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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1911)
the morxixg oregoniax. Wednesday, February is, i9ii. 13 Great February Rummage Sales of Odds and Ends Great Annual Sale of Household Needs New Sewing Machines New Lines of Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets New Arrivals of Spring Goods in All Pepartm'ts Tea Room 4th Fir. Tlhie Gnreatter OMsWortmaini-Eiiini Store Will L4 KW-' V1'-' , , r T ' ' t gTsoT 1 lci"" Great Sale amidl EsMlbMoini of Madle iim Oreaoim Pirodluncts M AD E IN OREGON" From Fore t to Horn A number of yean ag-o when "Made in Oregon" displays were made by this store it was necessary to call to our aid the assistance of the manufacturers who made the exhibit for ns. But today our stocks are so extenaivethat we areable to make a very creditable showing of ready-to-wear apparel, household needs andfoods of all kindTfrom our reguIaFstocks without asking outsiders to help us. Another proof of this store's superior purchasing powers and loyalty to home institutions. Our stocks are more extensive than any other store's. Our prices invariably lower. "Made in Oregon. " Displays In Windows Today. nimii in ii S y--' r -1 'MADE. IN OREGON" From Forest to Home EXTRA SPECIALS FROM lO UNTIL 11 A. M Children's 25c Hose, now 12c li) . 11 A. M. today, on main floor, antVr crat lay of barsrain. In the main ehii.iren's IIm in fat blark c!or. ote-nnj-one r.bbed. rein- foro.l hrtU and toes; is 5 j to !' j values to 2, :n2c 25c Blue Label Catsup for 20c 10 to 11 A. M. May. in the grocry dept.. fourth (liior; a very special ! f the popular Ii!u Labrl Catsup, fa rnotj fnr it (T'mmIii. The rvctilar Z'c, of fered very spe- O f rial fr thi hour only, each t)Q, Women's 75c Corset Covers 49c 10 la 11 A. M. today, in the big white t-re. 2.1 floor, women Corset Covers of longcloth and fine mmlin, trimmed in linen ton-hon !", insertion and imrr.e embp-iderrd ; all sixes; A Qk our rerilar T.'x? rallies, earh TJ C Men's 20c Hose, now only 11c 10 to 11 A. M. today, on main floor, renter aiIe, men' fine quality merino Ho, with doable spliced heels and toes, dark and light gray colors: me dian weight, good wearing 1 1 valor,, the pair 1 1 C $2.00 Hand Bags for only $1.19 10 to 11 A. M. today, renter aisle, on main floor, 500 Handbngs, made of goat seal stork, leather-lined and fit ted with coin purse; alo a line of trap Purses and hand (I 1 Q purses; values up to $2 ij) X X J Women's $5.00 Pump3 $3.69 10 to 11 A. M. today, on main floor, 800 pair newest patterns in Evening Tumps, satin insteps, suedes or pat ents, plain and beaded toe, with or without straps; all So tf O C values, special, the pair J) O O J 10c Toilet Soap, Selling for 3c 10 to 11 A- M. today, renter aisle, on main floor. We will sell very good (Trades of Toilet Soaps in many differ ent makes and odors; wrappers soiled or cakes marred, but perfect O quality. Values to 10c, at, each J C Women's $3.00 Gowns at $1.69 10 to 11 A. M. today, 2d floor, wom en's Oowns in high or low neck and slipover styles; made of longeloth and nainsook, trimmed in embroidery and insertion and lace; val ues to $3.00, spec ial at $1.69 Children's 35c Gloves for 5c 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the base ment "nnderprice store, " misses' and children's Gloves and Mittens of cash mere, silk and wool, black and colors; 2.e and 35o grades, special for r this hour only at this price, pr. O C EXTRA SPECIALS FROM 11 A. M. UNTIL 12 Women's $10.00 Waists $3.95 11 A. M. to 12 today, second floor, attractive models in women's Lace Waists for afternoon or evening wear, styled with plain or kimono sleeves, ecru and white; values 0 Q C np to $10.00 each, only O $1.50 Net Curtains, only 79c 11 A. M. to 12 today, third floor, 600 pairs of Net Curtains, finished