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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1905)
10 THE MOKNTNG OEEGONIAN, MOITOAY,- MAECED 20, 1905. ITGHERS IN TRYOUT Twirlers All 'Used in an Exhi bition Game. iFRENCH- AND ATZ REPORT Manager McCredie Decides That "Voting Coe Won't DoHe Wil Try to Sign Fred Clark, to Fill the Vacancy. BAKERSFIELD, CaL. March 19. Spe cial.) The -weather cleared today and the grand new recreation park was Inaugu rated with a game between Portland and a picked nine of local players assisted .by a battery ol Webfooters. Portland won by a acore of 9 to 2. " The game was slow and featureless, the only Interest being centered In" the work ing out of nearly all the pitchers against the Portland men. Gilpatrlck and Cates twirled for the regulars, while Garvin, EL Train and Esslck tried to hold their colleagues down. Garvin was In for two Innings. His work Is wonderful. In line of speed and change of style. Cates is a steady worker and hard to hit. Jakey' Atz and French arrived from Xew Orleans this morning and the for mer took his regular position at short. He had several opportunities to dis play his ability and make good. Schlafjy at second picked up some hot ones. Swindells has not worked much on account of a lame knee, and Tan Buren lias been suffering from a lame side. Coe does not seem to fill the catcher's posi tion very well. McLean and Atz and sev eral other Portlanders are very heavy batters. It is said that McCredie is negotiating with Catcher Fred Clark, of Salt Lake, and expects to have him here this week. WILL HAVE GOOD TEAM. University of Oregon Boys Start Light Training. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON'. Eugene, March 19. (Special.) Now that the four leading colleges of Oregon have perfected the organization of an athletic league, the 'varsity trackmen have begun light training under the direction of Captains Hug and Perkins. The four colleges con stituting the league are: Willamette Uni versity, Pacific University, Oregon Agri cultural College and Oregon. No exact date for the final meet of the rival teams has yet been fixed, but it will ,-be held in Salem about-June 10. The as sociation Is to offer a $50 cup, which Is to be awarded to the team scoring the greatest number of points, while medals will be given to the men winning first place. Such are -the Inducements aside from college honors that have caused a large number of men to begin track work. When the old athletic league, compris ing the six leading colleges of the state, used to meet annually in Saiem the State University nearly always captured the rophy,t and every effort will be made to add another cup to the gymnasium plate rail. With a majority of the members of last year's squad in colleges and as much likely material as there is In the fresh man class, the organization of a repre sentative team is possible. Fred Haywood, a California man, who has been engaged to coach the squad, has Bent directions to the Individual men sug gesting very light work until his arrival early in May. Mr. Haywood trained the equad last year and Is personally ac quainted with the possibilities of all the old men, thus making it possible for him to direct the most of his energies toward making a pole-vaulter out of one of the freshmen. Aside from the final meet to be held In Salem the following dual contests have fceen arranged: Oregon vs. Willamette University, May 6; Oregon vs, Washing ton, May 20; Oregon vs. Oregon Agricul tural College, May 27. The possibility of an Oregon-California meet is being dis cussed. DENTAL STUDENTS BEATEN South Portland Team Won Ball Game in Slop. The North Pacific Dental College and a picked team from South Portland met on .the Savler-street grounds yesterday fore noon. Both teams had an opportunity to ehow their skill as mudlarkers, though the South Portlands seemed to have the ad vantage In this respect and defeated the Dentals by the score of 17 to 1L The boys put up a pretty good game, considering the condition of the grounds. The Dental College has good material. and with more practice they will soon be able to hold their own with any amateur team around .Portland. This may be said of the oouth Portland picked team. The game had to be called In the last half of the ninth Inning on account of tho heavy rainfall. Both Captain McNcrthney and Captain Michael used good headwork in handling their teams. The line-up was as follows: X. P. D. C. So. Portland. Gibson C Michael McNerthney P Taylor-Harden Akin 1st B Dormer Bheehan 2dB Smith iiann . 