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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1905)
OREGON'S GOVERNOR WILL VETO AIMED AT NORMALS Chamberlain Hopes to Cut Off Money Supply,. OBJECTS OF STATE'S CHARITY Chief Executive Says These Schools Cannot SubslBt on Warrants as Can Other Institutions Named in Bill. SALEM. Feb. 16. (Special. "I'll veto that 51,000.000 appropriation bill sure.'.' de clared Governor Chamberlain tonight The blirprovides money for the penal, reformatory and charitable institutions at Salem, the normal schools, the State "University and the Agricultural College. There is no doubt, whatever that the Governor means what he Eays. The bill has lain in the Senate three days and will be passed tomorrow after noon. Republicans have held it hack, thinking that the Governor was trying to run a bluff and that he would not dare to veto the measure after adjournment, because that would throw on him the responslbllty of loading up the state with large warrant indebtedness for mainten ance of the Institutions provided for in the bill. For this reason the bill will not be passed until near tho last hour of tho session, and the Legislature will leave It behind for him to act on afterward. His Kxcellency denounces the coupling of normal schools with other state in stitutions, and asserts that they should be provided for in a separate bill, not alone so that he may veto them if he chooses, but also that the people may call a referendum on them. Leading Republicans say that the Gov ernor will be digging a political grave for himself by vetoing, but his advisors aver that he can face tho people in that issue. Tonight ho said that the Interest on war rants would cost less than the sums ap propriated tor normal schools and the State University and the Agricultural College. He believed $700,000 would carry Tho necessary institutions two years, whereas the bill appropriates $1,012,000. "The normal schools are objects of the elate's charity," said the Governor, "and cart receive from the state only such money as is appropriated for them, and cannot demand subsistence on the credit f the state." Bills Passed by the House. SALBM, Or., Feb. 1G. (Special.) The following bills passed the House today: E. B. 190, by Coe To raise age of consent to 35 years; 44 ayes. 38 absent. S. B. 30, by Malarkey To prevent and pun ish tlcke,t scalping; 49 ayes, 3 noos, S absent. H. B. 51 (substitute), by Cole To provide Jot use of unappropriated streams by reclama tion service; 47 ayes, 2 noes, 31 absent. S. B. 200, by Crolsan To raise salary of Adjutant In Roseburg Soldiers' Home to $600; 60 ayes, 2 noes. 8 absent. S. B. 256, by Malarkey To provide for ap portionment of funds In rural school dis tricts In Multnomah County. S. B. 263, by Carter To permit one normal rrhool to grant diplomas to students of fin other normal school. S. B. 14, by Tuttle To amend the fishing law ro as to give tiie Prosecuting Attorneys portion of Ones In certain cases. 8. B. 266. by Hobson To prevent exhibition of hypnotized subjects; 00 ayes. S. B. 270. by Rand To provide for diking district. E. B. 240. by Wright To regulate use of trac tion engines on county road. S. B. 132. by Malarkey To appropriate moneys for institutions supporting Wayward girls. S. B. 170 (substitute), by Band (by request) To licence the selling of goods by peddlers. 8. B. 208, by Coshow To amend charter of Roseburg. S. B. 265. by Booth To amend charter of Grant's Pass. F. B. 269, by Coke To license hunters. S. B. 247. by Carter (by request) To permit State Game ond Forestry Warden to appoint deputies, paid partially by hunters' license. S. B. 261." by Coke To provide for two terms of Circuit Court In Curry County instead of one term every year. 8. B. 225, by Band To make minor brothers and sisters heirs of deceased brother or sister. S. B. 152, by Slchol To give Governor right to parole prisoners. S. B. 186. by Booth To amend the law for tax on inheritances. S. B. 271, by Coke To change dates of vari ous County Courts. S. B. 118. by Tuttle To Improve county roads. Bills Passed oy the Senate. SALEM, Or.. Feb. 36, Special.)