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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1908)
AllE MORNING OREGOXIAX, 3IONDAT, JULY 13, 1908. Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets, "Estelle" Corsets and "Vudor" Porch Shades Frank Store's Great J argain Jubilee eier 14 TEeW My i 5000 Boys Wash Suits 50c-75c Values 29c--$ 1 -$ 1 .25 Values 49c am t' 4 $2-$2.50 Values at 98c Each Portland's greatest sale of boys' Wash Suits is announced for this week's selling; an immense purchase of 5000 suits made at ridiculously low prices by the clothing buyer on a recent trip to Eastern markets. All the best styles and ma terials; sensational values. Take advantage of this offering. iJ Lot 1 2000 boys' Russian Blouse and Sailor Suits, in tan crashes, striped and solid color chambrays; ages 2V HQ to 10 years; regular 50e and 75c values, on "sale at. ll Lot 2 2000 boys' Russian Blouse and Sailor Suits, ages 2V to 10 years. Chambrays, galateas and crashes; well made ?S.gjs and neatly trimmed, sailor collars and embroidered shields; immense assortment. loe uesi regular fpx.uu ana $1.25 values, on sale at this very low price, the suit." Lot 3 1000 boys' high-grade Wash Suits, in Russian blouse and sailor styles, made of fine materials; galatea cloths, chambrays, poplins, white duck and "Hydegrade" materials; large sai'.or collar, embroidered shields ; very large variety of attractive styles, in stripes, checks, plaids and plain color ings, all sizes; the best regular $2.00 and $2.50 val- QOp lies; buy all you want at this special low price, each. Mail orders will receive our prompt and careful attention. Sale of 300 Women's New Wash Dresses Regular Values to $10.00 for $5.45 Ea. For Monday and Tuesday, 300 women's Wash Dresses at a very low price; made up in princess, plain tailored and two-piece styles;-materials of organdy, mull, swiss, batiste and lawn, in plain colors, checks, stripes and figures; daintily trimmed in embroidery, inserting, laee and beading; skirts pleated and tucked j colors are tan, blue, white, pink, lavender, green, black, etc.; sizes 34 to 44; well C C AC made and finished throughout; regular values up to $10.00, on sale at.V-f?'-' Children's $3.50 Wash Dresses $ 1 .98 Ea. Misses' and children's white Lawn Dresses, in Russian styles, low neck and short sleeves, trimmed with lace and insertion and full pleated skirts; ages tf? 1 QD 6 to 14 years; regular $3.50 values, to be cleaned up at, special, each.M Misses' and children's Wash Dresses, in chambray material, Buster Brown and sailor styles; blue, pink-and tan; some braid-trimmed; low neck and CI 2ft short sleeves; ages 6 to 14 years; best regular $2 values, on sale at, ea. V Regular 25c Collars on Sale at 1 4c Each Regular 75c Face Veilings for 22c Yard Another great special offering of 500 dozen women's Tailored Collars, white and colors, in endless variety of pretty styles; sizes 12 to 1V; the best regu- 1 lar 25c values; buy all you want of them at this exceptionally low price, ea. 200 dozen pretty Windsor Ties, regular 25c values, on sale at, special, each.. 14 3000 vds. beautiful new Face Veilings, tuxedo nets, hairlines and fancy meshes; black," brown, navy, red, white, light blue, green, etc.; vals. up to 75c yard, at. .22 Regular $3.50 Embroideries at 98c Yard Regular 40c Embroideries at 15c a Yard 1000 yards of Swiss and Batiste Embroidery Flounces and Insertion, to 27 inches wide; baby Irish and eyelet effects, in beautiful styles; the best QAp regular values up to $3.50 a yard, on sale at this very low price, the yard. 0.000 yards Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery for trimming women's and children's undermuslins; 1 to 9 inches wide; values up to 40c yd., on sale at.. 15 2500 yards of Corset Cover Embroidery, swiss and nainsook, eyelet and filet effects, in handsome styles; two grand lots, on sale at the following very special prices: Regular $1.25 values, at, the yard, 69 Regular $2.00 values,' at, the yard, 98 500 Women's Waists $ 1 8 Values at $5.45 Each In the Waist section for today and Tuesday we place on sale a great spe cial purchase of 500 women's fine dress waists in lace, net, chiffon cloth, crepe de chine and taffeta silk, trimmed in linen cluny, filet, applique, medallions, silk hand-embroidery, round mesh vals. and silk bands Sleeves full length Half or 34 length kimono and butterfly effects White, cream, black and a full line of colors All new, high-grade waists of beautiful style and quality and suitable for all occasions Values in the lot up to $ 1 8 Take your pick at Q J i g the