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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1904)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 190. SLAVS FEAR RISK Kuropatkin Will Not Meet Superior Force. RETREAT IS VERY PROBABLE Strategists Believe He VilI Try to Delay Great Battle. WILL AWAIT REINFORCEMENTS Qyama's Movements Continue to Puz zle Russians, 'and If He Intends to- Advance He Is Likely to Do 80 at Once. Kothlnr of Importance baa developed on the- Sbakbe River, where both aides wn to hesitate to aeoume the offensive, although the Japanese are more active in the matter ol attacks upon Russian positions. Japanese official reports regarding the siege cf Port Arthur indicate the attack begun on October 21 was still In prog rees on October 29, the statement being made that the Are of the besiegers was Increasing In effectiveness. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 2.-2:15 A. 1L) The expectation of serious developments z.t the theater of war has aftin failed of realization. Today's official dispatches re cord nothing more serious than the usual skirmishes. The strategists at the War Office are generally inclined to oeuevo tne expected great hattle may be deferred, and possibly may not occur .this year. though the Japanese may make a despe rate effort to flank General Kuropatkin and compel him to surrender Mukden. If General Kuropatkin is convinced that the Japanese are now numerically superior he may decide to draw off. as it would obviously be unprofitable to risk a gen eral engagement until the vast armies to be placed under his command can reach Manchuria. "Whatever happens, however. it is not likely that the Japanese can take Kuropatkin unawares. Repeated reconnaissances beyond the Japanese lines fall to betray the strength and purposes of Field Marshal Oyama's movements. If the Japanese really intend to advance, it is probable they will do e immediately and not await the arrival of the eight Russian corps, the first of which is already at Mukden. General Kaulbars. who Is to succeed General Kuropatkin in command of the First Army, has arrived here. He passed 'yesterday closeted with the General Staff and with General Alexleff, director of the bureau of operations, studying the details of the campaign in the light of secret dispatches and the "War Of fice archives. Kaulbars is a striking figure, a tall, stately soldier with a bronze face set off by a wnite mustacne. His 60 years sit lightly on his vigorous frame. He is considered to be a man of great energy and resource, and was the commander of a corps during the sup pression of the Boxer rebellion in China, but he did not play a conspicuous part, the lion's share of the fighting falling on General Linevitch. Kaulbars is Kuropat kin's personal selection. Kaulbars -reconstituted First Infantry will Include the First, Tenth and Seven teenth European Corps, one corps of rifles and two others not yet designated. The Third Army will be composed of six Si berian corps under General Linevitch. "When the present plans are realized, which will not be earlier than the Spring, Russia will have three armies each of six corps, altogether over 600,- 000 men, in the -Far East. The rifle bat tallons which are now beginning to start for the front will provide two corps la tended for the First and Second armies. Japanese gain more ground Russians Are Driven From Last Trench Before Rihlung. CHEFOO, JCov. 1. The meager ad ditlonal details reaching Chefoo con cerning the last general assault on Port Arthur, which began in a preliminary Tray on October 24, and later developed into the third attempt of the Japanese to secure a commanding position, say that on the night of October 28 the Japanese, who on October 2S had daringly entrenched themselves on the slope of Rihlung Moun tain, forced their way farther and drove the Russians from their last trench before that fortification. The Russians retreated from their last trenches to the other side bf the mountain. It Is alleged that the Japanese might have entered the fortifications, but that they refrained from doing so as it would obviously be difficult to hold the position in the face of the fire which would be sure to be directed against