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About The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1863)
Bfcc (Oregon f Mestumt. Domestic Item, ....Tho people of Portland, last Monday night, celebrated tho victories of Gettysburg- i Vlcksburg by a general turn out of firo compn filet and citiaens with torches, banners, transpar encies,, etc, oto. Bpeoclies ant big guns wore fired off on tho public square. ....J. M. Keeler, tho Provost Marshal for Ore (ton, is expected to arrive on the next iteainor. He will at once, we suppose, commence the en rollment of thoio liable to military duty. ....A coal mine has been diacovered near Scat tie, W. T. ....John Moxlie waa aoveroly wounded on the 4th at Port Ludlow, YV. T., by the 'premature dis charge of a cannon which he waa assisting to load. John P. Anderson waa io severely wound ed by the aame discharge, tl at he died noxt day. ....Quite a number of accidents hare occurred recently by the firlug of caniiona. At Vancouver the other day, two men wore aerioualy injured by a premature discharge of a gun while celebrating the Union victories. One lost an arm and the other a thumb. At Florence, Idaho Territory, while firing a national salute on the 4th, a Mr, Walling, formerly of Amity, Yamhill county, was killed and Wm. Bernard, of California, was so . verely wounded, by a premature discharge. The California papera record agrent number of casual ties of this kind. .... A little son of Dr.-Robert Newell waa drowned at the Lapwnl agency, in the mill race, on Sunday the 5th inst. ....Lansing Stout, wifo, child and f errant, ar rived in Portland on tlx 'aat steamer. ....Some two weeks ' ce, a gentleman named Henry Wolfann left Canyon City for the Dalles. Nothing; bavins; been heard of him since, hia friends are apprelieniive that tome misfortuno had overtaken him. Mr. W. has been employed at Canyon City in conducting a mercantile busi ness, and at the time of starting down is sup posed to have had with him between $7,000 and 98,OUO in treasure. It is possible that the express now' due may bring some tidings of tho missing man, and relieve all fears as to his safety. llounlainur. ....There has been of late frequent disturb ances of the mail bags on the route between here and Sacramento. At one time a lot of stamps sent to this office was taken from the Sacramento bag and at others, amall sums of money failed to reach their destinations. The postmaster here informed the agents of the Stage Company who immediately set about watching for the rogue. The result of these proceedings is. that, on Tues day, 7th inst., one of the drivers between Jack sonville and Canyonville, named Oeorge Barnnm was arrested on suspicion of having cat open and pilfered the malls in his keeping and then hiding or destroying them. Suspicion was excited by the facts that the bags were lost on his trips, and that he had lately been selling large amounts of postage stamps. Upon his apprehension, he made so many conflicting statements that little doubt, if any, remains of his guilt. There have been on other routes quite a num ber of "failures to connect" which we hope to see investigated. ....The Walla Walla Statesman gives the di mensions of a stalk of pie-plant raised by Mr. W. H. Cox of Walla Walla valley, which boats Mr. Parrish's "all to smash." Mr. Cox's weighed tbree pounds and measured 43 inches in length and 39 inches in width. ....Messenger Henderson, of Wella, Fargo &. Co , informs as that a man accidentally fell over board from the Teninn, on her np trip, Saturday, and waa drowned. The information waa obtained from some men in a small boat searching for the body. The accident occurred whilo the steamer - was passing over the John Day rapids. Dollet Journal. -- ....We are informed that for two or three weeks in succession, the Slatiimnn package has failed to reach one of the Polk county postoffices. The same thing has occurred once or twice before. Can anybody tell the reason T These interrup tions of the fttteiman packages have become so numerous lately as to lead to the belief that some thing more than accident is the cause. Wo will publish the first postmaster or "any other man," detected in tampering with their regular trans mission. We send them regularly and carefully and desire that they shall go through without fail. " ' ....The city ordinance levying a ten mill tax on property in Salem, and about which so much excitement waa rife a short time ago, has been amended so as to provide for a fivo mill tax. ....At the present time there are five large vessels loading at the Utsalady Mills on Puget Sound, with lumber for foreign ports. One, the King Lear 3.G00 tons burden, is loading with spars and lumber for Toulon, France; three for Chinese porta, and ono for New Zealand. ....The Sierra Nevada, on her laat trip down, took $110,000 in gold. ....The Statuman office acknowledges the re ceipt from Mrs. L. E. Pratt, of a delicious bowl of raspberries and cream. The boys rendered thanks to the donor and executed summary jus tice upon the berries. ....Senator Nesmith, this snmmer, sent out to 8arauel God of Polk county a steam power thresh er and separator of fifteen horse power, manufac tured by Owens, Lane ct Dyer, Hamilton, Ohio, The engine and thresher entire eost here includ Ing freight, about $2,000. The engine runs on a fine wagon, drawn by two horses. The machine has bees tested and works finely. ....A distressing casualty occurred at Albany on Tuesday, the 14th inst. 8everal little boys were swimming in the Calapooia, when a son of Mr. E. L. Walter, aged eight years, ventured up on a log into deep water. By some chance he slipped off the log and though he once regained his hold, fell back and was drowned. Dr. Griffin plonged in and swam some distance, but upon reaching the spot was too much exhausted to res cue the little fellow. The body of the child was recovered in about half an hour, but life was ex. - tincj. The mother of the little boy was at the time very low with typhoid fever and was very much shocked, but we learn she is now recover ing. ....Gov. Wallace has ordered thel'nited States Marshal for Idaho to proceed at once to take the census of the Territory. This will be completed in 0 weeks or 3 mouths, after which judicial dis tricts will be eetabluuM, and an election ordered for members of the Territorial Legislature. ..