-House bills were passed by the Senate today as follows: B". B. 176. by Holcomb To provide for the levying of taxes. H. B. 179, by Sitz To protect the raisers of borscs and cattle. H. B. 391. by Muir To permit sale of real property of decedents before personal property. II. B. 233. by Griffin To fix salaries In Lane County. H. B. J04. by Mayger To change ealmon fishing seasons on Columbia and Coast streams lor concurrentjeglslation with Washington. B". B. 311t by Edwards To amend charter of Junction City. H. B. "236. by Laws To protect salmon In the Columbia River. II. B. 165. by Huntley To amend pharmacy law. H. B. CO, by ways and means committee To transfer forestry building at Lewis and Clark lair to City of Portland. Bills Postponed In the House. SALEM. Or.. Feb. 3C (Snfieinl.l Th following bills were indefinitely postponed In the House today: 5. B. 260, by Coke To fix boundary be tween Coos .and Douglas Counties. E. B. 23". by Whealdon To protect game birds In Wasco County. Failed of Passage in the House. SALEM, Or., Feb. 16. (Special.) The following bills failed to pass the House: H. B. 376, by ways and means committee To appropriate $3105.19 for Captain John Mullan. 6. B. 346, by Tuttle To amend charter of Astoria; Governor's veto sustained. Woodcraft Women Name Delegate. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Feb. 16. (Special.) At the final session of Women of Wood craft today delegates to the grand circle, which will "meet in Los Angeles in June, wore elected as follows: Mrs. Bancs Bowes, of Aberdeen; Mrs. Ruth Wilson, of Tacoma; Mrs. Grogeri of Everett; Mrs. West, of Seattle: Mrs. Mullen, of Bellingham; Mr?. Duober. of "Winlock: Mrs. Martin, of Ballard: Mrs. Ott, of Olympla. Alternates Mrs. Pierce, of Aberdeen: Mrs. Albright, of South Se attle; Mrs. Wolff, of Tacoma: Mrs. Free burger, of Shelton: Mrs. Westcott, of Bol lingham; Mrs. MeFarland, of South Se attle; Mrs. Stanton, of Everett, and Mrs. Crosby, of Seattle. The convention adjourned at noon to meet in Kent next year. Over Sixty Pass Examinations. EUGENE, Or., Feb. 16. (Special.) County Superintendent Dillard has com pleted examination of the papers of tho large ciaes of applicants for teachers' certificates, with tbor result that CI were Nucccseful. DRAFT OF MACHINE Ainsworth Elected to Port of Portland Commission. GIVEN S. C. SPENCER'S BERTH Carefully-Planned Trick Is Carried Out in Joint Assembly, Despite the Protests of Independent" Senators to Kuykendall. SALEM, Or., Feb. 16.-tSiecial.) By a trick secretly planned and so swiftly ex ecuted that opponents of the Multnomah j "machine" had no time to catch their breath, much less their wits, J. C. Ains worth was elected to the Port of Portland Commission today, in Joint assembly of the two houses, to succeed E. W. Spen cer, whose influence with several mem bers of the House won enough votes last Tuesday to sustain the Governor's veto on Representative Bailey's bill to oust Spencer and Thomas. The trick was so secretly planned that the anti-machine faction was taken com pletely unawares and President Kuyken dall put it through by squelching Sen ator Nottingham, who tried vainly to raise his voice in protest and by refusing to put Senator Pierce's motion to ad journ. When the Assembly began, the roll was not called, owing to the hasto of 'President Kuykendall; therefore tho question has been raised as to whether the Journal can show a quorum to have been present. President Kuykendall and Chief Clerk Moorhead say that the journal will show a quorum. Moorhead remarked this af ternoon that two or three joint assem blies have been held la his recollection where no roll was called. The assembly was called under the pre tense that the Legislature was to carry out its time-honored custom of electing a boat-puller for Astoria, an officer who has been drawing 5G00 a year for minis tering to health and peace officers by carrying them over the water to vessels In the harbor for the purpose of enforc ing quarantine regultaions and serving various papers. The Job of the health officer is to be