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About The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1865)
LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, lAien T TUB F irnf Session alA Thirty-Eighth Congress. An Act to amend un Ant entitled "An Act, to define the Powers mid Dull" of the Levy Court of Ilia Comity of Washington, District of Columbia." Be it enacted by Mm Senate nnd House ol Represen tatives of the United States of America in Congreia aaeambled, Tlmt tliu Unit clmtao of tire third eectinn of the net of aongrei entitled "An act to define the powers mid dntiea of tlie levy court of the County of Waehingtuii, Diattlct. of Columbia, in regard to roaila nod for other purpoaea," bo, and tlie aHme in hereby, mended 10 an to read at followi 1 "That tlio auid court ahull Imve the care and charge of, and the ex cluaire inriadiction over, nil tlie publio rpuda and 'bridges in aaid county, except audi rouda an i bridgoe aa belong 10 and are under the care of the United . Htatee, and except inch roade and bridgae u Khali hare been or may hereafter lie specially provided tor by oongrees. And the said court shall have power Md it shall be their duty.'' gee. 2. Audbe It further enacted, That tlio tenth net Ion of the aaid act be, and the name i hereby, amended by striking nut the word) "tlilrtyllrst," and Inserting the word "thirtieth' . Bee. 3. And be it further enacted, 1 hut all ceme teriee in t' a Diatrlct of Columbia, outside of the cilice of Waehiugtwi and Oeiirgctown. the owner of which aell lota or burial rights therein indiscriminately to those amilvitiK therefor, ahull he uaaeasod and taxed . M other property in Hie name parte of the said dtatrict i Provided, however. That all lota in wid cemeteries, when actuallv aold for burial pnrpoeea, and any ceme twy held and owned by a religious anc'iely. having a regular and known place of wurnliip, ahull bu exempt from taxation ..... . . See. 4. And he it further enaotiid, That hereafter the aaid court ahull have power, uud it ahull be tlieir duty, to appoint the countv surveyor of said County of Washington, to ilellue biadntiea, from time to time, tefix hiecoinpetiullontand to remove him whenev er they shall deem it proper to to do. Seo.'S. And be It further enacted, That It e'nill he the duty of the collector of taxes for aaid county, whenever the ownor or keeper of any dog or doge hall neglect or retime to pay tlie lux tliuraon, to kill, or cuuae to be kilieil, overv and all audi doge. See. 6 Ami hn it further enacted, Tlmt the time pecitled by the net ol February twenty nun, eighteen hundred and aixtvHo'ee, within which certain rowla in aaid county ali'nll lie aurveved, platted, und records, ia hereby extended to three year from the Heat day ot July, eighteen hundred nod aixly-five. See. f. And he It further enacted, That the mid conrt ahull have power to luo, ehiaaity, and tax liceuaoa for tnverlla, hotels, nud reatniiraiiie. and fur retailing gooda, wares, and nierclntndiau in uid coun ty, in proportion to the amount of business tlie person applying for u license ia likely to do. Tlie maximum sum to be charged for nnv one iiceuae not to exceed two hundred und llllv dollar, uud tlio minimum to be to charged uot to tie leea tiiau two dnllnrs. Bee. 8. And be it further enacted, That the notice required to he given bv llm eight auction of tlio act of which th in ia an amendment, need not he given when II the partiee lutereeied are agreed i and all road laid out under audi uggreniout, without aueh notion being given, are hereby declared lawful highways, 8eo. t. And he It further emitted, That mil luwa and parte uf luwa inconiiiatent with thia acliiro hereby repealed. - ,i Approved, Juno 25, 18(11. An Act to authorta the Bailiff of the Orphana' Oourt, in tlie County of W'uahiugtnn and District of Colum bia, to servo'Procossoe iaeued by aaid Court, and for other Purpose. Be it enacted by the Pollute and Home of Rcfrcsch tstlves of the United States of America in t'ongreaa secmbled, Tliatllio hailitl'of the Urphaua' court, in the County of VVaHhiiigluntaud Diairictof Columbia, i. or auch peraon aa niuy be deputed by the register uf willa in aaid comity, ahull have authority to servo all proceesea faaued by aaid court, and ahull he entitled to fee of fifty cent" for nerving cilalioiia, and a fee of one dollar foreorvingatUchuiuiifa uud inuking rutnrna oi the eame to the court. And there ahull ho paid to the regieter of willa for aaid county, tor recording willa and other hisirumeiita, fifteen tenia per folo fa one hundred worda. Approved, June 115, IWi4. An Act amendatory of un Art to amend an Act en titled "An Act lo promote the Progreaa of the Ire ful Arte," approved March three, eighteen hundred and liny three. , Be it ennrted bv tlio Pennte and Ilouae ot Kenroaen tallvca of tlie United Statee ol America in Cougrea asaembled, That any peraon having an iutereat loan inventon, whether ae tiie Inventor ur araignee, for wb'ch patent waa ordered to iiaue upon tlie piiyinent of the final fee lie provided In auction thereof an act approved March three, eighteen bundled and aixty three, but who hue failed to uuike piivmaut of the liual fee aa provided by aaid act, shall have the right to make the payment of audi fee, and receive the patent withhelld on account of the uou payment of aaid fee, provided aueh payment be made wiiliiu six inuntlia from the dele ol the puasago uf line acl i Provided, Tbftt uutliiiibr tiereiu ahull be ao construed aa to bold responsible in damaHes any persons who have manu factured or uneil any article or thing for which e pat ent, as aforesaid, waa ordered to be issued. Approved, June !Hti4. An Aet to grant to the Htale of California certain IsiueaforHtate Piisnn I'urpoaeii. Be it enacted by the Heuate and House of Kepreaen tativea of the United Ktulea of America ill Cuugreaa aeeiubled, That Hie right of the L ulled Htutea to the lands comprising lliut portion of the promontory or point known as "l'uulndu Qiiinthi," or "l'niut Sun yuinton," lying caat of th" north und south line, divi ding sections uuniher three ami ten Irum number Iwo iifieleven In tuneahip number one north ruuge niini ber six weal, of Mount Diublo mei idiiiu, euibruciug Surtiona nuinheis eleven, twelve, thirteen, and four ieu of the aaid totvuahip number one, north move uuraher aix weal, upon which the Htale piison of the Stale of California i now located, not exceeding in quantity four hundred and fitly ucres, he, nud tlie same is hereby, ceiled, granted, uud coiillrmed In the aaid Stale ol 'California, without prejudice lo the rights or olnlnte of any other pariia ' Approved, June Ubt IKiit. An Art to carry into Hlect Treaty between the '- CJniteil Htatee aud her Hriiannlo Majeatv for tlie ft ual Helllement of the Clniiua of the llaudrou'e Bay and I'ngefs Hound Aiinculturnl (' pauiea. ' He it enaetrd bv the Hvunti' and llnuae oi Uepreien tativea of the United Klines of Amenra in Ointreaa assembled. That tlie President of the United htatea, by and with the aduice and consent of the Henaie. aiiall appoint a eoimiiiaatouer, whose duty it shall be, Conjointly w ith the romliilaainoer appointed by ber ' Britannic Mujesty'e government, to investigate, ad just, and determine tho chums ol the Hudson's Buy Company and of the Poaet's sumiimI Aaiieolturai Coeipanv aimiual the government of I he United Mtntee, Iiursiiant lo the terms of a I real v signed at Wnahilig on on the Ileal day ol July, eighteen hundred and eixly three t and the eoiouoaioner aliull be aiitl.oriaid to appoint e clerk, wiih a eoniieuautiuu at the rule of eight dollars a duv. Sec. 