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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1912)
ORTL AND MAY WIN IKON STEAMERS ome Contractors in Race to Be Awarded" Bear and Beaver Contracts. 'IDS OPEN TOMORROW trpa-lr Men PwUr Plants Tlm Ar Equipped for Task and That tow Pry dock Kate Are Indncenvent. rA inni Virt been made, say nrt B kidn tn compiling: tenders ir craning, painting; and repairing; the -earners Beaver and Fear, or me ri.e; tree'" f'.eet. In an ftiifiTur m nr.n ildttlnnal work to this port. v nen Iirr retltive ijwincmiin I pan Frn-li'-o tong.rrow It la hoped Port-and will be decided on H the -iost desirab'e r'" 'r or,t to don. For mor than a wwk proposed worn la been scrutinised by heads of planta ere and even thouuh marine repair rm arc more numeroua within the .olilrg Gate and hair drydocss and - nslve equipment at their mm man a. nrtland contractors believe ther have , . .hanre for the work, low dry- niH In forre hers being" one of i. nrincioal Inducement. Another -ature In their favor ta tha fart the teamera remain at this end of tha ut five days, while they ara at San ranelaro but two days coma- soum nd one day on tha return voyage, hen. It la tha rule not to have ateara P while here, that tha ensMneroom rre may make minor repair, tela port generally farored. The Beaver and Bear being; praruc llr new rriwla. no extensive contract "to be let. as the labor will consist hlef.y of overhauling- certain parta or he machinery, a email amount of aulklna- and cleaning of the bulla. At ha una time It ta deatred to hare tha I -an Francisco A Portland Steamahlp 'nmpany become familiar with the -lass of work that can be aone nere. a he ateamers are docked every year and o have them lifted at San Franclaco t ha been necessary for them to leave I Portland one day In advance of sched- ile. MOCK BOI ISSUE DELIYED Report of Kipert Engineers Will Xot Arrive I'ntll March. Members cf the Commission of Pnhllr Docks agreed yesterday on a further continuance of tha Issuance of 1500 004 of bonds with which to carry Inn work during 191 J. as the New York engineers constituting tha board or consultation wrote that their report would not be ready until early In March. It waa expected that their ftrvd Ings would be marie known to the Commission about February 10. but It waa said delay In tha receipt of spe cial data necessitated more time belna; devoted to the atatement. Henry Teal, a bond broker, suggested lo the Commission that bonds bo Is ued In denomination of 11000 rather than of 5t0. saying that he did not think they could be sold In Portland on a popular subscription plan and that bond buyers objected to small denomi nations, tie also suggested that tha legality of the bonds be passed on In advance of their belna off-red for sale, so that unqualified blda could be de manded and time saved. It was voted to ask bids from expert accountants on the work of opening; a set of book a. Enftineer Kearardt submitted his re port for January showing surveys com pleted and other work begun. J. Frank Watson, acting aa truil-e. offered the Commission 1 acres of land, located on the west side, between Swan Island and the St. Johna bride;, to be used for public docks, at fJOfts an acre. Xannetd. Veysey Co. offered ISO feet of water frontage at tha foot of Wash ington street, lylnc north of tha altp. for 1100.000 and both propositions were Bled. Secretary fSlltner ws asked ta ascer tain from City Attorney Orant as to when a tender of money should be made when condemnation proceeding- ara brun. Bids are also to ba asked on printing ordinances and other or ganisation papers In pamphlet form for the benefit of bond buyers. SOIAVAY MKKS LAST VOYAGE Vesarl Listed for Here Via Junln la Given l"p. " To the port of missing ships" Is sup posed to have teen tha ultimata des tination of tha Norwegian bark Solwav. which sailed from Newcastle. N. B. last June, bound for Junln. on tha west roast of South America, and for a time she was listed on tha boards at the Merchants' Eschange aa com Ins; to Portland. Sine 10I -here have been aeven vessels to aall from tha Aus tralian port with coal that were never heard of. and various theories have bean assigned as tha cause, one of tha most a-eneral belna; that thay were lost tn storms because of being "weak." aa tha result of a previous strain, or owing; to ace. The coal carriers that have made their last voyage slnca l0t ara as-fol-Iowa: ISMvt Liura. BTttlsh bark, bound for To- cn:r.a. 1 3 Oilpperxyle. British bark, booed for Valparaiso. 