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About The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1865)
She (Oregon statesman.! A Nl'l.tlUi HB8HI0X. We are opposed tn it sperhil session of the I.egiali. lure tn be relied lor the ptirpoao of puaalng upon the piepuaed amendment to llm Constitution of the Uuiie.1 Btntf'd ubollahing aliivery. Wo are not oppoaed to iliut amendment, or to jo. adoption by onr Stule, but we are moat 1 t-iiilily iu favor il. . Neiirly ull the Union puiu-re in the Suite have ml vised u special aesainn for lliie purpnae, and Home ol' the members of the lA'yialiiUiro have t'uiirmei it We liuve yet to ire any food reaaon in fitvor ol f I movement, whilu wo cuii toe u good many reasona f n opposing It. It Is argued that ll Oregon dnea not no" pua itiiou this ipieation, u liilo we liuve a largo Union majority ill the Legislature who wonlil adopt it with out disaeut, llie complexion of the next Legislature nifty ponribly change, will hi tliut event the next ling lalutiire would reject the amendment, and OvcKonj might be responsible for entirely dereulitig tins very Jmt mill proper measure There l not 'ie '' I'"' ble foundation fur uny audi argument, iilileae the . Union parly abandons itl principles, lid the use of well arguments only lemli. to weaken the party, because It wltnita the possibility - of a pro slavery deiuocrulie party currying the next Iwgialatiire. The auine kind of uriiiiineiitution Im ' been used by u lew dissnl tailed spirits in Cnliforniii In . git tiji a siecml session ol tlio Legislature In Hun . MiHtu, for tliu Mime obji it', but I be proposition ie uiiuii itnniirly opposed by lliu Onion press of thut Slate. Wo Iihvo iwo nljucliiuis In u spceiul seaaiun i Fiiai. It a special ecasiou wns failed and thia ijuestiuu ol tiiiieinliug the I'oiisiiliuion, disputed of by tile prelum L'uislaiuie, it would hike out of Ihe next cituv.iai the very question upon w hich we van beat dem.u-r-aev tlie moat i and second, ir would be a useless expenae Shivery in now dead to all intenta anil purposes, uml oodiouain the eyes of all men, and ull civilized nu tiuua too, tlutt it will politically damn any purty thai will even iipologi.efnrils puat exi tence in the United Suites. It 1ms been east uaide and repudiated bv tin new 101 It ivorMma ull th leaning uoiiiocnitic pu pera in the hunt, as a dead issue, n broken reed, and n will never enter politics there again. Tlio Oregon de mocrucy ia composed of dilfcretit ele.neuie than tbeii Atlunlio brethren. Many of that party in Oregon will not go witli it, if tliia amendment abolishing a!u very ia opposed by tlie party, while their "rank anil Ale" will secede and net up a new faction under tin leadership of O'.Mi urn. if tlie amendment was not op -pos-d to the bitter end. Now llieii, withdraw this question from Oregon politically getting up aswcial session and atdopiiu ; it, and you relieve deuiocratie leaders in this State ot nil einburrusameiit on thia score. More thiiu thut, the only quealion which would or could disturb tbeir par ty, would bo out of the roud, and they would be free to mine a terrible hue and cry about the exieuao of the special session. Tliey would gain everything by the special session, and the Union party would guin nothing, but have to alioiihler the expense utceesaril.i incurred. We are therefore in favor of keeping tin. amendment to tlie i onatitution before the people, and compelling tlie democracy to lake issue with us on tlie question. Not only thia reason against the ration, but we) think there can lie no use of hurry, or any fear that ir will be defeated, as far as the naiioii Is concerned. We think more than probable that n suflicient number of the Southern 8tates will lie re organized, and adopt this amendment, belore ear nexi ' regular session as will make it a part of tins Consti tution of ike United Stales. "SUIVISU" (imJEXBlCKS." We clip the fullmving apt remarks from Ihe Stockton Daily Independent, one uf the must Influential papers in California. It shown clearly, how the people are ilinred and " gouged " on the greenbacks, ami w ho diu it. We hare some uf the same kind nf men tn Oregon. TJhe only reimxly for uucli evil iiiBinflitteil three nb iti tlie neck, hut HMVii'iiiirl, trade, ii ti circulate the gn'onhnokn ut par. ( The moneyed men nf Ban Knuiciduo, to wlioni thif Slate ii indebted for all the nfUHiiaiiou in liHuluewi and tiarrity of uioney cuumm! by the SpeciliciJontract Act. me jtiBt. now Hciin with more thim their titoial Ui-h idlmutfji. 8 lonx as greenbacks wern dyeliiiiin, and when tltere were lew comiui to (lalitorniu theni' MiyiocK. with moult inMituanimitv ami it uwiiuteii ' hoiinr, whifh they never felt, paid about three per rent (he ditTeretiee jo exeliaiiKe) for currency above New York prirei. Their newspaper oivau never iimhiwiI m ohanee to herald this el reiue ' liberality " on tin fntitof the hvlockii. who uduilly, for uuej in tlui ireH, were juitly ateiimd ot d oiu the fair thinx. The fat'l of tlw in titer in, that ut that time there were - wareely any green bar kn hi tlie Htate but what wer lield by the moneyed combination, and so iheir gen troniiy " eotiHiuted o'dv m duinir the fair thiiiif toward earli other, on the principle we nippoae. that there ouuht in be honor aiiionif thieves Now, however. Ihe ane to Jittered, and the lair dealing f tbeSliv lo. k ii turned into H.ileniMiij vongiotf. Ureetiburk. mre rapidly niiiiiing up towardu jar, and golil it H rapidly coming dnvti tn inect tbeiu Tlie re iskeven i iudieai ion thai within four uioiifliK. or at hirthem pi'x 1 tin mtl it t will tie worth from nioeiy io uiuety-liv. eni Tiier in no visible aiue to i-beek iheir al vaui-e, liem-tt tlif v a e ttndiuu their way in larne ctmn tihei to thia Stale anil nee km iueitioeiit in ttie iute rior. Tuts Shvloekn hare ImI or are abmi to lone the Mouooly und they are e? ting even on foniier " en rofit. "by lieariug the market (Ml w,iMiotcdou rdie U3d uf Murrh at li in New York, (.n-entmeki- ere onlv c niiimieiiug in Ht i Kranriwo Tliey ire really worth U j in New York, and with the lltm per rent, di Heretic m exelmuge added, ougla; to fet h about ti9 ceutt in han Kiant iwo. Tbei quotation Jiave beenpereifteiuly raioulained by the Shyloett com himitiuu at tlie Hay ever Mime Itw late decline m gold, and wa desire that the interior thall know it and uu de rat and that the combination it yitemutieally twin dliug every man who py out tt dollar in cut tvney to the extent of seveu or eight ceutt on every neh dollar paid out. TUE CONFESSION OF TUK DKLANET MIR DEKKU8. Daring the prut wtk Betle and Baker litre made a con ftuton of tl Ut facti la rrUtton to th murder of DuWi DfliQf, Sr. ; and the follnvlnf rtiiulr ot (tie ume we sat r learned from Sheriff Hcadrlck and Ut. Dtlansjr, ami. no Hy th taine btfor oar rcadm, an detailed by th oft. ecri. (Beale t enjnirvd tu writing a cmifcHlon la full, whkt will b Ki htIird after wl,l.) Aecnrdln to th- foil.. win eonfeuion the nrlaoner arc frailty only uf murder In tlx stand degree, tbrr brla no malice tn the kitting : Thrjr, Ih mun1rrt, flnt thtitTht f and asrecl awn the rnbt'frr or Dflauey at Balr' J i loon, tn tlem, about a vrrrk berorv Ihe aiunlrr. At that tlm It wm not Intended t bill Uflanry, but lo rh him of only a fMirtlnn of hit ain-y Tlie plan waa to eU him oat. lie him, and then go la tie hniKt bikI kr much money u thry wnnl.. T'w pstrtHruUra of tl. muMer ar follows: Tlivj. B-ale aud Bakrr, left Ihe ar whrr th hora wa tleil tlili is the plac iltrlbfl by lli wltnetir whn-h l alxiut on--tour th of a mil from the house, and went