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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1912)
3 - 15 WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 31, 1012. . ; ' MOTCXTXO OTiFHOXTAN. I T ExCH4.SGE. FOB Ml ' 1 " RKAL ESTATE. I RKAL E3TATE. Ar--a --,. u cleared. 120 apple Automobiles - . . I KML E,-S.-.a-.. I - - i ..I. .rail LMIfl& I - , ,,. -Hone . tor m mw gf 1 uw . i i ' LOOK AT Tim first I have or ee.e a tia-t of laid whl' . baiag cut up '"to ha.f acre, and Tl- ooil la of 1M very f:noat. "- r.git en a carina end tne wm.- ara beta rr.a-te. .uch aa '' tr ta, wir. .tdeweike. etc. w " cost lae buyer a cot. Price, and "rm ''.T and to a. tme evi p.. it. eo t ma take J"t ov-t In T my. eain. anr that euf.a your '"""J e-- an.l I ku a will M eat flea, ak lit. t'rv ma II.-; S L t-e. A K s-r... , I have to el!"inln iota Ju: oT la'Ty mat ea-h ; . ai h atl improvements pa.d" for. '.t- water. end raJ. str :e Tt"e l";a ran ta eeuaM at exc.p'.lona. r low ur aaay t.m.a- TM la aa acre and '' ttvva proicty which can leased J or a: a crtalo prKe per month and 1.1a product from a.l Ihle property pay rr "a lota thia Summer. AU 7.O. Oragoalaa. HWTH'iRN8 AVEXIX Nota ti.a car-:u. yl Over ! fot front ao on Kaai l-'th at., fan directly down l: C'.ey : f t trontan on Ladd ivt, e. ilr.a to a pot 't on Hawthorn, and 12 f-et itiap on laalae and: in..e O a-.. fl of Un I ib thia tomim besinea. Catrici f'-r . and oa larina r'..ll.-a-lo-.i r ejy. oa at Wirt fir sartlcu ara. ; TKOMi CO. Inc t. Cone-ird bldg. Author eel Ar.iT. for La':d'eAdd:tloa GREATin anap on Mt. Tabor Halfhta: rnuat aall; nint from airoot to atral..lm- Srovomaota paid: ood for two houaoaj iil;:o roa-.ritlona. wa will balp J bu!-1; prtco $i-4; your awn torma. Call for liickmaa or faimborc with KAJITMIV THOMPSON. Baskara, Cnamb.r of Comraaroa. X kt a lot tbat la aa h!o and a!r?it. I aa an In tract trat I will !! for iii.vx, Tnfa lot wa touirnl In 110 aad bur muat U. aa baca Internal to par. oa or pooaa mi at one. - r. E- Cl-EMIVTS, tta and aat Gila an. Eaat . Maw tTST. H AHIS XT. TA.T10R. On a maca.lana bouiitiK. faclnc an tw rtraata, lir.proxmtnn pa. J: god vlw, tro-a. prva lii.i'X C:l for Hlck maa or Va'rr.hrg wtti HA Til AS THOMPSON, Chtmbir of Coramarca. VTIJT f!DB fWTLI. COHNtK I.OT UVrXCtLLiD a OR APT. OR !TaTB t ITrl CLOSE TO TrfVT: CrNT'H. CAN BE HANnl.Fl W ITH 111.000 r-ASH AD TT3. OKK-ioXIAS. JUC parl'l Jtailwafa In.iallatl-a of naw pac.fle Coaat urmlnri at t'oall lam t In tha Nw fit? Tour op-rortanit-. nirlot B fo from tha a-a-t-5n pttca Wrlta r circular M-rrirn-.a A FMtlartoa Bruav. Vaacoavar. tiriiiaa Coijwtbta. XS LB Nolr CoTfr Wart SI4a homoa; oa aiuaiva daaiara la Slda proparur. aoS-T-p Chamhr of Commarca. tar Kalo A TJEAUTTFTT. HOME. Wa kara anotbar Cna n-room ioua f"r aa.a;- tbia p:aca la ao'ib I-'"", but wa haa n ir..ructd to a;i II at tTM; thia la a ar pratty noma. wr.b. Una laraa lot ovxluO It.. In Una nalchborhood, vonaoalanl to frhool and rhurcraaa and on ooa of tao boat carllnaa In tha oitr. and wa win a:l Too thia Ka-: 'rul homa for on!T a ama'l pajrmant down, tha haianca by tha B.ontX or wo will cut tho Lt.. for all caah: tnla wl.l not as tha mirial at thia prt'-a. bocauao It !a e.uaa to tha rir and a vary Jmrau.a Aocao- Phono M. SA5S LI.VT UANO CO, J. o. Trumt;a. 404 Rr. Eio. II. dc Port land. Or. ct.' IN' IJ-xVX brn:i Payniant Down, l'alaaca a Hnt. ptna now T-room bL.nti.ow, floably eon- atractad t drool wit ; a.. butlt-IB conva-al-ncaa, Inr.udin nrrp.a-a. at.: all larea rooms. Irc ramni l"rr.fnt. mrnt f1(vir and sundry tfava: BiB borbood. Cioao la and amy ono block to car; owaar muat a.l thia w. k and wl.l aarrtdca at taa " low prla; a houa rr wurfi tAo'O; lnw wisl ba ar ruir4 to ault you. For Information and applntTint rhrna alarabail 44 or roal Caaca Tabor IwSA reduced rnoM TO J".oO. Moflarn a-roo-.n bonraioar. VarT Ay linnl On'y ahort r la eantar city: baamad eol.irga. Lui:t-in buft-t. t :. ; full camtst baaT'ril: arrrthina modern. CHKAPKsT BIT ON MARKET. ovcNEH i.kavin' cirr AM) 1N clown, balaa -a I:a rant Ramatnbar. a prlca la only $.CK. Arrana to ha MLST bt-. AA- owaar llviw bouaa. Aauraaa owo, TT-i. Oraontan. . i6d ii.hi. wit cwxek direct. rNIVERFITT PARK. mew. afounR.s moon 111 VOAIXJW Full biunull. camtnt and al 1o walka faortd attic. douMa onatnictlvn Ui.-uushout; graii.d atroata. ani camant aWawa.ka. la fact, all up l da;i for aa.a by own.r. moj-rata In prlra; : down, ba'anca Ilka rant. If unacquainlad wlla loaa my, aaa injwj. y ill moro eonilof. Clark C. Fvm rai rhin af iiam. Mala A SUJ. 1 ta Koina A 311. I97SO TERMS. A mod am attrafttva homa for aala. arr ehoL-aal part of Irvlr.fton. aurroundad bT coatly raaidanraa; ataoiutaly complata. Hardwood floora and tarcaaa. lara p,ala a aa winrlowa tbrouxhoul. draaalna-room. two flraplaraa. alayin porch, bullt-lrl firaloaa couitr and other conraniancaa. bandaoma f.xturaa. raraa tawa. ate. A beautiful hint Inaida and out; oc- cupled and for aala by ownar. 413 Eu .t at. North, near Tlllamooa. Phona i-aat BivM. B". l'TIr L'U Wl. amatta Iilhta homa. lot liilOu. unoba'rutd le of e'ty. rlr and mountaina: thorouahly modern In a ary datail: rooma laraa and apiandld y ar raaaaui lara lyln-roora and dining room. 4 bit rooma kitchen. Ijw porchea; (all cmnt baaamont; flropiaca and furnace; retn furred concraia garage: fa lawn and rota buahea; a bargain at f .liu tirir.l If daalred. Loaddamann el Iurke. Sll E.actiio b.dg. Phona Maxahall SEW. ONLY 2J0 d rooma. modem, lath and kitchen, concrete bacmrnt. doul-la t.oor. ,Moc from ttoa, cuy Park car. ..ghtly ''?'' oi0 retiuired. balance monthly; will finish to auiti lara lot; tha only home of tnia kind at thia price In the entire djtrlct. pie Jame. f. Loaan. HIS Bpaldlng bldg. Varahali ;T1 A ;4'. BJI.I THIS WKElv. Owner muat have money and arlU aell modern l-Mum houaa and W acre of rround m good location on Kt Bide, at big dla eount; fine for ehlciena or garden, lii caan down IX taken thia week. JL lit. Orvgonlan. CLOdB IN: WBT SIDE. aoaioo lot; ery cottage of 4 rooma and bath, t blocke from car and only 14 niin-ui-e from bualneaa centri In ary beat raaldence dtatrlct. commanding good yew of the city, small pameni . nee Ilka rent. C: 1'i oregonlan. a-room cottage, clo.e In on Eaat Vain et. nice lean with arrunoary u i;. pared atreet. eloaa to oar. Price -''''; HARTMAN THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. HAWTH illSE UlaTRiCT. '.. art T rooma. buiu'ln kutte:. boohe'. fur- rere. nreulace. price .;100. terii.a. caan k.!-n.-. 1 t.-e n-.onth. Natrjnxl i;.a.':y At Trum On.. 1:3 Chamhar of Com merce bldg. Phone lljL'.n M-ft. 137 W. Strictly modern 7-room house near r foh end E- M rrlaon sta Thia houae was sAn., for a few daya It can be au.d wr 6:60. WAKEFIELD. TRIES CO.. a.". Fourth at. 8V'aK0 UNION AVENU.C 300. 