1s7 A'-sand-m. Frltl.h bark, bound for Panama, m.bvraora. British bark, bound lor IquLqiM. !. Pl-rlna O. British ship, bound fur saa Kranclaco. lwj Clan Maephersoo. British ship. SOU-: fr Valparaiso. li, k lunarn. I'rltlsh bark. Mond for Va:prm!o: Ei.uland. Hrltun bark, bound for caidra. ll Soiwar. Nerwsalaa bark, bound for Junta. L.XCK OP CED.VR DELU'S TCQ Mica thine Material Selected From Iree Near Bandon. liavlna- been compelled to place an orner at Bandon for a selected lot of cedar, which will form tha sheathlna; or tha new Government tug; lleodeli. Joseph Supple, who has tha contract for her construction, facea a delay In planktnr tlia hull, as tha cedar waa not cotton out as soon as expected, and special arrangements wars made by wire yeatarday to move tha lot to Mershfleld and ablp It on tha steamer Breakwater, due to arrive Sunday. The hull cr the tua- Is ready for sheathlna;. but the sperlfleatlona pro vide that redar must ba used, so tha material will bavs to ba put In place before plankln can ba started. It Is tboucM that the work can ba finished by April li. unless thera Is another de lay met with. When tba hull work la ended a larger force of carpenters can ba employed and the house rushed. Oak haa been used for the frames and all parts of the hull where possible, there belna; little fir In the vessel, and she !a belna- built so that she can be used for bsr voyages and outside trips. MECHANIC SEEKS PROMOTION' Portland Man Enters Xavy In Hope of Shoulder Straps. K. W. Kent Is bent on testing to his own satisfaction the stepping stones In the Navy and to that end he haa en listed through tho medium of Lieuten ant Toti. In charge, of the Portland recruiting station, aa a machlnlsts"s mate, secondclass. He entered the service backed by wide experience, as he was a machinist by trade and after Investigating opportunities offered In tha Navy, decided to cast his lot thera. He exrecta to qualify In a few years for the berth of warrant machinist with STEAMER rMTEIXlGEXCm. Dss s Arrive. Vrora. Varna. Oats. port port port port port port Alliance. ...... Eureka ..In Brsakater....Cooa Bar Ia Cmriom -Sn Krsnclsco In (;o. w. Elder. n Lvego.... In Roe City Ssa Pe2ro. ... In Falcon . ....... .San Dlece. ...In Toaemlre San Francisco. In port it TiilimAdc Feb. 1 ll. ... iin PtJn Vi b. It Fuverte Manl'a Fh. IS Koaaoae. ... ...saa Franctace Feb. 11 Bear fan Tedro. . . Feb. 22 SchedaM ta Depart. Nssaa. For Dat. Breakwater. ... ry-t Bay Feb. 14 Harvard S- r for U A. . K-b. 1 4 Alllanoe .Eureka Feb. 14 t W. Eldsr. . sa Ieo I Falrea ....... ..&aa Franelaro Feb. 13 Yoeemlts San Iilea- . . . F l. 1.1 I'arloa ia Francleo Kb. 1t Sua H. Elmers. .Tillamook Feb. 1 Tale 8. F. for U A.. Feb. 1 Rom ntj Saa Flro.... leli. SS Beaver. ....... .San Pedro. ... Feb. ?1 Boanoke. ...... saa D1eo. ... Feb. J1 Bear San Pedro. .. Feb. IS Surerle Manila Feb. 21 opportunities for pay ranging from tl&OO to 12400 annually, and If suc cessful In that regard will strive for a commission, following tha lead of an engineer officer on the IT. 8. t. Utah, who entered the service as a machin ist's mate and In seven years won a commission. Another to enlist was p. Roberts, who waa rated as a coal passer and will be gin his duties at Mare Island, while II. J. Frawley. of La Grande, and Ell Uoodreau. of Boise, were accepted as apprentice seamen and went to the training atatlon at San Kranclaco. Marine Notes. To finish loading lumber the steamer Caaco shifted yesterday from Inraan Poulsen's to Llnnton. Captsln C I. Hooghklrk has resumed command of the steamer Iralda after a lengthy layoff, relieving Captain Kruee. Captain Clifton Curtis, master of tha tank steamer Oleum, has filed a pro teat at tha Cuatom-House becauao tha vessel struck on the Columbia River bar while entering from San Francisco. On the present voyage tha steamer Carlos will load wheat In tha hold and carry 400,000 feet of lumber on deck. Aa she waa chartered for grain before February 1 tha Olaon ilahony Inter ests will pay tha trucking charge of 10 cents a ton on tho cereal. In command of Captain O. Williams the British ship Port Stanley arrived at Llnnton yesterday from riant a Rosa lia. She Is the only grain carrier In port, and after discharging ballast will proceed to load, the prospects being that aha will get away with tha Feb ruary fleet. One of three carloads of machinery from the ateamer Mountain Gem. which was stripped at Kennewick. has ar rived here and blda probably will ba asked for shortly by tha Yellow Stack Line for the construction of a new steamer In which the engine and boll era will ba used. As residents of the lower river and other sections tn the 17th llghthousa district select post lights and beacons aa targets when hunting, the Bureau of Lighthouses haa forwarded to In spector Beck samples of metal signs that will be nailed to all alda In tha future, warning destructive onea of tha penalty. Dick O'Reilly, "port captain" of the Oregon Round Lumber Company, who fled from steamboat responsibilities a month ago to bask In tha sunny clime of Southern California, returned yes terday and aaya that while tha Bear State'a lower coast la