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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1912)
Tiin Monxixo- oregoxiax, Saturday, atoil g, 1912. Half Dz. Carnations Given to Every Purchaser of $1 Worth Seeds, Basement StoreToday Send Plants and Flowers for Easter Greeting Visit 5th Floor Talking Machine Section Today Ask About the $59 Outfit as Advertised in the Saturday Evening Post of This Weel THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1837. "WEATHER REPORT: FAIR TODAY. THE METER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. CO Seftwre Easter Sales Service and m Ham Let Your Easter Suit Be Custom Made Si But Price J '-" Sri J 1 rv Our Force Has Been Strengthened So That Any Suit Bought Saturday Will Positively Be Delivered Before 10:30 P. M. UR high-grade Clothing for men is the kind which is making custom tailoring harder to do each ear in Portland! Whyf Bcause they are custom-tailored iii all but price. The beautiful woolens, the fault less tailoring, the style, the fit are in .every re spect up to standards you have thought could only be obtained by custom tailors' prices. Our Suits are tailored in the most modern, up-to-date shops in the world. They are de signed by men who receive even a larger salary than the average Bank President. Every Suit is hand-tailored. Choose your Easter Suit today from hundreds of smartest models. Beautiful non-fading Blue Serges, handsome light grays, tans, browns, in every possible shade and coloring. Styles for men of every tase, every age, every walk of life, from college boy to railroad president. And our Clothing chief believes a Cloth- business can only bo built on value ing! You'll actually save. from $5 to on any Suit. Our prices range from to $35, but we lay greatest stress on unrivaled lines at $15, $20, $25 -Lined 0 coats for Easter Fine Oxford and black un finished worsteds, with or without silk lapels. Lined to edge or facing in silk. Prices $25 and $30. ECONOMY at Meier & Frank ss- means as it always did price savings backed by best service and largest assortments in the Northwest. By merchandise of quality, by an over-a-half-century-old reputation for fairness and square dealing. Nearly two thousand loyal helpers are doing their utmost to make shopping easy and pleasant this last day before Easter. You'll help them by coming in the morning, if you can. Open until 9:30 P. M., as usual on Saturdays. And the Final 1000 Calla Lilies Given Away Large, freshly-cut Calla Lily Blooms will be given the first 1000 shoppers this morning, if express is on time. . Given out in-Book Store only today. Last Day of 'Gotham' $ 1 .50 and $2 Shirts at Only 95c! ARE you going to let this wonderful Shirt Sale go im- &W$32S$ noticed? Think of it thousands of the celebrated iMa'-THSffl! Gotham Shirts, fresh and new, to choose from at less than ordinary wholesale cost. Negligee and Golf styles, of fine madrasses, percales and imported fabrics, with plain or plaited fronts. Smart line stripes, neat checks and small figures of every sort.' Short bosom, stiff -bosom Shirts. TVe also include for Easter selling 3000 of our own special White Plaited Shirts, in all sizes. nj w Actual $1.50 to $2.00 Shirts,, y 7) KZ for the last time today at Other Fxtr a Specials I : -OS L V:.1' f mm Pikrmmkmm .qj""';"" 1 "J111 lilin irMi urn fSi g Steaming Into Port passing the skyscrapers of New York City. In the distance soaring aloft, the great Metropolitan Tower. And looming up and steaming into port is the vessel that carries the message to the peo ple of Portland and the Northwest. Another day and the story is yours in full ! $1.50 Underwear at 65c The cool athletic tyle Gotham Underwear that thousands of men will soon be wearing. Coat style, sleeveless shirts and knee drawers of fine mercerized eloths. A purchase of $1 to $1.50 grades, each 63c. $1 SilK Suspenders, 50c Arrived only in time to ad vertise them for Saturday. Six hundred pairs of finest white silk web Suspenders for Easter wear, with kid ends. The reg ular $1 grade, Saturday only, the pair, 50c. New 50c NecKwear, 25c See them in the Morrison-St. window. Vre've never seen more beautiful or smarter Neckwear at 50c. New checkered effects, silk-stripes, two-tones, cross stripes of every color. Today at only 25c. ' Best 50c SilK SocKs, 39c Our best 50e grade of Men's pure thread Silk Socks , in black, tan, grays, browns, blues, greens every shade imaginable. Lisle tops, reinforced heels and soles. Just for Saturday, the pair, at only 39c. Men's 50c 'Kerchiefs 25c Just half price, because we took every Handkerchief of this quality the manufacturer had. Fine silk-and-linen