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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1912)
in .' ' . ... f i rrunn l V' PPIT C. 1019. TTTK MOKMMr l)l(MtUAlA,i. rvv - ""- -r . - ... . 15 buyers Now Pay Up to 34 Cents. .ROWERS ARE BULLISH .radual Adtant-r in Bids Causes eem 10 Withdraw Frwin the Market I'pward Tendency In Valley Woo,. - . . r i.iTia f m .,i,;re- . .... .w-. ...... wituld rnorK ni mn a i r iirmrn .. f-.n.rd from the openlna. the reverae m t- k the caae. Buyer ai lnte In the vallr have -u to con- i- eaale.t each other for the few lo ire offered, and tha reault l r- 1 1 r rndln; arale of bida. Th. firet of the 1U clip waa bousht n th beaia of 11 cent delivered at Port- .. -r. . ram nnrt WU offered. .nd thia tdrann wee added to until th . ii f.nti fti to evea thou sand pounda wer boocht by a " dealer t mil I(iira yeeteraay. ne w. ........ take on mora, but found hla effort In ia rminiry balked by rompetltor. who ral4 hla bid half CM- Th eieady upHltht of rne n - - - t.K lha ttallnf that thT rill yat obtain tha quotatlona of laat yaar. .. ... muMiuiici. It la aatd that aellara withdrawn from tha market. soma mall lota of valley wool ara a-in , .. Munrr Mint. Tha ?earn 1 - - market for thia eonimodity la conalderaa MILLER IX I OM PETITION IOB WHEAT Callfarmla ad Laval HnylnaT Keep Price at Top Motrh. Competition bti California and .vrthwtrn mlllrra for wheat la keeping Iha mirkn her and In tha country atron. In tii paat two daya there has been a cot- lnraMe amount of blueatem bouslit la tha Walla Walla country at centa. which la jual to canu track her. Tho farmer ara now laaa dlapoaed to accapt thia plica and trading ha draaaad. Club boldi firm at 1 cant and rod at l centa Twenty-aevan thousand bushel of wheat. oin at a prfca of I ccnta a buaheL Lrhanxad hanrfe at Athana TVednedy after noon wnrn 1 1 ii . . i ... k v Truton-Parton Mtlllri Company by J. W. Maloney. manager for tho rirrafrtf I nlon Oram Aa-rncT. Tha wheat waa carry-over and waa atored In the mlllln; enmpany'a warrhouae at Athana. It la club whaat and ia from the ranches of acwral fanner In the vicinity of Athena. It was sold to the mllUnsr company hy the rrowri snd the price at whlcb the wheat eold la a sub' atantlal advance over tha price paid for the wheat la-n Fall. Tha oata mtrk-t waa atron with nothlna available onder At Kan FVanrleco II. 0 u bid for oata and II. IS was asked. Local receipts In care were reported by the Merchants Kichance as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Mondar ....... t i Tuesday .tv'aan'i lay FriUay . . . 4 1 I nit i i "i 14!4 1 1J t 3 Lear. aeo .a aa a to date. 11. 44 Tear aso loiol iJt 23i COIty MF.AL PRICE ADV.IXfM MIARPLT Market aw at Hishe-4 Point In Fear Years. Klea Flras ami aaaar M ean. rorn meal has advanced 30 rente a bale In tha laat two weeks, and la now at the 2t!shat point la four years. The market Is following closely the upward course of com prices The ausar market is weak at the recant decline. There attlt remalna a etattatlra ahortas la th world's supply, which has bean oTet In some degree by curtailment Sea to high prices and the coal strikes In Europe. With the labor Troubles settled and the Increased demand when the period of heavy Summer conaumptlon. com re. the trade Jooka for a reactloa In the market. Th rice market I firm. F9cks in the Couth are In strong hands. The Louisiana tate Rice Company la gradually absorb in all the Independent mills. IKt:.M LAMB IN LA ROCK HI PPLT rack la Una at 1 rente for Fancy Offer, lagw Poultry Ala Firm. Receipts of dreeeed lambs on Front street bave increased and the market Is weaker. Choice lambs still brought 13 cents yester dsy. but poorer offerings sold at 1 cents, park was very firm at 1 cents. ' Veal con tinued steady at 13 Cents. Poultry receipts were light and all kinds were firm but no higher. There was no chsnga In the egg situa tion. Candled eggs were firm at 21 cents and case count at JO i cents. Hutter and cheese were aa laat quoted. OBDKRS FOR HOPS. AT M CETS Largo ladependecir Contract la Made at S Cents. Holdere ofhopa are encouraged by some In the extent of tha Ksstem snd l.gllh demsnd. Ther were orders on tha Salem market yesterday for prlmq to choice ltlls at Si cants. Tho English or ders sre at prices below the market. An Independence report states thst a con trsct for lo.eoe pounds of the new crop waa crcaed In that section at 34 cents. Orange Higher In California. Aside from a carload of smsll-slxe or ngs no receipts were reported on Front street yesterdsy. The California orange market is advancing. The demand for vegetable of all kind was good. Asparagus cleaned up welL Peas were firm at 14 centa a pound. Bank rienrtags. Fens clearings of the Northwest cities yesterday were aa fulloes: Clearlnr. Balances. Port'anJ . 