80al- an-1 rood .-room bouaw, pot far from Russell at. i this la a buy with a ro-l f iture. Ha.f caaX EtkON'1 A CO. t!nc-. 805 CenconI hMg. jugt-XlFl'L 4-room house. La-Id Add.. modern la every respect and at a very reasonable flg'tra """""nEAl-S aT ROBINSON. S-,1 E Uih at. E. fl "21 vi CASH and $15 per month, new 5-room. modern b,uw! lot 4- ' U"'. 2 ta block. Ml. tfcott 3c car rrtre fajo 11 IGLE Yay II IIS llOP. 132 Third St. iTO" CASH. baTanc8t '. any terma, f..r $'rw new ano-.-ro bunaalo'v. X. nho ave. d'st.-let. no aaenta AS 77.V Ore.inlan. Tvn cor. bttrTgalow. tu f r k r.g. l3-'0; home broken. ter.raOwnrr. Wo-jd,. 2.14. ii0-:.R'Viy, -h-,u . lot S'-vo. at Lenta "... carfare. 1'haeieMaln 4a. $3-a) WILtThandle a cloee-la fv,"'f;1', hum aa.a good faxaa tat aala. Mala lXa, 1 . I RIVAL iflift. . 1 : I I R.I Karma. I - r i - . r- -rDUl Modern Unnloe. 4 and " rreplace. b--.k.-aaea. platerall, Dutch kn.-hen. tot tlxe. i:S0. amaU caah pay meat; balance to auiu l-roem bungalow, etrlet.y moflem, for ace. fireplace, buffet, bookcaeee. fc'" wood floo.a. laa. electricity: g"d ' Ron City Park, cloee to car; all atreet lmprovamente jal'l: IJliS and np. UU-THAD PARK. -room bungalow. oM. on lot "all5. double eomtruM and billt for a home, ltwng-room UJ. with fna firep.ace. J large, airy bedroome on flrat floor: large and Uutch kluhen; elegant ele-trls future, and entire houaa a.e fully tinted, full cement basement ana ery large furnace). ; aaay pagrmenta. XT hare eer-ral 4-room bomea w all modern convenlor e: fumace. f! rep l are. hardwood floora. e-iokraeea. buffet. Iutcn kitchen. There are flrat-olaao In arary de tail. J75 and ap. OLMSTEAO PARK T rooma and .leepicg porch: full ta rtory: billlard-room can be finished In at tlo: rery large living-room and dlnlng - ,.... nil naneUd: built-in book- Large l-room noma at s:t- ' tent new of the whole our: modern eon Tenlencee: lot ISilIS: larre mature Royal Anna cherry treea: beaut'.rul lawn, rosea. etc lJortl 5i") caah. balance terma. PKUVIUENT TRU.-T Ol tOL 10; ;1 Poard of Trade Dldg. Varahail 7l. A llt. BPLr.NPID FTXOALOW. 1 block from Hawthorne ara, Thl ! a new and rery pretty houaa. full porch, large reception halL with larg pier g aaa. pretty fireplace, paneled dln- rng-room. large "e,7itl',"!mt'ii drawers and cablnate; full eement -ment with laundry traya. J TM pnta rery reaaonable and only 31 w..l Ban file, with email monthly pavmente. All atreet Inprnnmtnu la an4 pill " Ilryanl. sf.pH otiah ,m. n.,T-i'B Hoard of Trada. THIS BUIIDBR MUrr EELIa. By that are mean Ha neerla money mora than tha houae and will aell at sacrifice. A 3'H HI'I RI FOR l.'"nn. ON EASY TFlHWd TO HL1T. g rooma and batn. aleeolng porcri .wau f.nlAhed throughout. WH.nn dtatrlct. POKR KKtSKV CO.. Id floor Ciitmbir of Commerce. PROdPEOTlVK nril.nFRS RSAD. ' The meat In lha co--aiuL We save yoo time and money. Why? We are "P" homebul.dera Wa don't gueaa at It. wa know how Wa give you a year guaran tee Coma In ard talk over that new hni with oa. and be convinced tbat we ava you time and money. Tou re jafa with ua. We can plan and build It nbeo-lut-:y rlrhl. We ass st In financing It. too. II l-TT r. !t 'A OUT II -.- T H EN SON CO.. IN ARCHT.S. A ilLPKo.. 701 COUCH I'LDA MR. LOT OWNER! FFR IS TOLK CliANCl P) W; FROB TOCR PROPERTY WITH A liniE. PLAT OR APARTMKST. WILI. riNANv-K rr at a low rats or interest.- PLANS Fl RNISHEU RL8. IT WILL PAY yOU lO COataS IS A-NB XAXJi TUIa OVER. J. ATKINS. ABCHITF.'T AM) HCILDEB. HIXBIliuiu. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TI'RS A BL'RDEN ITTO JNf-OM 1'ROPCRT YT ir YOU OWN A Lot we will furnish his monet and 1.u1lu kesiukscb or a' lays, plans fhe5 if wk bh1 d. ocr p.eiltatio.n tul'r i'rotectiok. it W1I.'. PAY YOU TO EB La- 1 R ItAIt.KT CO.. ISC. C A MTR ACT ING ARl'HITIXTH. g; AUIKOTON ulo. LIKE RENT. YOU OWN IT. An ttn.tolate fl-room houaa (Lea An ge.ea a:yie bunxiloei; In reatrlcted dta trlct: choice of two carlinea; -A mlnutea to c'ty; price I2M'1. Whan you have paid l"V) will give deed. fv down and H a month, f-a ua today. C. W. Havia A Company. "d Com, Ulic 7. ftrict'y modern and roeeir house, with two lota, full basement, laundry, bllilard room and beaut, fu; !, fr aala In Laurel.iurat la reaponsiola purchaser an Ir.etal Iment basla without down payment; s-i.-rirce In Home Installment Co.. ilckar bldg alaxahall 3aoa. Tabor t'ljt. - A UKaAT I'M UAH. IAIN. IH iuU UOl hS FOR 1J3O0. On East a4tn atreet. uur Bumaid.: This la way below the market price: In a ciose-ln district, easy waialr.g d.stanoa. that Is gaining In value eerv day. oe.nar ablutely mu-t aell regardieea of aaorifica. Write t- L 711. oreaotilan. IRVINiiToN BUNtlAl.OW. Nearly new &room bungalow, fum are, fireplace, doubly constructed. all latest bulit-ln effecta, atreet Imrrovamenta paiS. en H 17th at., near Weldier; prlo. fAaoO; 110W cash and I'd rr month. OKl'S.Sl dt HOLLrs, II Board of Trade bldg.. 4ta and Oak. HERS IT IS. Two-thlrda of an acre, i-roora houaa. running water piped In the houae; 10 mln utea walk from atatlon; within II mtn u:ca of center of the city, on th. Weet fide. ISSiO; easy terma Provtder.l Truat Co., 101. Iv!. 11 Boaud of Trade. Mar- hall 47a, A 1:2. 2ooo to moo. Any honest man with steady employ ment can buy a borne without down pay ment by paylr.g Installment, a Hit), more than tent; we .an housea In Monta vil. a. K-oerla and Richmond dtetrtcta Home lnsia.iment Co. 4j1 McKay bidg.. Jtarshal! . PORTLAND HEICHTi Beautiful, modern 0-room residence, per fectly appointed and arranged for con venience and comfort l large, level ground., grand. Inspiring, unobstructed view of city, mo. n. lams and rlvera. l.'.O feet to car. 13. u.H), terma XO. oregonlan. CALL Eaat PA 3 and buy of owner. Haw thorne district, close In. 2 B-room bunga lows. No. 1 In every reepect; harderood flixjra atl modem conventencea. X JvX S4te caan, balance like rent; a. so i luta with atore ltix2!. I14L-0: terma LOT FREE. I am only aakmg anal It cost to build tha b-room new modern bungalow, whleb, la $;i"-J. Thia la a dan.!y buy. Ail up-to-c-ue teaturea h'ee own r. Main et3ul. W. C. Carpcuter, reg. Tabor or 6.1 Henry bidg. FoK bALE by owner, fine home, modern In .-.ery reaper! : easy walking distance and In restricted district: hard-aurt.-ioe pavement and ail Improveraenla in; muat aell. a bargain for aomeona. A boi, ore gonlan. LAURELItURiT HOUSES. W are agenla f'-r all the g-x.d houae. In thia diatricL Bee ua for lowest prlcea Office on ground. Phone Ktat 1-19. 