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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1912)
15 THE MORXIXro OKECOXIAy, TUESDAY, ATRIL 9, 1015. BEAL rSTATE Fee m-1Imm NOW PRICF.D -'." p-r i.m BKLOW VALl'B. An EXCEULKNT HOME. BEAUTIFl"? GROUND. on I NRIVALLED PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 2.'.uO Squtr feel floor space. Ovsldes attll : vn large rooms. I-arge halls. Two pantries, l-arge sleeping Porch. K'ur large douolv-door arrirobi, tmti :n war:. ba'hroom with superior nttmgs. dr-slng-romii till) utxtor). separate l.illcl. l-rg.- rloa.-t: tints-l-d ' coats M1TK ENAMKl- TWO FIKEI kACtS t HF.VAL UlKKuKS, plie-g:aa windows. OAK FLOOR.-, specially designed romnln-llon FIXTLKKS. IU.or.-d tin- 5"i. ma t-mfiu tiorn. nt with Bnc furnace, laun.lry trsys ami t"ii-l. 'r? .m-nt tl.ert I'oRCH. Cl.l.SKKK BRIliv chimneys, foundation and rr.iumn Pi'; PCUU rrn-nl t-TlS. THKKK 1' fcASV URAl'E. VIEW UP 'ITl.. Columbia and W,'i"'l!,',.t,-v av"T; i r, HOOD. APAV, ST. Hfc.LL.Na AND ran MOVER b,,r,,'V p,..f.i..n of ROSES. tr. sewer ronnertom. THK GROUND CANT UK l '"''-fZn-li Ul' CAN'T IH'I'LICATE THE PRIl. la n o.'d rl:'rt.-f. ..... , v I m PKTSRVINtU t SELL QL ICKLl. E. F. Ferris. Tsb-r 3321. LAVKKUIUKM 1 1 OMRS. Tou r perhaps looking for a home a inn different, wllh a little mora orig inality lhan the average house, and one thai tan be bought on reonablo tennl and not at a (! titlous value. liKllr" ABE THREE C'.M'INK l A lt; A INS. srHi a large 2S-si"r hinK. contain ing eight large rooms and sleeping porch; Ort story oriel., beautiful'.) rlnished rnronfhoul: th biggel barsaltl nr ut frd in tlila city; has an actual value of $;o.j. don I overlook tlil one; very easy Mfmi. too. .-.70 This l a beautifully finished groom kouv; owner living In aarne n; ! building a larger h"U. la willing to aariirti oina to make nu'ck turn; this 1 mire lo pit- ou: good terms. $7-0.1 Tl.e besl-buill and moat artls- tiraliy nmshed bungalow in Portland, the colonial style of architecture followed .hroMgheut. finished In every det-l.. ready for occupancy. If T"u are looklnc for something original, aee thia. seven larto rooma and sleeping porch; x nod teem s. liLRLINGAMK ALLISON, fr.vclupive Af'Ul. Corbett Hidg. Min IV'... Vain 4''-'. or A 1.M3. OSLV l-3'.O. $.".' POViN. Ill A MONTH. One block to K'e Clt Park car. cosy new mo.lm bungalow, cement baee.ncnt. aanltary t.alh and kitchen, tlla and enamel fini.h. buttet. living and din-itig-roorua mlui'in. brdrooina euamcird. wired and beautifully timed. Iiri jwrrhrt. nice view lot. line for ard-n and chick ana: eaifa lota if deired: M-t.K)t handr boulevard Paved; will be tho grcatcet boulevard In lortland: advance in value of th:e rr'.la-rty In crta.n. 'e Jamea t.. Logan. r. SyaldlnK Mdg MR- LOT OWNER! HER IS TolR (HANOI TO lal rP.OVB TOVR FKOPERTT WITH A HOMK FLAT CR APAUTNENT; WILL IFINANCB IT AT A LOW P.Alt OF IS TERKsT, PLANS FX RNISI1EU PRE 16; IT WILL PAT YOU TO CUM IS AAU TALk TUIa OVEK. J 8. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND 1 LILDCR. HENRT ULDG THAT VACANT WTT. W"HT NOT Tl'KN A TLhrR fTO ISrOalB PROPEKTT? IF TOO OWN A IOT WE WILL Fl'KNIH Tilt MONET AND BL'ILD RESIPENCE OK PLATA PLANS FKEB IF WK BLILD. OL'S R klPCTATluN TUI H I KOTECXIOM. It WILL PA TVOL TO SEB Ld. l K. BAILET CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ISO ARCHlTtas. AHlNiITON HLTX RL1LT TO SUIT YOf. We will build you a home to auit. either on your lot or w.- will furnleh tol. If you have a lot you pe-d no money. Deferred payments T Per cent. We hvc built over '.Vk hous.-s ami ran furnish ealiafactory referen.-s. B.-fore I. living it will p-y you lo call Min ::T or A ' . ;. J. V. i.LTHHIK. L'TJ rttark. TWO model nouses. 5 and rooms, will aell either one both on romer lots; will sacrifice either for cash; p.rica filial and siu-i. aMhrr worth JT.'h hut I must hava nHh or security as k'h! cush. as I am oing away from h.-rc: blrui-l and war ranty deed all clear, no incumbrance. Sea Joa Nash, corner Millard ate. and 7-d street or phona Tabr 1U.12. l-o. "iHHI t'A.-H. Attractive i'om-ik of .". rooms, bath and on W-si Sole, t, block from l'u;U.n earlinc, '-" mlnuiis' ride from Mor street, s'ghliy lot wuh nt'-e rosea and lucnlv of fnrt and l-emv; a iinup. KAI iEMANN MOORfc. ;." Lumber Kxcb:ne. 1WO THIKW acre ani new 3-room bnuaa. West eida. Ju mlnulea from poatoffloa; running water p:;ed t tract, good walks to station; beautiful view of Tuaiaiia Val ley; ilooo: !" down. V3U per moats. PKOVIDrTNT TKIST COMPANI. 01 Board of Trad 1. da Mirsnall t'-i. A JUJi fPl.EXniH NEW HOT'S E. T Riil-. HARl.WiX'U KlA.ORS. MOPERS IN" EVKHY WAV. HARD-.ll;K.CE STlldET tCLi'SR f:l.i K. FKUJI rll; S.MAI. 1. PAYMENT ImjWS. BALANCE EASY. AT HACKlKlv-'E If TAKEN AT ONt E. MIOHT TRADK KOIt li K'l I.OTrt. As K FOR MK. KArl'l'X AT M" SPALDINI. BUKJ. NO AOEXTS. V. Iii." .ell at a sacrifice, my property on tt.; h-eoom house, fruit trees; or will cotiaider trade (or smalt farm. My eo, iuy S "e. J. L- Pearey. o3 Worcester i oia wain ... toe sale Hu-lse protleely. rtK nieeimnl. two nvr-rwin flats; new. ail mmlmi. wi.l take lt a part oaMnent; price $4'.. .wnr. S'Jl commercial St. itl'illl.Y linpr.jvd acres clo-e lo t'UV ot Base Line and Mount M'Ht Eiertrlc; haa g-wt s-fiwrn bunaatow. nne water, hemes and frnlt tres; all for '". on .. trms. Call A ;.T4. Main Tlu. ask for Hover. 'HAVS YOl ' 'ai ? If ao. you can buv a $'ntfi place. 20 aces clear, nicely lmt.nnr.1, for V IIS value. If you don't liae a7Te or don t know a real barcaln. don't rail It Ch. ..f Commerce hlil Jg acre lot. plowe.1. roiled and ready o plant: owrer will build -ottao to suit, near suourban car. graded streets and water; a bargain. 1 r-r rent s-b and tie tr monih wiil handle tins. See Trn.rec. ol Spalding l.i'lir lo , l(E. of uoe iand. aH rloiml and ss n to noor. an Or-gon Electr.c. wtihm one nl of the depot at r. n. o. Price .;.'... on mo irrmi. or will s-!l " n'". For p irti. u'.irs call 41 t Spa ding hldg. "f.'RE'.7iV :i7f:'TKH' $Ti i tn -o A. tracts, near station. 1$ miles eu . terms; fine for fruit. ti.TTIes. chlcs nt e:c. Fred W. German. 4-a Sums. da. 1 or A ITT-'.. . ACKEACE Felt ItKNT ! acres, iev-'l and for plnw. on E. 5Ttii. r'.e to Btrerti ar und on crad.'d cfo-i. le.. for this y. sr. Price $. AL Tt'l. Or. gon:tn. STEAMEIt FAKE TO FI1I.-. 0 PAID. Buv ll a-rea fivmoua Sscrjnirrln Valley Kiectrie Farms. $'U acre; ll'tt ra-h. Call or write for particulars. C.IU ac lmfur. lw Hamilton h'-!. ACRES Southwest from Hood River. Is t and o-year-o d c omm.rtul applea. wlta water right; I'lO feci from new brick hlgk school. Wouid trade f'.r fir property. Wood lawn l-'t'S. G. S.. 4.' Vv vgsnL. Mi'I.ERN house. S r..onis. on East Side car une; street improved, hard surface; will s-ll at bargain; terma lo suit pur-riaser. W I. Pare. liT Sherlivck hldg. w acres of cleared land, near Multnomah iT.ttt.oi. mmutca Irom t'ourinouae. cent rarfvr". Price Sea) owner. 