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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
155 this aioKiaatix cmisttuisjLajr, thttksjda, ovtober 26, 1905. ARMY POSTS AMD PATENTS SUBJECTS TO COME BEFORE THE XATIOXAIt W. C. T. TJ. Officers Said to Have Monopolized Exchanges, and Medicines Are Too Largely Alcoholic. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct 23. Two sub jects of consequence are slated for dis cussion and possibly radical action by the National Convention of the. Women's Christian Temperance Union, -which con venes In this city Friday nexL These are the questions of the -ale of patent medicines containing: a high percentage of alcohol, and the matter of the alleged misuse of the "post exchanges" the name of army post substitutes for the can teen. In the opinion of several leading women among the delegates the post exchange has not proved the success that was hoped for or Intended. It Is charged that at many Army posts the officers have ap propriated the post exchange as a sort of officers' club, to the exclusion of the common soldier, causing dissatisfaction among the rank and file and producing wholly unsatisfactory conditions. The post exchange was originally urged by the Women's Christian Temperance I'nion as a substitute for the canteen, and a place where the common soldiers might secure recreation and amusement without the objectionable features of the canteen. Sirs. Ella M. Thatcher, national sup printendent of the work among soldiers .s here to bring the matter before the convention and present resolutions call ing for some radical action. Mrs. Martha M. Allen, superintendent cf the non-narcotic department, will lead the fltrht against the alcoholic patent medicines. The delegates are spending the time preliminary to the opening of the convention In visiting the various points of interest In and about Los An geles. Cracksmen's Labor Lost. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct 25. The big safe in Stephens Bros', general merchan dise store at Murphys, seven miles east of here, was blown open by cracksmen last night, but the.. robbers got nothing for their trouble as there was no coin in the safe. Aged Woman Sent to Asylum. EUGENE, Or., Oct. 25. (Special.) Mrs. Sarah McKinney was sent to the asylum on commitment today. She Is 78 years old and a widow, and has been in feeble condition mentally for the past three years. Official, realistic snap-shots of the Exposition, published In "Glimpses." by Laird & Lee. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Oct. 25. Maximum tempera ture, 57 deg.; minimum, 49. River reading at 11 A. M., 3 feet; change In past 24 hours, rise, 2.5 feet. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P M., 0.09 of an Inch; total since Septem ber 1, 1905, 7.02 Inches; normal, -1.85 Inches; excess, 2.C7 Inches. Total sunshine October 24. none; possible. 10 hours and 29 minutes. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. 2r i 51 IB to fa Wind. STATIONS. Baker City'.. Bismarck. ... Boise Eureka Helena. ...... Kamloops, B HSI0.30I 8!NW . 170 T 10IW . 102 T I 4NW !G40.00I 4NW .132 1 T 10 W .t50 0.00.. .152 0.00) 8;XW .16410.00 SlSE .15710.011 4,'W . f7G!0.00.. !5Si0.34! 4lNW . 17010.001 6'NW ICC 0.001 4 IN -t70O.00l22IW !54iO.00ll0ISW .'54(0.001 4!NW .15410.00 8l8W I500.08i 4 S ICloudy N-Jiear ICloudy tClbudy u-ioudy C. Lt't. Cldy. iorth Head. . . . Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento. . . . Salt Lake City. San Francisco. . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island. "Walla Walla Clear Cloudy rt- Cldr. Cloudy Cloudv (Clear ICloudy ICIear ICloudy IPL Cldy. (Clear IPL Cldy. T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure has risen rapidly over the North Pacific States during the last 24 hours and rain which fell last night and early this morning In Western 'Oregon and Western Washington has been followed by clearing and cooler weather and the Indications now are for continued fair weather Thursday and possibly Friday -with frosty mornings. Rain Is indicated for Thursday In Southern Idaho and clearing weather In "Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight. October 20: Portland and vicinity Fair with light frost In early morning. Northwesterly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair with light frost In interior In early morning. Northerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Fair. Southern Idaho Rain followed by fair and cooler weather during the afternoon or night. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. CLASS 1FIEDAD. RATES. "Booms," "Rooms and Board." "Honse keeplng Booms," "Situations Wanted," 15 tvords or less. 15 cents j 10 to 20 words, 20 cents) 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER. ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or least 10 to 20 word, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 5S cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; bo further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" gauge measure agate), IS cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cent per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregoman, and left at this office, should always be inclosed la sealed envelopes. No stamp is required en such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T.