1 117 a:!.-) Seattle 1. 14.4S.I Ta-oma . .l ?U...r4 npnWane wVi.DOJ 70..U5 PORTLAND MAJULKTS. Grain. I lour. Feed. Ete. WHEAT Track prtree: Blueetam. S4c; cluh. He. red Hue ISO, lie; valley, lie: 4-fnld. 1c. MILI.BTrrrs Bran. 113 per ton; shorts. t:. middlings 114. I'ljJl K l'tenta. I4.BO pee barrel; "tra gbta. 14 'l; e ports l 0; Val'ey. I4.60; g;ahim. II ... whole wheat, f Oa. c'uKM New. whole. J4. cracked, tit per tun. Hejr Sa 1 Eaetera Oregon timothy, 114 01ri. No. 1 Valley. I12D14: alfalfa. 1139 II: clover. Iii: oat and vetch. liaOlLao. gra:n hay. t. OATH No. I white. SSSS S per ton. Trcetnble and Frafta. TROPICAL FRCITS Oranges. navala l:M6i:3; California grapefruit. S.I04: F'.onda grapefruit. S.T5e)7; bananas, fill C per hunch; lemons. II 6vJt.M per bos . p'neappiea. c per pound. ritrjH Kill IT Alm.rla arapea. IS Pr harrel; era nherrlee. HOfll.oO per barrel; apples. l Q 3 per box. "T ATmE. stuylr.g prlcee: Burbanka. I15"9li per hundred, sweet potato. j s rr crti. VFOITm.m Artlrhoke. T5"ne per des'n. aaoaras'ia. white. fl.I.i t I v rr rrre; grcea. I - 3 -3 per crate: beans 169 HW. caota per povnd. cauliflower. i.2A crate: ce'ery. 10 4 ;.r cate: cuenmhere. I3V3. den. esrp'ant. i.V: per pound, ear::-- Af19c per p.'uid: htil let"iee. 12 f'i.Z' par eraia. hot koose lattitca. IlcgtLOO per box; sea. 1QHAIR HIGHER lc per pound: peppers. 35c per pound: radlihes. 3 V per doxen: rhubarb. $1.-5 per box: pinarh. lloel.ii per box; tomntnea. .7i(S pr tx.. ONIONS Association price. II HfJlSt per ACK VEGETABLES Turnlpa, II 1 10 per sack becta. rutabagas. I19L10; carrota. L . Dairy and f eonlry Produce. SirrTER Oregon creamery butler, olid park. X3 4c: prints, extra. Ciyis-Preah Oregon ranch, candled. 31c per d.sen; caae count. W:C. CHCb.-r; Irfita. ic per pound. Touna America, i-c p'-r pound. I1IHK Fanry. ISWlOc per pound. VEAL Fancy. llt?U'e per pound. I-OULTRY Hens. l?c: Pprlnga. ITe; l? brollara. JitlS'K. ducka. viie: aaaae. 11c: turkeys, live. -c; dr Staple Oroceelea. S4LMON Columbia Rler, 1-ponnd talla, per doxrn. H-pound talla. I1.BS; 1- poand f aia. i40; Alaaka pink, 1-pound Roaated. la drum, 2H4J40o per pound. . NTTti Wslnuta. ljlo per pound; Br. il ouiii lliJV-. lllberts, 14tlScal nionda. II O 31c; pocana. lie; coooanula, oc 1 per dosen; cheatnuts, 13vo per pound; hickory nuta, t(loc per pound. H'JNEV t'hoice. IS.I per case; trJned hone., loc per pound. HALT i'anulaied. 1S per ton: heir gronnd. loos. .J0 per ton: Ma. I per ton. HEANS timall white. 44c: larre white. 4ie: Lime. Iio; plan. BVc. alezican. bay ou. ftc . RICE No. 1 Japan. He: cheaper grsdae, cVoSe; Southern head. 8tfTe. HI OAR Pry granulated, .h um: fruit and berry. Ili.Ji'. Honolulu plantation, l.l.; beet. $rt: ertra C. I.V.TO; powdered, barrel. 14.".: cub.s. barrela. !.. 1KIEL Kl ITS Appiea. 14c per pound, apricot. lwlHe: peache. '214c. prune. Italians, lui814c: allvar. Hto. r.s. white snd bla.k, ISillc; currants 10c 11c; ralain. looae. ' Muscatel. T,c; bleached Thompson. llo: un bleached aultanas. I fee; seeded. IHI1 aatea. Persian. I fee per pound; Faro, i-au per box. , rroviatoaa. HAMS 10 to la pound. lBOloo: 13 to 14 pounds. 13lc; 14 to 14 pound. 153 Joe; picnics, lie; cottage roll. lc LAJiD Kettle rendered. tlercea, llfec; tuba, UVc; atandard tierce. 11 fee; tubs, ll-wo; shortening, tlercea. 8fec; tuba, UACON r ancy. Hie; umdard. 17 fe W II -,c. Cngllrh. ldOlCfea. Dry HALT CVHtD Kagular abort clear. riryit. llc; anioked. l:lc; ehort clear, back. 1J to 1 pound, dry alt. lHc; moked. 14a: abort clear backs. II U pvuuoa. dry aslt, llfec; smoked, lac: Ore gon exports, dry aalt. lJc; azuoked, 14c. Bone, Wool and Hideo, Mors loll crop, 36 2c; oWa. 'nominal; 19 1 J rontraA-ts. -'k.-. MOlIAlIt Choice, S3?R4c per pound. WOoI- Kastern Oregon, 14loo P pound. according to shrinkage; Valley. 