looks like pure silk and wears better. Fancy designs of all colors, 25c. Men's $2 Gloves, $1.39 .The Gloves we sold over 30, 000 pair of in a single year. Of fine cape, in overseam style light and medium weights. Vari ous shades of tan. An excellent $2 grade, today, in all sizes, at the very extraordinary low price of only $1.39. Special Easter Music Tonight in Tea Room! D ATRONS of our delicious $1 Ta- ble de Hote Dinner Saturday night in beautiful 7th floor Restau rant will enjoy the delightful spe cial Easter Music prepared by our orchestra. Dinner served from 5:30 to 8. MXJSICAI, PROGRAMMK 1. March of the Prleata (from Athallr) MDdeliuiofaa 2. I Love to Tell the Story (aacrrd ae- leetion) Hayea 3. a The Roaary Nevla b The HolT Cttr Adaina 4. "Simple Aveo" . ....Thome ti. 'Whlapertna; Flowfrt Von Rlon 5. Sri -Alda Verdi 7. fedo" Haehe 8. (a) The Kins of Lore Mr Shepherd a ..(.ouaod b aaareth Gounod . Klnznita March ....Moikomkl $8 Glasses, $4.98 AN.' unusual Saturday offer on these high-grade toric lenses specially ground for your eyes, and uiiea in goia-imea lrames or eye glass mountings. Regular QQ $8 Glass for today, only PimyO $4 Low Bridge Finger-Piece Glases, fitted to your eyes. $2.98. The Great Easter Sale of Gloves and Neckwear N O DRKSS acpossorics morp rssrntial to the Derfection of the Easter costume than Gloves and Neckwear. That s why we've these timely specials tor Saturday's faster snoppers. u TO $8.50 REAL IRIOH CROCHET NECKWEAR. $4.98 Always desirable for fnr. ihn v. Beautiful hand-made WOMEN'S $2 REAL KID ft LAMBSKIN GLOVES. $1.39 Hisrh-crade Glove of real kid in two-clasp, overseam style. Also pique-sewn, of Lamb skin with two large larl clasps. Black, tan, white and beaver. 2 grades OQ today only tP-'' WOMEN'S $3 LONG WHITE GLOVES AT $2.19 What tr dash of rhie and correctness they add to the costume! 16 button length, of white German lambskin. Per fect fitting! Actual $3 grades 1 Q today only V- $10 LONG SILK GLOVES AT 98c Spring and Summer wear. Heavy silk Gloves in the 16-button Mousqnetaire style. All sizes. Black and white only. QQ. grade today atrt'' $3.50 AND $4 IRISH CROCHET NECK WEAR, $2.98 Perfect, for the Eas ter outfit! Choose from large size, beautiful hand-made Irish Cro chet Coat Kevers and Dutch Collars. Hand some $3.50, tfQ QQ grades Y $4 Dutch Collars and Cuff Sets, Revers, Coat Col lars and Fichus worth actually from $7.50 to $8.50. For Easter shop- rr $4.98 Easter Ribbons! 50c Grades at 29c SCORES of prett)-, modish uses for these lovely Silk, Satin and Velvet Ribbons. Also Taffeta and Moires in rich Dres dens, pretty floral and eonventional designs.' Nearly all 6 inches wide. The 2-inch Velvet Ribbons in staple' and new fl hades. 50c grades today, at only To 40c Fancy Bor dered Ribbons, 19c Fancy silk and satin combinations in attractive floral and conventional designs. Warp Prints, Dresden and striped pat ternscolored borders. 5 inches wide. 35c 1 Q and 40c grades, at UC Handsome 85c to $1 Ribbons, Yard 47c . Beautiful imported Rib bons in handsome Warp Trintii, Dresden and floral designs. Also rich satin brocaded Ribbons. Ideal for millinery, girdles, etc. Our S5e to .f 1.25 AH grades, at only " C Klraf Flr, Mala Balldlae; Is the Boy Prepared for Easter? Let Us Help W E can fit him out in a iiffv with the handsomest, smartest Easter Suit he ever wore. Beautiful non-fading Blue Serges in Norfolk and double-breasted styles, with peg-top knicker bockers $5.00, $6.50 to $12.50. Our famous "Sampson" doublo-serviee Suits, with two pairs of knickerbockers, challenge all Portland at $5.00 and $6.50. Clothing prices in our Boys' Store are based on intrinsio values the utmost for the price you pay. Instead of offering presents, we prefer to put the extra quality into the clothing itself. This is the home of "Sampeck" New York Made Clothes for Boys. A smartness, a distinc tiveness about a "Sampeck" Suit which makes itself unmistakably felt. Sampeck Suits, Reefers, Juvenile Suits, in all styles and prices $5 to $15. Third Floor, 9irw Bnlldlnn. 