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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1905)
12 THE BIOlWUiSlT UltJSOrUIVTLaLtf, nHJJAX, AXJGrlST 18, 190o. ' ISK HERVY DAMAGES R. D. Hume Sued for Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand. Kl'NG OF CURRY COUNTY B. Burns and Wife Bring Actions for Alleged Malicious Prosecu tion and Other Causes They Enumerate. R. D. Hume, the millionaire Rogue River canner'man, ex-membor o the. Oregon Legislature, and frequently ppokon of as the King of Curry Coun ts', is the defendant in damage suits just filed In the State Circuit Court at Gold Beach by E. B. Burns and wife. The amount sought to be recovered is $12,500. Mr. Burns is a merchant at Gold Beach and is also engaged in the business of salmon packing and ship ping and owns extensive mining In terests. He alleges that for more than two years past Hume has been trying to run him out of business, and has committed many malicious and out rageous acts against him and wife. Hume has been located in Curry Coun ty, at a place called Wedderburn, ad joining Gold BeatJh, for 20 years, and Burns first appeared upon the scene nine years ago. Hume, had been run ning a large store, and Burns also opened a store and also became an opponent in the salmon canning busi uprs. Three comolalnts have been filed by Burns and his wife through Teazle & Freeman and Robert Burns as attor neys. Caused Burns' Arrest. In one suit against Hume, Burns sets forth as a cause of action that In October, 1903, Hume falsely and ma liciously caused his -arrest in the Jus tice Court at Gold Beach on a charge of anchoring the stern-wheel steamer Rogue River in the river bearing the same name.1 and placing obstructions in the river fronting the tide banks owned by Hume. This case was sub sequently dismissed by the court as malicious, and Burns wants Hume to pay him 525,000 In settlement. ' Mrs. Nellie F. Burns, wife of E. B. Burns has sued Hume for $50,000, be cause he caused her to be forcibly ejected from a building at Gold Beach used as a hotel and store building, in September, 1903. She avers that she was violently and brutally treated. Mr. Burns owned one-half of the build ing at this time, under a deed from Mrs. Fannie M. Kennedy, and had an option to purchase the other half from the owner, Mrs. J. D. Cooley. Ejected Burns nnd Wife. Hume bought from Mrs. Cooley, and also obtained a deed from Mrs. Ken nedy and then proceeded to put Burns, and also his stock of goods, out on the street, and compelled Mrs. Burns to go. Burns sued In the State Circuit Court, contending that some one had stolen the deed he obtained from Mrs. Kennedy, and that Mrs. Cooley could not refuse to carry out her option. He won both cases before Judge Hamilton, who held that Burns was entitled to all of the propertj" when he had pur chased Mrs. Cooley's Tralf. which he had authority to do. Burns aver.8 that he afterwards bought a piece of ground from Mrs. Blake and erected a store building. Hume set claim to this land and erected a barbed wire fence around the building. Burns again ap pealed to th court and once more, he alleges, defeated Hume, and for the troubles and loss to which he was put, he asks $50,000 recompense. This, added to the other two claims, makes an aggregate of $125,000. Sue to Recover Commissions. "TV. H. Grlndstaff and George D. Schalk, real estate agents, yesterday filed suit In the State Circuit Court against Merchants' Investment & Trust Company for $1750 commission for finding a purchaser for lot S. block 175, at the southeast corner of Sixth and Stark streets. The property was sold to Irone G. Gordon, August 1, for $SO,O00. The plaintiffs aver that they were employed on July 6 last to find a buyer for the property, and did so In the person of Irene G. Gordon, who was rep resented by her husband, Phil K. Gordon, as agent. Grlndstaff & Sohalk further allege that they were the primary, effi cient and procuring cause of the sale of the lot. AVife Tells of Cruelty. According to the tale related by Mario Miller, in her complaint against Thomas sillier, a teamster, for a divorce, he is a proper subject for the whipping-post. She alleges that he has frequently beaten her with bis clencned fists, blackening her eyes, and otherwise Inflicted serious In juries upon her. Ho followed her on the street when she had started to go to her dally work, and vilified and attacked her, and she was compelled to have him arrested. Mrs. Miller further asserts that she Is in great fear of her life at the hands of her husband. They were mar ried In -Portland, August 9, 1904. She asks that her maiden nameBoese be restored to her. Asks Stay of Execution. A motion for a stay of execution In the case of Otto Klein vs. the Southern Pa cific Railroad Company was argued yes terday morning before Judge Gilbert, in the Circuit Court. In the motion for set ting aside the execution, the defendant company alleges that by not having the motion set he has waived his claim. Klein was plaintiff in an action against the rail road company to recover damages for in juries sustained between Portland and San Francisco, and was awarded judgment for fSOOO. Judge Gilbert will render an opln Ion in the case Saturday. Will Be Arraigned August 