them from other forts. It seems to be the 'intention of the Jap ane&e to enter several co-operative forts simultaneously, or not at all. The Jap anese have found It Impossible to remain 1 any solitary fortification while the other big forts were able to concentrate a fire upon them. The Japanese also have advanced some what closer to Itz Mountain, having occu pied a position above the cremation works. On the night of October SO the Japanese flag- was seen flying over two new posi tions. the names of which are not known to the informant of the Associated Press .correspondent. "JAPANESE ARE DRIVEN OUT. Sakharoff Reports a Number of Suc cessful Reconnaissances. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. i A dispatch from General Kuropatkin, under current date, announces that no engagements were reported last night. General Sakharoff, telegraphing yester day, reports that reconnaissances were made on October SO on the Russian left tlank in a southwesterly direction to a chain of mountains south of the village of Bandzytsy, when the volunteer sharp shooters and half a squadron of Cossacks drove a company of Japanese Infantry and a squadron of cavalry out of the mountain range. The Russians advanced three miles southwest. The same day the Russian cavalry made a strong recon .aalwarice on the left hank of the Hun Paver, toward the fortified village of En- teyanduadzy. The Japanese were driven out and the'Russlans occupied the village. The Japanese retired to a fortified position a mile and a half south and opened a cross fire on two Russian batteries. A squad ron of Cossacks attacked a Japanese battery and the Buss lan scouts advanced, but meeting with earthworks and wire of the entanglements, they retired. The Cos sacks lost 40 men killed or wounded. Gen eral Sakharoff said: "The cavalry retired after havinir ascer tained the enemy's numbers and position." SMALL COLLISIONS ARE MANY Both Armies Are . Especially Active During the Night. HANCHEPU. Nov. X Everything was quiet today all along the line. The trenches of the opposing parties' are so close that there are many small collisions, especially during the night. The Japan ese on October SO and SI heavily cannon aded the Russian right and center, but the attack did not develop Into the expected advance. The Russians shelled a village opposite their right flank on October 31. An immense- volume of smoke was seen'. followed by the sound of a heavy explo sion, and it Is supposed that one of the Russian shells exploded a magazine or ammunition-train inside the Japanese lines. A Chinese who has just arrived from Tinkow reports that a Japanese trans port landed 2000 men tnere" on October 9, and that another supply ship had brought in a great quantity of rice and stores. A third transport was outside the harbor when the Chinese left. Captain Skidonenko was killed on Oc tober 2S. He had Just finished a recon naissance of the Japanese lines, and en tered the hut in the village of 3alyantan to write his report, when a Japanese Bhell came in at the window and mortally wounded the Captain and killed or wound ed a number of his men. ATTACK BY MOONLIGHT. Russians Cannonade the Japanese, but Are Repulsed. GENERAL. KUROKTS HEADQUAR TERS, Oct. 31, Via Fusan, Nov. L The Russians took advantage of the bright moonlight last night to cannonade the Japanese from positions on the left wing of the central army, but were repulsed after an action which lasted several hours, during which both infantry and artillery flro was brisk and continuous until daylight. The Japanese today, for the first time, replied to the Russian bombardment, which has been frequent for several days past JAPANESE ARE MOST ACTIVE. They Are Fortifying, However, as if They Intended to Make Stand. MUKDEN, Nov. L The situation is rather puzzling. Neither side apparently is willing to assume a genuine offensive movement, although the Japanese are showing greater activity. They are forti fying themselves, however, as if they in tended fo Winter in their present posi tions. Two Russian cavalry detachments on Friday night carried out a reconnais sance along both sides of the Hun River, in the direction of Nachantun and Sandla pu, and Saturday night some volunteers reconnoltered