'J. And he it further enacted, That the compel! aaiion ol the commissioner shall he lie tbonund dot lam in full for Ins services and personal exieuaes. And the sums liccotsurr lo pay ilie couiivuiulion foresaid, the share of contingent exauinrs uf tlie commission uu the purl of the United Siaies, and of the compensation of the umpire, chuaen umlur the couveutiou, are liereby uppropriated out of uny uiouuy in tlie treasury not otherw ise uppropi utu-d. ' bee. 3. And be it further enacted, Hint tlie commie aioner on Uie twrt uf the United bnilea, lit conjunct Ion with tlie coiuutiasioiter uu the part of Ureut Brit ain, ia hereby uuthoriaed lo make all needlul rules and regulations fur coudoi-tiug the businvsa uf the coin nifsion i such rules and reaulatious uot coutraveneiug the Couslitutiou ol the Uiuieu Sialea, the provisions of thia act, or the alipuUlioiia of the treaty. 8m. 4. And be it lurth.r enacted, That llie Secreta ry of Stale ta liereby authorised and retiuired lo truna mit to the said commission auch papcis ur recorda re lating to the business ol the couiuussiou aa lie uiuy deem profier, or aa may be eullud for bv the loner t aud at Ilia close ot the commission, and of the duliee of the umpiie, all the records, documents, and all other pajmr which limy have been pteeeiited un behalf ol the United Sluu-e, shall he relumed lo the iepertnient of hiaie. Approved, June iT, IXi't. An Aet in MelKtion to the k'ees and Kuioluniente of the Marshal, A Home), aud Cleik of the Supreme Court of the District uf Columbia, aud for other Perpoeea. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Hepresen. tativee of the United States of America, in Conutesa aaaenbled, that tlie tee ot the eiera uf the supreme eonrt of trie liialrlct of Colombia, except ao tar aa hereinafter epecilUslly provided, and of the United tin tee alloru.-y and the marshal ol said district, except ao far as hereiuefier provided, shall be the same aa the feee respectively allowed to clerks uf the district aud circuit courts, attorneys, sclicltors, and pruetera, ami marshals, by the act approved t'ebruary tweuty. aix, eighteen hundred and lifty three, entitled, ou Aet to regulate the feee and costs lo be allowed clerks, asarshals, aud aliorneya of the circuit and dielrict eourla ef the United States, and fur other purposea i '' Provided, Tliat the clerk of aaid supreme court ahall not be allowed by the rtecretary of tbe Interior ui re tain of the fees aud emoluments uf his said office, fur hie own pervHisJ compensation, over and above bis nacaaaary odlce expenses, the necessary clerk hire In cluded, to be audited aud allowed by the acvouniuiij olhcere of the treasury, aubect to an appeal to tbe Secretary of tbe luteriur. aiore then the sum of fuur thoncaud dollars per suiiuiu i aud lu making ut Ina eeeai aaaaally rsturas, required by the third section of aid act, aaid clerk hall embrace hia few and euiolu nente ol every as ass aud ehurailer for an service required of bun by law. gee. And be It tanner enaeteil, That no marshal nor dialiiet attorney of tlie Uiuml Males shall by reason of the discharge ot the rintiee ol tile utile 'uoW or hereafter required of him by la v, or in anv case in wbich the United Slates will lie h nrl by the JuJa went which may be renders.! in tbe aame, be llu ..I ta retain out of lbs tsee, charge., ,, f ,UI1 taverefor, m bethel pieecribcd by stataie w ltoW)Ki b, s court or any JudKe nwreof, a iw iaui0ui f peaaaatioa Uuw tlmt bxed by the act anmsa , but ,1 well lees aud waulaaaHMa. ul sisi aeues au4 diame lf . anall be imluawl lu Uic semi auuniil tMurae (i. wl Of niurslmln ami aHonu-ya by llm (hint m en meaetaiiireniili Proraled, Tnat notbing i tllu 4 eonljtined hsll apply to tue pi isnms ol eetttuu csve aud ld m Uie "Actio preteia aa, lea fceaaos up'U lb ", l--ed Maieai Uurd. all hiiien -"y sjm, t. A ad be n latin, r etiared, Thai at the nan. raoncoosetit ! every sun In iH npianm nn,i of UtcUlukul Uiluuii'ia, tiie shall diposii at l, I Ightdollara with the clerk, to ho appropriated towurde the float of the -suit t and if the plaitititf recover agiiitiHt the defeiidaut a judgincnt with cosia, and uid cnala do not amount to eight dollnra, tlie ovorplua ahull he paid back to the plaiutiir hy tho clerk : Provided, That auita may he proaeeutcd in aaid court by poor persona wthout milking the deponit herein tiinacrilied, upon the order of the oourt, or of one of the juaiicca thereof. , ,, Hue. 4. And bo it further enacted. That the follow ing Ices, aud no other, ahull be allowed to the clerk of said court, and the inarahal of auid dialiiet, for tho orvicea following! ,'., for all aervicca rendered by auid clerk to the United State, in case ill which the' auid United Stale ie party of record, live dollare. Kor each marriage license iaanod by him, one do lar. For each eertilieaw of oliieial character, including the seal, lllty cetita. Kor aervice of any warrant, attachment auinmona, caplua, or other writ, (except execution, venire, or a auminone or aupiBtia for a wlmeae.) one dollar for each peraon on whom audi aervice may he made. Hoc. 5. And be It further enacted, 'Hint nothing In thia uot ahull be ao cou-trued ua to repeal or inodtly any of tho provialoua of an act, entitled construed as lo repeal or modify any of the proviaiona of un act, entitled "An act eoceniing Ihe dispoaitioti of couvicta in the wuirte of tlie United Statea lor auheistiug per sona confined lu juila , charged with violating tho luwa of the United Htatea, und lor diminishing the exiien ea in relation thereto." aunroved May twellth, eighteen hundred nud aixty lour, or of "An act to authorise the appointment of a warden of tlie jail in the Dieiiict of Columbia," upprovud February twen-tv-ninth, eighteen hundred aud aixty four but the diiliea of auid warden, and of the marshal of the United Statea for aaid Dieirict, in regard to the said jail and (be pnaonera coiumitled thereto or connuen therein, ahull remain the lame us .if thia act had uot been paaaod. Approveu, June -it , ia. Farmers, Mechanics and Traders, OP TUB WILLAMETTE VALLEY : HAVING opened a home, and ami eatalilialied my self in OREGON CITY, tferlhe transaction of a General Mrrc.itntih Bn'i- imi, would beg leave to call vonr attention to tlio fnct