414 Spiidmg billg. . . . . - u I 11)19. 2-room hous ho'rae and wagon. 10 chickens; utily Slouo. soove terms. HI-'.I.EY aV msHOl'. 1- THIRD ST. -Ai KE. highly-Improved chicken ranch. with bearing orchard, on eleclrio car. 60 fre. cheap for Immediate gale. J. E. Hill, 5"S Ahlngtcn b!dg. i t, TO 10 Ai'KKS Close In on Mt Hood Railway line; easiest of term-, best of soil; mostly all c, eared. AT ".. Oregonuui. fYvE gcreg of finest land on Base Line road Tor aale. lust beyond Twelve Mile House. Price al&TT.; ivet down, easy lenug on balance. Phone Tabor oi.1. W ANTED Expert irrlgatlomst. with $."-l. which will give him Ins pick of 10 a rea Irr'aated land at West stav-ton (near Hlcm Call Ch. of Commerce hide. 1 X AND S-a ere tracta. cloea to Fort; ao a. 1 to a blocaa from electric cwr'.lns. tiu ta o0 par acre, easy tarsna, J. W. Haz ier in Realty Co.. Ola Cor bait bldg IT A RES. li cleared, running water, t blocks from car ataf"n and s miles from Courthouse; ortlv I'll per acre; terma; owner. Jsoics Wilson. Boring, or., route I. ., BKAGl and farms, large and smaj tracia Ca:i Klnncv A blampfar. Wl-J Lumber Eacbanga bki(. KEAT. "CSTATK. For Sale Acroaga. ACRSAOE a. In valley Just treat of Council Crest. Abuts on both sides of Fourth street carllne now being electrified. Onlv 40 minutes now. 30 minutes with the new ears and ".'O minutes from 4lh and Waahlngton when tunnel la built. Car fare to commuters now 1BV rente, this la leaa than you pay for wood and water. Beautiful laying land, rich soil, no rock, gravel or hilla, fine water at '.4 feet, good stores with frea de livery of merchandise. rural free delivery or malla. good phone ser vice, churches and schools. In fact every community convenience al ready established and so close to center of Portland that each year's growth of city doubles up tha valuee of these tracia Many nice homes now occupied. This Is the largest platting of acreage In the vicinity of Portland. The present development Insures rapid and continued growth. 2."0 to ii per acre and upon monthly payment plan, proper discount for caah. Any sised tract you may de sire. Arrange to go see this with out expense to yoo. Office open until 9 P. M- TUE SIIAW'-PEAR COMPANY. Main 35 lOi Fourth St. A S500 HOME ACRES. Located on the Oregon Electric. Just -T5 minutes' ride from the center of the city. Too PER ACRE. EASY TERMS. Peep rich black soil: the best truck land In Oregon: one acre properly culti vated will make von independent. V-CENT FARE. This land la all cleared and under plow; remember each tract Ia directly on the eiectrlc line and at the atation: buy two acres for what you would pay for ore average city lot; aa short a rlda sa to go to Rose City Park. Bl'RLINJAME A ALLISOX. Ow ners. .22 Corbctt BMg. Main ISUS. A JSIo "orchard an d-rmrKEX ranch. lo acres, ail under cultivation, of which 3 acres are In berries, one acre In grapes, one acre In apples, prunes, quinces, pears and cherrtea;. good Vroom house and bath, hot and cold water; good barn, water avstem; 5 Jersey cows, one horse, .Vi chickens and all farm Implements. This place la located within 3J minute' ride from the heart of the city on O. W. A P. electric; price $!3.ix; I'otiO caah. balance terma, or will trade for good clt properly. GRl'SSI A BO LPS. nl Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. II down and II a week will put you Into Immediate possession of one acre of good rich black loam garden land, no atumps or rocks, ready for planting: about 50 minutes from city llnitta on Salem Elec tric r ad. near two atatlons; aiao - acres set out to fruit last year, fenced snd one room house, all for lia: ll down and 110 per month. Inquire of owner, 211-31:, tha FhI1Iii. :td and Washington. FIVE . r'.,i, aldewalk along front, only few atepa tror station. 4r minutes out. This Is th front, only few atepa from b-s: of garden land, at ' per acre, on terma Proper discount THE SHAW-FEAU COMPANT. Main 33 Hi- Fourth St. A 3300 CITT ACREA1E. LESS THAN 3 MILES TO Postorfl.e, 3lih street, between Francis ave. and Powell Valley road; all In or chard, part bearing: the owner Is In need of money and haa rut tha price more than alien per acre; Just think. 4.03 acres for only Ss.'rfiO. H cash, balance 2 yeara at per n-ni; no trades, cash only: you wlil no doubt find tins the best snap In tha citv. If you have the money, hasten. See Miller. H-'i Ycon bldg. Mar. METZOER ACREAGE. 1 and one-third arrce of excellent soil right at Metzgcr station: land is plowed olid well manured and ready for the crop, place will make a nice home and ground wi'l pity well If planted lo vcgctnlilea: only snout S mil.s from Portland. cl-e to store itn.l school: f.tre 0c: prlco $HO per acre: f'.'oo cvsh. bitlancw. to suit. KAVFFM ANN A MOORE. 3-. Lumber Exchange. 33 ACRES. Choicest red abut soil In Waahlngtoa Cnuntv. 40 miles from Portland on tha new P. R. A N. Ky.. partly timbered, easilv cleared, good roada. school In quar ter of a mils, new railroad town In twa miles. gjoo cash, balance your own terma F1RLANPS TRCbT COM PANT. U Spalding Bulldlnit; Br NG ALOW and l-io acrea for aale; land In cultivation, frnlt trees, berries, etc.; house lias large living-room. Cnxl.1. -foot stone fireplace, beamed celling, built-in bookcaae. etc.: modern plumbing t h rov -h -out; good water system and fine w. r. On Oregon city earline: 7c fare; 2T mln uiles from Portland. Price H7SO. terma For further particulars address Postofflee Box .. city; phona Oak Grove. Bed -o4- BeXvERIAM LAND VS. CITT LOTS. Una cere of beaverdam land Is worts) In productive capacity .a doaen rlty lots snd costs no more than an ordinary lot 4 miles out; ion can buy ens or mors acres all ready for crop at ljv per acre n i.rmi- an acre will pav for Itself in two 3-r. Inveatijat IF. ill VB.UCn VIUA. tsEB MR HEKOKB BL'TIXl. Five or tr-n irri-i of my Und point th wav to independence, it Is near Portland. to K. K. and boat landinc and two rood towni; some nf the flnr-at toeav-rdana and tn Oregon: best for onions and garden trur-k; also som fine fruit land; I will sw-li on easy terms: per arr. Kica, owner. K. 3'iH. SL'ttV WTashlngion it. IV, CHK'KFS A.VP FBVIT RANCH ar Portland: a NEW Lsowast prices; best soil ; fin view; wood, waiar aud roads; 6 a--ra t4Q per traet; j.-..o- A.. ; 40 A.. $tJ0: 65 HW A.. $H0: Mberal lirmt FIUNK M FARUNU REALTJ CO.. tot Teo Pi.l.. Portiand. Or. THK HK.ST PrY N K Alt PORTLAND. I have a 4 and lo-a-r Iran, with boM Imusrs and flrft-clajs, at Titiarri. on the rrprrn Kl-rirlc. 1 miles out. bel trnrr-irtatin. that I can s-H at pris ny untler the market and on tN-xt trrms ll ne take vimi out In rr t ntirhinp and I'mw ou these. They rn' t.'-.h-st. T :, Ore-irnnian. ai -!. Mi 1.1 KK T,!S AKUIND 1' K TI.AND. 9 arre'.. Kratttifiil plar-e. flneM soft r"m r-d . I -r, -t . : . ho us, barn, ft ne la rj; e rr-hatd, nne tcv. fine rad, 15 mlnuu-i electric s.aiT.