habitable for a time, tha fact thera waa no rainfall during bis visit rauaed htm to hasten his return to evergreen Oregon. Of the lumber fleet working cargo for offshore harbors the British steamer llaxel Dollar, berthed at St. Johns, will finish Friday If tha mate rial la cut. The British bark Lord Templeton. lying at St. Helena, will finish In about ten days. Tha German ship Schurbek haa started at the mill of the North Pacific Lumber Company, and la to bo loaded this month, while the British steamer llartlngton should take on the last of her load at St. Johna today. Frank Bollam. Portland agent for tha Independent ateamahlp llnea. who re turned yesterday from Seattle, telle a great atory of the amount of paesen ger business being handled out of that port for California, not forgetting to credit tba Alaaka Pacific Beat with tha bulk of It because they run In connec tion with tha steamers Harvard and Yale, for which ha la Portland agent also. Tat Portland lines handle many paaaengers to and from Seattle, aa they travel by rail between tho Columbia River and Puget Sound. Bids were opened yesterdsy by In spector Beck, of the 17th llghthousa district, for rspalra to tha tender Co lumbine, and tha lowest flgura waa nearly $11,000 and tha highest slightly above IIS.000. The firms to bid from Portland were tha Vulcan Iron Works, Willamette Iron Steel Worka and the Alblna Engine tt Machine Works. Hall Bros, of Wlnalow, Waab and tha Heffeman Dry dork Company, of Seat tle, also Bought tha work. Reoommen datlona will ba forwarded to Washing ton today. ' Movements of Vessels. PORTUND, Feb. IX Arrived Steamer Alliance, from Eureka and Coos Bay ""'d Gasoline schooner TUIamook. tor Bandon. Astoria. Feb. IS Condition el ths mouth of the river at P. M smooth: wind south as miles; wsathsr. raining. Arrived at a. l and left op at 6 P. M. Steamer Ailraace, from Eurssa aad Coos Bay. Astoria. Feb. II Arrlvsd Steamer Oeo. tv nalck. from Mao Pedro. Arrived dowa at 7 P. M. British ship Wro-T. Lewla . Baa FraneUoo, Feb. 12. Arrived at 4 A. VI oteatnsr Northland, from Portland. Ar- i . m.hi. iimr Catania, from Portland: schooner alabsl Gale, from Colum- "no" Feb. 10. Palled French bark Eusenle Schneider, tor Portland. t-.-uth Hend. Feb. It Arrived chooasr Etlmson. from Astoria. . Punia Arvnaa, Feb. Is Amvso. pre viously. Captain A F. Lucas, from. Phila delphia for San Francisco. bin sapor. Fsb. IS. Arrived previous v. Ksemun. from Liverpool. for Seattle, Sailed February 11. Antmlochus from Ta eoma for Liverpool Kio Janeiro. Feb. 10. Sailed Ocean aton arrh fr Han Franriaco. San Francisro. Feb. IX Arrived PI earner Vnrthlano'. Columbia river; Nehelem. Ta-eoma- Pennsylvania. Anron: schooner Mabel Oale Astoria- F. eV Loop. Tscoma; srhooner I Issl'e Vsnr'e. Ludlow. Sailed Steamers Col K L. Drake, bars UX Seattle: Lroatllia, Victoria; schooner Vsda, Tosinsend. Tides at Aster! Wednesday H'sl ii a. Low to K. T. fet 4:4l A. M-. F. M-- ..4 2 feet .01 foot ELKS WOULD MAKE CITY FAIRY BOWER Harmony of Color and Decor ative Scheme Is Plan of Street Beautifiers. 17 COMMITTEES NAMED Ixedsrexnen Begin In Earnest to Turn All of Portland Into Veritable Paradise for Conrentlon. Many Arches to Rise. Originality and harmony will be manlfeat In the decoratlona with which tha Elks will adorn Portland during the National convention next July. The special committee, of which John H. Rura-ard Is chairman and which Is com- 1 posed of Oeorue L. Baker. Dr. Harry F. ! McKay. A. C. fallen and Dr. C. W. Cor j nellua. met yesterday afternoon and ap pointed a number ot auocommnieee, each of which shall have charge of a sperlal feature of the work. The various subjects of decoration will conform to the one general schema tbat now Is In course of preparation and which will make ths city's festival dress appear harmoniously dazzling by day and artistically brilliant by night. It Is proposed to erect a number of arches across the principal atreeta and to make every foot of the line of march, which Includea streets on both the East and West Sides of the river, pleasantly attractive to all who gather to view the parade as well as to the men In line. Sereateea Commit teen Sensed. Tha following committees wers named for the several decorating feat ures: Arrhes Dr. Harry F. McKsv. J. A. Oraef. L. F. Thlbeau. George U Uutchln. Lin of Parsrls Geors I. Baker, w. H. FIlsseraM. J. H. Coffer. A. fallen. t'lty County and Government Bulldtnss B D. BlSler. U. foils Cohen. W. H. FttSaSr aid. John B. Coffey. William Adams. Uirhlin-; of Buiidlnfs K. C Msnefee, A. G. KusihsM. Tom Monks, F. E. Watklns, Geors Dunnlna. Kali road Terminals K. V. Lively. W llllara Mi-Murrav, A. D. Charlton. R. W. Foster. William Burke. Edward Lyons. Hotels C. W. Cornelius. Phil Metschan. Jr.. M. C, Dickinson, H. C. Bowers, Joseph "'pepartraant Stores