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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1900)
Tn?. MOTOTCNG- OREGONIAN, MONDAY, MAY 7, 1900. GROWTH OF LAWT0N Iwo-Months-OldMiningTown in Eastern Ore;on. ONLY A LOG CABIN LAST MARCH Ited Boy, 3Iay ftoeen, Concord and Other Good Mining Properties Are Close By. IAWTON. Or., May 5. Two months ago the only building at the Junction of Clear and Granite creeks -was a log cabin 10x12 feet, owned by Ed Benson and built in the days tvhen the creeks swarmed with placer miners. Now the site Is occupied by the rapidly growing town of Lawton. The survey of the townslte was completed March 10. Three feet of snow covered the ground while surveying was in progress. J. McCarthy completed the first building February 25, nearly two weeks before the town was laid out. Lawton now has 15 business buildings under way or ncaring completion. Besides there are several tents that are used for business and dwell ings. Home-bulldtng has been retarded because of the scarcity of lumber, the sawmills giving preference to the orders of those who are getting ready for busi ness. Rough lumber is held at J14 P thousand feet, and No. 1 flooring, kiln dried, at $30. Between $30,000 and $25,000 has been Invested in buildings in two months. If present plans are carried out many more buildings will be erected dur ing the Spring and Summer. Thirty-seven lots have been sold on Spokane avenue, the purchaser Jin each case agreeing to build within three months. Performance of this clause of the contract depends upon whether the growth of the town will Justify further building. Much work will be done this Summer to beautify the town. Spokane avenue will be graveled its entire length. Clear Creek will be moved 400 feet to its original channel, from which It was diverted years ago by the placer miners. About 1200 feet nest of town and 300 feet above it. In the hll's. Is a lake, which Is available for water supply. Electric lights and munici pal organization will probably come In the Fall. Lawton will draw Its trade from the mining properties, which are at its doors. The O. It group Is on'y half a mile away. Sam Wilson, who discovered It. considers It one of the best free-milling gold prop erties he eve- saw. The May Queen group is 1 miles distant. It adjoins the Red Boy. Amalgamation tests made at Denver and Sumpter have returned an average value of $S per ton, and it is con servatively estimated that there is $S00. COO worth of ore In sight. The famous Red Boy, destined to be one of the greatest mines In the world. Is within two milcr. the Concord 2 miles, and the Cougar, which is putting up a 250-ton cjanlde plant. 2 miles. Close by are the Chelan, the Brutus group, the Gray Engle. the Red Mountain group of 12 ctaims, and many other promising prop erties. Lawton Is thro miles down Granite Crock from the thriving town of Granite. A good wagon road, level for the most part.- except the hill at Granite, connect? the two towns. There are foot brldgei across the creeks for pedestrians. Law ton's elevation Is -1500 feet, and Its popu lation between 100 and 150. THE "WATER AMENDMENT." Proposal to Give a Wider Definition to the Term "Public Use." GRANT'S PASS, Or., May 4. (To tho EdI or.) The Orcgonian recently advised the rejection of all the proposed consti tutional amendments, that arc 10 be voted upon at the ensuing election. "While con servatism is advisable In proposing to change the organic law of the sta e, when it is advocated in a wholesale manner. It is in some particulars liable to error on the ultra side. The people of Southern and Eastern Ore gon are interested In and desire one of the amendments that will affect only those parts of the state to any appreclab.e ex tent. For this reason the poslt.on of The Oregonian Is to be regretted, as it may defeat It by the Influence It wields in Portland and the WUamette Valley, where the amendment, because of natural conditions, -will seldom be called into action. The amendment is the proposed artic.e XIX, known as the irrlgat on amendment. Under