ihut we cuu aell gooda aa cheap ill Oregon City aa they can in Portland i wo expect to Keep a gonei-at naaurtiiioiit of merchandise, audi ua groceries, dry goods, hoots and slioea. hardware, tanner'a fools, qiieenawure, eiillery, Salem cloth, tunny ancka, wrap niug puper, Ate, etc. Alao, Liverpool and ground alum ault, and u good aaaortuieut of drug, indigo, blue vitriol, fco. All of which we will aell at fort liniil i,i.ees,tlierohv aiivliig the freight U the pcir- chnaer. We will alao take wheat, nuia, butter, bacon, hud. ciru. nork and ootnijjea in exchange, or puy tlie euah for Ihe siinio. Call and seo. . UAltl-uw. Oregon City, Nnv. I, lsH ly:W Mi;Sr i ay ko ii b o !in GIFT BOOKS, 1M10VI TIIK AMKUICAM Til ACT KOOIHTV 1 uud Maaaachiiaelta Sunday School Society, for sale at Moaara. Ilnritren It Shindler's, Kirel street, near Alder, POUTI.ANl), OUEUON. Kccoiving new invoicoa hi monthly. ' . - 0. II. ATKINSON, Sccrotury and Treasurer Oregon Tract Society. ( 4llvl 0. SIIINOLKH, Depositary. Dr. W. WATNOX RKSPKCTFULLY offers Ida services in the prac ticeof SUIIOKKY, OIIHTIiTHICS.and M K 1 I CINK, Ui Ihe citizens of Salem and the surrouuiling country. Olllce and residence aecond door nortli of the Sia'tera' Acadeuiv, on Church atreet. Feb. 1, 1HI.5. 4tf COX Si HDD, I TAVE juat received, direct Iryfn Sau fmnciaro, a XL ijAiiur, nnfi.n. r DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Glass, White Lend lu Tins, Vurnishui of all kinda, PALM AND VAKMSII BKISI1KS, Tube and Connnon Colors, Tnrpciiliiie & Alcohol KEROSENE OIL, UUP, POLAR, AND HE AT H FOOT OILS, I'd rilllK'I'M'N, Fllliry rSOKIN Hair Brushes, Fancy Toilet Articles, Together with PATENT MEDICINES, of the lateat diacoverioa i And rnuiiy other articles, loo numerous to mention all of which we oiler as low aa the lowest, for cash Cull and examine. COX At LADI). Salem, Deo. Ill, IWI4. Wtf iron WALK. NE SECTION OP GOOD AltAHLE LAND, " ailiiuted on the French Priiiriu, one mile weat of St. laiuis. Thia laud ia nil under fence, end has all tlie improvements properly belonging ton farm, including a good Orchard t also, one eight horse Thrasher and a Iteaper. 1 will sell a Quarter, Half, or Ihe entire Section, lust us the purchiiaerniuy ileaire. Kor further purlieu lura, addresa the uitdersignrd ot Ihe Farm. IIENKY WAIIRCM, Salem, Mil rill II. lHO.'i. UsV Eucoui'tiKC Home lii.itmli y. KI.EP YOIU MONEY IN THE COINTRY f AM now muniifitrtMriuit n tiiiwrinrHrlirlo uf vel 1 low midhrown FAMILY tSOM'S. pui n. in W mill lit pmuiaUoxpn ttmt l will nvll ut rhetip un uny IhhihU of ohi of tliu atuiut quality iiiuiiuliu'luruil out tills of Ilia Hi ate citn bo sold lor. I will wnrmnl evpry box of imp mid juit wlmt it it ruprPMjuied iti-dm from tlie I'imiitiv, Hccoiunuiiii'd with lli I'liitli, ur tttut thronuh Mitiit llouiti in the citv. will iiti'oi with irnMtiht Hiteiitiou. A litwml dim-oiint mudu U Ilia ti Hile for cuili. fcwiid for h iiinpli). WM L IlIOfllNn. fim.'ij Koiip Worltfl, 4H Frout Bt., INn iliuid. K V4II III HIM I I,. A C O., MERCHANTS, Iniportors nnd Dinlora in Aamcri.ri H.iL implemcxts. oardex AXU FIELD SEEU.1, .Vc 4-c, UTII.I, iriv. sPKi'lAI. ATTENTION lo the ante of IHI t r. FI.III H. IIIIAIV. and all liiuda ol Oregon Pnalucu in Portland, Victoriu, ur Sail Kruiicisco uiarketa. We are nlao preaired lo attend lo the purchase and snipmeiit oi iinous in .ew Tors or Iloaton,Hiul trims act a uelleml commiaaion bitaiueaa. Persona ordering goode aliiiuwd from the Eastern Stalea lo our care, cau rely upon their receiving Srimipi ailuuiMMI. H Kirr, Sun Prattclaco. U B' Krr,,'," '"''"'I. Oregon. KNAPP, lll'ltliEI.L, h CO , !W Kronl St , Portland, Oregon Olllce in San Pranrlsco, II III Washington St. IKtf Tobacco Manufactory. WANTKD, Ifi ((( I'Ol'NIiS OPT01IACC0, to bo do l,lf llvered in Salem tlleuon. two loora nortli of llx bureka l.lverv Stable. MVKU8 It P0TTK1I. Salem. Nov. '.'I, W4. ;ts,f What Cheer House. 'IM1IS NKW, LAKtiKauUl OMNIlWIIllI K IIOI'KL. 1 Sitnaied on l.ilwily Street, South uf the Woolen rtietory, la now open, and we are iircnared to e eWfer armeieiedatieas to the Traveling I'nblie. and alao to Keuuiar Itoerders, than any other house in town l erOnr Tables will lie furnished with the UKSf IN 1IIK MAHKM. Our Stable la furnished with llnv and Oraiu lie traveler's horse will lie well cared for. Oenilriiicn give ua a CHll.audwe are assured You will oouie agaiu, although we are at the North etui. Farmers, let tie see your eggs, butter, parstiipa, vuteaviw, ws., eae., uriore seionc rtaewnere. . . NKWELL JL WKSTOS. Salem. Jan T.. IK.V JTif llcul l'.astatu Ibr Halo. fja WE OKPEK VOK SALE A FARM OF 43S acres, in Voncalla Preeincl, Douglas nmntv, with gouu ipweoion, urenaro. aim anoul .ai.tsaj rails upon tbe place. There is a rW Slek A'.lf connected lib tlie land, and abundant supply of rood1 rtfrr nt Itieecr. ffl V" I'WKI.UNtJ. with laud Mtachrd. r. S?5..fiTM ' "J City, now occupied by J. W. P. Mtiaiiauroa, Mtr , WII.UAM4 MAM.OKY. Salem, Oreiron, Keb. I.hli, law. Ael.iiinlolriilura utlrr. rOTICE is berebs alveu tnal the iimleralui.iul k. i been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Abeoloin J. lierailiili, of Yamlilll futility, Oiegnn, dee d. All persena having skuas aaainat anid de. eaaswl a estate, are reiuested to present me same to huu el hie reaideuce, three miles south nf Lalav ,te, in said county, within sis ni.mllu fniiu the' dale nereoi. oiniii rc-Kll I , jr., Aluiinlimtor. March). IA 4w4 VP nY the undersigneil, S milea sooth of Si. Iutla. Ma rion Co., one tale red aleer.e or ? years old, marked with crop oh the right ear ehtping tmtu lop lo bm Vol nt the ear, and awullow fork in the left car and liathiw, and Has been running bout my premises fr two tcaia, aptraised by James I) Tavh'w J p , at lltl BaWh '. imii, 6 THOMAS W. UlLLlsf. Uf Ui aeaesrlesf, at pm-inel, Tsethttl Snentv, h"i .ell, i ;aers ehl this spring, alar la tit. aeat ns ih.r utaraa er brsadsi waa aHo-tn! si aw AtrtH, teaa. aos tTKPHajrt. IIL'SIM-:SH CAItDS. Ll.KN 6c LEWIS. Linimrti r and Wlmlo aiiledualera in tlrocerie, Ilry flooila, Clothing, aud Boots und Sliooa. Alao, solicit consignments ot Oregon produce, for the San l''runciaco uiuikct,on wliich liberal advances will be made Persons shipping gooda from tlie KaaternStuteato oitrcare.euii rely upon their receiving prompt ntten lion, at, moderate eliurgea. Olllce in Sun Frnnciaco, IHUKiiiiBOllie street. 4Hlf C1IIK.STi:i N.TEUUY, Attorney mid Con-i aolor at. Law, Salem, Oregon, Onoimiainnor of Deed, and to liikcleHtinionv.ncltiiowledgeiiieuta.oc. fur Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, California nail Washington Territory, lcttcra of Attorney, and ull other hiMtrunifiiitaof writing, drawn on short notice. Particular intention paid to taking Depnsitinnn.Coi. lectionof Notoa, Account.a, Ac. M'-M' JC. I'D VV'lil.lj, Attorney inlaw, Albany, l.ilm l'o Oregon Olllce in Mnutcith'a lluil'ditig, Will practice in all the court in Oregon, and promptly at tond to nil hiiaineaa entruated to his cure. Particular attention piiidtocollentiona from Portland, Sun Knm nisco and elsewhere, in all purtaof Oregon. The heat of reference given if deaired. 