-n. 7Tj rniies Courthousi-; rludv this prlre. terms. larhatii:U.V HcKt-r. l-IUmbtr Kx. :uo ACRFS land nca- 51, H -wd R.. about 4' arres In ru!ti'n, nh S-ep anil. Wfll aTered. rent I'cl s-tnlc sur roundlnKs; would ronsltier "me tnort pcacs. contrarts and jrMd rl ly lots ta pa rt trade. Henry C. i'rudhomi ia Co, Md AViIn.-c bUlj. A ti4Ot JNVKTM KNT. 3.s a rt s n line f Mr. Huod R. R. at a barsHiu pri.e. About half tillable. s-m.a easy to riar. am a--od timber; fin joirer atre-im throuah center; mlfrht trail city prierty. Vanduyn St Walton, 6lt t.'hamber rommerc. MAVK - - are 2 nills from the city limits for onlv " per acr; 14 acres In culti vation. nm -barlnc fruit treas. larsr srin piped into th house. , mile to i he tar, fsre cents; will w.iv terras If (ieflred. This ts an reUiopal snap. V K- Millar. W."- Yen Bid-. Marwhail . ONLY FOR A FEW DATS. fl.VMt - i beautiful acres, riches soil, partly cleared. ntlnui- walk Almoitira nt. t Inn. iart cash; wonderful bargain this, lnd ST-Illns: -1.k to per acre higher than this. tanhail 14-V Heeker. 8?7 lumber Kk. ONLY $;." AN AfKlC I About what others ask anj aret) f-r 4 ares fine solt. just outsld of city limits: In a short time- you can soil H of It at what ynu paid for alt and ha TWO Ai'RKi FOR NOTHIXii, Call at R'a, , h. of tommerre Bltt ONE iv"and a l(V-acr tract 14 ml!e from ele- tric station, lf rollN from Portland, niaradam roads, no hill; $125 per acre; easy terms, hee owner. FRANK T. PER RT, No. 4 N. 6tb St. ACREAOE 1-NAP. acres Z miles from railroad, only 4n m.Iea from Portland: 14 acrea can b put to plow when cleared; wlil cut 1.-Oo0 cords or ood; price $15 per acre. Hoff mann. t Couch St. I M PROVED ACRE AOK FNAP. One. three or f ! acres, sptondid aoll. lie fine and eioe-in : ll-eent fare: cheap ar.d easy terms. Vandun 4k Waltoo. bib rh.mivff f'ommerce. TtlRtTK acres In townslt of Gladstone; would consider good city lot in part pay ment. Henry C. Prudhomm Co, bOQ Wll f"i bid. 1 ACRKS. sprlnic. creek. 5c far, no rock; tatke s)n trade, or bargain for cah- 437 " t) at m pt of Co m m err. U A : L-i-aN 7 1. At-'Ti? uf new low nttll" a MU JtooU Itaiiruau. phona Tabor Tti. REAL ESTATE. Vor Nsle Acreage. ACREAOK BARGAIN". 64.S. acres, only It mllea from Vancou ver, near North Bank road and .Columbia River: all good soil; halt can le cleared for t'J"' per acre, balance nearly as cheap: will cut lol cords of wood: prlre 43 per a.-re. Hofrmaiin. os t'ou.-h t.idg. lloiueatewds. WANTED A sawmill man to locate on a timber claim wlta a good mill site: also two other partiea to locate on timber cl.-iims. Address Wm. Harrison Smith. 81iH First St. WE have a relinquishment to Government land: can be entered elthar as a home, atead or desert claim; thia claim is well located and valuable; must sell; attrac tive price. T T!I. Oregonlan. - IIOmTTstE APS, near Portland, timber and water: some prairie: good homes; fees right, rover. 2l7 Oak. room 2 1 HAVE a few locatlona left, 7 to 10 million ft. timber per S sec Call 217 Abtngton hldg. I?Xlt SAI.rJ A homestead relinquishment: .ioO If taken this week; Improvement and some too. Call 4.V Washington JEt-lRABLE families located free on best land in Central Oregon. Write Hamptoa Valley Development Assn.. Hampton. Or. tor iale Fruit I.eoda. HOOD RIVER. JO-acre apple orchard, under ditch; water right goca with land. acres in full bearing. A acres planted In 1U0S. T seres planted in 1810 to best commercial varieties: nn belur roil In the valley; S mllea south snd 8 miles west of Hood River; fine county road on two sides of property; mile to churrn. school and store; wlil dlvldo or take Port land property In eftiiingr. Price i.s.oou. A. a RICHARDSON. 211! Rv. Ex.. Third and Star sta. SNAP IN IMPROVED ORCHARD. Ten-acre Improved orchard tract, trees two yeara old. M Spllienlx rg. 2l Yellow Newtowna and family orchard, consisting of peaches, pears snd cherries. This Is in th. famoua fruit belt of Klickitat -0"'y; Washington, non-lrrlgat-d ; will sell tor :tiiu and arrange easy terms: no Interest. Hee owner. C. H. M.. 3".1 Henry rg.lg. n w w i i . . . . . . ........ - Ten acres, six In i-year-old commercial orchard; well located and close to station; also 10 acrea adjoining In clover, under ditch: half cash, balance to suit. Walton. &1 ChamDer txmmerce- FOR KALE The most complete berry and chicken ranch In the county; new 6-room house, well snd outbuildings; 4 miles from Portland on Bass Line road; easy terms. 'all Tahor 74. WHITB SALMON fruit laud. Call Wood lawn or C 1777. For bale. Farms. SMALL FARM. US acres, new 5-room bungalow porches, fireplace, bath, cellar, piped for bot and cold water. K acrea In cultivation. 2S acres slashed, easy to clear: 4 acres fine black onion or truck land; .. thrifty applo trees. M) peach treea. some pear quince and other small fruit and berries: running water, tine spring near house, barn, woodshed, poultry yards; two miles from good town, close to Portland on tt P. R. h. This Is a Una poultry and fruit farm and the price is below actual value; price :u'.2.1; cash will handle. W. W. Green. 713 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $100 AN ACRE JIOO. 190 ACRES Here is a farm In the hesrt of the Willamette Valley, that Is worth double every dollar that Is asked for It. 14 acres under cultivation, balance pasture, living water on place; 2 miles- of Mon mouih. the town with the only normal In the state; 4S mllea of Dallas, the county aeat: close to railroad and public roads: I"Hi down, balance time. For particulars address AK M0. Oregonlan TWO BIG BARGAINS. first 10 acrea of very fine fruit and berry land, shot soli: plenty of water: all under cultivation; 500 Bne bearing fruit treea; a good school and church near; 4S miles from town and railroad, good roads. This must go right away; cash $0430. Write for a better description. Second 25 acres of very good young fir, only 5 miles from town, and a fine home for you. cheap; plenty water. Don't miss this st $lloo cssh. Write to r". E. MOTTKMII.LER. Pioneer Real Estate Co.. Hldgeneld. Wash.. Route No. 2. HOP I.A.ND. 470 scree about 13 miles this side of Palem. :i"i" acres in cultivation. 