the constitution as It now Is, the right of v.ay across private lands for water ditches cannot be procured unless the ditch Is to be constructed with the purpose of supplying water to the pubic While this would not prevent the con struction of canals for irrigation in many localities. It Is an effectual bar to the construction of mining ditches. Hydrau. ic mining requires large quantities of watcr,.and such mines can not have too much, and many can only be profitably operated with ast supply. For that rea son the ditches must bs constructed often to carry all the stream will supply. Go.d bearing deposits o'f gravel are not found In continuous deposits over the country, but, are scattering, so that the water from) one stream will not be availab e for more than one or two mines. Under such con ditions the construction of a ditch for mining will be a private enterprise. South ern Oregon Is traversed by streams that flow for the most part through moun tains, and along them are small vallejs containing good agricultural land, but the long, drj Summers make Irrigation neces sary to successful farming. Many o! these streams in the dry season afford water for but few farms, and the use of the water would be limited to few. Irri gation Is only beginning, but In several Instances It promoters have found diffi culty because owners of land have refused to grant right of way except for an ex orbitant price. The Oregon & California Railroad Company has received deeds from the Government for thousands of acres, which can Te purchased for $2 or. $3 an acre. By buying a few acres along a stream the construction of ditches for mining can be prevented. This has been the experience of more than one mining company. There are several laws hereto fore enacted bearing on this question, that can only be invoked when the right of eminent domain is to be exercised for a public use. The determination of the character of a ut.e now rests with the courts under known and established prin ciples, which are such as to deny the right of eminent domain except for a use that is. plainly public For this reason a change In the organic law is necassary. Without It. the development of hydraulic mining and irrigation will be retarded, and those engaged in It will be subjected to extortionate demands. Provisions of the same import as proposed article XIX are found in the constitutions of Colorado, Idaho. Montana and Wyoming. In other states the courts have given the same results by declaring mining to be a pub lic utility, but the better reasoning Is that mining Is a private industry. The location of mines Is fixed by the laws of Nature, and are often found in places almost Inaccessible. There may be but one route "by which water can beconvejed to thorn, or by which the water may be carried away. It has happened that In dividuals by securing title to worthier lands or by making mining locations, have been able, by unreasonably refusing to part with their worthless lands or mining claims for a just and fair compen sation, which capital is always wlll'ng to give without litigation, to embarrass and defeat important mining enterprises. In several Instances individuals owning land bordering upon streams have enjoined the working of mines, and refused to sell a right of way across their lands for a flume which would carry off the sllckens ! u TTWnCD""CI IDDf-MfZ Into unnavlgable streams without injury. I LfcUAL I LlSU tK JUr Ktlll t Capital seeking investment In extensive J mining enterprises inquires always regard- Ing the Drlvileges afforded bv tht 1tc-l ! The development of the mining resources of this state can be facilitated by the same constitutional provisions that have, been adopted of necessity in the mining states of the Rocky Mountains. As prop erty cannot be taken without just com pensation, and courts and Juries always Incline in favor of the landowner, the adoption of the amendment will not be op pressive. As a plain business proposition, and one which will aid the mining, manu facturing and agricultural Interests, I sin cerely hope