down Ihr hill the hnate until thy cameln a pool of water Htrr they blacket tilr tier wilh th burnt hark nfifl tree. Pram here thry wvnt to the . van! miUr. Baker Rot orer Into th yard behind th apple-house and set his fun, n aWilfbarrried shot-fun, auaiurt the fence, n Ihe Beal stKHl on Ihr ouitl-le of the fence by the rate, whldi was IhU ten or twelve feet fmwi wbr Baker was. Th plai aas this; B. alr wa In call Delan.y mil and Biker was t catch hitn when Btnle ru to aa st In Uit tyln. Baker ha( beeu drinking; had been drink, na" on bis way u, ami bal drank at Iravlnic Ih house, bt was therelor runtdrat.t anir th itiltuanc of liquor. Beale ealknl Delaiiey out li a.c-r lance with the pUi.. As Uelanry cam vul near th orner of th house, llaker started towards htm. As hr neirH him, be dtiiitriTed thai rilaey had a knlf In hi hand. At this B k-r mreatrl. p!c'lti up hit ran as ran B-ale, thnkm Btkrt' wm nln to h'l , priwl out nV h'Ml, don't shoot, d- tfi shoot. " Dlant-y, who tn the mem lu.l tumtd iiwiirls ih- house ntn heartn.; B- ale iv U.iti'i oot,M turnH bark far inn them, Just as Bcale sil'l "doti'i aioot" th but time, B.ker Bred an barrel of In fon. Dltney fell upon hi bamls and Ittirrs, fikr tm ediauiy ftrrd a second shot rlcht over the (alien man ar w o. This sevond sliot ws what must hav rauaed the nund in tb barb or the head and arm. B'lle run irarae jlstely lo lh itytni man and ffnuplnff him In his arms, arte! tf h antU .tr. Ht aiaa no reply. bt etplrrd Immr aiatriy. ii.ate u..n ui.l him oo lua bck, aira.iiienid th a.kH. -halfor r B.repiM, r,r nhUng the ol i Til A . irJ1 T y:Vnl 10 'h'-" replied I fid yow I shon " Raker. W( ,s mMmki. wa apon hi knees aud hrrred o4 eried hbra child. Both ttien went Into th hoos In alxnl the manner testiHel to .r the tr,J. Bral br-ke open a trunk an.) a e mntl ta diffreot pla. es $.oii. In lpirei abv, on m an dollar, battend on th eos; a 1s t, one old, ll-k-w..r Blf-d"llr ri-. Uikpf tttnl an !- Ui fMU y. Bel did not f up itairs. There wss do m..r mue H " "rr " iry sun auy more, ai th .orb thy bHiertd thy eald har don S . Tli acct. dentil klllli, nr Ih M.I nun c nfdavt So thai they dfl iil hare lh heart lo mako a aeb. Tli dwnsi tMn of the money will ho m.4, pU0 Ureafir. Ther. wer ao 4br B-raom thin R.i ami Hkrr cot a -etrd wn lh -Ntirler. II Ob the en ill mu,,. .uki 1. ...i. . n fewioa and throw tnine,e. apn, u(t mtref f H eourl tt. mlhftriwtaarycxni1ii,M1(l4 ,1 rrtnl 1 lta I wrrr 1"" nr ay. THey hrmr bo Maim aiiainM aui one. Th tetwj ny r lh wiinet for ti. pr.uiiot wth-Hi.nuectpti .n. ws.irar; t4 Hit u ston .ny o IN w tnte tvr th; def- ae wss tr- The an ptrent .1 - rri-ri- l-teen th- ot iitTvrriii wa , net- will filly .Uir4 in ihe eonrrt,.Mi no Incowrs f prira4n. Tiw pr "s a-v-pt b )uatn mt the pHH hnen. aod are rro ly aai willlni to aarH it. Thei hav 00 pe-onal ifffTti.t hetat-o ,y n ap.n tl riallo'. , aad Heieisj baurto toed for b, t Ti b as ar uurl bv . tti pilMrs wf tbrtr w h.l - h te a, 7 1 bw OrvjMia raya ao Inditn. fianvd iWpMM.r?. of very gout u l vc nil miwts, wan di-vua-ti.r ixditiral is a -a iti a lo ' nm, Bkera Litiilitit:. ntte day !W week, wiu . , In i;,ictiar wiietiL-ipl'i oecane irrif 4tfi! and atrink hin a furiims b.uw ovr the head with a HapttU waa tlioiia;lii Ut be aeU, ana ut. u ns wold waa rnt ler, but b affair .... Th Yamhill borae-thief, Nnnler. hat bwan fill to tn Feniteatiarr for 6ra J ears. THE LATEST. Special Dispatches to the Oregon tiuitaamun. President Lincoln assassinated, Altmiptcil AseTiasliiatluii of Mr. Seward! Wahiiixoton. April 14. - IWIorit coin nml wile Willi other Irleinls, u.ito.l the llteiiti-r tins r-vcniii" for the purpose nf e-lines-sinU th iorloriMiincf nf "Our Auii tiiuiii Cousin." It nns niiniiiitiui'il in llie impels tlnil lien. (J runt would lie Ihrri', liutlhnt fj sisl ! man look tliu mt tiuiii nf inim fur Nfv Jvtu-y. I'liu llii'uh'r wns ili'ii.-elv crowdiKl, unil evon bmly irpnipii ileliyhtfil with the sceno In fnri tlii'iu. During tliu first Act, nml wit In llicrr wns tcinpomry pimsu fur nnt of tlt actors to titer, n almrii ri'imrt nt A pslnl waa heiird. which nit-rely ultraut' il ulti'iiliuii, lint sngiri'tt ctl untiling sriiuus umil it mini rushil in tin- limit nl tin' I'rcsiiliMit k Imx, drew a nnj diti; HIT ill his liglit linml, (xclainihiK "S7c icmin tymnnit ! ' und liiiiiU'ilmlrl) b upcil Irnm iln luix, whiuli was in the si'innd Ih r, In Iln' slni heiii'Hlh, mill mil Hitiiisi to I Ir- ipsile side ul llm stii(;i', niukiiiK his escape niiiiil I In hnil ilcriiient nl I he iinilii'iiic hy ill" I'fiir ol Iln llii'iiltT, iiiiiiinliil his hnrsH and fli-il. Tin' acreiiins uf .Mrs. Lincoln liist ili-cl iscil h" liict In tin- iiitdii'iici- thut I In' I'rvsiili'in li i' In-ill aim', whin nil pre tit rii'heil ill -luge. Tin.' I'Mili'ini'iit was of llie uil. us iiossihli1 ili'Silipitnn. 'I lis- lluslv I'lil iiiliiiiini ahi'Weil III it I In' 1'fi'Mlli lit lisd lie, ll rll-it llm. i lie hi-uil iiliove nml Inn k of the l.iinpiiial In, in mid that ainiio uf 'In liruins ttcn imik ny mil Ih-HHS reniovi'il In u prii Hli- hulls rppiail, 'lie theiiliT. TIih Siirgi'iin (ji'in-inl nl Hie ar nir ami nlhi-r siirgi'ims wore scut Inr. (In vx iiriiiniiiiiin, a ciniiii'ii rilli- liuin h il piick' l pis tol wns liniiiil on the enrpw nl tin' Prosiil mi's Imx. It had hrrn prrtioualr iiiiminnci'il ihai ihr wntiml mis mortal, let all Impi'il ntln rrt ii' 'I'lie shuck In llie uiniiiiiiiuiiy wns li-rnhh' At midnight the I'n'iit wns :n n state ol yniopi', totally inaeiiaihle and lirent'icj lolv Iilonil imr.i'd Iruin wiiutul nt (lie Imtk uf hi' head. TIih Snrgewi CJi-iieral i-xpi-n lcil even possililt- effort ul ineilicnl skill. All liopi j-utii- he partme nf his Ininily Willi the ilyiui; rresh lent wna tun and fur ilrscription. WIiimi Ihc xcileiiient at the theater was at its wildi-si bin lit. reports were circulated that Secretan Sewnnl hiul nlin been assassinated. On reach iiig liia resi leiice, a crowd ami militiiry f-uanl ut his iliNirs, On entering hi residence it wa uscertainej that repnrts hail heen liased on truth. Evervhniltr thero was n excileil llial scarcelr an iiitelhtiiile word eoui.i lie Biitnereii Facia are uhstaiitiullv as follows : Almut III o'clock a m in radg the hell and die cull hav ing answered hy a colored servant, he, the cal ler, said he came Irnm Dr. Vieile, Secretary Sewnrd'a family physioinu. with a prescription, it the Siime lime hiihling in his hand a small piece nf lidded paper, mid saying, in answer tn refusal, that he iniit-t are the .Secretary us he was entrusted Willi particulars concerning the medicines. lie insisted nn going up. although repealeilltgi""'"!"","' ,'""l",r l'"l,lie u"l" f'"- '' ''!." ' . . i .i . 1 ii . .i i i El would bo a mark ol aimpailiv not anliecounntf the lie pushed the servant to one side, and bulked hurriedly Inward the Secretary's muni, ami was met there hy Mr. Frederick W. Seward, ol whom he detmiiideil tn see the Secretary, mak ing Ihe same repieseniHtioiK as he had to ihe ai.ri-uiir Wlinl forlbtie finstfetl In IIih will' nl lon.n-.i- 1...I .0...A... Lot iI.m man -triieli l.i.uS on tin iH'iul with a "lullv," trVeTfly injuriiiLr i i -I i ii i i s iIih ik n II, nml felling him Hlmiwt Hi:ih'H. I'he HKCHMi-iii then rtimieJ into tin chunihcr ol Mr. Sewnril, utriktug tin I'tuuuter of tlie U M.. hihI Mr. IlmiKcil, a iueimnir of tin Sinn Depattim-iit. nml tun mule mirm-n, diioihliti ilium l-lu rtialtuil lliwill lliu Mxrt! ure. tvl...... tri.. o, in I ... ma oii nu.,... ai,.lSl,,J"r'll""!uU,,,t iiti,tine..l eeou.H to impheaU H.'lh it in lliniirjiit nml IioimmI ho urteripn. Ilioiitfli In . ,.,1i. 