A. C. Callan. D. M. Dunne. A. B. Beard. Cla.a "A. Bulldlnas H. W. Fries. Q. B. Ptreeler. J. B. Yeon, Gors Hsnry. A. L. Ftn!y. V. M. C Sllva. Other Bullrllns. Heirs H. Kelly, Oeorse M. Hyland. F. W. Watson, R. C Bishop. W. O. Van Schnyver. River Front Captain J. E. Spier. Thomas H. Cran. Bursas Ferretl. Lou Wtnthex. Fell 1 Sherwood. Window Decorations A. Fldenhlmer. A. B. Stetnhaoh. TV. H. Gadsby. C. C Bradley. K. K. Kubll. Flsctrlrvy John H. Burgard, Geors L. Baker. Hanks J. S. BalL Oeorje W. Hoyt, A. M. Wright. Theaters John F. Cord ray. W. T. Panrle, John J. Johnson, Lawrence Keating. Armory E. H. Lansford. H. P. Chrlaten Sen. W. C. Hasvltln. East Blda Gcorg H. Klelssr. H. R. Pomeroy. John F. Cordrar. Edwin New becln. , Fraternal Orders C. C. Bradley, A. Fel denheimer. R. W. Foster, Walter Hoi man. Geors 8. Rosrs. . Professional decorating Arms tn var oua parts of the country are In com munication with Chairman Burgard and Harry C McAllister, secretary of the convention commission. They propose to transform Sixth street. Seventh street. Washington street and other business thoroughfares Into veritable avenues of brilliance and beauty. Plaa l ldrr CaaHlirrsrloa. Tha general achem of decorating now Is being worked out. The Illumin ating plan devised by E. E. McClarsn, a Portland architect, and providing for a canopy of electric Ughta radiating from a high Illuminated tower on top of the Toon building Is being consid ered among others. The committee de cided yesterday that all colors used In decorating will be purple and white with tha American Flag. Owners of various business buildings already are laying plana to win the first prize offered by tho general com mittee for tha beat decorated building. It Is probable that other substantial prizes will be offered. As It will require much time to ar range the elaborate decorations neces sary to present a proper setting for the big conclave the present Is none too early to lay plans, say tha com mitteemen. The committee calculates to begin work on constructing Its alee trio effects and Ita street and building ornamentations late In June, that tbey may ba completed on the opening day of ths convention. July I. Application haa been made by tha Elks to erect a viewing stand on the PostofTlce grounds for a week, during tha meeting of the grand lodge. It haa the approval of Postmaster Merrick, and with his recommendation tha re quest has been forwarded to tha de partment at Washington. It haa been agreed that tha atand will not Inter fere with the entrances to the Post ofTlce and that six special policemen will be employed by the Elka to keep tha entrances clear at all times. FUND SUCCESS MARKED FIRST DATS SUBSCRIPTIOVS FOR WILLAMETTE BIG. Dally Meetings or Committee Will . Be Held and Bn sines for Next 34 Honrs Outlined. Subscriptions aggregating several thousands of dollars for the Willamette I'niverslty endowment fund marked tha first day's work yesterday of the new campaign committee appointed Monday evening. Tho exeoutlve committee of ths campaign committee met at noon at tha Commercial Club, and tha re ports brought la at that time wers most encouraging. Hereafter tha axecutlva committee will meat dally at noon, when tha progress of tha campaign will ba dis cussed, progress reported, plans made for the ensuing 14 hours and new mem bers sppolnted to the general campaign committee. "The plan Is one that has been tried In similar campaigns many times," said Dr. Hancher last night, "and no better way of organising to reach a large number personally In a short time was ever devlaed. "The executive committee has power to enlarge Itself by ths appointment of new members and to enlarge tha general committee by adding new mem bers. "Two main objects sre sought by this plan of organization: To provide a large body of workers who will take up tha task of personally approaching and reasoning with all who should ba asked to aid in raising the endowment fund, and to create a central authority over this working body that will direct Its activities and plan Its work. 'X'nder such a plan It has been found that the enthusiasm Is not only sus tained to the end. but that It actually Increases with the progress of the cam paign. Every contributor becomes a working; member of the, main commit tee." Dr. Hancher has entirely recovered from his slight Indisposition, and is again In the harness with redoubled energy. He. with Dr. Homan and Dr. Todd, are acting ex-officlo with the executive committee, and It is on the basis of the work already done by them that the work of the general campaign committee Is planned. Tha Imperial Hotel has been made campaign headquarters. Manager Philip Metschan Is a Willamette graduate, a Willamette booster, a member of the campaign committee and an enthusias tic believer In his alma mater, and the hotel will probably be the scene of much