21. John F. Shorey, manager of the City Messenger Company, charged, under the child-labor act, with employing Fred L Wagenblast, a boy, 15 years old, at un lawful hours, will be arraigned in the State Circuit Court on August 21. Mr, Shorey was not required to furnish bail Cor his appearance. Seeks to Recover on a Note. T. R. Sheridan yesterday commenced suit against the Pacific Regalia Company and 'Paul Pferdner. in the State Circuit Court, to recover $700 on a note. Hillsboro and Tillamook Roads. Progress on the new P. N. & T. railway Is progressing very satisfactorUy. according to the report of Edward Rec ords, president of the Atlas Contract & Construction Company, of San Francisco, which holds the contract for the line. Mr. Kecords has just returned from Hillsboro. where he went to sublet the contract for the second ten miles of the line. The first 20 miles of the line must be completed by the end of November to fulfill the condi tions of the contract, but. according to Mr. Records, this portion of the line will be finished before that date. No attempt to extend tbo line beyond Clean-Up Sale Remnants take up shelf-room. We need the space and have . determined to free the stock of all short ends and remnants that have accumulated during the Summer. We will secure quick results by cutting prices on all ' short ends to the lowest point, starting this morning. If you need a mat, a rug, or a small room of carpet or matting, this is your opportu nity. Every value is a very special value. J. G. MACK &CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET Exclusive Carpet House PHIL METSCIIAX, Pre. Seventh and "VVanblncton European Plan the first 20 miles will be made this Pall, but work will be recommencod early In the-Spring In March, If the weather will permlL The last SO miles are, for the most part, through very rough country, but a large force of men will be kopt at work, and the line completed as soon as possible. The contractor expects to have the work done bofore the close of next year. CLARENCE EDDY TONIGHT Closing Concert at Trinity This Evening Mrs. Norton, Soloist. Don't overlook It. This evening at 8:15. Second and last rocltal of Clar ence Eddy, the world's greatest organ ist, on Trinity s fine new organ. A limited number of tickets for sale at J. K. Gill's, Woodard, Clarke & Co., and Ellers Piano HouHe. LOW EXCURSION RATES EAST. On August 24. 25. and September 16. 17. the Great Northern Railway will sell ex cursion tickets to Chicago and return, rTLSO: St. Louis and return. 567.50; SL Paul. Minneapolis and Duluth and return. $60.00. tickets good lor going passage ior ten days; final return limit, JK) days; good go ing via ureat isonnern jruuiway. return lnrr same or any direct route: stop-overs allowed going and returning. For ucKcts ana aaaiuonai lmormation call on or address H. Dickson, C P. & T. A., Great Northern Railway, 122 Third street, roruano. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Baby In Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well-tried rem edy. Mm. WlnsIoWs Soothing Syrup. lor onn dren teething. It soothes the child, softens the cum, allays all pain, euros wisa cone nnd diarrhoea DAILY METEOROLOGICAL. REPORT. PORTLAND, Aug. 17. Maximum tempera ture. 75 deg.; minimum, 60. River reading at 11 A M.. 5.0 feet; change la past 24 hours, fall. 0.4 of a foot. Total precipita tion. S P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.06 of an Inch; total Klnce September 1. 1004. 24.20 Inches; normal. 40.48 Inches; deficiency. 12.2S inches. Total sunshine August 10. 1005, 35 minutes; possible. 14 hours and 7 minutes. Barom eter (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. ML, 30.10. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. a !?i Wind. O 5 O p s. r J. o n 5o a s V? f II ! STATIONS, Baker City . 7010.00 4jNW Clear Pt. Cldy. Clear Cloar Pt. Cldy. PL Cldy Clear CI oar Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt Cldy. Cloudy Cloudy Bismarck 4 721 T J, OtN Boise ........ S1NW Eureka c4o!oo B'NW 12W ols Helena. 0410.01 Kamloops, B. C. North Head..... Pocatello Portland Red Bluff....... 74i0.O0i 0210.00' 101NW 7410.00I18ISW 1020.00! 4J8W Roseburg. ....... 0.00I4'N 0.00 4 NW bacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco... Spokane... ..... Seattle Tatoosh Island. I 78i0.00'10'NW IC610.00I24W 72 T I 4E CS0.01 4iW 5S0.00 giSW T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Good showers fell In the WlllametTi Vnl- ley and the Sound Country durlnc the last 24 hours, while light rain occurred In East ern Washington and Northern Idaho. The rains have ceased, however, and fair and warmer weather is indicated for this district Friday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight, August 16: Portland and vicinity Fair arid warmer. Northwest winds. Western Oregon and Western Washlnstnn Fair, warmer, except near the court. North west winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair, with rising temperature. A B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. Thousands of Depositors Although we have thousands of depositors, yet thero are thousands who may not know us. This advertisement is Intended for them. We ask thcmto call and get acquainted with us. To think or the benefit It will be to BE GIN saving. How small deposits. FREQUENTLY MADE, will make LARGE AMOUNTS. HOW INTEREST WILL INCREASE THEIR SAVINGS. How easy they will And It to begin if THEl RESOLVE TO DO SO NOW. PIRTUND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Resources Over $1,000,000 100 Third Street. Phone Main 453. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L,. PITTOCK .-. Ylce-Presldent B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. Assistant Secretary Exclusive Carpet House C W. KNOWXES, Mjcr. Streets, Portland, Orriron. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. Ttooms," "Booms and Board. "Ilonte kecplng Booms, "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less. 15 cents; 10 to -0 words. SO cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dU count for additional Insertions, UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents: 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc Srst insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no farther discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" Grange measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dretted care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp U required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through tht telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At 413 Washington street 2y S. L. X. Gil man, auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom. 180 1st at.. at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilton. Auctioneer. Sale at 2 P. M. C. L. Ford. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP, NO. 65. W. O. W., meets this (Friday) night W. O. W. Hall. Tenth and Washington streets. Class of 15 candi dates to be Intro duced. Refresh ments. All visitors welcome. at. T. WOODWARD. C C A L. BARBUR. Clerk. MULTNOMAH CAMP. W. O W. Meets every Friday evening i rjui Ajaer ana east Sixth suets. All Woodmen cordially jumcu 10 llirrt wira Us. J. M. WOODWORTH. Cleric ROSE CITr CHAPTPH n ui O. E. S. A regular communication mis liricayj evening at 8 o'clock K. P. Hall. Marquam bk!g. By or der . 31. SARAH B. GUERIN, Sec PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 53. A F. A A. M. Stated communication ibis ihTlday) evening. 7:30 o'clock Work in the F. C. degree. All fel lavr-rnTIa Invito to . . t.. uiurr . m. l w Pratt. DUNNING. MTENTEE & GCLBAUGH. i - eessors to Dnnnlnr A Campion, undertakers and embalraers. modem In every detail. 7th and Pine. Phone Mala 430. lady assistant. EDWARD 1IOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and embalmers. hare moved to their new build lag. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. 3. P. FINIXY SON. Funeral Directors. cor. Id and Madlsoi . Office of County Cor- aer. Lady assistant. Telephone No, 9. F. S. DUNNTNO, Undertaker, 414 ast Alder. Xady assistant. Telephone East AS. ZE1XER-BYRNES CO.. UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers, 273 Rus'l: East 1083; lady as't. NEW TODAY. ARE' YOU LOOKING FOR A NICE FRAC tional lot? Look at East 12th and Ah ats. 3750 for Inside; 31000 for comer; Improve meats an in. xae nan Jana ca, lot Sher lock cicg. A FINE BARGAIN IN MERCHANDISE. ALL klndn; 350.O00 buslnecs yearly; money maker, t. wimycomDe, room s, Hamilton war., i-oruana, or. FOR RENT ONE YEAR. NEW NINE-ROOM house, furnished; choice location. Address X 62, care Oregonlan. Butter! Butter! Our. Price. ..55 -00c -40c , .22 -250 14c 13c Other Prices. Best creamery Dairy butter ! Ranch eggs Best sugar-cured hams Breakfast bacon 65-70c 30c 10c ISc Best of tea, lb 30o 50-75 c 55-05c Lard. 5lb. pall 43 -55c Remember, Chickens on Satur day 16c and 17c Spring Chicken 20c All goods retailed at wholesale prices. 1A. GRAND CREAMERY, 204 Yamhill Street. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 315 Worcester Block General practice. Investigations. Estate work. Special and periodical audits. Phone Clay 220. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Real Ectato at Ixmest Rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., . & and 7 Chamber of Commerce. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STUDIO WILL, OPEN SEPTEMBER 1. Parlors 9 and 10, 3 lib Washington sc. AMUSEMENTS. &" Theater llnctln I.W. T.AJSOCUTIOi C. Htinc fniKiat Morrlsoa Street between Cth aad 7th. Phone Mala 88. ONLY THREE MORE PERFORMANCES. Brrpla rnu fthtlst it I I rHlu Men Tealrit tat 2:15 Ttasms Tea cm it 1:33 The Funny German Comedians . KOLB & DILL Big Double BIIL The New Musical Comedy-Burlesques. The Sklndicate The Kindergarten THIS IS THE LAST WEEK Comedy Pretty Girls CatAy Music POPULAR PRICES, 25c, 35c. 50c, 75c MARQUAM GRAND THEATER All Week Beginning Monday. August 21. '05. The World's Greatest .Hypnotist, iima- Reader and Entertainer THE GREAT McEWEN ASSISTED BY IRENE FRANKLIN The Greatest Ladr Cornet Player. POPULAR PRICES 25. 35. 50 and 75 cents. SEATS ARE NOW SELLING. BELASCO THEATER (Formerly Columbia Theater) nth and Wash, TWELFTH WEEK BELASCO STOCK CO. TONIGHT ALL WEEK. AUDREY Dramatization of Mary Johnston's NoVel of the Same Name. SUPERB PRODUCTION-BIG CAST Matinees Saturday and Sunday. PRTrFQ Night 25c. S5c 50c and 75c A IVIVCO Matinees 25c. 35c and 50c Next Week-THE GIRL AND THE JUDGE THE BAKER GREAT SPECIAL BILL. THEATER ALWAYS COOL. KEATING i FLOOD. Managers. Barney's Trained Animals Only Trained Go rilla la Captlvltr. Francis & Frauds. Grayson Brothers. J. II. Staunchfleld. Louis A. Ilanvry. New Motion Pictures. Baker's Famous Orchestra. Performances dally at 2:30. 