4btf J, H. MITCIIBU,, JOB. K, llOLrH, Nol.ury Public. MITCHELL & DOLPII, Attnritfya ami Counaehira ut. Law. Hiilicitora in Chancery, and Proctors in Admiralty. Ollice over Post Olllce. Front afreet, Porllund. utiWf ilENHY LAW. CiiniiiiiHitin Merclnitit. mid L 1 liiioortor and Dealer in Wagon Material, Ilulia. Spokes, Kelloca, Khafle, Hickory Axlea, Ac, on bund in lota to anil. Flour and Feed of all kinda. Store ib Front afreet, Portland and '41 street, liallea. WfUt.f H T.OATllS. CO. CURL. nATOM 4c CUltL, Attornt'vi at Law, will J practice In the courts of thia State. Offlcein Orla wold'a brick, over Hell & Hrown'aetore, Salem, Ogn, November, lid, IHfW. DStf WILLIAMS & MALLOKY, Attorney! at Law. Olllce In the Court-Houau, Salem, Or egon, .1 line. 8, 1H3. Mtf U7" C. JOHNSON, Attorney anil Ctmiwcliir ' at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Will attend to ull hiiaineaa entruated to hia euro. Collections made und promptly remitted. Iy37 DUTXwrMcAt'EETffyiwitii anil 8'UR 0 HON, olfcra hia proti.-rainiiul aervicca to the cit iaone of Hiilcui and vicinity, Ollice in Myers' build tig, opposite Koiiymi'e. if DT. E. K. EISKE. Pliysiuiiiii ami Hnrgcnn. Olllce at residence, 3 doora south of l'oat Ollice Salem. iWtf If UMAtKlNfttO0KI,L,AttoriicysatLuw,0iillcs, 1 ! vvuaco county, uregon. Htr Dr. J. H. Chitwood, WOl'I. I) take thia method of Informing hia frlenda in I'olk couulv, witli all othera wlio may choose to give him n cult, that be hue removed to Hiilem, where he cun he found at till hoiira, except, when pt teaaionnlly eiigugeil, nt tits reaiucnce, on High atreet one hiocK aoutii ui ,iiuea at. itemt a ruciorv. Hiilem, Aug. 3, IHiil. di:iw3)if ii. Is. 1IASO, Plijslelan, Surgeon, and Aceouclier, nAVINO perniiinently bicated in the city nf 8A liEM, would respectfully aolicit tlie patronage of tiie aiek. OKKICK-Hlitte Kt In "lleiidquartrrfi." HARDWARE tfT IMPOHTEB DIRECTjll IWA.MTFACTl'KUKl IN ENGLAND, ANII FKOM ALL TIIK Celebrated Manufacturers iii A CJo.xl Wtoclt of Agricultural Implements. Al80---Constantly on Hand A. LARGE STOCK Boots and Shoes Dlrt'ft from the Ctlrbrnlri flanufiittiirrra. B. D. GODFREY'S Cl'XKllHATKD 1IOOXH Consinntly on Hnnd, ttnd Tur Snle by H, W, CORBETT, t'urtland, JulyJl,;4. lytiltT LATEST NEWS1 K. lit nmlvraifneil ulfer our (urge nud wi-llw Iwletl lwk ut mprcliHmiis ut REDUCED RATES, on H'Toiiuf tf niukiiii a vliAiig in our buiueM. Our XiH'k cmmiiUol DRY - GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Trunkal it aid Yulleseei, . GROCERIES, CROCKERY t CLAS3WARE, ud many ether articles, too numerous In mention. Come One, Come All, a thia chance of hnylng l.OWPMCED HOOPS la not iiilctcd every day. Kttamine our slock, aud aalisly yonraelvea all evlntli of Farmer!' Prodart) Takri la Kxrhanitc K MITCUEL CO. NOTICE. All persona Indebted to na either he note or Inwk eeount, will please come forward ami settle the aama . , 8 N ITCH EL & Ct). rUlem, F.h. s-,a A rnrej. 0 W, A,HIS,PR d lo 1.1. farm near i , L i 2if " "n to all ealta m Uie line of hie profession. , Heihel, Wlk eonnty, Origm, N,. sn, 8H IrpJ ii tuton roit Tin: LORENCEI nakn Fuur Distinct Slilehet, Feeds the Work, either way, Sewi Thin and Heavy Goods without ChanRt of Tension, Will (lather and Hew On at, the same lime. 11 makes a Slitrh alike on Both Sides of the X labnc, has rta tiprinfS to uei lui of Order, and is the Must Kapid Hewer in the World, Every Machine Fully War ranted, We, the iitidcraigned, have eiicb purchased a TLO HENCE 81CWIN0 MACHINE and have them now In uae. We have Ihorooghly tested them on work of all gradca heavy, medium and light and our opinion ia that the Florence ia durable, will not enaily get out of order, Is strong and aimple in conatrnction, aud ita uae ia easily learned hy Ihe moat Inexperienced. ' It will do a greater range of work, with leas trouble nnd chnngn, ai d we consider it altogether better than any other Family Sowing Muchiue we havo ever Been. Mrs l)r Chase 1)1 Turk at., S F Mrs i) H Collii Mrs,) I) Wooater Mrs H L) Oiliuore Mra Diiuiel Dunn Mr.. J Spinoni Mra Alfred Wheeler... Mra Henry Miller Mra Kmily Bhlwoll..., M ra Harah Luiiilera. . . . Mra K II f)hln Kill. 'lay at., 8 V Sufi Folanin at., 8 V 5lti Folaora at., 8 V 414 r'olaom at., 8 V ffiH llich at.. 8 F !I4? Miaaiont.,8 F ....8011 Howard at.. 8 F 7-ltt Murketat., B F 7111 Market at., 8 F "11 (learv at.. 8 F MraO A Caniea. Mra Branch Jackson I'lure, 8 F Pacific, near Leavenworth Bt., 8 F Mra W il llurnur inn Keuruy at., 8 ' Mra K Hnrper, Sacramento, weat of Leavenworth 8 F Mrs llariet dialling tflh' Kirata.., HF W II Hulofaon,.. cor, Alontg rv unit nau ata., H r IllfiCiilifoniiiiat., 8 F (illif .Sutler at,, 8 F Mra friiett Mra .VI H Morton Mra Hohen Mrs Ann llrndley Mra Oeoll I'arker ...1117 I'ine at , 8 F CIS California at., 8 F ii.WStevonaiinat.S F Miaaion Doiorea Kl Itorudo .v H Doriiilo 8ucrumeuto Sutita Chtra Oiiklund Oiiklaud Oak hind . Unit linul Mra John C (.artist Miaa Annie Melloyle Miaa Maggie Mcilnvlc , Chita 8 ioiiia Stegtmin .1 W Hong Mra A M Dunham MraOrrie Wondill Mra I) 8mitll MraMurv 10 llurckhalter.... Mra (' J 'Oliver .Uutcli Flat . Nit pa Mra i-uniine! TTong t'lurkavillc. Khlorado county Win Wcfidick Fourth Ci'oaaii)g,Culuverua county MraC H Comatoik Nupa City Mia .lose oh Keel'er....('iarkcaville. V, liorailo count v Mra John O'Ncil litmeatown, Tiloltitune county It II Furqiihiir (t;o mty Clerk Nevmlii City K W Itigelow Neviuia City N W Kuowlton (priiclicul luachiniat)... .Nevada City C M HutcH. 91 It Nevada City John Hei7.inger NevudiiCity 11 Muekie Nevada City P Ifriiuatiter (Irilaa Valley Ot'Hhornv Sentllo, W. T, I) Ilorton.' Scuttle, W. T. Henry Jiickaou VV'ataoiiville, 8uuta Crtns county Mra Alhurt ilrailer Hnu Andreaa Mrs Newton ilutiiou, dress nuikcr nnd tlliloreKa, r ev cnlh at., between llryaiituud Uranium, Han F. Prcvioua to purclinaing the Florence 1 owned the Howe hewing Muchiue. Mra J. ( ItAWKOKI), Copperopolia. CnhiveraatOiiniy. 1 ttaed the Shmt Kliptic .Mncliine aix tnoiitha prcvi oua to purcliaaing tile Florei ire. ' MK8 MAHY CAFFKY. Dreaamakcr, 10 i'oat atroct, Sail Frnnciaco. We- whoso nnme follow, owned and uacd the dro ver cV. linker 8ewing Mucliinc u-evious to purchiiaiug tho Florence. Mra Mury A Merchant, dreaamakcr, 810 Stockton atreet. Sun Fniliciaco. Mra il Weller, dreaamiiker, 40G Dupont street, Sun- Kriinclacn. Mra Clma Uziuiv, 4I!I llrvntit street, Sun Frnnciaco. K A l.ove. Angel'a. Culiiverua county. I'nlifornia. Mra M J Holierta, tilti Howard atreet, Sun FrunciBCO. Mrs L II llnyley, Portatiioulh Ilouae, Sun Frnnciaco. Mrs Julia Lyoua, Target atreet, near Tehumu, 8un Frnnciaco, Mra llurriett liowea, 65 Poat atreet, Sun Frnnciaco We, whoae namea follow, owned nnd naed the Wheeler & Wilson hewing Muchiue previoua to pur chasing the Florence: Mra J I) Dliiiu, Iluhliard atreet, ncur Howard, Sun Frnnciaco. Mra II S Itugglcs. 