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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1913)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWa, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913 IHJ lilllM. EI I Qorrcopondcncc i ODELL At the Union Church next Sunday Children' Pay exorcises will be held at 10:30 a. m. All parents are espec ially Invited to enjoy the children's program. Rev. Hargreaves will preach at 8 o'clock In the evening. His sermon last Sunday from James 1:27 whs a very good and practical one. The Odell members of the Central Committee of Federation went to Mo sier last Sunday for a basket meeting. Those going from here were M. D. Odell. G. E. naueiman, O. U Walter and wife, R. Miller and R. H. Parker. They reported a delightful time. Mrs. Bryant is visiting her daugh ter. Mrs. Bertha Folts. The Hammer brothers and families are at home at Aleck Iacey's. Mrs. J. M. Shelley gave a fine birth day dinner to relatives for J. M. on Sunday . He arrived in this world June 7th. A rain Friday night stopped berry picking to some extent, but the pack ers are very busy. Grandma Stowell arrived from Montana Saturday night. Mrs. Emil Schiller Is seriously ill at the Cottage Hospital. The Ferguson Bible Class is to en joy a supper and entertainment at Mrs. Ferguson's on Thursday evening. This is their regular social. Mrs. H. S. Lewis came from Port land Tuesday night, having just spent two days as judge of elections. She returned Monday to Portland. Mrs. Ledyard .mother of Mrs. Ber tha Lewis, came up Sunday. She has been at the beach. Our old friend Mrs. Mills is on Wil low Flat nursing Mrs. Furrow, who had a fine boy arrive Monday, June 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Masiker and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are at the mill on the mountain near John Jackson's. Almont Ferguson spent Sunday at Albion, N. Y., and will sail with Mr. Phipps on the 12th on board the Can opic. There are six ships on this excursion. They touch first at Gib raltar and then go to Rome. We Dress Shirts For Men We want to call your attention to our excellent line of soft collar and band collar shirts. Our line is most complete and we certainly have some splendid values. We want to call your attention to our line or shirts for 95c which includes a line of shirts that would ordinarily cost you $1.50. High grade white or colored shirts, or with line stripes, plain or pleated bosom with stiff cutis attach ed or with French cuffs perfect fit ting well-made shirts that will give you the very best of satisfaction. Kach 95c Shoes & Oxfords For Men On this bargain table are some of the biggest values we have ever off ered in the shoe ami oxford line. There are shoes on this table that are worth up to $5. no a pair that we are offering at only $1.98. In this lot are patent leather, kids, gun metals, and box calf leathers. About all sizes in the lot ulthough not a run of sizes In any one kind. Your CHOICE of this lot for $1.98 Wash Dresses For Women Our present showing of women's wash dresses represent the best values it is possible to obtain anywhere. Come and see for yourself. Included are the best styles, of dainty ginghams, other good washable materials. All have been made in the most careful manner and beautifully finished. They come with either round or square neck and with three quarter or short embroideries and laces and others with self-colored materials. There Is an unlimited assortment of styles and colorings to choose from, (consumers' league label) 75c and up Uhe PARI Hi Good Clothes For Men If you knew how good our HART SCHAFFNKR & MARX CLOTHES are you wouldn't wonder that we say a good deal about them. Many a man who buys a made-to-measure suit could be suited a great deal bet ter, and get a superior suit for less mom y If they would Just come In and let Us show them the superior qualities these II. S. & M. Suits pos sess. Besides he can put the suit right on and see Just how it will look and If he thinkg perhaps he would like it a little different all he has to do is to keep on trying the different styles and pa" terns and be satisfied Guaranteed in every way, you ara taking no chances at all, for we stand back of every suit we sell. Come in and let us show you you do not have to buy. H. S. & M. Suits for $18, $20 and up CLOTHCRAFT LINE OF CLOTHES fori 10, $11, $12 and up. Guaranteed all wool and to hold their shape. . SPECIALS THIS WEEK Ladles' High Grade, silk lisle luce hose, made full-fashioned, medium weight, double lisle heel and toe. All sizes from 8 Mt to 10, assorted color. Values from 25c up to DOc SPECIAL the pair Children's lisle luce hose in black and brown, worth from 25c a pair SPECIAL the pair 23c white, 15c to 8C Ludles' Silk Hose of Superior Quality and Finish, made of the finest silk, with double silk garter top. Stock ings that fit perfectly. Assorted Col ors. Regular $1.00 values SPECIAL 33c Ladies' Stamped Waists, patterns on high crude lawn. Big values at 50c each. SPECIAL YOUR CHOICE ' Stamped Cushion Tops of newest de signs. Regular f0c values SPECIAL YOUR CHOICE Ladies' Hand Bags and Purses As sorted colors and styles. Reduced