11ELAHL-.NTT A CLEMENT isth and Eaat Giisan bla NEW l-room cottage, large attlo. Urge sleeping porch. In reatrlcted district. Street, graded and concrete walka purcihasir. - ... . , Wv - apply I am the owner. T 763. oregonlan. NEW modern 4-room cottage. No. nil iL " at.: .ewer, water, electrio lights, lot 4"x!O0. only $lb.V; ea'y terma fc A. Alo Grath. "Ill Chamber of Commerce. g2l A!'-.Krn 5-room bungalow, large attlo, full baaement, stationary waah traya oom blnatlon flxturea stre.t Improvement, pa.di 2 hlocka to oxr; 81400 caah, balane. m o rtrare: a anap. es Weet Jeaaup at, 6-i: o.vl ill1, modem, brand new house. Ir vlni'.on Park. 12600; Ilia) ca.h. balance 812.30 per month. Smith-Wagoner Co. r. 1-j lwie bMa. MirERN ala-room houae. corner lot 84X 140- $3800. term, to suit; prlc. Is way unJ-r value. Rosa City Park car to Toth, I 71'. Oregonlan. "$3.0 HA WT IK i R N E P-I3TRICT 4105J. !CW -.' -I. u u '- . . . - - wai ancc like rent, 4vtl Commercial blat.. 2d jjy OWNEH 6-roora bungalow, la Haw thorne district a l conveniences must b s-jld at once; l-oO down. Apply $1 Worcester bldg lu l.OVVN and $ a month for Irvlngtoa home modern In every respect; to re sponsible party. From owner. 12 N. 11th ;. N o a gi n a OoOD 7-room house and corner lot. East " th and I'avia. $2 0. good term. Van I'uyn A Walton. 615 Chamber of Com merce. IRVINCTOV Elegant new realdenoe, striot y modern. o baths. sleeping porch, .-rage, oa 22 1 St.. near Tillamook- $-5 Yeon bldg Phon. Mvln 112. A 745a. a It lull rTat with b.itii, nicely furnlaued: two roon-.. pay ren: 1 centrally located 1 rent reaaonab.c 481 Taylor L x yoH modern al-room houae; will con- ider lot and eir terma phon. O 2428 c r wood'.awn --". K. N SWANK. Ablngton bide. sel. new bungalowa .lee rnL STRICTLY flral-claia 8-ro.vru houaa. Rao Eaat 4'.th. tievr Lraaea. CaU! today. Phone .,od awn 2T.W ixt VI NiiTON New. modern heme for aai. cbeavp. Owner. Phon. Last HjX BARGAIN SOUTH POJaTI-AJCD. T-ROOM HOCSS AND SMALL COTTAGE. Ob Corbett at., rear rtancroft; will rant for (44 monthly. Caa arrange terma Eaelualra agwnta tn oula Portland prt-perty pnim K. KS-iASEY co Id f.oor Charter of Booth Portland olflce. T . Flrat at. 1X0 CASH Uk. ., UJ'" teautirui new no-. i,.7-M-n line: a I large rooma. bath. Dutch J""": wash traya woodllfl. etc.: 'd 7",". Vol Prlr. only ,20:0 S;e J. A. Clock. Alder. M aln tm. I nr hale Ituslncea Property. $700 for thia 2-etory building: 1 .JJ" below and S B.a-room flat, anoea: new and cloae la on food atreet: H b1 anr. In y.ara U, 8. Cobb. 1 Yeoa Dia g. ) Sab -Arreevge. 10-ACRE TRACTS. We have Jaat aloaed a deal f-r a large tract of land whicn wa have laid out In 10-aore tracts: wa can aell you one or more of theee Iraota at I1J5 Ser aora: 4o0 caah. tha balanoa 10 per month or more, any way to fit your pocketbook: thia land la ail cleared and In "'"v tlon. no waal. land, and fro. from rock or gravel; eloaa to good town, and me electrio ela tion la only 80 roda from tha land. Now coma In and let ua prov. to you wa hav. stated facta by ahowln u these beautifil trace. JJAS13 LIN U LAND CO. Trumbia A Sliver. 4U4 Rr. Exo. F.'.dg. Portland. Or. TO CXOSB tT AN F.STATB Wa ara authorired by the admmia trator to aell for an heir 0 a.-.rea of tha ben land In the Willamette Val ley fur 4.'.'0, 11 acres In high atata of outtlvatlon. 17 acre, of big fir timber. Enough wood to pay lor th. land. Only IS eouth of Portland and only a ahort walk from balem .lectrlo lino and ela tion. Right .croaa the road the game kind of land can't bhad for loaa than 1200 per acre. Thia rlca la half price at 100 rcr acre. Com. and aee It. Th. plac. will b. th. best evldenae. itALi'H ACKLEY LAND CO. 170 till It. " fiUBUKDAN ACREAGE. We have tho following lor aal. at at tractive prlcea: - ... 11 acre. Il aio l :i :::::::::::::::::::::ii:?So Close to Portland on Electrio lntarurban line, within a few hundred feet of the atatlon. excellent aoll. no rock or ravel, water, tard-surrace road to the city. Thia land la aultable for chicken farming or garden produce; la gplendldiy located, and lli atand atrict Inseatlgatlou; email pay ment down, balance on aaay taring. Writ. or call tor particular J. W. A1EFFEHL1N REALTY CO, 408 Corbett B dg. GOOD SOIL. GOOD RAILROAD . TRAN3 POKTATION. PEAUTlFLle JIB KOUNUINGU. Ara offered to you In th. Spring Hill farm. Vou will want a 6 or lo-acr. tract near Portland aome day and now U i tna time to get them cheap, I acrea. leO caan. la per month. PACiriO NW. DEVELOPMENT CO. INO. 40S Couch Blue. FOR BALB Eighty aorea. eloa. o Taeoma, on Interurbau Una to beattla aultable for tiattlng Into lot or gmall acreage tracta. owner compelled to reallxa on thia prop arty at once and will aell for about one half Ita market value; about one-half cash, balance to ault p.iprehaeer. "2U; ;l ad-lreea IJale L. Kauta. owner. 04- National Realty bldg. Taooma, Wash. HIGH CLAS3 SUBURBAN HOME. One acre two block, from elation on Oregon Uliy carmie. cultivated. 7-roo-a. atrlctlr modern nearly . .-. ,, knuaa In Pnft- pew nouae; no mm... - - land : electrio llghte. fine water yetem under preasure: houae ha. every built-in convenience, artlatic deaign; also chicken house. If you are looking for a uburban ... ... .. i . .1. ,. fall to ttotne with -city co" - aee the owner, Mra J. Frank Powera. on . . . i . , L. a r n f M.Mnim tna j-remiaea, . o w.oo. - -- Station. Tha prlr. la right; or JACOB 11AA3. 40-i Yeon bldg. TlYK ACRES oa Oermanlowa road, fa mile weat of new HL Helen'. Hail site: very rich aoll. and enough cord wood to pay for the land: only H miles from So oar fare, and new oarllne la proepect, Thia tract may be had at lloo per acr. aad upon payment plan, THB SHAW-FEAR COMPANT. Mala la. 101 Fourth, at. A leOX STEAM HEAT -room house, finished In hard wood; hot and eold water In every bedroom; full cement baaement. atl modern convenience Price 1550". IftoO down, balance to ault. Call Marshall 3S40, Mr. tinkler, or Tabor IU1 ovenlnga mnm iririftn TBACTS. Clo.e to Portland; rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only .mall cu.h pay ment. Balance paya for Itself In product, now on the lend, which we accept and are the only people making thia iioerai oei IKO Sp.iUla il.dg- ACKEi at Oregon City, on good county road in ML Pleasant dlatrlct. board walk all th. way to town; .plendld neighborhood; ex cellent .oil. all under cultivation; a anaP at I rot1, iir.o cna n. KAUFFMANN ft MOOREV B23 Lumocr avxcii-aua-a. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near Portland; a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices; best .oil: fine view: wood, water and roada; 8 aorea. $100 per tract; 10 A, g.M.O: 20 A.. soo: 40 A.. $1200; 80 A. 52oo: 160 A., 81000; liberal terma FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland, Or, SIX ACRES. BEST AND RICHEST LAND in Oregon; not a atlck or atone on It; plowed' well drained anfJrrlgated ; H hi He from railroad .tatlon; S hour, from Portland; best for onions, celery, cabbage, berrlea. etc.; will forfeit $loo If misrepre sented i part caah. 512 couch bldg.. log 4th at, a AND 10-acr. tracta on the Oregon Elec trfc. within 10 miles of Portland, other, about So mile, out, at prlcea ranging from $ltkj to $.10. ea.y terma Ask for Morrl. or King. CAPITOL TRUST CO.. -JO ll.nrj jams OOINO EAST. WILL 6ACRIF1CS. 2t acres chetc. garden land. S acre e-rhard. balance truck; cloa. to carllno. 723 nmminr wi - " L 8. 8 AND 6-acr. traota cloae-ln. suburbaa property; good .lectrlo car aervice: $lu0 To $400 per acre; easy terma J. V. H. ferllp rteany -w-. J ' " ACRES, 7 mllea 8. Washington at.. Weat Side of liver; level, no rock, no ghbora Smith-Wagoner Co.. 812 LcwU bldg. lo'ACRES 0 th. O. W. P.. half cleared, real In flr grovo: running water; .tatlon on place" price $42tK. 421 Hamilton bldg. ACKEAGB nd farms, from 81250 per aora UP largo and email tracta Call Kinney A btampJerSljumberchange bldg. i5"aCRE3 Car and water through it, 1800 terma 1203 Teon bldg. art ACRES for aala Main U00S. For Sale II umffllraila RELINQUISHMENT. 320 acres, GUllam County. Or.-gon. flv. miles from rallioad. quarter mile from projected .lectrlo line, ten miles from Columbia River E. Dean. 1421 Iron at.. Belllngham. iW aah. MO M EST E AOS $125 location fee puta you In possession of the best homeateads ("aula ranche. $10 up). Idaho Colonisa tion Ca. Cottonwood. IJaho. F'HAE several extra good homestead re- 1 iVnquihmenta; will sell cheap. U 700. Oregonlan, For Sale Fruit Lao da. M OSIER BARGAIN. 140 acrea of fin. orchard land near Voaler- over $0 acrea In orchard; only 818 per irrt, and will accept modern Portland residence aa part payment. Address A. !.. P. O. Box 4Si. P E AjT"6 KC HAR D 3 grown under contract for a term of years, cheaper and belter ..... l.v arrone not an expert. C. C STEPHENS. Horticulturist, Jaei-w, Waah, 11-ACRB COSlilERCIAL APPLE ORCHARD WHITi 'AOTlfTABIUaHED APPLE COMULMII. Boll red ahot and volcavnlo aab, IB to 'Vt'efo .cr. la Newtown.. J"" and 6?lt..nberga Treea are 4 ud were planted one-year tree, on two year roota. Will average thia year about awVcfea' .uVwberrl.. lafrplantavj. full Bearing. Income from tEesa alone paya expense of preaent caretaiier. wth aur- ''"So-bbl. eoncrat. datarn: 83-foot welli ehlckenhouae. IS feat by 40 feet; tele- I?"" , SAME VXCXKXTT to be had leaa than 1000 per aery. Price 4S0O0. with absolute aatiafactloa as to value befor. you look at place. Owner will accept 12500 aa flrat pay ment from responsible person "ho will guarantee or en ard will recelr. proper care. Will also consider unincumbered Portland property and eonie cash. R B. MOHOKN. Main 6418. W. C. liARDINO LAND CO. HO 4th at-. Cround floor corner. Hoard of Trade bid?. Iiij.N'T WAIT 6 YEA Kb. BUT CAUrCHMA FULL-BiiARrNO OilCHARDH. , MONEY BACK. IF NOT SATISFIED. I1W.0O cash and 3t).tD per month buy. five acrea with full bearing fruit trea la the tamou. Bldwell Orohard. at Chlco, Cal Paymenta Inclulo lntete.t and taxan. Your money back If not eatietled upon ln- . . . -T-k - iiMwall Oroharda are the moat noted and produotive In the . wonderful t-acramento Valley of California. If. our conllOenca la thl land that prompt, thle generoua offer. Wo have . reaches, prunea. almonda. apricot. and I bartlett reara Buyer.' railroad farea. t not exceeding $2S, will be credited oa purchaao price. Land adjoin, the thriv ing town of Chlco (14.000 pop.). (Refer encea: Any bank of Chlco. American Na tional Bank of 6an Francisco and First National Piank of Kan Leandro.) bend for -velum... Information and fact, to Bidwoll Orchard.. Inc. Chlco. CaL HA E OU Bca-a.-v . If you deslr. to own a fine fruit rancn and be Independent, com. and oo ua ana w. will give you 10 acrea planted to trees, at S2-U0 per acre) I KM) per aor. raw cleared land. Think or It; right on th. railroad, too. Th!" gectlon 1. where th. flr.t cherrlea berrle. end potntoe. com. from. Com. and get our hok,'f''DT TUti DALLES LAND oi ORCHARD CO.. (vv-a Jioara i xiuoc. I GROW PEAR OKCHARDi under con- trait, furnlan av.rytning. t better than th. old y; wi.l give any reference you wl.h: can mak. th. pan terma; large gubdlvlaloa tract, a .peolalty. a C STEPHENS. Hortleultttrlat. Kelso. Wash. LOOK" AT THIS. 8T BO per acre for 180 acre, fruit land. id3 per acre for 20 acrea fruit land, las per acre for 670 acrea Improved atock ranch on R. R. Call OO-t npaiuing mB- FOR SALE e0 acrea. aplendld fruit land, 83 acrea planted to apple.. Ju.t coming into bearing; 8 1 2.000. O 724, Oregonlan, For Sale Fartna. 4a'ACRES, WITH STOCK AND TOOLS. iu mile, to Buttcvlllo. on good county road; 86 In cultivation. 15 In crop. 7 good timber; Ilea Ideal; good 4-room hou.e. barn and outbuildinga. fin. .Print, well fenced; 1 team, weigh. 2MJ0, 5 fine cowa, 6 thoroughbred ow., DO chicken.. 1 wagon and name... 1 plow, 2 harrow., 8 cultl vatora, all email toola. 200 bushela oat. wneat and chopa, .ced potatoes and 200 bu.he'.a potatoe-. more hay and ka.a than can be fed. Thia place haa a fine view and I. the cheapest place on the mar ket at 8S650, easy term, or part trade. 40 aorea, 1W ml'.e. to Maloy. 2 to Sher wood: 82 aorea In cultivation, good house, barn and outbuilding., fine view; land Ilea level: dirt cheap al 2m. easy terma Bee plcturea at orfice. 875 per aora, 278 acre. 150 In cultiva tion. 10 mile, to Portland, 8 to electrio llneT all tlliaole; fair houso. 2 good barua, orchard, rprlng. and creek; 1 h mllea to boat landing; would divide; terma 60 ACRES AND STOCK. 15 mllea from Portland. 214 to good town and electric car; 25 acrea In culti vation. iO good timber, good house, barn and outbuiKUnsa running water and well: land Ilea Ideal ar.d aoll la the beat, all tillable; good team, cow, brood low, -wagon and harness, plow, harrow and 2 ton. of hay: price eKw. termo for houae. balance mortgage., Sn acres. 18 mllea to Portland, 1 H to town: 2o In cultivation: good T-room house and Lldga; 2 acrea fruit, cool team, new wagon, liarnes. and too.a. 2 Jersey co. plK. and ohlciteo.; 3000. easy terma H 8EITZ A CO.. 10 FpalulniC Bldg. Main 00S4. COWS ON BUTTER FAT PAYMENTS. FINK PASTURE FREE. Every farmer at Los Mollnos aupplled all the cow. he wanla by creamery, which takes ha.f monthly cream check. In pay meiiL Wlid pa.ture now fine: you can range your .tock free on unio'.d land; good cowa pay 810 a month In butter fat. Acre alfalfa yield. 