- Wilson, at 474 E. Washington eU. at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At the Portland auction-room, 11 First et. Sale at 2 P. M. C. L. Ford, auctioneer. At Gilman's Auction Rooms, 413 Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. L. N. Gllman, auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park streets. Sale at 10 o'clock. George Bak er & Co., auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODE. NO. 114. A. T. & A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) e-enlng, 7:30 o'clock. Work In M. M. degree. All SI. Ma sons invited. B. S. PAGUE. Sec OREGON COMMANDERY. NO. 1. K. T. Special conclave this evening at S o'clock. Order of the Temple. Visiting Sir Knlchta courteously Invited. W. S. MACRUM. Recorder. WEBFOOT CAMP. NO. C5. W. O. W. All members are requested to attend the funeral of our late neighbor, R. C. Warner, to bo held at Flnley's chapel at 8 o'clock P. M. today W. T. WOODWARD, C. C. A L. BARBUR. Clerk. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 27. meets Friday night Everj' member Is expected to be present as business of great Importance will come before you. Good speakers will be there and refreshments will be served. Come and bring an application of a new member. By order C. T. SPOONER. Attest: Master Workman. T H FEAREY, Recorder. $8 HOTEL Fifth tnd Washing ton Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Kooas, fl.M to 53.00 Per Day According to Localism. 9. JT. DA VIES, Pre.. St. Charles Hotel CO. OXCORPORATED.l FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS -PORTLAND, OREGON EsropcsB Plan Roshbs 75c to $2.00 FIrst-CIaxs RctaHra.nt In Connection I The ESMOND HOTEL I OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager ; Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON tree bus to and : Rates ""Sgj 75c I HOTEL OREGON I CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STS. I I Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up. J European Plan Free Bus. I WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. I DIED. DUNCAN In San Francisco, October 22. 1905, John W. Duncan, aged 29 years. OVERHOLTZER Died at her home In Ti- gardvllle, Oct. 24. Mm. Nellie Frewlng Ov- erholtzer, aged 31 years. COOK In this city. October 24. 1005. James Francis, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cook, 211 Killlngsworth avenue. Funeral announcement later. BLACK In this city, October 25. 1905, at the residence of her parents, corner Davis and Grand avenue. Elsie E. Black, aged 10 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. JOHNSTON In this city, October 25. 1005, at the family residence, 545 Pettygrove street. Edith Johnston, aged 18 years. 8 months and 4 days. Funeral notice here after. FUNERAL NOTICES. OVERHOLTZER Mrs. Nellie Frewlng Over holtxer. services at . Evangelical churcn. at 1 P. M.. Oct. 26. Interment Crescent Grove Cemetery. Friends Invited. WAGNER In this city. October 24. 1905, Louise H. Wagner, wife of Henry Wagner. Funeral Friday. October 27, 1905. at 2 o'clock P. M-. from the r ft! dene. 01 North 18th et. Services at the grave private. WARNER The funeral of the late Ralph C. Warner will take place .today at 3 P. M. In the chapel of J. P. FInley & Son. 3d and Madison. Interment at Lone Fir. Friends and acquaintances respectfully in vited to attend. WARNER Friends and acquaintances are repectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of Ralph C. Warner, which will be held at Flnley's chapel at 3 P. M. to day. Interment, Lone Fir Cemetery. BEDELL Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of Al Bedell, which will be held at Flnley's chapel at 2 P. M. today. In terment. Lone Fir Cemetery. DUNNING. M'ENTKE & GTLBAUGH, Suc cessors to Dunning tt Campion, undertakers and emb aimers; modern in every detail; 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers nnd embalmers, bare moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Ladj- assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady asklstant. Telephone Net. 9. , F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 53. ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. Undertakers. Em balmers. 273 Russell; East 1088. Lady ass't. NEW TODAT. Butter Lower! Best creamery noc Good creamery r.OGXTin Dairy buttr .- 40045c rrcsn rancn eggs........... 30e Storage eggs 25c Best sugar-cured hams Hr Breakfast bacon 15c Full cream cheese. 2 pqunds 35C Swiss cheese........ 23c Cream brick 20c Wisconsin llmburger. each 35c Java & Mocha coffee 25 30c au gooas retailed at wholesale prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY 264 Yamhill Street. HOVER The new town up the Columbia, on the new N. P. R. It, needs a general mer- chnnniftA slnrp hmvlvorft etn-A . market. Town building fast. Concessions iu me jjsi man. a great c nance, .tor particulars, call or write HOVER LAND CO.. Hover. Benton County, Wash., or our branch office. 122M 6th. cor. 6th and Washington sts., Portland. FOR SALE A modern-built house with all the latest Improvements, furnace, cement walks, fancy Iron railings, nice (lawn, etc.; no Incum brance. Apply to owner. GEORGE BAKER, Alder and Park. Tillamook 60x100, new 7-room house, modern, stone walks, very central; p worth ?3CK; genuine i nrnpr snap at 526001 win VyVi JHoi over 10 per cent. F. O. NORTHRUP & CO. . 211 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. 