15 it uc per pound. PtLTd Dry. 11c: lamb, salted. T3O0e; short-wool pelia. i;v0ci butcher belts. Jan. taka-on". cttl-ui. Feb. take-oft, 1.10 1.14. HIDES Baited hid-, 10H 0100 Pr pound; salted ralf. lovlTc; asUed kip. lit lie; gre,n hides, Kfec; dry calf. Jllo; dry hldta. Ihiilvc; aalted stags. 1lJfeo; graaa tags. eaSc. CASCAKA Per pound, ttf& OKA IN BAtiS la car lots, SfeSlfec. Fur. FI'RS Portland price for prim, well handled skin, according to Uses: Mink. I4SO.&0; raccoon. vco150; ekunk mar row .tripe). 1102; skunk (broad stripe), T& muikrat. -ui JJc; gray fox. 7 So; red fox. $HioO: marten. I6C: beaver, f .&; fisher. U0-u: badger. 4Jo Wll; lynx cat. f3oS; wildcat. 76cy16u; otter. 10fel4; lynx. 125030; ringtail cats. S5yduc; civet cat, lOtfoo; house cat. 60 iOc. mountain lion, loo lo; bear. 17012. Linseed Oil and Turpentine. LINSEED OIL Pur raw. In barrel. SOc; boiled. In barrel. K2c; raw. In caae. bde; boiled. In casea, 87c. TL'RPKNTINS Casea, 72c; wood barrela, Sfec. SMALL RUN OF STOCK LOCAL MAKKET IS Ql'IET BCT HHM. Day's IlCCTiplft Sell Within Estab lished Range of Prices Hog Demand Strong. The run st the yarda yesterday was small and trade waa accordingly quiet. The mar ket continued firm for all claeee of stock. The sales recorded during - the day war within the former range of prices. Commenting on the hog market during the week, the Livestock Reporter aaya: "Puset Sound had buyers In the hog pena aa well aa in the cattle dlvlalon. and thia fact demonstratea how keenly the pork famine haa become. All the Seattle and Tacoma packers have been Importing swine from MidJIe Western lnt. but with rec-ord-brektng price ruling on U th Et ern markata. Importation at thl time would coet them cloae to W f. o. h. Coaat points. Herein Ilea opportunity for -the Northweatern awlne growers. Every raiser who had foresight to stork up on pigs a year ago when the market waa low now baa the advantage of the "other fellow.' for eight-rent hoga are world-beating dividend-payers If msrketed right at the right time." Rece:pta yeeterday were 5A cattle. 8J bogs and Kl sheep. Shippers were: Charles McCully, Hsnsen. Ii'.aho. J cars of cattle: C. H. Farmer. Mc Cov. 1 rsr of sheep and hogs, mt F. I. Hints. McMinnviMe. 1 car of sheep and bogs. Th dsy's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 14 bull l-! l-l -A 1 bulls !"" S" in bulla 1-13 3.23 S hoga 7.0 37 hoga 1W a.M II cows l- 5,10 ;.i mixed hep 1 1-' 5 H 81 Pprlng lmt 4 .o0 j coaa 1 M' 4.i The rang of price at tha yarda waa a follow: Cattle r-v,.. . .reera I . ,.n h t ,V f Oood staers 4.1i 4.40 Medium staers 4.00 0 '-5 Choice coes S.M'V Good cows e.0r 5.9 Medium cows 4.5i)t S.OO Choice calves I.iiui I.T5 Oood heavy calve 4.90 o Bulla 4.:Sl9 S.OO Btaaa i litt Hog Light - "Ooaj 8 US Heavy 4.0ui T.ll Sheep Tearling l. Wether 4.45 n 1.4 Em I.WH 4.84 Lamb '. 4..Mi .48 Spring lamb 1.00 3 10.01 Omaha I A vest or k Market. SOUTH OMAHA. April 5. Cattle Re ceipt. 1MOO: market, steady to stronger. Ns tlve steers. 8.s.t8: cows snd heifer. 13.50 4?.75: Western ateer. 84.507: Ttxa atecra. 14.0 5.40: range cowa and heifers, . !.:;.-. a" ; cannera. $.75w4; atockera and feedera. 4.3t itf.W: ralvra. Ujoti.5u, bulla, ataga. etc., H.:JJ."S. Hors Keceipta. lo.O"; market, be to lfte higher. Hesvy. 17. Bo V 7.S0 mixed, I7.60Q r.7". light. I7..u 7.;o: pigs. loirJ.10. bulk of sales. .0o? 7.i0. Sheep Receipts. B.VK): market, steady to 10c higher. Yeaxllnga. :7: wethera. 15.50 d.2i. ewea. 14.75 V C; larnba. tl.UOu7.vO. Chiraaw Livestock Market. CHICAGO. April 5. Cattle Recrlpts. 1UX1; market. Has to steady. Beeves. ..3l 8.115: Texas steere. 14.50ft 5,f0; Wf-Slern eteers. utSgdU: alotk.ra and feeders, 84 o .'. cowa and belfera. IJ.ii0a.7O: calve.. IV75 v 8.5U. Hoga K?ce:p(s. 1H 0OO: market, steady to atrong. Light. I7.5' 7.U2W : mlxea. '..0f 7.1'7'j. heavy. Mil, rough. I7.5:I75; plga. I5.5'a7 45. bu.k of sales. 87.75 i. 7.W5. Mi9p Kerelpts. 5oe: market. steady. Nstive. 84.400 6.50: Western. 84.50 a 7.1": 15.75 0 7. lamb, native, .A59 7.b0: Western. 8d.5 0S.i. Grain 4 8aa Franclar. SAX FHASl'ISCO. April 6. Spot quota tion. Wal.a Walla. 81. 70S-, red Ruaalan. fl.WH tl.TS: Turkey red. tl.TuSl.8it; biueatem. 1.72Stfl 75. feed barley. 1.K74; brewing barioy. Il.l5fj2; white oata, l.r7 li t 1.W0; bran. 824.0O6 20; middlings. 4.U IS 32.5. shorts. 81tl2d,50: April osta. II CJ asked; May oats, 81.90 bid. 1 1.15 asked. Call hoard !: Wheat December. 