in price from 25 to 80 per cent from their regular values. Or in otHer words 5oc purses for 25c; $:l.00 purses for 60c etc. 25c pst do- 25c t Coprrijbl Han ScWaer & Man FA TT TO r H2ed R-iver's Largest 11 iTtL and Best Store wish Almont bon voyage, all the in spiration such a trip can give, with a safe return. About two weeks ago there was lost, probably at the Union Church, a gold brooch set with brilliants. Phone 54 will be very glad to hear of this keepsake. At the Odell M. E. Church, follow ing Sunday School, which is at 10, Rev. W. B. Young, the town pastor, will preach at 11 a. m. At the ser vice In the p. m. Dist. Supt. Berry will preside at the installation of officers of the Epworth League and will also preach at 8 o'clock. Those who 1Z SMormick Li and Dam no VIU0BI 5 and Bakes. est in the World. Gibert mplement Company heard him when he was" here before will remember his very helpful ser mon. Next Friday at 8 o'clock at the schoolhouse the local branch of the State Social Hygeine Society will hold a meeting for men only. All young men over 18 years of age are invited. There will be good speak ers. Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis Tuesday, June 3rd, at their home on Willow Flat. The elder was very frail and died Wed nesday. The infant was buried the following day. The other baby is doing nicely at this writing and so is the mother. The Parent-Teachers' Circle in vites all mothers to meet at Mrs. Dutro's Friday at two in the afternoon and all girla over 18 years ol have a specially cordial invitation. The girls wlio accepted Mrs. Dutro's In- ; vitation last week had such a good time they will surely feel like spend ( ing another afternoon with her. She i will be one of the speakers. I PARKDALE 1 Strawberry growers of the Upper i Valley expect, to begin harvesting their crop the latter part of the week. , If weather conditions are favorable there w ill be a large yield. Among those who went from Park dale to Portland for the Rose Festival were .Mr. and Mrs. Lawlor and two children, Marie and Earl, and Mrs. : Edgar Shockley. j Mis9 Gregory of Iowa, arrived in i Parkdale Sunday. She will visit with her sister, Mrs. R. J .Mclsaac, dur ing the summer. Mrs. Franklin H. Call of Portland spent the week end with her sister. Mrs. John Cooper. She returned to her home Tuesday. . A very pretty double wedding took ; place in Portland Wedneslay after noon at the home of the brides' par j cnts, Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper, when Miss Elizabeth Cooper was unit ed in marriage to Walter Gregory of Parkdale and Miss Harriet Cooper to Charles Armonger of Fossil, lioth brides were gowned in white mesca line and carried bouquets of white rosebuds. After the ceremony, which ' was read hy Rev. G. K. Berry of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory left im mediately for Parkdale where they will make their home. After taking a short trip, Mr. and Mrs. Armonger will he "at home" to their friends in Fossil. Enter 4799 F. L. Davidson in your telephone directory. UNDERWOOD Mrs. S. .E V. Weber and grand daughter. Grace King, went to White Salmon Monday, June 2, to visit Mrs. Weber's daughter, Mrs. Wm. M. Raft er. W. M. Kollork was In Stevenson on business the first of the week. George Hewett left for Portland Mon day for an extended visit. Mrs. I. Fogel of Portland spent sev eral day with Mrs. P. I. Packard last week. Mrs. W. G. Detwiller and daughter Jane will spend a few days with Mrs. Sarah A Hedrick this week. Mrs. H. S. Adams .and daughter Hazel have returned from visiting relatives and friends In Cascade Lock,, and Stevenson. II. F. Stickney spent last week In Portland attending to several busi ness matters. Mr. and Mrs. Glbbs of Wallace, Ida ho, will stay here on their ranch dur ing the strawberry season. Mrs. Leslie Bery and her two little sons arrived Saturday from Iowa to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Hedrick. Hunter Vinton left Saturday to take a position with the International Mot or Company of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Marsh expect to occupy their new residence short ly. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Scott Davis, who were married recently at Hood River, spent the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Packard. CASCADE LOCKS John Cates and Merle Yettick spent Saturday in Portland. Mr. anl Mrs. J. F. Hendrick at tended the graduating exercises at Sc. Mary's Academy, Portland, Friday cVtiiiiig. Their daughter, Miss Ber tha, was a member of the graduat ing class. Miss Katherlne Mayes entertained Miss Alice Tomkins, Miss Esther Coke and Miss Vera Olin at tea Fri day evening. A. O. Adams, Jr. of Underwood spent Saturday with his parents. Miss Hannah Osberg is attending the Rose Carnival. Mr. and Mrs. Torn-y and sons, Lew and Kenneth, visited friends In Port land Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Strasberger and Mrs. Levy were in Portland Saturday. Mrs. Pennock and Dorothy spent Thursday In Hood River. Mrs. Williams and daughter Abble are in Hood River -picking strawber ries. Miss Alice Tomkins entertained one evening last week for Esther Coke, Vera