40 acres hope, good 8-room house, good bam. water tower, good family orchard: GO acres 4.rsverdam land. This Is one of the very best ranches In the Willamette Valley; It la adapted for almost any kind of crops: adjoining land selling for double the price: price only $ lint per acre. GKL'SSI ft BOLDS. UK Board of Trade Bltlg., 4th and Oak. ONLV T6 PER ACRE. 12.Vaere dairy and grain farm. tdjoin- tng a good town in the valley; half in cult, and crop: rich black soil, orchard half level, half rolling, plenty grass and pas ture the whole year; smail house, largo arn new and painted; cows, horses and machinery go with this plsce. If you want a good sheep farm. Invesilgate this. Oregon Farm Realty Co., tiub McKay Mdg., Portland. Or. Jit;i4 At'Ri-. fJS miles from one of the best towns In the slate; ISO acrea In culti vation: all fenced and croaa lenced: good G-room house, throe barna. Ill) head of cattle. .10 goats, six sheep, nine hogs, one horse; all fnrmlnr utensils: all for 14. !0 per acre, half cssh. balance good time. 6 per cent. Call on owner at 4o White ave.. Portland Heighis. ONLY A24o Hpiendid Georgia farm home; earns more each year than the total cost: cultivation without attention of owner if preferred, or convertible at your option: absolute safety guaranteed; bank refer ence and trusteeship. Write for photo graphs: quick action neceasary: answer immediately. Geo. W. Dean. Box 4oo. Waycross, Ga. FOR AI 120 acres Washington County; IS to railroad; ai acres cleared: part In crop; young and o;d orchards; beet of aoll; fair house; good barn: aix spring' water piped to house: best farm in vlcln'lt; cheapest for the money almost anvwhere. Price 0 an acre: $Iihmi cash, balance easy terms. Address Owner. H l7i. Oregonlan. ' HEADOI'AKTEBa FOR Grain, stock, fruit ranrhes. loo to 40.000. acres; 110 to e-o per acre; Waaco County. Oregon; 23 yeara' experience at your ser- ' 'C'' J OH NPTOIf -BOTIirt R CO.. nOK Chamber of Coniinen-e. B.rtg IDEAL. SI MMER . HOME 10 A., adjoins this town; a-r.. house, water, sewer, fire place. 2 barns: 4 a moist garden and pasture, balance wooded lulls; stream: oa rter: boat landing; wood cut: plenty small fruit: sacrifice sale to immediate buer. Owner. Box 1"7. Taquina. Or. FOR SALE 67 acres, adjoining depot. 14 miles from Albany; level. aH cultivated, well improved, good hop soli; 22 acres fine bearing prune orchard: will InTease greatly in value. B. Porter. 1213 7th st.. Oregon t'lty YAM H ILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. I.arge and small tracts. suttsble for general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops. fjalrvlng etc; about 40 miles southwest of portlsnd. Or. Call or write tor pries list. W. K. Kidder. Csrtton. Or. sOO-ACRE whest farm. Eastern Washington. all In fine cultivation, yields big crops; will sell at a bargain and consider aonie trade If prlca Is right: easy terms on bal- vnrr. AJ KM. Qrrgonlan. tT.I'OANT fruit and vegetable land one mi.e from Roseburg. Id the famous Urn n qua Valley; ll0 per acre In Inatailments; city wster. electric lights. K 12. Commer cial fiu b'dg foR sTi-E i acres A-1 land, under cuiti vatton. lavwi, rich, borders county road. 1 mils trolley, t miles Hillsooro: best tarsals Washlngtiii County. I P. I'gWITT. tt Oregonlan Bldg. ACRES black loam and beaverdam. all cultivation, mlis Oregon Electric siatlon; 1S3 acre". I stn obliged to raise toooo cash Bee. agent, H. N. bwank. 80S Abltigton bldg. . 1 40 ACRErl. 2,1 ntlles from Portland, good soil auto road hrough plaoe; school on corner; owner In debt, must sell; will take Sl.-.0. Call at 4 th St. (10 1'tii ACRE, ltto acres level land, 20 seres cleared. So miles of Portland. Hilton R. Whits. Sirs Henry bldg. 130 ACRES black loam snd beaverdam. all . m cultivation, one inlle Oregon Electrio titatlon. S acre. Owner 111 health. I mean it. agent. J. E. Hall, 3V8 Ab Ingion bldg. LINCOLN COUNTT Dairy, stock ranches, timber and fruit land. 110 up. grass g-o-fs year round. Corns and sea. R. N. Warnock. Toledo, Oregon. RANCH 0 acres, with buildings. IS miles from Portland, near electric Hue: bargain for all cash, by owner. HI Morrison- at. " CENTRAL ALBERTA FARM LANDS, gift per acre. Write for literature CRAFTS. LEE GALLIN-KH. Bdmon. ton. Alb na si ACRES, mile Newberg Improved, house. Darn. creeK. in j ...iiiaiu. iu Yeon bldg. R REAL ESTATE. For Sale GRAVITY IRRIGATED LAND 100 AN ACRE. Only land In California under gravity Ir rigation, where the farmer geta more wster than he can use that can be bought fo? sioo an acre. Alfalfa 10 tons per sere; now worta 115 Dairy cows psy 10 a month in butter fat. Aero alfalfa supports two head. Hogs pay $150 an acre a year. Bees $- a swarm. Ideal for poultry. 13 acres prunes paid 4.M)0 last year. SO acres pears paid $4oo an acre. Other fruits equally profitable. Silt loam aoll. Fine garden land. Good schools; beautiful country: healthy place to live. Only one-tenth cash. No second payment for 2 years. 6 years to pay out. Tremendous sals. Land soon all Bold. Come todity. . ... ,, living in Portlaud or vicinity call on H. G. Terry. 904 Ycon blug. Others write to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY. LOS MO LINOS?. CALIFORNIA. HERE IrJ VOL'R CHANCE. Compelled to sell my i'r-acre orchard farm In order to raise money: I offer same as a whole or in tracts to suit purchaser at a sacrifice Located on main Portland-Newberg auto road In most beautiful section of country, surrounded by beautiful homes. Ths earliest locally raised strawberries sre sold everv year from this place in the Portland market, realizing highest prices: about 23 acres In full blossom now; the crop per acre will pay the price asked for land. , Almost the whole place set to apples and pears, commencing to bear now. Running wator on all tracts. Easy terms; will accept strawberry crop as pavment and one-quarter purchase price in cash. Arrangement can be made to take care of orchard for you. AH w3t. OregonlHn. GENUINE SACRIFICE. 430 PER ACRE. WASHINGTON CO. Owner of 12i-acro farm must have money Immediately and will sacrifice tlono for a quick sale. 120 acres fine land IS miles from steam line and 4 miles from electric, on good ran ty road. 28 miles from Portland. Washington Co.; 33 acrea in high state cultivation; CO acrea more easy cleared. 4(1 acres stump. 13 acres good timber, 3 acres bearing apples. 3 acres 8-year-old apples. 8 tine springs, water ptped to house; good buildings: the very best of soil; no rock: 100 acres best of farm land; guarantied as advertised; sacrlfleed this week for only $42.30 per acre; 113K cash. balance long time. Call ftPfl Swet.and bldg. CHICKEN RANCH, on Mount Hood Rail road, near Portland. Call Tahor 74.. M iecellaneous. AN IDEAL, HOME. 6S acres, good buildings, fruit, water, i mile from paved street: also a 18-room apartment-house, in Woodburn, Or., for ssle on easy terms or exchange for Port lsnd property up to Wo or 110.000 Call Main 144 or address P. O. box M. Hills ooro. or. . FOR SALE Best vacant residence lot on East .tide, fine homes surroundings, sox loo. close In, near earline. near schools, worth investigation, 14000. Address S 08. Qregonlsn. FA-RMS WAHTEP. r All .n iiA.nni.. Please note the following specif Icstlons rarefully and if yoo cannot meet them, don't wHBte your time or mine. 1 wont from 400 to 1000 acres, cleared or lurgely cleared, consisting mostly of river bottom land along the Willamette Rlvor. The soil must he- Isrgely of the deep, ssndv. river sediment soil snd most of it must lay reaaonsbly smooth and level so that it can be irrigated. If you can meet' these requirements, send a full and complete description of propertv. Be sure and slate the number of acrea now in cultivation the condition of ths balance location Improvements, price, terms, etc. E Oregonlan. WANT TWO FARMS FOR FOLLOWING PROPERTY. 