that. Instead of condemning. The Oregonian will urge Its adoption. ROBERT G. SMITH. NOTHING IX MOXET BUT THE FIAT OF THE GOVERNMENT. Without It, Gold Itself WoRld In stantly Become Dead Coin, "No Longer Money." INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The United Statca and Great Britain The German Menace to Sontli ( America. NELSON, B. C., May 2. To the Ed itor.) Inclosed beg to hand you a recent dispatch taken from the Chicago Record, though it may have already appeared In your paper. My reason lor drawing par ticular attention to It is because It bears more or less on ihe queet'on of good re lations being maintained between Amer ica and Great Britain. I left Oregon about three months ago and know while there an Incessant .fusil lade was kept up in the columns of The Oregonian by Boerltes. since which I do not know if it has subsided; but my par ticular point Is this: Having many friends in America and quite a few In Heppner, Salem, Chemawa and Portland, with whom many verbal arguments were held. I. of course, taking the British side, used aa my main argument the Imperative ne- PORTLAND. May 6. (To the Editor.) In your issue of Saturday, April 2S. un der -the title, '"Smith on the Precious Metals," I find the following remarkable editorial statement: Mr. Smith's reason whr the sliver dollar, passes for a dollar today Is equally erroneous, lie attributes It to the legal-tender quality Im ported by law. This Is not the reason, as the vicissitudes of the legal-tender greenback be tween 1800 and 1870 might have suggested to Hr. Smith. The real reason Is the cumbrous and expensive machinery maintained by the LThen that money which was not a legal tender for customs depredated as com pared with that which was a full legal J tender, whether silver, gold or paper. The I "demand notes' Issued during the war, resting on the credit of the same Govern- ment as the greenbacks, having the same I legal tender, and in addition thereto re ceivable for customs, were always at par with coin. At one time $1 of this money j would buy $2 So of limited legal-tender I 1ffr& tnnrlpr nnrt Pnnvprtplr. tchr( legal tender ends, depreclat'on Is mighty liable to begin. This Is true regardless of whether the dollar Is gold, silver or j paper. Example: I Under the law of 1ST3 we coined the,trade dollar. 420 grains standard silver, and subsidiary dollars (halves, quarters, dimes, etc), CSS grains, both legal tender up to $10. Both passed at par. The legal tender of the trade dollar was repeated. At once . It fell to a .discount and out of clrcula- uuut auc cuua umij stnci luuui, having 25 grains less silver to the dollar, still circulate. Do you doubt, can any body doubt, that the same power Con- ' greis that conferred limited tender on the H ' I I ; - A ' ' v - li M N 7 V 'v I . 1 k Li i&i ' ? v J v lit II A- I & I I V 4$ It Aw 7 ' ' LKNu JhU -" TT M sr .- v - ' ' I & rs i lv 1 " i 1 Mk :-v , " rr"' I v- u 1 61 1 J- l V J I hT7 Ov -5nv7,rJGQuAQr2 '.' c r'' v JrLl IPCATION5 in the- ..; tf jW (N y RfrDQovDisrRiCTVi ' J f 7 ' A Ay AM J Grant Couvty.Or. . I rVS P v AX? Af - f -r cesslty of squashing the question, for America later on might find she had a Boer question herself on hand In South America and that the Germans would make a dash for that country. The Inclosed article bears out my state ment, and am very glad to have Its au thority to bring before my friends as many of them, too, I admit saw such could happen, and confessed that It was best for the two great English-speaking powers to be on thoroughly good terms. If this should be the means of setting others, who had not thought much about it at all, to thinking, that much good will have been done. J. E. HALTON. THE GERMANS IN BRAZIL. They 3Ienace the Sontli American Republic. Special d I 'patch to the Chicago Record from a staff correpondeht. "Washington, April 20. The public should be prepared for frequent news like that wh'ch comets through the press dispatches from Brazil about a movement to estab lish German sovereignty In the eouthern part of that republic Many