7:30 and 0 P. M. Admission. JOc to any seat excepting ooxes. STA R EUNICE DRAKE AND COMPANY MIL AND MRS. GEO. H. WILSON THE GOTTLOBS MABEL HOWARD GEORGE HARRISON MR. ROY McBRAIN THE STAROSCOrE General admission 10 cents. Sundays, eve nings and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 20 cents. Dally matinees, entire lower noor. to cents; box seats. o cents. GRAND MISS ANGELA MAY . Assisted by J. Louis MacEroy. COLE AND COLE THE SILVRKEYS. HUNTRESS BILLY DURANT MR. FRED PURINTON . THE GRAND1SCOPE General admission 10 cents. Sundays, eve- nines and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 20 cents. Dally matinees, entire lower floor. 10 cents; box seats. -O cents. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off atlHawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric eltvator Most magnlflcent view In America. Sea beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 0 A. it te 0 P. Ji. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Corner Vaughn and Twenty-Fourth. PORTLAND VS. SAN FRANCISCO ADMISSION. 35c August 15. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. GRANDSTAND. 25c CHILDREN. 15c Bex tickets and Veserved seats on sale at box office. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACRBAOE as a eDedaltr. wlthla city limits or outside. Somt acrca with terms as low as $10 per month Kita water, a. u. uiurcaiu tt km.. "inc.," 110 Zd at. FOR SALE AT MOUNT TABOR. HALF acre, fronting 150 feet on car line, 200 feet on Royal ave.; house and barn. 12 large. shade trees; very sightly; price siZSO. Take Sunnyslde and ML Tabor car to the end and ask for letter-carrier's place. X1S00 TWO BLOCKS FROM HAWTHORNE ave.. on E. Main su. handsome 8-room house; sold at this bargain price to closo out. an estate: roust go quick. L. W. Whiting & Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. TWO ACRES FINEST WATER-FRONT homeslte In Portland; magnificent view: twe blocks from car line. Sellwood Townslte Co.. offices at Sellwood and at 222 Falling mag. raoao union nui. NEW MODERN 5 AND S-ROOM COTTAGES. alt complete; must be sold this week; make me an offer. Joe Nash, owner, at Nashville Addition, on ML Scott car line. FOR SALE S. E. CORNER 12TH AND MA ton sts. N. E.. with 3-room house.- Improved streets; price $550. Inquire of owner on premises. FOR SALE 5 OR 10 ACRES: A BARGAIN for cash. Inaulre 4Sth st. audi Hawthorne ave. South. Mrs. W. S. Falling. ML Tabor P. O. AT WOODSTOCK COTTAGE. SIX ROOMS. barn, lot 100 feet square; cultivated; near station; 650. C u. t'arxer. woocstock. LARGE HOUSE AND GROUNDS: EAST Side, close In; suitable for small sanitarium or lovely home; cneap. raone iast iO. 52050 WILL BUY NICE LOT ON 1STH ST.. near 2ou mil aiefrici. suuaoie xor rest dences or flats. Phone Main 000. SELLWOOD LOTS. f5.00 DOWN AND J3.00 a month: from $73.00 to vjm.w. sellwood Townslte Co. Phone Union 1401. FOR SALE NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL modern conveniences: price reasonable. In quire owner. 731 E. Ash su 7-ROOM HOUSE. 4 BLOCKS FROM STEEL bridge; fine view of the river; full lot; cheap. Louis Salomon. 11- it su BARGAIN NEW 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. corner lot. South sunnystae; easy terms Phone Black 2974. ACREAGE NEAR CAR XJNE. 8 MILE3 from Monlsoa at. bridge C K. Ballard. Mtlwaukle. Or. Iieoo GOOD HOUSE. FTNE CORNER LOT. West Side: Prt cash. Call C61 Commercial st.. Alblna. 1S50 NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST SIDE 1100 down, balance as rent. Phone East 2607. NEW TODAY. California-" Bliss Lands" Homeseekers act cromptly. Secure a 20 acre farm of Irrigated land at $50 to $70 per acre, price Including water rights one fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, airect to xuiare City, two miles from Bliss Lanos. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruits, vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bliss Lands (Inc). 010 Parrott bldg.. San Francisco. Mortgage LoanS 5, Upwards Real Estate Lily and r-arm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BiRRELU 202-3 McKay bide Third and Stark sis. A Snap Two to five-acre tracts on the O. W. P. car line, one mile and a half east from the golf links; price from $150 to $250 per acre. Inquire of John H. Gibson. OWN ER, at Stanley. CITY address, room 109 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FINE 334-cre Valley farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 100 In cultivation; balance low beach partly cleared and In grass; good buildings, fences and orchard; some beaver clam; about 1500 cords of fir and ash timber; electric light and telephone; close to rail, church and schools; 20 xnUee to Portland; $15 per acre; terms. S 3. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 40-ACRE FARM. 10 MILES south of Portland; 29 acres In cultivation, houses and barns; barn full of hay; all kinds of farming Implements. This place can be bad within the next 30 days for 12750 cash. Address H 59. Oregonlan. 