1 ivKoo -room house. $0000. and 4 Iota. :miO; want farm up to 12.O0O; will go as far aa Roseburg. 2 ejooo 8-room house, has mortgage on for 11000; want farm to 30' within 20 miles of Portland: 10 to 20 acres clesred: with small house. SEE MR. H A R BOLT, A. J. RETSCU CO.. Marshall 42SO. A lo.9 M0 Chamber of Commerce. ' FARM WANTED. I have a customer for a smalt farm near Portland from 3 to 20 acres. Improved; I also have some cnoice farme on wnlon owners will take Portland residence or business Incomo property ss part pay ment. What hava you to offer? Owners n,y- W. W. GRE.N. 711 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED BKAL ESTATE. WILL FAT 1100 DOWN. Balance 123 to 10 month. Including in terest, for bungalow: must be a bargain; no agenls. Write a J P.M. Oregonlan. WANT to buy tl-room bungalow; must be a bargain: want small acreage near earline. CHAPMAN & i'l OVER. Room e. Railway Exchange bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. 1A ACRES, 5-rom house, barn, chicken house. 73 bearing fruit trees, all varieties, pruned and sprayed, berries, 3 miles heart of Portland. Owner. N. D. Root, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5120. FOR RENT Fine ;t(0-acre farm; tenant must have $:;Ki0 to buy horses. Imple ments and crop; no agents. Address AV loH. Oregonlan. JARM for rent, near good town, Willam elte Valley. KIR E. Taylor sL tOB S.ALK LAND. FOR SALE by owner, quarter section yellow pine timber In Wheeler County. Oregon. Cruises over two million feet. Address I. O. Box 413. The Dalles, Oregon. . TIMBER- LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'C'RACKEN. 804 McKsy BIdgJ TO EXCHANGE. MODERN 6-room. 2-story bungalow, hot water heating system, fixtures and shades, excellent location: will take ih to $ir.iHi value in lots or acreage; balance $2 per month. Telephone Tabor 74. $o EyiTlTY for $".'. In one of the best lots in WeMmorelarul; 12"0 owing, making full price 7l0; easy worth 1'0. Owner, Hsi.-. and lo6 Wilcox bldg. Phone Mur- lull I 4'tfi. . WANT A FARM. To exchange. t-nun equity in (lO0 house and two corner lots In 8unnyslde; prlre '.h0. Hon McKay bldg. TVs ACRES 2S miles S. W. of Burlington and sbout 10 miles N. W. of Portland, near United Railways eletric line, to tradn for Seattle residence; price gl'ClrO. Address AT Pol. Oregonian: 20 ACRES god land, eloee In on West Side, value isuuo. to trade for good auto and some money, or will take house up to 4000 : balance can stand. L lis. Orego rlan. THREE and four-room apartment-house on Washington St., will take 10IK cash, bal ance lots or acreage or farm. 318-10 Hoard of Trade. TO exchange for hous or automobile, good close-In lots in town of Terrebsune. Cen tral Oregon, near Bend. Frank Moody, owner. Portland. Or. FOR sAI.E or exchange; for good real ae tata. Hotel Dorie. tha only 12 per dsy hotel in Weodbura, Or. J. L DeLong, owner. LARGE block Improved with fruit trees, small house, fenced: exchange for house and lot. W V8. Oregonian. 20-ACRE and bO-acr farms, part for trade; city property, soma cash, balance lung time. R. Buetlkofer, 2)3 Salmon. X CLIENT wants to trade clear real estate for 2 or -chalr barber shop. 437 Cham ber of Commerce. IF you have furniture, lots or acreage to trade on a .-room bungalow, call up Main 8441. WANTED To exchange a stock of watches and lewelnr for farm lands or equity in fsrm isnos. 'J so. uitgnniin. 3W-ROOM. two snd three-room apartments, good lease, 13O0 cash and some trade, or good terms. 318 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or trade for part cash and acre age; fine equipped restaurant; good lease on location. G 022. Oregonlan. 37 ROOMS In heart of city, steam heat, lease, will lake 30 rash and good lots or acreage. 318 Board of Trade. WHAT have you to trade for my 7-room modern house 1112 Hawthorne. ll-jO Mortgage to exchange for 1011 auto; what have you? C 9."i3. Oregonlan. WILL trade good lot at Astoria for "house boat or good float. AK .'i7, Oregonlan. a TO EXCHANG1 11)3. 0OO ONE of the flnest apt, houses of . Seattle and 3 view lots to trade: my equity, (J3.000. for Eastern Oregon wheat land. , ti4.00 1040 acres of wheat and alfalfa land. Eastern Oregon, to trsda for city improved. 4tl.0i finest ranch In the Northwest, well stocked; nearly all cultivated; for cltv income: 2S.0o0 cash. 440.OU0 One at tho best city lots for business in Portland for Income to 103, 000. -balance cash. $24,000 120O acres. 1000- cultivated, with A-l building; plenty of water; for city income to $40,000. .SEE MR. HARBOLT, A. J. DETSCH CO., Marshall 42S0. A. 15o. WO cnamper oi (- oiuiii.-h.. TKADfc-KS lAn. w . Will trade my equity of 3ou0. Includ ing 1600 up as bond on lease. In one or the best-paving apartment-houses in city: vrent onlv 4.13 per room; good lease; will trade for unincumbered houso and lot or close-In acresge. Traders get busy lor this snap. - R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC., 1005-IOOfl Wilcox Bldg. . . . . . 'I'l - L' r. .v i nA..uci fiUNNYSIDE. 8-room modern, corner Slst; hardsurface street: h60O; small house, two lots, 14o0: two flve-pessenger autos. 3200 ; 30 acres Clark County. g:i0(iu: as acres onion land. $2000; 1 baach lots. 11200; will exchange all of the above for farm or acreage to the value of I15.0Q0. -422 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD city Income property at Hood River and Portland for acreage. Want light auto delivery lor lot; Ford preferred. Vancouver city property and acreage, cfoae in, for Portland property. CHAPMAN & STOVER. Room 8. Railway Exchange bldg. NOW 18 THE TIME To start a moving-picture show. We havs good locations, also complete outfits for sale. If you've not the cash, will exchange for real estate. NEWMAN FILM EXCHANGE. b2fl S VV asnington. neat- I uii. 24 ACRES of good soil, 2S miles from For est Grove, on excellent graveled road : ares under cultivation. 3 acrea in family orchard, good well and spring water; 4 room partly finished house and barn; SHOO; take Portland property up to $22iM). Kauftmann A Moore, "125 Lumbar Ex change. 18000 A GOOD 40-acre farm. 1 mile Jrom station. 15 miles from Portland. equipped with stock and farm tools; would take a good auto as part or clear Port land property up to $4000: balance to suit; this Is best potato or onion land in the slate. M 979. oregonlan IMPROVED and unimproved irrigated land near Twin Falls, Idaho, -with good water right at 150 an acre and up; good terms 6 per cent interest, for sale or trade for Portland property, business, residence or acreage. Robert Martyn, 607 Yeon bldg.. Marshall 185. 1 15. 