'fl.s. audain ib..n duvvi.fe'n . iJ ... t I... I. WJ ... i I ..ip I. r - " iiKiimi n. i,.... ,, , of lllollt,Vi Moidoihe... and would lie compel ill Hint 111 Could w iolitnletl. Iltnl 111 (III HHtlleMlcd to leave home, an dir. family wure de.-mnn liu illHtilHT H8 in tlufiii'aHi'iliUlnm of till rr.'Uldelll.B IlinimlmlilitPri-i'iilcilt Will liv llimu. I.B,ur t iiiuht. Grant nml titi uile Hen nivited t. he nt tin theater ihi evfiiiujr. hut lie utnrtc lor Itiirlinton, N. J., nt 0 o'cl'H-k thin rveintiif. Wasimnoton. April l. I:I0 u.m. I'ih Prcciili'lit continue innrnxihle. untl i" "iiikinfj Senunl rt'tiiuiin uiihoni clnui(;e. It i feiinil hin pknll in friK'turcH in tun ilaci. It in iiiiw nue-ertiiiucil nilh ieifntiulil cer if i" S tainty Hint two nn ci i - find were eng'ioil in 111 liornlile crime. Wilk'-n Violli hein the om hut flmt the I'recid.-nt ; the other, tt u t njiin- mil nl liii. tmine iinkin wn tint wlm-e ilf-eiij" litin id Mia a. !..! iln. I l.u in linrallr um iiiin. It HPto'iir lion A lelhr foimd in tnolhv4 trtinlt. Ihe ititinler wnn iititiitieil iTnre lhi-4'h of Murvh, li'it I. II llirmi'Ht tip li h. c.Minf In .mi . iMtiplu-i. Imtk- d out 1 1 hti.oit.l rotild lieniil Iroin. Hooth nml liHiit'toitiilit.'i ttero nt I Ihliy Ptlltllf bt (t li'fletk 111"! t'tl'liill. Hlld I- ft tin re liorf ftlonit JOo'clork or vlloil ly niter tlutt hour. (Sh-ned) Staxt N. t'HiiMtiD, Anril 15. 1' IjiicoIi-3 lied nt 22 11 iiiutea piiet 7 uVlock tin iiHirnin;' 'I'hert urn m:ini iiiiitru.1iiiorv reioirt in mr eiiliitinn in rcnrif to i-wiird'n coti.htion. Sihoiw it we get uny thing reliable nr Mill inform von. Waii Departmext. AVahiiigtim. April 15 Alirnhmn Lint'olii died 2 mitnile after 7 t'cluck tliu (iiornitij;. (Signed) Stanton. Watliinpton, April 15. Tha Prnvrwl M; 'leiieral Iiuh indued circular, In whieh he M)t ii 11 believed that thfl nssasainsof the I're.sident fltt'i Seerotnry Reward are Attempting lo tcnne to Canada, and a thorough examination of nd pr ions attempting to cross from the United Hute? is ordered. The AsritKsin of the TVpsident If ft hehind him hia hat mid a spur. The has been identified 19 belonctnp to the inaiwciod ninn, and ii necu lately doaeribed hr other pnrtiea, not knowing or eeinp it hefore eserihiup; it. Thu spur wns found on the afnpe. That alo it identili.-d aioue menred at the livery stable here. Tlio man hired the horce in the ereiiiuir- Two men who went to Secretary StnntnnV bonne, to apprise him of th" attack on the l'rest dent, met near hi recidento a ninn intilHed in n eloak, who wnlcd clwe hy them, and Inirrk-il iwoy. It hnd beon Mr. Htantou's iiiti'tnton lo iccoinnaiiv Mr. Lincoln to the thenter and ocnuiv ihe sntne lox. but the preaau-e of other bnaine orevented him. It aevtiia to h'tve heen the aim "f the plotters to ptralyza the pwnlo by at once inking down heart and arm ut the whole couu rv. An thcaa atArtlinp; event were announced in the triet8.ItHhiird. the aisUtntit i'rovo-t Mir dial (ienetal.Htid his a.HfintHnt were at wvrk to diaeover the naaaaina. and in a fw moiii-MiM the telepraph had amnaed the police form nf Ihn city, rttid ev.-rv precrtiltion waa Ink -u to pr.aervo r inr. The streets ar pairolhd hy Ho (m. Tli (Hiiice were inoitntt-d hy order of Ui 11. Aupur nid every rod leadiiijr from Waahittctott w "irotiply uieketed. Tlio fcleatuhmtt nboiit to do- part down the Potomac were stoppi-d, and the inoiirnfnl npwa immediately tideprnpht'd to ttil 1 1 m ore. and the cavalry thent were imin"diittv put ttpon active duty, and every road uicki-t4 J.lur uitasnrea were taken fur tho nrruat of the .anialna, Tito EveiunK Star says it is suapneted that ihe oniircy was organised in M irch. An exam matioti of witnesses undergone before an infor nal tribiiiiHl thU morning, elirited the following: The murderer of th Predeiit wa J. Wilkef Itouth. His hat was found aud idenlilvd by sv ral Dcraous who hal Sii'ti hnu within Uu ptn twodars. A spur which he droioh-d was al- deituhd as one he ulitatneil at lb- wh. r, he got his hurae Iaf evening. This tnatt hv) ded several timca at Ford s Thesti-r, and lo-relore well arquainted w'lth its exits and tn-S traiio-a. The iHTann who atlatked Ht-rratarvil -M-aard left bfhind him a a lour bed lint und nil tj m ruaij revolver, tne rhainiN-M or whu-h wen rokeii from the hnrrel, n if by Inking. The Evening S'nr s tya tin- Vren.h m hn ah d 1, it last at 7 ".:tU (hi n...rtiinf. rln-ing hi n if going to al-p, and his cm t nn..- oi,t. in expnu-t in of p rf-et rep Th r- v f . iiidtraiiiHiw f pt. K -v, lr. tin r.v. ( h,- X Y. Avenue PreahvterUti Ch'trc'i. im.ti-din r.y a being kmoan that lif a enin.-i. Kndt b- moV hia bed and iff red nn impn4.ii prH,iei. waa ffapitiided to hy ad uva ni. Ii, tj(r ey hill pruered d l the fn-ut pirli.r. Mb -r lra Liovulu, Capl. Iiiu rt Lnicon. J4r i ,y in pi i vase secretary , anUottieia, r in wtnmg when he again offered ap a prayer to tli - rouM .atioti of the family. The lrrphMH s remains w re remov.-d fmn ihe private rest letire np(.rpite For J'a Tniter lu he tieealirt Msnsiun at half nasi 7 in a b, ar-.t wraipl in an Aaierican Hait. rt.. l. a .null g.ivi uf tTn.r. Oeu AuinrsiiJ oiOtr loiuur) uxeis on hmi, anu a uense crowu mcniiniii."'" Ihe rciuiins to the while I1imh where ihe mil iisry gniird excluded nil lull lie, p- r'n of th' linns, bold and the family IrieieNof th i deeeaaol. I'l'lie body was lo bo ciibalmed, with tlio view of .'iniival lo Illinois. New York, April l.'iih- AM plnoc nf hu-ii:e ire rbwiMd, the streets assnmintr n somlire lute, tin' Ehoiels, public olnecs, stores mil hmk liein 'Imped in nioitriniiif. Smtahlir residu'i'Uis were hidopted in the (hirn Kxchange peld rnmn hy iho regular lio-ird ol brokers, which then immediately .nljoiiru,.,!. An immense meeting wis held nn Wnll street 'his lorciioon. Ihenieehnn; wns addressed ha 311.... 11...!. 1 U lt!..t.:.. 1 ..v iiuiii r, v o. I 'H Kiiisitii, niei uouti, a i i iirnnrinii' r nnlminM!t wito iidnnh il. A cnnniittiM) r l.l eminent I'Hizt'tm wmh iii)miint (j to iro to IWfiMhinfrtoii to iiUem the funenil. Tlif Govern r l-'H i HHiied a prnclnnmtifin rovokiiiff tlie pro )om(mI thunkuffivniff nn tlm 20t(i for thu recent, n-lnrii's, chniirrincr it to a any of humiliation und Eirycr. ' mvnin, April to DinpHti'liM Imv tietn rweivt'd nun iiluHMt uvurv i-itv. utiil loun. hiu! luimtut iti llm I Vtn tlu Tlie nt) wit nf ill itiitrikir of tlm IVtmi'tuitt nml HHNiMinutioii ol Siriuiiiry Swiu-(, Iiuh lit-i-n ru reived willi pi-iifiMitiii lce''iimn'nf wrfinv, nnd n-ilt'itni nue 'tiHt pi'PVHileil in tiiiiiiiriiil circleH, lint tor the pivn Mit lliu nnirna of reirni'il I- coiitlni'il tn oxpfVrwimift of lel norritMf nt tliA Iiihh ut' iimh mm villi 1 1 V iilelll ifiril I'illi die Nation'ri tiopvH nt tliln perind of liinriit'y Uu ikppeur to fviiipurlii'ic tut ItiM-omnn tlium over tlie l"W nf tin) litmd 'uf mtl' ctillillinU fllllllv. ((lid till WVHI tn ivuli.e how inui'li, In f pi tit ut' purtv itirliniitintit, iliuy hn'( mnprch'd Mm cluirnclHi uf .ltiwiHm Lin i'oIu. UiioiiiL'KH tiuiiwiriidim hu litlln ilimiilit of. In lit dnpei) lioiisu, ft vere vuin nml iinlieei-iuiitu', at lliio iirlv hour "i tin Anliun it urie.t lu C'liinultM- Die pmli- xl'le fttwi. of l lie Kiid eteiit ii0 III' Uuniu-yi mid eom inevce ol I lie coiiiitry. M'-u'i timid re tiu proluiiiMl Ir uiTiutiid with (Jiu event ii-telf to be flow n thuiwht ipoii hiiv ut ttf poiiKi'inem'eif. 'rtrnuio. i W.a A in il t. The newn of iIip HmtHKMi ll.llluil III WimliilliIUII ll'slC)ilHeiil pi'iifiHIII'l HlllH tiiiin Mieiv. 