2 Fine Purchases 100x1 00 on cor. 16th and GUsan. cheap, and 100x110 on Washington, near King U DONALD MACLEOD, 46 Concord Blk.. 2d and Stark. BUNGALOW GLADE Contractors have Just commenced laylng cement walk. Parties should visit trait and select lot. One block from Hawthorne-ave. car line. 12 minutes; 50x100. $450; on terms. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. 222 Falling Bldg. MUST BE SOLD All of block 120. or In single lots, consist ing of 6 lots, between E. 7th and Sth sts. and Tillamook. Cement sidewalks, sewers, streets Improved, at a sacrifice. D 8. care Oregonlan. GEO BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block Phone Clay 22C. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STUDIO. Special care with children. Parlors 8 and 10. 342 H Washington St. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON FIrit-Cla?i Qwk X tin rant Connected "With Hotel. C. O. DAVIS, Sec and Trea. Irom all trains to $3.00 Per Day j AMUSEMENTS. Harquam Grand Theater ONLY THREE MORE PERFORMANCES TONIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK Friday Night and Saturday Matinee Klaw & Ertangers Stupendous Production Gen. Lew Wallace's Great Drama Ben Hur Although the sale has been very large, good seats may be had at 50c, 75c, SI.00. M.30, $2.00 and $2.50 Seats now selling for the entire engagement. BELASC0 EEUSCO & HATER mrs Tile;h9siHila31t Fourteenth and Washington Streets. E, 0. P8ICE, Ctnsrti Hp. E. L SiCItlT. Ktsldul Sr. BEGINNING TONIGHT AT 8:15, W HITE TKIKD SEEK HITTLESEY With the BELASCO THEATER STOCK CO.. In OTIS SKINNER'S DELIGHTFUL COMEDY "PRINCE OTTO" From Robert Louis Stevenson's Romance. Evgs.. 25c to 73c; Mats. SaL. San., 25c to 50c. Next Week WHITE WHITTLESEY In .THE MANXMAN." by Hali i CalpeT BakerTIleatercT"!':;.cm Phone Main 1007. Home of Musical Burlesque. YAMHILL AND THIRD STREETS. Tonight, Tomorrow Night. Saturday Matinee. Last Three Time. No Performance Saturday Night. Presenting Burlesque Extravaganza and an ALL-STAR VAUDEVILLE BILL. THE JOLLY GRASS WIDOWS . PRICES Evening. 25c. 35c. COc. 75c; Sat urday matinees. 15c. 25c, 35c, 50c: Wednes day matinee. 25c to any swat. Next Week "Washington Society Girls." Empire Theater TrrtHth'ta Ksrritai rttoi Mala 117 PORTLAND'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. Every Night Thlr Week at S:15. Regular Matinee Saturday, 2:15 P. M. BERNICE HOWARD In M. W. Taylor's Big Scenic Production of the Stirring Society Melodrama, Why Women Sin PRICES Evening. 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c: matlaec. 10c, 15c and 25c. Next Attraction "Dora Thorne." THE GRAND Thoman Meegan & Co. . Madame Wanda's Educated Coach Dogs. x The Malcoms. Skantlnelli. Weston True. Fred Purinton. The tJrandlftcope. " General admission 10c; evening. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 20c Dally matinees, entire lower floor. 10c; box seats, 25c. THE STAR The Fredericks Family. The McDonald Trio. Lola Fawn. Leonard & Bernard. Billy Durant. Winifred Lemar. The Staro scope. General admission. 10c; evenings. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats 'on lower floor, 20c; dally matinees, entire lower floor, 10c; box seats, 25c. LIBERTY THEATER Fourth ana stark. Management of Keating & Flood. Handsomest Vaudeville Theater on the Coast WILL OPEN MONDAY, October 31 Watch for Grand Onenlnjr Programme. Polite Vaudeville and Best Acts Only. THE POPULAR LECTURER Mr. Barry Bulkley OF WASIONGTON. D. C. Will deliver bis celebrated illustrated talk up on "The Yellowstone National Park." assisted by Mrs; Rose Blocti-Bauer. Mrs. Walter Reed. Miss Ethel Shea. Mr. Dom J. Zan. Pronounced by eminent critics "The Lecture Hit" of the year. Delivered at the St. Louis Exposition and during the entire period of the Lewis and Clark Exposition by invitation of the United States Government. Illustrated by over 100 beautiful views. Marquam Grand Opera-House. Saturday evening. October 28. at 8:15. By special request Mr. Bulkley will deliver during his forthcoming tour of the East and Middle West his lecture upon "Portland the City of Roses." Tickets. $1.00. For sale at Portland Cigar Stand. Portland Drug Store, Woodard, Clarke & Co. Under the personal direction and supervision of Armat Stoddart NEW TODAY. A NICE HOME On account of departure from the city. Mr. Dave Houston has Instructed us to sell his beautiful home. S. W. cor. E. 12th and E. Davis. For further particulars see us. , MALL & VON BORSTEL 383 East Burnalde Street- NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE erer. exchanged; diamonds, precious stones loose and mounted: watches. Jewelry re paired. Uncle Myers, Jeweler. 143 3d-Ader. FOR SALE-CHOICE QUARTER BLOCK OR ingle lot. 25th and Xortnrup. easy terms. C w. raiiett. 304 Fenton bldg. rOU SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PORT land or Oregon property, "property In Se- aiue. For sale ID-acre place close to R. R.; gooa Duiidines. For sale Fine farm near Hubbard. Or., 06 acres. For sale Beautiful 5-acre home close to Hubbard. Or., a beauty. For rale Residence property In Salem. Or. For any. of the above address. C. M- CRITTENDEN. Hubbard. Or. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as i speclaltr. within citr limits or outslle. Some acres with ternve as lew a $10 per montn with water. A. C. Churchill & Co.. "inc." 110 2d at. . . i DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. We have for sale cheap, acres and balf acres In city llxnlta that we can sell you on the Instalment plan, small amount down and your own time to pay the balance; nice and sightly and will positively double In price In 6 months. Main 156. room 125. Ablng- ton bldg. HOUSE 10 ROOMS NEW AND ABSO- iutely up to date: elegantly finished throughout; situated, on two lots. In best portion or Wwt Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Main 555. or call 100 Sherlock Mdg. WILLAMETTE. Beautifully situated this side of University, on car line. Lots $200 each; $10 cash and S3 per month. American Investment Co.. 222 Falling bldg.. or Zygouskl, branch of fice. Willamette Station. STATE LANDS FOR SALE. The State of Oregon hoe for sale a limited amount of bate for lieu selections. Price un til further notice J8 per acre. For particu lars aaareu Oswald West. State Land Agent. Salem. Or. I WILL SELL A 2-STORY BRICK. FINELY located, on 50-foot lot. First street, paying nearly 9 per cent on good leases for $21,000: in u months this will be worth 330.0W). 211 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE OWNER IN town for few days only, choice Eat Side res ilience property. lot liwiiw. good s-room reeiuence. see owner, room 36. Hotel Lange. $2300 LOVELY CORNER LOT AND LARGE nve-room cottage In fine residence district, near In. on East Side: $900 cash, balance easy terms. Call 234 East 16th, cor. Main. FOR SALE TWO LOTS WITH A THREE atory building, on 23th et.. at head of Up- rour iu; a Bargain It taken at once. U ruber, 617 Commercial block. $SO0 COZY LITTLE HOME, CLOSE IN. near car line; plenty fruit; only $100 cash, balance $10 monthly. US Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. GOOD 3 room cottage In North Irvlngton. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. 6ELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND $3.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Sellwood Townslte Co. Phone East 4704. 4 FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAGE; SMALL payment aown. per raomn. inquire room 003 Fenton bids.. 84 6th at. 11-ROOM HOUSE AND LARGE LOT AT Montavllla; will rIl cheap If taken this month. Inquire 307 Alder. $25,000 FINE THREE-STORY BRICK AND .stone building 100x100 feet, corner. F. Abraham. 43 H 1st st. Houses built on easy payment; lots furnished If desired. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1940. HALF LOT IMPROVED ON NORTH 7TH St.. cheap. F. Abraham. 43U 1st su FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE FINE 354-ACRE VALLEY farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 160 In cultivation, balance nearly level, partly cleared and In grass; good buildings, fences and orchard: some beaverdam; about 1500 cords fir and ash timber; electric light and telephone; cloe to rail, churches and schools: 26 milts to Portland: $45 per acre, or will cell part; terms. B 75. Oregonlan. FRED GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST opened to settlement; leTel valley land; no rtone or Umber: water and soil first-class. Room C6, Labbe bldg.. cor. 2d and Waits. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. HOT AND cold running water In each room, furnace heat; rent reasonable; by the day or month. 207 14th sL Phone Main 1153. SEVENTY ACRES. FRJCE $21008 ACRE3 cleared, houee and outbuildings. 8 miles north of Exposition cn good county road; terms. Write E 58. Oregonlan. A 20-ACRE FARM ALL IN CULTIVATION; 8 xnues zrom c ti.. x mue irons u. w P. &. Ry. Co.. $2750; terms to suit. Jno. P. Sharkey. 701 C of C ICO ACRES FOR SALE OR TRADE AT BUX toh on new railroad Nebalem). O 11. Ore gonlan. TO EXCHANGE. HOTEL. -COMPLETELY FURNISHED AND In operation, feed stable and three lots In thriving country town, valued at $40uO; would exchange for city property or farm lands; owner going East. Inquire B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder aU WILL TRADE WELL-LOCATED HOME stead or timber claim relinquishment for good furniture of cottage or small flat. N 12. Oregonlan. WILL EXCHANGE GUARANTEED 6 PER cent net gold bonds lor improved city prop erty: Investigate this now. Porter. Box .441. CALIFORNIA ORANGE GROVES Ex changed for Eastern property. F. M. Simp Ma & Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE KNOW OF ABOUT 100 FINE TIMBER cuiiua ur uuuiaHcnua iiwi twve occzx over looked, close to tidewater. Full particulars. H. Hcnker. 127Ji 7th at. - 4 SO ACRES. PACIFIC COUNTY. WASHING- ton; bargain lor quicK sale. E 2, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. NOTICE. Persona having property for aale or rent will please call on or address Campbell & McMillan. 275 5th St., Portland. Phone Pa cific 534. FOK SALE LAND HCKIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN- leed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Stearns bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles Etc. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE- hlcles by the day, wesk or month: harness, saddles and 200 new and second-band rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson tt Casst day. 211 Washington St. WANTED: HORSES TO PASTURE LARGE commfidioua earn tor protection against Inclement weather. Beet pasturage In the county; rate reasonable. Call Main 4560. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY cess houses. 