-..A weekly mail has been contracted for be tween Lewlston and Elk City. ....Major Lugenbeel has located the new Fort Boise at point twenty-fir miles from the month fit Boise, en that stream. The distance from Plaoerville ia thirty miles. ....The Return says Robert Scott of Lane county baa 3,500 tobacco plant in the space of an acre and a half, and they are) very thrifty. Experienced tobacco growers pronounce them equal to any they ever saw. The plants are of the Brasilian variety. Target Siiootiku. Saturday, July 18th, the Marion Rifles had a shooting match. The prise was a fine navy revolver, donated by Capt. May for the occasion. Fifty-seven shot were fired in all, and tho prise waa awarded to private Dyer, he having made the two best shot. ....On or two seecsa gentlemen of Salem were Indiscreet enough last week, to back their sympathies instead of their judgments in relation to th newt from Ykkaburg; urby they tvtr oonipll4 to "unconditionally urreadsjr" liver and sundry twenties They bet on the wrong man. ....We learn that the capture of Vicksburg and Mcadu's victory wore greeted at Fort Yam hill with 130 guns. At tho semi-annual election for officers of the Jacksonville Turn Vereiiis, held on Tuesday, July 7th, the following named wore chosen ! E. C. Sessions, President (jus FayM, Vice Presi dents Augustus llrcnlano, Secretary and Troae ureri Goo. Araold, First Teachori John Neubcr, Second Teacher. Sentinel. .... The weather has been extremely hot each day this week, the thermometer ranging from WO to 1X1 dcg. iu the shade in the middle of the days. The nights, however, have been cool and refresh ing, as usual fkntinct, Ufa. ....The .Wine of the 10th says: "Our farm ers are busily engaged cutting and gathering in their crops. Harvest bauds are in groat demand. The yield of hay will not be near so heavy as it was last season. Of wheat and other cereals there is from fair to average crops." ....Report says the largest crop of wheat, oats and timothy hay will be harvested this season on Tualatin Plains that waa ever known heretofore. Hands are said to be quite scarce. Times. ....The Linn county agricultural fair will hi held at Boston Mills on the first Wednesday and Thursday of September. Lane and Benton counties are invited to compete for premiums on equal terms with citizens of Linn. The premium list wilt soon be published. ....In the Legal Tender case recently decided by Judge Stratton, the legality of treasury notes as a tender in payment of individual dobts was the naked question. Tho decision was not ren dered In term time, so that no written opinion is rendered. The Judge would doubtless liavo preferred to defer the question for the Supreme Court as least likely to croate embarrassment, but the parties were entitled to judgment, and he could do no less than render it. The question will, we suppose, come before the Supreme Court In September. ....We learn that six or eight hundred attend ed the Eugene convention of LongTommers and Jertmyi, The only disturbance they met with was the booming of cannon fired by the Union men over the late victories. They didn't like that kind of "noise and confusion" and a private bat tle was imminent at one time. Newspapers Not to be Denied tub Mails. Postmaster General Blair, in a lute conversation with an ex-member of Congress, was importuned by the latter to deny the priv lieges of the U. S. mails to certain journals that accorded Dot with that gentleman's political creed. Tho Postmaster General promptly and emphatically replied : " No. sir ; that was tried once, at the urgent solicitations of some of our injudicious friends ; tho result has been tho re establishment of the treasonable sheets with in creased notoriety. So long as I am at tho head nf this Department, no newspaper will be ex cluded from the mails," N. Y. Kewi. Special Notices. OOSTIVENESS CUBED. Ukbaka, Ohio, Sept. 25, 18-' Messrs. A. L. Scovlll Si Co. Gents i I have been troubled with a torpid action of the bowels for six or seven years, which has been the cause of a great deul of suffering to me, and t had to deprive myself of many kinds of food, and used much oatmeal, etc., un til I got Dr. Mott's Liver Pills, and find that they keop my bowels regular, and I now eat anythiug that my family does. I confidently recommend tlieae Pills to those who are troubled with constipation of the bowols. Truly yours, JOHN FLEMING. Hkalth. TJiero is nothing more valuable than health ; without it, the wealth of a Crresus can alTonl no enjoyment, and life, instead of a blessing, becomes a burden Hooflund's German Bitters, to those afflict ed with any disease of. the stomach or digestive or gans, will prove more valuable than a mine of gold. For sale by druggiata and dealers in medicines every - where.. Iw50 Niks Yiahs or Aooitr. Chas. Montague,. sou of Mr. John Moutagne, of New York, after enduring uu heard-of pangs from malignant scrofula for nine con secutive years, was radically cured in a few months by that Elixir of life and irresistible antidote to poi son in the blood, Bristol's 8uraaparil!a.' The disease, commencing at the ankle joints, hod mounted to the eye. Physicians said that it was preposterous to sup pose that any medicine eonld save the patient. Nev ertheless, this awful case of hereditary scrofula, sue oomed to the great Vegetable Specific. The letter of the father of the young man to Dr. Bristol, is one of the most remarkable documents ever published. Yet it is only ono among thousands of proofs that no ma lignant external disease, whether it exists in the skin, the glands, the flesh or the muscles, can withstand the hygiean properties of this health-restoring, life-saving preparation. Prominent druggist always have it for sale. Iml'J SR. We have long supposed this celebrated drug bad come to be an exploded humbug, but we are assured by thoee skilled la the healing art, that not the saraaparilla itself is to be blamed fur this conclu sion, but the miserable worthies preparations of it that have