152 ACRES. PART BEAVERDAM, 100 CUL- tlvatlon; 9-room house, barn, cattlesheds. wells, springs; big neighborhood; stores, school; on electric line, near Portland; $55 per acre. 118 Ablngton bldg. $1600 WILL HANDLE 1100 ACRES TIMBER and farm lands; Southern Oregon; aleo small tracts. Owner. X 53, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE C PER CENT ACCUMU- latlve first mortgage, real estate, gold bonds for 160 acres or more of well located unimproved farm land, suitable for diversi fied farming and dairy purposes, within 30 miles of Portland la Oregon; will only deal direct with owner; no agents or curiosity seekers need answer; arrange Interview, giving description of property. Address J 02. Oregonlan. WILL EXCHANGE GROCERY AND FAM- Ily liquor store in a good location for city or farm property. For particulars call 317 Fen ton btdg.. S4 0th st. ROOMING-HOUSE. CENTRAL LOCATION v ill exenange for city qr farm property. Call 317 Fenton bldg., 64 6th st. WILL EXCHANGE LANDS IN SOUTHERN Oregon for city property or a business. Owner, Y 53. Oregonlan. $2200 SALOON. . IN EXCHANGE FOR PROP- erty. J. V. Crelgbton & Co.. 1654 3d st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. $1S.50 PER ACRE 760 ACRES IN ONE body on Cedar Creek. Clackamas County: 12 miles from Oregon City; cruiser reports 24. 105.000 feet fine fir and cedar saw-Umber, large quantity cedar telephone poles. 12.000 cords fir wood; mostly rich soil. Apply 118 Ablngton bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT CLOSE to logging camps; good house and well; 23, 000.000 feet best yellow fir; part good farm land; $200. E 63. Oregonlan. WILLAPA HARBOR TIMBER 3000 ACRES. spruce, cedar, fir. hemlock; $5 to $10; tracts to suit. W. W. Cheadle. agent. South Bend. Wash. 160 ACRES. 3.000.000 FIR: MILE FROM logging stream and county road; commands only access to large adjoining body. P. O. Box 503. 644 ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County, Wash., for sale at a bargain It taken soon. D. W. Faulkner. Anita. Ia. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT A LARGE FARM well equipped with Improvements, fur nished with horses and machinery: dairy or stock farm preferred; by two energetic honest men; please state location, ground under cultivation, pasture, orchard, etc. Address H. F. Koenlg. 04 Sellwood sL. Portland. Or. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN- teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac ties. Collins Land Co.. Stearns bldg. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND Ve hicles by the day, week or month; harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exebanga. Tomllcson & Caail day, 211 Washington it. HORSES, WA.GONS. TRUCKS AND ALL kinds or venule? and narness tor saie or rent. Hubert & Hall. 200 Fourth st. FIRST-CLASS NEW BUGGY. USED ONLY four months; sell at half cost. 365 6th st. FINE HORSE AND BUOG. SAFE FOR woman. S07 Failing bldg. Mam 340a. FINE RIDING AND DRIVING HORSE FOR sale cheap. T 62. care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. DOE3 YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastlo roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there is nothing better; guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roonag Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR , SALE NEW ANI SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; wa rant tables, with privilege of buying; mod crn bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balkt-Ccilender, 49 3d st. LOGGERS AND CONTRACTORS SEVERAL good ercond-hand engines, suitable for log ging or hoisting purposes to be had cheap. For further Information apply to F. D. Kuettner. Astoria. Or. FOR SALE. REASONABLE TWO FntST class tickets to New York, via San Fran cisco and Los Angeles; man and woman. Write to F CO. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ST. BERNARD PUPS, VERY fine, worth $25; will sell what's left, male or female. 5 each If taken at once. Apply Wilson's, 72 Sixth st. TICKET FOR MAN. VIA SAN FRANCISCO and Los Angeles, to Denver; ticket for wom an also; one for boy. Kansas City or Topeka. B 61. Oregonlan. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 tons' carrying capacity. 2-i-horsepower engine; will hell cheap. H 42. Oregonlan. AN ENGINE. CYLINDER 8X10. CENTER crank; 0 months In use; at a sacrifice. Grand Laundry Co.. 17th and Qulmby. 2 FRESH COWS FOR SALE ALSO ONE horse. 5 years old; one buggy and one spring wagon. 123 Lownsdale st.. West Side. FOR SALE TWO BOSTON BULL TER rlers, 3 months old: will sell cheap before Saturday. Phone Main 3356. A 21-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH: GOOD condition; brand new Palmer; price very rea sonable. Q 61. Oregonlan. LIVE MALLARD DECOY DUCKS (BRED specially). T. Germalne. 300 N. 13th, cor ner of Pettygrove t. FOR SALE 12 H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engme. Al condition and a bargain. 321 Chamber Commerce. N. P. TICKET TO CHICAGO. CHEAP; young man. dark complexion, smooth-shaven. St 54, Oregonlan. ANTIQUES. COLONIAL AND "EMPIRE" furniture, grandfather's clock, davenport. 