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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1913)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1813 SUMMONS In ill1 Circuit Court of the State of On gon for Hood River County. Mary Riggs Ries, Plaintift', Itertholo Wuih, Aune R. Wuth, J. Adrian Kpping. William Edward Yaughan. Jane loe Yaughan. Isa- bell Elder, Robert Elder, A. W. Murey and Jane Ie Morey, IK- f.-iidan.s. To li.Tthold Wuth, Anue H. Wuth. William Edward Yaughan, Jane lve Yaughan, Isubell Elder. Robert Elder, A. W. Mon-y and Jane JXh- Mon-y. defendants, and each of them: IN T11K NAME OF THE STATE K OliKt'iON: You are hi reby re quired to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitl -d suit on or before the lasi day of six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to answer, for Mailt thereof, the plain tiff ben in will lake a decree against you for the sale of the hereinafter described real property suituated in Hood Kivtr County, Oregon, for the foreclosure of that certain mortgage thereon.dated August 2oth, 1903. made and executed by defendant Berth old Wuth and Anne R. Wuth, to the above named plaintiff to secure the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1, 5o0t and interest, which said mort gage was duly filed in the office of the county clerk of said Hood Kiver County, Oregon, on September '.th, lm9, at 4-45 o'clock p. m. and re corded in Book 3 of mortgages on page 153, pursuant to default made in the payment of principal and in terest secured by said mortgage and all as follows, to-wit: 1. For judgment against the said defendant Perthold Wuth and Anne R. Wuth and each of them for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars. ($1500.00), together with interest thereon from August 25th, 1912. and for the further sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars (150.00) as and for at torney's fees, together with plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein. 2. For the usual decree for the foreclosure of said mortgage and for the sale of the following described real property, situated in the County of Hood River and State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the south-east corner of lot numbered Thirteen (13) in Section Three (3) in Township One North, of Range Ten East of Wil lamette Meridian, thence north along the east line of said lot 13, 20.61 chains more or less to the northeast corner of said lot 13, thence west along the north line of said lot 13, 11.68 chains, thence outh parallel with said east line of lotl3, 20.50 chains more or less to the south line of said lot 13, thence east along the said south line, 11.68 chains to the place of beginning being the east 24 acres of lot 13, Section Three.Tow nship One North, Range Ten East W. M. according to the United States Government Surveys thereof, by the Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon, according to law and the practice of this Court; that the said sumg due plaintiff as aforesaid be made a specific and subsisting lien upon the said real property, attach ing as of August 25th, VMi'.t, and prior and superior to any claim, right, title or interest, of any or all of the above named defendants, or any or all per sons claiming uider, by, or through them or any of them; that said real property be sold as aforesaid to pay said sum of $1500.00, together with Baid interest thereon, said sum of $150.00 as and for attornejB's fees, and plaintiff's costs and disburse ments herein, and that upon such sale, the Sheriff pay the proceeds to the County Clerk of Hood River County, and that said County Clerk apply the proceeds as- by law pro vided; that said defendants and each of them, and all persons claiming by, through or under thern or each of them, be forever barred and fore closed of and from all equity of re demption from said sale, or in and to, said real property as provided by law and as aforesaid; and that said plaintiff be entitled to become a pur chaser at said sale, and that upon such sale, the purchaser be entitled to enter Into possession of said real property, and hold the same as by law provided; and that the plaintiff be entitled to have said sale of said real property confirmed by said Court. 3. That said Court adjudge and de cree plaintiff's said mortgage and the lien thereof to be prior and superior lo the mortgage of said defend ant Epping, and the lien thereof, and adjudge and decree the same to be a prior and superior lien upon the above described real property. 