1 he n ium o (he l MhIoiii IIoiihu AiuerieiiU l uii- hmIiiIo. mid tli.' rilnppi'tif in the toirltur. h welt luiill iliBfitv. were dinlHved tir Imlt mict,. Kioivh Hnd pliiceit f Ininitietw uwin-d 1i v Anierietiitn are ehmed. i the ti'eluii d jfnet of tlie i.tmiuliHii people i lu- Iteium. Il lit uiHitumiilHled tfivinu dome public exprew- 1 1 on New York. April I'-. Several iuiprimptu Ptreet leelioun were held to-'fuv and addrenned liv proini nieiiL rfeulleiiieii, '.lie iiiimiiiuoiiB e.xpreiniiiii lieiiisf In uold im re Pet leMdrrn lo tt jnat ueeoiuiL lor ineiiornnei l'vi n itn who expiturfed h for Jolf Ih.vM, were driven out ol u nevnpHrur etminiim ruion, and Hinted bv the erowd. tiiev tteekiiiv tiaiely in lliirht. Ihu i-leHinur i-Ktnii Miled ut, i'c.fl) p.m., Willi lull olti ial I ittiiHluliuH (o our itiiniftetM ut fnieiuu con in. lroiu Vuchiiiutuu An olticial die patch wiu ulso tent out iy ihe Nova Seoi'm from I'ltithiinl, Me. ' ItMl'op I'otier hm ifmied ait ad-lreSH to all lie clur 'vineii. Hiiiiuiiiiitnr tippropriatH pruvem t' lie read to niorrow, reeoiHiiieudin the eloiliin of all (he cbiin h- M m moiirmutf. A t'fMitmittee of the t'lmniirer or I'ommerre, me jCitv t oiincil, ihe lmrd of Aldermen, und other puli lic bodieH, lia lieen formed to arrann for iho public iiwernnen Halifax, Aniil I V The Governor Imd Hiiimtnied liodavfor iiviin Wit hxiil to the ImIIh nnHced whit hlift mtiial cere n lot lien, hut upon the receipt of the news jfl'if the murder of IVcriid-nt 1meolii. tent the follow nitf in me uoHiinoim. ixivernntent Honne. Malifux. N. 8., April 15. Muj 'ty'n Dear Sim: The very hoc kin inlelliueme reeeivedby me of the tniirdur of President Ijnroln y 'he hand of an H-wmcin. In my wne of iln: Iokh wliit li was iiifttiiineil by ihe death of h iii.ui whom mve alwiivn regarded eminenily apriirl.t in hitt intcn tioim, in iittpote aie for any public ceretnouieis miuh as nl e been uoiiLeiaplaled hi ihe iuieiidetl vivit to the IjUinhitive I'oniicil. I lay therefore to notify von of ihe pottipoiiemehl of that and pro pom; n'lul.-r the iieniiiHianeert mat in1 it ol all par lei mi.iv liuve a Htm- Leuitduture to oiler, and one wiiieli none ronl I miri- iM.Blrue. (Signed) Uiehard llraven .WeDowelt. i'lt h't ljeyinlntive Coumil, Wi.Hliinjton. April I J General Giant arriveJ on a 'peciul train about noon and iunuediaiely proceeded o the 'resident's li.mne. The neeiml extra of the lOvriiiMu at a r wiVM that I'd. luirrii'ium . I'rovoHl Mttv- lial of the ilelctiite tiortli of the 1'olonnie. .lud-fe tflin ll M "-' uiiifl ol the umiriciui i.uiiiunim.itii.i - ittmieo .MHIer are eiijaie I to dav at pohee head- jiiar- fern, on Tenth Hireet. taking tefiiiiiotiy of a lui'ire namlier of witnctw. liieiit. 1 yrell, ot i;ol Inrfrah.un -ihU', bp-t tiilit pnweeded tti I tie National Hotel vhere f Y liken llootn I nid been vtoppin and took poneM ion uf bin trunk, in whielt lie found h Coll'n navy jtir4o, two pair of handeorti. two huxeM of eartridtreH ind u park utre of leitein, all of which are now in poM- leiuiiou ut uiililarv uutlioiiiiett. line of thuie h't eri, - KUK(.d, and mn Hooili io proceed A KSc imoud fl.ui.i imeettaiu the viewu nf tlie Miiiliuriiiun there on Buhjeet of the lelier, Tout he would mefartoex Hl,'iw ' per mi, Ue then went on to nay that, lie wa - d'imM diwiolve liieonneulioit with limiti. 1 him let "'" wrjilen oa note paper in u n,ul neal hand mil Ileum (lie KWimliiru of the name. At a Cabinet iieeiing yenlurdny, which bp-Utl over two Initio, ihu fuluie policv of t'te goveinuieut toward Virginia wim lir-cunited Tile bent feeling t.revniled. ll in Hhiied thut ii wan determined to adopt a very liberal policy o recommended ny tne i'ruiiient. it in buio tne iii-eting wan the iiiont huruiouiuii held for two yearn the ("resident exlemlititf tlmt ma.'iiuuiohi v and kiudneiw of heart whieh ha ever elmr.icte: iz-'d Inn t r-i.iiuf in or llm I'r'hi-lht.uit m. .! liii which Inive bee 1 1 mi ill v reriniietl on their huhalf. ihe i...... ..i- . a i ... i ii.i i,u ui-tat Ihe door, that lie wiih ntnuuer ilnm he ha I eio tor iheee yetn. Itnlif.ix. pi-il IV Upon the an'tonttccneiit of the I-m.Ii ... IVe. il.' it Lme do. t'.n li nn nt u ti ti ll In.'! uu the a.eriiiiie it boon'', eialel, Auene in oliMiihile. an l a-1 A"ietle.ili Vi-ki-U t i port weru Lovii at li ii r f nt it DeepMV iiji.iiliv pnivaiUtd in tlm liudn nf ;dl t-i tl In ot llie Uohoi. T e bl K-ka te rti i- K iel t il Ll ub wuri uuilv d-i-ked Willi lliin HIiICi ej'.v - rl.s.r.. - fvJ down hv Vw '.aval nut t-.riiie W'uel.ihulon. Ai id l,Y T-mIuv no one utilo vod 10 leive tin city i i uny eonvevu iee or on f.', an I I he t-omi ot p4wei fro 1 1 hidinii'lerii of ib ilepiiilioelll if U u-bniLt oi but b-eiiiiieudfd liy (te-i. A'Wir New Vurk. lo T.m difp.i iha u hii h have been eeeived liiiiii nil purlaof the roitnlr.v uv expieenive I -i i. t tti the Niitmn'nuiliiinity. Ttie Hfiuld thin nior-iiiu mokea no e ii'oi iul rom iteiitH of the trMini.i1 nn. or the I res n lent. Lie fi'tien tn ikHK uo etniitn-'ot. The Tribune any: Sitdilett death i; always ivi-ru Induiihg, the tiM;;niiintf ion of iln liuuihlet uf iifii is nlwtiya fiighrfully atartliug, but when the head of thirty million of people U hnrri d into 'ternity hy the hand of a murderer that had a timtt ao gitnd no wine, ao uohle as A'rnh;tni Lin 'otn, the Chief M;igintnte nf th' nition in the eonditioti nf alTsiirs at 11114 mo:neiit. the sorrow md shock are too gnnt for tnanv woriN nt once U. pir:y rnucor ia forgotten. No right-thinking iiiuti cjiu li -nr of Mr. Lincoln's di'itih without au epiing it aa a tintiniinl cnla nity. S". Y , 15 Tlie hwl'a et-eentl dint at rh aiv that the tttte Uepurtnteiit inaeiiier, who was in Htteud)tiMu 11 .S'ereturv ewnrd. is dend. Mr. ewurd ia in a ery pteeMriouN hirmutott. Another disnnteii my Ins voiitidn Hie bad, but not uiortul lie hus lout iimcIi tilisod, hut no urleries were cut. Kred. Hewuid'a skull 4 liiidlv frartured in two plais itlxive the temple Uu s hieeimiMe. and fears are- entertain d tlmt he will n4 i-eenver. I be evidence obtained reinle s it ImlmiIv ir biihle thut the pen'n who uMinpie 1 the uiut'Icr of nr. rvfwani. ! John nurunll, ol rnuee u,tir-e rouu y. Md. About 12 M'lH'k two men crorsed the Ana imiirt hridxe one Kiive his name ns Booth, aud ilia dlier as Soiiih; ihe Inner ia believed to be Survull It i e. ident. in the senptt of lie- pint, that it whs in- emiti to ne inueii more eomnre henive. Ida l iee Pivel leul, Mil.) other prominent iueulnrs n b Ad uiuiMrioioii, were partieiiiurly uiiuirttu utter ovine -1 in pec ted pa.iia, 11 ml their prtri Im'oluy dcHued, 011 tn their niKH the pluu inteejrried C'h'n-a.'o, April 15 A, teleiruui this p nt. front J. vl. hiiiioulon, nt tVnal.iutfiMU, miva that tSwreiary ewurd a tarsia usslird but Uir.ail iiot cut. Ilwativud niuifidf hy rolliuit the lied Wathiugtoti, April 15, : p. m. Ofn:ial nutico f thu denth nf the Into l'rrient given by ilieheadaof departments thi inortiing to An drew Jnhnson, Vice 1're-idi iit. on whom ihe Hm M'itu'iott derolveit lh' nlrtce uf I'rowid.-ut. Mr. .fuhiiMiii, uimiu receiving the no ice. nppiHied Ut-f'-rc Chief Juikv Clinic nml took the na'h of of- i- ii. : 1 ... 1 . j .1...:.. . ... . live 01 1 r'fiut'iii hiih nminnt;u 11 uuue mm tunc ptinii at 12 u'cloi k. Tne I'reaideui n et ihe hen I 'i lfiittrroti-uis nt a v nunn i nifi-iinir at 1110 Treantry D -ptrtin. nt. Among oilier buiiucas, vjis traii-arted, tift, ih- arrtugemetirs for the funeral of ui lute PreVnl'Mil ; seenn t, liuttier wai ipMiliittd Acting Ra'crelary of Stale during thu 'liability of Mr. 6eard, and hi aon. Kr.