3d B Walters Perm S. S Slater Trice L. F ... Van Power C F Harden-Taylor Merchant-Short . -R. F. ... Brows SCORE BT INNINGS. South Portland.... ..3 0 2 0 Oil 1 0 017 N. P. D. C 0 3 O 0 0 O O S 11 CHICAGO NATIONALS DOWNED San Francisco Shuts Them Out With Two Pitchers, Scoro 3-0. SAN FRANCISCO. March 19. The San Francisco team shut out the Chicago club here today by a ecore of 3 to 0. The locals put up a fine fielding game, the feature of which was Mohler's work at second. He handled 13 chances. Whalen pitched tho first three innings for the home team without allowing hit. Hr then gave way to Wheeler, who kept the visitors puzzled. Chicago tried three pitchers, the second being Brown, against whom three runs were scored. Tho score: .Chicago 'S..0 00 000 0 0 0-0 4 San Francisco 0 0030000 3 4 Batterlee Lundgren. Brown. Welmer and Kllng; Whalen, Wheeler and Wilson. Umpire Perrine. FATALLY CUT IN A- QTJAREEL Japanese, Stranger in City, Slashed Across Abdomen. During a Japanese celebration held . at Fourth and Flanders streets last .night, an unknown Jap was dlsem loweled In a fight with a fellow coun tryman. The injured man, who will probably "die, "was taken to St. Vincents Hospl- Jtal where he was attended by Dr. Zan The assallant Is known to the police wlll probably be apprehended. Is Not Christian Scientist. Christian Scientists in this city protest :Aand 'the allegation contained in a rsow York dispatch printed In yesterday's Ore- gonlan and other newspapers to the ef fect that Mrs. Brownie Rathbone Wea--erson, "alleged to be the wife of a well- known Christian Scientist, had been ar rested charged with practicing- medicine without a license." her victim being a Mrs. Rahle, an aged woman who is suf fering from paralysis. jurs. itanie is now in a hospital and it is feared that she cannot live many days. It Is alleged in this city that Christian Science has nothing to do with the case referred to. Among those who read the dispatcn was David B. Ogden, who Immediately wired for particulars to Hepry Cornell Wilson, head of the Christian Science publication zor ue Diaie oi cw aum. and Mr. Wilson's reply by wire reads: "Christian Science nothing to do with the case. Mrs. "Weavers on not a Christian Scientist." In an Interview last night Mr. Ogden said: "In justice to Christian Sci entists, I wired to Mr. Wilson to get tho ELECTED CAPTAIN OF COBVAL XIS FOOTBALL TEAM. George Herbert Boot. V CORVALLIS, Or., March 10. George Herbert Boot Is to captain the O. A. C football team the com luff season, and Fred C Stlmson Is to be the manager. The ejection took place at the annual banquet to the football squad at Hotel Corvallla last night. During the ban quet monogram eweatens, woven to order end of flue quality, were presented to the team. They were also given each a fine group photo of the first eleven, subs, managers and. trainers. An im mense group photo of the eleven, the gift of the men themselves, was pre sented to Manager Stlmson In token of the splendid fraccess of hl9 management, financially and otherwise. Covers were laid for 80. The presentation addresses were made by Dr. Gatch. and there were responses to sentiments by B. W. Johnson. F. I. Miller. Dr. Wlthycombe, Lieutenant Qulnlan, Dr. Bowen Lester, W. G. Emery and others. Captain Root plays halfback, and is one of the most formidable men on the team. He was elected without opposi tion. Dow Walker's name was mentioned earlier In the season as a passible can didate, but he threw his Influence for Root, because the latter Is in his third year, and Walker In his second year at college. Root Is extremely popular with the men and throughout the college, and Jfl counted on for giving the team thor ough and effective organization. Fred Stlmson is the present general manager of athletics. His management, from every standpoint, has been the most successful In tho history of athletics at the college. In addition to his fine financial capacity, he Is very popular with all classes of Btudents. Negotiations are pending with Dr. A. C Steckle for a return as coach -next season. Dr. Steckle Is now In the East. facts. Mrs. Weaverson is probably not a regular practicing physician. It is to be regretted that some people, when they hear of some one who is not a regular practicing physician getting Into trouble. Immediately assume that the person re ferred to Is a Christian Scientist. This is unfair." CUA5DLATEO EYELIDS. Murine Bye Remedy cures this and other Ey troubles. maKes weaic eyes strong. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March 19. Maximum tempera ture, 68 deg.; minimum, -48. River reading at 11 A. M., 3.7 feet: change In past 24 hours, rise 0.1 foot. Total precipitation. 5 F. 31 to 6 p, M-. 0.29 Inch; total since September 1, JOOi. 23.33 inches; normal, 86.27; deficiency, 13.14. Total sunshine March 18, 1905, 6 hours and 10 minutes; possible. 12 hours and S min utes. Barometer (reduced to aea level), at S P. M.. 29.83. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. g a 2. rr o g I r o - S3 STATION'S. Baker City BLrenarck ..... Boise Eurelm. Helena 4810.041 4INW Cloudy 12'SE Cloudy- S1NW MMSW Cloudy knjoloo ..OIl AA Cloudy W Clear North Head Pocatello. UI.V.V. s Cloudy 44 0.12 SW IRaln Portland.-. 5s;o.2oj5 sw Cloudy Pt. cloudy Rain Clear Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento ..... Salt Lake City.... San Francisco..... Spokane.......... Seattle Tatoosh Island.... 6410.00; rtLRR 66j0.04!12W KBp.M.lSlSW K6l0.12ll4lNW 60!0.02J12iW 14410.01! 61SW IRaln jClear ICloudr IPL cloudy Idoudy Clear 1560.061 S S 1 5O0.1 S30S .160 0.06! elsw Walla Walla. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The storm off the Northwestern Washington coast Saturday evening advanced eastward, keeping well to the north of this district, so the winds along the coast did not reach so high a velocity as was expected. At the mouth of the Columbia River, the highest ve locity was 35 miles from tho south, while at the entrance Xp the Strait of Juan de Fuca. the maximum attained was 30 miles, from the southwest. Good rains have occurred in all sections of the North Pacific States during the last 24 hours, while In Northern California light show ers have continued. The Indications are for cloudy to partly cloudy weather In this dlrttict Monday, with showers. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecast made at Portland at S P. M. for 2S hours ending at midnight. March 20: Portland and vicinity Cloudy to partly cloudy, with showers; routh to west winds. Oregon. Washington and Idaho Cloudy to partly cloudy, with showers; south to west winds. A. B. WOLLABER. Actlnr District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. CMQEf) lWxlOO. " E. ISth, near Morri t3iuuu son Ft-: tnia property is a war bdow values; those wanting a snap better Iook tnie up immediately. SAHLSTROM & PATTERSON.' 22 Stark Street. CREE LAND IN OREGON I Under the 'Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state. WRITE OR CALL TODAY. Bookleta and map free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder street. Portland. Or. s! PHONE CLAY 33. AND WB " . V. VOW J UU SJUV Ui the best Msta of Toemlng houses t- or real estate in the city. j Inlaid Linoleum, best quality, laid, square yard Inlaid Linoleum, second quality, laid, square yard Scotch Cork Carpet, laid, square yard Printed Linoleums. 12 and 6 feet wide square yard from $1.00 to We Lay Our Linoleums Exclusive Carpet House J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET EJUL -MET&CH&X, &ee mm um ciiMrm tram, rciTuia. Men European Plan DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST t Who can 11 or extract any number of teeth without- in- flirting the slightest pain to the patient. The largest and best-equipped dental office on the Pacific Coast 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh 'Phone llnin 2119. CLASSIFIED A3). BATES. . "Booms,"' "Booms and Board," "House keeping Booms," "Situations Wanted." 15" words or less. 15 cents: 16 to 20 words. SO cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." SO cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 word, 50 cents, etc Orst insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half : no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agnte). 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line ct each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed enTelopec. No stamp Is required on such letters. ... . The Oregonlan wUl not bo responsible for errors In advertisements takes through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. y By J. T. Wilson at salesroom. lfcO W St.. at 10 A. M. At No. 6 Union ave. North at -P. M. J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. At residence. 101 North 12. cor. of Irving, by S. L. N. Gllman. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. & A. M. Stated Communica tion this iMoaday) evening at i:30. Work In E. A. degree. All master Masons welcome. C. E. MILLER. Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. & A. M. Stated communica tion this (Monday) evening at 7:30. Work In E. A degree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. 3. WEEKS. Secretary. CAMELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27. O. 33. S. A stated communication this (Monday) evening 8 o'clock. Hill's Hall. ESTHER KANE. Secretary. ... . -K-tyi-i-c- -rrmriR NO 10. K. OF P. Regular convention tonight at 7:30 o'clock In Pythian Hall. 8th floor Marquam tml d Jng. Whist. Visiting Knights cordlaUy -Invited. VEJSP' c' FRED P. Huwi, aoi xi. FORMER RESIDENTS OF WISCONSIN and members of the old Uacger bocy are re- aueeted to aivenu- a mwuufc JS, r KU? hall, in the Marquam building. Wednes day evening. March 22. at 8 o'clock. A. large and entnuslastlo gathering la expected. Let no 'Wlsconslnlto fall to attend- EUREKA COUNCIL. NO. 0. K. L. of S Kill give the nith of lis series of. Preslve whist contests Monday evening. March 20. at the Auditorium. Admission. 10 cents. DIED. TALBOTT In this city at his late residence, 766 Qulmby st, March 19. 1006, John W. Talbolt. aged 40 years. FUNERAL NOTICES, nwrv-ln thiA cltr at her late residence. 34 2d sc. March 18. 1906. Ellxa, widow of the late Henry Close, and motner of WUllam H-. Alfred, Edward and Frederick Close, of this city aged 67 years. The remalna will be at Flnleys chapel until ?HX P. M- today, after which the 'body will be shipped to La. Fay ette. Or., wnere services win oe neio -xuescay. March 21. at 10 A M.. at tho Evangelical Church. CARAHER In this city, on March 19, 1905, at the family residence. 635 Clay St.. Owen Caraher. aged 04 years. 10 months. Funeral Tuesday. March 21. 1905. 8:30 A M.. from the above residence: 9 A. M. from the Cs. thedraL corner ICth and Davis st& Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment II r. Calvary cemetery, please omis nowers. FARMER At Stafford. Or.. March 17. 