000 STOCK of merchandise to exchange for good real estate or securities, -il Pine st.. Multnomah Hotel Bldg. JT Close-in i i . .... O. J- BKOUIVM ox ., i"t..mHa or r'oTTimerce BldC 40 ACRES, east of Eagle Creek, fine solL sell at a bargain or exchange for good l t: 35 acres o orchard land, near Mosles, some bearing: this Is the very Best of apple and potato land. AJ 037, Orego- IXCO.MT5 PROPERTY. We have an apartment-house lease and good furniture, valued at $3000, paying net income of $150 per month, to trade for good home or for business of equal value. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO, 2 Lumbermens Bldg. ACREAGE FREE OF ENCUMBRANCES. All under cultivation, value $:iOO per acre, will exchange in 5-acre plots: make your offer to Mr. Hasell. 1007 Spalding , bldg. DRI'O STORES. Call at our office for ths snaps; an auto wffT take yos from store to store with an experienced man to give you full In formation. O. J. BROOKS CO., f18 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Wo have a splendid Incomo property, paying a secured Income of OS per cent for eight years, to trade for improved farm propertv; value $ GOWEN'-IDE TRUST CO., 2 Lumbermens Bldg. EQL'ITY In $.15,000 hotel and land, will trade for what you have. This la good. v PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO., 618-619 Board of Trade. A 1031, Mar. 4200. EXCHANGE. lBO-acre Irrigated farm. Rogue River Valley, Oregon, to trade for Minnesota or North Dakota farm, improved. L 060, Oregonian. lbO ACRES close to R. R-, In Montana; clear of Incumbrance; will trade for Port land property. FRANK T. BERRY. No. 4 N. 6th St. MODERN (-room, 2-stor bungalow, hot water heating svstem, fixtures and shades, excellent location: will take 1800 to flSOO value In lots or acreage; balance $26 per month. Telephone Tabor 74. $1000 EQUITY In 10 acrea splendid land close to Portland, balance of $1000 pay able 1 and 8 years; will trade equity for auto, lot or good equity in house and lot. AC 977, Oregonlan.. WANTED To trade stock In paying busi ness for 3-paasenger automobile; must be ill Al condition. J. S. Conners, North Sth St., Walla, Walla. Wash. FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS SEE GARLAND A CO., 101 4th St. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Kto. 20t HORSES AT AL'CTION. At Portland track. April lt, 17. IS. 1012. Twelfth renewal of the BREEDERS' SPRING SALE. Roadsters, saddlers, fancy drivers, show horses, registered -stallions and mares. Dictatress 2:0b1i, Harold Wel come. 2:1 i 'i. Altacora 2:13. Bonnie Tan gent S:17fc, Sonoma Boy 2:20. are In the lot. Tne best of harness horses ever. Two registered Hackney stallions. REGISTERED DRAFTERS. 20 HEAD registered Percheron stallions and mares from Lakewood Farm. Jowa. Perrherons from other breeders; 4 choice Clvdesrtales, -year-lod registered stallions from N K. West, La Grande: Bonnie Jean. 3-year-old Clyde Ally and Rejaenne. champion Belgian o California and Ore gon, 1011. WORK HOP.SBS AND MI LES. Porter Bros, and others consign Ana lot of high-grade drafters and mules, gen tle and ready to use. Send for catalogue. PORTLAND HOUSE at CATTLE SALE CO. i7o Yamhill St., Portlsnd. Or. BARGAIN. Team of horses weighing 34O0 lbs; are good wirkers; come, look them over and make offer. Also brown gelding. 7 yesrs. weighing 1300 lbs.; cheap. E. 12th and Hawthorne avenue. House in Park. 200 HEAD range horses, unbroken: geldings ages 8. 4 and S years; weight V50 to I.H00 pounds. Ready for delivery May 1J. For further particulars apply Arthur G. Par sona. Wibaux. Montana. FOR SALE SO bead of horses from $130 a pair to $S3t a pair; guaranteed as repre sented: can give reference: harness and farm wagons. Inquire 351 3d St. Philip Suetter. Marshall 141?. $13 TEAM of good work horses, wagon snd new harness. $273 takes team, weight 2vi0, wagon and new harness. Call 218 E. th. K ts Rose City Park Sales Stable at tlA and Eandy Road to buy good guaraateed horses at law prices. Take Ross Cits Park car. Adams Campbell, props. SAWD US T. Nice clean sawdust for bedding. Mult nomah Fuel Co. Main 6540, A 2l1g. BAY mare, heavy, with foal; weighs 950 to 1000 lbs.; $40 takes her. Corner E. 12th and Madison. WANTED To buy one team of horses weighing about 2500; must be sound and true Phone East 4904. TEAM weighing 2400 lbs. with harness and wagon: whole outfit at $155. 247 East 12th st. FOR 6ALI3 400-Ib. team. $20. lumbar camp or grading. Phone East 24$. HEAVY team at blacksmith shop; $350. 2S14 Front. FOR BA L Bay mare, weighs about 1030; 8 years old. At 32 Weldier St. FOR -ALB HORSES. Trustworthy horse, accustomed to city. H East 7th at. North. FARM for rent: stock, crop. Implements, furniture for sale. Call Pel, iwij. PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phone 1410. FOR SALE Bay horse, weight 1400, good ranch horse. 31 E. 7th North. ros. Organs and Mnslcal Instt osae ta. FOR SALE Will sacrifice fine upright piano on account returning East; no reasonable offer refused. The Parkhurst, 20th and ' Northrop. Apartment "U." $75 A GOOD high-grade piano; going away and must soil. 190 Park st. BI'SIXEjSS CORNER. Near Corbett and Gibbs sts.; glO.000; trade for stock (arm or acreage close In. New house on Ml. Scott carllne: lo00; trade for close-in acreage; no mortgages. T DDOOL'a S. CCi 1 FOR BALE. a "- ' Automobiles. DO YOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE? We are exclusive dealers for used ears; over 73 cars to select from, all makes, all prices. Don't fail to Bee us before you bu5 Every Car Guaranteed. OREGON ALTO EXCHANGE. Twenty-first and Washington sts. Will move April 15 to corner Alder and Lownsdale. ' DOt'BLE rumble seat roadster, equipped with wind shield, lamps. Presto speedo meter, clock and bumper, and -in first class condition mechanically. . Sell cheap account of sickness. 2o8 llth at. cor. Jefferson. 40-HORSEPOWER, fully equipped car, in first-class condition; will sell very cheap or trade in on larger car. AC 976, Ore gonian. FOR bargains In used cars ses us first write for list; we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO, Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorns Asa. WILL trade 160 acres In Harney County for automobile; auto must be In good condi tion and worth at least $1600. AM 955, Oregonlan. REMOVAL NOTICE. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington St. Moves April 15 to Alder and Lownsdale. BUICK truck, called 1500-pound delivery wagon, panel body, good for laundry pur poses. Call Main 8648 or3 N Park. WANTED Chassis, small car, Buick 10. Hupmobile. etc.; state lowest cash price. AM 836, Oregonlan. AM leaving town, $175 takes my runabout. Call at grocery, 4th and Sherman. Docs. Birds, Pet Stock. I AM leaving town and will sell my fine thoroughbred registered English bull ter rier, female (color white); also thor oughbred spitx dbg (female), very low price. Phone Tabor 1317. WHITE Leghof- baby chicks; best selected utility stock; bred to lay: healthy chicks, guaranteed ; $7.30 per too. during April and May. The Pioneer Hatchery, Box 34 a, Petaluma, Cal. EGGS for hatching on short notice; all breeds, baby chicks; standard-bred poul try; Incubators and supplies. The Poul try Supply House, 208 Salmon st. FINE, pure strain Barred Rocks, Rhode Is land Reds. S. C. White Leghorns; baby chicks, eggs, hens and coc-erols, reason able prices. Tabor 21X'l. C 3111. BRINDLE English bulldog, house broken and One companion. Inquire Oregon Cigar store. 