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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1913)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY.' JUN E 11, 1913 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENBM INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past We6k. Agriculture to be Given State Aid Salem. Agriculturists of the state, B8 well as tlu-lr children, are hereafter to be Instructed In scientific agricul tural methods, for two bills with this end In view were enacted by the re rent legislature, and both are compre hensive in their scope In addition, two other important agricultural meas ures were paused the one to prevent the Introduction Into the state of In sects or diseases injurious to growing products and the other fixing the standard of purity for agricultural seeds. Over the veto of the governor there was ulso passed a bill creating a state livestock and sanitary board, which la to exercise sanitary supervision over livestock and poultry, and it Is be lieved that it will be extremely bene- nciai 10 livestock men. BILL UNCONSTITUTIONAL Filing of Dentistry Act Referendum Petition Not Ordered by Judge Salem. Circuit Judge Galloway de cided that the Day bill, providing for a special election for referendum meas ures next November, Is unconstitu tional. The decision is far from clear ing a situation thut has caused state officials, and, particularly Secretary of State Olcott, much thought. The de cision was in connection with one de clining to compel the secretary of state to file petitions for reference of the bill regulating the practice of dentist ry. Judge Calloway held that the pe titions were irregular In that they did not contain a ropy of the bill, but only the caption. Secretary of State Olcott said that he did not consider the decision, that the Iny bill is unconstitutional final and it was his present Intention to call t lie election for the other meas ures referred. However, he believes that John A. Jeffrey, who filed the suit to compel him to file the petitions in the dentistry proposition, will ap peal the case, or that he or some other person will file suit to have him en Joined from calling the election. New Law Jolts Cupid Astoria. The new law that requires a man to produce a certificate of health before he can obtain a marriage license, which went Into effect in this state is going to prove Impracticable, according to local physicians, a few of whom have refused to Issue the certi ficates requested because they could not conscientiously do so. The fee provided by law Is $2. BO and local physicians declare they can not make a competent test under three weeks and furthermore Bay few of them have the necessary equipment for making a thorough blood test. SUSPECT TRAIN WRECKERS Derailment of Southern Pacific Cars Near Salem Injures Five Portland. A board of Inquiry in vestigated the near wreck of the Wil lamette Limited out of Salem and came to the conclusion that the de railment. In which five passengers injured an4 the lives of every one en dangered, was due to a deliberate at tempt at wholesale murder on the part of unknown train wreckers. Fol lowing the announcement of the find ings of the board, I). W. Campbell, head of the Southern Pacific in Ore gon, offered a reward of $5000 for the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties. Detectives of the company have been assigned to the task of hunting down the persons responsible for tk reckles's deed and, attracted by U reward, which is said to be the largest of its kind ever offered In this stale, a number of private detectives hurried to the scene of the wreck. Rabbits Destroy Crop Flckshiirg The fine outlook Ita Christ mas Lake valley for crops this year, will depend upon the state gov ernment of Oregon. Rabbits have done much damage, aad at the raU of Increase noticeable, before harvest time coiHea there wlU be little to gar ner unless strenuous methods are adopted to Inoculate the rodents. The Flckshiirg development elub hope to be Hide to secure the assistance of tte state veterinarian or some competent official from the state agricultural al lege to start the good work. Adams Is To Hang Astorla.