-d. riek Vward, Aaitant becretnryt third, the Prenidout I'iriiially aiiutuniced (hat he desired to retain Ihe invsettt fVcretarie of Uopartnienta as his Cabl iel, and they would go on and dicharg the dtp tics In the Name manner a In fore Ihe dt iilornbla fl -vent (h it had chanp I the It- ltd of the linvi rn- ff ... ill 1... . .1. . I. . .. . lUt'iu. nn uiM'iuaa 111 111c Mt-u uirnn m nua )"lidd tod-ty- Siiigeoii te)ort that the mn-lition of Mr. Hew trd rem tins tiurhangi-d. He 1 doing well. Mo important rh.totfo in Fred lVwnrd a ottdi Mull. The murderers hard imt yet been appn hended. (.ignvti; is I IN TuN. TUK Ptt.V Mail Tl.) Orifttii.i r.ceived th t.illowiiig I, Uifisai fiom feniior Villiau,,iiii Isst W.Mm-ihy t r.l l:'ftml Thi' ri.mrael b Iwe. II Lioeolli ,ii I'.niu lo I iih ll I'1 if... i. is Hw t i.ti.yr . p'n.-s J'Hh- ;tn k. Tn-y lure l.iit s) nai.iasi f, st ,,-nr. Il p,il,nnt H..e't par il ('nti'l' I...H.1' I Mil t Ihink l p.nm.iit i. I p ,y ililUMi. 6 .ii, lead p f l.l'l II MllMM1. Oi. g..n hai inn rr. ii. d ih. N tiUmai ,um n. ry. , se. rt a. mrrrkH.lis, It nisal. nl , g l.l trr ihr (i... rHllM;lil II little ilulilf, lent io ..ur in iii tic .ltira. W.. h - ll Is i n. t s ., ,ud ri.l llollce Iln, llMllvf lirll etk. Tbtie uul.l to 1st cm ri of .sT..rt ,1... ...i.l.... J.. . . .....,! , ' J u , IprUIn of the Teoplo nt 8nn KmnrLsi-o Pun Krnncix'o, April .'i Itnnndiuti ly upon receipt of the intelligence of iln innoiMNiiiaiioii ol J'n-Mrnt IJiieoln nml the pndialile nHHaittri'i.o of fcei-retnry fcs ward, nil bimnoKB pp'ccn wen 1 hwi-d and drapetl iih nioiiriilng. The Mtrcets v. re mum crnwiled with grii-f-Htricketi ciiizen panting for some ohj.ct np"ii which to wrenl. iheir vetigeatice. About ii o'clock, anine nueMic 'ted the detrtictioii of all auti AduiiuiitrHiion rieWf-ptiper ortice. Thu crowd iminediately rn 10 tint nine, of the l)jiuoeriilii I'i-lshi. u I.L.I, nit I contents, wnn hi. 111 gutted, TJiencelhey wem ui ihu Monitor nthce, which ih-y served 111 liki iiifuiiier. Jty this time Chief bin It u and his poKm Aero on hand, but the crowd wns too strung fm 1 hem. The next office to be gutted wan the New Letter, where was found nothing but some pa liers, the printing having been done elsewhere. The Occidental published hy Znch Montgomery iitferi'd ihef'itenf the oiheis, All lliu prin in rnnes, type, ditc, were hniiiud In thu arreel. Tin i-vowU iIil'ii broke for thu tirhn dn Taeifique. tin Oice of which ik tin Iho Mimo floor with ihut nl ho Aim California. The Aim whVc closed (licit iron doorit to keep thum nt liny, while Mr. Mac Cruliinh nddressed llnui from . it nppurNioty win dow, They were thus detained n fuv mimiteH, nit til Chl f iluiko, wiih a dotHchiueutnf armed men 'ind pidice mid a deturhiiii'ui of regulur soldiurf . iiTiVed. They have kept tliu crowd at buy Hitkv t 0 clock, They have agreed to dUpersc, if th. Aim people will pun out the type, Imx-;", &u., of the Echo du Pucitinne, whieh MicCrellUh lii agreed lo do Fears Hre eliteriniiied ihut Ihe pop Kiiice, nmddeiicil at they are wnh rngit and ex e.itcmcui, may cnnimii some more overt act lie loro midnight. The bulletin and Alia Ustiud fret extras at noon giving all the intelligence the, hud received. The W hold Inilitnry force of the city, together wiih a deini Imieiit uf the Piovot gituid, are now 'nt, aud are sweeping the crowd from Montgom ery street. Ail dniikiug saloons are oloHud. Ran Francisco, April 16. The city was quleil,'ilbert; V. 11 (smith, Kecurder ; Bell Juiiiiinga lust night. Troops fnmi Iho l'residi i and Alca-Trosiireri U. H. Fox, Marsh ill. : . rnz, I . -ii' 1 h.T wiih iiiiIiiiii. stood guiird m urly nil uialit, mid nrn loilriilliui! I lie si reels tu-dnv. There are over ;iUOU men uiuh r arms Cant. L'lii .(' the I'rovnst (iuard Inst nl;lit seized the I), in enitic Press, Monitor, mill Kehu du Pacitimie iiftices, aud placed a guard over each. A Imgi ineeliiifr ot lie Union League won lield last utglii uhich was addressed by the Mayor and others, who counseled llie people to preserve ginid ordr. rtif Grunt Club also held n meeting, nt w Inch otiue attempts were miide to incite the people tn di inoiistraii.iiis against the Altn and Bulletin :,,:;,..M..,f:f. ,1 olhceis and leading un iiibers of the Club. All ihe seceS'iou sheets Imviug been destroyed, or iizeil by the military. I lure exists no laniribli ol'joct upon which to break thu public pence i lie people lire quiet lo ilny. hut tbeir gi ut nml nige, if possible, are more intense limn yesterday. The Mayor has called a meeting of citizen ai i'latt's. Ha'.l this evening, to adont such measures Kas shall he defined necessary ill view uf ther.ceut t great national bereavement. R Beriuli Brown, ot the Press, skedaddled lo 8an W. r...U,lr ..trA..v ,.f,..r UU lifn U.....I.I bnve been worth a straw had llie people captured him. There is senrc'ly a huildiiig in th i cily that U ui't draped in mourning. Appropriste services ire being held in all the churches. Them will be jiilile or no business transacted to-morrow. 8au Francisco, April Hi. The city is quiet to- E v.u I' .rV , ' muUI""'K ij:iir nenriy every House is nra Noibing from ihe East lo-day. AXOTIIEU tSEVEKK FII1K IX S.tLKU. We liuve biirdy time to niumunce tli is nmrnlnK th effect s lot Knottier (twain. I tu;; flrr In Bnleiit. As near hi uii b as- oei-tahied, the fire broke out tn the B.'lvlnVre S ilmm, nl.out i'l o'clock this warning, anil in ti very few minutes the ent In- tw ot wooden bulMlnint Maeon Urlswnhl's block anil llol- niaii's block wiM In n sheet of llutne. A Vvrjr hlg ' wlml nre vitlle.1 at tlie time, which accounts for the niill spreml ol hcttre. The parties having ttm) but lUllo time since tin tire, losses cannot be aocnralvly aiucrtalneil, but thv follow- m estimates are bullevetl lo be nmrly correct t (JzhIuvhub Sc Wriilit, unicury Htnru. I't.lHIO; Mr ltU-Uy, liiHel.fl.iiUH; Mr. Mther, buitdniK. $l,.IM. l-ii'tfii, hit I in m. Htuiiit ii.OIH): I'luiuolnlini. liuililuiif !$.Oii J. It Sturr, tin nlnn. liJUfiJ t lluuUel, liniM Ufiiin ttud imriier Bliup, f t..)l)U; ttuii. htrunif, tin shoj Sfi'l?"': L1:""'H 'ukHV!!;-,'l,u,UM,;rt,,lf "jl.v & M g,ibotil$l,liUU. TiivUHul liws n-ill nut bufurt'roml.j, &rUII. iU UlHItWIU'V UU UllV I nut ut it. I Thia (Ire in ttimi tier einniittinj urxutnt'iit in fitvor tti lira tiiuints niut tire urmit luiuaua. ILul it u 1 Ik-h ! linr tjnsrt's blnck, nu iiHnieiicu luva wmt .1 lmv bv i-nieil. We xuvtt tu ilie iiHrmtini iiwi.iu tin: urnuutl in I'luti lueiuer now hiiu III I in tliu wlmiu mv wiih ftiiliotiinlml thred Bturv lire tininf lirii-k tilni-k. Iti vviH mv tu (lie end. WimmJuu bniMiiis on C'j.niiii'r i 'ut niivt'i hi wurin uui nine mure hIiiUs. MAItkET IIEI'OUTS. The following are Sail quotations on llie Willi FLiiI'M a fair jabbing Irad.i at tiiiehaiigi'd priees. v lieat sales ot n.lsju sacks of choice to !i in M irysville a( o..'ni5.uu ; iro hJ for lucal eon- -iiiup i ii reported at 6c. Uirley iho arrivals i'iiioi Llnli.eiiiopi'isiug the caro.s of the Maria Srarmell, M.melia. Clara ami Uusalie, in all about Hi null sin ks of IUU pounds each, have ben suhl in one up rater on piivale terois, nlo I.OIil sacks 'f b iy, in go to s icrain. ntii at I 15. Oat,, Job liiujr nns ar,' si lling ntti Wnil'Jb. jt Fr uu l'nlaiii learn thai cotlon goodi have ..... it u ...i c i -.. -I- ii. I in Will.ioietle Woolen giaals, gray bliiukels selling at .i Ii2i i.fii 8;j The tat, st mail advices from the East show thai 'he prices of all kinds of cotton and w,silen f;,li Urics are tumbling wilh the price of guld. To ave a crash, many of tin- leading houses in SVw were exlen ling their credits in en ry diree Ition, more thaa a month .ince, rhiuking ihe iu,te of llie country m -reliant, weru