abolished 90 days after adjournment of the Legislature by a bill of Senator Miller's, but the boat-puller's job will not be molested. James Keating was elected to the place on motion of Senator Tuttle, seconded by Representative Laws. After tho election o Keating, Sena tor Smith jumped to his foet with a motion to adjourn and was seconded by Nottingham, but the chair Ignored the motion and recognized Bailey, who nominated Ainsworth to till tho va- cancj- on tne commission. This "was done without any announcement from the chair that that was the next order of business. No other nominations were made, for tho assembly was so dazed that it hardly realized what was going on. Bailey moved that the nominations be closed and that the chief clerk cast the ballot of the Assembly fcr Ains worth. Kuykendall put tho question, but before the vote had been sounded Nottingham was on his feet, "Is there any vacancy?" he asked. "If there is, this is the first I have hoard of it." Kuykendall ruled that there was n vacancy and again started to put the motion. "This is a dirty, mean, underhanded. trick: ' broke in Nottingham. "The Senator is out of order." i torted the chair. "This is taking snap judgment," shouted Nottingham. "Tho Senator Is out of order," re peated liuykendall, peremptorily and severely. "The Senator will take his seat." Nottingham was quelled and Sena tor Smith again moved to adjourn, a motion which Nottingham seconded. but the chair Ignored Smith again and put tho question to a vo?2. The ayes and noes replied in .about equal vol ume, and Kuykendall declared Ains worth elected and dissolved the As sembly with a bang of his gavel. Governor Chamberlain cays AinsV worth's election is satisfactory to him and that he Is of the opinion that the election Is entirely legal, also that the roll-call was not essential to the legal ity of the procedure.. Attorney-General Crawford says the presumption of law Is that a quorum was present, and that that presumption THE MORNING OKEGONIAlv, FBIDAY, FEBRUARY IT, 1905. FOUR MEN PROMINENT IN would obtain until the contrary was shown. Trap Was Well Covered. Thomas, against whom tho Multnomah organization Is especially bitter, has not been disturbed. Spencer has been at Sa lem several days guarding against any possible coup, but was completely out witted. Since last Tuesday morning, when the veto on the bill putting him oft the commission was sustained In the House, he has been full of glee, but the joy Is now In the other camp, where the "machine" braves of Multnomah County ave displaying his scalp with great Jubi lation. The trick was well planned between leaders of the Senate and House, and nobody outside of the select few knew anything about It. When the noon hour arrived In the Senate, President Kuyken dall brought his gavel down with a loud whack, announcing that the time had arrived for going Into joint assembly, but he did not reveal what tho assembly was for, not even that it was called to elect tho Astoria boatman. When the "honorable" Senators filed Into the House chamber wonder was written on their countenances and. on the faces of the Representatives also. Speaker Mills yielded the gavel to President Kuy kendall and forthwith the secret game began to unfold. In order to lose no time Kuykendall went straight to business, without even Instructing the reading clerk to call the roll. What the Law Says. The law ordains that vacancies In the commission "shall be filled by the remain ing members' by Election until the next session of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, when said vacancy so created shall be filled by election by the said Legislative Assembly." "Said vacancy" is alleged to have been caused by failure of Spencer to attend the meetings of the board for CO consecutive days, which, according, to tho law, of Itself removes an incumbent from tho board. Spencer was elected by the re maining members to All the vacancy. Age of Consent Is Raised. SALEM. Or.. Feb. 16.