633 Washington. FOR SALE FRESH MILK COW. WITH calves; excellent family or dairy cow. 953 Minnesota ave. FOR SALE-GAS ENGINE MACHINERY, tools and patterns. Address 927 L st., Frjrsno, Cal. THE U. S. PATENT. THE 20TH CENTURT derrick fork. Address t. it. Stanley. J 61. Oregonlan. FOR SALE HANDSOME FULL-BLOODED Angora kittens. 424 6th st. Main 1556. FOR SALE GUITAR. ALMOST NEW, K 62, care Oregonlan. 5. FOR SALE LADY'S TICKET TO ST. PAUL. Call Main CI OS. HELP WANTED MALE. ANY INTELLI GENT PERSON MAY EARN good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; sena ior particulars Press Syndicate. Lock port. N. Y. FIRST-CLASS ART GLASS WORKER wanted: highest wages paid to good man: permanent. Address Cbas. J. Schuler. 1420 Castro st.. Oakland, cat. FURNACE MEN WANTED MUST BE first-class; also cornice men. J. C. Bazer. 205 2d st. T- tt nn rnn TiT-inT."r x v- nnnn pner for steady man. Brownsville Woolen WANTED A GOOD CANVASSER; SALARY to right party, ae western Laay. 14 Front st. COATMAKERS WANTED. DEIRLING & Padden, 503-510 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED; highest price paid. CO 3d. Phone Pacific 46. WANTED ENRGETIC ADVERTISING So licitor. Call 4 P. M. 313 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS TAILOR FOR AS- torta: Call 233 Stark flt- GOOD BARBER WANTED. 2S3& ALDER ST. HELP WANTED MALE. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 FEE ONLY $1.00 $1.00 FREE FARE. Teamsters, laborers, rockmen. $2 to $2.50. Oregon. Washington and near Idaho. Any able-bodied man who wants work on R. K. construction will do. A year's work. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North 2d St.. near Burnalde. $1.00 FEE. FREE FARE. FEE $1.00 WANTED 20- HARNESS-MAKERS: BEST equipped factory west of the Missouri River; harness made in parts; Jos given out In extremely large quantities; mechanics never asked to wait until Jobs are cut; plenty of work all the time. Address Los Angeles Saddlery i Finding Company. 223 N. Los Angelea st.. Loa Angeles. Cal. LOGGERS FOR COOS BAT. FARE PAID, ship IStb; mill hands; farm hands and milk ers; laborers and teamsters, R. R. East. $2 to J2.25. pass; plenty other work. Canadian Employment Co., 2t9 Burnslde. Main 3074. 22tife Morrison; Main 1323. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; dischargee positively cured la from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts.. Portland. WANTED. AT LOS ANGELES. CAL. Sticker men. band sawyers and fliers, turn ers mill bench men and rip sawyers; delight ful climate, permanent employment; good wages to good men. Address box 1SS4, Ex aminer, Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED MAN TO TAKE JOB OF HAUL Ing to river and -sledding to flume 1000 cords of fir wood: good camps given free of charge, and will pay a good price for work. Kirk Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 45W. JUST THINK OF IT IN TWO WEEKS' time you leam fine profession and receive good salary; steady work. For partclulars see us at once. Newman's Theatrical In formation Bureau. 3514 Morrison. YOUNG MEN IN PORTLAND AND throughout state wanting to make from $3 to $7 per day. and be their own boss, send ad dressed stamped envelope to W. A. Thomas, Box 06. Portland. Or. STENOGRAPHER WANTED MUST HAVE eome capital; Interest old-established mercan tile brokerage business; extraordinary oppor tunity: state partlulars fully. Y 61. Ore gonlan. MEN and women to learn watcarakg, en graving. Jewelers' wk; only prac. school for Jewelers; money made learn'g. Watchmkg Engrav. School, P. L bldg.. Seattle. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO MANAGE A branch of flee In Portland; $500 required; ab solute security and big money for the right man. Address V 62. Oregonlan. PRINTER. ALL-ROUND. SOBER. STEADY, married preferred, as foreman of flrst-class country office; give references. Journal. South Bend. Wash. WANTED A DELIVERY MAN IN THE grocery business; one who has bad experi ence; none other' need apply. A 62, Orego nlan. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice; expert instructions. Write Xor terms, Glltraan's College, 627 Clay St., S. F. California wine depot; headquarters bakers, ccolu. waiters, bartenders. All wines 5o per glass. P. Lorati. 143 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED A GENTLEMAN. GOOD SAI ary and Interest In business, for $75 Invest ment. Call 317 Fenton bldg.. 84 6th at. WANTED FHtST-CLASS MEN IN PORT Iand and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write, 607 McKay bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED. SOBER. COM petent oakery wagon driver. Omasa. Bak ery, cor. Clackamas and Benton ets. CASHIER IN RESTAURANT. $400 NEEDED; salary $100 per month; references required. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 1654 3d. MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF BARN WITH ten horses; able to shoe horses, keep wagons In repair. H 61. Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED OPTICIAN act as assistant In city optical house, dress L 62. care Oregonlan. TO Ad- A MAN WANTED WHO CAN PLAY A steam calliope. Apply at the Bent Mfg. Co. booth. Fair grounds. WANTED PHOTOGRAPHER. RETOUCHER and printer; well experienced. Lucerne Stu dio. Dekura bldg. WANTED A COMPETNT BOOKKEEPER who understands the hardware business. Ap ply at 21 N. 3d. TWO GERMAN WAITRESSES. $"! .00 AND 870 Up- room; one runner ready to work, shur st. - COOKS. WAITERS. DISHWASHERS. BUS- boys. laborers wanted at tho National, 312 Pine. WANTED OLD CLOTHES, SHOES. HIGH- est price paid. 169 Front. Phone racinc v PARTY TO RUN PONY SAW IN SAWMILL: $3 day. Pioneer Employment. 