heller than sluck uf goods. Tin: Inrtitute Jluii.kk. Salem hss b. . i ii il liliite of njoicing during the pist n k; but none uf tlie illuminations have been eipnil ll beauty or effect tn that giatell up Ii) the 8-tuili-titi uf the University lust Wtilncsdut ....... I.,., 'i'l, .. ..l.l ..I....: .... i.. in i. ., lor.i.ui,- nns ... iiuu.iiii illuininuted, and seemed tn spurklo with n ilmuaaiid fl.niies, while on die ninare iu fii.ut mhe hoys Imd creeled and fired a lionfiie fiiial Bleil iu fire in, ly Ii) Ihe couflagrnlmii nf tin hotel lust milliner. It was u magnificent fu iiitiiI pile f. r tniMleru deiiiovrncy. During tin .eninp teere Were speeches fiom I'rof. I'ii ell. Major Magoue, A'ljutaut Ci-m-riil Heed. John Ni k 1 1 ii. ami by lbs follow ing slmli-iits : Messrs. Gill. Chandler, Duller. Oilfrv. Dunlmr mil J nines Sclhvuod. Of tliu old. r speakers it Is not necessary In sa more than they did is well as Usual. The speeches of the vmiug nen were simp, some uYuhlt'dly coyuent ami ill In the point. Tln-y Were greeted Willi fre- i lent applause, uii'l ill llu- course nf ihe even ing :hri-c cheers were jlvcn fur lt isi 11 Lam run, 0rge Williams, John Ilium nml Claude Ijrulihs furour stmieiils of the Uuiversiiy In, are uow in the Union armies. We were nell pleii.ed with nil the exercises. It war ipiile a rcliul til turil for awhile from the li.i.u mist and rrvaryiug pla'ilailes nf'' hi listen tu the livari fi ll iitii-ranu-s of tbusi lio are jet young, and whose love lor couu iry U not yet iireralwd,ie. liy a greater love lur self. Mar the puinotiu fires in their lu-ari. never he elliugiiialieil in I lie slough uf politics ' Hut may they always hum as lirigliilt as i,ii. md may llie same puiriolie ruiiiimiis which in plreil Ihr young urnlura with i ,Hiu lice in liat i-vi uing etill cnluiue id aiiiiuali iIh-ii a hen the hum ixiiue lu do uf talk lui lirojirm putrid. .... L,gal Tender Xotea were wonh "U ami TVj r. ms in t-su Krsiiciseo on last Saturday. ....The first linwaie peddling wnp.m ever isrte.1 In Oregon was senium from t'otllaud las Meek by a tinner of that lively linU biug. 'Ike Melbucist church waa deiiMily crawdiO 1 nt ni)iht. to express the fcrl'ngs f tlm people ai be il . ' I'r- siueol siwuld like lu nolle, i ai In gih l.i.t ne nu ru. iki. week. 1 he piii.ieisuf iheTialeauiau nUice.aekMiwI Je ilu.-insel,-a ui.ier ubilgaiiuna bi the prvpiic luiaof ih It- nnetl iloiis. Ut a " auuieruu. Iun. li ' f ,,i.ti-l J I i llieM in ilel remposiiif rouin. about u.rksk rtiibda, uieki. Alter wuikios ha id ul .lai and ' I" ' 1 oul. .urn rviaeni'iai causa. , . .... la.ll . .ntf.-i.tMl , ..,,1 ,1 II.. .....,. ' ,,..), ur aor eh-r min." suta iu 'n. gruteii in ItiMM wa.ttuy al ihe " iknijU."tjii Cwyuft Cnj Kvl LOCAL AM) STATE NEWS. ""ifitt 1 pio,)one to 1 r.'Ct u-ntileii mills Why nt't h've KKrttL'iT!" Donglua nod Linn counties h.tve I it is n gisid mventtnut in Kan Kr.iiK'io, Am r.imn 62 -1 - for .h. cuvnlry .crvic. A" ZZt: VX, .... A M.Tolmnt Klmiriiitr Mill Is to be ereflrrlff d.iii Miry-nll! II w li.v s r.iiul ( :m,0(. ' . lllV,-HM 11 tlll'.liT. Will, II Sllli Ill'VI'f l llPt iIV I'll, smniHt IVnlln, Wulln, ciiiiiililo nf tiirimiK mil l.iU,r IiiiithIs nf ll.inr nor ilnv. vnnnl In 1 ' Sinndsril Mills " liriiml at Orrfmi City. Si Ki) Fim TAXKH. Tha Suto lm sucil Li e (iiiulv fur llis Inxi-s ilun for llicynnr IHO.!, In po il ma siIvit nun. Tlio pumiij will a (eni tliu nc ion mid ll ci. so will gii tu tlm Supremo Court. Uood pickings fur tliu lawyers. .... By private advices we learn tint a mute) race Imi been made up botwecn Tolinan'i " Min nie Rifln " and borse brought across ill. plain Inst summer by Mr. Welsh, for about $l,0(in! purse 1 tn come off over the Bybua course nvw Iiiolisonvillo. ..... Spcdden & Brown of Astoria have shipped 11 lot nf furs direct to Now Yurie, nml Intend Iv hiiiiir bnrk h Inrjje stock of (foods direct from the mmo port. That Is icnsiUe. ... . , ,- OiikbiiN Hay. Kurty balej of Imy were lent last neck from P.irtlrtucl tn Sun Frimciaco. It Is now worth about 110 per ton iiulio latter mnrke. . .... Drs. B.iyley and of Corvnllis rocenlly perfurnu'd the npeiallon of ' tupping " upon n piiliciit, tnking two fuliuiia of water, and b,in' llie Ul'ih iipi'rntioii of that kind performed upon tlie same person. " ' ; ; ....At the lata city election lu Eujrone, the I'lilliiwinu ofiicera were elected : President tif the Council J. B. Underwood . C'liiineilniiii, J. H. McCliiiur. P. 0. Lemluv. T. (i Hendricks, J. T. Bhiomlk-ld, W.T. Usboru, J. L Tu TUB M inks .About I.S50 passengers were carried up lliu Columbia river last Week. Wu are under obligations to Gov. Gibb- lor the coriespoiulenco between Grant and Lee furnished by telegraph, one day In advance of its reception herein ihe Orrgiimut, It was sent tin Uovernor by Secrctar Stnutou. - ..... Newman, the enlurprisimr butcher, ilnueh jtered on gaturday and has on sale at his shop, to- ' beefeaters " a""- ' annual nas laaen several premimi our Suite Fairs, weighed 2,11)0 pounds, eon Newman JcJtK), and is wonh looking after by those who are giveu to rare steaks and juicy roasla. Patronize Newman. AsToniA Citv Fatiifri." Council, John1 Pike, John tlnbsoii, C. I.. Parker, II. Miller ami Jacob Coei Keconli r. Chin. Slevens; Miirsli il l A. Montgomery ; Irensiirrr, Cuuiad Boellitig Mtreet Conioiissioner, II. 8. Aikin. C'l.liM-Kit 8aiv Mux. E. D. Towl has fiuisheu t und put in operaiion the ' Clipper Saw Mill." four miles nnrih nf Salem, and U now prepnredj I tit furnish Ihe best qualities of lumber nl luw prices. Diiiiwnk.o A eorrespnndeiit writing to us Bfrom Lane county, eives us the following ulnis of a ineliiiiehnly acciilent, occuiring las. Sunday week at " lliille Dimippoiutmeiit Crus. iiig " of the middle fork nf the Willamette, river: Mr. Samuel McCillloiigh'wiigou ivli. el came off while fording ihe river, and the current was s strong i hut the wagon mis turned over und Mrs McCtillougli and child, aud Miss Ilagley (nunu: III or 1U years old,) were drowned. Mr. McCul- lougi: narrowly escaped dniwiiing himself. Ilia wile's body was recovered tint evening. The child's was found yesterday three miles down tlie river. The ul lie body 1ms not yut been found. .... In our lust issue we omitied to mention Jilint Iho Young Ladies' Literary Society of ihe 1 VVilhiinet t Ui.ivornitv jriiveimexliihili.Mi Friday C0Vl,,llllB An il 7lll, in llm Chnpul uf lliu Iiiatitim. I'ho must proiuiiiciit features of the entertain incut weru, a wrilleu discus.ioii between ilisi-es Maria Sniiih and Dora Lumsmi and a paper read ny ihe editress, Miss Fanny Wilson. Thu 1ji.1v ili.iputaiits sbntfed much skill and ingoiiuity in ihu imiiiHgcioeiit of the iliscu-simi, nml llm nrli lea ill Ihu paper wuro sprightly and rigorous. Miss Helen Williams rend an extract from lie Widow lledutl Papers," which excited cuu.ider i ible merriment. Literary societies for voune Indies are a new feature in schools nt least in this (dale, yet the success which bus niin.l...l i liia one. iho. f,.r .!,,. .1 !... , tr 1 "mj , .. .ivou-jyj, il to, render important aid lo llie cuiiao of edu- alion .... Major Simeon Francis, Pnymasler U. 8. A u'nve us a very pleasant call during the week. ' Jill mil v. Capt McCoKn'J Company of Ihe On-goii InfHitiry. I. ft F.i Walla Walla for Fori OilviHe on morning. ('apt. Olannro's Company of ih,i W. T. Infan try, will leave Colville for' l-'nrl Vnneoiiver, Im oiediaiely uu Iho arrival of Capl. McCuwan'. (.'imipiitiy. Lieut. Kern, h-ft Fort Walla W.illa on Mmi lay, with a doiaehmeui of tl men, lor lb,. Cma ma, loiis.i.tibo Agent III uoieiing lb Bln.liaii.. who have .,f hue been eihiliiiing a reek ,,'M. NOU nill'III.IIIS i.p,..iiiitn. Cnpliiin John 11. Drake has been promoted to lltijiir, and ordered lo ll.,i-e Cily, I. T. C'ooipaiiy 1J, Captain rainier, 1st K. gim.'ut Or "gun Infantry, lias been ordered to Fort Dalles t'.iinpany K, Captain Waters, has been order.