1905. Alice Adella Farmer, aged 32 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Flnley's chapel today at 2 P. 21. Interment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. MOCKLER In this city. March 17. 1905. Charles Mockler. aged 54 years. Friends and aoQuaintances are respectfully Invited to at' tend the funeral services, which will be held at Flnley's chapel, at U-JO A. M. today. Interment. Rlvervlew Cemetery. DUNNING. MeENTEE A GLLBArjOTI. raceersors to Dunning Campion, nnder takers and emaalsers. modern In evecy de tail, tn ana jriuc Jtrnuns Mala ild. La&j assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO, TlBdertakers and em balsa era, have moved to their new bulla- lsc. Third aad Salmosu Lady smlrtant Xeleyheae No. 507. J. P. TTNLEX SON. PasermI Directors, ear. M aad Madlsoa. Office of County Cor eser. Xady assistant. Tclephoao No. 9. T. 6. DUNNING. Undertaker. 41 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. ZELLEK-BTKNES CO, UNDERTAKERS, Embahsers, 273 Bos'J; East 1088) lady as't. Linoleum Is the ideal floor covering for kitchens, bath-rooms, offices and stores. - We carry a complete stock, in cluding toreign and domes tic linoleums and oilcloths $1.75 $1.50 ............. $1.60 75c Carefully and Properly KX8WXJ5S, Mgr. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. Ballard. Lessee and Manager. OPENING TONIGHT All Week. Matinees Saturday and Sunday. COLXJMBIA STOCK COMPANY. In dramatization of MARIE CORELLI'S famous love story. "THELMA" Seats on Sale for All Performance.". Down-town box offlce open all day at Dolly Varden candy shop. 327 Morrison. Phone Main iiv. evening at tneater. .Slain oil. Evenings. 50c. 35c. 25c. 15c Matinees, 25c, 15c. 10c. ORDER SEATS EARLY. Marquam Grand Theater u&rullt Phone Main 80S. TOMORROW (TUESDAY) NIGHT, ' AT 8:15. CRESTON CLARKE In the beautiful romantic drama. ' "MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE." An enchanting play. An excellent cast. Prices Parauet. S1.50: parauet circle, si. Balcony, first clx rows, 75c; last six rows. 5oc Ufciiery. 'Zbc and 3oc Boxes and loges. tw. SEATS AKE .NUW SEL.L.irU. EmplreTheater gSISeat1 Baker, manager. Phone Main 117. Packed to the Door Yesterday. TONIGHT AND ALL THIS WEEK, MATINEE SATURDAY. A corking good show, the big New York success "THE MOONSHINER'S DAUGHTER" A sensational melodrama. Special ocenlc production. Prices Evening. 15c. 25c. 35c. 50c. Matinee, 10c. 15c. 25e. AGAIN A GREAT BILL AT THE STAR. FROSINI TWO YERKES. THE COLTONS ROSCOE ARBUCKLE D ARNOLD'S TRAINED DOGS. CORDERO. ZANFRETTA AND CARL. HANSON AND DREW. MAUD CARTER. New schedule of prices Evenings. 10c 20c and 25c: matinees, except Sundays and holi days, 10c Week-day shows. 2:30 P. M 7:30 P. it. and 8 P. M. GRAND The Best in Vaudeville! TED E. BOX. THE ONLY GILBERT-S ARONT. JAMES POST AND COMPANY. SEFTON AND D EAGLE. THOMAS ELMORE. MISS GEORGIA EMERY. MR. ALF BONNER. THE GRANDISCOPE. Prices Evening, 10c and 20c: box seats, 25c Matinees (except Sundays and holidays), 10c NEW TODAY. $7500 Cash And $11,000 in 3 years, will buy choice business lot WxlOO ft., rieht on Washington at. near 13th. This nrlce la $500 more than we offered this lot for tinually advancing on Washlnfrton-street nrooerty. and In spite of the 1500 advance. jt 6till remains the cheapest lot offered for sale on this leading business street east of Hth st. C H. KORtLL, 31 Wash ington. WE WANT 40 or 80 acres Valentine scrip. Price must be right COLLINS LAND CO. Concord Bldg. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real .Estate, City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. B1RRELL, 202-3 McKay bldg. Third aad Stark. - f I wuartcr block on HflrO IT lC Washington street, IIClC II lo rtjbt In business dls- iv,is c,ose Jn; prlcJ $75,000;' easy terms. This Is the only quar ter block to be had on Washington st. east of 11th st. at this price. C H. KOREL.L, 251 Washington st.. sole agent. MORI G ACE LOANS Ob Pertlaad ral aetata at lowast rates. ' Titles tnssrvd. Abstracts Sandshvd. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., I Cummr or Coaatm. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted: watches. Jewelry .XT psJrei. Uncle MyersC tha jewslwv 143 Sd. near Alflrr. c w. EW TODAY. SAFETY Is our watchword. During the disastrous year 1S03. when financial trouble was broad cast through the land, we met every obligation promptly, cheerfully and to the satisfaction of our depositors. NOW we want your- business and want you to know that THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." Issues Interest-bearing certificates of deposit that pay from 3 to 4 per cent interest, and can be drawn at any time by giving a cer tain number of days notice. Full particu lars; are contained In our book of " "ILLUSTRATIONS," Which we shall be glad to send you. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third Street. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. Assistant Secretary Ardmore The most desirable "building sits in Portland; surrounded by palatial homes with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the "only high class resident property supplied with bitulithic streets, cement sidewalks, Bull Bun water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washington-street car to Oity Park and get off at Park Ave. Por plats and prices call on or address W. H. Grindstaff 216 STARK STREET. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE We have an Investment proposition that pa?s 16 per cent on price: a permanent and guaranteed revenue; this Is worthy of In vestigation: $7500 Is needed to handle It. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 109 Third Street. FOR SALE NEW C AND 8-ROOM HOCSE; bath, stationary wasnstanc. concrete Daae ment. gas and electric lights, furnace, house tinted; pais pantry. Urge bedrooms, with closets In each, wood elevator, stationary washtubs In basement; on Union-avenue car line, flve-mtnute service, near good school, lawn, etreete Improved; houses now open for inspection; cash or Installments. Inquire owner. H. E. Stemler. 122 3d St.. or at res idence, 652 Union ave. North, one block south of houses. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage; choice acre tracts lor hemes, within the city limits or outside: terms to eult. A. C Churchill & Co.. 110 "Second at. $430 A 4-ROOMED HARD FINISHED house on an Improved graded street, with sidewalks: city water, porcelain sink; all for $450. Only a short distance from the St. Johns car 'line; the greatest snap ever of fered In Portland. If you haven't the cash, don't bother me. Sherman D. Brown. 351 Stark st. TREE LAND! FREE LAND! A chance to secure a home and make money; only cost Is for water right, which averages $10 per acre; under state control. For par ticulars write or call at offlce of Columbia Eouthem Irrigation Co., 539 Worcester block. HOOD RIVER 10 'ACRES. 5 MILES FROM town on E3st Side; flee fruit land, partly Improved level and all cultivable: near school and church; rural mall delivery and phone; healthful climate; $125 per acre; U-mile from railroad survey. so, oregonlan. NEW 8-ROOM DWELLING. JUST COM pleted. on E. 12th. bet. Schuyler and Han cock. Holladay's Addition; surrounded by beautiful shade trees and lawn; terms to nult buyer. Inquire next door for key ana terms. FOR SALE $S00: ABOUT 2 ACRES FENCED and cultivated; 10 large 'cherry trees, near St. Johns car line. This property belongs to an estate and win oe sold lor one-third less than adjoining property. Brown. 351 Stark st. FOR SALE AT WESTPORT. OR.. NEW 9-room bouse, pantry, batn and hall: one acre of ground; close to depot; right on Astoria-Oregon railroad: bargain Jf called for soon. Owner, Lars Olsen. Westport, Or. A NICE HOME. EAST ANKENY Dis trict. 5-room house, large and small fruit. garden, fine lawn, etc; $1350 If sold at once. $373 down, balance $20 month. In quire of owner, 14 5 & 3d St.. room 1. FOR SALE. OWNER ONE SMALL COT- tage. lot 50x100 feet; fenced, lnwn and flowers: price JbOO. Call Sundays or even' Ings. 792 E. 6th st. N.. bet. Beach and Falling; Woodlawn car. NICE HOME IN MONTA VILLA 5-ROOM cottage, bath. barn, fruit trees, lose b unties and aU In nrst-ciass anape. inquire of own er. E. C. Johnson. Noon Bag Co., cor. 1st and Couch sts. FINE 10-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. ON corner lot. 50x100; hot water heating plant. Apply on premises. 304 Ross St.. cor. Broadway. 3 blocks from river. Phone Union 6032. A SNAP. $1850-10 BLOCKS NORTHEAST OF Steel bnage, a nice ju-room aouaie nouse ana full lot. 50x100; good location; easy walking distance to center of city. Inquire B 73, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE TWO FULL H-BLOCKS. CLOSE In. between Morrison and Madison-street bridges, on Improved street: will sell at sac rifice figure, inquire at Grand ave. FOR SALE BY OWNER GOOD 6-ROOM MUD. ern house. S-foot basement, cement floor, cor. ner lot. 60x100; price $2100; easy terms. See FOR SALE 100x100 FEET. N. E. CORNER E. 34tn at. ana Mawtncrne ave.: streets im proved; sewer, water, gas. See owner. 3S2 iu. 3utn bu raooe scon 3001. FOR SALE. $2400 TWO GOOD HOUSES ON lot 53x100. E. 8tb and Carrot hers, paying over j per cent on luvcauueac inquire zsz Alder. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. w. p. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents. Or. Take ML Scott car. 5c NEW MODERN COTTAGE, fl ROOMS. 12 blocks east of Morrison bridge, $2450;' easy terms. Kroner. ia sr., room is. FOR SALE NICE 8-ROOM CORNER HOUSE and part or lot; one or me nicest careers la TWO LOTS. E. 12TH. NEAR TILLAMOOK, for sale, or will build to suit purchaser on easy terms, .pnone .ast tiro. -vrcrrs 12 PER CENT. CORNER 50x73. Ttvrv story brick; rents $00 month; also saloon for sale, call ooo uko.t bi.. owner. FOR SALE-LOT 6. BLOCK 44, HOLLADAY'S Addition, nne cucrry ura; iauu. I. van duyn. owner, iiv asningiotx. -r-rsT SOzlSO AND S-ROOM HOUSE tttj.a mook sc. bet. Williams and Rodney avea. Apply at a san sc. $675 QUARTER J1LOCK. GROVER ST.. SOutn mnwiUf v.c4iuvnwAu mrr, tj. IS J Us gen. lis ADingxon oiog. CHEAP-ONE OR TWO DESIRABLE COT- tages, mooern improvtnrenu, motor lines. In quire owner. 