui ly 4 n Park st. f urniMied room, irLliMsllED front room, suitnhle for two, pT weeK. .;m' ji on ifcoiuet n .. PLEASANT front room, uso of piano, walk ing distance. .(! Hit n. y, MONTH, East 1'lst ioomi and use V. WodIwn 2 of home. U Si LloHT. airy r'm. suitable for one or two cheap rent. lfcl 11th. FliuNT room, one or two fientlcuicn; all conveniences; hv rent. 45- ih. LAK;e front room. -V I'ark at. booms With Bosxro NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. THE PARK VIEW, rv r-ner Weat Park and Montgomery. btrlcUy high -class family boarding house, everything brand new and, up oate, all hlgh-claaa furnishings, steam heat, hot and cold running water la every room, private baths, beautiful large sunny rooms ana tne view ie unaurpaucu. nrht on the I'ark. mce large veranda. loveiy dining-room, strictly a homelike piece at popular prices; give us a i and see for yourself. Mala 7. Eky desirable rooms, with hot and coia riiiiulng water, bulh and shower adjoin Inc. with alecping porch, home cooking, : minutes' walk to car and 10 in in u to1 walk to Wash. st. 72i Prospect Drive, . Portland Height'. M. 10o. DuLlS a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. tn and Madison: large room a bath, broad veranda, quiet, close to, neat car, 4 blocks xrom f. o. American piaa. THE LA M B E 11 SON. 5V4 Couch St.. very da- suable outsiae rooitis, steam neat, run water, good board, close In. MAN1TOU. 81 11TH BT. Attractive, clean room. steam good board, close in. reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 23d year. Hooma with board, uso of sewing-room, li brary. MO Flanders. -Mrs. E. N. Wilson, supt THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board, running water, steam heat. 8o5 3d st. r 1KST-CLAS.S hoard and room at popular prlce.v o7." Main, MaishaM z.n'. WANTED iioommato by youn; oice mau; aj.i eiich. it b. uregunian. hooni, Will Board, tn Private family. LARGE front room, two closets and single bed. host of board, suitable for two bual tifss men. In strictly modern home, walk ing distance, Wet Side, no objection to 1 young ladies rmplo ed. Marshall 80 1 Nh'ELY inrtiished front room with board for one or t wo. in modern private nome i.-.r.i i,jv win riow faeins nark: everv' con venience; u-e ol piano, etc.; only 7 blocks (rom jiosloifice. Main 4-H4. I'LEAfANT front rooms for two; $20 each; clean, new. modern house. Ideal home. 8 17th, near Everett. A ;KNTLEMAN v-ili tind board and beauti ful room. with l-atn, in nil eiegani reun home al 4i t lay t. VERY nle:iant large, well -furnished room with board, inourn conveniences, walking dibiauce; best home cooKing. .Main u-"". i a if i:i Koiie of room, private bath, al other ro"ins, excellent board. 2v4 N. 22d si. A 720. 1 v 1 1 1 1 ooms. with board ; best toe tton; strictly modern; furnace heat. i40 1 Jasalu. PLEASANT rooms for lad leg or gentlemen mploved; i.reakfaat and dinner i desired; Not, Hill district. .ui ? landers. COM KoltT A ELE, unny room, walking dis tance, lioine cook tilt; wocit; Lam. Last liOOM In private family with board or with out, about lu mmuies. nam lruni ioei o:Ti' e. Call oW Ghsan. MCE sunny room and board for two In private family. Cor. E. (second and Uai- ey. t. Jl TWO LARGE connecting rooms, . excellent board, large poich and grounds. Main 2PL PLEASANT rooms, eingbj; or ca suite; lent board. 6."0 Glisan. CHOK E location, pltaaant home, private faiiuly. break last ami auiner. Aiar. oitxio. A NICE room suitable for one or two pco- pe, wttn or witnom ooara. LA IUiE front room, splendid location, firat- ciass table Doaru ; . gentlemen, oi-j utn I-X'KNISHED rooms aad hoard, 010 avast A part men ta. HISIjOP HAL HAWTHORNE AVE. A.N D 0TII ST. Ncm , modern building : new 1 urntture; ."-room aparimcms; w alklng d lata nee, or best car service. THE D E Z EN DOR K , 20S luth St., near Taylor. 2 elegant o-room unf urnialied apart ments; oi.o nortlieuat, one southwest aa posure. Make reservation on premises. CLAVPOOUE FL'KNISUJiO APARTMENTS. 11th auu ctay; a-roui i'ruuui, sur nlslied with private tath; ail conve niences: good service; easy walking dij tance ; very icaaonaoie rents. THE M' KIN LEY APARTMENTS, East 7Ui and Morrison, most centrally lo cm led ; 2 and 3-rooni apartments. fur nished up to date; private baths; moder ate raUs. THE BIRMINGHAM. 