-.! in tort Vancouver. dipt. D V. l'orler, Qiiarlermaster at .Salem lias been ordered to Kurt Vancouver. Major (Sorg.'on) has been ordered io Kugeue Cily. Lieut. MeCall remains at Salem, ns command ing oflicer at 'liia reiideavous, which is now in iowii i.islend of it the Fair Urom.ds, and tuke . harge uf Ihe Quartermaster's store. .... Tbirly-lbree ibonaand dollars is nlread) .tibscrib.d to the Hrownsville V.i. n Kactory. .... Linn county has lately contributed llii roin.and $IUu currency, tu the thus isu Com mission. AMiriirn Mil l,. A meeting of ll.e i.'itin-iis of llnrriaburg and vicioiiy is called f.,r May J .Il Ii . to tnkesii-ps to erect a V.,leu Mill a that place. Hev. a. ary and James O'Meara an r. iiiested lu address iho imeilug. .... The following sums of niorcy bare been . ollecled ami remiited by the Ladies' Chrislian t'nmniissioii of Silenii Krom colleelion irni((o s n, nn,,i iiuu.e, in x.i coin : collicteilili iowii by Ihe Society, 'IU coin and $J0 clincne) . raised at the ineeiing at Le;;ilalive HnM.tUi oiii, ami $107 rurreneyi rnier uet day by I'apialti Keeleraml oili, rs, $:10 6U cio, nd llt iirrencyi collected hy Ladies, also in town, $V currency Iscmpima -The llamilloa Gold and 8:1 ..r Mining Company, vAiee at Portliiii,!, oiim. it 0J bee, capital stock -(I.IXiO-Jaa. llnt.U L. Curry and A. E. Waile, lncorratnre. The Wallula and Oraiid Knd- Wsgori Jiua.l Company alw flle-1 il article during llie pai e. k. Oflice at Poiiland, eapltil nock f Vl.UoU Incurpoialors, J. 8 Kuckel, J. T. Crai and Win. Mroiig. " 'I .... Thi notorious Dalliiran lias. " Uioekie Jack,'' lias nuule his es.-s,e fiou, ihe otlu-ers at King's, 10 miles U-iow IiwiatMii. sas the Mouniaiu.i r ul tale dale, and up to ih, present time nuliae.s ul him have been luimd. .... J. It. UtCouaell. lureieily rugsged III lb. -alooii. keeping bi.iiH-seiitCrrlli.. In.i Wediir. .lay prt-M M illion lo ihe Comity Court ul Linn teuuiy for luen-e lo retail piiltnuns liiuui. hi Iln. plaae. 1 lie peiiiiuH was signed by uvei ne hun.iri-u M-rs..ns. n moii.irance wa. mad. md Ihe tote of the rily incut poraliuu raraued, wbeHilwsa found that a huge luujoriiy ,.f 0,. ,'ilisewvf Albany were i.ppusril lu Ilea dtaiu-set liiiH bu.ii.wu, ami the 1,'uuil refused lo grant Ii eelise. .tlsaey JuMtaal. .... end $7 In currenrr was taiaeo ,t tin Uio Jubilee at Kugcu Cily, fur I be tuui- I .... Tl. Indian, are sjain lealng bersej ee Woolks M i 1.1.-'. We me that mpitii! H ut Hicia tm t!, ,,,vwl c,w f liiii til, whi' nmm i we r.nst liiii lluii fnr Hit eri'rti'iii "f w Irii mill.'.wlili l I......... !! I, ...ill will imy better? Wo can il we will Appal. Thera seems to lie a wide spread iuteresi token in the iiiiiniifiieturo nf wool, tint only it- Oivgnti but III Calilorniii. Welinve lately no tioi'il the ielMiillin' ol llie Linn count)' nunleii mill nt Hrownsville, nli (lie irouiseil enter uriae at Spriugiieltl in Luuu county aud huh ciomeii Kenton county proposing to have a fao lory of iti own. Polk county will liavo Itr Inctnrv at Elkndald (XennilV"' "M """i' ml rhli tlm rery oxiensive fiictiiriei at Oregm BCily nml Suleiii. it is pfnlmlilo that lli hwpg must ho lurgely inerenseit In niiniliers tn tup ply wool tu nil these nulla. It Is lint likeh ihut the iimniifaoluri' uf tvimlen gomls Hill Mr overiliine, lieonuae tlu I'll iliccnhit will uKvu) consume a greater iiiiiutity of woolen fllric limn any other part of tli United Slates, Ii priipuriinii in the iopuliitliin ' and llie oousiimp lion uf all kimla uf guilds, hut the price of wool will tie greatly enlianued. and Ihe Immense profits nu its tiinniifactinc grently reduced.. ....An emense Ranilnry meeiiug was held at the Legialntivo Hall last Tuesday erenlng. Hpeechos songs, great enthusiasm, and a liamome sum of money (reported in another Item) raised for the soldiers. . . ( (7 Owing lo Iho press of news, many advor lisetnents are unavoidably crowded nut. PROVISION STORE 'PlIOMAS II. COX, ut liis nid aiuud nn Omrncirm' 1 Mrout, fVilein, keep oonstnulJy nu bund a wel lC'teit lovk of , FAMILY GROCERIES. ' ..such a... ' Teas, Syrnps, Coffee, Sugar, ' f V04iC.,i.C. : " . : SUP, (lilts, Mil, (ill 01U Pen I'Muts, Cniidlva, CIGAR 5 AND TOBACCO. Choice Wines and Liquors, For Medlcul Purpose,, In short, everything rripiireil lo supply the IioiimIioI. snu oi . The Best Regulated Families. A I.I. K1NI18 Of HKItCIIAXTAUt.B COUNTRY IItOI)UCK, ,' i ..(ucm s. 't i j ; Potutucs, Turnip, I'ttrrots, Pnrsnlps, ic. BOUGHT AND SOLD. Prices to Suit the Times, IH'H K sai.i:. SIlVl.L PltOI'lTS Doors Apnn at all biisluras hours J Ailiuiasiloii Free!' So Charge fur Examining Stock. Artb les ilellvercil to any part of the Cltv, VI1HF IK iIIIAUOU. ... TII08. II. COX. Kalom. Mnreli IS, IHfi.V ' "AM OUMK OK PHKVKNTIVK IS HI) ll Til A I'ouxii or CU,.E." t jGunn's New Family Physician, OR Horns Book of Health.. ; CUUMIN'U A COMI'I.KTK HOIJSKIIOM) OflDK s i ' v I ""? "'"" r nrn niinn iiimhhi .not I'mlooeiiiK Life i wild Main .liree 'ions in eases of euisrifeucv, and iKaoilae out in fa miliar limuimite Ibe causes, symptoms, trjaluisnl uiul i.uit ot disease meiiiiaii to mtfii, wouiea and clnloren Willi slllll.leal. Hint Ileal rsineilies ar ji it si: nas ft. nt. P.. Author uf the old tcork kniiiru at ' OnHH't Dotnettu Mrdinnf" EDITORIAL NOTICES. l)n. Ons ll is fainoiis u all western people if not to all America, for lnse-leUrate.i wril iiwa. and iln. sniHwaa of llie present work ia llie best vnili.-aie ul iis character lluit can lw produced. The .ule of I ' InMik is M rery sopei ior mie, uotli us toil. ypoiftiipitifHi iiih-arsuce ami uiiiiiuijf. iuiiy urt fiKtua, t-'ti iiik. In o lH. (lest, p.tthor of lie old and .Iraervedlr p-ipnlai .rork callvd " Uuim's Uuravslie Medieiiw," lias lali-l. nlilirhed li.e re.nlls of lu, riHr exjHirisiiee ill Ida New r'awily I'liv.le'im,'' wlin h is n-iillv w hat i' in oli smoi, lo bo. a " II, aie II s,k of Iteahh.'1 It Is n Voloote of over IJUO psees. and couta lis a rosl fillnl "t uitorHiution 0Hfti Medical ami coiiuale snl.jeets.' It everr fttmilv in ih ainie tie I a eopvol it, it wouM -xiii,(.iiah a ra-l of ipiaelierv and save thousand. ,1 u.illaia uow worse f"a lArewn warav. urerres m r,es,as, jwon-a isiuv . , H We have no hesitonee In rerorrimeiidlie B.i.:- ...... i. -. .i...- v.'.....t u.i i si..:.,.. . w ., R .. -.., ..iiii.j p..ii, u, , .,,,u.' now plllillal,e.l Albany Jfitrnm, Mttreh M, s.u. Mil. V. II. M.CI.KIXAX has beeu appoiufd Can .HMiiiir Aeent f..r Varlon couuiy. He will eiidenvm 'u eire all persons resident In the county ail opponon ir of obtainliig Ibis reliable end invaluable snlM4:rip ion work. 1'artiea Iniereated will plea e remember that tl.i. vork Is only sold by siil.aciipitoii, and but one opMir imily will be preaenlvd for ubluinin it Koch count) n the Male will be Ihoronetilr canvassed as WHrti a. rHciicuble. ; M K. TH.WKIt. Portland. 5 w ' AjfHt ftir OrtgoH. E. W. TRACY &. CO., -nr4'pr In Tih v & Kinp,) AS8 AYK US, 1'itril.iiiil, Oi'4'i(uii. .' iiitiii r.ST finer, vaii) run ;0LI) Dl'-.T,' LEGAL TEXDKR, Ac. M nlKj Stocks Bought and Sold. Ornct. i 5"J K-nrir utrei, M ,l.-r ImI..w .A, twit's" wiTaistis sami, DKtl.Kim IH ,'tt, AMI lir.AI.I'.lt N i.k'Tiikii. wiiirts, irim, ilifuriila, TiXai. VneiiN oiii! Luaui' Sailatn.h ....ALIO.., WaKon, Concord and Riirkj llarncssf Wl.irh thry will warrant 10 he surisiewd br none li I '.Irviielll aiul lieal.Mm. lluy willm.