10 ton. now worth 815 ton; ox cuttings a year. Boll 20 feet deep; rich sediment loam. A 20-acre tract pay. bigcer return, thna 10 scree in Iowa or Missouri. You can get poe.DS.Ion for from law to t'0 wllh no second payment for 2 yeare. Revenue from dairying .very year .oual to eo.t of land. Bait fruit dlatrlct In United Statea and most abundant water auppljr gravity Ir rigation in California. Orange, month ahead of south and of " Vrmendou. sal.. Land aoon all gold. Writ today to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANT. Lo Mo'lnoi, Cai. THB State of Victoria. Australia, Invite, you and offer, bona Ada settlers the linest of land suitable fig- all kinds of citrus fruits, alfalfa and dairy raising. 840 to $.5 per acre, under irrigation; SI Vj years to pay for It Here Is an opportunity beyond ex pectation. Lanria are highly Irrigated, In the fertile Bonebura alley. 1 hey are owned by the atata. Climate mild and eauable. like California, Cheap water and lots of It. Fine markets. State owns rail wuya Ful'.e.t Information cheerfully giv en" The Peck-Juiiah Co., 6S7 -Market t.. San, agents for Land Depart ment, Stato of Victoria, April 8, a ape cial excuralon will leave San Franclaoo for Melbourne, Australia. Very low one-way and round-trip rales. Frua tieensportatloa on Victorian railways to all wishing to In vestigate land offering, of th. Victorian government, .. 157 ACRES on Tualatin River, 11 mllea south of Portland; Salom Elec tric across center of place; about one-half cleared; finest of aoll: an Weal dairy ranch, or would cut Into S-acre tracts with large profit; must be sold to cloae bankrupt es tate. Call oa W. A. Shaw, tiuate., 103 Fourth t- "WHERE REAL MONEY TALKS. A BARGAIN FOR CASH, 60 acre, gently rolling land, all under cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced wltn woven wire, very best of soil, family or chard, several varieties of berries, good 4-room house, large barn, chicken-house and other buildings, a;hool Ju.t olf corner of place, fine road on two sides. 1 mile from Crabtroe. Prlc. $133 per acre, -ALVORD CAKR HUNTER- CO., 21K-221 Board of Trade, FOR SALE BY OWNER. Fin. 2a)0-acre Willamette Valley farm, between Eugene and Cottage Grove. 65 acres under cultivation; balance moetly slashed and easily cleared, soli good. Prlc. ."iO per acre. term, on part, or will ax change for good Income Portland property. Inquire No. 412 Lumbermen, bldg.' Phona Main 7012. 120-ACRK farm. 614 mllea from Oregon City; a highly Improved piece of land with all Stock and lmplementa and farm machinery-. Will take a good houaa and lot In Portland as part payment up to I300O. Trice 112.600. Full Information at 414 Fpaldlng bldg. 28-ACRE farm. 11 miles from Portland, thoroughly Improved, large modern homa Thia la a fine country place and for aai. at a bargain. I want to seil direct; no agents need apply. Answer T 784. Ore gonlan. A DANDY PLACE. 40 acrea N. W. of Hlilshoro. Hi mllea to It- R- station, IS acrea In crop; mostly level, good building, aprlng water to bouse, 73 bearing fruit trees, etc. 13200; terms. ' L'ubol.. office 1203 Yeon bldg. QREATES1 sacriftce within 18 mllea of Port land; bulldlnga orchard, stream, excellent soil' near electric; BO acres. $6000; Im mediate poaaesalon. Investigate Immedi ately Owner. 1030 Grand ave. North. fEN acrea near Portland, apring water, $110 Jar acre; aimuai i.o. ..... a . -' e. acob O. K. Kelman, rout. No. 1, boa 25, Greiham. Or FOR aala cheap, by owner. 300-acre farm. large house and barn, electric Hunts, close to Portland, best dairy proposition la atata, D 770, Oregonlan, io BUSHELS to the acre next Fall. For wheat land writ. M. Fltamaurlca, Condon. linn creek ranch, nr. town $1'V00; small pay itiont: SO a. for Po.-tlat.d i-ropcrty. O. Mlddiak-tu'f. Fnher block. Corvalua Or. v.N-l;H HO acrea. with bulldlnga. 18 miles from Portland, near electrio line; bargain far ail euxah, BIT owner, 183 Morrison at. o5 ACRE3 between Fraaer Lake and Ha gleton; rich farm land, with the main line of the G. T. P. now completing eon etructlon) running right through the . .. - .-...v. ..hi. nearby: on nav- lgaole liirer, which widen. Into email lake at tnia point. ..vt --, it thia point; .uitabie for townsite auD Jlvl.lon; price 15 per acre lor I.WO0 all ca.hi: term, charter caah. balance ar ranged. It mcana a fortune. J. A. Cop- ca. pocka. P. O. box 821. Vancouver. B. C M I ace 1 1 a o eo na. PINCHED FOR MONEY. Thafa when folka will aell right. Tell m what you want; we do tha reef- wa pick many SNAPS through OVA LOAN DEPARTMENT. Marshall S2S. 603 Lumbermen. Bldg. FARMS WANTED. WANTED A fir.t-clasa farm near Portland, aome trad, and will pay fovO or soo caah or amount of dlfforence. What hav. you? Call or write 603 Lumbermena bldg. FOR RENT FARM. A MODEL DAIRY FARM. 11 miles from Portland on tha Columoia River O0 acrea of which 300 are in hay and fjOO In paature. we can lease you thia farm for 0 year, and aell you 140 head of milch cowa. 8 bulla, 6 heifer., 12 head of hore-a, 80 heart of hogs, all farming Implement.. Including a 400 eitrht-H. P. ga. M M for pumping water. 600 tone of ha, bulld Inga. 14-room house; barn will houae 100 cowa. mllkuous. nd other IProv"n.,n,'ft the present Income for milk la about alio" per month. . GRU937 ft BOLDS. 81 S Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. tlS RENT for 10 acre, potato or garden land and 5 acre, paature. with bulldlnc and orchard, clo.. to Portland. Vanduyn FARM of 10 acre, on eharea. 802 Macleay jldf., room 302. flKuT.O acres, Willamette Valley, near county aeat; owner. U E. Taylor. FOB HALF TIMBER LAPS. FOR SALE 100 acre.. 12,000,000 feet high grade merchantable timber, principally Sid growth fir, 25 per cent hemlock. 1 mile from South Coos River, 4 mile, from head of tidewater, lorgins road building to ad Joining tract, Ji oo per thousand. Addre". lot L. rtogeouig. m. 21.000.000 feet finest yellow flr, with saw mill cut 15 to 20 thousand dally, timber at mill, 2 miles R. R. station. Price 82, 000. Becker, 831 14th iu Phone Marshall us . ARE you Interested In a timber claim loca tion, fe. 8150 T For particular, addrea. An 7io, oregonlan viviurn T.a"MTi!4. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 20 acres, all planted to commercial va rieties of apples, mostly N'awtowne and Spltzenberga, part In bearing; fine aprlng, good house, beautiful view, near tewn of Hood River, on main county road: good Income next year; moving to Portland and will tnk. modern 7-room hou.e aa part payment. Address B. C P O. Box 485. WHAT A1AVE. 1UU iu for one of th. beat-paying restaurant. In ''""WHAT HAVE TOU TO TRADE for one of the best-paying rooming-house. on VaehlnKton St.? Act quick. RUTH FIELD INVESTMENT CO 917 Board of Trade Bldg. JL"411 82(0 EQUITY, balance 82000. at SIS per month. 