marvelously low price p J tP Plan to be here early for best bargains No mail or phone orders will be filled See Our Fifth-Street Window Display $ 1 .00 Rough Pongee Silks at 59c a Yard Regular 75c Taffeta Silks at 49c the Yard 2000 yards of Bough Pongee Silks of superior quality, for suits, waists, costumes, coats, etc.; brown, navy, Copenhagen, light blue, pink and lavender; best CCQs regular $1.00 values, on sale at this low price, per yard take advantage. J7C 10,000 yards of splendid quality taffeta Silk, in white, cream and black; A.Q the best regular 75c values, on sale at this unusually low price, per yard.C Cheney Bros. ' famous Foulard Silks on sale at special low prices. Let us show you. Rajah Silk-White Serge Suits $55 Values $18.45 am - Two grand special lots of Women's Tailored Suits at a low price Rajah silk and black taffeta suits Semi and tight fit ting garments; plain and fancy tailored Tans, golden browns, Copenhagen, navy and black; full pleated and gored skirts White serge suits in medium and short length coats, plain and fancy tailored Double and single breasted; full pleated or gored skirts The season's handsomest and most fashionable ready-to-wear ap parelValues up to $55 1 O A C a garment Choice at p -f $10 Wash Suits at $6.85 Great special sale of women's Tailored Wash Suits, medium and short length coats; materials of duck, rep and linen; coats are semi or tight-fitting, with notch collar and newest sleeve; single or double breasted styles; some have -sleeve, cuff and collar embroidery-trimmed; come in white, blue and nat ural linen color, all sizes; the .best reg- Cfi flv ular $10.00 values, on sale at, sp'l., ea.P.lJr $4.00 Embroidered Nets $ 1 .29 1000 yards of Embroidered Nets and Venise All overs for yokes and sleerves; white, cream and ecru, in the handsomest styles ; val- flj 1 O O ues up to $4.00 a yard, on sale at. P -- Another great clean-up sale of Venise, Filet and Baby Irish Bands, ' Edges, Medallions, etc., in white, cream and ecru; regular values up. Qf to $2.00 a yard, on sale at, special, the yd! C $1.00 Laces are being cleaned up at, yard..2T Special low prices on real Irish Cluny and Tor chon laces, insertions and medallions, 1 to 6 ins.; handsome for hand-embroidered waists and eve ning gowns; on sale at the following low prices : $3.50 values at $2.25 $5.00 values at $3.75 Regular $12.00 values, on sale at, yard..$7.00 50,000 yards of French and round-thread and plat Val. Laces, Maltese and Imitation' Torchon Laces and Insertion, JAto 5 ins. wide; fo Piia 10c to 50c values, all on sale at.. 5 I VC $8.75 Portieres $4.95; Curtains $3.35 Pr. 200 pairs of mercerized Portieres, finished with silk cord or -heavy A AC fringes; all the best colors; 3 yards long, 50 ins. wide; $8.75 values, pr 500 pairs of Cluny and Kenaissance Laoe Curtains, plain nets, with linen braid or inserting and edge; the best regular $4.50 values, at, pair, Women's $ 1 .25 Hosiery 29c Pr. For today and Tuesday we announce another one of our famous offerings of Women's Sample Hosiery 30QO pairs in this lot The best product of a celebrated Chemnitz, Germany, manufacturer, and including silk lisles, gauze lisles, ingrain lisles, cotton split foot, lisles and cot tons; Mack, plain colors and fancy stripes, checks, plaids, dots. Embroidered and lace effects Black, white, light blue, tans, browns, green, Copenhagen, yellow, pink, navy, red, etc., etc. Immense assortment to selectfrom All sizes, & to 10 values to $1.25 a pair 29c 35c-50c Ribbons 21cYard--Kerchiefs 27c 25,000 yards of fine all-silk Ribbons in plain taffeta, French faille, moire and fancy warp print Ribbons, 5 and 6 inches wide, black, white and a complete line of 1 colorings; regular 35c to 50c values, on sale for three days at, the yard. 1C Great special sale of 500 dozen women's beautiful embroidered linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and scalloped edges; the best regular 50c values, on sale at, each.. 27 Women's $5.00 Oxfords at $3.45 a Pair A sale extraordinary of women 's fine custom-made Oxfords of imported Russia calf, button style, in tan and champagne; plain and tipped toes, newest lasts, also patent calf button Oxfords with white kid tops, plain toes, welt soles; also imported pat ent eolt blucher Oxfords with brown suede tops and perforated tips and light-weight soles. Four lines of the finest footwear America produces. All sizes and widths. Oxfords of equal style and quality cost you from $6.00 to $7.00 a fcQ AVL pair. At the exclusive shoe store, on sale at this special price, pair. .p0.trJ 5000 bottles of white Shoe