114 Folanin atreet. Hun Francisco' iMis M Young. '1 1 StiH-kton atreet. Hull Frnnciaco. A M Flint. C L Flint, Sun Jiiun, Monteruv Co., Cul Mra C 1' -luckaoo, Kl (lonuio El Uorado county, Cal. Mi-a (' L Taylor. 5Vi Dupont atreet. MraSaruh tl Miller, Siicramcnio. Mra A Nuah. cor Htevetiaon nnd 'M ata. Sun Frnnciaco. Mrs ThonuiB Mitchell, Mokelimiuc Hill, (.'nluveras co. The following named pcraona owned and uacd the Singer Sew iug Muchines prcviuuato purchuaiug the Florencei Mra A J Turner. SVtl Beulo atreet. San Frnnciaco. Mra li H (tahiirne, til'i Powell atreet, San Francisco, Miaa Annie Dniley, Hush atreet. helow Stockton, San Francisco. AugUKius lirown, IM-I Sutter atreet, Sun Frnnciaco. Mra F Scherh. l7.'l Miaaion atreet, Situ Frnnciaco. Mra Suruli P Vick, ilreaauniker and seuiuat reea, lfrtl Stevenson atreet, San Frnnciaco. I believe I can fully and conerieutiourly Indorae each iiimlilicntino cluinied for the Florence' Muchiue. I Imve thoroughly luatcd it on work of nil grutlea, and enrh triul hue heen euiilientlv autiafaclory. It takea hold ul a delicate fabric delicately, and of at rung one witli atreugth. To me it aecma inure tliuti a unicliine asti nlmoat intelligent, willing helper. Ila uae iacuai ly lenrned nnd ita conatrurtiuu ia certainly aimple I know something of the oilier lirat class Murliiuea, leurued to oHnite aeverul. Tliiaiatlie only Sewing Muchiue 1 have funnd li I! 1 .1 A It I K . WII.S PKIIHY 0 TEFFT. San Auilreua, Calaveraa county, Cul. 1 have used the Wheeler &. Wileuuubout twoyeare. file Tagurt Farr six months, Ihe Slont Eliptic about ihe ailmc length of time, the Williaine t Oi via neurly two years, and have dealt in several of the aniall Mucliinea, until tlinroni;hly dii-tfitated with every Muchiue that aowa with only one thrt-ud. Tlie Flor reuce ia the only Muchiue thai luia come under tnv no tice I hat gives perfect and entire antiafnciiuu on ull kinds of work. No one run ealimute ila value until thev have need and tested it, as have done. Indeed, for thin work it ia invaluable. GlitiUiiK U 1 l.l.l S. Caraou City, N. T. 1 Imve used a Flurence Sewing Muchiue for two vcurs ; 1 brought il ncroaa thu Plains ; It Ims never vet been out of order, and 1 cau truly any it excels ull olher Machines tlmt I have used. I run a Ijold it Webster six month" i a Wheeler dl Wilaon eight uioiuhs : unci used a (irover At linker, alternately witli Slout's, for Iwo years. I urn fmniliar with the Howe, and several of the aural! Machines, but I never used one tlmt would do all kinds of work to eouul the Florence. 1 do not think it can be too hiuhlv recommended. illts ISA At; KLL1S, Muryaville. After having a Florence Machine in use neurly a year, 1 feel that 1 call truly recommend il us being all that is claimed for il. I have naed Siiiyer'a. Ornver J linker a. and Ihe Wheeler A: Wilaon Machine, and couaiiler the Florence superior to anv. .MKS.II'.NMK a. EGAS. Wilmitigtou, Im Augelee county, Cal. We could refer to many othera who are using the t lereuce if it were necessary to do so to convince tiie public that these Muchines are what is claimed, the Ill's! Family Sewing Machine In the World! Over Seven Ilinialrrd F1.0HKXCE MACHINES have been aold on thia coat iii the abort lime ainre the Agency liaa Ikhmi eatalilialied here, and we make thia elrrnig assertion, as convincing pna.t or tlieir worth, that no person can be found whu has Florence thai would exchaim it for a Family Sewing Uachiue of any other nutuufae tu re. AGENTS K0BTI1E SALE OFTHE FLOKKN'CE MACHINE. Otonoc A RimnL., llaoaoi ViarssT J L I'oLMsaai 8 II lUvnr Ma, N K l.tacoaai. U P. Va K. C. 11 WoLLaxt.. U I, t , Nevada Citv. Siockion. .... 190 J at., bacramenlo. Yreka. Vlrgloi.. N T. Portland Oregon. ....Jacksonville, (Ireaon. Uunymas, Mexico, Traveling Aacnt. J as Kt lion... ... Irnvell ig Ageul. THoaxToa Wavu tT Traveliim Aunl Marhmes will lie supplied be all Uwa,l Aaenta al San Fraucure prices, wtib ikliiioa ef freight. H-IIU'KLIIILL, General eat for Cnlilornia and Ike racirle isaal, 111 MOS TUDMERY STREET. octlOwtf MtASCISCO. H O PARKISH k TO , Agwu. SAI.KM JACOB COHEN, ItaWtttclimakcr and Jeweler,, IKUNT rVi'ltliliT, PUUTI.ANW' tlKAI.fcll IK FINE JEWELRY & WATCHES, WblOHT AND SPKINO CLOCKS, Kolld Silver A Waled Ware, Cutlery, ate. AHENT FOR W. BOHM'ti LADIES' PATENT IMPBOVED ajor.n wcir biiiii i". Wntchrs mill Jewelry Repaired nud Wurriiiiled, I'lirticnliir Attention Fnldtp ittiniiiinm fine Wntchai. . I kaep on bund a complete naaortmetit of SPECTACLES, of the improved atylea. Alao, Opera and Marine (ilnnses, OunrU Miinnlfj Ing tilanst's, ('(iniiast's, Arrhlterturul In. rumi iilH, Ac, Ac, tV' All goods aold hy me are warranted aa repre sented. All ordure from tlie country will he promptly attended to.-1 y(iN'.i JAC01I CillllCN. 1865. CAN YOU READ? 1865, OUR BOOKS ARE CLOSED. For particulars, enquire of the Proprietors, ISotem nncl Account To diapoae of. iy Don't wait until you ure culled on. Get Out of Debt, und Stay Out t Every Variety of Goods, FUR SALE, AT LOW PRICES, I-Olt CAHII, or ulmoat auvlliiiig else, except PROMISES, J.1I.&I, H. MOOHES. Riile:n, Jnu.2, ISM. 4-ltf " CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY REMEDY For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, lirnvel, Dropsical Swellings, GENITAL DEBILITY, Etc. qtlll! ANTOKIMIIIrVn MI'COItMSI WHICH 1 luia attended thia IN VAhUAHI,K Medicine ren ders it tlie moat valuulile one ever discovered. No liiiigiiHge cun convey an adc(imtu idea of the immedi lite and iilmoBl. tniruculolts cliltngo which it oceuaiona ill tlio dchililuted und ahattored syrtem. In fact, it staiidB unrivalled as it remedy for the permanent cure of the maladies uhovo mentioned, uud ulao MAI1BTKS. lMl'OTKNCV. LOSS OF MCSCCLAR KNEHflY. 1'IIYKICAI I'KOSTltATION, INDKIiiSTlON, Si'iiMlNAIi WEAKNESS GMOKT, FLUOIt ALIIUS, Aud in every diacitHe any wnv coiuiecteil with thodia onlera or decay of the 1'ftOCHEATIVK FCNC T10NS. Persona uhout to tnurry, if conscious of any weukneas, should take the CONSTITUTION WATER. VVImtlier broken down hy excens, weiik hy nature, or impitH't'd by tMcKiiuHB, I tie iniHtriiDK una rtitixiH, ni'irmi iziiiion in til once rehniced, rwvivuil, tnul liuilt up. Well nmy tliis celcbniteil uiedicine be fulled the MEDICAL WONDER 11 io fctiiophitf, tmnbliiitf victim of dcpi-ofriion und lU'himy iiecomuei t. now man ; tie Hiiikw eruet, lit niitvuH witli a tinn tstt'p i bin tuind, wliitli who previ oiihIv Bunk intfloum of an hIniohIi idiotic, couiL'B brtKlit und Hctivo ; nud m uucb lorih rumme riitcd, ('iiiinrini)n of new vioi1. 