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or exchange. Hubert & Hall. 266 Fourth. Miscellaneous. $3 MATTRESSES $1; BLANKETS. QUILTS, spreads, sheets, pillow, chair, etc., all new goods, cheap. Sale every afternoon this week. Forestry Inn. 25th and Upshur st. FINE BOOTH FOR SALE MANUFACTUR- ers" Duiiaing. Exposition. Chamberlain Weather Strip Company. Inquire phone Mala 6038. FOR SALS APPLE TREES. LARGE stock yellow Newton and Spltzenbergs. Ad dress Mllwaukle Nurseries. Mllwaukle. Or. SAFES 2 NEW FIREPROOF SAFES (NOT oi our manuiacturej very cneap; a secona band safes. Portland Safe Co.. 70 6th at. HUNTERS A FINE POINTER PGP. 8 months old, for sale cheap. M. H. Schmeer, 594 Madison; phone 404S. FOR SALE SCHOLARSHIP OF BEHNKE Walker Business College; will make dls . count. F 13. Oregonlan. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE ' set tinner's tools and machines. Addreu Box 137. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 12-IL P. WEBER GASOLINE engine; Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK7 Cover It qrlth Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy 10 iay; neecs no painting or coating: good over old Iron, tin or shincles: for new roofs there is nothing better; guaranteed; Mat!c roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Ham ilton Dldg. EDISON PHONOGRAPH & RECORDS. AT raciory prices, delivered free anywhere on receipt of full amount of retail price: largest eiocK oi .bxiison records west or tne KocKies. Send for circulars. Peter BacairaluoL whole sale and retail. 7go Mission st.. San Fran cisco. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND oiiiiara ana pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod- ar tuiurra; cneap prices. iirunswiCK' Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. A $300 SET OF J. C DEAGAN ALUMINUM chimes for sale. $100. Seth J. Story, 351 Washington st.. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM' berof Commerce, or phone Main 2363, HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE FOUR FIRST-CLASS coatmakers, three to work by piece work and one to work by week at $24 per week; first-class union bill wages paid for piece work. Others than flrst-clai workmen need nnt apply. Louis D'Elia & Co.. tailors. Se- ame. waan. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 3 days; consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our avmntom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sis., entrance 253 Aider st.. Portland. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO EARN $5 day. after two months Instruction, position guaranteed; special tuition half price, few days only. Coyne Bros. Co.. Plumbing scnoou. jiew York. Cincinnati. O., St. Louis, Mo. (Free catalogue.) ADVERTISING SOLICITORS LIBERAL commission; newspapers, magazines, pro grammes: fraternal publications, religious porioaicais. twa unamoer or Commerce. graving. Jewelers' wk; only prac school for jcMcicia, iuuhcj maae tearn g. watcnmxg Engrav. School. P. I. bldg.. Seattle. NONUNION PRINTERS WANTED TO BE ware of misleading advertisements for help. For Information address DeYarmond. secre tary Multnomah Union. Portland. A. MAX WHO HAS ASSOCIATED WITH tramps or hoboes In Oregon. Idaho and Washington, to assist author In writing oook on suoject. u 4. oregonlan. SEVERAL EXPERT PENMEN. COMPE tent to do lettering and fine scrip work. Apply at once with specimens of skill. Good wases. Room 3. 66 6th st. practice: expert Instructions. Write for irnw, uiiiman-s uouege. tc, day st.. s. r. California Wine llranl' honrfnitartam ViVsra cooks, waiters, bartender. All wines 3c per grass, i-. irati. us 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR men s rastoc clothing, old shoes, trunks. Uncle Joe. 5o 3d. nr. Pine. Phone Pacific 40. WANTED SOLICITORS, $3 TO $5 PER DAY, salary or commission. Call or write W. R. Taylor & Co.. room S, Labbe bldg.. Portland. COMPETENT KOOKKEEPER AND CASH ler. $100 month; best of references. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. SALESMAN. WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE OF music; country work; salary or commis sion. Address M 13, Oregonlan. 50 BOLT-CUTTERS WANTED. APPLY AT western Cooperage Co.. room 306, Steams Diug.. otn and Morrison sts. LADIES' TAILOR. FIRST-CLASS COAT maker. at once. Address Anderson. Blom qulst & Co.. Boise. Idaho. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big wagea to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING SALES man; .rood references; salary $140 per mo. Morrison, room 11. AN ALL-ROUND MILLMAN WOULD LIKE a Job. D. C. Johnson. 2339 X. Waterloo at.. i'nnaaeipnia. i'a. WANTED CASHIER FOR A RESTAURANT. pay you $25 weekly, $300 required. Call .-iBVi btarx st. YOUNO MAN SPEAKING GERMAN. French and English desires Inside work. Y 0. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN Address G. M. Campbell, 320 James sU, Se attle, asn. PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED MUST BE A good aristo printer and retoucher. 801 De- kum bldg. WANTED A MACHINIST FOR SMALL work. For personal Interview. L 12. Ore gonlan. $S5 PERMANENT SALARY to reliable men In outside towns. H. Henker. room 5. 127H 7th. WANTED BARBER WANTED TO OPEN UP shop at 2S9 Alder. Some fixtures for sale. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR br trade: some money required. 260 1st st. WANTED TWO GOOD MACHINISTS. AP ply to Douglas Bros.. Aberdeen. Wash. WANTED BOY WITH BICYCLE AT HEI lers Millinery. 3S0 Washington. OFFICE BOY WANTED. ABOUT 15 YEARS of age. Y 12. Oregonlan. WANTED APPRENTICE FOR BLACK smith shop. 42S E. Burnslde. WANTED GOOD. STRONG BOY. ABOUT 18. 