been palmed off upon the coiumuuity pre parations which contain about a much of lis virtue as they do of gold dust. It is a commercial fact that almost all of the sarsaparilla gathered in the world, ia eonsumod in the old countries of Kurope, where the science of medicine has reached it highest perfection, and where they know the best what to employ for th mastery of dieoaa. Hcnoe we are glad to find that we are now to have a coin pound of this excellent altorative, which can be relied on, and our community will not need be assured that anything Duct. Ayer makes ia worthy of tbeir confidence, lie has been for years enguged in eliminating tbia remedy (see adver tising columns) designing to make it bis "chrd' ou vrt" which should add the crowning glory to his ul ready enviable reputation Amrriran Crll, V Y. Dr. Baker Pala Panae for th ear of pain Id the Slomach, Buck anit Bowels, Burns, Quinsy, Cuts and flvettlngi, Colic, Diarrhea ami Rheumatism, Headache Toothache and -Earache. Pain tannot seisl wasi-s tAiv remedy UftiityuUi need. Give it a trial and yon wilt Dnd It lb greatest psD carina remedy ret discovered. A cure la certain la all case of Dtspeptss, Weak Breast, Liver Complaint, Oeneral Dehtllly, fever and Apis, Putrid flora Throat, Spins aod Kidney DIs- ise, Ac, Ac, Families should never b without a supply of It In the house. Directions are fully slvea and particularly adapted to the diseases for whlhths"Psln Panacea" Is recommended for sals by drugjrltts everywhere. Be advertisement la another eolnmn. 61Mtf PHK8KRVK YOUa BKAUTYi . IRYMMETRT Or FORM, TOUR HEALTH AMD MENTAL POWER, By astng that Safe, Pleasant, Popular and Specific Remsrlj knowa as HELM HOLD'S RXTRACT Bl'CllU. Read the Advertisement la another column aad proBt by and Srmptoas Rnomerated. Out It oat aad preserve Ik Yoa may not no require H, Bat mar at some Future day. MIt aires healtb and vifor t the frame, Aad Moon lo the palld cheek ." It Saras tons Sufferlnf and tiposur. Bevsrs of Counterfeits. tmlS Cures Guarantied. New Ferry at North Salem. rpiIE mdenuirned wonld give notie to thetravel- l ing pniiiw mat ne nas esianusiiM a inu rr.ii- Kl on tti rvmameue nrer, one-nan Dine ueiow me old ferry, and will ferrr at asy elagt of rater and in til Alan's of n-amer. situs or rtRHiaot 1 span of horse or yoke of oxen 35 rta. Earh additional animal S u Man and bom I2 " t-'ontman & " Ixxioe cattle and horass sack 6 " fthiNtn and hofra 3 " We have ex it I lent facilities for ff-rryinir RTOf'K of all kinds. Our boat will carry 44) head of nttle at ne time with perfect safety, aad will erne the river in from 4 lo minuws. s cnr.i.i.i Kabim. May Kth, 13. UmlUpt paid Citizens of Marion County, ATTENTION I TWE time baa eosse when it become necessary for 1 thne wishing Ui secure rmrvams to call AT V OK THINOTON 8, IS flLVEKTON, to purchase tbeir Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, fatiilV ckocekieh, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, For Ir ia now offering tbem for sal AT COST for Mi aWa. II has cm hand larg stock of lb above article, all of th bevt quality to k found in lb market. Call early, mil fut, nnd keep caUmt. MayU.feg tail Uodge Galpf, PORTLAND, OREGON, dtaltri in Drugs, Medicines, Paints,"OiI and Glass, White Lead, Vurnishcs, Brushes, Puinters' Materials, &c. -Al.BO- Keroscne Oil und Lumps, -OFFER FOR SALE Linseed Oil, Mils, and cases. Lard " Kerosene " " Machine " Tanners' " " White Lead, kegs and pails. Turpentine, Painters' stock, Window Glass, AND A STOCK OF- . DRUGS AND EIEDICINES Unsurpassed in the State, in Extent, variety and Completeness. HODGE CALEF, 07 Front tlreel, Portland, 17tf G50 Jflarriagc Licences. i tJEVY lot, juat printed and for sale at the a. STATESMAN OFFICE. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LOKILIARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 & 18 CIIA.11BBRBJ ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham street, Now York,) IITOULD call the attention of Dealers to the artl- v V clcs of bis manufacture, vis t , 11UOWN SNIFF. . Hacaboy, Deniigros, sine tfuppee, rure Virginia, Course Ifappeo, Nuchitoches, . American Gentleman, Copenhagen YELLOW HPJVFP. Scotch, Honor Tew Scotch. Jiigh Toast Scotch, Fresh Honer Dew Scotch, Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfoot. IV Attention la called to the laruo reduction in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccoa, wuicu win ue louuu oi a superior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING. FINE CUT CHEWINO. SMOKING. Long, P. A. L., or plain, S. Jago, Ao. i, i;avenuisn, or. tweet, rtpitnisii, No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canaster, Nns. I fc 2 Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish, mixed, Granulated. N. 11. A circular of prices will be sent on applica llon. mayl5 lyHI3 CHOCKERY VARIETYSTORE, Commercial Street, Salem. IT. Fl Sill, would respectfully inform Ills old friends, and the new one nso.lhnt he ia now opening at hia NEW STOKE,' on Commercial Slreot, Salem, a A Large and Varied Assortment OK CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE. WOODEN-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, TABLE CUTLER!", and a FULL ASSORTMENT of lfamlly Groceries, Kill of which he wilt sell at WHOLESALE or RE TAIL, at prices warranted to give satisfaction, or no sale. Give men cull, and look at the fine goods, if you do not wish to purchase. No trouble to show goods. Ilolfl-Kctpert and Families wil find it to their advantage to purchase their Glass ware and Crockerv from me, as I shall ALWAYS krrpt FULL ASSUll TMENT and nil A T LOU PRICES for cash or ready pay. Toys i Toys i I am also well supplied with an extensive assort ment of toys, of foreigu and domestic mannfarture. N. FISH, Opposite Statesman Building, (viletn. June M, 162. Mtf Just Received, DIRECT from SAN FRANCISCO, a choice selec tion of Jewelry, consisting of Gold Itings.Chuilis, Buckles, l'ena, and Specluclea. Also, a variety of (anoy Uoods. Calland see. 1. II. HAAS. rlulom,Julifl3llth,);2 I7lf Oregon Insane Asylum and Hospital. DK. II AWTHOIIXK AND MIIII Rt, IIV KICIANS AMI IMttlPltlETOHS). TMIESE Institutions are situated In East Portland A in a healthy and pteuattiit lix-aiity, near a beautiful perennial sprintf. Anittloiiccouiniodations are afforded for the comfort and speedy cure wf those that favor us with meir natronairu. Office at Woulberford's Drug Store, Front street, Portland. 