the Japanese trenches in front of Lone Tree Hill. Firing from Ladies' Outfitters, Fourth and Morrison Portland's Greatest Fur Store By offering only the best quality, the most exclusive styles, the very best of workmanship and the most reasonable prices we have gained the prestige as Portland's Greatest Fur Store; a position we have held for years. We aro the headquarters for genuine Alaska Sealskins and carry the largest stock of furs in the West "to choose from. An Unequaled Selection "We now have in our Fur De partment the greatest showing of Fur Garments to be seen on the Pacific-Coast, .which, for extent, of variety of style and reasonableness of, price has no comparison. A visit will prove every assertion we make. We do remodeling and repairing at the very lowest prices. Send for Our Catalogue Exclusive Women's Wear For exclusiveness of style in women's wear you will finfl no showing- in Portland that equals the display in our Suit Salon, and by adopting the principle of large sales and small profit we have placed all our garments at a very economical figure. New Costumes Never in tho history of the store have there been shown such ex quisite costumes at such little prices. They are copies, to be sure,' of the most recent Parisian models and modifications by famous New York makers. The woman who values the striking and effective and yet elegant in dresses will appreciate just seeing this display. Who's Your Corsetiere Absolute freedom in every pose the wearer may assume, and perfect harmony with fashion's latest decrees, are most successfully attained in the fitting of every figure by our corsetiere. The best Corset Parlor in the city and an expert corsetiere to wait on you. WEDDING : INVITATIONS and three signal posts created great excite ment In the Japanese lines. Th weather I fine and crisp. The curl ing smoke of camp fires Is" everywhere to be seen. Some of the Russian officers scurry about In automobiles. Yesterday there was a splendid spectacle when Ma-jor-General Kondratsvltch distributed 413 crosses of -St. George to. his 'Siberian di vision for services covering the fighting from vafangow to the retreat from Iiao Yang. The division has been constantly in the thick of the fighting. Many of the heroes designated for decoration have since been killed or are scattered in the various hospitals between here and Har bin. BALFOUR SLIGHTLY INDISPOSED He Will Be Confined to the House for a Few Days. LONDON, Nov. 1. It was announced tonight that Premier Balfour is slightly Indisposed and will, as a precautionary measure, be confined to the house for a few days. In consequence of this, the Cabinet meeting tomorrow will be held at 10 o'clock in Downing street, instead of at the Foreign Office. The following bulletin was Issued tonight: "The Premier is suffering from an irri tation of a small vein. By his doctor's orders, he will remain In his -room the next fe wdays." This is understood to mean that Mr. Balfour is troubled with a varicose vein, and affliction to which the Balfour fam ily is subject, the Premier's brother. Ger ald, president of the Board of Trade, having been sometime ago incapacitated by the same complaint. Declares Fort Has Plenty of Food. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 1. A dock yard man, who has Just returned from Port Arthur, whence he escaped in a junk to Chefoo a month ago, has been interviewed by the Associated Press. Ho said that when he left Port Arthur the fortress was provided with an abundance of ammunition and food. Up to the time of his departure, he said, he had not missed a single meal. He said General Stoessel and the garrison are confident of their ability to hold out for many months, and denied that any of the Rus sian warships in the harbor had been seriously damaged by tne Japanese shell fire up to the day he left. China Refuses to Let Russians Sail. CHEFOO. Nov. 1. The officers and crow of the Ryeshltelni, the Russian tor pedo-boat destroyer, which was cut out of th.s harbor August 12 last by the Jap anese, went on board the German steam er vorwaerts, tonight, bound fof Shang hai, where they, were to join the officers and crew of the Russian cruiser As kola. Before the vessel sailed, however, the