Dressing, the best preparation on the market 1 for cleaning white shoes and oxfords; 25c values, on sale at, the bottle. - -5w Great values in men's and boys' Shoes; great assortment to select from.. See them. GIRLS WILL PLAY Feminine Balltossers Headed ... for Portland. THREE GAMES SCHEDULED Team Comes From Chicago and Pro poses to Show Local Amateurs How ' ". National Sport . Should Be. Played. VAK-tED Athletic glr.Is to join a baseball rlub; good salary, long engagement and best of treatment. AD S3, Oregonlan. The above advertisement appearing In the help wanted columns of The Ore gonlan yesterday mornins will no doubt be gladly welcomed, by some of the fair feminine fans of this city, who may now have an opportunity of showing their husky brothers how the same of base ball played. The advertisement was undoubtedly In serted by the advance manager of the Chicago Ladles' baseball team, which has been playing In . the Washington towns. The team has held forth In that state for (several weeks and has played num erous game? with more or less, prin cipally less, success. It has been handi capped by the frequent loss of star play ers some of whom chose to pay homage to hymen, while others thought that other work was preferable to playing the great National' game. The Chicago Ladles' Baseball team is scheduled to play a series of games in Portland and vicinity with the Wabash Independents, a well-known local ama teur team. The Chicago girla, at least they were Chicago girls when the team started on the road, are scheduled to arrive In Portland in the next few days; that Is, the few who are left among the dia mond exponents will no doubt appear In the series with the Wabashers. Girls, aa a role, like diamonds to shine on them, but heretofore they have not -none very brilliantly on the diamond. The bloomer-clad "Venusea may shine In the game as played at a girl's seminary, but the pitting of them against teams composed of men seems rather an un equal matching of teams. The girls played a game at Chehalls the other day during- which the Chehalls players suc ceeded In scoring so many runs that the official scorer threw up his Job. Two of the female Hans Wagners also desert ed the team at that enterprising town, and both are said to have secured po sitions In the dining room of a hotel, where hustling biscuits Is an easier task than chasing flies and yelling at the umpire. The games scheduled for Portland and vicinity between the girls and the Wa bashers are as follows: Saturday, July is, at St. John; Sunday, July 19, at Vancouver, and Monday, July 20, at Vaughn street. Waste o! Beer Stirs Up Dock Idler's Wrath Hobo Longs for Good Old Day When Empty Barrel. Were Al wny Drained Before Shipment. AY. Cull, is dese barrels bin dreened proper? Ef wee'd a-had 'cm on de frunt in ole Samfriskco dared be nothln' to it, see? Me an' de push on de dock alius seed dare wua no good beer never sent forrin." "Peg" Hennessy, late of San Francisco, was one of a crowd gathered on a down town street Friday afternoon watching teamsters loading empty beer barrels on trucks. The "empties" were brought from the basement of one of the leading cafes of the city that makes a specialty of foreign brews. Some one in the crowd assembled kept tab on the lot, and an nounced a total of 360 when the last one was brought to the sidewalk. As the wagons turned in' the direction of the freight yards. "Peg" fell in behind the procession, intent on renewing his old time experiences in San Francisco before the fir a, when he and his fellow dock "bums" got their "leavings" regularly. There Is an arrangement with Eastern Importers of foreign beers that upon re turn of the empty barrels a credit is extended, which is adjusted in freight charges. German barrels hold more than American, which makes their use In this country impracticable. so dealers all over the country send their empties to New York, from which port they are sent back to Germany to be refilled. Special sale fine shoes at Rosenthal's. HONOR DEAD MASON Final Rites for Professor Pratt Tomorrow. SERMON BY DR. L R. DY0TT Portland Lodge, No. 55, A. F. and A. L, Will Have Charge of 'Serv-' . Ices at Cemetery as Tribute to Late Past Master. Funeral services over the remains of the late Professor Irving W. Pratt, who died et his home. 611 First street, Satur day night,, will be held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral on Morrison street at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Rev. Luther R. Dyott, D. D., pastor of the First Con gregational Church, will conduct simple services and at their conclusion the mem bers of Portland Lodge.. No. 55, A. F. and A. M., will take charge of the remains, which will be conveyed to Rlverview Cemetery, where the burial services of the order will be held. Owing to the prominence of the deceased In Masonic circles, the various Masonic societies of the city will take part In the obsequies. The honorary pallbearers will all be thirty-third degree Masons, as follows: C. A.