with Battenberg edge and insertion; very pood quality, full yards long and 40 inches wide; regular J f $1.50 values, special at, ea. J C 40c Imperial Coffee, now 26c 11 A. M. to 12 today, grocery sec tion, 4th floor, a one-hour sale of our famous Imperial Roast Coffee, a reg ular 40c quality; very special for one hour only. No phone orders. On sale at this price, pound OC Women's 25c Hose, selling 14c 11 A- M. to 12 today, on the first floor, a spirited one-hour's selling of women's Cotton Hose, black or tan, fast color, double heels and toes; very exceptional values to 25c, A for one hour only, the pair X r C Men's $1.50 Underwear at 93c 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the main aisle, 1st floor, a sale of a -famous standard make Underwear for men; shirts and drawers; white and gray colors; garments such as sell everywhere at $1.50, at, ea. 93 c 35c English Tea Pots, now 22c 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the big "household needs" department, third floor, one-hour sale of English Earth enware Teapots, neatly decorated; in 4-cup size; our regular 35c OO values, special for one hour a C 25c Tooth Brushes for only 8c 11 A. II. to 12 today, in center aisle, on main floor. Tooth Brushes, fine French bristle, many styles, fine bone handles; all bristles hand-drawn and warranted to stay; regular val ues up to 25c, special at, each 8c $2.25 White Petticoats at 98c 11 A. M. to 12 today. Women's white Petticoats, good quality muslin, with wide tucked flounce, also hem stitched tucks, cut full; excellent val ues at $2.2o; very special for one hour only at, each 98c 25c Massage Towels, now at 5o 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the base ment nnderprice store, a sale of Turk ish Massage Towels, 40 inches long, with loops at ends; made of heavy lerry ciotn; regular zoo val ues, special for one hour, eaoh 5c FROM 1 TILL 2 P. M. S-pecials From 12 to 1 P. M. $3.50 Bath Robes, now $4.95 12 t. 1 P. M. today, 2d floor, wom en ' I'.ath Kobcs, in eiderdown or blan ket rtnth. with hih or V-neck, trim'd with satin ribbon and cord prdle; all arte l rotor, in val- A Q ne np to f.'A spVL 25c Hair Rolls, now for only 6c 12 ! 1 1'. M. today, on main Toot, rt r.t.'r aisle, a very exceptional offer ing of lla.r KolU. 24 inches made ct trrpo w'!. all shades, full size; imr rrciilar c valurs, special f r o:i hour at 1'iw pnre o 6c Women s 3oc Kerchiefs at 19c 1 to 1 I. M. today, on main floor, I.!ten for the biif pntr. A or.e-hour ' . f women's pure Inen Iljtndker-rh:i-.', with heir t itched e?irs and em- br-'t.lfred rornrn; our rejn- Ir 3."h va!;ir-, ,pecial, only 19c 45c Kitchen Set, selling at 22c 12 to 1 P. M. today, ia th eutlery ti.partn-.rnt, third fior, a one-hour '. of three-piece Kitchen Sets, con i!i:: of parir. Lmfe, eleaver and hi'ti, kr.ife; a regular 45e J C .-1!it. price, the set aSC $4.00 Auto Scarfs, now $1.93 12 to 1 P. M. today, a sale of wom en's Auto S-arf. 2l j yards long and one vanl wide; mailt of the best qual ify rtu.'on, in good ranee of shades; c ur recular stock val- (T Q Q o- to ;.00, fipwial at J) X SKJ Women's $1.75 Gowns at 93c 12 to 1 I. M. today, 2d floor, wom en's ou'.ir? flannel Gowns with high ce.-k and lor.g sleeves; regular styles with roilar. cut full and long. Our ng-ilar va.tH's up to IL.5; very "irwial, one hour, each 98c Men's $4.00 Shoes $2.93 Pair 12 to 1 P. II. today, in shoe store, n-.a;n fI'Xr. a sale of men's waterproof Sho', Lich tops, with bellows tongue, double irs, taa or black; extra channel-nailed; our regular Q Q IDO valuer, special at &CJSJ Large Bed Sheets, now at 39c 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the base ruer.t "undcrpric store." a sale of e ire!Wt qua!:ty Sheets, fall bed sixe, hemmed ready for u; one piece, no scsrn in center; very spe- O Q rial for or.e