11 2 per cental bid. 11.85 aaked. May. I172 per rental bid. , Barley December. 8I.55t per cental; May. P'r reotai. Wool mi eH. l4iala, ST LCl"ia. April 5. Wool ?:e'ly T-r-rvory and We. tern tn'd'n-n. lSdlsc, 3a m.d.ums. 106 17c. One. lOfilJc. ALL LIES EXPAND Steady Growth of Trade in All Departments. CONDITIONS ARE SOUND Forward irowtli In Iron and Slecl Mioun by larger Pie Iron Output IIMribullou of Woolen Goods Broad. NFW TORK. April t. R. G. Dun a Co.' weekly review of trade tomorrow will aay: The growth of bueinea confidence, which le plainly In evldeure. may be greater than the growth In buslnea activity, bnt the latter steadily Incrcaaea. and. moreover. 1 supported by rubetantlal contribution to the oundnea of general conditions. The better sentiment prevailing In moat of the market I clearly revealed In th report which come from the different sec tions of the country and notably from the leading centers of the West and South. It Is accentuated by constantly Improving con dlttons making for good crops, by th steady expanalon In the principal tradee and by the removal, one by one. of causes of uncertainty. It la significant that while tho number of commercial failure during th first tjusr, ter of the yer largo there was plain proof of expanding lnveatment and a nota ble Increase In the output of new securities and short term notes In the same period. The forward movement In iron and steel Is Illustrated by a pronounced gain In th output of pig Iron during March. New business la at a gratifying pace. Produc tion of finished material continue at a good rate with eome atrengthenlng In th quotations of several lines Tin mills are buster and tbl demand for sheet ha broad ened, while the market for plates, struc tural material and ateel bar ha Improved. In woolen good there la a broad dla trlbntlon of staple producta. 8everal ad vance ware made In overcoating nd worsted suitings. Both woolen and cotton yam are very firm and silks for Fall are being ordered In a moderate .way. The leather trade continues to Increase In activity and prices rule decidedly strong on all varieties, and eapeclally so on sol and belting leather. Trade In domeatlc packer hldee la rather moderate, and prices on moat varieties are firm. . BETTKK FEKLI"G IS IN EVIDEXCK Larger Line of Wholesale and Retail Trade Hlaow Improvement. EW TORK. April 5. Bradatreef to morrow will say : While good and bad condition conspire to give n Irregular apeparance to trade, there la an undeniably better feeling in evi dence In the larger, line of wholesale and retail trade, except In the sections Imme diately affected by unfavorable happenings. Oood features are the arrival of fairly aettled Spring weather at many point, th appearance of hitherto belated Easier de msnd at retail, further Improvement In Iron and ateel and the aettlement of mini labor disputes In the textile and other trade by the granting of higher wage. On the other hand, the Influence of th heavy rainfall and the melting of nowg In th valley of m.ait Western river ha resulted in widespread damag from flood and fear of further Injury, the exceaa of molaturo In the oll delaying crop preparation and planting North and 8outh. The Idleness of nearly 400.000 coal miner tend to re strict seasonal aetlvltle. transportation and buying In th eectlon affected. A survey of the entire situation leaves much to b desired, but It might be observed that poli tical and tariff unc-rtafhty I not so prom inently Instanced as a disturbing element. Activity In and higher prices for pig Iron. Increased output, better prices for plates and structural shape. Indication of a broader demand for finished material and expectation of heavy buying of railway car feature the iron and ateel markets. Copper has moved up to 16 cent, but busi ness Is quiet and apparently discouraged by the rapid advance in prices Business fallurea for the week ending April 4. were 261 against 153 last week. Bualness failures In Canada for th week ended Thursday number 24. which contrast with 25 last week. Wheat. Including flour, export from th United Blte nd Canada for the week ended April 4. aggregated t.41.543 bushel against 2.43.587 last week. Corn export for th week ar 384.300 bushel, agaln.t 753.400 laat week. Bank Clearance. NEW TORK. April 5. Bradstreefs bsnk clearlnga report for the week ending April 4 aggregate of I3.T24.4M.OJO. against 83 18S.bu5.tHH laa week and 14,326. &o7,uoo In tha correapondlng week last year. New York 2 ?A7- 7,IZ 0 Chicago ao,i.l.tNk 4.B ,"! ia.