8-room hou.e, corner lot. SOxluu. on Powell St., near business center or Mllwaukle ave. ; will exchange for land, lobe or cottage or bungalow. unc?oi oz J -gig Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. CLACKAMAS CO. 20 acres fine rich second growth fir land, within two miles EaKle Creek, to trade at 13000 for or on bunga low under, 14000; pay difference: aiso Ilastmoreland lot. Owner will show thia F. L. Shale. 410 Lumber Exchange, Seo- onu anu cum. 1 OWN sr. undivided sixth Internet, valued at $3000, In Walla Walla property, lo cated one block north from city's center, which I will exchange for Portland unim proved city lois or close-In acreage on electric line. What hav. you to offer M r ata Ai-nwin I n . . TO ACRES, all platted in fr-acr tracts about 6000 eorrl of wood on tnin iana. ran b hauled on waffon direct to Portland -il A . fKii near r-r Will mariaCl, l ir-in.g-VA, l - . tak city rroperty P to jnfKJO. tAuiiixr tif. I iirnhmrmfrii Rlut. 173-ACRE etock and dairy ranch on Co lumbia lilver. about 60 xntle from Port iunu, fw vv wi.-p- - i.n.i tnmmfl DroDerty. Kauflmann imnri 112$ Lumber Exchange. WHAT have you op to 1400 to exchange for my equity In 2'J acree flrat-c,aa unlm- provca iana, oo mnus - v ones esvjiy paymtnta, at 6 per cent, is Tu, Gi etfoman. . COLCMBTA RTVER ORCHARD BONDS erty. riadley M. A U Co.. SlO Spaldln GROCERY FOR RKAL ESTATE. r.OOMING-KOUSES FOR LOTS. FOR TT'.ADES OF ANY KIND 8ES GARLAND Ai BAKSNES. Ill 4th.j WA.NT IO trade my ' , . , Ing-hou.e for Portland property, either aefcage or lot.: my ctiulty la ISOOO: don't answer unless you mean buslneaa C 1 13. oregonioii. WHAT have you to exchange for my -W acres, best unimproved fruit land In Wl'- lamette .lluy: oo per acre: ei""J e;"' balsnce easy monthly payments. B 7o3, Oreaontan. I WILL trade ten city lots, located cor. Chare and Willie beulevard, near Uni versity Park. Portland. Or.. for small farm: no agents. ... Lock Box S2d, Walla Walla, Wash. WILL exchange my 2H acres of commer cial apple orchard, only 1 hour'a ride " from 1'ortland, for close-in lot In gunny side. Arldrese A. E. Peat, 12i0 East 12th St. North. POKTLAN1J lots, 60x100. Improved, clos. In. unincumbered, clear title, to exchange for mortgages and sellers contracta a 7rt2. oregonlan, WILL trade residence lot In most exclusive part of LOS Angeies ioi r ---erty. W. C. Kavanaush. Wilcox bldg. Main B8U4, A 8404. . ...-.t, r-i v.n.u c-.iif rartrhaa and Med ford city property ,ta exchange for other property, j-iave iranes irom (.uiia u ii. " 000. Benson Investment Co.. Medford. Or. " . ,tv-r- t I V n Fine stock ranch, $15 an acre; might consider traae on a guuu 0----""- 10&0 Hancoca aw n . . -,! t- tl' nrl.h ,m,M VOIlOfiT OrChaM. au n 1, 1 , j j - -. ..... ........ j - . Clackamas Co., to trade for Portland property. Vanduyn & WaUon, 515 Cham ber commerce. ' lO'i-Aonn. um.o . v Twin Falls. Idaho, district, for acreage or city property. a, 1. iyhrui, --u iivu St., Portland. Or. ftiono ts.. -jo PORTLAND Income property, $7000, to ex change for property In or near Los Ange lea Albert Welch Son, 703 Board of Trade. WILL EXCHANGE my fine 100 Columbia . . , l.rff. p. 1.1 nat CISC pnonograpi. aiiv. .-.o- v. and 17 up-to-date records for lot or acra- ane. S 701, orcgoww. SA Li or traue nan , l , . 1 '- . developed mining claim., adjoining best . . A.. . , v Vf nr tuna, no Wtlfl, schemes considered. Owner. East 682L .... . - n ,,.U n Ti .-Oaf IU,V I 1. 1 - prov.rnent. paid: $1250: will trade $oo0 equity for acreage. Marshall 1.41. AO estl. oregoniari GOOD livery bualness, $-1000; good stock and nets about $3o0 per month; to trade T , , asm. V 1 1 1 AS 742. for sniaii an" - - - Oregonlan. iiou'ITY in 2 business lots In Lyle. Wash.. aSUUI .. -I aw 7113. Iira- f or anymiug eiwaa . . - . gonian. GOOD furnltur. of 8-roorr. house; will trade for equity in Portland property. Call at 85 Orana ave. -o.. FOR .ale or exchange, a Hal Ji. celt, aa J years, for lot or bungalow. W. H. ln- Cent. 23tf waai. yoR SALE by owner at a bargain, choloe lot la South Belle Croat, Addres. Box 10r3, victoria, J. WANTED Acreage for furniture is-roora houicT select location; wax oak furniture. X 7J9, oregoniau. CLOSE-IN Portland, property; Income $30 per .rnontn. a-'----- -- -- npiqs. ji.". ...... . - - VOU1TT in good Income property on Haw . v. .. e.. i. r buna-aJow. thoroo to cawitt'-B. - - -: . n Waller. 60th and Lincoln. WANTED Good houseboat, on logo: will give elearlota In exchange. A 801. Orego nlan. sTmO EOUITT corner lot, allliouworm ave., for diamond or talking machine. Phone Main wi WILL trade swell furniture of 6 rooms, com- olete. for Jilamonds. Call MalnJI65. T"oinc"Ki York lot, J100O: If mor. will pay difference. AR 774.OregonIan. GOOD securities exchanged for real estate and equities: no cmmlsslon, a4 Stark. HAVE $12,150 Income-bearing city property. trad, xor scraaia vaawi .--a . I.. ,11 ,1-an lrt aDul .-" . .... l . anatln, $1000 rooms below and room for three more above; fine ahade trees. B minutes' walk to the station, three electric lines now building to this point: will trade for smaller acreage near Portland or for house and lot in Portland. Price very reason- at' ANOTHER GOOD ONE. 160-acra Improved farm, 3j miles rrom Portland. 2 miles from railway station and boat landins, good house and barn, spring water, 150 bearing fruit trees, to exchange for Portland property. Price only $76 an acre. VI N K PLACE FOR A HOME. 80 acres la Lane county. 50 acres In cultivation, fine bearing orchard, only $o0 an acre and will exchange for Portland property. A SPLENDID VALLEY FARM. 100 acres, one mile from electrio line, half mile from boat landing, r schools, church, stores, etc., 62 acrea in cultivation, balance In oak and fir, S0OO cords of wood, aplendld 8-roora houae. good barn, blaost emlth shop, all other nocessary buildings, three horses, two cows, hogs, chickens, ail farming implement, necensary and feed for a vear. The price is only 1135 an acre, which la 130 an acre less than any of th. adjoining property; party must sell, will take $4iO0 in Portland residence property or acreage, $3000 cash will han- d' il" GOWEN-IDS TRUST CO., Lumbermena bldg- 5th and Stark. r-.nrTM.TrtV II. 1-ITTT7RR Thia 1. not a common trade ofter, out a rare opportunity to get a good farm at a greatly reduced price; 100 acres, all sooa 20 in cultivation. 40 mora cleared, for 10 per acre; near Portland, close to atatlon. Actually worth $100 per acre Prlc", for .ale or will accept J5000 residence property es part if good va'aj, " FEEMSTER & Ie GRAFF . Main 3470. 