- Dolph, John MeCraken. J. W. Cook. Philip S. Malcolm, B. G. White house, Joseph Simon, Jacob Mayer, Seth tx Pope and Judge M. C. George. The active pallbearers have been selected from among the past -masters of Portland Lodge. No. 55. of which the deceased was a member. They are Louis G. Clarke H. L. Plttock. Frank H. Lewis, Henry Roe, Brydon H. Nlcoll, Donald Mackay, James F. Robinson and Archie Thurlow. Became Maston In 1865. The. Masonic record of Professor Pratt dated from 1865. when he was Initiated Into the order in Pilot Hill Lodge, No. 180. at Pilot Hill. Eldorado County, Cal. Soon after his removal to Portland In 1SS7 he organised Washington Lodge. No. 4, and became Its first master. Since 16T4 he has been & member of Portland Lodge, No. 55, of which he was past mas ter. In Portland Chapter, No. 3, Royal Arch Masons, he was past high priest, and in Oregon Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templars, he was past eminent commander. He was also a member of Washington Council, No. 3, Royal and Select Masons. In 1871 Mr. Pratt received the Scottish Rite degrees from the fourth to the thirty-second, and for 11 jjears served as presiding officer in these important bodies. He was past grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Oregon and, since -1832, had been active inspector-general of the su preme council of the southern jurisdic tion In the 9tate of Oregon, the highest post of honor possible of .attainment In this state. Founded Oregon Consistory No. 1. In this capacity Mr. Pratt organized Oregon Consistory, No. 1, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the first consis tory, in the state. Upon the organiza-v tion of Al Kader Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. In 1888, he was made illus trious potentate and -occupied this post for 15 years continuously, or until Decem ber'26. 1902.' At the session of the temple January 17, 1303, Professor Pratt was pre sented with a magnificent loving- cup, a tribute of affectionate regard from the nobles of Al Kader Temple. . The inscrip tion on the cup follows: "From Al Kader Temple. Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Port land, Or.,, January 17, 1903. To Irving W. Pratt, for 15 wears illustrious potentate of Al Kader Temple, from its organiza tion, February 15. 1888, to December 26, 1902. A tribute of affection and esteem. Es Selamu Aleikum." Professor Pratt was also the possessor of one of the most beautiful Masonic jewels in the United States, which was presented to him in March. 1885, by Port land Lodge, No. 55. and the Scottish Rite Masons of Portland. AN OBSERVATION CAR. Adding Luxury to the Delightful Co lumbia River Trip. The O. R. ' A N. has Just added an ob servation car to the equipment of trains 2 and 6 between Portland and The Dalles which will be a very welcome feature to sightseers along that most attractive por tion of the Columbia River trip. It leaves Portland daily at 8:30 A. M. and arrives at The Dalles at 11:80. Returning leaves The Dalles at 1:45 P. M. and ar rives at Portland at 6:16. Seats between Portland and The Dalles 50 cents; be tween Intermediate stations 25 cents. NAMES FOR BOARD Clubs Suggest Citizens to Revise Charter. Olympla Malt Extract, good for grmad ni or baby. Only 15-100 of 1 per cent alcohol. Phonos: Mala 671. A S4C7. CHANGES ALSO PROPOSED Ii. K. Rich Outlines Alterations That Will Be Submitted to Advisory Committee Already Appoint ed by Federated Clubs. The Peninsula clubs have decided to recommend the appointment of W. J. Peddicord, president of the University Park Board of Trade, and M. E. Thomp son, of Multnomah Addition, as mem bers of the charter-revision commis sion - Both are well-known and- pro gressive citizens. C. A. Bigrelow, presi dent of the East Side Business' Men's Club, has also submitted several names from that district for appointment. The Montavllla Board of Trade has taken similar action and the North East Side Improvement Association will ask for the appointment of M. G. Munly: Tuesday night the United East Side Clubs will hold Its regular meeting, whej It Is expected W. L. Boise will be asked to represent that federation. The federation