work for the endowment fund during the remainder of the campaign. Dr. Nicholson will leave Portland for the East this evening, his duties calling him away. He believes that the campaign has been successfully launched and that It will be brought to a satisfactory conclusion. SCHOOL GARDENS LIKED S5 PORTLAVD PRIXCIP,US IN FAVOR OF SYSTEM. Superintendent Rlgler OpHes Of fering of Prizes Teachers DIs cua Plan at V. M. C. A. Principles of 35 of Portland's public schools. Including its three hlKh schools, pledged their support to the school garden movement at a dinner last night in the Young Men's Christian Association building. Representatives of each school district referred to va rious circumstance which were favor able or unfavorable to the laying out of gardens, but all were enthusiastic In doing all that was possible to make the gardena In their respective dis tricts successes. Some teachers re ported that soil conditions were not favorable for gardens; others that there were no vacarjt tracts that could be obtained. Othera said careful In struction and supervision would ba necessary to bring the movement to a successful issue. Secretary Stone, of the T. M. C. A., was called upon to give the results of the garden experiments of the Y. M. C. A., to show what might be accom plished. Mr. Stone said that under the auspices of the Association 100 gar dens had been put in, many of the best gardens being those planted In the backyards of one of the most thickly settled residence districts. Superintendent Kigler said thera was a great opportunity to do good for the young people of Portland and the state in arousing an interest in gardening. He said ha was not in favor of adding agriculture to ths course of study in the public schools. Mr. Rlgler also dis approved the plan to offer prizes for tho best products grown In school gar dens. Superintendent Grout expressed him self In favor of the movement. Presi dent Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural College, pledged tho support of that in stitution by distributing bulletins among tho principals, teachers and pu pils of the public schools. He said the garden project was not alone to induce people to return to the farm, but to keep those on the farm who are there now. DEFICIENCY NOT GRAVE West Says Institutions Will Xot Be Behind at Tear's End. SAL, EM, Or.. Feb. 13 (Special.) The figures as ahown In the statement pre pared by Secretary Olcott. Indicating that some of the state Institutions are behind, as far as their maintenance ap propriations are concerned, do not Indi cate that the Institutions will show a deficiency at the end of the year, says Oovernor West. "We announced early that there would be no deficiencies, and there will be none," said the Oovernor. "The figures for tho year, while on the face they would Indicate that tha Institutions are In some Instances far behind, are per haps a little misleading, and do not show tho entire status of the institu tions. "For instance, at the State School for the Keeble-Mlnded. where the figures Indicate that the maintenance of 1911 has been used to a certain extent. How. ever thousands of dollars" worth of sup plies axe on band and consequently tha Institution will be able to run for some time on these supplies. I am assured by Superintendent Smith of that insti tution, that he will close the year wlth aut a deficiency." BENNETT PLANS EXPLAINED C. B. Merrick' Talks at East Side Library on "City Beautiful. " "Tha City Beautiful." aa proposed by tha Bennett plana, waa the subject of an Illustrated lecture given Monday night by C. B. Merrick, president of the Greater Portland Plans Association. In ths auditorium of tha East Portland Branch Library under the joint au spices of tho United Improvement Cluba Association and tha East Side Business Men's Club. Mr. Merrick explained ths origin of the Bennett plans and what they are for. Ha said that 97 patriotic men and women paid something more than 120.. 000 for these plans, that Portland might prepare to take care of a population of. J. 000.000. He said that it la proposed to get 10.000 members of the Oreater CHASE THE WOLF AWAY Keep the wolf of Consumption away from tha door by tha timely and steady use of Osomulslon. The cough is tha wolfs bark and tha pain In the chest Is his bite. Don't let his fangs get a grip on you. Osomulslon a tablesponf ul after each meal and perhapa another at bedtime builds up .flesh and strength, cleanses tha blood, overwhelms the pestilent germs, and so chases away the Consumption-wolf. Sample Bottle Free by Mail That those who are seeking health and strength for themselves, children, relatives or friends may experience the life-giving properties of this exclusive Norway gold medal ozonized cod liver oil medicinal food emulsion as well aa to know Osomulslon superiority In being most palatable