226 Stark Street. EXCHANGES. a want city properties to exchange for acreage near romanu, ouo....i erty to our exchange department for QUicl action, DORR E. KEASET 4 CO, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. SALE AND TRADE First-class drug business, average $300 per month; carries confectionery, station ery, school supplies; soda fountain, sun dries, as well as Keneral line of fresh drugs. Best fixtures in City of Portland for size of place; 750O and will ""' lull value; guou ieaoa 14000 In citv or farm properties, sooo cash. This Is a snap and I want to prove It tO yQU. P II'. UfCljumai. I HAVE 133 1-3 aeres. I will cut up In 40 lo DO acres to ami aor aiv i. , provements $2000; 7-room house, nearly new: laro barn, fruit trees. 3 good springs, water piped to the house. Any one wanting a nice place will be suited no miles somn num 4th-street carllne. Will sell on easy terms, . III ,1.nnA Of it TOT t per com, win ciu-."!- a . a good home here; must be clear For Turtner parnouiavia .. cnaries i-ioiei .i ..r.n.THvnicl? KxnT?Til. Located In the W.Uamoito alley 35 miles from for'iana on me uic0.. ... , r .i tEie!,. trainfl stnn il trio ana ooumein - front of door; will take city property or good acreage aa part payment; price S513. OoO; present sale, average $05 to $123 per day; lo-eear lease; very ieaB.,io. ORUiSI & BOLDS, 818 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. iD.ii f,-va WMT West Side apartment, close In, well fur . . . . , ,M ,n, ,.,... o.nrtea. rea nisneu aim n-.i i. , eonable rent, 5-year lease, we can take a small casn payment anu mno Koou. tale for balance; this is a good buy and a money-muKr, pn-o, GRUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of "Trade bldg., 4th and Oak 64 ACRES of excellent soil about 14 miles from Portland near Damascus; splendid ranch, new used for hog ranch. Prlc $12,000. unincumbered; exchange for rort- land income property. tvajmu... Moore. 825 Lumber Exchange. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Ft, George lots We have cash buyers tor town iu i" -- '. . , Send In your lowest cash price and legal description or lot quictt. NATURAL RE-SOURCES SECURITY CO. LIU- v 412 Bower bldg.. Vancouver. B. C WANT to buy 6 or C-room bungalow In .i ... -i.i cr. H i.r r-t . .Itsm nHaa and terms, also description. ill do business o.uick if suited. P 734. Orego nlan. HAVE client for modern home, 4 to 6 rooms, must be a snap; what have you? F E. Miller, 023 Yeon bldg. Marshall BoO. 10 TO SO acres cheap land wanted $2.50 to , A . , nr. small town: llu acre, iic.i- - - - . - - - state location, terma price. M 08, Ore von Inn. TWO lots, ait- Dt-oii uno, i . , "';' ave., near carllne; will pay $..0 cash, no ' . . . . . .., ,, . l ft.u aeenta aayiur, iu. w. .. ..... "-. vH-l- wanted Irvington lot; will buy your eauity or contract. If bargain. AO i4i f iregonian YOU can get some cash and balance the same as cash, for modern 5 or o-room DUngatUW, Kicai. ...... 1 WAST o-rooro modern hou In Irvington; give full description of property, exact lo cation anopnflncjajijj a A.-xair-a In r nrkuniaj uounty to traue ioi equity in nouso anu ioi in ''' .!-. - C. E. Hall. SSI Water. Main 2208. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED Lease 6 to 10 acres poor, sandy tract nenr city limits. Apply to olO Lumber Exchanse. WANTED 10 to 20 acres with buildings ca.3h or snares, i-jox -9- a.n.oa. FOR SALE. liorees. Vehicles. Etc HORSSS, MULES. WAGONS. rvn c- , . n knv ii nA mni nrrlrea Monday. January 22. and will h,lf1a"n; der our,. "ci v " , of horaea in this lot. and think any one looking for atock could find what he wants at our warn. HAWTHORXE-AVH STABLE3, 4JO iiawmorno r , . u-- --fl.h t una hu.. 8 years old. $76: gray horse w.l,ht 000 "r,v,r",o ,rr .1.0 rubber: ttred top buggy, wagon and double jet , . . .. . . v. .. himaa arm all IQUIlll. WOrk nurneaa, inc- " '-- - gentle and work .Ingle or double. 93 ater at. ONE carload of Willamette Valley horses In trie lot are . ii iiio.t"'." .- - : ,..,m. in fon. also teams of gold lnss- we have one .pan of mules; this stock all sold with our written guarantee to be as represeuteu or mouw E. W. HAOYAKD and R. S. Evans, Props. Fortiana Ptaoiea. join v.o... j HAVE a pair of brown mareu weighing ClOSO tO Z40U pouiioa, a-. n"" ' . ers. either single or uouuio, ,'-",-J' ",J . i.- . tin. mnph team: as I have n further ure for them, I will offer them for the rest of this week for $136; this ream will be fully guarnnteeu aim ii'v wno-ow. Ask for lr. tvenoy B team m iwa aiuc.. nrmr. ...mir horses and mares, all welghta at reasonable prices, and guaranteed as represented, at tno no v.v, i Stables. Take Rose City Park car to 52d St. Adams as t-ampuen. p.ooe. JUST from the valley. four well-mated las mn aces 8 to 7 years, weights from 1100 to 100 lhs. 664 E. Oak St,, cor. lstn. Phone Avast aauo, LEAVING city, must sell good 2100-pound team ana ruuuei - 2S13 5Sth at. SiOULneast. euu oi iinn.o... carlir.e. 1 block west and two south. rtFNTLE thoroughbred Shetland pony, cart and new harness; price 1230. Inquire 620 Buchanan St., 6L Johns. WANTED to hire 5 teams and harness by "A't,uT ."..ll.i.k- Ph..,, Mln R2D5 the montn, i......'-.-- - A 12'Jl. vnu SALE 1 fine Diaca mani, o jetvii win, weighingliso. with foal, at a bargain. 226 Russell. ONE good horse, harness and grocery wagon, E. ft. Elmer. 21st and Northrup ats. Main 1089. WANTED 1010 or "11 automobile for good city property. AO 748. WANTED Horse and harness suitable for laundry wagon. Call 811 Davis st. fon -ALE 6 head "of horses, 1 mare 6 year! oTdT heavy In foal. 228 North 14th. A BARGAIN $65 buys 1200-lb. horse. Phone 6eilwod17SS1 vianoaTootans and Mu.lcal Instrument.. NEW $375 piano for diamond or cash. 543 East 17th st. 8. Automobiles. 8 ACRES In townslt. of Gladstone, value 81500 for sale, or would trade for 5- pass. auto, or equity In city property. Call at 807 Wilcox bldg. WANTED 4 or B-pasa or roadster automo- hlle- 1 have lots, free and clear, to trade for same In Portland. A 1051. Mar. 4ittli. 619 Board of Traae. ONE-TON truck. Just overhauled, in good condition, express body, good top lamps. eta first check of $575 takes It; It is .asllr wort- $1000. 2G0 11th st. BARGAIN 3S11 CARTERCAR. 1911 Cartercar, 5-passer.ger, equipped with gas lights. Mahair top glass fjont, speed ometer, full set of toolsi In fact thia car is exceptionally well equipped and la aa good as new and guaranteed by s. Small payment down and very liberal Fm OREGON A1TO EXCHANGE, ' - 21si and Washington sta. Main 4244. A, 21. AUTOMOBILES. EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. "We have In stock over 75 carg to select from. These ears are all high grade, in A-l condition, and guaranteed by ua OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. ... 