-(Special.) Sena RE PREVENTATIVE MILES. OF THE PUBLIC EYE ARE SKETCHED BY HARRY MURPHY tor Coc's bill raising the age of consent from 16 to IS years has at last passed both houses, and will probably be approved by drwtim PhomViApTfiln Pi'n r c!nh t Hp original bill, S. B. No. 8, was introduced j January 11, the flrst day for the intro duction of bills, it has found hard sled ding. It has experienced more ups anil downs, has been referred and re-referred more times than any other measure be fore tho present session. In the Senate it went through the medi cine and pharmacy committee, and after being rescued from the table was the sub ject of an executive session and several special orders of business. The same com mittee finally recommended a substi tute bill. S. B. 190, and this passed th Senate February 1. after examination by the judiciary committee. The House heard it read the first time February 2, and after scrutiny b3' the ju diciary and medicine and pharmacy com mittees came back favorably recommend ed. It passed the House this mo mine without opposition, the 41 members pres ent all voting "aye." Representative Vawter's bill to create a joint board of regents for all the Nor mal schools of the state was Indefinitely postponed in the Senate this afternoon. Three bills of this character Tiavo been before the Legislature at this session, but all have, met the opposition of the normal school people and have been killed. Railroad Investigators Denied Money. SALEM, Or., Feb. 15. (Special.) The House tonight voted down Jayne's reso lution providing that the committee to in vestigate the manner in which thousands of acres of valuable timber land In Linn County are held by the Northern Pacific Railway be allowed $1000 with which to prosecute Its investigations. The com mittee was created by Calender's resolu tion and Jayne is a member, though Cav ender is not. Vawter declared that it was a case be tween the Northern Pacific and the United States- Government and not the state government. Smith of Josephine suggested that the matter be referred to Francis J. Honey. Jayno wanted the committee to report to tho next Legisla ture. THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR. BIG APPROPRIATION BILL SOME MINES ARE EXEMPT OBJECT OF BINGHAM BILL AS PASSED BY THE SENATE. Producers of Less Than a Thousand a Year Pay a Tax of but Ten Dollars. SALEM, Or., Feb. IS. (Special.) The Bingham bill to exempt mining companies from the provisions of the Eddy corpora tion tax law passed the Senato tonight with not a vote to spare. The purpose of the bill Is to exempt from payment of corporation tax till mining companies not producing $100) a year. Corporations thus exempted must pay 510 a year. The Bingham bill was dissected at length by Coe, Rand and Kuykendall, In favor of amending the Eddy law, and Booth. - Haines and Malarkey against. For the bill It was argued that nine out of ten mines do not pay and Investors sink their money In the ground: that money Invested in mines comes principally from people residing outside the state and is spent for labor and. materials, thus be coming a part of the wealth of the state and adding to the amount of taxable prop erty. It was argued that the state makes annual appropriation for experiments with grasses nnd grains In Eastern Ore i;on, and that this concession to the min ing Industry will be In the naturo ot an aid to experiments In mining. Against the bill It was argued that there should bo no discrimination, for there are Industries of all kinds that do not pay; that If a mining company which does .not nay profit Is exempt, should be a sawmill company. Senator Booth asserted that saw mills paid out 520.000.000 In this etate last year, practically all of It re ceived from other states, but mlllmon themselves lost money. They are not ask ing to be exempted from payment of the licenso tax. Jt Is also asserted that men who are actually mining are not asking for ex emption, but favor is asked by men who have organized wildcat companies and are exploiting pockets of people In the East who do not understand the situation. Senator Haines emphasized the fact that this Legislature has appropriated 52,000,000 and is now cutting off 540,000 