328 E. 11th. $2300 LOT 50x100. 18TH. BET. LOVEJOY and Marshall; just right for flats; nart casn. i'none jaain uec FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS. 315 32d st. w. uwner, Jira. W. A. Daly. 850 I3tn st. 5-ROOM COTTAGE," house, $1000: terms Phone East 675. $1050; to suit 8-ROOMT purchaser. 5 ACRES ADJOINING WOODSTOCK ON north, right on. car line John Oatm&n. 445 Sherlock bldg. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LINB. S MILES FROM Morrison st. snogs, v. js auara. m winkle. Or. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE NEW. NEAT COTTAGE AT 43D and E. Taylor; very easy payments. FOR. SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 0 acres of rich land, with small amount In cultivation; land all lays nicely, with plenty of live water; house and large orchard; within half-mile of church. Woodman hall and 2-room school, and on good county road; 3 miles from Carrollton. a town on the Co lumbia River and N. P. Ry. Price. $630. with 4350 down. 55 acres, with 40 acres under plow; all rich land and lays nicely; live water; 300 bearing fruit trees; nicely finished S-roora house; large barn; chicken-bouse and wood shed; land fenced and cross-tented; on coun ty road one-auarter mile from school and 3 miles from Carrollton. Price. $I5uo, with one-half down, lmus & WUloughfey, Ka lama. Wash. HANDSOME HOMES AND FTNE FARMS; best Improved farm cn Cowlitz River, half mile from town; 71 acres bottom, about all under cultivation; does not overflow; S-room house. large barn; 5T50O. SO acres. 3 miles from Columbia River town; good house, bam and other buildings; bear ing orchard: 4 torses. 2 cows, poultry; cheap at (2200; 40 acres cultivated. HUNTINGTON & HUBBELL. Kelso, Washington. BIG SNAP. 130 acre, near car line. 25 cultivated; 32500 Improvements, over $1000 timber, best -of soli. $50 per acre; $3400 down, balance U per cent; or will exchange for good city property. F. Fuchs, 140H 1st st- FOR SALE ICO ACRES ADJOINING THE City of Pendleton. Or.; good hotue. barns, etc; well and city water, telephone and electric light. For further Information ad dresu P. O. Box 412. Pendleton. Or. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OB TIMBERLAND on tidewater of Shoal Water Bay. Pacific County. Washington: timber, spruce and hemlock; will sell cheap If taken at once. Address N 31. Oregonlan. FOR LOWEST PRICED IRRIGATED LAND, rich In opportunity. Join our excursion to Deschutes Country or write for particulars. Deschutes Land Syndicate. 315 Oregonlan bldg.. Portland. - ,. FOR SALE TWO HOMESTEAD RELIN- qulsbtnents, gooa son, wen umDerec. wttn ru acres, and 50 acres of cleared meadow. 5U and feO acres of swale land. Call or address 34 E. 7th st. 23 ACRES GARDEN LAND. NEWLY PAINT- ed and papered House, Cam. cnlcken-nouse, young orchard, etc.; on car line at Beaverton; half cash. Box" 73. Beaverton, Or. 610 ACRES CHOICE FARMING LAND. Eastern Oregon: irrigating canal cuts tract: for sale cheap by owner. Address S 72, Ore gonlan. TEtlBER LANDS. , 160 ACRES TIMBER IN MULTNOMAH County. e.OOO.COO feet, good location; cneap for cash. Apply E 70, Oregonlan. 644 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND: 15 MILES from Grant's Pass, or.: no agents, if. o. Box 19S. Goldendale. Wash. HOMESTEAD,. 10 MILES FROM CITY; BAR- galn. D E. Budd. no 1st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT ED TO BUY .HOUSE 5 TO T ROOMS with lot 50x100; $23 down ana to $30 per month Installments; state terms and lo cation. A care uregoaian. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. SXMi to $10,000: also business properties. ?ouuo to ?3J,Cw. nave ouyers. u. . wuiuns cs .?., 4l3 Ablngton tolas. FOR RENT FARMS FINE SMALL FRUIT AND POULTRY farm near Portland to practical. responsiDie party. C H. Sholeo. 417 Chamber of Com merce. TO EXCHANGE. 317 ACRES. WITH 35 ACRES UNDER plow; 100 acres elasned. Durnea ana seecea; balance open and brush land; family or chard : rood house, with spring water piped Into It; two barns; with this place go 23 head of cattle, team, wagon, harness, road cart, cultivators, plows and other farming Implements, and 20 tons of hay; 1 miles above Kelso, on county road and Cowlltx River with steamboat landing: price. $4000. with S1500 down, with term3 which will en able purchaser to pay for place witn products raised each year, or will accept -good real estate up to $1500 and give same terms. Imua & WHIoughby. Kalama, Was&. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready tor Immediate use. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. & F. B. Riley, S03 Chamber Commerce. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on the market. We handle all kinds public land practice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, TIM- bered. farm or grazing land; an sizes, lowest prices. II. B. Compson. 618 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnls & Sen. 22f Falling bldg. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE-50 TOP WAGONS. GROCERx and laundry wagonettes. 