3:0 l-'ih St. Newly furnished, walking distance. Marshall 4i4. MADISON PARK Ai'Aiakil.Sld, park and Madison ata. For rent, 3 and 4 room furnished aad tinturmsnea apartment, strictly modern. THE M EREDITH. 712 Washington u, 2, 3 and 4-ruoni apia., nmuoa ueors. wttn every Lotncnieuce. newly furnished; cheap, est rent lu tiie city. THE t 11ETOPA. istn ana Glanders, 2, 3 and 4 -room mouern awi tuieriia, iurnianed and uniurnisned; uo up; new furjjitura and new building. Apply to the janitor. PARK. APARTMENTS. 853 Harrison; bean tiful a and 4-room furnished apartment; walking distance; best of service; price (40 io s5oPhjjne Marshall 307U. THfcl LVNDORK APTS.. Xt 10th. near Jef ferson, one weil-furuijhed 2-room apart ment, w ith sleeping porch; also roomM Willi H conveniences LUCK HARTFORD APTS. 21st and Kianderg Undeit tie w nianipmcnt. 3. 4-room apt. ; tood service, ail inoaern, walking uhiLance. .vi am 2b2. BO.ANTA APTG., isS'u N. 2,7d, nicely fur nished modern 3 ana 4-room apis.; rent reasonable. Marshall 2b21. A N" MARCO Apartments, East fell, ajid touch New brick, modern, private bat as and idtone, tJjZ.l and l'tk Call East 701. THE WESTKALL, 410 6TH ST. ' Lowest rates in Portland; furnished 3 room p;s.. with private bath and phon-t THE MIL.NER. 350 Vi Morrison at.. Summer rnies on apartments; ail conveniences; bet locatioia for business people. BJEl-LAND. ldih Lovejoy Unfurnlahed trout; modern, new brick; must be aeen to be appreciated. Main 1867, A lo7. JoT K AST "MAIN; walking distance; very desirable 5-room apartment, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range. ONEO.NTA A'TS., auites from $B to $lo; nii'ilern conveniences. 17 17th ai. THE ELM 2 and S-room apts , furnished, heat, pnone and hath. 191 14th st. ONSONTA. Ib7 17ih. lo. 420 and J0 suit; aieatn neau F. P. ivgan, prop. " " IRIS. COR, SD AND MILL. 4 and 6 rooms; modern. bRYN MAWR. East Kith, near Yamhill, T, out itdo. rooms, over fine lan, porch. J ULl AETTE Furnished and unfurnished I room a Corner 2d and Montgomery. LOVK.lOY APTP. !7th and Lovejoy 2 Xuinuhed apartment, i'hone Mam - FOR REM. Apartment. A RDM AY' TERRACE. 12th and Harrison. Now ready for tenants. 2 and B rootn apartments, living rooms 16x 20, aigh and sightly; well furnished with everything that ijoea to make high-clasa apta.; lltri or 13th-s.k. car. Phone Marshall S98. A 472L ALTON I A APARTMENTS. Marshal and lftth. -I-arge airy 2, S and' 4-room spart menta; quiet and exclusive neighbor hood. KOKOMIS APARTMENTS. Marshall, near 17th. New, all 2-room apartments, com pletely furnished. Including silver a and linen; f and up; engage on now and rent begins April 15. TO LEASE. J , .u New brick apartment, very deslrama Weat Side location, one block from car line. Ready for occupancy April lo HuMding haa 30 apartments, consisting of Id 2-room. 12 3-room. two 4-room apartments. Wall and disappearing beds throughout. Elevators, stoves, refriger ators and shades furnished. Nothing has ocen left undone to make these apait ments both attractive and modern In ev ery respect. For further Information call Main 4007, or ev-nlngs, Marshall fto45. THE HOUSMAN APARTMENTS. 730 Hoyt st. Elegantly furnished 3-room corner apartment, with sleeping porch; surrounded by lawn and flowers, all bright outside rooms; also very desirable 2-room apartment. Daintily served meals can be arranged for just across the streeL Ref erences. THE VILLA BT. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Jn completed, most magnificently fi nished apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modem convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones In all apartments; high-class aervlcs: reference required Main 2276 and A 7057. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colom bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick building, completely flrat-clasa furnished tn 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, janitor service; rent per month, (26. 30t $40 and up; must be seen to be appre ciated. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and I'pshur st.. furnished 2-room apartments. $15, $18, 20 and up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phones, public hath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, nil free; airo) 3-room unlurniflhed apartments, with private bath. $1; 4 rooms, $2U. Tako H. 1:3d or W cars north. I'hone Main Sf9. ford!iama P A R T M EN T3. 170 Ford st.. Just south of Washington; most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland; finished through out in hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix tures; elegant wall coverings; each with private balcony; hlgheat class service; very reasonable rents; 4 and 5-rooa apartments; most conveniently arranged. THE EVERETT. G44 Everett st. New and elegantly furnished apart ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleeping-porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located In one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking die tan cs. HANOVER FIREPROOF APARTM ENTS. King and Washington sts., now ready. New 6-story reinforced concrete build ing, only nreproof apartment-house tn Portland; every possible convenience, elec tric elevator, best of service, private bal conies, easy walking distance; 2, 3, and 4-room apart men is. $22. So up. LUCRETIA COURT. Lurretla SL, Near 23d and Wash. Unfairnitthed apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, ligbt and outside; large closets, hardwood floors; under nnw management, Marshall 1013. Janitor, Mar shall loOO. THE RUSSELL New and elegantly f urn Ished modern apartment a of two and three roomb, lo cated over new Post of floe building ; rent reasonable. Take any Union ave. car. Call personally or phone E. 2743 BL'EXA VISTA. CORNER 32TH AND HARRISON. NEW HRICK. 2. 3 and .Vroom apartments, furnished or unfurnished ; good service. Apply on premises, to Janitor. Both phones. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th sts.. just off Washington. 2, 3 and 4 rooms; brick building; newly furnished; phone In each apartment; modern In every respect. $ '2a and up. KENTUCKY APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished 4-room apartments, steam heat, private phono and bath, new and modern, on Enst Ankeny and Mon t a villa carJinea, corner of 28th and E. OHttn. Phone East rtSM or B 1432. KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 171 KING ST. 4, 6. 6 -room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. CR ANDESTA furnished apartment a Or and ave. and East Stark; new brick building. S rooms, splendidly furnished, with pri vate bath. $27.60; electric elevator; mod- - em conveniences; close-in location; easy wa Ik In g distance; best of service. CU M C E R L A-N D APTS., W. Park and Co lumbia sts.. l choice 3-room unfurnished and I completely furnished 2-room apt,, all modern conveniences, choice location, fronting the park and only 6 minutes' walk from business center. fcT FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony, new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location. In walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent aad bast of service. THE SUNLIGHT APTS. Nicely furnished 'A rooms, $23; all out side large light airy rooms, private phone and hath, gas range, refrigerator, water heater, laundry trays, large closets, on carllne East Side. E 22Ho; H 3041. GRAND OAK. APTS., 66 Vi Grand ave. Two and 3-room apis., nicely rurnigned, private baths and phones; new; reduced from $25 and $d to $20. $25 and $27.50. Think of It: If you want something nice in vestigate. NEW APARTMENT. The Harrlman, 16 24th st. N. 3 and 4-room apartments, all modern, two disappearing beds In each; furnished or unfurnished; every room ligbt; porches; rent reasonable. THE LEONCE. 186 N. 32d, Near Johnson. New modern brick. Just opened, new management. 3-room furnished apta., all outside rooms, private bath, phone and best of service. J0 up. Marshall 2260. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay streets, flplendld location, solid brick building, electric elevator: we have unfurnished $ and 4-room suites, with private vestibules, phones, bath, etc. 6T. CROIX Apartments, St. Clair st.. near Wasalngton; a ana s-roora apartments, with private oath, furnished and unfur nished; superb location, easy walking dis tance, brick building; convenient arrange ment, best of service and very low renta BANT HORN APARTMENTS. 251 11th St.. near Main ; cross m location ; eiegant a room apartment with bath and private balcony, $36- Every convenience, good service. GRACE APTS.. 797 Northrup st.. corner 24th ; large rooms; narawooa tioors, f ront vwranda, large sleeping porcn.. pri vate telephone, water, heat and hot water; new and strictly modern. THE ARCADIA, 7oft EVERETT. and 3 rooms, modern, nicely fur-i ished apartments, Summer rates. Main 4295, A 75ol. THE MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment, choice residence dis trict, walking distance. e ery convenience. 2 1st and Flanders sts. Main 7516. FOR RENT Newly furnished one, two. three and four-room apar.menis. every modern convenience. Phone Marshal) ftn'SA or call at 414 Jefferson after 1 o'clock Sunday, all day during week. HADLON HALL. Cor. I-all and 11th Sts. 3 aad 4-rm. suites, . up; Deautiruiiy furn.. hardwood floora, private porch a, pnonee. bath. ML Tabor car. Mar. H7L THE DAVENPORT. Newly furnished 3-room apt.; private bath and phone; reasonable. Main 54 o 5. rwi. Jefferson. PORTNOMAH APARTMENTS, 660 E. Tay lor, rorner of E. 13th; 2, 3, 4 -and 5-room apartments; very convenient; walking; dia- TH E FLOR ENC h .New ana absolutely first -class a ana lumnaea apart ments, $32.0 up. 383 lltb BL Marshall 4174. . FOR RENT A choice 2-room ape. fur nished, new, iiiouci ii, icwuimuie. nurcn A pats.. HO 21st st. N. THE MAHR APARTMENTS, 228 N. 20th st. .Nicely rurnisneo uu umui msnea a and 4-room apartments'. Marshall 20J8. CLEAN 4-room upper flat; .i accommo date Tamuy or -l n jonnaon st. at 2Sd. FOR KENT nd 5-room modern apart- r.K WCATI.n. 402 3d .1.. hou.eke? ping ad sleeping iwmi, .oj ycr wcok uek FOR RENT. A Dart men ta. -THE "THB "TH E "THE "THE "THE "TTIE "THE "THE ORLANDO.' ORLANDO.' ORLANDO. ORLANDO.' ORLANDO.' ORLANDO. ORLANDO. ORLANDO ORLANDO.' Portland's most popular apartment-house. Portland's best apartment-house. Elegant new furnishings and all the comforts and conveniences known in mod ern apartment-house construction. TWO AND THREW ROOMS T WO A.ND THREE ROO M R. TWO AND THREE ROOMS. 2"TH AND WASHINGTON. 2"TH AND WASHINGTON. 20TH AND WASHINGTON. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. FURNISHED A PARTMENTS. FURNISHED . APARTMENTS. Large, well lighted rooms, beat furni ture of modern design, eletrant carpets, telephones, hot and cold running water in every room; In fa-t. the most modern equipped two and three-room apartment houee in the city. NEW MANAGER, NEW FURNISHINGS. LOWEST RATES. The rates of the "Orlando" are con sidered, the loTvest In the city for the service afforded. Inestlgate before you locate. CLOSE IN. WALKING DISTANT!. W ALKING DISTANCE. CLOSE IN. The "Orlando" is within easy walking distance of the business center. It Is patronized by the best people in Portland. Don't fall to see "THE ORLANDO." 20TH AND WASHINGTON, 20TH AND WASHINGTON. THE WHEEL-TON. Cor- Park and Taylor ta THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon auu Walklne; DIstanca. TT-rnlshed complete. 2. 8 nd VT.0 apartments; buildings new said strlctiy modern; service firat -class. WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett Sts. New management; 2, - 4 or 5-roora un furnished apartments. The best apart ments in the city for the money; they have all modern conveniences, are fl0"8 In. neat and homelike. Don't fail to inspect them before locating. If furn ium apartment Is desired, can arrange this on small monthly pajment with rent, tenant, eventually owning furniture at sama monthly cost as furnished apartments. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box. plenty of close t rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker; 1 3-room basement apartment, $15. Phones A 1744, Marshall 2961. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington ; magnificent exclusive apartments, in heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeplne; porches. hlgh-cu service; refined clientele; references re qulrd In al casea Mrs. A. N. Wright, supt. phone Marshall 110L 1 THE AMERICAN. Most. up-to-date apartment In the Northwest; very convenience; 4 and 5 rooms, alt outside sunny rooms; "new; walking distance. 21st and Johnson sts.. choice residence district; attendant on premises. Marshall 3360. THE CAM AR 704 Lovejoy St. Under new management ; new, modern, brick. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; we will rent you apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any place In the city; good janitor service. Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 2923. New brick building, corner 3d and Mont gomery, furnished -room apartments, pri vate bath, phone and elevator, live min utes' walk; rates $7 to $33; no children. Phone Main H46U WINSTON A part in en ta, 341 14 th at., at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 2 and S-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; $23 to $37.50. For information call Main 17C9. BHBKFIEUD APARTMENTS, 7th and Jef- tm A 3 i-i -rrmm ant., n-lth hath. unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con venience; modern and only 5 mln. walk from P. O ; very reasonable rent. THE LUZERNE. Just completed, corner 3d and Hall; all 2-room furnished apts.. large outside kitchens, best arranged apta. In Portland. $25 and up. Easy walking distance. WOLFE APTS.. 210 MARKET ST. NEWLY' furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms, $22.50 to $40; single rooms, $3 up; free light, phones, heat, hot and cold water, eleutrlo elevator, juarsnau oovi. CECILIA APARTMENTS, d and Gllsaa sts.; best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service ; also easy walking aistance; 3-room apt., with bath, modern conveniences, jrery reasonable rent. p"EN INSULA A PART M EN TS Modern beau tiful Summer home; furnished and unfur nished apartments, $16 to $25. Take Mls aissippl or L car. get off at Kllllugsworth ave. phone C 3170. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. 69$ Lovejoy st. Take "W" car. Flats. STEAM-H EATED b-room. flat, very desira ble; convenient arrangement, with gas range and refrigerator; $32.50 Summer rate. Apply janitor, Wellin- m Apart ments, 15th and Everett. - MODERN flat, select -olghborhood, 5 rooms and maid's room, furnace, fireplace, gas range, shades, hardwood floors. 2M N. 25th, corner Northrup; adults; reference. Apply b75 Nc-'thrup, W car. 5-KOOM flat, gas and electricity ; fireplace and furnace; furnished or unfurnished. 7M Glisr :r. R- N- TuffOld. 407 Spalding bidg. Marshall 4547, A 4545. FOR RENT One 5-room lower flat, beaut l isy furnished, convenient and well lo ated. Inquire 185 North 2.'id or phone Main C3. NOB Hill flat. 7 rooms, fine yard, splendid netshbornooa. 7iu jonaioo St., bet. 23a and -'th. Main E591. MODERN, new, 5-room lower flat, every thing clean. 760 &larshall. Inquire 773 K earneyj MODERN 3-room flat: has every conve nience; walking distance; will rent cheap. Cali 41 11th st. MODERN 4-room lower flat, porch, basement, yard, sunny and pleasant; adults. 7"o Williams av. Woodlawn 426. 60 MARKET ST. 0-rooni. per month: key at ioVHi. Company. 3d and Oak. modern flat, $;th Portland Trust FINE modern 5-room flat, choice location, 76.1 Marshall St.; rent fin. C. H. Korell. 5th and Stark. Lumbermen, bidg. FOR RUNT Modern 4-room uppej1 flat. 71 Vaughn et. Main SI 10. MODERN. 6-room flat. 427 Blackgtone. In quire 701 Vaughn st. Main llo. 6TKAM-HKATEB S-room upper flat, gas range. Phone Main :;448. FLAT for rent nar Steel bridge. Phone Woodlawn 1859. MODERN 5-room flat, good attic, easy walk ing dlatance. 473 7th at. MODERN lower flat. 5 rooms. InquiriT" 622 FI"E-ROM modern flat. flv blocks from Poatofflce. Telephone Marshall 626. RKiTeNTLY vacated, upper 6-room,-modern attractive; sleeping porch. Main SSflS. MODERN 5-room flat, rth. near JackTon. West fide. 10 mln. walk. Main or A ia 4-ROOM modern flat on Belmont st j 1 2 so. Phone B 1503. rent 4S! WEST PARK, largo 3-room flat, bath, 2 a s ; Hft: water and garbage free. 8WF.U, 7-room flat, good neighborhood, very central. Tabor 3602. KEK modern 4-room flats; sloepins; porch walking distance. 