'i'lio mudicino renchi'S ( (IN.St 1IL HON iiBi'it.iutd rceluix'Hit to itn uoimui condition. Irritation of the AVrA nf the lifafhhr, luf.nmmnl.ion o lite tunncpn, ana fjfforra ty tne tfnffifer, titranguary nnd Ihtrniiiirr Painful Urin. atinft, tnimii. (iravrt, Ilrivk Putt Jjepomi. and Mvcou or Milky Dig. charre After Urinatvtf, FortheaeUiseHHt'nitis truly h Boveieiifn remedy and too much cuimot be said in its praise, A ninle tit me Ii nn iicn known to relieve the moot nruent uyinp loniB. uu ir iu ttieee cttBcs, una you win ever give your prairie 10 CONSTITUTION WATER! Milieu or lcmiilcm, Are you troiildad with that diatreaaini luiin in the einull of the buck, ami through your bipa? CONSTI TUTION WATKli will relieve you like limbic. Dr. W. II. OliEOO, Proprietor. AlOKOA.Vifc AIXE.V, (ietterul Agents, New York. iiohtkttkr, M.riiTii ev dka., Aitentsfor the 1 acilic Coaaf, 401 and 403 Battery Street, Corner Clay, Sun Frnnciaco, und HODOH&CAUiF, SMITH t DAVIK. W. WKATHERKOlin, 91 f Portland. M. MVF.IU. J. HUUIIKa. k I. .1ICKI.I.1. MYERS, HUGHES, & CO. IIUI.MAXS BLOCK, SALEM, OREUOX. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS l ORIK'FltIKH, fAIM'N, MILS, Ac HAVE just received from Sun Frnnciaco a large slock of flroccriea, Proviaiona. Wines, Liiuora, OlC, coiiaiaiiuir ill pure Ol lie Iniiinvillg New (IrleuliB Coaainoua lalnlld criMihcd and now. dered silgure, Euat Ituaton nud floldcu Svrup. Old floverniiicut .Itivu, ('oaia Hico and llio colfee. Juiati lilnck und green tcua, cnatile. chemirul, toilet mid fuin ilv aoapa, udiimiilitiiie, coul oil und eperm cuiiillea, (llenticld, Kinualord und Puree starch and Miic nii. aalaratita, soda, cri-um-tartiir nnd yeust poivdcrs, sodu. iiuiler, sugar, uuu liotoii crnctters. greenhorn, toina toea. lobalers, pickles, snices, sniicea, oyaleis. liouev, confectionery, i,c. Mackerel, sitlinou, codfish, amok ed herring, Liverpool und Curiniili U.nel anlt, niisina, currunta, citron and scedles niiaons, flour, ineul, far ina, tapioca, mace, lice. Iiotninv. pearl bur ev. i.e. The best brands of Califnruia wines nnd liquors for Fancy Japan goods and Yankee notions, tobucco, cigars, and genuine uiceraliauiii pipes. Crockery, gluaa ware, coil oil lampa, luiiierna nnd lamp chimneys, hung and side hiuita. COAL OIL. Wood and willow ware, cl.'thea, market and trav eling haakeis, win,! tubs, wash houids, clothes pins, puila, broiuue, sivra, bowla and tint a, bed corda, elolhca lilies. In ine, wicking and ro)wj,'clolhes. scrub, alloc, alove and white wuali bru.hes, ahoe blacking HARDWARE. Axes, wood sawe, shovela. spades, garden liooe, rakes, axe handlea, mop hnndlea, entice milla. enrpet and round head tacka, nails, powder, ahol, pocket and table cutlery. Paints, Oils, Glass, dc. While lead, red lead, venitinn red. Spnniah whiting, pniiv. hiuH-ed oil, lard oil. aniiil piiafr, coach, copal, Inriiiiure, danmr nnd elielnc eamtsh, brown Japan, turiwntiue alcohol, chrome yellow, chrome green, 1'iiins green, iiinher, eieimu! vumivko, brown ulid I'riiaainu blue, diamond gluaa cutters, clu'tier's poiiila, hitiip hluck, paint brualies, gold leaf. etc. ! rem h window glnse ol ull site, from oai,, iii ,,nx hi. a gowl tuuiortineut of ilvestntla. Having piirclmaed eur stiak lor nud in San Fran. Cisco, we fell coiiliileiit tlmt we cuu sell as low us the ion esi wr can or ready pay. Cud nud CMiniine H allied, bailer, egua. b.icon. lard, and all kinda of proiiuee, n-r In, line will pav Use highest market price. lyttK.1 MYKHS.'IirmiKl. St CO Why do you use an Inferior Article w TIIKN yon ten buy at tlie same prlcef The ceieoruuu 'DoMiior Ka-rosipiie oil" The best made pure, white and non explosive, hum iug with a brilliant, steady Hume, nnd combining nil the advaiilagee of litis iitcontarahle and cheasl illuminator, w illium Uie ailendaut risk end danger ol explosions iu using a poor article. At MOOliF.S. Salem. Jan l!'th.l4:t. 4i,if PORTLAND FOUNDRY ....AID.... MACHINE SHOP, t-'lrsl aire. I. ilelwern Vaanttlll and Murrlsoa. III AVINH become sole proprietor ol thlaeatahliah ment.the nnderalgned is now rreiiared lo aiaua. rarlureAia. Kl.NPX il St EAM KMIlNKit.iirsiiee friun four to forty horse power, portable or atat louarr. Also. Circular Saw Mills, complete llav Presses of allaiaea; Planing Vachinea ( WiHHlwrorlh'a nattemli u-.....l, i it-.i. i i- ., L : -,,, .m- M.-i, v, m iwr .enicai new and t)st Millai brass ami iron casting!, and srrouglitirun wora oi evorv oeaciipiieii. All orders executed with ili.ratrh.anrl In a work manlike manner. PAV1I) MoXNAmTkm P S A redncllon has been made on all kinds of wore ai niyenop.iosniuneiradenndeorresnind with t antiTBiapneys. mayv IVrtf AVAlt WCltlP. I'llF. undersigned will pnrchase Oregon and Wash I inglon War Clsiina. Nispended Claims. thitle.l HiaiU. Ac, and will take elainia for ndleeima en reasonable leruia CATtN 4 CCKL M-Irm tlgw . trrtle. Itt s,r soh Wnnii el. kf J. 8. SMITH, Aft. t T THK .1 Satea " liEXJ . STliANG, . PARLOR ANd'coOK STOVES or laiiiv i at tic iirv, Keepa conaliiiilly on Inind.uiiil Miuiufm ttittia loonier, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, tin i'iiiionulilft tonne. MliTAL 1I0OFIN0, null JOIIIUNO ot nil kinda promptly, attended to. Shop im Commercial street, Salem, Oregon, d doora Nortli of lllrarli At I'n. itllltf Kieliin ilM V ilK riilu ii, Forwarding and Commission Merchants ..AND .toll II P. K8 IN".. Oregon Flour, Fruit, Bacon, Lard, tat.MMt, Ar , Ac, IM E, CEMliM and PLAHTKB received hy every ianiling vcaacl. ff Willutlenil to the purciinae ntin anipmem oi Merchandise of every tltiaeription in the Knatorit und San Frnnciaco markets. Also to forwarding goods m Sun Fritiiciaco tiiiti l'orlliind. Tlie Cclfliruli'il Miiniiv Rciincr nnd Mower. and Agricultural Implements of every deacripliun fur- iiiahea lor emu at Bint r muciaco coai, uuu i.iuuapuii i!., w e will alao iiltcnd to the enlo or tircgon rroiuice lu Victoria. Iiavinif eaiuhlialieil il house ill thiit, plnce under tlie uniuiiKciuetit of Mr. D. Fiak, it gentleman of eight yeura experience in tlie iniue in nan r runciseu. Ol'll.' inLViiiinu.,, Commercial Wharf, Portland, JAMK8B. HICIIAKDS, 87 rtacmiiieiito atreet, r-un Frnuciaco. BiMtf Mil DEARBORN & CO., Wliolcsiiilo and Itciail UEAI.EItS IN - Pry-Goods, and Glothinf, UKUCEKiliS, BOOTS, atlUbS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, QUKKNSVVAHE, IKON AND STIiF.L, etc., Sitlotn, .Inly 111, IH'il. MIT II J. H. HAAS, t Ootnmerclu)l5ti'eet,8iil(jm,Dettlei'ln GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, j JEWELRY, Solid Silver nml Plntcd Wurc,j S FINE CLOCKS, I Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, &c. j All gootliiold by me are WAIIRANTEi) to bs aa j ( represented. Ki'iiairiiiK. ( Particulariittentlciii pah) to repnfrtng Rnc Watcbea, j I Clocks, Jewelry, sc. j ALL work wakhasted. I i Saleiu,Orc!iiii,Nov.S,lBC". lyS5 i SALEM FOUNDRY AND MACIIIIV.K SIIOI, Sitli'iil, Ori'Kon. 1ARAKK & MOOltK. Jliinnliictiirera of RTF. AM i-A'A(yAt,'N.und BOJI.ElX,Hnw .Mills, (Iriat Mills, Heupera, Thriisliora. l'uuipa, and and all kinds nud styles of iiiiieliinery. Muchiiicry repaired ut aliort Notice, I'ottern-.Mtikiiiirdone in Hll'ita vnrinna forms, and all kiudaof HKASS and IKON CASTINOH fur nishcil ut aliort tiolice. Ii. R DHAKH, i:itf J. Ii. MODHK. OUlt TIMK HAH COMM. AAi peraona indebted to ua In any wnv will please . consider thetneutves invited lo come forward and settle up. If it is impossible for you to puy, come nrZ say to, und let ua know when you cun. Slumld thia general invitation not will be ueceaaary for us to issno more speciahmA more urgent uppcula, ut the expense of the invited. Kxpectinit to chnliue our hiiaineaa, we intend selling itoods in future for the HEADWAY. No more no counts tlliute, except ecrv short ones, und hy SPE CIAL AkRAXUEMEXT with 1'AYINl. CUS TOSIliliS. J. II. oV I. It. .llOOKbal, Sulem, Oregon. Sept. iltlth. 