50 open wagons, express wagons, 10 bike also cuahlon-tlre buggies, 12 surreys, rubber and steel tires; 3 rubber-tired hacks, 3 single gooseneck trucks, 4 double gooseneck trucks. 25 sets of double harness, 100 sets of single har ness, 100 saddles. We have a corner on vehicles or anything that runs on wheels. We carry more stock than any other dealer on the Northwest Coast. Our warehouses are at 343 E. Washington St.. at 83-85-87 Union ave. Main offlce and barn, 211 Wash ington st. We hire horses and wagons out by the day. week or month. Tomllneon & Casslday. Phone Hoodt B38. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds of vehicles bought, sold and rented. Hubert Sc. Hall, 264 4th. "Phone Main 2208. GOOD WORK TEAMS. SUITABLE FOR farming, for sale .cheap; also wagon or harness. 21P Montgomery. FOR SALE CARLOAD OF HEAVY horses; can be seen at Union Stockyards Stables, foot of 17th st. FOR SALE 6 HEAVY HORSES. 5 WAGON8 and harness. Frank Kubik. Woodlawn. Phone Scott 5300. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on coast for sale or'hlre. 211 Wash. MUST SELL $450 PIANO. USED A FEW weeks; $230 cash. Sixteen lessons Included. Answer today. Cash only. T 57, Oregonlan. NEW PIANO, HIGH GRADE, TO TRADE for board or board and room. J5, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAKT Repair It with Elaterite; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles: best for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. DOG FOR SALE FEMALE ST. BERNARD; fine watch dog; good retriever on land or water: 2 years old; will sell for $25, worth $100; has city license good till September; or will trade for most anything. Apply 72 Cth. FOR SALE-TWO VERY FINE REVOLVING upright showcases, golden oak wood, antique copper base; cost $75 each: will sell for $25; suitable1 for any kind of business. Address G. N. W. Wilson Co., 72 6th. 37-FOOT LAUNCH. CABIN FORWARD and standing roof aft; two-cylinder 12 horsepower gasoline engine; price $900. Ad dress "Launch." care Letter Carrier No. 2. Tacoma. Wash. FOR SALB-TWO PLATE-GLASS SHOW cases, 12x13 feat long, oak frame, beveled plate top and front, with plate-glaes fixtures, as good as new; cheap. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison sts. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modem bar tVxtures, cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Co:-lender. 40 Sd at. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE AND REC- ords. National cash register, gas range. Jap anese screens suitanie xor tor .saloon, .scales, baby buggy. Call Monday noon, 208 Clack amas. East Side. THOROUGHBRED GERMAN SPITZ PUPPDlU on exhibition at Fisher's Music Store, 180 3d. bet. Yamhill and Taylor, v ' FOR SALE A LADY'S AND GENT'S BI' cycle, almost new. cheap for cash. 175 E, 23d St.. hear Belmont st. THOROUGHBRED GERMAN SPITZ PUPPIES, on exhibition at Fisher's Music Store. 1C0 3d. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. 160 CORDS FINE FIR WOOD ON BANK river at Holbrook for sale or trade. 321 Mor rlson st. Ralston. FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COWS: 3 yousg .hones; gentle; well broken. S. King. XauzJ QmJc. Or. FOR SALE. Miscellaaeeac TWO NICKEL-PLATED 6-FOOT .SHOW- cases and two-sealed surrey. 44 3d. - near Pin. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY aBLE-BODIED. unmarried men. between ages oz -i ana oo. eltlzens of United States, of good character and temperate babltu, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Omcer. 3d and Oak sts Port land. Or. THERE IS MORES DEMAND THAN EVER for competent salesmen, booxJceepers. stenog raphers and technical men, and we need men for many such poiltlons now open. Pa cine Commercial Bureau. Seattle. Wash. WANTED GOOD COLLECTION AGENCY solicitor tor uregon. aoqivss- a. a-1124-104 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. WANTED-COMPETENT BUSINESS PRO- ducers of fraternal Insurance for Fraternal Union of America; best protection extant; salary and commission. V. F. Roose. Su preme President. Denver. Colo. WANTED SASH AND DOOR MAN. $3.50; hand edgerman, $2.50; ratchet-setter, $3.25; mill and yardmen. $1.75 to $2; transporta tion advanced. Lumbermen's Labor Bur eau. 203 Morrison. WANTED IMMEDIATELY SINGERS. PER- formers, musicians, for vaudeville circuit, dramatic companies, ladles' band, quartets, sketch teams. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, 32ti3 Washington. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; S weeks completes: positions guaranteed; tuition earned while learning. Write for terms. Ho ler's Barber College. 044 Clay. San Francisco. wanted men and boys to learn plumblng trade. Coyne Bros. Co., School or Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad dress 4973-75 Easton ave., St. Louis. Mo. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; send for particulars. Prets Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES; COM misslon; publications, newspapers, periodicals, Exposition Journal. Clyde's Special Agency. IK53 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness; good pay to good men. Call or write C07 McKay bldg. WANTED ENERGETIC SINGLE MAN. AGE 21 to 28. as traveling salesman; references. Call 11 to S P. M.. room 10. 