'Ji.i f J. XV. SOl'TIIEK, BOOKSELLER ....akd ixronTiH or sTiTiaiiiiir,.... Law, School, Medical, .Miscellaneous, AMD BI.AIXK BOOKS), Jnn 0 Htf Second street, Corvallla. Carringe and Wiitron makers Stock vrpovitor)-. 47 Datteri-Street, San Pranelaro. rj B. OLEASOX , importer and am. neater in all Kimls of iak RIAOK and WAGON MAKERS' bTOCK, 47 Battery si., hail Francisco, has lor sale oak. ash and hickory, white wood boards, etc., hub, spoke, follue, hickory axles, rjoles, shafta, wagon and buguy bows, carvad and plain carriage part, seat slicks, Ate Also, iron axlca, springs, nolta, nvela, nialleaiue iron, enamelled cloth, enamelled leather, pa taut dash and collar leather t plated. Japan and ivorv head nails and kuoba; tacks, stump frame i half imt and three boll axles plain and plated eraba and tips, poieiips, ate. f ineauovestoca nasoeen personally aeiecieo; is of tlis beat quality, and will be sold aa low aa ran b purchased m tua city or mat. 617 Notice to Absent Defendant. rro M BSKI.L It. O'DELL Yon are hereby not! X nVd that nnlrsoi you appear in the circuit court of the rttate ofOreiton. Mr the conntv of Yamlnli, on the second Monday of November, I tot. and atiawer the crtmn amt of Aoram convert, liiainun. wnicn nas been Sled In said court against von, and praya udKment airainst vu for the sum of four bnndred and forty-one delists and eleven cents, beside interest and coia,tbe same will b taken for confesaed, and the prayer tnereot will be grantee nv tne court. lty opler nf Hon. K. P. ltnise. Judge. CUMMINS At STEWARD, Attys for Plff. Jim IHth. I Hi J. 6wl7 Sheriff Male. Laden Heath, Plff., rs. John Hhelden and Nancy Khelden. Deft.. BY virtu of a dcrrr of foreclosure in the ahov cause, and an execution duly issued thereon from the circuit ennit of the Hut of Oregon, for th county nf l'olk, and to m directed, I will expose for sal as the law directe, to the biiriieat Doiner for cash lu band at the court bouse door, in Pallas, in said county, on Saturday, lb tf-'ah day of July. a. n , ltd. between the hours of 9 o clock, a. St., and" 4 o'clock, r. at., nf sold day. th following property aa Oscnhrn: in said derma of forr insure, hi wit i nitnat in Polk count and tMota of Oregon, and described as bevinninv it chains east of the northwest corner of th L of ehum No. iiiut7s. being a part of sen. M in said township, raooin tbenee south 4 cluuna i Ihenoa i chains i thence- north 4 cbaina Ibene wast i chains, to the plan of heiriiining, containing two acre, th same as conveyed to saio Heath hy roinmon hue and wife, and by earn Heath and wife conveyed lo .Nancy sbcldesi atortsari, to L aold to satisfy the auov siKution, cows aa accruing costs .m BiTf.rn, BbsnlT Polk eoonty. Dalles, JnM Slat, IV 4wl7 BENNETT HOUSE, HAL10M, OUIXiOIN. C. L. FISHER, Propriotor. rTMIfi subscriber wishes to inform his friends f 1 and public generally that In will use his ;j; i I utmost endeavor to pleas those who favor jilji 1 him : in r natronaifl nt thn ahnvn mainei!-1 1 hnU'l. The table will ut all times be supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Good rooms and clean beds. Hoard por wook, with Induing s)l, 00 Hoard per week, without lodging 3 00 May Ath, 1NM. 10tf HUMPHREY'S FERRY, rplIISold furry, known as HUMPHREY'S FEU L UY, is now in running order. It rroww. the Wil luinett river Oil a DIIIF.CT IIOAD between a.W.KM anil COUVAI.MK, This ferry Is a good one, and the route is srvsa miri shortur than by way of Albany, and persons traveling this way have but one ferry to cross. 6m IHpd Sheriff Sale. BY virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the conntv of l'olk. and to me directed, in favor of Jumea A. O'Neal vs. William Gilliam, for want of persotml property lo satisfy the same, I have levied npou and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the court house door in Dallas, in said county, on Hntur day, the 1st day of Angust, . n., IMS, between the hear of V o'clock, l. H.uud 4 o'clock, r. u , of said dav, all the right, title and interest of the suid William Gilliam, the above named defendant of, in, and to the following described premises to witi the west lmlfof a certain tract of luud situate in the county of l'olk and Slate of, known and designated In the anrvevs and plal of the United Sunea as Notification Np.' S4SM, Claim No 50, and more particularly des cribed as beginning 11,49 chna.n of the s e corner of soo. 14 in 1 8 a, r 6 w, runuiui; theuce a 8,28 chuhsi thence n 41,00 chua ; thence n HG.Ati elms i tlicnco s 84, 14; thence e SH.Iill chna, to the place of beginning, containing 611 11-100 acres, more or less, to be sold to sutiafy the above execution, cosis and uccruing costs. I. M. BUTLER, Sheriff Polk Co. Dallas, June 2(i, 1H;3. 4wl8 . Attention, Marlon Rifles. REGULAR DRILL, Monday end Saturday eve nitigs, at 7) o'clock, at the armory. Per order, P. H. 0 RUB IIS, 12tf Orderly Sergeant. WIGHTMAN & HARDIE, SUCCESSOR'S TO FIlATSrrc BAKER, 416 and 418 Clay Street, SAN FRANCISCO, -Importers and Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, I I'IIOLSTEKV GOODS, AND PAPER HANGINGS, For Sale in Quantities to Suit. . jtiaeia 8ml7 Vulcanite! Vulcanite! TIIOflRpersonswbnaresonnfortnnute J as to require artiflciul,teeth would do j well to call oo Smith & Chanoe and ex- ttminu apecimeiiB of the above atvle of work, which for comfort, cleanliness and usufu'luess cannot be sur passed by any process now in vogne. Substitutes sup- uueu, ir jiu n single iuumj w no enure set. SMITH sVCUANCK, 8urglca.l and Mucbanicul Dentists, 3ml7pd Ktnte street, Salem. WANTED. TWO cuurfcKH, good workmen! constant em ployment given fur one year at good wugea. Ap ply to J. M. COULTER, at Salem, Oregon. niiy mu, 100.1. oMtr Attachment Notice. In tb County Court, Milrioil Co., State of Oregon, TO J. O. EUEKIIAKD, non-resident of Oregon i Yon are hereby uotilled tbut an action hits been commenced uuainet you in the conntv court of Murion county, Oregon, on a writ of attachment issued, and your property attached tti satisfy the demand of Cus Zoru, amounting to 1611 C5.MHI dollars and interest due upon a promissory note made and executed by yon and 11. 