215 Morrison. WANTED SALESMAN FOR THE FOLLOW- Ing lines: Hardware, drugs, shoes. 110 2d. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR DELIVERY; familiar with city. Call 429 Washington st. WANTED YOUNG 5IAN ABOUT 18 YEARS old. Mh. Hood Factory. 2d and Couch. WANTED RUNNER. LANGE HOTEL. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 20 WAITRESSES. CITY. COAST. MINERAL Springs; 8 waiters, chambermaids, house work. Invalid nurse, cooks, 15 laborers, mill yard. $2 up (edgers. trimmers); col ored" bellboy; farmhand, pantryman; every body. Drake. 2054 Washington. WANTED YOUNO PEOPLE TO FIT themselves for stenographers and book keepers; placed 207 In positions past year; can place you when competent. Bshnke Walker Business College, day and night. Catalogue Call. WANTED TEACHERS: COMMERCIAL. Sci ence, writing, $700; rural and grades. $450. Flek Teachers' Agency. Call East 344. COMPETENT TEACHERS FOR VILLAGE and country schools In Northwest. C. R. B. Teachers' Agency, Allsky bldg. WANTED TRAVELING MAN OR WOMAN; salary. $20 per week and expenses. See M. A Fly. 253 6th st. WE STILL CONTINUE TO SEND OUT THE best of help at the National. Phone M. 1304. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A WOMAN FOR PORTION OF the day to assist In care of old gentleman; little or no work required. Call at First Na tional Bank, window No. 6. EXPERIENCED COOK FOR OREGON City; wages $25; two In help. Call between 2 and 5 P. M.. Leo Selling Shoe Store. 270 Morrison st. WANTED A WOMAN COOK WHO THOR oughly understands the worn; references re quired; a second girl kept. Apply at 835 Lovejoy st. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES to sell souvenir spoons at Fair grounds. Apply at 205-208 Mohawk bldg. Bring ref erences. WANTED YOUNG. BRIGHT. EXPERI enced photograph reception-room lady; must know the business. S01 Dekum bldg. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- work for family of Ave; will be treated fi& one of the family. Call at 330 East 6th st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlves In Portland and throughout stats; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES for ladle? suit and cloak department. The J. M. Acheson Co., 5th and Alder sts. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CHAMBER maid; none under 25 years of age need ap ply. Hotel Berg. 13th ana AJUer. LADIES. CALL ON US WE HAVE GOOD positions, big salary, easy work. Newman's School of Acting. 3514 Morrison. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3434 Washington st,. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. SALESLADY. EXPERIENCED. SKIRTS and Jackets. Apply this morning between 9 and 10. 171 3d st. WANTED A RELIABLE STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. Apply to Andrew Kan & Co., 237 Morrlecn. WOMAN COOK. SHORT ORDERS: ALSO waitress; small restaurant. 312 Ryrnslde. nar Cth. WANTED-GOOD PLAIN COOK FOR GEN eral housework; no washing. Apply 255 King st. HEAD DINING-ROOM GIRL WAGES $25 room and board. National Hotel. Front and Yamhill. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work and cooking; smaii family. 151 14th 3t. WANTED A GOOD COOK IN FAMILY; win pay a gooa price, rnone iiain zo&a. HELP WANTED FEMALE. -1- TEACHER WANTED A PRIMARY TEACH er for the Skamokawa School; term eight months; wages $45 per month; school t commence Sept. 4th. Address C L. Stiver man. Skamokawa. Wash. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER alls and shirts; Instructions given to In experienced. Apply Neustadter Bros.. Standard Factory No. 2. corner East Tay lor and Grand ave. DOMESTICS. COOKS. WAITRESSES CHM bermalds. etc: city. Coast. Fair liac coun try: plenty of work. Canadian Parlors. 2264 Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED A COMPETENT SECOND GIRL, good wages. Apply 215 N. 22d; permanent position. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSF work or to assist email family. 676 E. Burn side st. WAITRESSES FOR SEASIDE AND CITY- weip or an Kinds, at the National. 312 Pi-? WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES . $ a week, at the Bristol. 4S0 Washington GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, email family. Call at 165 North I7th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small house, small family. 445 UKa st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR sccona worit. Apply 7NT Flanders st. WANTED GIRLS. APPLY MT. HOOD Shirt Factors-. 2d and Couch. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply at 454 Alder st. BRIGHT. ENERGETIC NURSEGIRL Davis Nursery. Fair grounds. AT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 13th st. Phone Main 5002. GIRL WANTED AT G. Sons, furriers. 128 2d st. P. Ruaamelln & EXPERIENCED SALESLADY Apply at 267 Washington. WANTED. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 695 Everett st. GIRL TO HELP IN FAMILY OF THREE. 