has already appointed an advisory committee, to work inde pendent of the official commission, com posed of delegates from all sections of the( city. This advisory committee is composed of W. L. Boise, East Side Improvement Association; S. L. N. Gil man, Mount Tabor Club; C. A. Blgelow, East Side Business Men's Club; M. G. Munly, North East Side Improvement Association.; H. H. Newhall, business man; L. E. Rice Waverly-RIchmond; Henry S. Weatbrook. KenUworth Club; C. L. Dagrgett, North Alblna Improve ment Club; J. W. Campbell, Sellwood Board of Trad; C. H. Raffety, Water Board. This committee has been appointed since the last meeting of the federated club, and may. be revised at the meet ing next Tuesday night, after which a meeting of the committee will be called. L. E. Rich, who has been studying the needs of the East Side, has prepared some suggestions for submission to the advisory committee. They are as fol- low: Ulit-anf iMSlMW Ilbiv.iit!.ll1i First lAmendment authorizing the City Council to create an improvement district for the uniform improvement of all streets within that district. Second To create a district for the widening, opening and improvement - of necessary thoroughfares leading towards the business center and assess all property in proportion to the benefits to pay the cost of the improvement. ThirdAuthorizing the Council to open up the necessary streets to the river where bridges or ferries may be located and to pay the cost of opening out of the general fund. Fourth Amendment to the charter re quiring the city to take over and maintain all streets once Improved by the abutting property with a concrete bale and hard surface dressing. Fifth Amendment requiring 80 per cent of the property In an improved district to remonstrate out a proposed Improvement. 6lxth Amendment requiring all under ground utilities to be put in and connected to the property line before the pavement of the street Is put down. Seventh Amendment to the charter authorizing the issue of and sale of $500. 000 of 40-year bonds, the proceeds to be used In the purchase of grounds for large parks and park blocks for children's play grounds on the East Side of the river. Eighth Amendment placing all parked streets In the hands of the Park Foard and assess the abutting propeity to pay for the cost of the same. A large number of special invitations has been Issued to prominent citizens to attend themeeting of the United East Side Push Clubs tomorrow night In the rooms of the Sargent Hotel, Grand and Hawthorne avenues. Among; those Invited are Mayor Lane, City At torney Kavanaugh, City Engineer Tay lor and Auditor Barbur. At that time charter amendments will be discussed. De Caprio's Band at the City Park , Fine Programme DeHirhta Larire Crowd That Sbo rs It Apprecia tionNew Composition t7 Popu lar Band Leader Makes Hit. POR his third band concert In the City Park yesterday. Signer De Caprio chose as his principal offerings the over ture to Weber's "Oberon," the grand se lection from the "Meflstofele" of Boito, the Bridal Chorus from "Lohengrin" and a selection from Verdi's "Rigoletto." A new composition by Signor De Caprio called "Poema Symphonic" proved to be one of the most pleasing musical nurrw bers yet produced by the popular band-; master. - It possesses a . melody of much' delicacy and originality, and its admir able harmonies were ably brought out at' yesterday's concert- Its reception by the' large audience was enthusiastic in the extreme and should be a' source of grat ification to the composer.. The quartet from "Rigoletto" and the; Bridal Chorus from "Lohengrin" were! rendered In a way to please the lover of, music of the highest class. Batiste's! ''Pilgrim's Song of Hope" was a number! that by Its lyrical qualtty instantly won! the approval of the concert's patrons.! The programme closed with a march.! "Colonel Stuart," (Welden). The programme: " March. "Marionett", .. . .Oounodi Overture, "Oberor." ' Weberj "Pilgrim's Song of Hote" Batiste "Dance of the Hours" Ponchinello! Grand selection, "Meflstofele" ...Boito' Intermission. "Poema Sympbonico" (new) a...De Caprtoi Quartet from "Rigoletto" Verdi' Baritone solo, "Preghlera" Costlf Signor De Caprio. j Bridal Chorus from "Lohengrin". .Wagner I March, "Colonel Stuart" F. Weldoa1 A. De Caprio, director. The Star Brewery's famous Hop Gold beer Is unexcelled In all respects and la highly recommended for Its strength and health-giving qualities. Orders for bot tled beer receive prompt attention. Phone East 46. Home phone B 114s. 2SI WASHINGTON STi PORTLAND ORteoru ' ma Ken OF MENS CLOTHES