0. Kberhard on the 'Jd day of April, lHlil, In which yon or eithor of you promised to puy to Cusper per Zorn or bearer the sum of $105, on the 1st day of November, IStil , with interest at the mle of SI per eent Der month. Now. unless vou nnnear before suid court at the court-house, in Hnleip, in said county, ou the 7th day of September, 18tid, judgment will be ren dered aga'nat you uud your property sold to puy the oeou . ... Ualed the 7th day of July, 1803. , OwlHpaid CASPAR ZORN. Probate Notice. NOTICE Is hereby giveu that the executor of the Inst will and testament of Jeremiah and Susannah Jack, doceosed, has tliia day presented hia accounts and prays that the same muy be allowed for a final settlement, it Is therefore ordered that aaiu applica tion be neara antl determined on lueiauty, Aug. s, IBW. dwIH J.C. ff-tllLKS, t:o. JucJgc, Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of Polk county, Oregon, administrator of the estate ot the late Wm. Allen, of said county and Btute. All persons bnvinir claims auuinst said estate are requested tii hibit them within six months frum this dnu, with the proper vouchers, to said admiuist-ator,at hia reaideuce in Jackson precinct, Polk county, On-iron. 4wis AHBAL.UJI uir.Ki.i, Aom r. DM. BUltTOIS'H BALSAMIC COMPOUND .FOR THK.. 8pdy and Radtoal Our of Oonorrht, and all Dlueuea of th Urinary Orf ana. mHISlu a remedy whirh rnnnirei no ntM!tflnra JL tmrfnnnR its duty ffiiitkly ami lli-iroiifhl v, leavifitf no injurious eiiecu eiiutrvo tne eunaunmou or 10 u mitt affected. It it the remiltof Inn eXerience, mid clow oltwr THtinn in a nrvn number of chnmi, mid liaa been inva riably Bticreeoful whew oilier inclicine. or tnalinenti have failed j tlnii proving itaulf to be a remedy Ion required by (lie puDlic. Price, $1 per Bottle For Mile 1T DruuiiU everywhere. fMe Affent for the Tun tic Count. CHAN. I,AMIJ.V, Wholesale Progrint UlrD Com,ii-viHllSireet, lyZlia Diout t rotu nt., turn r i-huciwmi, Kotire to Dtbloi's. DR. A. M. BKLT, biiving ilused his practice at ffo. lem, has left his account in my hands for col!eo tion All persons indebted to him for medical services will please call on me al once and settle. OliO. P. UEAI.E. Ralero , June 8th , 1 R03. 3m 1 4 PlI.KTEBftfO. Practical Printers, and Dealers In t Type, Prttm, Printing MaltriaU, Ink, Paper, Cards, ,Vc, 510 Clay St.. aliove Sanamnn, i. S. rslKTIR . BA f UA.M,lSUU. . St. PAIRTRa T. r. raiRTxa) Offices fitted out with dispatch. Itf WOOL! WOOL! WE would respectfully inform the wool-growers that w are again iu th market, and will purchase, and PAV, I CAWM, th hlirhest price. W have effected arratigemmita in Han Vmiiriem, and the Eastrn ritl, which will enable ne to pav the market price for wool in Son f ranatro, less tne ireigoi ana cuurges. Give ns a call before selling. BEIX BROWN. Balcm, Oreiron, April IS, IWet. 6tf .Cheaper and Better flian Candles. Tl.'ST received, 10 cases superior Coal Oil, white nd non exoloeire. Also, Swinging. twnd. llrark- et and Hand coal oil Ijimpe ; wicks, clilmnii-s. shades, bumeir and brushes in variety, at MOOKhH' Keb.Itiith.lW. f'lf HOAP. X'O MORE 80AP WANTKD UNTIL FfRTHEtt 11 nntiot. . lUtf Agent W. W. Unf'g Co. To Wool Growers. TH B nnoersigne oesirv to toionn list ym wool growers of Oregon who may desire fL to improve their d'lcka. that we hare for saleJljT a fevr rllOlPK TttOHOrUIIBRKB " felttRltfO fsHRKI. of th French, ttpanlah and Austnliaa families of mat oreeo. JORKPIf HOLM AN, JOHN HINTO. Partie Inlereated, are respeetfiillv referred to ths li.,. of arorded to the Orrron Hlxlt At rtrnlturml Koaeto, where It will b ara that the small flock we now offer to sell from has gained JIVE s 1 si ia T PHIZKSland O.NK StttoU out nf 7 entriM, ofaxntt tharp competition milk tho ( sAer la the State. Addrewa Jidin Mintn, rklem, or tall at my farm, 4 mile tontk of Salem. oo tli sUge rimd. Iliiving the sole masMgemriu of the fl-k, I will warrant every animal sold to be r otondrd and as I rrpi ent h in v.ry xoovodL .1011 N U 1 NTO. Pnatncn Hili, Harto. Co., April 5, im t9 I'ORTrAKIs, OHKUON, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Doulera In . , t PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, fcc, Are ooustuntly receiving, by . KVKRV Alt HIV Al. FROM Till! NEW GOODS, Anil are therefore enabled to oner to their customers AT ALIiTIVIKS, h KREHII and WELL ASSORT til) stock from which to make their seloctions. Kerosene and Knroaene Latupa. ' Alcohol, Lard Oil. Machinery Oil for sal at reduced prices. lyC28 Scrofula, or King's Evil, is constitutional disenae, a corruption of the blood, by winch this fliiitt becomes vitiuted, wcuk, and poor. Doing in tho circulnliun, it pervades the whole body, and niay'burst out in disease on any part of it. No orim ia free from its attacks, nor is there ono which it may not destroy. The scrofu lous taint ii variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, tilth suid filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by tho venereal infection. What ever bo its origin, it ia hereditary in tho constitu tion, descending ' from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to bo tho rod of llim who says, I will visit the iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Its ctrecta commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, lu tho lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tuber cle ; in tl.o glands, swellings ; and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul corruption, which gendoTS in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so thntscyorTilntiSGonatitiitions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but thoy hnvo fur less power to withstand tho attacks of other diseases l con sequently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, altliotiL'li notacrotiiloua in their nuture, are still ren dered fiitul hy this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which decimates tho