1004 3d. CHAMBERMAID WANTED, tel. LANGE HA BITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. A YOUNG MAN WITH BEST OF REFER, ences and business standing 1 open fnr a position; is especially fitted for office work, salesmanship and collections. Address C 61. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED UP-TO-DATE BOOK keeper. work by day or hour; opening, closing, posting books or any kind office work. R 62. Oregonlan. YOUNG. MAN. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP er, bank clerk and business man. wants good position. H 52.' Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. AS MASTER MECHANIC OR REPAIR MAN. by a practical machinist; competent to hava full charge of boilers, engines and mach!--ery; keep up repairs, put in foundations- ani install new machinery; six years with pres ent Job; Oregon. Washington or California; west of mountains preferred. Address War ren L. Bachtel. Ensley. Ala. POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS. ALL-ROI ND machinist and toolmaker; 20 yeam' exyer. ence In general machine shop and outs'io work; mobiles and experimental work; giol hand to assist Inventor; either foreman . Journeyman. Address Box L 52. OregorSan. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS position In family In city or vicinity rf Portland with his wife second girl. P 6-. care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT wishes position at once; handy with toe's and around machinery. Address I0SS E. Alder st. STEAM ENGINEER. MARINE OR STA tlonary. with best references, wants posi tion In or out of city. O 62. Oregonlan JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also. aU kinds of help. Clay 513. 263 Evurett :. WORK OF SOME KIND EVENINGS BY young roan employed In office during dai. Phone Union 0310. 009 Halght ave. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION AS schoolboy: can speak English. 'Japanese Mis sion. Y. O.. 121 N. 15th st. BOY OF 16 WANTS WORK OF ANY KIND grocery or dry goods store preferred. 6.0 Tacoma ave.. Sellwood. Or. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION AS CiH!C or any kind of Job. in or out city. Address V 01, Oregonlan. JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WANTS POSITION In any place; wages $3 week. Joan. 2.0 Davis st. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION. general nounnorH. ncip twin. JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WISHES TO work for family In city. P Bi. oregoaian. JAPANESE WANTS DAY WORK. 121 15TH North. Phono Clay 854. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DB- sires position In city or out; insurance wcrtt preferred. Y 58. Oregonlan. Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPER widower's family, by experienced Danish woman: best of references; wages $20. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. SITUATION WANTED NEAT. CAPABLE woman, girl 8. housekeeper, widower s fam ily. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Main 5tl3. LADY WANTS POSITION AS HOUSBKEEP er or to take charge small rooming-house. F 63. Oregonlan. Domestics. GERMAN GIRL WISHES A POSITION FDR maid or second work: flrst-claas seamatress; good references. C 62. Oregonlan. GOOD COOK WISHES A POSITION FOR cooking or general housework; wages $-5 cr $30 a month. D 62. Oregonlan. STRONG JAPANESE GIRL WANTS GEN eral housework in family, city. Call 1 N. 3d st. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WILL WORK In private families; work guaranteed; refer ences given. Phone Front 1713. Miscellaneous. NEAT. EPERIENCED GIRL DESIRES SIT uatlon. chamberwork; day workers, house keepers, nurses. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Main 5113. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT ers, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 2304"Tamhlll. Main 5413: COOK WANTS A POSITION IN HOTSL. boarding-house or email restaurant. Address Helen Randall, 231 6th st.. Portland. YOUNG GJRL WANTS WORK IN BAKERY or store of any kind; can talk German. 670 Tacoma ave.. Selwood. Or. WANTED DAY WORK. CLEANING. WASH tng. etc. 2214 N. 12th. WANTED AGENTS. SOLICITOR. CAPABLE TAKING CILVRGE agencies for largo bond & real estate corpora tion. Index. 007 Kohl bldg.. San Francisco. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. $3 TO $10 dally. See Allen mornings, 107 Sherlock bldg. Wanted Photograph coupon salesmen; big pa"i Exposition offer. Rembrandt Studio, 103 3d, LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD iUr. big wages. 215 Commercial bit WANTED TO RENT. 2 GENTLEMEN ANT ALCOVE OR LARGE room and board in quiet private family, must be permanent and reasonable; give full particulars. G 63. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT BY THREE ADULTS, before August 23, 3 or 6-room modern cot tage. East Side. Address, giving partlcu- ' lars, A 63, Oregonlan. 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS BY COUPLE AND child of 3 years for light housekeeping, walking distance from P. O.; references. C 63. Oregonlan. k WANTED THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, must be centrally located. Ad dress, stating price. O 27. care Oregonlan. A COUPLE WITH BABY WISH A PLEAS ant room with board In a private family Address B 63. care Oregonlan., WANTED TO RENT. A SMaSl FURNISH ed cottage at Seavlew or Long; Beach. 293 Caruthers.