5S Market. Mala 40;, FOR RENT. Flats. FURNISHED flat of 4 rooms, with private porch, steam heat, hot atid cold water, private bath, including phone and jani tor service, for $:;2.5o per month. 4oH North 2bth. Ask for landlady. Upshur Apta. 4S9 WEST PARK, laige 3-room flat, bath, gas, $16; water and garbage free. housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12tn and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elee tric lights, hot water, bli, laundry, free; $16 per month up; a clean place, best in the city for the money; short distance from Union depot. Take "S" or ltith-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. $1.60 TO $2.50 per week Clean furnished housekeeping rooms; free heat. phone, bath, laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver ave. and 202 Stanton; 'U' car. Phone E. 6039. THR i? LEX DOR A. IfHh and Couch IhlocW off Washington; 1 furnished Uoubekeeping apt men t with 4 rooms; also one with 4 room." : rent reasonable. CLOSE IN light housekeeping rooms, ftirn ished, very reasonable rates. 163 Park st., cornet Morrison st. CAMBRIDGE bidg.. furnished and unfur nished housekeeping rooms; central, cheap ren t . A oply room 6. 3d and Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING- room for rent; electrif lights and gas; good location. 1S9 3d st. S. THE MILNER, 350H Morrison Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; steam heat, elevator, all conveniences, best loca'a. HOUSEKEEPING rwsms In new concrete building Phone Woodlawn 7379 or -997. PALMER. HOUSE, 3."0 Aldr at., furnished hous -'Keeping rooms, double and single. 461 EAST MORR1SO N. cor. East Sth; f u r n -ihed two-room house -keeping suites. Housekeeping Room in Private Familv ONE large. licht. very clean housekeeping room, first lloor, newly papered and fur nished ; front and back entrance, fine yard, hot and cold water in room, free heat, bat h. phone, electric lights, use of Mash trays; 20 min. walk to I. O.. 1 block to 3 cars; $13. .'SO; no transients. 44A Rodney ave. Phone E. 3221. WELL-Kl'KN ISMED housekeeping suites of 2 rooms for rent, ideal ior Summer months: walking distance. $10 month. Tak SHtwood car. ."42 Karl st. TH K EE cheerful front 1 ooms, opening on veranda, unfurnished, pood location $11. Including lights, water, gas rang", no dng. HCTVj Pttvgrove st. Main 21 OP. $10 NICELY located, beautiful river view, one suite, 2d floor, every modern conven ience, nice yard, roses, walking distance. 114 Porter st. Phone Sell wood 1101'. A WORKING woman or schoolgirl can have room with respectable lady, private hed and housekeeping privilege West Side, $7 per month. Phone Marshall 3f:r'. NF.WLY furnished housekeeping rooms, fac ing tho park ; $ 1 5 per month ; tine loca tion: electric lights, gas. bath, fireplace, kitchen cabinet. flay st., corner Park. FRONT and back parlor, newly furnished for housekeeping; fink. ga.f. phone, porch and ? ard : everything f urniefied ; i?rf car. 7S Eat Yamhill near 2.1q. TH It E E nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, electric liht. gas. telephone and water free; $4 or $lti per month. 305 4th St. TWO rooms for housekeeping; steam heat, electric light, hath, phone, pretty lawn and porches; easy walking. 3 blocks from Wash. 73 14th st. North. $1$ FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in cottage; gas range, pink and ha Mi; separ ate entrance, close in. 610 1st st. LARGE, comfortably furnlbhed housekeeping-rooms, reasonable. 91 Va 1st St., near Stark. DESI UABLE housekeeping: room in quiet home; also single room ; all conveniences. Phone Marshall 4&78. 265 13th st. ON E large room, nicely furnished for housekeeping; electric lights; $12 a month. ::.; park. . KING LE housekeepln g rooms and two-room fliiitf?: modern, clean, close-in; $2 up. 655 Flanders, near 2ith. FOR RENT Two clean basement house keeping rooms. ?2."0 per week. No. 2 Nort h 14th. near Washington. PLEASANT suite housekeeping rooms, every convenience ; excellent location; $20. 2w3 14th. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; healthy location, close In, all conveniences. 