human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamina tion and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, t nd, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. Uno quarter of all our nenulo aro scrofulous; their persons urc invaded by this lurking infection, and their health U undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must rcuovato tho blood by an altcrativo medicine, und invigorate it by healthy food and exorcise. Such a medicine wo supply in AYliUS Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every whero pre- vuiluiK and latul miilnuv. It is combined trom the most uetivc rcmcdiuls tliut httve been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and tho rescue nf thu system from its destructive cormcquenccs, Hrncc it should he employed fur tho euro ot not only scrotulR, but ulso tlioso other affections which arise from it, such as Kruptivs and Kki.v Dihkhsks, St. Anthony's i'mB, Kuss, i.Ursil'CI.AS, l'lMFI.E. 1 UKTULES, liUITCIIliS, IlLAtNa and llotu, Tuuuua, Tittbk suid Salt HllF.tJM, Hl'Al.l) HAI ltlMlWOIlM, KltBUMATlSH, Hvriui.iTio and KIbuviuial Diskamks. l)KorsY, Dvmi'kphia, Dkhimty, and, indeed, am. Complaints AiiwiNO raoM Vitiatku or Impuhr Union. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood " is founded in truth, for acrofulii is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Suronpa- rilla l to purity und regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in con turuiuutcd constitution. ACER'S Ague Cure, FOR THK BPEIDY CURB OF Intermittent Fever, or Fever anil Agile, Hemlttnt Kevfr( C'htll Fever, Dumb Ague. Period irnl llrailai-he. or Hlltona llcadarlie. aiict lllllou Kevere. Intleeil for the whole rlaae or uueatiee orlKlnniitts; iu nuiary de ranfrement, raimed by the Malaria of MlaM uotlo tonntrte. We are cnibled here to offer the community a rem edy whiob, tvbito it ourea the etmva eompUinte with certuiiitv, in Mill perfectly harailcM in nnv qunntity. Hurh a remedy ft invaluable in dUtrieta whero tlicne aimctii'R oiHoracin prrviiii. llii " tritK " expels the min emetic poiion of Frvrr ami Ant'K fron the tern, and movent the development of the dineane, if tukon on tho first approach or 1 -premonitory nymp torn. It i nut only tho beet remeoy ever yet discov ered for thii cliu of complaiiite, but alio tho cheap est. The large quantity no aupply fr a dollar brinpi it within the reach of every body; and in bilioui dia tricta, where r'KVRK and Aoum prevaila, every body ahould have it and iiho it freely both for cure and pro trotion. A irreat auprrioritv of thia remedy over anr other ever discovered for the apeedy and certain cure of Intermitloiita is that it contains no Quinine or tnin ernl. conaequcntly It produces no quiniam or other injurious ellecUwhateverupontheoonstitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if thee had never had the disease. Fever and A (rue Is not alone the contequenee of the miasmatic poiiun. A great variety of disorders arise from ita irritation, amoi.K which are Aeuralgia, Hheu mat ism, Gout, Headache, HUndneg, Tooihnchfy Ear ache. Catarrh, Atthma, Palpitation, Painful Afftction 5f the SpUm.Hv$Urket I'aim in the ifoweU, VoUe, 'nraysis and Dtranpmwnt of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in tl'iis cause, put on the iiitrmiittent type, ur become periodical. This " Curb " expel tho piiiBon from tho blood, and consequently eurea them all alike. It iaan invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travclliiiK or temporarily re siding in the malarious districts. If taken occasionally or daily whilo exposed to th hi feet Ion, that will be exrroted fnitn tfeo srotem, and cannot aeeumulatc In sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it Is even more valuable for protection than cure, and few will ever suffer from lntermittents if thev avail them selves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Sr. J. & AYEB U CO., Lowell, Xasi. SMITH X DAVIS, Porlhuid. SOLD BY AT.Ti DRUGGISTS. CM eowly 151t. HWEET'H Infallible Liniment. ..Tg.. CHEAT EXTERNAL KEMEDY, lor BhenmstUm, Oont, Nearalgla, Lumbago, Btlf Neck lad Joints. Bpralns, Brnlscs Cuts aad Wounds, Pilei, Headaeb, ' and tU Rheumatle and Ner vous D lsorders. FIR all of whirh it ia a speedy aud oertain remedy, mid never hills This l.iniiuent it rtreiuircd from th rvcipe of lr. tilepben Bweet,of Cuuiteetieut, the famoua uone seller and baa been used in hia practice for mora than twenty years with tu moat aalouishiug auecca. AM AN ALLEVIATOR OK is unrivaled by any preMtralion before tit public, ot which tli mon akeptical may bn convinoed by a single trial. ma l. niment w i cure raniu v anu raoicuiir. Rheumalie Disorders of every kind, and io thouaanila of caaea where it baa been used it baa never been known to fnil. Kult NKUKAM1IA. It will afford Immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve ths worst cases of HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted l do it. TOOTH ADIIK also will it cur instantly. VOU NHItVOU OKIIILITY AMI (IKNEltAI. LASHITUllK arising from luiprudHtice or excttsa, thu Liniment is a most happy aud unfailing remedy. Acting directlv upon the nervona lisaiws, it strengthens aud revivifies the syalciu, and ruatorus it lo akulwiiy and vigor. r till 1'Il.r.N. As an external remeoy, we riaim that it i tli tVii known, aod ehalleiig tli world lo produce an equal. Evyty victim of this distressing eoniplaiut should giv it a trial, for ll will not lad to afford immediate rulief, and in a majority of cases will eHert it railmtl cure. yL'INHY ANII HllliK THROAT are sometime. extretnetly inalignani ana aanuBniua, hni noMiy np pnrati.m oi tb uinlmeni win nvvwr isii w wurw. tiPUAINB are sonwiiuir vary obstiual, and en mructnaut of the lolnts It liable lo occur it neglected. The worwt case may u conquer! . by thia Liniment in two or three dsvs. Illtl'ISrX, CUTS, WOUNDS, ROKEM, UleTKItS, lll kNH and HCALDH. yield rewlilv to tne wonderful h. I ing properties of DU. BAKET'B INk'ALLlllLK LINIMENT, when used according lo directions Also. CHILBLAIN. HIOsTED rbhT, AND INSKCT 111 I K8 and bTlNUtt. Every Ilarae Owner, should hav. this remedv at hand, for It timely use al the A rat appearance