324 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED BOY WITH Washington st. BICYCLE. 594 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. Wanted Young people to fit themselves for bookkeepers and stenographers; our gradu ates are all employed; will place you .when competent: $12,000 equipment; teachers spe cialists; reputation the best; day and night. Behnke-Walker Business College. 6th-Morr. WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO take our bookkeeping and shorthand courses that we may be able to fill the applications for office help; we placed over 500 students In positions Isst year. Holmes Business Col lege. 29-3L T. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED SINGERS. NOVELTY ACTS, dramatic people, musicians, etc Offices 32 and 33. 350 H Morrison st. WANTED TO CHECK BAGGAGE WITH someone going to Kansas City soon. A 13. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESSES (TWO TOGETHER HOTEL). ramily help, cook (carl $2: hotel waiter, baker. Drake's. 205 Vi Washington. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work in pat; two in tamiiy; call mornings. 25S 12th st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO 3th, st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply 811 Kearney. Phone Mala 2665. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 375 Hoyt st.. cor. 18th. DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF women and surgery. 3d floor, AlUky bldg. WOMAN TO COOK FOR SMALL CAMP. Eastern Oregon; tree rare. ZTO uurnside st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- wora. APPiy r-ast oin sx. .onn. DRESSMAKER WANTS EXPERIENCED skirt hand. Apply 420 Tillamook st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SLEEVE AND waist help. TeesJale. 516 Marauam. GERMAN OR SWEDISH WOMAN FOR general housework. 461 Rodney ave. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK In small family, lbti ;sorth loth st. WANTED GIRL FOR. GENERAL HOUSE- woric n ai svo tasaingion sc. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK 84 N. 17th st. Apply forenoon only. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 662 YOUNG GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK IN rfmaii tamiiy. -ioift stn st. WANTED A COOK. GERMAN OR POLISH. S9H N. 7th st. M. Foster. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL neuseworK. lm .-s. mh st. WANTED APPRENTICE AT PARIS HAIR HUXP WANTED FEMALE. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY: MA ternlty cases given special atentlon. private hospital accommodation; professional lady nurses In attendance. Consultation free. X-Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder, entrance 252 Alder at.. Port land. WANTED WOMAN FOR STENOGRAPHER and general office work; one understanding cooKkeeping prererred. $25 per month, board and lodging. Call bet. 4 and 5. at 305 Jef ferson st. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS and domestics of all kinds, city and coun try. Set our" new addressi. Canadian Par lors. 2214 Morrison. Main 1323. LADIES WHO ARE COMPETENT TO TEACH embroidery; permanent, remunerative posi tion. Address for particulars, Ths Needle Craft Shop, 207 Allsky bldg. NOTICE WE HAVE MOVED OUR WOM an's department and branch office from 22QV& Morrison across the street to 221ft Morrison st.. room 10. Main 1323. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER AND CASH ler, young woman, wants position; best ref erences. Phone Dr. Brougher. the White Temple. Main 1702. FIRST-CLASS SKIRT-MAKER. APPLY Mrs. R. O. GUliland. 34 N. 16th st. Phone Main 2300. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPP. 3 sentatlvea In Portland and throughout stata; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED GOOD GIRL TO DO COOKING and general housework. 2o4 N. 22d st.. cor. Kearney. Phone Main 6073. Calr mornings. WANTED , HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 2304 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL ifOUSE work. small family, good wages. Call 9 to 12. 702 Northrup St.. bet. 21st and 22d. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework and cooking. Apply morn ings. 834 Kearney St.. cor 23th. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: wages $25. 736 Kearney st., bet. 22d and 23d. Tel. Main 2S42. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 243H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2092. WOMAN. ENERGETIC. RELIABLE. TO take charge of Vlavl office. Call or ad dress room 23. Lewis bldg. WANTED GIRL FOR WAITING AND light housework: sleep home. Apply Im mediately. 147 W. Park st. . THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES the cervices of a young lady experienced In pyrographlc work. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, family of three. 128 14th st.. bet. Washing ton and Alder. AN EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. CITY references, wages $25. Apply S. E. cor. Cth and Jefferson. WANTED YOUNG APPRENTICE GIRL to learn tine walstmaklng. Morgan. 20S Allsky bldg. WANTED COMPETENT WAIST HANDS AT 427 Stark st. WANTED EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. 18H 7th st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION WANTED AS BILL INVOICE OR shipping clerk. 28 years old. total abstainer, quick and accurate at figures; thorough ex perience; rapid writer; references. Y 11. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER. STENOGRAPHER AND typewriter. 