of revenue from corporations. The vote was: Ayes Avery. Carter. Coe, Coshow, Hobson, noAnon. Holman. Howe, Laycock, Loughary. Hand. Sichel. Smith. "Whealdon. Wright, President Kuykendall 16. Noes Booth. Farrar. Haines. Malarkey, Mc Donald, Miller. Nottingham, Pierce 8. Absent Bowerman. Brownell. Coke. Crolsan. May. Tuttle 6. DIVISION OF SCHOOL FUNDS. Attorney-General Decides Legislative Action Is Unnecessary. OLYMPIA. Wash.. Feb. 16. (Special.) A question having been raised as to the legality of the method pursued In the apportioning of tho current school fund without the Legislature having first di rectly appropriated the money for the purpose, the Attorney-General has given the State Treasurer an opinion in which he holds that a direct appropriation Is entirely unnecessary. Accordingly the quarterly apportionment of the current school fund, which has been hold a few days pending the Attorney General's decision, has now been made as follows: Adams . Asotin . ...5 3,G00.59iLewl9 8.-151.371 ... 2.315.13,Llnco!n 7,054.5. ... 7.135.nj!Mason 1.624.47 S.079.GO. Okanogan .. 1.787.CO CbehaJIs . Chelan ... Clallam. .. Clarke ... Colombia . rowliu .. Douglas .. Ferry Franklin . Garfield .. Island Jefferson . Kins: .... Kitsap ... Kittitas .. Klickitat . 2.211.03iPaclflc U.U29.S4 .U50.23PIerce 27.flB2.67 3.20S.3;San Juan 1.S30.7U 3.C9C.178kagit S.TTl.SljSkamanla .. SCO. 45 Snohomish. .. S0S.62 Spokane .... 1.741.47;stevens SGO.OU.Thurston ... l.28.5SWahklaxum.. 52,271. 01 1 Walla Walla 8.533.00: Whatcom ... 4.5S3.S1; Whitman ... 2.03tf.0, Yakima .... 7,304.35 4S.VS3 14.402. GO 28,210.00 5.342.04 0.127.6S 22(1.12 S.17I..T7 14.040.52 13.405.12 8,454.00 Total . $259,302.33 - Rate per day attendance, 5.0127. NO CHANGE IN THE CENSUS LAW Amendment Defeated With Kay's Plan for the Work. SALEM, Or., Feb. IK. ((Special.) Thero will be no amendment of the state census law at thl3 session, notwithstanding the recommendations of the Secretary ot State, the Governor and the press of the state. Unless the Secretary of Stato as sumes responsibility and prepares blanks other than those authorized by law, and can induce tho County Assessors to us them, the census of 1903 will be as incom plete as heretofore, and not In harmnnv with the plan of the Federal census taken every ten years. Failure to amend tho -census law. which has been on the statute-books since 1SW. without change, was due to the defeat of Kay's bill placing the Labor Commis sioner at the head of the census work and making it his duty to prepare blanks, su pervise the taking of the census and tabu-S late the returns. The bill also authorized the State La bor Commissioner to make such arrange ments as he caq with the Federal Census Bureau, by which the Government would pay a portion of the expense ot taking the census, in view of the fact that it would be taken In accordance with th Federal plan. Tho defeat of the measure was accomplished by the argument that the new system will be needlessly expen sive. PORTLAND PARK BILL FAILS Three Multnomah Senators Declared There Was a "Job" in It. SALEM. Feb. 1C (Special.) Portland's nark bonding bill failed to pass the Senate tonight by a vote of 13 to 13. Malarkey ind Sichel of Multnomah defended the bill and were the only Senators from that iounty who voted for it. Nottingham, Hoilson and Coe fought the measure, de claring It contained a "Job" put up by somehody who desired to foist on the clty grounds at cxtortionato prices. Malarkey pointed out tliRt the bonding plan would be submitted to fe electora of the city next June, and Sichel said that heavy taxpayers had gone on record as approving the bill. The bill was In troduced by Speaker Mills and was passed by the House last week. A raining bill by Smith of Josophlne to prescribe the manner of posting -notice on mining claims was killed in the Sen ato today by Indefinite postponement. The last of the Mining Buroau bills was sent to tho graveyard today when the Senate indefinitely postponed H. B. 7. by Smith ot Josephine. Several other bills of the same character have been killed in the same manner