4th and Washington. THE mother of the best Boston Terrier In Oregon: cheap. Ivy Press. 08 Fourth, su Both phones. PRATT'S Animal Regulator for sale by J- J. Butzer, 188 Front at. FOX TERRIER for sale. Call A 5S47. 3 rings. U lcllMneons. IS 4 14 VOLUMES, Federal Reporter and Di gest 7 volumes; also 183 volumes. Bank's ...n.inn it Qnn.iimA onrt rr.uorts. brand new. at 33 1-3 per cent dlscount- B 9aD, Oregonlan. " MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Men! Take the elevator and save money on your suits; $22.50 to $25 suits at $14.75; $27.30 to $30 suits at $18.75. Jimmy Dunn, room 315 Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE. 12 miles 56-lb. relaying rails. Immediate delivery. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 74 First St. FOR SALE Complete set of dining-room furniture, eolld oak. in first-class con dition, comprising dining table, six chairs, buffet, sideboard and serving table. Ad dress AT 9t5. Oregonian. SPRING IS HERE ! Freshen up your lawn walks and drives with decomposed granite. Ask for prices delivered. Main 835. FOR SALE Genuine sealskin coat, bust 3H. length 27 Inches; worn only short time: cost $400; will sell cheap. AT 038, Ore gonian. ' CAFES Genulns Hall safes, new and second-hand, low prices, easy terms: safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.. 85 5th sL Main Mult TYPEWRITERS for rent $3 per month; $5 per month buys late .model Printype. Oliver Agency. Phona .lain $273. 333 Ankeny su BLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co 227 Stark St. Main 771L FOR SALE Cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheege cutter, credit register, meat sllccr. etc The Portland Store Supply Co., - 250 2d St. Marshall 4548. VOR SALE Glass cabin launch, 24n6, with 4-h. p. standard engine. Prico $4000. Ad dress LLNeischlIlnraOi JiTRSEY bull calf, from registered stock. V. G. B., Milwaukle, Or., It. F. D. No. 1, Box 29. GOOD cow for sale; gives 4 gallons milk per - day. Inquire R. W. Forbes, Linnenan's station, O. W. P. ALL snakes typewriters rented, J3 a rnont. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 282 Stark St. OFFICE furniture, new and second-hand; at- tractlve prices. Phone Main 921. 600 BUSINESS cards, $1; a bargain. Rose City Prlntery. 192 S 3d. corner Taylor. TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $5. Remington Typewriter Co.. 245 Stark st. FOR SALE Baby ' go-cart Tike new. Call 70WS Kearney St. FOR BALE Spear, rata and fast pleasurs boat. Call Mr. Neuberger. M. 14.10. FOR SALE Second-hand L. C. Smith type writer. 201 Medical bldg. TYPEWRITERS, visible, for sale , at bar gain. Phone Main 6273. WANTED M.I8CEL ANKOTJS. WE BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE, TOOLS. Highest price paid tor men's and ladles' casl-ofT clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 890 1st St., The Globe. WE buy anything and everything; it makes no difference what you have. Call for our buyer, Main 663. A 16ti3. M. Barde & Son. 241-242 Front st- The House of Million Bargalna. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 870 E- Morrison. Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. WE pay the highest caah Dries for second hand furniture, fester Martin- Phons East 8134. $48 Hawthorns ave. TO BUY, cssh register, scales, coffee mill, rhees cutter, credit register snd meat sllccr. phone Marshall 4548 250 3d. HAVE you got noiclty to sell during Rose Carnival? I will finance. State patticu lars quick. AK 002, Oregonian. HIGHEST cash prices paid for ladies' and gents Groining; wa responu . promptly .Marshall 391a. FORD Auction Co. Pays most caah for any Kind ot furniture. Main 8951, A 244S. WILL tint rooms $2.50 up: 3o painting at reasonable prices. East 6124. WANTED A complete set of office furni ture; what have you? N 975. Oregonian. WANTED Male ticket to Denver. Colo.; must be cheap. AK 053, Oretronian. WANTED Second-hand milk wagon; state pi-ice. P. O. box 141. Bend. Or. WANTED MoVing-picture outfit, folding chairs, etc. AL U4S. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. OFFICE boy wanted. $25 per month. Ap ply room 716 Electric bldg., Tuesday morning, 8:30. WANTED Two oi- three coal miners, stats age, experience, references, sddress and phone number. T 975, Oregonlan. WaNTE1 Dentlet; permanent position for first-class, all-around man. Addresa Dr. F. S. Barber, Medford, Or. EXPERIENCED printing solicitors who can stlmste: commission. Clyde Printing Co., 263 Madison. WANTED at onco Two floor moulders for stove castings. Apply to Albion 6tove Works, Ltd.. Victoria, B. C. WANTED An experienced bote! night jan- Itor; references. AJ 002, Oregonian. PHOTO coupon; beat ever offered; snap Cog agents. Cutbsrtk Btudlo. Deknm bldg. PHOTO coupon agts., best snap ever offered. JPOSIOM O. Ul. m. .-7J " BOYS with wheels wanted; must know the city. 1 1 WANTED First-class painters. Apply on the Job at 21st and Overton. WANTED Salesman to call on trade with high-grade specialty. Call 230 ta. WANTED Good sticker, machine man. 1112 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A good bench hand in planing mill. 1112 Haw thorne ave. WANT kitchen helper 3 hours mornings lor hoard. 1Q3 3d at. TWO good solicitors for cleaning works. 346 1st. Phone Main I3S3. WANTED Buslielman . who can make a good coat. 278 Stark. PHOTO coupon; best work offered; easy selling. Brill. 850 S Morrison St. WANTED Two young men. good appear ance: nothing to sell. 28S Union ave. Jf. DENTIST to operate In a suburban office; good opening. Phone B 1503. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C. A. Toung man. stranger, out of work ($-0 Mb total cash asset) If I ya.y you $5 for special employment membership, I will have only $15 left between ml and star vation. Secretary 11 you pay $5 for special employment membership, you will have the Y. M. C A, with ita resources, be tween you and atarvatlon. Result: Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Recoid for two months ending Feb. 2w: Calls for men "44 Positions filled 5" Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full membership privileges, 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep party employed during tho full term of mem bership without further chargs. We have constant demand for- nigh grade, experienced men. Ars you fitted (or a better position T . See secretary employment department. T. M. C. A. WANTED Real estate firms and salesmen to sell lots in Coqultlam (British Colum bia), industrial subclty of Vancouver. History ot Chicaro, Seattle. Denver, St. Louis, etc., repeating Itself here. Small fortunes being made by investors. Great demand for lots. To be Pacific operating terminus for Canadian Pacific Railway, greatest railway corporation In America, which will spend $7,ou0.000 In terminals, shops, wharves, car factoriea, etc. Dozens of factoriea coming to Coquitlam. Five other great railways building into Coquit lam. Two electric power companlee at work. Hundred-thousand-dollar round house now building. Ws own fine view subdivision "Rivervlew." choice close-In property. Easy selling. Exclusive terri tory and liberal commission to right men. Attractiva literature. Write at once for full particulars and get exclusive Bale In your district. Charles A. Bodie & Co. Ltd.. 814 Pender street West, Vancouver, B. C. YOUNG MAN Make something of yourself. If you are energetic, aggressive and am bitious, you have In you tho necessary qualities of a salesman. We want a few young men for our per manent selling staff. We teach you sales manship and pay you according to jour earning power. Our young salesmen, taking subscrip tions for a combination of Collier's Week ly, the Housekeeper and a premium, earn from $15 to $:k a week. Our older sales men earn from $:10 to $0O a week. If you can pass the test for good char acter, good health, energy and good ap pearance, there is an opening here for you. Don't write. Apply to Employment De partment. P. F. Collier Son, Publishers of Good Books. Call 0 A. M. to 4 P. M., 60X oregronlan bldg. WANTED TODAY. Two millwrights. $3.50. Three lumber city graders, $2.25. Sash and door machine men. $2.30 up. Mill and yardmen. $2.25 up. Loggers. $2.00 to $S...0. Six woodcutters, $1.25 cord, free camp and tools. Farmhands. $"0 to $35. Milkers. $115 to $40. Gardener for private family, $25, room and board. . , Two teams. $5 day or on contract, haul ing lumber. New Jobs all the time. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222 and 224 Couch St.. bet. 1st and 2d. TOU can tarn $50 a week and up at steady employment Belling nursery stock; some excellent territory now open; experience not necessary; time Is money; do not da isy, but write at ones for particulara, AV 75, Oregonian. WANTED Man with family, familiar with farm work, to take up residence on large orchard and take Interest In small place; permanent position, with $2.25 wages to start; $500 acquires possession on homo place; balance can bo paid for roro part of wages. AE 978. Oregonian! MEN. don't accept any kind of employment until you hear from us; make $7 per day selling a new article; new plan; 135.000 sold in Minneapolis: costs 6c; sells for 23c; send 5c for sample outfit. Domestic Mfg. Co., 522 Wash. ave. North, Min neapolis, MlniK SALESMAN wanted The Portland branch of world's greatest specialty desires clean cut young man to break into business; sal ary and commission and permanent. Teil all about yourself In first letter and ar range for Interview. Address C 956, Ore gonian. WANTED Twenty-flvo good mill and yard men for large mill: wages $2.25 and ui: fare paid. Sea G. W. Thomas at pT Central Hotel, between 9 A. M. snd 1 P. M. today. WANTED A first-class farm salesman, must know the country and furnish best references; none but experienced men need apply. H A. DRYER, .01 Railway Exchange. WANTED By wholesale produce house, young man 10 to 18 years of age for of fice work: must be willing to work and reside with parents: no experience neces sary. AL 961. Oregonian. , WANTED Young man S3 to 30 years old as collector and dellveryman; steady em ployment; salary $2.50 per day; must have good references and bond required. Call today, -8 to 4, 417 Oregonlan bldg. EXPERIENCED special edition advertising solicitors, Rose Carnival Issue, religious magazine, commission; experienced moo only. Benedictine Press, 208 Madison st. Main 6.'i3. . BE YOUR own boss, sell lots at $75 to $1,.0 each on eay payments in fastest-growing town in Oregon; liberal commission, ex clusive territory to hustlers. Sherman Montgomery. Hampton. Oregon. i WANTED at once Young mall, about 19; must be rapid on typewriter, good oppor tunity to iearn hardware business; gtate agn, salary and give phone number. AL 900, Oregonian. WANTED Two young men with selling ability; salarv or commission: steady po sition Call between b:30 and 9:30 room 210 Worcester bidg. MAN to work on small ranch near Portland; 2-room bouse for baching: modera e wages. Call this morning. 206 commei elal Club bldg. SALESMEN. LOOK. I want three live saleamen, best selling acreage on market, easy terms. Call be tween P-10. 401 Behnke-VValker bldg. A RELIABLE firm requires the services of a few live wires who can produce result 4. Apply to 12 A. M 418 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison. . AN old-line life insurance has exclusive ter rltory open for contract in Oregon. Wash ington: exceptional opportunity for men of ability. Address I. 942. Oregonian. W tNTED Specialty salesmen with cash register or scale experience preferred, mist be able to give bond. Call 7 Stark st. MAN of neat appearance to solicit for large corporation In Portland; must be good talker. Apply after 8 A. M., 708 Selling bldg. - YOUNG man to learn cleaning and pressing of clothes. $1 a day to start. .0 btatk street. KXPKRIEN'CED Japanese boy for Iioufb- ' work; good pay to good boy. Call B 2i24 or East 2102. IF earning under $130 monthly, send stamp for my proposition. Be your own boss. Adman, 1816 College, Spokane; COMPETENT Job compositor, nonunion: steady position for right man. 212 Second street. ' WANTED Delivery buy. Apply bet. S ar.d head litter, I. Gevurtz 4c Son., 2d and Yamhill. . WANTED Boy to learn auto repair busi ness. 5t Hawthorne ave. WANT bass and tenor. Call after 12 even- 17 g" after g. rtoom jjq ihi"tq HARNESSMAKERS wanted at once. .:, Main st.. Vancouver. Waslv WANTED First-class coat makers. H. Ca'O. Eugene, Or. WANTED High-class salesman. Ask for Mr. Burton, 422 Yeon bldg. BOYS wanted with wheels. 141 S 7th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED P.eflned, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 60 Rota child bldg.. 4th and Washington- WANTED Experienced hand ironer. Yale Laundry. 500 E. Morrison. WANT contralto and sopranos. Call after 12. evening after 8, room 218, Tilford bldg. WOMEN solicitors; fine proposition. 2 Acoin bldg.. ttth and Oak. CAMP waitress. $:n; hotel waitresses. $25 Howe's Ladies' Agency. 30, 27QS Wash. WANTED A girl to do light housework and take care ot baby. 372 5th su WAVTBD A first-claas ironer in the Jef. ferson Hand Laundry, 609 Jefferson. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply 693 Hancock St.. Irvlngton. GIRL for general housework: small fain ly; good wages. 3S6 Tillamook st. WANTED Girl in restaurant. 226 S 2d su