-JufiKe Eakln overruled the mot I. a fr a new trial In the case of Jack Adams. ho was roavleted e the charge of klllitiK Hnrney Chamberlain, In this city on February IT. This means that unless the governor In tervenes Adams will hang. The case will not be sppesled, as the defendant has no funds to carry It to the hlbr courts. We Give STAMPS With Every 10c Purchaie June Bargains We Give STAMPS With Every IK PurchaM We mention below just a few cf the many big Bargains shown at our store these June days: Coats Late spring styles in Stripes, Plaids and Plain Cloths, in newest colorings. $22.50 Coats at $16.50 $20.00 Coats at $15.00 $17 and $1S Coats at $13.50 Others at... $9.00 and $10.50 Ladies' Suits A few Suits left your choice of A ACC any Suit in the house at Vy r i Dress Goods Crepe Ratine in stripes, silk tissue Ginghams in fancies and checks, embroidered stripe Voile and silk stripe Voile. These are all new this spring's goods, regular 30 and 35c values, now on the bargain taoie at . 23c All Linen Dress Linens fn pink, blue or natural, 40c values 32c GRUBBING TOOLS of All Kinds on Hand We have not let the grass grow under our feet dur ing the winter months, but have been engaged in manufacturing a complete line of Grubbing ana Land Clearing Implements. You can find here whatever you may need in this line and of the best, most sub stantial workmanship. WAGON PARTS REPLACED -If you have a broken shaft, pole or any other part of your wagon, don't throw it away. Bring it here and we will make it as good as new for half the price. I I . W. G. SNOW POWfcR BLACKS.MI I H AND WAtiO.N SHOP J Phone 261 1 .... Third Street, North ol Cascade Ave. nave It Done at Home Corsets Ladies' Dresses Balkan Waists Just a few odds and ends of regu- Don't fail to come in and see our Just arrived, made of best grade lar $1.50 Henderson Cor- ftQr fine line of Dresses 01 Ot fn CO galatea cloth, choice of sets, while they last '. O from OliZU IU s0 three color combinations P O f. h. mqrl an r""gf cy Knter 47'.!t F. U Davidson In your telephone directory. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE For sale by owner, 80-acre dairy farm; good house, water piped into house, small barn, other out-buildings, 33 acres under the ditch; deep shot soil; very best of hay, grass, vege table and plenty of out range; can handle from 30 to 40 cows. Price, $60 per acre. Terms easy. Phone, call on or address B. M. llawley, Car son, Wash. 22tfc SCLASSIFIED ADS. I t & everybody reads the news "want" ads. Mr. Friedmnnn's patients, according to latent reports, are not doing very well. Friedmann, on the other hand, Is not complaining. 14r New Rates for Classified Advertis ing: One cent per word, first insertion; '2 cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less 50 cents per month. No advertisement insert ed for less than 25 cents. FOR SALE Milk and potatoes. I deliver good, fresh milk every even ing on Hood River Heights. I also mow hay and move houses. J. T. Nealeigh. Phone 861. 20tfc I 0AKDALE GREENHOUSES We have a fine lot of Roses, Shrubs, Perennial Plants this spring. A few larpe Pieplant Roots. All at prices that you can not afford to send away for what you' want. March is the best time to plant anything in the hardy line. Later we will have all the Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers at all times. FLETCHER &. FLETCHER Phone 5138 Hood River, Ore SEE the late 1913 tUoef money Bacft , aun fflovDer The ONLY Mower made with PATENTED DRAWCUT WIPER P. LADES Every blade absolutely perfect PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING PALL HEARINGS. SELF-SHARPENING No screw adjustments to cause trouble and expense' Satisfaction or Money Back FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Rent New store room 26x62. f Good location on main street. rGone j or call 3152. 2tfc 1 Fine 7-room cottage on Cascadu Ave, west of 7th street, for Bale cheap. 3 , chambers and a sleeping porch ,bath, pantry, attic and basement. Inquire at ollice of A. W. Onthank. 