and easy to take a generous S-oz. bottle will be sent by mail to those who send addresses by postcard or letter to Osomulslon, US Pearl St., N. T. Mothers No young woman in the joy of coming motherhood, Bhould neglect to prepare her system for the physi cal ordeal she ia to undergo. The health of both she and her coming child depends largely upon the care she bestows upon herself during j the waiting months. Mother's friend prepares the expectant mother's system for the coming event, and its use makes her com fortable during all the term. It works with and for nature, and by gradually expanding all tissues, muscles and tendons, involved, and keeping the breasts in good condi tion, brings the woman to the crisis in splendid physical condition. The baby too is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has thus prepared herself jfor nature's supreme function. No better ad vice could be given a young ex pectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend; it is a medicine that has proven its value in thou sands of cases. Mother's Friend M0thei3S is sold at drug rA 13 stores. Write for '510Tr free book for ex- --lClVU pec t ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful na ture. BliADFIELD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Ga. Portland Plans Association, so that It may have the means to print a book showing the details and purpose of ths Bennett .plans. The campaign will ba made February 29. Mr. Merrick then explained the maps and views of the Bennett plans as they were thrown on the screen. He an nounced that the Bennett plans will soon be placed on public exhibition in the East Portland Branch Library. Howard Evart Weed gave an Illus trated talk on how to beautify a city lot. The next lecture In the civic course will be by Superintendent E. T. Mische next Monday night, who will give an illustrated lecture on "Parks and Play grounds." , DERELICT, BACK IN CITY Man, Prominent In Police Circles, Returns Following Pardon. Pardoned by Governor West a few months ago. on condition that he go to St. Louis to live with a brother who had forwarded htm transportation, Jesse Merrltt, a derelict, appeared at the City Jail Monday, very drunk. He had been arrested by Patrolman Carr while wandering around the vi cinity of Front and Madison streets. Merrltt was once a working man and reared a family of children, but in re cent years he has been a periodic visi tor to the jail. His wife was attacked by tuberculosis and was sent to the County Poor Farm to die, while Merritt, having exhausted the patience of the police and court, was given a maximum sentence at the rockplle. In company with two desperate crim inals, Merrltt broke from the stockade and hid In the brush for two weeks. He was captured when he attempted to force his way to the bedside of his dying wife. Later the police gave him the Interview with his wife and then sent him back to serve out his term. The pathetic feature of the case aroused sympathy, and when a brother at St. Louis offered Merrltt a home, the Gov ernor granted him a pardon. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Feb. 13. Standard copper easy. Spot. February. March. April and May. 13.1-5 1j 14.10c. London, easy; spot. f02 gs 9d: futures, 63 2s 6d- Arrivals reported at New York, 200 tons. Customs-House re turns show exports of 18,808 tons so far this month. Lake copper. litK- electro lytic. 14 tf 14Hc; casting. ISTiffUHc. Tin quiet, but firm; spot. 43.5O44.60c: February. 43.12H 4S.7Be; March. 4i87v'9 4S.50c: Apt". 42.oO48.8Tttc; May and June. 42.2oS43c. London firm; spot, 192 IBs 7d; futures. 102 15s. Lead quiet. 8.954.e New York. S.SO S 90c East 8t. Louts. London. 15 13s 9d. Antimony dull; Cooksons. 7.12V4o. Iron Cleveland warrants. 4 lOHd In There's No Risk If This Medicine Does Not Benefit, You Pay Nothing A physician who made a specialty ot stomach troubles, partlcular'y dyspep sia, after years of study perfected the formula from which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are made. Our experience with Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute Indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their Ingredients are sooth ing and healing to the inflamed mem branes of the stomach. They are rich In pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine. The relief they afford Is almost Immediate. Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach dis orders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will Insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and pro mote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith in Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give you entire malefaction, we will return you the money you paid us for them, without question or formality. They come In three sizes, prices 25 cents, 60 cents and $1.00. Sold only by the Owl Drug Co. stores In Portland, Seattle, Spokane. San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacramento. CURE My Fee $10 Medicines Furnished I'HKE. Beware of doctors who charge ex orbitant prices for medicine. I charge for cures only. NEW GEK-MAJi xm-vr z.n. run BLOOD POISONS soe .00 I occupy the entire second floor on corner of First and Washington streets, consisting of 12 rooms. FRF.R ROOMS FOR MY PATIRSTS Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO. 224V4 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Firat, Portland, Oregon. 41 My One-Treatment Cures Honest Treatment. cor Uon t vaMte ttine "trjiis,a ther doctors. Go tm VKEGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE bpeciallate. Longest Kstabllsbed, mm HTink fSWTlbJ WHO ARE GLOOMY I J IVI jb-lJ DISEASED, NERVOUS THIS IS THE WAY YOU FEEL yoS?e.7e.te sSbeoo .VeouTVlieV IS? fn themoVng feeling tired; you? mind at times wanders, your memory is boor yo are oilow-fyed, whites of your eyes are yellow, you are fearfuU always expecting the worst to happen, very nervous, you start in your Sleep Ind awaki from a dream very much frightened; 6Uo.m pain In the breast, no appetite. if you have been unfortunate In selecting a doctor to treat you, or If you save not given yourself the attention which your disease demands, you know tbat every day you put the matter off you are getting worse and worse: you are mortified ano ashamed of your position among your fellow men, Ufa do's not possess the pleasures for you It did. Would you not i give much to pos'eas that KOBLST HEALTH, SOUND NKKVES and a CLAR .BRAIN that were yours before the ravages of dlseaee attacked your system? "you. have this desire to be strong and manly in a true sense of the ord calla t my office at once, and 1 will take pleasure in explaining a treatment that Las restored hundreds of men in a much worse condition than you are. flfliUPCOTCn lCIMO I cure this affliction without pain or knife. Soreness. wUnULOlCU I tWo swelling and congestion of the dilated veins vanish quickly. A healthy circulation of blood Is re-established, and that old-Ume teellng speedily returns. Avoid dangerous operation. 1 can give you UU tiuickest and safest and aurest cure known to medical science, ki nfin DfHCnV " you have aore throat, mucous patches, pimples, copper DLUUU rUlOUll colored eruptions, sores and ulcers, bone pains, falling hair or any symptoms of this ailment In either primary, secondard or tertiary states, consult me and be forever cured of It. My treatment cleanses ana eradicates every taint of poison and every Impurity from the blood and iyatem. All danger of transmission or recurrence Is removed. The taking of injurious minerals for years never cures. My treatment Is a specific, a certain antidote; you Improve from the very commencement, and ara soon permanently cured, as proven by positive blood tests. I WANT to emphasize the Importance of selecting the' BEST DOCTOR. COME to ME I will cure you In ONE TREATMENT by administering "Tha wonderful German Remedy" Tho greatest medical discovery of tha ago ion results are like magic. 1 ALSO CURE to stay cured Rupture. Kidney and Bladder Ali ments, Piles, Fistula and Rectal Affections, Rheumatism. Catarrh, Eczema and all Chronic, Nervous, Blood. Skin and all Aliments ot Men. IJtiDITC ua a full description of your symptoms and trouble. If nnable to lltlUE call. All dealings are confidential. Expert Consultation Free. Delays are dangerous, iiours; A. At. to V P. M. Sundays, 10 to 12 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE tOlVt MORRISON ST, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, PORTLAND, OR. I.ondnn. Ixcally iron was unsettled: No. 1 foundry Northern, X14.7S& lfi.25; No. 2. 14.2S4fls.7S: No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft. $14.7Bg'1R.25. gpelter quiet. -6.40S 6.00c New York. 6.25 66.45c East St. Louis. London. 15s. Duluth Flax Market DULl'TH, Feb. 13. Close: Unseed. In store, S2.06: on track and to arrve. t2.06M: February. $2.0414 bid; May. $2 IWt asked. DR. A. a. SMITH. The Leading $teifitt. I am registered and licensed ttbyslelan, confining my special nractlce to the ailments of Mb-N. I have more money Invested In my establishment than nil other I ort land specialist combined. 1 see and treat my patients per sonally. All men should know who tho doctor is they consult. I use my photograph so that when you come to see mo personally you will recog nize me. Investigate my personal standing before accepting treatment from a doctor of unknown Identity or reputation. Are You ueing tMLLeu in u baiiMactory man ner by your present doctor? Is he carrying out nis promises? Has he cured you In a reasonable time, and lived up to his guarantee? Are you paying him exorbitant prices for medicine? Does he employ thorough ly up-to-dato and scientific methods, which would be approved by the reg ular family doctor? If you cannot answer these questions favorably to yourself, come and have a confiden tial talk with me about your case. It will cost you nothing. Cured in 5 Days A bvivmluu b rum Urvupauvs, Family or Home. NO SEVEKE OPEKAT1 ONS, MANY CASES PEKMANENTLlf CUKED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST T1A1E - t .V1NG. AiOST NAT URAL, MOIST SAKE. A .RADICAL AND PERMANENT CUKE. 1 UIVB MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. 