hoar only, each O J C SPECIALS j Women's $3.50 Sweaters $4.79 1 to 2 P. M. today, on the second floor, women's hand-made Sweaters, tight-fitting and semi-fitting styles; V-neck or Shaw collar effects; colors are pnen, gray, red, tans and white. J A 7fV Kegular values to $3.50 at ipTr J 5c Sewing Silk 20c the Dozen 1 to 2 P. M. today, on main floor, a sale of Sewing Silks, "Crescent City," a sub lime quality for hand or machine use; full 50-yard spools; manufactured by the Cortieelli Silk Company; regu- OS lar 5c grade, the dozen at only J C $2.25 Folding Seat, now $1.40 1 to 2 P. M. today, ia the third floor housefurr.ishing section. A sale of Auto matic Folding Seats for bathrooms or any place where space ia limited; our best regular tZ25 values, J A f special for one hour, each J) X T'vJ 65c Novelty Neckwear, at 12c 1 to 2 P. M. today, a one-hour sale of women's novelty Neckwear in jabots, stocks, bows, etc; lawn, lace and Persian combinations; very effective styles; our regular stock values np to 65c, 4 special during this hour, each X 4 O Regular 50c Windsor Ties 18c 1 to 2 P. M. today, on the main floor, an exceptional offering of Windsor Ties, of good quality silk, wide and long; pretty patterns in polka dots, also plain colors. Our best regular 50 values, on Q special sale for one hoar, each X O C Women's $1.00 Drawers 59c 1 to 2 P. M. today, second floor, a sale of women's Drawers, made of longcloth, cambric and muslin, trimmed in lace and insertion and dainty embroidery; in all sizes; a large variety to choose from; regular values to $1.00 OC $6.00 House Boots, now $3.19 1 to 2 P. M. today, ia the shoe store, main floor, a one-hour sale of House Boots, for men or women ; excellent qual ity, green, red, purple, lavender, brown and tan colors; regular $0 O IA values, special, one hour X J Men's $1.25 Shirts for only 59c 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement "nnderprice store," a one-hoar sale of men's Shirts of good quality cambric, madras and percale, cut full and perfect fitting; our best regular vaj ;es to $1-25, for one hour. at, each 59c EXTRA SPECIALS FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. Women's $32.50 Coats for $8.95 2 to 3 P. M. today, second floor. Some of the season's best styles in women's Coats. Only a few small sizes, but a great quantity of large ones. Serges, cheviots, diagonals, broadcloths, basket weaves; Q Q etc. Values up to $32.50 f or J) O i O Men's 15c to 25c Kerchief3 9c 2 to 3 P. 51. today, on main floor, a one hour sale of men's Handkerchiefs of linen and fine cambric. Odds and ends, some slightly soiled; a few initials in the lot; our best regular 15o, 20o and 25c Q values, special for one hour only, ea. J C 75c Baking Cups, the dozen, 50c 2 to 3 P. M. today, on third floor. 6hop by the hour; stay in the store all day. New bargains every time the gong sounds. A lot of brown Baking Cups, white lined; onr reg ular 75c values, very special for f one hour at low price of, dozen O J C 25c Dres3 Shields, at 10c Pair 2 to 3 P. M. today. A sale of high-grade Arm Shields, covered with white nainsook; rubber-lined, and light weight, full size, waterproof, well made; sizes 2, 3 and 4. Our best regtdar 25e values, spe- f cial for one hour at only, the pair X J C 85c All Silk Ribbon for only 33c 2 to 3 P. M. today. Prepare to spend the whole day here. A line of all silk Rib bons in Dresdens, stripes, Persians, etc.; widths tip to inches. Our regular val ues up to 85o a yard, very special Q O for this hour only at, the vardOOC Women's $2.75 Combinat's $1.69 2 to 3 P. II. today, sale women's Combina tions, corset covers and drawers; Princess styles and circular styles, open or closed; trimmed in lace and insertion, medallions, beading and ribbon, etc.; val- f f nes up to $2.75, special price J) X O J Women's $5.00 