heretofore. Senator Sichel's Indeterminate sentence bill has passed both houses and will be approved by tho Governor. The bill au thorizes Circuit Courts to suspend the execution of sentence during good be havior. Suburban school districts in Multnomah Counts are the beneficiaries of Malarkeys S. B. 256. which has passed both houses. The bill provides that whenever the school census showa that the school pop ulation has doubled in one year the num ber ot children shall be reported to the County Superintendent immediately, and thereafter apportionments shall be made upon the new enumeration. The bill was framed for the benefit of suburban districts, which are growing very rapidly, and in which the number of children becomes so great In one year that tho school funds received are entire ly inadequate. In general, the school districts do not get the benefit of their Increase In population for six months or more after the enumeration, but dis tricts growing so rapidly that they double In population in one year will be made an exception. H. C. It. 2C. by Linthicum, for a joint commission of five to Investigate the prac ticability of a bridge across the Willam otto at Mllwauklc, was adopted by the Senate today. At the request of labor unions of Portland Senator Brownell this morn ing presented a potitlon asking: that the Senate commltce on manufacturing hurry up Its report on Representative Cooper's bill to protect employes in mills and factories from dangerous ma chinery. The bill passed tho House January 24 and was Introduced in the Senate three days later. The petition went to the committee on resolutions. Representative Griffin's bill to extend time for filing mechanics' or material Hen from 30 to 90 days failed to pass the Sen ate today and Senator Tuttle gave notice of motion to reconsider tomorrow. Reformer Invited to Astoria. ASTORIA, Feb. 16. (Special.) The local Chinese Reform Association today extend ed an Invitation to Kang Tu Wei. official head of the organization, who is now Jn Portland, to visit Astoria. The Invitation was sent by telegraph and reads as fol lows: "The members of the Chinese Reform Society of Astoria humbly present their heartiest greetings and respectfully re quest the gracious pleasure of your ex cellency's presence and all members or the society In Astoria at your earliest convenience." Logging Road to Be Built. ASTORIA, Feb. Iff. (Special.) The Sea side Spruce Lumber Company Is said to have practically concluded arrangements for the construction of a logging railroad from Seaside Into the Necanicum River district. A logging engine was taken down today to. begin clearing the right of way, and the grading will be commericed with in a short time. The company has pur chased rails sufficient for laying about two miles of traclL HOUSE BAGK8 VETO Astoria Charter of Senator Tultie Is Defeated. SEMI-INDEPENDENTS REBEL "Machine" Victory at the Morning Joint Assembly Is Followed by Disaster in Afternoon Ac tion of Lower Houbs. - SALEM. Or.. Feb. 15. (Specials-Governor Chamberlain's veto of Senator Tut tlc's much-fought Astoria charter bill was sustained by the House this atternoon. for the requisite two-thirds majority failed to materialize, the vote being r.6 to 23, with one absent. Laws of Clatsop made the charge on the floor of the Houso that the bill bad originally passed largely because the members had no printed copies to read. This he laid at the door of ex-Sergeant -at-Arms W. F. Isenberg. of Hood River, who is now in the hospital, and whom h" charged with purposely concealing tli bills. The action of the surprise party joi!ir assembly this morning in naming the nel? Port of- Portland Commissioner helped to kill the Astoria charter in the afternoon. The semi-independents rebelled, and car ried the day. Laws read a letter from S. S. Gordon, of Astoria, named as one of the new Police Commissioners in the charter, pro testing against its passage. Burns of Coos took up the cudgels for the Astoria Democrats, and inveighed against "ma chine" methods. Jagger, as chairman of the committee on cities and towns, declared the charter