36tfc EMPLOYMENT COLUMN LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS Screen Doors : Screens Furniture : Doors ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK What Do You Wa nt? We Will Hake It Hood River Planing Mill Phone 3454 " 9th and Cascade No Old Goods on our Shelves ! &t itc grocery Store J We have a Complete Line of Fresh t Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. We Invite your inspection Phone aai t t FUFP nFI IV'FDV. F.ctO-ln.m J-in - . w. ... I STAMPS UPPER VALLEY NOTICE Wa E. A. Fnmz L EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Hood River,, - Oregon rOll SALK CHEAP A lot and one half and small house on 9th and Hull streets. Easy terms, inquire at 90" Pine street. Phone 5153. 20-23p FOH SALE Cream or milk at Ziliacus Dairy. Phone 5794. 15tfc FOR KENT Two and three-room suites for light houskeeping. Modern conveniences. Apply Mrs. H. G. Fred erick, 1215 Sherman, or phone 1552. EL'HEKA ROOMING HOUSE, Corner 5th and Oak st. Very desirable first floor rooms, also upstairs rooms for rent by night or week. Two rooms for light housekeeping with private entrance. Come aud see my rooms and get prices. You will be pleased. Mrs. J. V. Dickinson. 19tfc REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE SUTLER BANKING COMPANY at Hl Rivor. in t lie Slate of Oririin. at the oliwe of liusiniiw June 4th. UMH. RKSOIWKS I,nana ami ilineountw S 4Hfi.71fi.lS Overdrafts, aectiwl anil unsecured 147.77 Honda anil warrant" U.2W.97 StucK anil other acruritiefl 1,770.00 HankinK home None Furniture anil Hxtunn MM. 02 Other ri al entnte owned 4.0fi4.! pile from bank (not ronerve hanka).... None Due from approved reserve hatika 71 3.1S Cheek and other rash itema 7. 424. Mi Kxrlianuen for clearing houae None Oanh on hand 2.1.01T..S4 Total 6U.4M.17 1.1AHII.IT1KS Capital (.lork paid in 1 100.000.00 Surpln fund 20.ouo.00 Undivided n(ita. Iraa expenaea and taxe. paid 6.W9.T2 Dividends unpaid None Due to hankn and hankers 40 .11 Individual J.-oil.i ulijert to check 31.412 :!H Demand certificate of dipoait 2O.WJ0 32 Certilied Cherka 2.7" M Cahier'a cherka otitnfandinir 2.Tfil 20 Time certitlratea of deponit Z9.7S0 97 Saviima Ivpoait 41.21 Note and billa reilincounteil. 20.0oo.00 Bill payahle. Including certificate of rle)oit for money borrowed None l.iahilitie. other than thoae above Mated (letter of Credit) none Totai fSll.4MX.17 . 8tat of Oren, County of Hnaj River, a. I. C. II. Vauwrhan. Canhic- of the alxve-namoil l-ank. do solemnly wear that the atMive statement in true to (he let of my knowledge and belief. C. H. VAtKiHAN. HulMK-rihed and sworn to before me this loth day of June, low. Kknkht C. Smith. Correct -Attet: Notary Public. I.KMt.lR ItltTt.KR. Tai man IIPTi.ra, Director. FOR RENT House aud barn on 10 acres, unimproved, near Darrett school. II. Davenport, Jr. 19tfc FOR SALE Good springlooth harrow, one seven-foot saw aud other small tools. Phone 4724. 24-25p FOR SALE liee stands. E. W. Wi nans, Slut street. 24-25p FOR SAI.E-M'uinping out tit : 2 11. P. gasoline engine and Triplex pump. Will elevate water 20 fet-t or more. A bargain. V. U. Allen, Phone 5548. 24 25p FFOR RENT-Furnished bungalow, light housekeeping, modern conven iences; also five-room cottage. 911 Hull street. Phone 2:4. 24-2Bp FOR REN' Two partially furnished living retails above Reed & Hender son's otllce. Light, water and fuel fur nished, lnijulro Reed & Henderson. litre WANTED Experienced strawberry packers. Apply Geo. A. Vreeland, Alameda Way. WANTED Ranch or orchard work by experienced Hood River man; married steady place preferred. Can take full charge. Have had good business ex perience. Local references given. Address S. R. McDonald R. F. D. 1, Dox TO, next place south of H. F.Lage's store. 13t;: NOTICE Good salary to school teach ers during vacation. Address 497 Col lege street, Portland, Oregon. 22-2.1p WANTED Uy the month, a single man for general farmwork. Phone Odell 273. 24-23C WANTED TO Phone Odell 2; 'BUY Young calves, 3. 24-25c FOR SALE I have three good work horses, will sell one or two of them Phone Odell 1X4. 24-27p EGGS AT HALF PRICE From my prize winning R. I. Reds. Will also sell some yearling hens to make room for young stock. E. F. Batten, Phone 4678. 22tfc STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED Sixteen pickers and four packers at Parkdale next Monday. Good berries and good camping ground. J. W. Simmons. Phone Odell 31X3. 24c LOST AND FOUND ADS PASTCRE FOR write J. F. Elliott. RENT- Phone Wyetli, Ore. 23 or 2 tip FOR SALE One hay tedder. I'sed very little. Have gone out of hay business. Will discount 25 per cent from first cost. L. E. Clark. Phone 4613. 