years ago Emperor Dom 1'cdro, for the establish ment of a German colony, made a grant of several mJllon acres of kind In Rio Grande do Sul, which has the best cli mate, the best pastures, the most fertile (soil and the greatest advantages for Im migrants of any part of Brazil, it has grown and prospered until It Is now the most progressive and the wealthiest por tion of the republic. Including several hundred thousand Germans, and the number Is Increasing rapidly. They have never bothered about politics, but have minded their own business and made money. Occasionally, however, their na tional characteristics have been displayed when local affairs did not go to suit them, as well as an apprehension lest their love of Independence might ultimate ly Imperil the authority of the govern ment. About two years ago, I think It was, a serious riot broke out In Rio Grande do Sul because the German Hag wais holeted on. the government building In recognition of the Emperor's blrthday or some other anniversary. The Brazil ians made a great fuss about It, and the two races came Into collision. The Brazil ian Government prudently preferred to Ig nore the Incident rather than run the risk of trouble with a young gentleman who lives In the palace at Potsdam. There was. however, a free discussion In the newspapers of both countries, and a semi official organ at Hamburg or Bremen pub lished a significant editorial, dcclarng that the next time -the German flag was hoisted In Rio Grande do Sul It would not be hauled down. During the discus sion of this Incident, It was developed that 16,000 young Germans were enrolled In schuetzen corps and other military com pan'es and fully armed. This was dis cussed as a menace to the peace of Brazil, but the government did not take official notice of the matter. If It Is true as reported, that the Ger mans are Importing Krupp guns and Mauser rifles into TUo Grande do Sul. It Is evident that their shooting clubs and singing societies and other soc al organ izations that have been under military drill and discipline Jre getting ready for business, and there will be great alarm throughout the Brazilian Republic It Is claimed that the prov.nce of Rio Grande do Sul is the fairest spot In South Amer ica, and therefore well worth fighting for. MANYROUTES TO CHOOSE FROM The O. R. & N. offers the east-bound traveler choice of many routes by one arm. via Spokane, Minneapolis and St. Paul, and by another via Salt Lake. Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City or St. Louis. No choice by any other line. Actual run ning time to Chicago by the O. R. & N., 704 hours. Time to St. Paul, C6 hours Train service unsurpassed. Government, so that all forms of our currency jnay be exchanged for gold. If there was no way in which the silver dollar could be con verted, directly or lndlrectlv. Into gold, no lgal-tender laws, even with capital penalties, could prevent Its descent to Its bullion value. Mr. Smith Is right. You are, as usual on thus subject. In error, as the unim peachable facts of our financial legislation show. Until the enactment of the gold standard bill, December, 1859. there was no "cumbrous and expensive machinery maintained by the Government" or pro vided by law to maintain the parity of the silver dollar except legal tender. There was no law authorizing or directing the Secretary of the Treasury, or any other officer of the Government, to redeem silver dollars In gold dollars. True, the .Secre tary was commanded to issue silver certifi cates for silver dollars. But then these certificates .were redeemable In these same silver dollars only not in gold dollars. I do not believe you will put your reputation to hazard by de nying these facts. If so, I will quote offi cial reports. Yet, notwithstanding these unimpeachable facts, silver dollars were always at par with gold. The law of 1S73 discontinued the coinage of the standard silver dollar. The law of 1S78. Bland-AHI-son act, provided for the coinage of not more than 4.0CO.000 nor less than 2.000.CO0 silver dollars per month. The law clothed them with full legal tender, "except where otherwise expressly stipulated In the con tract." This was a discredit placed by law on the sliver dollar that Is not put on the gold dollar, for no man can write a legal contract against gold dollars. Still, with" this legal disability placed on them purposely to discredit them, and without any law requiring them to be redeemed In gold, hundreds of millions of these sliver dollars, coined from 1STS to 1S93. 