bill satlsfactory- "Thls Is an effort to perpetuate the Democratic machine in Astoria, if there Is a machine outside of Portland." de clared Jayne of "Wasco. He denied that a club had been held over the head of any member to enforce the first passage of th bill, and said that Mayor Suprcnant. of Astoria, was being paid 53 for superin tending the construction of the new City Hall. Burns of Clatsop stated that Suprenant wns an experienced contractor, and that the city was paying him 53 a day, while the county paid him 53 a day. "I am surprised that an attorney like Clyde Ful ton should draw up such a charter as this." said Burn3. and he then pointed out alleged defects. After nearly an hour's discussion the roll was called, with the following result: Ayes Bailey. Bingham. Calvert. Capron. Carter. Cole. CotweM. Cooper. Cornett. Cranjc, Mint. Graham. Gray. Griffin. Henderson. Her mann, Holcomb. Hudson. Huntley, Jasgar, Jayne, Kllllnsaworth. Linthicum. Mayger. Mpara, Miles. Muir. Newell. Richie.. Shcok flltr. Sonnemsuin. Vawter. Von. der Heilen. Welch. Speaker Mills 36. Noee Barnes. Blaklcy, Bramhall. BurgejJ. Burn of Clatsop, Burns of Coos. Caldwell. Cavender. Chamberlain. Dobbin. Donnelly, Ed wards. Fawk. Kay. Kuney. Laws, McLeod. Munkera, Settlemeier. Smith ot Baker, Smith of Josephine. Stclner. West 23. Abserir-Jackson. Passed by the House' at Night. SALEM. Or.. Feb. 16.-(Special.) Bills passed the House tonight as follows: Tuttle To appropriate 5S00O for a launch tor the Fish Warden on the Columbia. Biver and provide for crew's wages. Bowerman To regulate fences east of th Cascade Mountains. Malarkey To prohibit sale of liquors to fe males under 21 years. Pierce To fix eateries of Assessors of arl ous counties. Smith To provide for state bee Inspector Carter Regulating the construction of barbed wire fence west of the Cascade Mountains. Crolsan Relinquishing rights of the state in the Salem sewer. Holman Providing that the holder cf ttvo thlrdd of the stock of. a. corporation may dis pose of the property. Loughary Charter of Monmouth. Malarkey Summons in Justice Courts. Malarkey Fixing time in which suit may be commenced for recovery of land sold for tax's Rand To authorise the majority of the stock holders in mining corporations to' reside ou of the tate. Nottingham For indeterminate sentence or prisoners?. I.aycock' Fixing ealnry of Grant County Sheriff at 53000; County Clerk. 52000; Judge. 5800: Treasurer. 5100. Committee on public institutions Providing home for feeble-minded. Coke Providing for hunters' license, with 510 ee for hunters residing outside of state Coke To protect salt water crabs. Passed by the Senate. SALBM. Or., Feb. IS. (Special.) House bills passed the Senate today as follows: Settlemler To amend the military code. Ways and means committee Salaries of state officers. Miles To protect forests from fire. Cole To aid Irrigation. Miles Amending the game law. Smith of Josephine To redistrlct district In Josephine- County- v Von 'der Heilen To protect aalmon. Sonnemann To reimburse t. L. Rag: dale. "Ways and means committee For care of orphans. Munkers To prescribe manner of collecting taxes. Bingham To exempt raining companies from corporation tax. Carter To make library tax mandatory. Mayger To provide special fund for Colum bia County. Failed in House at Night. SALE?. Or.. Feb. 16. (Special.) Th following bills failed to pass the House tonight: Kuykendall Providing that atate pay surety bond fee of State Treasurer. Kuykendall Providing for convict labor on roads and appropriating 510,000; indefinitely postponed. Socialist Paper for Hoquiam. HOQUIAM. Wash.. Feb. 15. (Special.) Pattison and Julien, two well-known newspaper men on Gray's Harbor, are starting a Socialist paper in this city. The first issue will on appear. V Y FOR WW AND INFANTS INVAL1D5 Mellin's Food an infant food without an equal except Mothers Milk, a food thatfeeds, a food that gives satisfaction, a food that has been used for many years with best results. A food that makes the babies grow strong. Send for a free sample. s MELLIN'S FOOD CO., BOSTON, MASS.