nf laswini will ellectuallv or vent th-ase formidnbl. disnaasi, to wlikh all horeu ar liabla, suid which render ao many olherwia valuable hnrese nestrlr worthleaa. Over four hundred voluntary iMtimonlals to the wonderful euraiive pronerue. of Ihia Liniment have been received within the Inst two year, and many of then rrom persons ia tno nignoat ran as oi ill. CAUTIO. To avoid Imposition, observe th ftignatnr and Liken. of Ir. btepben Rvrewt on vry label, and at ao"htphn Hwset's Inlallibl Lauimant." blow In ,h glaa ot aacu Dotira, wiinont wnu n non are gen uine. -, at iu. Sol Prenrietors. Norwl. h, CL UOBTETTkR, BM1TII V IIKAN, Atjenls, Han Kraiiriai o. bsb 1 1 n a uaus, Wljiaeow Portland, Oara, WHOLESALE C-JflTsI YiVi LP OREGON. IMl'OIlXlClt OF DRUGS 1ND Bim, PAINTS AND OILS. rpHE ntlentlon of tlie nnhlle la solicited to my AunMuuiui LAlBBfllYftBIUtiai comprising In part Alcohol, Cantphene, . nurnliiff Fluid, Krroftcnc, Turpentine,, ' Coal Oil, Tauner'i Oil, Lump oil, machinery Oil, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, , WHITE LEAD, COLORS, DYE-HTUFFH, COAL OIL LAMPS, : WINDOW GLASS AND DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, ( PAINTERS' MATERIALS, and all of th ' ' POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES -Toother with an KNDI.ESS VARIETY of Fancy and Toilet Articles. r ESl'KCIAL AT1K.NT10N paid to the PRE 8CRIP1ION DEPARTMENT .H . ' W. WEATHERFORD, - 139 Front Street, Portland. May IBlli. 18fi3. Anil Dr. Bilker's Pitlrt Pnnneea 8 oompoeed entirely of healing limns, and vegetable oils und herbs. It is nerlecl Ir safe for th moat deli cate to uae. 1 can most sincerely any that I have never Known nny.nowever ueiicate.ui ue injured by it in ine least I will continue to ask the nfmcted, who have not used it, to try It for tho following diseases, in hey are not aatisliod with ita bealinir iironertiet. the mnnev will be cheerfully refunded by the agent when th meaicine is lor sine. If von have Pain In the Rtoniaeh or Rowels, trv a dot of Pain Panacea internallv.hatheexternally ovei theiiHita alfeeted, and yon will at one restore Hi proper action ana relieve in pain. im If vou have a Bruis or Wound, hatha It well with th Pain Paniieeii four limes a day. It will relieve tlie pain, and take nut all tbe poison, and heal the wouiiu iu a auort time. If vou are suuVrinir from Nenralirlaor Rheumatle Pains, apply the Pain Panacea freely, and take n doae of it internally, in.irahiar, noon nnd nlht; it will not only cure th pain, hut will remove th canto of the uisuitse. j- If vou have the Disnetisin.nnd vourfond distresses your Bininacn aitor rating, UiKe a doaaot fain ran ata after ench meal. If yon bitve a Cankered or Rore Mouth or Tliroat, aiiply tho Pain Paiiiicea to the all'ecled part, and gar gie too nioutn or turoat inree or lour timea a nay. If yon have the Diarrhea, or a relaxed state of the bowels, tnko a few doses of Pain Panacea, and they will anon be restored. If yon have a painful aweliing bnl lie the purta freely and you willsoon relieve Ui pain and the swelling will lie reduced. If vou have a aa- vora toothache, apply the Pain Panacea on a piece of eoiuin,iuia iiiitne me gum ill tne nuie lime i ll win Biopuie pain iiiBiniitiy. If yon have a twin in the Side. Breast. Hack or Kid neys, bathe the part alfeclcd morning and nigbti at me aame time uta aoae or tne ranacca luternaiir. If a Moilmr has a Caked Brenatipply th Pain Pan acen us not aa can ue oome. If you feel chilly or cold, as tliongh yon were going to nave a rrver, iaae a uoae oi funarea. If yon have a wound, cut or galls on yonr horse, ap ply tli Pain Panacea t it will take out all the Inflam mation, and heal the sore in a short time. Bold by all wo principal urnugisia, aon nr IlfcDINOTON It CO.. 59-ttf Kxclusiv Agents. 410 and 418, Front street, Ban Francisco. Woltir Compact. . t COOD 801, A It COll PAHS for tale on fair terms. X Knquire at the ntatestnun omce. Btilem. llarcb VMi, IHti. 2tf Commercial Market Opposite Smith's Drag Itor. ialstv T)KKK HTEAKS. first nnalitv Bet. Lj Ileef aleiika, aeeond quality 7 Boiling niece from. .Sto 4 " 10 " .... 10 " 10 Pork Mutton Hiiunage . Conit-d Beef 6 Fresh TALLOW and LARD cnnslanllv on hand. Give men cail. I gnnninue MlisrHetion. DANIEL KltONENUERGER. Bulctn.May 15, 18lU. Xmll Hides, Wool and Furs. NOTICE TO MKItl IHTH ATXD FARMKBS. THE nndorsigticd, liaving made extensive arrnnim lueni Willi Booi.ot tho I.AItOKNT HOL'HKH IN NEW YOKK, aro now prepared lo pay THE BEST FHICESfnr WOOL, HIDES, Ail VVR. Patlle having such ou hand will do well lo Be them to .Ti. It eOMsxl.uaHtJ aV t o. 1 IV Kront street, Portland, Oregon, Reference J. Keller At Co.. Itunin Broa. 'l b aliov have couatautly on hund tb. BEST assortmeui ot Groceries), Liquors), Ac All orders punctually attended to. may 10 I ltf gCOVILL'8 BLOOD AND LIVCIl SYHUP curciBcrof nln, While Swelltng,Kini,g KtII, Ulcers, Chronic Rheu niatlaru, Goitre or Swelled Neck, Ncrofuloias Disease, and Indolent Tiimort, Mer curlnl and Krphllltlc AlTec tlona, Ulceration and En ktrgcmeuti of Joints, lilaiul lionet or Ovarlea, I'terua, Liter, Stleeu, Dyauepala, Liter Complalnta, Epilep tic Fits Old Horei, St. Villi' Dance, Dropsy, and all Dla eaaei of the Skin, itich a VlmpleitjBllesTetterorHalt llheum, Klngworiu, Sore Kyet) alto, man diaeatet peculiar to females, such as . Letirorrlten or U'hltes, Sup presalon, Irregularity, Ster ility, or any other disease arising from Impurity of the blood. For the cure of humors there la nothing in the world ran equal this popnlur and esteuslrely used medicine. For sale by -Druggists everywhere. REDINUTOM tV CO., Af'ta, 416 and 41 Front Street, . . 