Olin and Katherlne Mayes. Mrs. W. V. Hutchinson and Esther Coke spent Saturday In Portland. A very pleasant surprise was given Mrs. Coke, who Is soon to leave for the East, last Friday p. ni. The fol lowing ladis were present: Mes dames Ditti hrandt, Collins, Harter, Swanson, Mejf-r, Badder", Nelson, Peterson, Taylor, Newell, Torrey.Mat son. Madden, Granstrom, Gentry, Ren in. ck, Osborne, Adams, Coke, Wood ward, Hutchinson, Miss Vera Olin and Esther Coke. H. S. Adams of Underwood spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A O. Adams. STRAWBERRIES FERTILIZED ANNIVERSARY OF FEDERATION On the occasion of the second an niversary of the church federation nt Mosler a number of delegates from Heights In.nianuel Church (Federat ed) and First. Church of Odell (Feder ated) went to Mosler Sunday, and celebrated t!.e ocaslon with members of the united congregations there. They attended church and Sunday School. l(eV. J. R. Hargreaves, through whose effort the federation was accomplished, preached on appro priate 'sermon. After services an old fashioned taHket dinner provided by the women of Mosler was enjoyed. All expressed themselves as greatly pleased wltli the result of the feder ation. No earmark of sectarianism or dciiomliintlonallHm were In evidence. LIBRARY FOR THE CHAUTAUQUA The couiiiy library ha asked for a booth at ilf Horticultural Chautau qua In order to accommodate those In attendance, r In also hoped that a reading room may be provided In con nection with the booth. Demonstration Proves Effect of New Preparation in Making Fruit C. C. Cate, who is in chargo of the experimental work in fertilization for the I'nlon Mt at Company of Portland was here Monday Inspecting the re sult of an experiment on the ranch of Edwin R. Winter south of town where a half acre of strawberries were treated a month ago with a fertilizer manufactured from the by-products of the packing plant. Mr. Cate and Mr. Winter both testified to the mark ed results secured. Comparison be tween the fertilized and non-fertiliz ed berrie9 showed the former to be larger, better colored and more unl form In shape. The fertilizer Includes animal ammonia, hposphoric acid and potash and Mr. Cato believes it to be especially adapted for strawberries In this valley. It is known as the Beav er Brand D and will be handled by the Apple Growers' Association. The automobile is no doubt a fine thing and it may brin.? all 'he joys to the family that the salesman says it will, but it is dnuUful If it brings the real joy to the grownups that a new sled brings to a healthy coun try boy who lives near a hill. The weather now is such ag makes the heart glad. Celebrate the Fourth here. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the tin dersigned, Minnie Pearl Ervin Thom as, the duly appointed and acting ad ministratrlx of the estate of Mate A. How land, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Hood River County, her final report and account of the administration of said estate, and that Monday, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock, on the 7th day of July, 1913, has been fixed as the time, and the County Court House of said county a the place for the hearing and settlement of said filial account, and all persons having objections to said account are hereby required to file same in said Court In writing, prior to said date of settlement.. Dated and first published this 11th day of June, 1913. (Signed) MINNIE PEARL ERVIN THOMAS. Administratrix of the estate of Mate A I lowland, deceased. (Signed) GEO. W. CALDWELL. Attorney for estate, Abington Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 24 28 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior II. S. LAND OFFICE at The Dalles, Oregon, May 24th, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Davis A. Harvey of Parkdale, Oregon, who, on June 5th, 1908, and July 25th, 1911, made llomes'ead No. 16040 Serial No. 04410 09216. for EViiSE'4, Sec. 31 and WSW4, Sec. 32, Township 1 South, Range 10 East .Willamette Meridian, haH filed notice of 'Intention to make Final Five Yenr Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office rt The Dalles, Ore gon, on the day of July, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: J. O. I In ti n n m, F. L. Rosebrough, L. . II. Thomas ,A. J. Balles, oil of Park dale, Oregon. C, W. MOORE, Register. NOTICE OF TEACHERS' EXAMINA TION Notice is hereby given that, the county superintendent of Hood River county will hold the regular examina tions for applicants for State papers at the High School building in Hood Riv er as follows: Commencing on Wednesday.June 18, 1913, at 9 o'clock and continuing until Saturday. June 21, 1913, at 4 p. m. Wednesday forenoon Writing, U. S. History, Physiology; Wednesday after noon Phys. Geography, Composition, Methods in Reading, Methods in Arith metic. Thursday forenoon Arithmetic, His tory of Education, Physchology, Meth ods in Geography; Thursday afternoon Grammar, Geography, American Lit erature, Physics, Methods in Langu age, Thesis for Primary Certificate; Friday afternoon Theory and Prac tice, Ortography, English Literature, Chemistry; Friday afternoon School Law, Botany, Algebra, Civil Govern ment. Saturday forenoon Geometry. Geol ogy; Saturday afternoon General His tory, Bookkeeping. C. D. THOMPSON, 23-24 County Supt. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. Mary Riggs Ries, Plaintiff, vs Berthold Wuth, Anne R. Wuth, J. Adrian Epping, William Edward Vuiighan, Jane Doe Vaughan, Isa-l)i-ll Elder, Robert Elder, A. W. Morey and Jane Doe Morey, De fendants. To Berthold Wuth, Anne R. Wuth, William Edward Vaughan, Jane Doe Vaughan, Isabell Elder, Robert Elder, A. W. Morey and Jane Doe Morey, defendants, and each of them: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff herein will take a decree against you for rhe sale of the hereinafter described real property suituated In Hood River County, Oregon, for the foreclosure of that certain mortgage thereon, dated August 25th, 1909, made and executed by defendant Berth old Wuth and Anne R. Wuth, to the above named plaintiff to secure the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1, 500) and Interest, which said mort gage was duly filed In the office of the county clerk of said Hood River County, Oregon, on September 29th, 1909, at 4-45 o'clock p. ni. and re corded in Book 3 of mortgages on page 153, pursuant to default made in the payment of principal and In terest secured by said mortgage and all as follows, to-wit: 1. For Judgment against the said defendant Berthold Wuth and Anne R. Wuth and each of them for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars. ($1500.00), together with intrest thereon from August 25th, 1912. and for the further sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars (150.00) a and for at- torney's fees, together with plaintiff's osts and disbursement herein. 2. For the usual decree for the foreclosure of said mortgage and for the sale of the following described real property, situated In the County of Hood River and State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the south-past corner of lot numbered Thirteen (13) In Section Three (3) in Township One North, of Range Ten East of Wil lamette Meridian, thence north along the east line of said lot 13, 20.61 chains more or less to the northeast corner of said lot 13, thence west along the north line of said lot 13, 11.68 chains, thence south parallel with said east line of lot 13, 20.50 chains more or less to the south line of said lot 13, thence east along the said south line, 11.68 chains to the place of beginning being the east 24 acres of lot 13, Section Three.Townshlp One North, Range Ten East W. M. according to the United States Government Surveys thereof, by the Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon, according to law and the practice of this Court; that the said sums due plaintiff as aforesaid be made a specific and subsisting lien ' upon the said real property, attach ing as of August 25th, 1909, and prior and superior to any claim, right, title or interest, of any or all of the above named defendants, or any or all per sons claiming under, by, or through them or any of them; that said real property be sold as aforesaid to pay said sum of $1500.00, together with said Interest thereon, said sum of $150.00 as and for attorneys's fees, and plaintiff's costs and disburse ments herein, and that upon such sale, the Sheriff pay the proceeds to the County Clerk of Hood River County, and that said County Clerk apply the proceeds as by law pro vided; that said defendants and each of them, and all persons claiming by, through or under them or each of them, be forever barred and fore closed of and from all equity of re demption from said sale, or In and to said real property as provided by law and an aforesaid; and that said plaintiff be entitled to become a pur chaser nt said sale, and that upon such sale, the purchaser be entitled to enter Into possession of said real property, and hold the same as by law provided; and that the plaintiff be entitled to have said sale of said real property confirmed by said Court. 3. That, said Court adjudge and de cree plaintiff's said mortgage and the lien thereof to be prior and superior to the mortgage of said defend ant Epping, and the lien thereof, and adjudge and decree (he snme to be a prior and superior lien upon tho above described real property. 4. That plaintiff may have such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable in the premises. You are hereby served by publica tion of this summons by virtue of on order of the Hon. O. R. Castner, Judge of the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, duly made, granted and dnted on tho 7th day of May, 1913, for tho servlco of this sum mons upon . you by tho publication thereof and In accordnnco therewith, and which order prescribes that the time for publication shall be for six consecutive weeks, and the 14th dav of May, 1913, as the duto of the first publication of (his summons, and you are hereby further notified Hint said date Is and will be the date of tho first publication of this summons. Dated May loth, 1913. i L. A. A. P. REED, Attorney for Plaintiff. 2" 2 Hood River. Oregon. "What I laughter?" asks a scien tist. It Is a sound that you hear when your hat blows off.