Russians suddenly returned on shore, the government at Pekln having at the last moment rescinded the permission which had been granted them to proceed to Shanghai. Russian Sailors Leave Chefoo. CHEFOO, Nov. 2. Tne crew of the Rus sian torpedo-boat destroyer RyeshitelnL which was cut out of this harbor August 12 by the Japanese, departed today fo Shanghai. Many Japanese Reservists Left. HONOLULU, Nov. L Over 100 Japanese reservists were unable to embark on the steamer China today for Yokohama. The ANNOUNCEMENTS WASHINGTON BUILDING. TOUXTMD WASHINGTON STX. First Agents Butter ick Patterns and Publications $15 Raincoats for $10 Book Store Just Received The Masquerader, by K. C. Thurs tdtu Illustrated. Regular $L50. Our pticeJwvw,.u$1.08 Double Harness, by Anthony Hope. Regular $L50. Our price. . .$1.08 Out to Old Aunt Mary's, by Riley. Illustrated by Christy. Regular $2.00. Our price $1.58 Japanese Crepe These are the real thing a product of the clever Yankees of the Orient an excellent fabric for M monas and housegowns handsome designs in blue and tyirLn white iJ White Cambric We offer for today in the Cotton Goods Store 1200 yards of 36-inch White Cambric of a very fine qual ity, especially adapted for women's and children's underwear, at tho .10c Great Muslinwear Sale Visitors to the Muslin Wear Store today will find a number of bargain tables awaiting their inspection. The spirited selling of the past few weeks has broken many size lines these odd lots are marked for a quick clearance. Corset Covers 30c and 3oc sons for 25c 43c sorts for S3c 0O0 sorts for 39c 65c and 75c sorts for 49c S5c and Jl-CO sorts for 73c $1.2o and $1.35 sorts for 98c $1.50 sorts for 51.19 Jl. 5 and $L75 sorts for $1-23 dh emises 45c and 50c sorts lor. 39c 65c and 75c sorts for 49c 95c and $1.00 sorts for 79c SL29 sorts for SSc 11.50 sorts for S1.19 $1.65 sorts for.. J1.25 $2.25 sorts for $1.49 $2.50 sorts for .$1.85 Remarkable 65c sorts for :....45c $1.35 and $L25 sorts for 98c $1.65 and $1.75 sprts for $129 $2.25 sorts for...... $1.69 China's -steerage was crowded. Today's disappointed Japanese expect to take the steamer Doric In a few days. BATTLESHIPS OBSOLETE? What Will Happen With Submarines In General Service. World's Work. If battleships cease to exist, forts to repel them will be worthless. They are nearly as expensive as battleships and much more effective. Then, if transports have no battleships to oppose them, they need have no battleships to protect them; and as for a base for scouts and torpedo boats, all they need is coal and an Ad miral to report to. An improved destroy er may carry an Admiral, -not in such You want a medi cine the doctors approve Aver's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doc tor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and des perate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleurisy, bron chitis, consumption. Ask Lipman. Wolf e & Co. It needs but a rainy day like yes terday to focus women's thoughts and desires on that foremost of general utility .garment The Rain coat. We present by all todds tho most complete and attractive collection of these garments in Portland. We tell of a, splendid bargain below: These are one of those "special val ues" this store is famous for. Made collarless fancy yoke effect three box plaits in back running from collar to waist, where they open, giving fullness- Sleeve box plaited to elbow, turn-back cuff, fly front belted, tan, castor, olive and gray. Actual best $15 Coat in the city, on sale today at the very low price of ,. . $10.00 More New Plaid Materials PLAIDS of silk and of wool are one of the most fashionable materials for Waists this Fall. Our already very large display of Plaids has received further additions during the past few days. Qs llr large line of Messaline Taffeta Weave Plaids JLlalU French and Tartan designs... $1.50 to $2.50 TA7l "PI OlC -All Wool Scotch Tartan Plaids new green and UU1 JTlalUd blue effects, 44-in., yard $1.25 Music Store News A book of famous compositions Beethoven Fur Elise. Charminade Scarf Dance. Charminade The Flatterer. Chopin Funeral March. Chopin Nocturn Op. 9, No. 2. Chopin Valse Op. 64, No. 1. Gabriel-Ward La Conquantaine. Godard Second Valse. Grieg