21 Jyears. were always at par with gold dol lars. Vhy7 There can be but one answeri Legal tender. Tbo Government that Issued them did not repudiate them. They were a legal tender for all taxes, rtate and National even at the Custom-House the same as gold coin; for all debts, public as well as private. Including the redemp tion of the greenbacks and payment of all bonds of the United states. There was only one exception "where otherwise expressly stipulated In the contract." I lay down this proposition: From the or ganization of this Government 1792 until now, 108 years, no money made and kept a full legal tender by law of Congress ever fell below par. Don't dodge. Answer square from the shoulder. If there Is such a historical record, point It out. I believe legal tender never has and never can fall until the Government Itself be gins to fall. The reason Is not far to search, nor difficult for the merest tyro to comprehend. If you have a dollar that will pay all debts, and all taxes, state and National, Including custom duties, you will not discount it, even 1 per cent, to get another kind of dollar that will do no more. You" refer to the "vicissitudes of the legal-tender greenback between 1S60 and 1S79" as an example of the failure of legal" tender. Yet you know that there were two exception clauses on the gresnbacks. Th.y were not legal tender for "Interest on the public debt": neither would the Govern ment Itself, that issued them, receive them for custom dues thus repudiating Its own child. In" the language of Thad Stevens, the Government thus "declared them depreciated before it Issued them." The depreclat-on of the greenbacks and the credit of the Government was the deliberate and premeditated purpose of the bankers, brokers and gold gamblers the "unanried rebels of the loyal states" is the Secretary of the Treasury, Mc Cullocn, In his report, 1SG5. called them. So they Induced Congress to discredit the greenback by withholding legal tender, for dues, and Interest on the public debt. So those who had greenback dollars that would not go at the Custom-House, and owing a debt there, were forced to exchange and discount their dollars to get dollars that were a legal tender there. trade dollars, and made them circulate at par, can again confer full legal power on them and cause them to circulate at par now? Of course you know this. These coins are but dead metal now, and the merchant and debtor would refuse them today. Let Congress clothe them with full legal tender tomorrow and all would readily receive them at par "Why? Be cause they would then be money. "Legal tender is the essence of money." With draw the soul, the body Is dead Is but Inanimate clay. "Withdraw legal ten der, express or Implied, from gold coins and they are dead coins, mere metal, without life, without power, are no longer money, occause demonetized, and will rap Idly go out of circulation, as did" the trade dollar. Then, If Congress should clothe its own greenbacks, National bank notes, or sliver coins, with full legal power and sufficiently limit the volume, you could buy a $20 gold coin for W0. or $3. In paper or silver. Such Is the power of legal ten der coupled with limitation of volume. Every statement you make In the above extract Is faulty. The real reason why the silver dollar passed at par was be cause of Its legal power, and not because It was redeemable In gold, -before 1S93. The two excentlons on the ereenhnrk niffl- .clently account for its "vicissitudes from ibw to 1S7S. The cumbrous and expen sive machjnery maintained by the Gov ernment" to keep all forms of money