21st and Washington Sts. Main 6214. A, 6218. $250 A FULL one-half interest in automo bile express and irelgnt DUHiueos, mm ... equipment; evervthing In first-class con dition; this Is a rare opportunity and must be sold by Friday night. If you are look ing for anything In this line, come and investigate. inn au KNOX LINE OF PLEASURE CARS, MO- TUK TKUChS AINU t iv.iv.iviw. MOTOR FIRE VEHICLES. vmi-vip ir.-vor. -vi-VTr-viJ PlTt fO. - EIGHTH FLOOR ELECTRIC BLDG. $3.10 NEW piano" cheap or trade for dia mond. 041 i-itn St.. All. O. Dogs. Birds. Pet Stock. STANDARD-BRED poultry and egga baby CniCKS, incubators. Drocia m.o -j supplies. The Poultry Supply House, 20 Salmon. List your poultry and egg. wltn ua WANTED 4 doran Barred Plymouth Rock; pullets; must be cheap. W. ti. waoo, -oj Salrr.on St.. Portland, or. FOR SALE Six Barred Rock pullets and i 1 t-..,--, a,.- TV Cairllnaar at 111 2d st. Price $10. FOR Red cockerels call on us; only few left. vi cj. o-atn at. i-suiin. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE PIPE W. have the largest stock weat of Chicago in this line and can fit you out with any kind at an Immense saving. LATHS, DRILLS. ETC. BEE US FOR ANYTHING IF YOU CAN'T GET IT AT ALL "BARDE" HAS IT. M. BARDE At SONS. "THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BAR GAINS." 840-242 Front st.. cor. Main. CHOICE FRUIT TREES. 25.000 apple and pear treea for sale t reduced rates, of the following leading varieties. Viz. Yellow Newtowns, E- Spitz enberg. Jonathan, Rome Beauty and Eart lett pear; on leased ground aad must b. disposed of. Inquire or write T. V. SLUMAN. 1S95 East Yamhill st., Portland, Or. LAST FEW DAYS of Jimmv Dunn's Clearance Sale. Closing out men's suits, raincoats and cravenetted overcoats regardless of loss. His $22.50 to $26.00 values marked $14.75 are now $10. Take elevator to room 315 Oregonlan bldg. 1HJ; NORTHWEST TVPE WRITER CO, IS NOW LOCATED AT 203 STARK STREET. Rebuilt typewriters of all makes; prlcea lowest In the city. Main 562S, A 1478. SPECIAL sale on sewing machines; sligatiy ued. Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. White, Domestic and New Home; some other new $40 machines now $27.50, while they last. S. S. Sleel, K83 Alder St. A SNAP Must sell to go East by February S: $000 will buy new furniture for 0 room plaio and sewing machine Included. F! 7o470regonian. DO YOUR BEAUTY WORK AT HOME. For sale A fine new vibrator, worth $23. very reasonable: beauty Instruction, given free. E 739. Oregonlan. 6LIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc bought and sold. The Pacihc Store. Service to., 233 Stark st. Main 7711. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second hand low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Port land Safeco., 85 nth sC MainuS; FOR SALE Fixtures complete for confec tionerv and cigars; will sell cheap. Phon. E. 433. FINE mohalr raincoat, size 40. Apply Room 22o. Mlnock Hoiol, Fourth and Salmon, between 6:30 and 7:30. ' ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledgee at Uncle Myers'. 71 6th St., near Oak. 4J years In Portland. . MEDIUM size safe, showcases, filing cab., six-drawer National cash register. S. W, cor. 5th and Oak. 2d floor. FOR SALE Cordwood. 600 cords, dry. for immediate delivery. $4.25 cars or $4 barge, Port!and30Sherlockbldg. CEDAK posts for sale, carload lota J. W. Root. Boring. Or. CASH register and scales. 2.10 2d St. Port land Store Supply Co. A 7206. $B5r;UYs" eood family cow. Phono Eellwood 17SS. ' LATE style, drop-head Standard sewing ma chine, chejap. 330 'j Morrison, room 4- FOR SALE cheap, at 293 Morrison at,, 8 showcase.. 2 wall cases. 6 FRESH cows, some fine family cow.. 683 Insley, Sellwood car. . 100 BUSINESS cards 75c: a bargain. Rosa City Printer?. 192 3d. cor. Taylor. ROLL-TOP desk, bookkeeper desk and a-te. A K 74Q. un-iiuiijau. FOR SALE Stove and bedding. 243 Stan- ton St., mornings. ALMOST new, household furniture for aala. reasonable, oxv awuiaj MANURE for sale! Phone- East 1775. WANTED mSCELtiANEOUa. ' HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SKLLT CALL US UP FOR ANYTHING YOU . CARE TO DISPOSE OF. - M. BARDE at SONS. "Th. House of a Million Ba.-Balna,' , Front and Main ta Main 663. WE BUY CLOTHINCrTFURNITU-lE .TOOLS, Highest prlc, paid for men's and cast-off clothing, ahoes furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2080. -W 1st St.. The Globe. , IF you want to sell your Junk, tools or Jo lots. JUBt cal! the Capital Junk Co. Mar shall 8839. 67-69 N. 1st St. WANTED Time clock; state price an style. Log Cabin Bakery, 734 Vancouver ave. - WE pay the highest cash price for eo"d hand furniture. Sealer & Martin. Phon. East ?.134 848 Hawthorne ave. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE 870 al. Morrison. Phone E. 1023. Pays hia-hsst cash price for furniture. WANTED A second-hand safe, medium ' size, for office use; must be cheap, X i3i, Oregonlan. - ' CASH PAID. .... For store flxturea and office furnHur. and other merchjim.Phone Main 8453. TO buv cash register-scale, coffee mill, cred it register, meat and cheese L cutter Po.t land Store Supply Co., 2o02dst. A 0o. WANTED Good houseboat, on Ioks; will give clear lots In exchange. A Boi. ore gonlan , WANTED Hornless grapliophone cheapi state price and maker. G 777. Oregonlan. FORD AuetlorTc-o Pays most cash for any kind cv furniture. Main 891, A 2445. WILL tint rooms. $2.50 up; painting al reasonable nnces. Phone East til24. WANTED Complete moving-picture outfit. What have you 7 S 7t0, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. MAN of good appearanco to solicit for larg4 corporation; salary and commission. Apply after 0 A, M.. 721 Yeon bldg. WANTED Man for small farm; must be practical and know how to raise chickens. Ar oaregouiao. FIRST-CLASS coatmakcr wanted; Piec4 work, ctono proa., WANTED A porter at the Hotel Alder bar- ber shop. 2S" Alder st. W ANTED First-class marker and sorter. Palace Laundry Co.. E. 10th anad Everett. SOLICITOR wanted for cleaning, pressing and repairing. 2o7H Mavilson t. arFX'TS to sell photo coupons; something new. Boston Studio. 842', Wash. YOUNG man wanted, Portland Trunk Mfa, Co., oa am, i ...w..- PHOTO coupon agents; good offer for liva ones. Sutphen Studio. 3oltt Washington. WANT steady all around man, restaurant, 267 Couch st, , WANTED Boy for tumbler and dry-house. Palace Laundry Co., E. 10th and Everett. TAILOR wanted. 456 Dekum. take Wood- lawn caj; THHEE vouns men to canvass; new o.Tor; Rood n'ages. 601 Deknm hlila-. PHOTO coupon: best ever otfered; snap fot agents. Cutoerth Stutlio. Dekum bldg. WANTED Two men to sell coal. Mala 890, A ssoa. 4