The Butterfly. Handel Largo. Haydn Gipsy Rondo. Henselt If I Were a Bird. This entire collection in book form. Publisher's price of same is 75; our special price fcr today is Great What we tell you today is the best piece of Millinery news you've been told this season. We offer for today our entire stock of "Robinson & Wells" Tailored Hats for No need to go into descriptions of their elegance, beauty and style they are known very well to you. All the new shapes Turbans, French Sailors, Continental and pointed effects. Also many large dress and walking shapes. .Value of these Hats as high as $12.00 take your pick today for ... . . . $3,915 Drawers 45c and EOc sorts for 39c 65c and 75c sorts for ...49c 95c and $1.00 sorts for 79c $1.25 and $1.35 sorts for. , 98c L50 sorts for $1.13 $1.65 and $1.75 sorts for. $1.29 $2.25 sorts for $1.69 Skirts S5c sorts for 69c. $1.00 sorts for., 79c $1.25 and $1.35 sorts for.... 9Sc $L50 sorts for ....$1.19 $1.75 sorts for ?...$L25 $2.00 and $2.25 sorts for. $1.49. $2.50 sorts for : S1.S5 $2.75 sorts for $1.93 $3.00 sorts for $2.19 $3-50 sorts for $2.65 Gown Values 90c and $1.00 sorts for. $L50 sorts for I $2.00 sorts for $2.50 sorts for ...79c .$U9 .$1.49 .$L85 comfort as does the big and roomy bat tleship, but faster. And. with the addi tional speed available, coaling stations may be farther apart without hindrance to fleet operations, and blockades, the only practical method of naval offense, may be maintained farther at sea, safe from the fire of forts and the attacks of submarines. As for the future value of conveying transports, what will be the use of send ing soldiers across the sea to certain death within a short distance of land? With 20 submarines in place of each coast de fense ship, with a "mother ship" to supply food, water and supplies for every five of these ducklings, arid with one fast surface craft for a scout, what trans port that might slip by the one battle ship could hope to land her soldiers? And what Invading warcraft, slower than the scout, could catch her, or destroy her. except by surprise, which it Is a scout's business. Jo prevent? Transports, to be succesful, will need to be faster than the scouts that will report them"; and, since this Is physically Impossible, inva sion by sea will come to an end. It la safe to say that, if Russia, at the begin ning of the war, had expended upon sub marines the cost of two of her bottled np batleships, not a Japanese regiment could have landed- on Cores, and remained a regiment. With cheap submarines of SO. miles of submergence and 400 of sur face action attached to every seaport, no transport or slow-going battleship would dare approach an enemy's coast. The battleship, with its" 70. or 890 Ken to die when disaster comes, is an ex pensive investment Those who advocate Its continuance to not advocate its de velopment No one argues for the build ing of battleships, twice as long and broad and deep as those that sow exist, with twice the thickness of armor and weight of guns. Yet, if the big battleship be not developed still further, it will cease to exist. Far a timeC its work can be done by the armored cruiser: then, .as the speed' and vision of the smbmariae is increased, and perfected by the last pro tected cruiser and faster destroyer? and if the speed and rUton of this deadly, w- Three Waist Bargains Waist bargains are always of interest to women this year more so than ever before. Special tables are stacked high with these three specials a Plaid, a fancy Mohair and a fancy Flannel. $2.50 Plaid Waists $1.69 These Waists are made of very handsome plaid ma terial of a Momie weave. The color combinations are very rich ; mostly tartan effects. They have French back, full blouse front, foil sleeves, fly front, fancy stock collar; actual $2.50 value, on sale today at $1.69 $2.50 Mohair Waists $1.75 These Waists are made of plain and fancy figured Mohairs with French back, full plaited front, full sleeves, fancy stock collar; $2.25 and $2.50 values at $1.75 $3.00 Flannel Waists $1.79 These Waists are made of a fancy weave flannel in light blue, pearl, lavender and cream grounds, with a dainty raised half-inch check of mixed black and white. They have bias side pleats in back, full plaited front fly, full sleeves and stock collar. Actual $3.00 value for , $1.79 for the Piano. Jensen The' Mill. Lock Idilio. Lardow Valse Badinage. Mascagni Intermezzo Cavalleria. Mendelssohn Spring Song. MoszkowsH Serena ta. Mozart Minuet. Paderewslri Minuet. Rubinstein Melody in F. Schubert Serenade. Schumann TraumereL Wagner Tannbauser March. 