'Jo.'t Chapman. Marshall Sl;i8. TWO or 3 newly furnished housekeeping rooms; modern conveniences. 117 Grand ave. N. THREE well-furnished housekeeping rooms, elna-le or en suite; all conveniences. 1S7 Chapman st. 424 'r STH ST. Look into this, two front ' rooms, elegant, clean, modern, close In. Wh v g" t tired 1 poking? FOR RENT 3 pleasant H. K. hath. $12. fS3 E. Into N. rooms, gas Woodlawn 1003. .. TWO large, comfortable housekeeping room''. Every convenience; very reasonable. 2H2 14th. Ft' RN ISHED front room, nlcovc. housekeep ing, private Suinm.r porrh, laundry. Ideal place, all mod-rn. 47.1 Claa. NU'ELY furniflied housekeepln? apt . beau tiful surroundings, walking distance; price reasonable. --5 Lownsdaie St. TJIKEK large desirable front housekeeping rooms in private family; modern, reason able. 431 3d. THREE nice furnished housekeeping rooms; furnace heat. 347 Hall. LIGHT, airy housekeeping rooms In base ment, right down town. lSl lllh. SUNNT-front upper suite, largo porch, J14; nlso single rooms, up. 11-' 10th. TWO connecting housekeeping rooms. Ilrst floor, yard, bath and phone. 4n Yamhill. SPLENDID suite for Summer; rooms large, airy; fronting on street. 534 Morrison. LAR'IB front housekeeping room, unfur nlshed: walking distance, 335 E. 1st St. N. HOl'SEKEBPINC? and sleeping rooms, pri vate family: both, phone, gag.' 146 11th. THREE unfurnished housekeeping room. cheap. Inquire 32a E. 10th N., cor. Ollsan. S15 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas plate, steel range. filS 7th. Main 4 '-'". FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason able. lit, 1st St.. near Stark. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. No. 'J Grand ave. North. Phone East 43f8. TWO and 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, ga. bnth, yard: $12.50 monlli. 61! Front. TWO housekeeping rooms cheap; we take children. Phone Main 9053. 721 1st st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, low rent. 3Rii 1st. near Montgomery st. ENT1KE upstairs, newly furnished, running water. H i month. 403 10th st. TWO or four housekeeping rooms. 513 Yamhill st. Houses. TO RENT 432 Oregon St.. 7-room house, modern in every detail, furnace, etc., ac cessible to several carllnes and close in. Phone owner. Tabor 1S00. or call at house. Ttcnt iS.'- ONE new modern 5-room house and one G rooms, in Holgatc Addition. East 17th st South, Sellwood car; nieo location, rea sonable rent. see owner. M3 Board of Trade, or call Main 10: or Main 9:1. NEATLY furnished modern 3-room house, large porch and yard, $23. including phone and water. 763 Williams ave. Phone Wood lawn 410. FOR RENT Irvlngton; for one year or more; modern S-room house, four bed rooms; at 417 East 15tb st. North: rent S4.V 529 Tillamook St. Phone East 540. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. R. N- TUFFORD & CO.. 407 Spalding Bidg. Mar. 4547, A 4545. 7 ROOMS, new, modern, walking distance. 381 Ross, near Mroadway. west nou, in good neighborhood. Phone East 4377. SEVEN rooms, elegantly equipped for com fort: strictlv modern. 154 E. 2Iat N. Woodlawn 2714. MODERN 2-story 6-rooin house, yard, paved street, one block to car: adults; 24. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. FOR RENT 10-room house. West Side, suitable for housekeeping rooms. H. Btfetlkofer. 2i" Salmon. MODERN S-room house, with large sleep ing porch. o!' tjv.rion ai... near -Jll-l. quire 2-1 Piarit t-.. MODERN 6-room house in good condition; 1 block from car. 549 17th, S17Q0. Rafael St.. near Lnlon ave. East ltiR.'i. GOOD five-room cotuige for rent at J12 per montn. -t si. FOR RENT Modern S-room house. Nob Hiil district. i. 'hi. . u hut-i npune. FOR RENT A modern 6-roolu house. 225 Wasco. rcono ijasi n. FIVE-ROOM cottage. West Side, ten min utes waiK rrom rpsioincr. .oa market St. $12 l-ROOM house, yard. j24 Mill, near S-liOOM house, gas, bath and furnace; walking uietance. inquire ot5S Third st. FOR RENT 6-room modern house. 7 East IKth North, pnone r.ast 2tl70. MODERN 6-room house, 246 McMille.n; walking distance. Man w."2.. $14 FOT'R-KOOM houpe and bath. 07 Everett it. call Woouard, 101 Second su