-..2:t." 14.0 Ph.iaclphia ;K .; kanaa CliV". 4i-4.?r0!? ! ? Pltlsburj ...... an Kranclsc $-- nc!nn.7. " 1 1 i ! I II ! . . 1 1 . Sm&SS : New Or lean -n.a Cleveland -. 5.-..n.,0 2I..T Detroit 14.4K0.1Nio 21.V lo. Anuelea i-J.6n.0iMI m.T Om s ha .............. 1 3. 0 1 6.1K)0,w0. 3 Muw.uki. "2;!',,,,h;. VI Loui.Mlle 15.2.yi.uoo lu.9 tVunt 2.T7H.0OO 11.5 Portland. Or.... 13.684.tKH) S3.3 Seattle 10.O28.tlHO 2.J Ri'fTalo . 1I.3uh.iioo 8.9 Senve? in:".: b.S74.ftOO a.02 Indianapolis T.L-..:t,u0 ei'O.O Paovl.iem- 8.5-6.UO.) 153 Richmond 8.8TT.O00 S3 Wa.hlnaton. D. C S.TlS.Ota) 15 Memphia 2 '?2 '""' ? 2 Kt Jiwpi .. ,". 0"0 4.0 Hii'lt Ie-k City S.4art.OOO 2.VT K.rt worth S.ftUYOno .135 Albun 8.1!7.0(H Jl.a roiumbui ..mtMM inn Savannah .5.MOK.00I) 84 5 4.3O3.IXI0 '3 1 0.6"5.OOi) 1T.1 8.656.000 103 4.127.000 9.0 4.6I7.0UO .7.B 5.125.IH10 0.5 6.5.-7.0OO ins 2. BUS. OOO 10 ."..52S.1HM1 10.4 n.r.47.0f0 14.0 2.5i8.0(K) 69-8 1.6H2.000 5.4 S22.00O .1 Tol-.o Nnhvlll Hartford Spokane. Wtih. Taroma D Molnca . . . Rrtrhfiur .... Duluth Macon .., Caklnnd Sun Iriaro. Cal Sacramento ......... Helens - Decrees. RAX FRANCISCO PRODICE M.VKKET Price Quoted at the Bay City for Vege table. Fruit. Etc BAN FRANCISCO, April 5. Toe follow. Ing produce price ware current her. to- dButter Fancy creamery. 29c Egga Store, llftc; fancy ranch, 22c. Cheese 1S4I 1C Onion 13.50 la 3.85c. fruit Apple, choice, tl-25: common, 65c; Mexican lime. 13 6 6.60; California lemon, choice. 4: common. 11.25; nvl orange. 81ti 2 60: pineapple. II1. Vegetable Cucumbers, 75c g 1.50; green pea. 34r4c; string bean, nominal; aspara gus. tl01tO; tomatoes, nominal; eggplant, 7 t 4i 1 m c. potatoes River Burbanka. 128125: sweeta. a.74tj: Oregon Burbanks, 12.26; Salinas, 2.C6tr.7. Hay Wheat. tl4i' 19.60; wheat and oata, 114 a is: aaraira. I12&15. Receipt Flour, 2654 quarter sack.; wheat. 175 centals; barley, 1U85 centals; oata. 10IM) centals: potatoes. 695 Backs: brsn. 35 sscka: middlings, 25 sacks: hay. 150 tons; wool. 51 balaa. t ond Itlan of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. April R. At th begin ning of bualnrsa today th condition of tha Cntted State Treasury will Working balance In Treasury of fice ,S11.58 In bank and Philippine treeaury 32.OSl.115 Tcal balance In general fund.. 181.2J8.359 Ordinary recelpla yeeterday 2.07U.S45 Ordinary disbursement 1. 872.832 Deficit to date thl flaral year. ta.543.35. agalnat a aurplug of 15,173,041 at thl tim laat year. Theae figure exclude Parent Canal and public debt transaction. Chirac. Produce Market. .rmcAfTO. April 8.. Butter Ftrm ; er,m erl". I'I'iSlr. dalrl-a. ilV-'Hr-. Kris t'lia; receipt. 15.1X2 caits; at mark, caae Included. lSc; ordinary f.rats, IK'itrlftc; Arsis. ltVc . Cheese tst.-any: daisies 1"1!iV.r: twins. lc; Young America, lSftlUc; lung horns, 181klc. Hops. Klc. at New York. SEW YORK. April 5. Hops quiet. Hide -Firm. Central America. i4Vc I'etroleum Steady, Wool Quiet. Sugar Holiday. FRAUD CHARGES DROPPED Indictments Kctnrned Throe Years Ago Finally Dismissed. Six years afro, when Special Prose cutor Heney was conductingr land fraud Investigations In this district, an in dictment wa returned by the I'nited States Brand Jury against the fallow ing; persons on a charge of consplrlnp to defraud the Oorernment of public lands: F. W. Gilchrist. Ralph E. Gil christ, Patrick Gulllgran. James G. Mac Pherson, Heman V. ptone. Edmund Doriran. Francis J. Pevlne, John Joseph Collins. Charles M. Klklns. John Combs, Benjamin F. Allen. Malcolm McAlpin, Almond C. Palmer, H. Judd Palmer, I'onald F Steffa, C. K. Brink, C. A. hi. Sohlierhola, J. V. Hopkins, W. W. Brown. Edward N. White. Thomas N. M'atkins and several others. whose names were not obtainable by th grand Jury. This Is as far as the indictments ever jrot, as the cases were not backed by any substantial testimony, the defend ants being released on their own ree ofrnigance or on nominal ball. Three years ago United States District At torney McCourt suggested to the De partment of Justice that there was no testimony to sustain the indictments and that they should be dismissed. At