38 Cents Millinery Sale Silk Sale: If you would share in the best here today. Black Silks It is generally conceded that we carry the best grades of Black Silk in the city. We offer for to-" day eight big specials four Taffetas and four Peau de Soies: $ .85 Taffetas, 19-inch $ .63 $1.25 Taffetas, 36-inch $1.09 $1.35 Taffetas, 36-inch $1.19 $1.50 Taffetas, 36-inch $1.29 $1.35 Peau de Soie, 21-in. $ .98 $1.50 Peau de Soie, 22-in. $1.29 $1.75 Peau de Sole, 24-in. $1.45 $2.00 Peau de Soie, 24-in. $1.63" seen enemy that strikes out of the un known in time and place finally encom passes the destroyer, these, too, must give way as is probable, and adopt the submarine features of their vanquish ers, and become submersible surface boats. Paying Off In Old-Time Shop. Engineering Magazine. The timekeeper in the shop where I was an apprentice was a man well along In years, who went around morning and evening among the men to see what they had been doing, and he personally in terviewed every single man. No foreman handed him a report of what men were present or absent; heNgo1 the live voice of everp person in the place, and if. any one was absent when the timekeeper came around he was docked half a day, upon general principles, to teach him to be In his place at the proper time. This dockage was restored the next day upon absolute proof that the workman was In the shop, but unavoidably absent for tho moment. The actual paying of wage3 was very quickly accomplished inaide of an hour, I think; for the wMole fcrce. They assembled outside the works after 6 o'clock in a certain order all. the bollenflakers first, then the blacksmiths, patternmakers., coppersmiths, and others. Each man's name was called and he stepped forward; on a fast walk the whole shop was paid oft without a hitch The timekeeper and a clerk did the whole business every week, and complaints were few and far between. Now, if It Is borne. In mind that the timekeeper bad a long Hood' PUI TH not gripe nac Irritate the allow, tacy caeal. They act geutlj- yet preaptlT, etaaaae affectaally aad Qhtm Gmmforf foMbraUdnwivU. casta. Subscriptions Taken for the Delineator, SI year Sheets, Gases Special values in ready-to-use Sheets and Pillow Cases. 8- 4 Sheets for 55c 9- 4 Sheets for 60c 45x36 Pillow Cases.. 121-2c Three special values in Women's Winter Underwear that's worth while. 50p Instead of 50c Wo WO' men's non-shrinking, plated, wool Vests and Drawers, all sizes, white and natural gray, 2 Oft Instead of $1.00 Wo VPOW men's Norfolk and New Brunswick, ribbed, part wool Vests and Drawers, white and natural gray. 7kfi stead of $L00 Wo- mens "Oneita" ribbed, wool plated Union Suits. Last Day silk bargains of the season come Colored Silks Three splendid values in fancy Shirtwaist Suit Silks all this season's best styles. 85c Silks at 59c Equal to those sold at $1.00 in the other Portland stores. $1.00 Silks, at 79c Equal in quality to those sold else where at $1.25 and our styles are better. $1.35 Silks at 98c All the very newest color combina tions and styles; best $1.25 and $1.35 values at 9Sc. distance to travel twice daily, up aad down many pairs of stairs, and aboard ships when there were any -In the dock, it will be conceded, I think, that he earned his money. "You regard campaign cajtralatkin as a dis tinct branch of raathematlcar' "Yes, an swered' tbe- erudite personage. "The methods differ from all others. You start with tae answer and then work backward aad evolve a problem to demonstrate It." "Washtegtoa Star. TutfsPffls Cure Ail Liver IQ& Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep thebow els in naturalmotion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred disease. "Can't do without item" R. P. Smith, Chifesbtirgf, Ya, writes I don't know how I could, do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am no entirely cured. Tutt's Liver PMa