23-24C FOR SALE One two-horse scraper, one No. 20 -Oliver Chilled left-hand plow, one two horse land leveler, and one No. 12 Hemming ram with fittings; all second hand, but good as new. Phone 5701. 20-23p WANTED -To buy light single buggy. Phorte George C. tiladen, 5511. 22-23p LOST Between H-od River aud Idle wilde Cemetery, one lady's pocke'book. Finder please return to News office and receive suiiabK- reward. 23-24p STRAY ER A small bay mare strayed into my enclosure -luring forenoon 'or Thursday, May 2'.', 1913. Owner can get same by ident::ying animal, pay ing for its feed and the cost of this notice. E. W. Svse.niry, R D 2, phone 5768. 23-24p REAL ESTATE JECTION FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 10-acre ranch, 2Va miles west of town, bear ing apple trees, cherries, peaches, berries, alfalfa, pasture. Good 8-room house and other buildings. Apply Mrs. J. F. Miller, 916 Columbia St. Phone 2232. Utfc FOR SALE 80 ACRES EAST SIDE -Lois 1 mid 2, Section 31, Township 2 N, Range 11 East. Very sightly, red shot soil. Three orchards bear ing. All Joining. Price $40 per acre. Terms. A. Osburn, Hood River, Ore gon. R. F. I). 3 Phone 5643. HUfcj WILL TRADE 160 acres of good laud near Fir P. O. 4 miles southeast of Van Horn Station, free water, small house with spring at back door, on county road, 3 million feet of tim ber, no rough land. Will trade for ranch in the valley, preferably with some bearing trees. See I A. Hen derson. 21tfc For Sale Good lot on Prospect Ave. on installment plan. Inquire of Har old Hershner. Titfc Celebrate the Fourth here. FOR SALE GOOD RELIABLE OR CHARD TEAM. WILL BE SOLD CHEAP THIS WEEK. INQUIRE AT FASHION STABLES. 22-23c FOR 2900. 2781. SALE Heavy bay team; weigh Will work any place. Phone 22-23p FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One black horse, nine years old, weight about 1200 lbs; also one driving horse live ears old, weight about 1050 lbs Phone 5S78. 23-24p WANTED TO BUY A horse. Phone 4613. good saddlt 23-24c FOR SALE One pair of pure bred Bronze turkeys. Address Boz 59, R D 1. Phone 4613. 23 24c COW FOR SALE Phone 5769. 23-24p FOR SALE At a bargain, horse, bug gy and harness. Phone 5929, J. K. Nickelsen at Frankton. 23tfc SUBMIT STRICT 8-HOUR LAW Portland Organization Would Limit Working Day for Women. Prtlrm. Or A copy of a proposed law re-iiih'.ting the number of hours women fhall work, which it is desired o hflve initiated at the special election in November, provided for by the Day bill, was submitted to Secretary of Si ite Olcott by Dr. Marie D. Kqui, resident of th Eight Hour league of Pert In r.d. Tho proposed law is one of the most trinient in its provisions ever sub mitted to the secretary of stute'g of ftee. Although the Day bill does not proTid" for the initiating of measures t the special election. It has btien re ported that '.V. S. I Ren, of Oregon City, may try to compel Mr. Oloott to have Initiative measures placed on the ballot. List your places for special attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate . Insurance Improved and Unimproved Orchard! Land Hood River Connection liUY Y. EDWARDS & CO. Phone U. C. M. Ranch. Parkdale f 3J7-Odell Upper Hood River Taller, Ore. AVING purchased the entire interest of E. Brayford in the Rockford Store about three months aero, we are now in a Dosition to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. GIVi: U!S A TRIAL MERCER & CO. r. B. SNYDER B. B. PO ELL Hood River Pliimtiinn Comnanii -B a. M Phono 1544 Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE -t- A Choice Lot of NURSERY STOCK Ph one In Standard Varieties to offer for the Season 1912-lo. Also some Select PEON A BULBS C. D. THOMPSON 5608 R. R. No.2 HoodRiver.Ore. 5 Denver Commission Takes Office. ivtner. After a week of wrangling during which personal violence and bloodshed were once threatened, com mission form government is an estab lished fart in Denver. Commissioner of Social Welfare James M. I'erklns is ninyorand the o'hrr four city com missioners in charge of the depart ment of property, finance, safety and Iminoxetnenis are in office unmolest ed The News for s'rawberry tiikets. White River Flour Made from Oregon's Finest Wheat by Oregon's Finest Mill. Now at Your Grocer's allA f