this sucgestion the Departments of the Interior and JuHtlce have taken three years to find that the indictments had been returned without sufficient evi dence and with too much haste. With this authority, the indictments have been dismissed and the cases stricken from the roll of the United States Dis trict Court. NATIONAL SHOOT IS OFF Luck of Appropriation Causes Can cellation of Contests. Members of the Oregon National Guard will be disappointed to learn that there is to be no National rifle competition this year. This Informa tion was contained in a letter received by Adjutant-General Flnzer yesterday from Brigadier-General R. K. Evans, Chief of the Division of Militia Affairs, for the Chief of Staff. This actionals due to the fact that the War Depart ment has no funds for the purpose, that the changes In station of troops In the Philippines are more numerous this year, and also due to the condition of affairs on the Mexican border. General Kvans learned that there were no Na tional or state appropriations for this rifle competition in the various states, with whose guard officers he conferred, to permit state troops to hold such a meet this year. General Evans" letter Is in part as follows: The Secretary of War after mature con- trieeetion hna found it lmDr&CtlcablO for I the & rmv to take anv rart In the National ! match thia year, either by sending teams or I by furnlahing markers, scorers, etc. The ! demands upon the military establishment will prove so great during the coming year 1 as to make this course Imperative. Station ehaneea are taking place between the troopa In thl country and the Philippines, troopa are required at th aeveral maneuver camps and a large force I needed for duty along the Mexican border. PERSONAL MENTION. C. A. Darr, of Leavenworth, is regis tered at the Bowers. J. W. Bounds, a tlmberman of Eu gene, Is at the Oregon. George A. Reed, an Ellensburg mer chant, is at the Carlton. I. M. Teomans, a merchant of St. Helens, is at the Perkins. J. C. Scott, a Walla Walla banker. Is registered at the Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Mason, of Cen tralis, are at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Harlow, of Woodbum. are registered; a the Per kins. Fritz H. Harradon, manager of the Elmore coasting fleet. Is at the Im perial. Hoy T. Bishop, woolen manufacturer of Pendleton, Is registered at the Im perial. J. C. Corwln, a hardware merchant of Great Falls, is at the Carlton. James A. Anderson, a Roseburg mer chant, is registered, at the Cornelius. Arthur P. See. a mining engineer or Epokane. Is registered at the Portland. Dan P. Smythe, an attorney of Pen dleton. a registered at the Multnomah. C H. Brown, of Milwaukee, Wis., and larg-ely Interested in Powder Mountain timber, is at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Merry weather, of Spokane, are at the Multnomah, re turning from a trip to California. Robert Nloholson, of Balfour, Guth rie & Co., returned to Portland yester day from Mexico. He made the trip south in Balfour, Guthrie's chartered steamer Tamplco. via Tacoma. After superintending, the unloading of. the steamer's grain at Mazatlan. he re turned to Portland via" San Francisco. His stay was brief, as conditions are hardly Javorable for touring In Mexico at present. Pullman Company Sued. Alleging that she was attacked by a negro porter on a Pullman car en route to Portland March IS. Bessie Harris brought suit in the Circuit Court yes terday to recover $100,000 damages from the O.-W. R. & S. Company and the Pullman Company. She alleges that while she was asleep in a bath she was attacked by the porter and so badly frightened that her health has been poor since and also that her good name has been ruined by the experi ence. Centralla lias Quiet Month. CENTRALIA, Wash., April 6. (Spe cial.) The month of March was one of the Quietest experienced by Sheriff Ur quhart's office for some time past. Only eight arrests were made during the month. The fees collected during March amounted to 196.40. like the brook, "goes Bitulithic 4 on forever' -no wear out to this form of pave ment "within a reasonable period of hard use. CROP DAMAGE TALK Bad Reports Used to Put Wheat Prices Higher. ALL CHICAGO OPTIONS UP Ohio State Ileport Shows Condition or 61 Per Cent as Against 63 in March and 81 at Har vest