413& Washington st.. cor. 11th. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS. SALES men; If you want a position, call and see u. Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A GOOD ALLOPATHIC PHYS1 clan and surgeon, to take the place of a re tired physician. Inquire at drugstore. Glen coe. Or. $25 TO $65 PER WEEK EASUVT MADE selling sick and accident benefits for Union Mutual Aid Association. 401 Marquam bldg. LEARN ADVERTISING SOLICITING Tui tion free, for office assistance, collecting. Write particulars. P 75, Oregonlan. FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK SEE US. CA nadian Employment Co.. 249 Bumsld and 223H Morrison. Phone Main 3074. WANTED MAN. OUTSIDE WORK; MUST deposit $150; amply secured; wages $15 week, ly. P SI. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WITH SOME CASH FOR business that will make $150 per month. K 81. Oregonlan. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE. WE ARE still doing business at the same old stand. 267 Flanders. WANTED SALESMAN MUST BE TOUNG and have a wheel; give references. K 72. Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED TAILOR FOR cleaning and bcehllng. Call at North Sixth el. MACHINE HANDS FOR SASH AND DOOR factory. Inquire Nlcolal Bros. Co., 2d and Davis. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT once; references required. 232 Stark ft. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber Cot. lege. 741 Howard st.. San. Francisco. GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH-CLASS salesman. 215 Commercial block. WANTED TO BUY MEN'S ODD CLOTHING, shoes. 50 3d. Phone Hood 1862. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. vate diseases of men. CURES ALL PRI- KELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALX. WANTED MAN AND WIFE TO COOK IN boarding cars; must be first-class cook and waiter. Apply 215 N. Grand ave., between 10 and 12, and 1 and 3. WANTED-5000 PEOPLE TO TRY MAPLE lne; get It, at your grocer's; It Is pure, sweet and wholesome. WANTED WAITRESS OR WAITER, vis restaurant, 228 Burnslde st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade: 8 weeks completes; tuition earned while learn ing. Halrdresslng. manicuring and facial massage in 4 weeks; special terms now. Write Moler System College. San Francisco. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 10CO positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 22o Morrison. Main 1323. MARRIED LADY. WITHOUT CHILDREN, to do chamber work for rent of housekeep ing rooms; must have experience. 129 Grand ave. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230 H Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY BEPRESEN tatlves In Portland and throughout the state: we pay good money. Call or write '607 Mc Kay bldg.. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK lng and general housework, small family, good wages. Apply 56 Ella st., bet. 20th and 21st. HOTEL COOKS. $23, $30; WAITRESS. EAST. $20 (fare); dishwasher, plain Ironing, ' house work. Drake's, 205 Washington. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL; MUST BE good laundress: must have references. 693 Davis, bet. 21st and 22d. GOOb GTRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK and care for child three years old. good Wages. 67 Ella. st. WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPH - er. new beginner, umall salary. Apply 222 Ablngton bldg. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AND CHAil bermald: wages, $20; room and board. Na tional Hotel. YOUNG WOMAN WANTED AS -DISHWASH-er; must be clean. 306 Ankeny st-. opposite Postotflce. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSE work, no washing, no children. Apply 36T 10th st. WANTED COMPETENT COOK. ALSO second girl. Apply S3 North 23d St., cor. Everett. WANTED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS. APPLT Pacific Coast Biscuit Company, 12th and Davis. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL TO DO COOK lng and general housework, at 307 North 22d st. A RELIABLE WOMAN OR GIRL TO CARE for Invalid child: -references. 100 E. 16th st rr GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. SLEEP at home perferred. Mrs. O'Neill, 325 12th st. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. $12 per month. 719 E. Main, near 20th. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD wages'. 731 Savler st. Small washing. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU3E work; references. 770 Flanders st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8E work; wages. $23. 149 13th st. RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 186 East 16th st. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND TAKE care of children. 36S E. 15th. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF child. Apply 395 6th st. GTRL WANTED FOR GENERAL work: at 595 Marshall st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN SECOND WORK AND care of child. 169 23d St. "WANTED LADIES at 4034 X. 6th st. TO CANVASS. APPLY GDtL TO ASSIST IN BAKERY. fAT.T. 31 y Third at.