Shoes for $3.79 2 to 3 P. M. today, on main floor, a sale of women's taa calf Shoes, full toe, button style; patents in button or lace, and gun metals. Many different styles, all assem- $5.00 no nc values, for one hour only at sJO 0 7 bled in one lot; regular $5.00 Women's $1.50 Gowns for 84c 2 to 3 P. M. today, ia the basement "underprice store," women's Gowns of ex cellent quality outing flannel; in pretty stripes; yokes and sleeves nicely trim'd; cut extra full; our regular $1.50 val ues, special for one hour at, each OtL Women's $1.75 Umbrellas 98c 2 to 3 P. M. today, on the main floor. Don 't miss this offer of women 's best qual ity lisle taffeta Umbrellas, with heavy steel rods, fitted with a choice assortment of mission and fancy handles; our f Q regular $1.75 values, for one hour i O C $5.00 Couch Covers, only $3.15 2 to 3 P. 1L today, in drapery department, a one-hour sale of heavy Tapestry Couch Covers in attractive new Oriental designs;' reversible and finished with heavy knotted fringe ; full size ; regular $5 tf O 1 Cf values, special at only, each PO X O EXTRA SPECIALS FROM 3 UNTIL 4 P. M. Women's $5.75 Peticoats Special at this sale for $2.98 3 to 4 P. 1L today, seennd floor, women's white Pet ticoats in cambric or long cloth, trimmed in wide Cluny lace, deep insertioa and clusters of tucks; val ues up to $5.75, on special sale lor this hour only at this low 1 O QQ price, each tj) t j O $10.00 Silk Petticoats for $3.95 I I 3 to 4m VA SPECIALS CJ I I 3 to 4 P. il. today, second floor, a very special sale of fine quality Silk Petticoats, plain or changeable taffeta, in light blue, pink, lavender, wistaria, etc.; cotton or silk drops, deep flounce, neatly rf O Q trimmed; values to $10 foreOeaVO 24 c Darning Cotton, now for lc 3 to 4 P. M. today, on the main floor, center aisle, a one-hour sale of Darning Cotton, 45-yard spools; black only, finest quality fast color; our best regular 2y2a grade, on special sale for one hour only at the low price of, the spool X C $1.00 Venise Bands selling at 39c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the lace and trim ming department, on the main floor, a sale of Venise Bands in white and ecru; widths up to 3 inches; our regular values to $1.00 a yard ; very special for this hour O only at low price of, the yard 3 C 50c, 75c, $1.00 Rail Plates for this Spe cial Sale only 25c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the big china store, third floor, we will of er for one hour only, a special sale of English Rail Plates in as sorted colors and decora tions. Very attractive pat terns; 50c, 60c, 75c, 85o and $1 values, y one hour, each aw O C Child's $13.50 Coats, now $4.98 3 to 4 P. M. today, second floor, a sale of children's Wool Coats in plain or mixed materials, light or dark colors; sizes from 2 to 14 years ; a good assortment of styles and materials ; all good values, (J A Q O $6.75 to $13.50, special, each tPXacO Children's $1.00 Robes for 50c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement nn derprice store, a sale of children's Robes of extra fine quality flannelette, new patterns, trimmed in silk eord; sizes 1 to 5 years; best regular $1.00 values, on spe- g f cial sale for one hour only, each O vl C $1.25 Cotton Blankets, now 95c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the bedding store, third floor, a sals of large Cotton Blankets, white, with pink or blue borders; superior domet finish; good values and ready sellers at $1.25 ; on special sale for this Qk hour only at low price of, eaoh J O C FROM 4 TILL 5 P. M. 4r to 5p.H, Extra! Women's $2.75 Kimonos $1.89 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the garment store, 2d floor, a sale of women 's Kimo nos, in a large variety of styles, in good quality outing flannel, some loose, others shirred in at waist