at parity. Is wholly unnecessary. Simple, Inexpensive, full legal tender Is amply sufficient That will not fall unless the Government totters to Its fall. Then we can all go out of business. JOHN P. ROBERTSON. GOING TO NOME. Salt Lake City Men Are Bound Xor Alaslia. Salt Lake City is contributing its quota to tho Nome rush, about 50 of its citizens having concluded that they want to shovel up some of that gold, according to D. C. Kittle, who passed through Port land yesterday from the Mormon city. Mr. Kittle, in company with two other gentiles, formed a corporation and pur chased an amalgamating plant, calculated to save several hundred pounds of beach gold per day. If the sand proves rich enough. The machine is of such dimen sions that a freight car was well loaded with Its parts, and It will take 300 pounds of quicksilver o charge Its various rif fles and plates. Mr. Kittle says Nome will have to be pretty lively to beat Salt Lake City, as everything was prosperous when he left Tho Mormon Church is acquiring a Im mense property all over Utah, and is now extending Its Influences, in a business way, to "Wyoming, where a large irrigat ing system Is being constructed. To show how good the credit of the Mormon church Is, Mr. Kittle referred to a loan of JGOO.OOO made to that Institution last month at 6 per cent. The church did not have to hunt foreign capital nor sign any mortgages, as Its simple notes were considered first-class paper by the var ious local banks and private capitalists in Salt Lake and other Utah cities. The bonds, as they are called, are to run from Ave to ten years, and the money was borrowed to reclaim desert lands in "Wyoming. Mr. Kittle admires the business metro polls of the Mormon church, though he does not take much stock In Its religious tenets. Each faithful I Mormon pays 10 per cent. of his net Income Into the church treas ury, and this rake-off Is principally col j lected by Its officials. Immigrants arc brought from all portions of the civilized world. Then people are kept at work. I and return their 10 per cent tithe to the j institution that takes such Interest In their temporal welfare as well as their ) spiritual destination. He does not think tho Mormon church Is any more op I pressive than any other religious body I would be, with the same power over its l adherents, and he says the Mormon rank and file are as happy as people generally I are. Ex-Congressman Roberts, he says, I walks around the streets of Salt Lake, considerably crestfallen, in fact bears the air of a whipped dog. since his re turn from "Washington City. Roberts was given to swaggering a good deal be fore he collided with the sentiment of the whole American people, and now the swagger has been all taken out of him. King, the newly elected Congressman, Is also a Mormon, but If he has more than one wife, he keeps It to himself. Ham mond, who Is Secretary of State, was King's Republican opponent, and also a Mormon. "In fact there Is no use of any but Mormons running for office In Utah," Mr. Kittle said. "The Mormon organization in Utah may be finally overwhelmed by "30 Minutes in Havana." To discriminating ciar Smokers La Preferencia prove a pleasant surprise , and a relief from common cigars, many of which seU at a higher price. . ' ' IS!!!!! ioc. and upward. ,' At high-class dealers Trade f S. SICHEL & CO., Distributers for Portland supplied by S. BACHA1AN & CO., GeneraUAgents, San Francisco. . THE HAVANA-AMERICAN CO., Makers. uIt costs no more to smoke the best." the gentile vote, but so long as It pays such attention to politics It will always be a power In the land." HOTEL ARRIVALS. THE PORTLAND. J "W Ccady, New York J tv j ummmond, Se attle H D Murphy. Seattle Carl Cont, San Fran C H Smith. Boston J M Hannaford, St Paul F B Clarke, St Paul Mr and Mrs G Blr- worth, Montreal E F Swan and wf . N "Y AVm E Ransom. U r S Myers. Boston Sirs H Cowan, Boston MIbs M Mullens, S F Prescott Ely, S F A Schroder. San Fran Mrs C X Larabee. chil dren and nurse, Port land, Or I L M Cole, Chicapo R A Perry, San Fran IJ L Hume, San Fran ii.neo Werner, ri r G H Robinson, S F John E Serve. X Y H L Rothschild, S F Mrs H V T?nTrlr!