Last Year. '"H1CACO. April 5. Crop damage report were used today to bring about higher prices for wheat. Nebraska Joined the tate that ent In complaints of growth having he. n stunted or killed. Closing figure were Hb 'ic to 4c above last night. The Ohio report, showing; a wheat condi tion of til per cent, a agulnt 63 in March and of 84 at harvest last year, gave to pri vate reports of damage elsewhere more standing than they otherwise would have had. Thus far traveling expert havj ent In optimistic opinion, hut none had yet visited the section In which Injury Is al leged to be worst. Kansas stories of sup posed harm to Winter wheat were not eo numerous s on the previous day. Partly because of this there was a good deal of realizing by longs, who were not slow to tnk advantage of the bulges and make suro of profits. Because of light receipts here the fine weather did not count for much as an aa versa Influence In the corn crowd. Alt the future went to a new high level for the year and held up amazingly In the face of prolix lay'nr sales. Southwestern advice were bearish, notably a decline of aj a ton for hay at Kansas City. Out sold at a new record prlco for the crop, but reacted in consequence of an loading by holders. Seeding began on high land In Illinois and will bo general next week. 1'ackcrs letting go on a liberal seal eased off provision despite grain strength and a light run of hogs. The product which weakened least wa lard. Tho leading future ranged aa follow: WHEAT. Open. High. ' Low. Close. May $1.034 $1.74 $1.0St $1,03 July .. .t'n ' Sept 84)4 .fl1 .4? .93 4 COHM. Mav IKK .7'4 .78t .7014 July 7.V4 .7.1 '4 .7n4 ,T4 Sept 74 "4 ."4i .74 la .74. OATS. May n.-.u ,s .r.r.H .Sfs4 July .-.Ui .,-.o4 .r.'i ..' Sept 42 S. .43 .4S'a MESS PORK. May 17.2.T 17.30 17.05 17.07 Julv 17.6214 17.70 17.42U 17.4.") Sept 17.U7V4 1S.0O 17.77 17.82 V4 IARD. Mav 0.1)24 9.M214 9.S0 9.R5 July 10.10 10.12W 10.0O- 10.02 Sept 10.27 H 10.32.ij 10.20 10.2U SHORT RIBS. May 9.72 0.72 9.62',j 9.B2 July a.!21 9.92 V4 9.SO 9.80 Sept 10.1O 10.1S 10.00 10.00 Cash quotations were a follows: Flour Steady. Rye No. 2. 92c Barley Feed or mixing, 80c $1. Timothy seed $8 ft 11'. Clover aeed $14 9 21-7$. Pork Mess, 17&17.12. Short ribs Loose, $9.40. Grain statistics: Total clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 235,000 bushels (Philadelphia and Baltimore missed). Exports for the week, aa ahown by Bradstreeta. were equal to 3.- 421.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 61.- 0ta bushels (Minneapolis. Duluth, St. Louis and Philadelphia missing), compared with 244.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 14 cars: corn, 73 cars; oats. 12 cars: hogs, 8000 head. Pugct Sound Grain Markets. TACOMA. Wash., April 8. Wheat Blue- stem. 06c: rortylold, Wlc; cluo, Wic; rea Ruratan. 88c. Car receipt Wheat. 14: corn, 1: oats. 1; hay, 6. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 5. Wheat Blue- stem, Dtfc: lortyroia, 5c; ciuo, sc; nie, 93c: red Russian. 92c. ' reiterday' car receipt Wheat. 3; hay, 8; flour. 10. Sterling at San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. Sterling on London Sixty days. $4.84)4; do. sight. $4.87. Not an ex periment but a street pavement of proven high standard and durability Barber As Dhalt. r. Z3g Hi J. C. WILSON & CO. (STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN ATD COTtOH MEM Ut ltd NEW TORK STOCK EXCHANGB JiKW VOKK COTTON .JU'UANUa - CHIC AGO BOAltU OF TtUUE THS MOCK AND BOM) KitUAMig SAN HtA- CISCO. Main Office Mill Dldg.. San Iranelaco. Branch Office Vancouver, Seattle, Portland. Loa Angels. San Diego. Cor- enado Beach. PORTLAND OFFICE : Bain floor Lumbermen. Bank Bnlldtna, 5th and Stark. Phones Marshall '120. A 4287. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Canadian Pacific -EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC" AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS ttOytKt.AU QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL VIA THE SCENIC ROUS TO ECBOFB 10OO MILES ON THB ST. LAWKKNCa? RIVKB AND less than 4 dats at 6ea 2638 miles port to port the Shortest ocean passaos First Cablo :.5o and second Cabu i3.'.t and na One-Claa Cabin fill t&O.OO and a Tiilrd-Cla Low eat rata on request. Canadian Pacific Office, comer Third and Pine (Multnomah Uotel bid-.), Portland, and all local agent. I j";j-u--"."