50cGoIdsmith Baseball Free! THE famous Goldsmith Baseball Goods, officially adopted by the Pacific Coast League this season, are sold in Portland at Meier & Frank's. To introduce the line in every part of the city, we shall give a 50c Goldsmith "Professional" Baseball with every $17)0 pur- Pna p chase on Saturday aCICC Goldsmith Official League Ball, at only $1.25. Goldsmith Mits, Gloves, Bats, Masks, Body Protectors, Team Suits and outfits at all prices. Going Fishing? Colorado Spinner, for trout, with fly attached, 15S 3 -Jointed Split Bamboo Poles, with extra tip and nickel finish, with rack and case, $1.00. Have You the Easter Bonnet ? FOR those who've put off till this last day the selection of Easter Milinery, we've the same service the same wonderful choice that those who chose early enjoyed. Each day new creations by famous New York and Paris creators have taken the place of ITats that have found owners. New models by our own deft designers and workers have helped to keep the big Millinery Salons a bower of loveliness in the complete array of Spring and Summer Hats. Beautiful models of every t3pe. Tailored Hats that are smart and chic! Charming Flower Hats. J'icturesque Dressy Hats. An immense showing of pretty, youthful styles for children and' misses. American Hats, $7.00 to $45. Paris Hats, $20 to $85. Choose the Easter Bonnet today, at The Meier & Frank Store! At $5, $7.95 and $9.95 we Ve three featured lines! Smarter, prettier, more modish Hats at the prices can t be found the city over! .Tailored, semi-dress and dressy styles m splendid variety! bee them today! ' Second Floor, Xcvr Bnlldlna;. Easter Pretty ' ' ' Coats for the Daughter! White and Wash Dresses ! IS a sight pleasing to mother and friends . alike to see the daughter prettily arrayed in new Spring apparel. Truly here is Portland's best serv ice a specialed service in garments for the girl and miss. Coats so carefully made and in so complete a range of sizes that alteration is unnecessary. Every style and fabric new. Spring woolens, satin and pongee. Plain and fancy models. . Full and three-quarter lensrthx. Prices range, for 2 to 8 years sizes. $3.30 to $12.00. 8 to 14 years, $6.00 to $16.50. And the smurt, becoming Norfolk style, as illustrated, for the miss of 8 to 14 years at $12.50 and $16.50. For the girl of 2 to C years at $9.00. A special line of natty little Reefer Coals in 2 to C year sizes, at only $3.55. PRETTY NEW WHITE DRESSES ONLY S3. 75 Pretty enough fur the girl's Easter Dress.. Of fine lan and dotted Swiss, daint ily trimmed with lacos and embroideries. Ages 6 to 14 yenrs. Special at JJO low price, only O GIRLS' $1.50 TO $3 WASH DRESSES, AT ONLY 9S How can they be made to sell at 9Sct Sturdy ginghams, in all colorings. Checks, plaids and stripes. Ages 4 to 14 years. Worth from .fl.50 to $.100 regularly. On QQ sale at low price of OC Your Easter Hat, Sir? 'OUR Winter Hat is bound to suffer by comparison with the wife s new faster bonnet! , Quick Easter service and unsurpassed selection in the lien's Hat Store today. A New Stetson Derby at $4, as Light as a Feather ! Other styles at $5. Our $3 Hats are guaranteed for value and service! Any new Soft and Stiff shape you might ask for. If the color or shape fails within a year, come back for a new one. Jut Inalde HorrlMa-at. Entrance Men's Soft Hats at $2 Smart tele- I Men's Smart Caps New English sc6pe, Alpine and fedora shapes in I shapes, of tweeds, homespuns and West black and all new shades. I .of England Ca&simeres, $1 to $2.50 EST. WMM Women's $2 Silk Hosiery 98c PUKE thread Silk Hosiery at' 98c and not a pair in the entire lot worth less than $2! An Easter special for Saturday's shoppers that won't be duplicated in many a day ! Splendidly made with double garter tops and double feet. Plain black and with colored tops, Q Choose the Easter Silk Hose today at the yjC remarkably low price, for this sale, of v Children'a 35c Silk Lisle Hose For both girls and boys. Good wearing Hose made seamless inOCS, black, white and colors. Special today, pair," New McCallum Silk Hose V If $3 Out-Size Silk Hose For women. The high grade McCallum and other well-known makes. Black and colors. Pr. 1 QQ today at only Misses' $1 Silk Hose In black. Well made, with 7Er isle heel and split sole. Special for Easter Sale, pair J lisle Ajax Guaranteed Hose for women and children. 6 pairs in a box. Guar anteed 6 months. Box at from SI. 50 to S3. -The latest creation in an all-silk Hose of this famous manufacturer. Look for the dainty gold band at top of every pair; in black only, 'ihe price is only, pair Our Famous Silk Hose splendidly durable quality. Lisle tops and split soles. Black and colors. Special, 3 pairs $2.50, pair 90. $1 The Easter Delicatessen Special ORDER the over-Easter Sunday delicacies from our Pure Food Grocery today. Telephone clerks here at 7 A. M. to take your phone orders. These special for Saturday: TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 Potato Salad, pound, 13 Peanut Butter, doz., 24 Ripe Olives, quart at 33 Dill Pickles, doz. only 10 Swiss Cheese, pound, 35 Chipped Beef, pound, 35 Home.Made Pork Sausage, ponnd, today, 18. Nor. Mackerel, 2 for 25 Imp. Knakwurst, lb., 20 Imported Sardellen, pound at only 50. f