- ? E B Lyon. Minneapolis jas Aiauory. weiser M "Wax R S a -(fi- C Smith. do H A TVebber. city N B Holter. Montana H Uchtmann. city ti u liouer, N x J C Ward. Omaha F P O'Brien, city F "W Tilir. flmnhit E A Wlnstanley, Mls- I soula, Mont F S Dotrnbccher, Che naus A W dro, Chehalls THE PERKINS. Mrs Ruppa, Astoria Mrs LauKo, Astoria H Garfield. Palmer Frank fTnrlnn An Chas McKee. Palmer Dr C B Smith and wf. Eagle Creek Miss Smith. Ore City O J Munson, Astoria H C Beckett Roseburs J H Gorman, Astoria G A Bock. Aurora F M Joslln. St Paul G B Lardner, St Paul D C Spalcnt. Detroit J A Orr. New Tork H M Schwartz, Van couver Barracks W H BIutock. do Mrs S Harrtnton, S F P. Bell, city J A Johnston, Astsria E E Randall. St Paul C E Moulton. Tacnma R S McClelland. Omha A D Schoch. S F R C Geer. Honolulu Mrs M Shipley. Butlc R V Cozlll. Moscow Mrs Cozlll. Moscow O L Sutherland. Oak land. Or A N Clirtrn. Rogersvli R "W Lttlehan. do W L Yhltrnore. Chgo B F Ragsdale, Bolso J S Clark. Island City ij v- opeigni, jjetrolt itoDinson. sumpter S II Bell. Sumpter W Gelbart. Duluth u c; .f aimer, i'almer 'J "W French. Dalles iS J LaFrance, IIodu R I Miss K Kelly, St Paul .Miss M Kelljr, do iirs ti iliddleton. J P "VVaser, Forest Gv N G Mitchell. Salt Lka W H Davis. Albany J K "Whitney. Albany H E McGowan, Puy- nuup. wasn B I, Bryant. Wahpetoa ft rYllllna Rnlam E F Ingles. Sacramnto H G Davis. Oakland Mrs J JC McGregor, do - T rye. Seattle F C Sharkey, Blue Rvr A P Tugcll. Tacoma A J Pike. Grant's Pass Mrs Pike. Grant's Pass J T Robertson, do Miss R "Williams, Eu- Wm Holder, Moro A J Johnson, Astoria J J Shaw, Bolac THE IMPERIAL. C. "W. Knowles, Manager. C H mlth. city (Mls Mohler. f"hicap u a vunuaiu, vi-vs- J it yat". Aiaany M M Ket.'ha -1 Idaho Miss f!!irV. f.4ilt.i C L. Ireland. Sherman i-ounty A Vincent. San Fran COHnelat, Pendleton V V .Uf.iH.An cr -e F Mitchell. Pendleton airs Amcnen. do land Mrs H B Blake. Che halH. Wash Jennie Campbell, do C Becklivjham. cattle n Aicintosn. r;tv R I Ahlsvvk. i-Ity Mart- 1. IK .!,- E M BnnlfK. Pcrtlnd Miss Edna Bishop, .CJ . UiAiUICiV, Kcl5Wj I XlUIlUnglOn R rorb-j, AbcrdM-n J M Helsner. cltr E E Brehm. .VUklnsan.H Trlmwlth, Astoria E V Paries, Seattle 'Dr 1 du Cans, Rosebnr H HarkttH. Seattle IT G Recs. Moscow Mist K Kellr, fc'.PaJl L II Chambers. Hoquzn Miss M Kell. dr iV Freeman. Fareo Mrs S Nelson. S F iMrs Freeman, Fargo M H Da d.-'o-i. Bis- IMIss A Doty. Salem mark, N D IL. Hancock. Spokane C A Payns. Chlnooic IMrs Bukly, Tacoma Mrs James I JIubb.ird,,M!ss Bukly. Tacoma Spokane F j BenMford. St Paul M E Gcodhue. Chicane W G Hon ell, Astoria Mrs Geo J Mohler, IV Boelllng, Astoria Chicago (F C Reed. Astoria THE ST. CHARLES. S C Mowrey, Euraula C P Connor. San Fran Chas Kp!t An IJ T Math-,, ci J "U" Balrd, do E Richardson. Oak Pt IT TT ninrlr ,1n G Madden. Graj's Rvr G T Berklnssham. Astoria J V Smith. Astoria Jas Parks. Seattle VT B Staples. Seattle Jno Duffy. Seattle A I. Brigjrs, Buttevlllc H S Smith T-lCnLr F Cornelius, Caslte Kk Annie "PptA-Rrtr, An F Dow. Oak Island E R VV!nVT. An F B White, Santa Bar- oara C Hoffman. Oak Point C C Smith. Oak Point C G P!h!oi- An JJ' H Burrell, Hubbard u uraves, Newport M H Hamilton, do Jno Cromer. Castle Rk,5 Ericksrn. Newport C J Ltttltpage, Steven- uii. asn L. W fTrftwH.i c?.v..ff G A Peterson. Rainier vy A Doerinr. Rainier F D Edwards. Vancvr P C Hanse. Lents a is nairord. Caleb C F Bloughert. do j spencer. do C Everett. PrlneMJle J M Forbes. Ilwaco C F Hednck. Ilwaco S D Johnson. Ilwaco Mrs S C Mowery, Eufaula V'm Doherty, Oak Ft jH TV Davl, Caleb C P Hogue. Oak Point I R Chapman. Caleb H A Sheels. SprlngCeld'C Sharp. Caleb "W J Hoggard, Los W E Young.. San Fran Angeles (C H Tounsr. do "W S McCready, Black-, A Kelo. Tillamook hawk. "Wis IJ Muchern. Tillamook T Billing?, Denver J B Emery, Sc-vppoo M Laman. Salt Lake G "W Harman. Spooner Burt "West. Scappoos S B Kester. Hlllsboro "VVm Frost. Astoria iS" E Hoover. Hlllsboro A Jt Foote. Astoria j J Smith. Camas Valley "W Jones, Astoria L Hosran. Kelso "V B Staples, Seattle iWm Tallman. Kelso A C Homlnrvay. S F (Jerry Petrlch. Kelso L Craig. Terre Haute j J S McLod. Pendleton O E Bakley, do E R Winkler, do C S Frullng. North (R Madison. do Taklma jE Grimes. Monroe R Tenahan. Oak PoIntlC F Lansing. Salem W Ay Bruce. do D W Howe. Delphi Hotel Donnelly. Tacoran. European plan; headquartera for com mercial men. Chllberg's restaurant In connection. Hotel Braasirick, Seattle. European: first class. Rates. 