1 AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. 1 HAVE THE BEST EWU'IPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON 1UE COAST. FREE CONSULTATION, I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Ailments, Piles, Fis tula, Bladder, Kidney and all Men's Ailments, and tsive you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to determine patho logical and bacteriological c o n d 1 tlons. Every person snould take ad vantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure Is what you want. My offices are open all day from 9 A. M. to 8 P. Mm and Sundays from A. G. Smith, M. D. UJ4'x Morrison St., Corner 2d, i'artland, Oreson. S. K. CHAN Chine Doctor. REMOVED TO 133 "First St Thi well-known nn R. K. Chan. pr-S-ik-CaiAc. with their barm- Mr. Dr. Cbtrot leas Chines medicine of herbs and roots, h&v wonder fully cured, many sufferers of both external and Internal sicknesses when all other rem edies have failed. No operation!. Exam' lnatlon for ladies by Mr Dr. Chan. Call or write to 8. K- Chan Chinese Medicine Co., ltSi Flret St., N. W. cor. Alder. Portland. r Weak,. Diseased men Cure, to Stay Cured For SO days I will heal and cure all 'Weak. Sick Diseased and Discouraged men at a reduced -fee. This la Just one-half my usual charge. I give you the same care and at tention as if you paid my regular fee. You could receive no better service for $1000. If you could but talk to the many cured patients 1 am aismissing aan, j " "uu"" . . o a r suffer longer on the promise of other doctors. Don't bo a Weakling, a Failure, and your life a miserable existence. Why pay exorbitant fees when I offer you better curative treat--ment for this low charge? I am a man of in dependent means; the curing of my patients Is my first and only thought. In tnis I differ wldelv from grasping doctors who think only of their fee and care little for the welfare of their fellow men. Take advantage of this offer at once; don't wait till the last few days, when the crowded condition or my allies may prevent you seeing me. fatiilTfiis-iliiii -r L - MODERN METHODS I am positively the only specialist In Portland that publishes nis own photograph, personaly conducts and manages his own office, and con sults with and treats all his own patients. I have more qualifications and experience than any other spe cialist advertising in this city. Every man calling at my office Is assured of my personal and indi vidual treatment until a cure is ef fected. Sly fees are one-fourth that exacted by the various "medical companies," " institutes " and " mu seums." Be sure to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. BLOOD POISON "SS" I Frl.FII.L MY PROMISES, t ACCEPT NO IX l'KADLE CASES. I Never HOLD OUT FALSE HOPES. Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert services of a competent specialist? Come to me if you have any of the following disorders: Varicose Veins, Pimples, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Illood and Sklu Disorders, Illndfler Troubles, Blond Poisons, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, P 1 1 e a or Fistula. 0 to 5 7 to 8 Dally; Sunday, 10 to 1. Examination Advice Free. J. J. Keef e, Ph.G., M.D. Itonms 11-14 Lafayette Rldg., S13V4 WASHIMiTON ST., COR. 6th, PORTLAND, Oil. MEN DON'T BE DISCOURAGED DON'T GIVK UP HOm T11KKE IS litl.l' FOR TlOV. ACT TODAY I will treat some of your ailments for as low a frss as $5 and 110. I will make you an ex ceptionally low fee on any ailment you may b suffering trom. With this low fee and my long and successful exDerlencs V ssUnjX3f Kvi 'n treating aliments k'-L ;n 3f men, you need not 'rt1fv?l"i:3 luffer another day. : g l don't care who has tried to cure you. has failed I will give you a sure cure and a .mull fee. Don't sirs up be fore seeing me. Bv the latest methods known to MED ICAL science I Miccessfully treat VAKI COSK VEINS, PILES. NKKVOUS AIL MENTS. KIDNEY. BLADDER, LlNli 4NI BLOOD AILMENTS, RHEUMA TISM LIVER AILMENTS AND ALL CHRONIC AILMENTS OF MEN. Come In and see me. . Have a confi dential talk and be examined without i-ut or ohlication. I will cure you. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 12814 Second street, Portland. Or. Office hours. U A M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. CLEANS SCOURS POLISHES Solid Cake WORKS WITHOUT WASTE inri