4l BAN FRANCISCO. CLAIMS COLLECTED. snLAlMSootl.e United fbatcahd all other klnda the shortest poaaibra tinw, and tbe pro coea nroiniistv remiivu, ui CHARLES It CABTCB. Oftr Ho. VW, Trout t , Portland, 0gtv-4wl6. , NLJ ID, THE OREGON STATESMAN. from sod Sfur this ltt, ll.t publlostlon of tin Kritui III be oeinluctwl t,j 0. H. UnnJ.II snd . M. Wsltr. Thilr faiillltlsa far publishing !h bnl sud chsajieiii oswapapsr la ths fllats ara do Isss than hsro been possessed by aitf futmer publlshtr. Ths columns drvottd to readlni msUr always eoustttat by far ths greaUr portion of lb, ahsrt, snabllni us to sir. a more full and ooaiplet. summary of pssslag ereots. than any other a.wspopir In ths Stat.. Of thsfrnf nous, irs shall glrs ths fnshmt and tallest dls patches attalnabls by monsy, anterprlsa and elnss sUsnttofl. Ouraumrosryof "Domaatlc Inn." Is anrlysllal, aaS ear large correspondence from all psrlsof the Stat, will snabl us to always ontd.. comnstltloo. We have nomerous correspondents In alt tit mining dlstrUt who ara r labia men of practical siperlanc and obser tloa. Their representations, aa published In th. trsTtaail, 1 tst I saal . 1 msy be relied on aa strictly faithful. The agrlealtural and ether Industrial Interests of the shalt at all times receive that mention at ear hands t ' which thttr prominence an Importance entltl. thak Th. miscellany will In aeleeud with a flew t cuttlraU gratify a proper read lug taste. We shall not oonlne oar. i aelras to any particular lafct ot ssleetkiav but aaaka ass f such matter aa till moat likely he of preunt loternl. In politics, Ui.tatsius .III be inlcp. Mean ; or faction will be permitted to control its opinions. It will earueatly advocate th. proaMutlDa of th. war for ths prsssr- . vatlon of the Union, and will under no clroumstaaces eoaaana . that th. Oorernrasnt shall b. destroyed by Inter nal or attar nal fbes. Krnry measure for ths suppruaeton ot the ftsbst ioa, which our Judgment enmmenda aa tentllng.te that end, will reeelrt our sealoua auprwrt. While we yield inch efforts In behalf of the Government, we .hall slso exercise the right " of temperate criticism at! umssuim which, In ear tad ' '' ment, embody nil or ilanawr to our republican tasntaltoas, '' Th. sal ration af the gov em meat ihoold b th flrrt snlWty M of. very patriot, and whatever threatens disaster lo a, ts ' whatever direction It may come, should meat with pesarsi rebuke. It will be our constant effort to promote ths right i and to mak. war upon wrong. , , Aa an advartlslng meillum, the srinstua offers superior ,, Indue meats. Its circulation ts greater and mor. rtnsrat than any ether paper north ot Oaltfomla. Th.rt Isaet , neighborhood from th. Boutheru t the rtorthera bounds has , of th. Stale, Into which It does not Und Its way j and w asv ' aggerat nothing la saying hss mor constant reedes ' . than hare any other two J lurnsls In Oregon. Th. terms of subMiiptlon and sdrertlelag will for th. prat tnt remain anchangesl, whea paM I ooln. Ia all east " ! where Treasury Botes are. ofrefsd ws shall charge rates that will mak. live payment equal to gold. . 1 When paymrnt It mad. In advance (and'w shalt make at a I Ml. t not enter sny new asms a Don otsr books eieept . when payment la mad In adtsnoe) subacrlptlo win t -. charged ,00 per year; 13,00 for alx moatha, and tWM ht , three months; A,0a will be charged whar payment layed sl months, and t,00 It payment la delayed one year. ; Twenty-fir. per cent, will be aharged (or each eabnaatat ( year's delay. Bills for advertising or Job work will becbarg. cd at th. asm. per cent, advance ford.lay In sssyaMnt, ' ' CRANDALL A WAITI ' Pnlem. March tth.lam. . SMITH & WRIGHT, BueoMtors to COOKS, IIOTH l 0. BALEM, OREGONi ; Beg leave to Inform the nubile that we hav and ar receiving a . tMCE mwm K. GENERAL MERCHANDI8I, Which we Offer at REDUCED RATT Clothing, Boots, Slioos, Hats, Cap. Bonnets, Shakers, Croceriet, Crockery, Olasaware, Hardware, Iron, Boll, HIv eta, Washers, Nut, Springs, Nails, Spike. Glut, Putty, Saw, Pluties, "Aim, Oy ten, 8heep Shears, Sqnares, Dry Goods, Cutlery, and - . A GBBAT VARIBTT or OTHER ARTICLES too nameroaa to mention, V TJ woit ct' . i NW ATI- SB . - i . BXJ11I, All of which w will exchange FOBl CASH or MERCHANTABLE PRO DUCB. " ' ,' - WANTED. lOO.rXX) Iks. of WOOL wanted in ex chauge for GOODS or CASH. SMITH I CARTWRI6HT. Salem, April 13, ISCU. 7tf CAN TBUf Ajn , V ' WALT. !AN'''. IcHmn BEISTJ. STRAJSTG, DIALia I PARLOR AND COOK STOVES Of ITRItf FATTEBiaj. Keep constantly on band, and Manufactures to order, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, On reaaouaU. ttrms. METAL ROOFINO, and JoSbINO of aD glads, promptly attended to. Khop bn Commercial street, Saletn, Oragoa, t door North of llrowu At Myers'. KUtf MARDEN k FOLCER'S fHfJSIIIltll milll COFFEE! WHICH baa stood tb teat of th II ret clam hotel in this city (and ia used by them) doe net eoa lain any of th UNWHOLESOME INGREDIENTS ' need by foreign invention to giv color or strength, but is strong enough lo stand upon it owa awrlt. 1 Also, . . rBRsn CAMroantiA gkoumv (Apices nnd Mustard! Which ar admitted by all to bs far superior to Its ported articleo (and no 1oea rnr breakage ) Jaa had br ordering MAKDKN A FOLUEK'S JAVA COKt'Kb or hl'lCtS from any of tb Grooers, ar from lhir Pioneer Steam Coffee and 8pice ClUj. no. v r rasi atvv. Btwn rkicramsnlo and Califhrnla, Han b'rancisco. N. H Our Factory i always open to th inspso tion of th public, lmlO JO FICTION, BUT THVTHi It la enatomary to spenk of many remedies nf th day in a IIrM and frivolous manner, and this may an swer th cue to be cured la of a trifling ehae- '. actor, and tb rewely presented simple, lint whea " r cmlUd lo praacrib for disease Bdord only . , with excruciating pain, whose terailntulou I oflta fulul, w. leave fsallng, and frocesd with eamsstawa - ., to alter facta which will perhapa rwcu n fellow being ( from a bed of tlckne or th grav, It ia thu that w woald Introdoe to aur reailera 8C0VIUVS ., I1L0OD AND 1.IVEK 8YKt!P,ar,a slat that for la eur of hnstora thm t notkitur la tb world eaaiajsl t this popular aad atenslvaly nsad atedicirea, ' All drng- gistaaell lt. KEDISGTON tCO., Agmf, 416 and 411 Front street, Ban k'rmnciMO. 4wlt ', Lost! Lost! AT th Stat Fair, hutt Tall, aa Iron mv eTV- ' ' horae colt, abont 5 month, old. It had ao whit hair nr mark. pt a amall strip at u apaasf t rt of Iba fae. Had oa muttiaio prwvjat nom-n- m i infonnauoa ot aaM eon win o nt ,y en C ,ke owner. - . r. Ai,i,r.. awtjyaat Amity, Yamhill Co., May V, IW. TAKEN I P. BT th subscriber, living tH M of PnrtW,' Mnltnomali eonnty. on red steer, wpeioMd t b " aia Tau aid, beaad4 I on taip. a- a w x uderWt 4sf, 1 . r