75c and up. One block from dpot. Restaurant next door. . After d'nner take one of Carter's Little Liver Fills, and you will be free from sour rising of food from the- stomach. Try them and be cpqvlnced, QNDS Used By people ovcrhalfacentory Because of its un varying purity ana strength. Quickly reduces redness of srin, chapping, chafing, (an or -oily complexion. For itchings, scratches, sprains, stiffness, or when overheated or espec ially fatigued, thorough bathing with Pond s Extract and brisk rubbing will be found most refreshing and invig orating. After shading. Pond's Extract is healing and cooling, and leaves the face 'white, soft, and smooth. Gives immediate relief toi eyes irritated by winds or dust. .AS A REMEDY it cures all inflammation, heals wounds and burns. iStopS'pain and bleeding. Used Internally and Externally CAUTION: Witqh Hazel is 2iOT Pond's Extract, and cannot bo used for It. Ordinary Witch Hazel is sold in bulk, dilated, easily tarns soar and generally contains " wood aAcohol," which is an irritant ex ternally, and, taken internally. Is a deadly poison, land's Extract is sold ONLY In SEALED bottles, cuuuscu iu. uu.ii rrappcr. ThUfac'simUe vM guide you wteii you cai$J(& a bottle at the drug store. Pond's Extract Co.. 76 Fifth Ave.. Ncv York Pond's Extract Ohtaent first sootEes, tnea pernaneatly CURS itching or Bleeding Piles, however severe. It is a specifc in alt skin dis eases, and gives qoicbzclici to tarns and braises. ft, , r JL H '5K5- IftkSptoCFSfcl?? -'r,cw.T-V3 i P"o f nnJTer fofl N etfves Weak Stomach Pain in the Chest: Steem less, Nefbous, Irritable; all tun Down Cured Dr. NKfeflf.NeffvJne. Nearly every disease is the sign oil poverty, either of the blood or of the nerves. "When the brain cells and nervous tissues are used up faster than they are repaired, not only the brain and nerves, but "every vital organ of the body cries out for help. Headaches, neuralgia, heart disease, nervouj dyspepsia and liver and kid- Bey troubles run rampant in the help leas system, destroying vrhatever strength remains until at last the break-dorm comes an then while the nervous system is raplda built up again and put to rork yriVn put confusion, thus bringing all tc Important; organs into harmony ai restoring perfect health. "About seven years ago I Tras all run dovl with nervousness and heart trouble and was , bad that I had to give up -work. I was ae ous, tleepless and irritable all the times although several doctors treated me I did nj imprcve any under thetr care. Hearing Miles Nervine -vrell spoken of for sul troubles! commenced usfnj it and grew hi ter from the start. When T had used thrJ JJr Miles' .Restorative JServine is do-lbottleslfclttfaatl-was cured: but I still Jce lag a VfOrld Of good for SUCh weak, (a bottle of the Nervine on hand, and whe: nervous people, whose braia and body are overtaxed, but who may yet be saved from a state of indescribable wretchedness, and restored to lives of happiness and industry. By soothing and strengthenine the secretive glands of the digestive organs it fa cilitates digestion and assimilation, am unusually tired ornervous I take a dose s am all right again. I took Dr. Miles' Ner and Liver Pills along -srith the Nervine i found them the best Liver Pills on theih; kef Albert Crame. Newark. Ohio. Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold at all draff stor ort positive guarantee. "Write for free advi and booklet to Dr. Miles Medical Co. Elkhart. IntLI WHEN HAMLET EXCLAIMED "AYE, THERE'S T1 RUB!" COULD HE HAVE REFERRED TO SAPOLIO