'rtf. JOHN 0. JoltlM.V. JUSKril A. llAKUl JORDAN & BAKER, SALEM, 0I1KG0N ; -yC rOxr k llfiitliliiiirlcrs BuiMing, (Ipposilc Griswold'i Block WE have constantly on liuiid, and will aell, at prices to suit the tinica, the following urticlea, via i CONCORD TEAM HARNESS, COM 01(11 STAuK HARNESS, All Kinds Team and Plow Harness Texas Ranger and Oregon Saddles, UridK'M, Ilnltci'H, CAH2IAGS HaJPaKESS, Si.NC.LE AND DOL'HI.E ; SADDLE-BACS AND WHIPS, SPANISH SI'L'KS AND HITS, TRACE AND HALTER CHAINS. rHmmiuir mul rtptiirin pi-omitlv Hltendcd lo. All wirk wiirraiiinl lo kivo hiiii-IiicUoi'i. f."We can siippl) ehopti in ihe country with colhim Give un a ell, uml exainini for yonrnclven. 7(Wt A L L K N'S LUNG BALSAM! the ni:air run ciiu.vo Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, CHOI P, DISKASi:.S of Ihe TIIKOAT, Bronchitis, Pains and Oppression of the Chest or Luntrs, Difficult Breath ing, and all the Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. TTS action la cxpcciorniii.alier.uive. eiuWitic, sedn J. live, diaphoretic, and diuretic, which lenders it one of theiiios viihiiihlen-iunlieskbown lor emit.,, uis eases of l ie limes. It excites expectoration, and ciiusea the, hinKi i t., throw oil the plilemu or mucus : iW,Kk$J-Ht:, MIMTIOS AXI) PU UULD JUL t)l.t)Ul; heal, the irritated parte : e-" ",w '"i;eaiiL'ore.unB; oriuaa lllu fiver to Ita proper iihiuii, m ii,.,ina alrenlh I,, the whole ... . , na ititu,,iiHte nml sntiafiictorv cf- li-el. tliat it lawiiinmleil to break up the most ilia resaie coiicn 111 n lew hours' time. If not uf t ,,K suontine; ia warranted tu Kivo emire aaliafuctioii even in I lie MUmiilirmri cam of caHtunpImm tl is ai nulled nut to pnaliico coativeuess twliicll ia the case Willi meal reuiedieal or utleet the head aa il i'l-Vi" e'l'T,,".'!"!'. ,f".r-m 11 " ' ranted to be I lKt LVlLr HARMLESS to the niosi del,,te clniil. ultlioiiahiiiaiiciive and powerful remedy for rr,...,i,,i ayieiii. 1 here la uii leill new-eailv for an many deailia by ninsiimption. when ALLEN". uawaa win pieveut it, il only taken I ttuie ' Sold by all Dinua-isie. Price tl per botilc SMITH . HaVIn I'ortiaiid Oregon n"7 'ieneral Aueui, fr ,w state. Murmfticliirfrordialrti, Bedsieads, Doors. Saah ltlln,U UI...U. f ' "I lornlce, Ac., 4c. - Also, every variety of OUTSIDE AND INSIDE FINISH I'liriii'd io rlT. Moulding of Every Description, Scroll . ottwiuj, ana lurnin;. It. W... .,...! , , . ,:, -"i - ".., aanu. minalera. Nevll I o., I haira Uea.lalesiU, Sash,, Ulinde. Moulding, c. 1 ersoua desiring any of tiie above will ukase to ill an I examine fur Uleu.elvee, as will aell CHEAP J i . SAMUEL 1IASS. Salem, Dec. Wt w J. C. Shcllon, riiislclan and Surgeon. MONMOUTH. Polk Couulv, Oregon Tlie Doctor being graduate of the Curtis, or Phrsio-medicul eutieire. tmciniiatl, Ohm, is a true Botanic in hia oiw aiscsiniiog cmii.mci ana nil mineral pui eons, end using none bin purelv regeiable medicines and only the perlei tit innocent al that ' The Doctor would further ear to tbe publie, also that be ia prepared to cm all canceie, indolent tores! ...WVIP, fc , lul Hrv curanie, ami wnh jenta purely vegetable. j,f 0Sk r Private Medical Institute Ksluhlisliiul liy DR. J. C. YOUNG , IN ir-iris-), roll THE CUKE OK I'fUVATE Dm EASES, OK VVIIATEVEtt N ATU UK, And all Female Oomplalnta. i'onaullllig OiricF), r-A "WtiHlilinfton Htrnot Hecnnd building helow Monlgnmery at., SAN KKANCINCO. i : CALIKORXIA MO CWIf K, NO PAY. CONHULTATION HY LKTTKR, OU 0TI1FB WISE, Kit EE. For Direction of Letters, See Below, rpllIS CBIiEllttATBI) INSTITUTE hue enjoyed J. uu tliiacoiial uu uninterrupted aucceasof Kourteon vcura, und baa become one of the renowned Hospital, 'of the ne. Wlmt the celeliritlnd I.m k HoepiiHU in to Iinulou, nud tl.e un 'cas renowned eatuhliahiiient of llieunl lo I'uria, thia liialilute luia become to the 1'. cilie Coaat. Tlio thniiaiinils uiiitually received and cured, plain It In point uf number nf putienta among the very lirat of the world , and tlie success of ita treat luent ranks it aei-ouil to none. 1'lfTVATK DIMHASHH IN MALES ami IRREQfJ IvAHlTllM IN KE.VIAl.KW are the great deatrnyera of hcultli. Tiii'.y insiiluoiialy ttttuck the ayatem and ami luilly iinilcruiiue and ileatroy it ; they 'drive the bloom from the cheek, llie luatre from the eye, the atrength and vigor from the frame t they givo to the world puny and diaenaed ollapriiig, am! poiaon, through site ceaaive,ttieratioiia the nice of num. The nmrka cun he aecn ill .Scrofula, Ciitiainnplion, Cripples, the Idiot ic, tho I'urulylic, the Inaiuie, etc. There is no more terrible scourge to the linmnri race than those diacuaca arriaiug from the contamination of Vcueriil I'oiaoti, The mihleet forma, hy retreating to the hluod, hold ever over the one iilllictcd, the sword of deatruction that la liable Ht. any moment to full and blight to utterly destroy all mirtlily liopes. nli'.UCuHi, ncoifinzt'.a as Uie most J 'atat medical enemy to man, combining with the Votiereitl, douhlea ma (lungers. 1 noae wno unve neon treniou witn that .leniicioiia mtnerat pmsott ure not oured t tlie diaeHae ma only uasiitued a tiuw form. Do not be Siitlnllfd with I'nrtlal Cure. tlmt lenve the poiaon to crawl through the system, eat lin ita wnv into the tiaauca itml nrgana heiieutli llm iippiireutly auioolli anrliico, to burnt out, in tho future witli a virulence mat wilt inline ttieettectaof tncdiaiiie. WHEN I'KUIt'ECT CCKEHcun be ohtiiiued by cou Biiiiaiilting a pliyaiiiinti whom long prncliee and 'thoro ugh inveaiiguiioii into the ennaea of III.SKASI5 of the CKlNAKi OHtiANH emiblea lo determine at once the nut ure of t lie diacnae. In ull iliaeiisea eiilrtiated lo the Doctor a cure. PER- FKCT 81'EEDY und I'EHM ANKNT Cures are always Guaranteed, lu Svnhilis nud ila ailiiincts ; fiouorriuit and Ita ac companying diaenaca; all diacordera of the Bladder, Kidneys und prnatlllte; Kemiuul Weukneaa ; llii euaeaoftlio ileiirtaiid l.iinga; liyapepaia lndigeation; Iinnolencv ; lnciiiieut Conaiiniiitioii, and ull diaeuaea of the Uriiiiirv organa, iu eiither aex, cure tilwavi wnriinlod, Ult NO PAY KKOUIUIill ttt the 1'UI VATIi . Stcdlcal Int-itUuto, no. SID Washington sritnar, SAN FRANCISCO, t i i t t t CALIFORNIA. Ncmlnnl Weakness