and (Jj 1 Q Q Empire styles ; $2.75 vals. J) X O J 20c Curtain Scrim, now 14c 4 to 6 P. M. today, third floor, a Bale of fancy colored Curtain Scrim in a large assortment of up-to-date patterns and at tractive co 1 o r i n g s, reversible, full 36 inches wide; our regular 20c T A values, very special, the yard X TT C 10c Hat Pins, now at 2 for 5c 4 to 5 P. M. today, on main floor, center aisle, a one-hour sale of Hat Pins, finest quality of indestructible French jet, large round heads, extra long pins; our regular 10c values, on special sale r for one hour at low price of 2 for O C $3.65 Serving Dish, now $2.25 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the chinaware store, third floor, we will sell for one hour only, a line of Covered Serving Dishes, copper body, brass trim'd, with removable earthen dish ; C our regular $3.65 value at J) t 4 O $6.00 Hand Made Gowns $2.95 4 to 5 P. M. today, second floor, a sale of women's Frencn hand-made Gowns, slip over styles and high neck with long sleeves, embroid'd in floral and conven tional designs ; m a d e of (f O fvrj fine linen; vals. to $6.00 &CZj J Men's $4.00 Pants $1.95 Pair 4 to 5 P. M. today, on main floor, in the clothing section, a sale of men's Paats, strictly all-wool materials in neat gray effects and fancy mixtures; sizes 31 to 42; regular $3.50 and $4 t - Q f values, special, one hour P X O Women's $1.75 Kimonos 89c 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the basement underprice store, a sale of women's Ki monos of wool, eiderdown flannel nnd velour flannels, short or long; beautiful ly styled and trimmed ; $1.50 QQ and $1.75 values, special forO&C Men's 25c Suspenders for 17c 4 to 5 P. M. today, on main floor, a one-hour sale of men's Suspenders, good grade new web, medium heavy weight, with leather ends; dark or light colors. Best regular 25e values, 17c, or 3 pairs, lor one nour oniy 50c Specials From 5 to 6 P. M. $2.50 Cotton Comforts at $1.65 5 to 6 P. M. today, in our big bed ding store, third floor, a one-hour sale of Bed Comforts, filled with white cotton and covered with silkoline; our regular f2.50 vals., on special sale one hour $1.65 Men's $2.50 Pajamas at $1.15 5 to 6 P. M. today, main floor, odds and ends of men 's Pajamas in soisette, tan, gray and white; most all sizes in the lot; well made and nicely trim'd with silk frogs; regular $2.50 values, sp'l., suit $1.15 15c Coat Hangers, now at 5c 5 to 6 P. M. today, main floor, we will offer to all comers Coat Hang ers, with skirt or trouser hangers at tached; made of polished wood and heavy nickel wire bar; our best regular 15c values, special for 5c 50c Rosette Irons, now at 30c 5 to 6 P. M. today, on third floor, a very special sale of Rosette Irons for making rosette wafers, which may be filled with whipped cream, fruit or oysters; our regular 50o values, very special at only 30c Boy's 75c Night Gowns at 39c 5 to 6 P. M. today, on main floor, a sale of boys' flannelette Nightgowns, extra well made, cut full in the body; blue, pink, tan and cream shades; all sizes in the lot; our regular 75o values, special this hour 39c Boys' 20c Hose, now 9c Pair 5 to 6 P. M. today, on main floor. Parents, take notice. For one hour only, the famous "Bronco Buster" Hose, in all sizes, heavy ribbed, guar anteed fast black dye; regular 20o value, special at, the pair 9c Men's $6.00 Shoes, now $4.85 5 to 6 P. M. today, on main floor, in shoe dept., a sale of men's high-cut Shoes, Goodyear welt, tan color, vis col tanned, sewed, full double soles; regular $6 values, on rt A Q Cf special sale, pair, only (Jt'iOO 75c, 85c, $1.00 Silks for 39c 5 to 6 P. M. today, in the base ment "nnderprice store," fancy silks, checks, stripes and a broad range of colors; odd lots m values 7oc, ooc and $1; on special sale for one hour at the low price of, yd. 39c