-",H.vvi.-'i-iv'v-V -9 -.r zir.' -a t.i iHti n THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital .- - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: t. C ADTtWORTn, Prealdeat. It. TT. gCHMEElt. Cas aleak a. LELA. BAJUinaV tea ,Pi aaiUeirt. A, Mm W1U4SBT, AaaLataat Caaalas. W, A, HOLT, Asalataat Caaklen, LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capita. Stock . $1,000,000.00 SurpluB and Undivided Profits.... 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' cheokfl issued, avail able in-All parts of the world. OFFICERS W. Bf. LadfL. Prealdrnt. Edward Cooklncbam. Vice-Pre. V. H. Dtmoiley, Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest-National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1837. Head Office Toronto, Canada. New Tork 19 Exchange Place. London 2 Lombard Street. Over two hundred other branches In the United States and Canada. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and principal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. SULFAS, Manager. The Largest and Finest TIT h liWf I I I M HI I 1 . 45,000 Tons . OLYMPIC Each HI XWl Dll FRENCH A LA CARTE RESTAURANT, TURKISH & ELECTRIC BATHS, SWIMMING POOL. FOUR ELEVATORS, GYMNASIUM, VERANDAH CAFE, PALM COURT SQUASH RACQUET COURT AMERICAN LINE rlymeatb Cerj- SeetkaurH Atlantic Transport Line New Trk lawaoa Mreet RED STAR LINE New Ttm Pvct aalwu Pari! WHITE STAR LINE New Tr acCTrtw lJvrral New Tr Hytt Caertosr; Soafhamataa Boston Queenatowu Uverpcol. Boat on jieaiierraneiMi. Company' Office, Boom "B" Bailer Bulldlnc Or Local Railway and SteainalilD Agents. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY . (Mountain Division) Trains Have Prince Rupert, B. C Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1:00 P. M. for Vauarsdol (one 1-undred miles). GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route.) FOUR THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO EXCESS FARE BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. THROUGH PULLMAN STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. j, H. Burgla, General Agent. PaaaenKer Department. Seattle, Washington. First Avenue and Vealer War. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR hau 1' ranrifico and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. S. 8. BeaTer Hails at 9 A. M. April 7. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. . CO. Ticket Ofllre 14S Third Street. 1'tione Main 2BBS. A liOi. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI A'D WELLINGTON. Direct through steamer, sailing from San Franrieco May 1. Mav 2C, and every 28 day to Tahiti. Rarotonga. Wellington and Svdney. Jhe line to Jsiee oi ine boutn eea. For rcervationa aee Coupon Railroad Asenta r addxau Ulad. Kolph Co., fiaa Fraauisvo, Robert 9. Howard, Asst. Cashier. J. W. I.add, Aaat, Cashier. Walter M. Cook, AC Caahler. Steamers in the World C..1. AalT aKlaLl sU 7 May 11-June 1 from June 22 July 13 MAY 4 May 25 June 15 July 6 NEW YORK WHITE STAR-DOftUNION Maalital Qtf TBEG ANTIC & -UUKEMTIC- Llr t Ha1 Plllllt ttMfMTI Only Four Days at Sea to Btmors in ooarroKT at modkratm aa.Txs Twai Screw &S. "Caoads" and rasenfc" okb OLass em cabtw serttcic V THIBD CL88 OUOUHD HOOsB Bafraca cfaerkad tarea to Btaaiaar t Baa. Fmbark BiM betara aaillag. Ite hoaat ar traaafer Second and Cherry 61s., Seattle EFFECTIVE APRII, lat, 1813. STEAMSHIP PRINCE GEORGE Leaves Seattle, Washington Kvery Sunday at 12 o'clock Midnight for VICTORIA, VANCOUVER A.D PIIWCB RUPERT, B. C. Tonnectlngr at Prince Rupert. B. C, with "S. S. PRINCK JOHN." 11 A.M. Wednesday for Port Simpson, Port Nelson, Goose Bay and Stewart, B. C: Thursday, H P. M., for Naden Harbor and Massett, B. C. Saturday, 1 P. M., for Refuge Bay, Skidegate and other Queen Charlotte Island points. TRAVEI.ER8 GUIDE. San Francisco Los Angeloi and San Diego Direct S. S. Eoanoke and S. S. Elder all Kverr Wedneadar Altematalr at f. VS. N0ETH PACIFIC 8. S. CO, US Shlra HAm a-naawa Main 11. A 11. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Sails from Afnswortn Dock, Portland. A. M. every Wednesday. Freight received at Alneworth Dock daily up to 6 P. M. Pat sen arer fare, first -class. $10; second -class. 97. UU, including meais and berth. Ticket of fice Aiasworlb Doci& Phoaes Alain 300U. A htVai - K I