12 years In charge of office work, can put $1500 and services In busi ness. R 13. Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AS bookkeeper or clerk; can give good refer ence as to character and ability. K 12, Ore gonlan. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE YOUNG MAN wants position as cashier or clerk; can de posit $50 as security; best of references. P 11. Oregonlan. I AM A COMPETENT YOUNG LADY STEN ographer. with first-class references. I want a position. Address Box K 13. Oregonlan.' POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. Ex perienced In retail store, shoes preferred; beet of references. J 11. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION IN STORE. CITY OR country; young man with experience. E 12. Oregonlan. TYPEWRITING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY done. A 12. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE GENTLE BOY. WISHES SIT uation as schoolboy, who can't do cooking, but can do other work; speaks English. 245 Couch at. CHRISTIAN JAPANESE. HIGHLY EDU cated. who understands cooking, wishes po sition In family; recommendation. N 11. Oregonlan. WANTED SITUATION BY EXPKRIENCED man with plenty of help, to run lodging houpe on percentage or salary. Y 13, Ore gonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 26S Everett st. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OF flce furnishes all kinds reliable help. Henry Tahara. 267 N. Everett st. Phono Pacific 540. TOGO. THE JAPANESE HOUSE-CLEANING Co.. contractors of all kinds of help. Phono Paclflc 622. 82 N. 3d at. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wanta place to work for board and room. Q 81. care Oregonlan. STRONG. VIGILANT YOUNG MAN WISHES position asv night walctfman; understands boilers. Rll, Oregonlan. W ANTED POSITION AS HEAD WAITER or steward, city or country; good refer eno3. Y 10. Oregonlan. AN EXPERT PAPERHANGER AND PAINT er. Call up phone Black 1034; hangs tor 25 cents double roll. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION; ONLY housework In family. Name Frank Omura. A 11. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS GOOD PRIVATE family to do general housework. Address A 7, Oregonlan. YOUNG MARRIED MAN. HONEST AND ambitious, wants permanent work- J 8, Ore gonlan. YOljNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION of school boy In a family. O 10. Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION TO DO DAY work, any price. Phone Pacific 690. YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS WORK of any kind. B 10, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER. CASHIER OR general office work by young lady. 3 years' experience; references. Address V II. Oie gonlan. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER AND typewriter, wishes position; small wages to begin. Addres? P 13. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS stenographer; thoroughly qualified; several years' experience. P 12. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER WOULD LUCE POSITION or office work; reference. A 93. Orego nlan. or phone 4613. Housekeepers. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER by refined, middle-aged lady, with little 6-year-old girl; suburbs preferred. Phone East 2166. RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN desires situation. Housekeeper. widower's family, or couple. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WIDOW OF MIDDLE AGE WOULD nice position as nouseicceper. refined wid ower's family preferred. Address M 12. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WANTS POSITION as nousexeeper lor a respectable widower. Phone East 4258. Domestics. WANTED A POSITION IN A GERMAN family by a girl just over from Germany general bouseworker. Inquire 329 Front st Room E. SITUATION WANTED BY GIRL TO DO seconu worit or as casnier. Address D 13 Oregonlan. Dressmakers. WANTED COMPETENT DRESSMAKER &uu jewinK oy ine aay. f none i.a-it 2050. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER. BY THE SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED STRONG. CAFA ble girl, chambermaid; pastry cook; dish washer; kitchen helper. 2304 YamhlX Main 5413. SITUATIONS WANTED BY CAPABI H girl, waitress or chambermaid, private board Inghouse. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413 EXPERIENCED MASSACHUSETTS NORM al graduate desires private, pupila in lewer grade studies. Room 81. The Ojendora WANTED BY A THOROUGHLY EXPEP.I enced lady physician, a position In d -tors office. Address P 8. Oregonlan. TIN ANTED DOLLS TO DRESS; SATISFA0" tlon arsured: will call. Address I. Ke'ch um. general delivery. Portland. A LADY GOING TO LOS ANGELES WOULD assist Invalid or lady with children for her fare. Phone Main 4956. YOUNG LADY NVITH REFERENCES wishes place to work for board and atten l school. R 8. Oregonlan. HOME-LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS. Phone Scott 3846. Mrs. S. M. Scott, morr lngs and evenings. LADY WANTS POSITION AS CASHIER. Al references and bonds. Phone Black 1901 WANTED DAY WORK. WASHING IRON '"g. housecleanlng. etc. Pacific 436. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND FAN cy Ironing. Phor.e Main 3740. WANTED TO RENT. 4 OR 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. WITH yard, for very least rent that permanent tenant can get In Portland; give locaticn. answer quick. D 12. Oregonlan. WANTED 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN A t ?camy fo" housekeeping, by cou:: with baby. Johnson-Lteber Co.. merchan dise brokers. No. 1 First st. PARTIES LEAVING PORTLAND FOR WIN ter wishing to leave residence with trust worthy people write K 9. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS GOOD BOARD AND comfortable room In private family, north of TNashington. P. O. Box 473. THREE NICE SUNNY UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, private houc nca Ladd school. F 12. Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN EMPLOYED steady, board and room in private faznl ; . close In. P 10. Oregonlan. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite or flat in heated building; state price: Dermanent. P. O. Box 563. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS ckwe; references exchanged for personal I--tervlew. H 9, Oregonlan. T;OUNG LADY EMPLOYED WISHES ROOM with breakfast end dinner; state price. H 13. Oreronlan. WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED FLAT or cottage; state location and rent. A 93. Oregonlan. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Address G 99. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 317 I DESIRE TO PURCHASE A SECOND hand parlor billiard table, complete and now In use. Room 12. Hamilton. ' 1 WANTED EIGHT SECOND-HAND NATI1N al cosh registers; send description, pn.i. 15 N. 7th. St. Louis. WANTED TO ADOPT A GIRL. 12 TO '4. for companion and education. Apply 243 Fifth. ANYONE WISHING FOR A QUIET YOUNG lady as roommate write E 13. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. NEW. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM, large bay window, modern conveniences. In quire Dole, the Garland. 621 NVashlngt'in THE ANGELUS. 272 6TH ST. NEW. MOD ern. nicely furnished rooms: prices $10 It $15 per month; furnace heat, free baths TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.50 PER week; bath and telephone free, at 646 East 20th; take PowelI-t. car. Tel. East 1S75. PARTIES LOOKING FOR ROOMS WITH homelike surroundings call evenings 250"'. 6th et.. four blocks South Postofflce. VERY REASONABLE. NICELY FIR ntohed. all conveniences, walking distance. West Sldo; snap. Phor.? Main 1136. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS Heat, gas. phone; two blocks from Hotel Port land; rate reasonable. 364 Taylor. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOT AND COLD water, bath, gas and phone, reasonable 17f 12th. bet. Yamhill and Morrison. MODERN RESIDENCE. WALKING DIS tnnce. rooms $6 up month. Including bath and heat. 292 10th. near Jefferson. THE MAYFAIR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, new building, modern conveniences. 2984 Stark, cor. 5th. Main 2057. FOR RENT FKRNISHED ROOMS IN PRI vate family, everything first-class, walking distance. Call 3494 6th st. LARGE FRONT ROOM. BATH. GA? phone, furnace heat: beautifully furnish"!, reasonable. 2644 "th st. ROOMS SUITABLE FOR TWO. FOUR OI? six gentlemen or coupleti; a Lao single rooms, modern. 175 Fourteenth. FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR WITHOl T board, suitable for two. near O. R. & N shops. Phone East 4792. PLEASANT ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAM Hy, 34 blocks south Hotel Portland: every convenience. 218 6th st. LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for two or more persons, all conveni ences. 3S0 Alder st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED OUT slde rooms, very reasonable to steady room ers. Call at 72 7th st. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS SUITABLE for one or more gentlemen; private family; reasonable. 254 !2th. LARGE. LIGHT ROOMS. CLOSE IN. HEAT, gas. bath, board adjoining, reasonable. 262 14th. 3Ialn 3393. FRONT ROOM. 2 -WINDOWS. $2.50 PER week, furnace heat, private family, central. 391 Yamhill st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, bath. gas. phone: $6 per month. 548 Tay lor, near 17th. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. suuaoie tor two. .oiumoia; nice wailc- lng distance. ELEGANT NEW FRONT BAY-WINDOW parlors and single rooms; gas. bath, phone. 320 2d st. 163 17TH. COR. MORRISON VERY DESIRA ble rooms: steam heat, bath and gas. Phons Main 3199. THE ALDER. 435 ALDBR. NICELY FUR nlshed rooms, suitable for 1. 2 or 4; rates reasonable. THREE ELEGANT FRONT ROOMS. $12 month, bath, phone, gas. 5024 Washington, cor 16th. ALCOVE ROOM. ONE OR TWO GENTLE roen; also smaller room; 448 Taylor; conveni ences. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS IN fine private home. 1S1 14th st.. phone Main 2613. Hotel Tennessee, fronting City Hall and Plaza park. 4th & Madison; new. prices reasonable. Tfce dltman Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland; $1 per week up. 1st and Alder. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM with gas.- Inquire 10 E. Sth st.. North. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; GAS. bath, phone. 160 Park, near Morrison 755 IRVING ST.. COR 23D. ROOMS WITH heat, light, bath, $8. Phone Main 1677 CLIFTON. COR. 1ST AND COLUMBIA SIN gle -nd housekeeping rooms; reasonable. 387 TAYLOR NEWLY" FURNISHED ROOMS; no objection to light housekeeping. $3.00 PER MONTH-PLEASANT ROOM, quiet and central. 450 Yamhill. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMSi $9 per month, at 325 12th st. FINEST FURNISHED ROOMS IN CITY 470 Taylor St. FURNISHED ROOMS. 221 10TH ST COR. Salmon.