-ll iheuptr,Jurcntl., hm sis era' ..i,.DfliSS,e, IH rs. , try 14"li.p Isalween muraev and iMtt.lns Ureti!rMMiteM.s,r.s hl.Hl HHr rkxnit tis twittgrp w. n Wotkituls. br ll.e Hinron Mate Ksos ol lJ-'3, lo, me bert lulv's satklle. Tesaa lunger, and Oregui addles, aud Wsl Uuggjr llano." eaiai.iusa r nil 11. kelem. Ort 17. IK,l-fsS: AOMISIkTHA TiH'M HA I.r. ()Y tin .inter rlaty Wsned from the cmi.ty cairl off II liar) nt enuiiiv mi the sin oar of April. I3. II ..ill pnserd 10 esrll el pi.blir narllou, ' the rirl Iiihisu ib -or in Silem. on the third Oar nf May, l.V s' li u clock St. of said day, li.e foll.iwing.nVsrril-e.1 i.n-n. . .. In wHt ibe west nelf uf the dunelioii ian-. , luiiaot lrf Kooaer. situate io Marion county, or C( gon, in l.iwii.1.11' ne- 5 s-iulli, range no I awt 01 liw W.lbi.J-lle meridian. tlaloi uo. O. boan'M a. follows 1 wnujoelng al a pui'.t where Ibe le.llk ln ut auiu laud tl i". and ll suu'b liiui of Ihe laud claim 1.1 Itr.iertt I lukeiu. tulcae. IS tier em4 low of llie lanil ( L.i.uo: Kl,lu-r rtaU.e. ilieme senlk ! chaliul loiue ar.1 I ".. 'H... ...n. ,i,.,,,...,.l Dh'.lb rl-.m.. tlwtwe nmtk iVtelctwint ...... . m.,1, IU' IV Wert rbellHl 10 lb. Iilaee el iH-Ksaeiugi Ibe pxuuo I ' 1 .oi',iuiug sHVe.' acies. 1 snos ul w e, cean to naoo. t. 11tni.E.n lkai r, Adnnuatieiur tt e..uis uou el tke A,rai. Uu earMeUiajiueey.dec'd. GREAT ATTRACTION I Largo and Fresh ARRIVALS am am BREYL1&H BROTHERS! WE take pleasure In anunnnelnir tn the pnhltoof l-'alein tlmt we are new in receipt of a knit and well selected stock uf .. . , ... .., Dry Gooilv, riolliinu;, ; Boots uiul Khom, . ., llntN and Caps, skc, li)iicliilly adapted for the Sprlngr and Jammer trWj. Onr iiock of Dry Ooorls it tbe i (i i rr LARCE3T AND COMPLETEST Ever offered before Ih Siilem.and the selectloo eom .i . . prises " - i i. i .-. . i. .,: .;ti i. . , All the Latest Styles and Fashion ",' "; ,' " In the En.t ' v"i ' " ' t We have also added largely to our stock of , Groccriti, Ilurtlwarf, Crockery and Cliiuware, Aud can offer to the public and the trad geuemllj GUEAT HAKOAI3V8." V. All kinds ol produce lakon in exchange for food. CAM. AND 1KB . ' - BREYMAN DRO'O. Kslers, March 'i7. W. 3tf R. C. SNEATH, WHOLESALE GROCER, 25, Front Street, : u i ' (Opro'lta 0. 8. N. Co.'i wharf.) , . r A. POKTLASD, OttKOON. GOODS BT THE PAOIAGE, For Cash, nt San Francisco Prices and Freight TV Orders promptly lllled III Sun Fmnclsco if de sired. Portland, M irvh '21, IRilS. 6in4 '. Closing Out-At Cost I - AS WE IXTKAI) malting a ebunge in air Husinete, ia will sell nu' enure Stock of Dry lipids nt C'l-T. Peruina wishing I , purclnise al'tliu hireit Pt iirt will do Well l cull -ui I i-xaiol -e our atnek. ' sUlill tecAUTWUIOUT. Snleai. Oregon, March 31. Wi. . KB Wu wouM he tdeiiae.l to see ear Old Custo men., erpueially those wlm bit vu uu.etiled accouula on OIII hunks. , Plense come forward, nomleiiieii, without further imitation. ("MO . , MskV., Steam Dollen For Site. , WK HAVK TWO tH0E Second hand, tine llnllcrs. which we will sell low. If applied fur soon. U'll.l.AJJIO ITr: WI IfH.KN M'K (1 CO. J. 8, Smith, ili-esl. ' Snlem. Mureh '.! IHTA sat.' fl'OpiSKUlM WI l.l. lie received by llie undersigned nutil the li'lh day of Mav next, for primiiig pnawedinge of Ihe Oranil 'liislge 10 1 1 Y. of 'regon for IHtU the (linnd Lodge reserving ihe rtuht to r.-jeei any and all bids (! .N.TlililiY.IJmud Secretary. r-alera, April l. IHio end For Sale. THR large len story resi.leiiee of Mrs. C. A. f Willaon. The hs-iilinn is oue of Ihe pleas JkJ. aiuest and iimsl deairiihle in Nuleiii. No pains or ex pense have Imh.ii sutred lo qmke il a pleOMiat home. The uroiinds are made attractive by shrubbery and the choicest kinds of fruit trees. It is near Ihe Wit Inuietie diversity, and lite ground donated for Htate hoil'lings, and ia w.-M adapied for a Ural elms bnunl lug house, I how wi.liinu to pun hase, will do welt to call and examine the premises soon. tins. C. A. WILI.80M. Salem, April 10. ltl.V fttf tililUIrT .SAI.K. ! BY virtue of an execution from llie eireait eoart of tlie Hiate of Oiegon for Marion enmity, end to me rlirecled, by the clerk of said court, ill favor of D niel llrlaiwjv, Sen., aud awainsi Oeorge P. besls. aud for wanlof personal proierly I have lerb! upon and will earsHw 1.4-sale to the hinlwel bidder tor aaeb in hand, at llie romt-hoos. in Nilem. uu Aaiimuiy the 6th day of Mar. IKij, el l he hour of I n'rluek pel of said dav, all Ibe liehl. lille. ami inlereM ol Hie said Beets), defends!!,, in and tn llie following deMrilied real oe win The N K quarter aud the west half ef the H. K. iuuiler of I J. nod the west half of the N. K quarter of Niriinn 13. in T. KliUl W.. and known as Noiilieetiuii No. :i2l. and silmiled in Mari un eouiilv. ttreeitu i and also the following described lusre ol Und. to wit. tn T H M., K 3 W comiiieneinf al the sunlli romsr of see. I: thence north 40 rod thence wesi mie ball mile lo a sieke t thence south t hsls lo a slake: Ihence true one half mile to the plaee of hegimiiug, and eiHiiaimog 4U acrre, wtiuiie in eaul eouoly. logeiber wuh te appurtenances Ih.reunle te'luiniing; in be sl. lo execution, eoeu, isueo est, anil accruing costs h,U L 111-ADltlCK. SlienfT. 'nleia, April tl, IMD... wr NiTlir) 14 h.rebr given tn ihw wi.hiog to eontraet for the of Ferries and Urntees the line of the Oreir.-ll C.-iitnd Miiilary ll-sid, and for the Hearing and grading of llie Mine for ibe distance of forty miles uo Ihe Mobile fork ul the WilUuuelle , Hirer, tmm lint's lliaappoinl .nl. that bide wilt lot received tor tlie same ul the Otfieo of ihe Road Company in Kugene fur, from ibe &HI1 to the :Wth uf the present oioolli. Hole will lie opened n the !tlt imd eotilr.icts mierrd into. The work will lie paid ftsr as il pmgresvee, keeping back ;.'5 fiereeul uf ihe sarrMJ 10 insure lis proper cooi teii,.n. 1 ne lenuin or tune lobe give 1 for tne roinplviMHt nf rimiracis will do IN-Ild on llie mid aiitonllt of work e.nitrui-lod for, Inn will not continue beyond Ibe ttUth uf oreiutes' Ilex'. Tne Superintendent will slnrl over Ihe surveyed Hue or the proposed imi the IHili of iluj ru-eeenl bionih from Fugeoe. at wlorli lion, imnie, wishing to C-mtract for Ibe work, will Lure ao opporrnuity i.r no eoiupHoybig liiui, nti.l rm-iring iiirorniat . n f.vm hmi in r-liiii,ni 10 how ihe work is ...lie duue. lly order of Hoard of Oirvclors. II J. PEXntlA fitp-t. Kngflie. Oregon. April S. !. (l.lw a .ip 'tr- : l-A, 'rfr? i-f-'ilH -''' rnpnrfnrrahlp ollr. J II MnM'KiMKuYiuitnll.LlAM IIXIDOK . bare tor.or.1 a i-.iperiner.hlp molef the name of Mncfeomrrr sx Ci, lo larrr on tlte bosio.a. ef PHO I itl KA I'll I Ml iu all il. uiutirl re. (l.llery at the .,1.1 sluiid, aecuud slorv uf ll-e eld " HsrlnilMrtrre" tmillu.g J It. MtiNTIIOtlKUY, Salem, April 17, W 11.1.1 Ad ll.l,UUE. OltDtyASrB H. 41. aa Oretune. to 1... ana r iu. , T for Ik. fkeal Ymm enoOManslh. thpcrlhr A. f-SO. rtlM I. Th IW 1 ir Or of aalne aa sHsn, M Inllo.,: Thai t las el tea Bi'llt M Ik. aallar k. aa4 Ue. wsi. t. fc.r,K, ull u..o tit eropnir eiiMe Isawpaeeet hsili. .1 Ik. cl el aalaei, ai.J. UiaM. ejr he Iul aitf uarpnars- so. t. Trie wil ssaaaws Un sean t rsits) la IH H'T es. Uetiw M .r ken m. ,! a.y "I Jo. i,fc wal na ...ry U.s.) railu., t. p., Ssr WMMiv Swcare. ,u tl'. ahatt par In in ii.,j lha ae te aarr al.. ehick u.r mad. ahsll a. aaot fc to. ass U eaeset ef M'ie!VtTha,'in' eMI.iioa ef IV, freiesaee seel tt m'i llo ir?tm irf-.' "r . r w,.,. ii-, t-i a. IV ' V. I WILLI, I Ml GOODS, IT ' I '.. ; , ",l Ilk? v r'S