or Spcrmatorrlicen. Tne young nuiu who experiences that growing weakness iu hie muscular and trientiil orgHiii.ation aliould atop to couaiiler whence it ariaea. He will Had iu the weukneaa of the buck, trembling of the limbs, diaordcrcd digestion, utiiiccountuhlo fniling of the powera of the mind, dialnate for society, dread of im pending trouble, forchodtiiga nf evil, sleeplessness, troubled and luacivioua dreiiiua iiccompauied by grow ing dculiicaa, loss of muscular power, und numerous oilier ayinpioma of diaorgiiiiintion. The positive tra cea of that moat terrible und deatrnctive of all diseas es, Heiuiniil Weukneaa Wasting awuy hia powera, ilealroying his hope of life and manhood, uud drugging him aluiig the broken pittli of hia eftiatenco towurd u preiiiiiture gnive. To him who tlnds hia life dribbling out in the dieehiirge of the vital principal of existence iu noctiirnul nnd diiirnai emissions, the mere cessation of the ciiuacs ot its uppeiirunco bringa no tunuriiuce of relief. iMnrringe. I !mt holy oAlce, the safrgitat d nnd hope of nuiiihooil, brings to auch n one no hope of cure, hut adda to liis misery in the knowledge that the one who looks to him for ao much of her hupptnesa, ia a victiui of hia evil, nnd an iiuiuceiit cotiipumon of hia punish ment. He uihla lo hia miaery uud diaorder until hope leavea him. There ia no rueeu exceut in oroner and skillful treatment. Conault, then, at once, a piiyaiciun wlioui long practice and curoful roaeurcb Ims ninde thoroughly coiivursnut with every plmae of the die ease Tlioao who have become tlie victims of aolitnry vices, tliat tlreitdful, liisciniiting, uud destructive hab it, which fills thoiiHitnils of aiek rooma with puruiylics und cotiauinptivea, and liuiidreda of untimely gravee witli its niiaguiiled victims, aliould conault witliuut n niomeiil's delay, one who will sympathize with thoir aiitleriugs. To sueli the Doctor 'would especially ud dreaa liiniaelf, giving to each nod nil aasurnnce of a PERFECT nnd PERMANENT CURE withont hin drance irom bnsinenn, change of diet, or fear of ex- pontire. DO not lorgel t lie undress see Helow. ImiHii'liiiit tu ri'iiiali-s. When n female ia in trouble orafilictod with disease. and reniiires midicul or aurgiul asaiatunce, the enquiry should be, Where ia there a phvaicinn who ia fullV comiicteut to ailmiuiater relief, and whoae resiectnble standing in society recommends him lo tlie confidence of the coiiiiniiiiitv ? Tlio Doctor, understanding how lliniertttivelv necessary these reonirementa are. feels culled upon to intorpoae, and hy calling the attention ot tlie utllictml to tne tnet tliat lie lint tieen a I'litl- FESSOR ()K OIISTETRIC'S and FEMALE 018 EASES for twenty yeare. and ia fully qualified tond minister in ull cases, both medicully and surgically, not in a aiiperliciul manner, but iu ua thorough a man lier ua years of alndy and practice both in hospitals and private fiimilies can make, to save them from jl'e hands of the unqualified, uiiacriiptilnuua, and dee igniiig. Therefore, tiuniliea run rely upon him aa upon ii father. All in atllictioii can find in him one who cun feel and sympathize witli and bofrksnd them in trouble one imvhoaeaeerecy theiitinnst conAkwce run be pined. CONSULTATION (BY l.KTTER OR OTHERWISE) KREE. See nddreaa helow. TIIE t ELKliKATED FEilALEREMEOIEH.enm poundedlroiu tlieprivulepresrriplionsof DR. VOUNfl, liuve now obtained a most exteiided popularity, and ure correctly viewed to be the aufeat aud surest reme dicsfor the complaints for which thev are applied. The coiifiuntly arcniing testimonials of tlieir elflcacy declure them to be pre eminently superior in their ac tion. No Ludy should be withont these Kenovntiug Agents. None genuine unless procured at thia ollice. Sent by Mail or Express, to any purl of the Stale. TIIKftllKAT FEMALE MEDICINE! PREVEN TIVE POWDERS PuKMAKKIED LADIES. Now, Safe and Inlullihlo. lusting irom four lo aix montha Price $111. FRENCH LUNAR, OK FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. Far siippressious. After lilt v yeura of use these pills stand uurivulled in clllcacy. Price $5 per box. TO(OIIRSPOM)ETS. Pntienis residing in any part of Hie state however dialunt, who nmy deaire mailiral udvice on tlieir re epeclive caavs, and wlio tliiuk proper to submit a written stulumeiit of such iu preference to holding a persouul interview, are assured that their communica tions n ,ii be held moat sacred. All letters must he addressed to the corresponding physician, thua: Itaron BENJAMIN F. JOSELYN. M.D.. 540 Washington Street, Iiox 735. P. 0. Sun Frunoisco, Cal. HOOP'S MENACERIE AUD MUSEUM. HKDOP would with very great pleasnre nnd con . li.lenre i.nnnniice lo tlie public that he Ims opened a Reiieml exchange nf animals with the Eastern und Southern Menageries, and that hia enter pi ise lias proven quite successful, in consequence of Inch he Ims em-led u building on a new and conve nient plan, w ith euiiuhle npartmetits Tor the ncconv mi.tliaii.iii of hia aitiumls, so that each mar be kept in tlie moat cleanly slate, uud ill Ihe similitude ot ita nat nrnl wild haunts and a separate apailluent is used for the preservation of Minerals. stuHed Auiniala, llirda, and rnriofiiiea in general. With these increasing fa cilities, he earnestly desires the public In letch or send word of any aniu.ula, birds, liahea skins, niinerala, curiosities, or i.nrihmg that mur be ol interest, dead or alive,, and uoi 10 np with oue or two. but send all they can He freqiuiitlr h.aea ntii Is and specimens. ex. hanges. and will liberullv retnuuer aie any one f..r hia trouble. Address as follows, and a pr .nipt answer will I retunied i " Roop'e Menag erie. Sdveiton, Oregon i or Needr. Clackamas eonnty, Ur,,l""- Feb. S7, lSli5. S'itf ""TH- Ot.) H. CDAXCI Sinitlt Jc Chance, Kurgicnl nnd Mechanical DENTI8T8. CIOMMEKCIAL street. Salem, have removed the! I office from Slate street to Oriswold'a brick, and are now iueerting artificial leeib in any and all nf iii late improved atylea, including Vulcanite, Coralite, Amber base. eVc, aa well as gold, saing no rlaapa whatever, ihoee deairovere of the natural teeth being utterly discorded in tlieir practice. Purticiilur attetuinn given to diseases of the ifuma ami hiwa : nlao. to the regulation of children a teeth, reetli inserted from one lotah to a full eel. tVAIl openitiona warranted. Iy4 Aew and Frpsh Goods. y E are now la receipt of a VERY LARGE and 1 1 well aelecteil assortment of everything in our line, embracing, LADIES UiMlOS of every tleeenplinli, in great varielv. We hare aim a tine line of M EN 4 AND BOY 8 FURNISH 1NU UOODrj, arranged as a epecial departmeut: up stairs. Foreign and demcat ic I H Y fl 001 )S. O ROC E R I f-8. IIAKDWARE, IRiiN, CltOt KEKY and JllsCEL LANKOl'8 (looDSof all kin.V,, sa o.nal. which we re r.rTerii'g cheap for rash, or any kind of produce, l the highest market rstee J. H. V I R MOORES. Salem, July 8th, lstjl. 19, tf. 1 1 4 , A.