4. That plaintiff may have such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable In the premises. You are hereby served by publica tion of this summons by virtue of an order of the Hon. (i. It. Castner, Judge of the County Court of Ho.mI liiver County, Oregon, duly made, granted and dated on the 7th day of Muy, 1913, for the service of this sum mons upon you by the publication thereof and In accordance therewith. aik! liteli (inter nraeritifa fhnf thp Your New Spring Suit You will not have to hunt for a GiwhI Spring Suit if you come here. We will show you plenty from .. HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX .. And It wout take you long to choose, either... It is esy when you can have the Suit the Day you buy. ..No wait ing, no try-ons, no delay. ..You see just how it looks; no guessing. These Suits are GUARANTEED ALL WOOL and to hold their shape and give you Satisfaction in Every Way. You take no Chances" as we stand back of this Guarantee and the Fac tory stands back of us. H. S. & M. SUITS for t SI 8, S20, S22 AND 1 S25.00 Or if you do not care to put that Amount into a Suit just now we can Furnish you with a CLOTHCRAFT GUARANTEED SUIT one that we can also recom mend and stand back of for S10, $11, S12 AND S15 ifiip j Boys' Suits We want you to visit our BOYS SUIT DEPARTMENT and tee how reason ably w, can supply your needs In This Line and with tha Newest Sty les and Pattern. Suit for the Boys with on and torn of them with two Pairs of Knickerbocker Trousers for $1.75, S2, S2.50 AND UPTOJIOeDO Specials This Week Ladies' All-silk thread Hose with Elastic Tops. . . A Good Assortment of Colors in about all Shades. This Hose is worth regularly 75 cents a Pair. This week the mm THE PAIR J JC LADIES' WHITE CANVAS PUMPS only a few left but what there are cannot be beat. The Former Price on these ran up to $1.75.. Your Choice of what there are for THE PAIR JO Ladies Black Sateen and Black and White Stripe Underskirts p Excellent Values. CHOICE j(JC MEN'S CLOTH HATS; so popular with all this Spring; Greys, Browns, and Fancy Mixtures. YOUR CHOICE 50c Men', White Japonette Handker chiefs, nice soft Finish and will give you the Best of Wear. THREE FOR 25c Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps. These are narrow Widths and if you are Lucky enough to be able to wear this Kind you can save Some Money by looking them over. Values from $1.75 to $3.50, YOUR CHOICE THE PAIR 98c Millinery You will find what you want in the line f millinery if you will visit our Millinery Department. We carry the largest assortment of the newest shapes and creations as well as a dandy line of shade and knock-about hats for Ladies, Misses and Children. Call and see for yourself. 2nd Floor. A M7--Mltwt' Dm & f (Sixes 14. Id, IS - T Years. 4 Ladies' Tailored Suits and Dresses SECOND FLOOR If you have not already selected your New Spring Suit you do not want to overlook the Many Handsome Styles that we have for you to choose from. They're of Pongee, Checks, Bedford Cords and Mannish Mixtures. All the new Cutaway Styles with Fancy Collar and Belt, or Plain Tailored Models with Small Notch Collar and Revers. We know we can please you In Style, Quality and Price. House Dresses Ladies' Cotton Foulard House Dresses very neatly made and trimmed most becomingly with dainty embroidery for $3.50 and $4.25. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES A splendid line and at the most reasonable prices. You will find that you can buy a nice dress ready to put on and wear for the little girl or miss at this store for about what you would pay for the material at other pices. Dresses for 25c, 35c, 45c, 50c 75c $1 and up Uhe PAR FAI Vr . Hed River's Largest I Correspondence ODELL Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wood and the Misses Grace and Evelyn Turney came from Hood River Sunday and had dinner and a fine visit with Mr. and Mrs. James H. Taylor. All the surroundings there are most lovely now, especially since the recent rain. The showers continued at intervals for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Lewis and daughter went to Portland Sunday morning on a flying trip to visit their grandparents. Mrs. E. E. Gould entertained a nuai- ber of ladies at afternoon tea Monday in honor of her sister, Mrs. Smith from Alberta. The tea was poured from a teapot which was her moth er's wedding gift. Mrs. Smith left Wednesday for Los Angeles. Miss Leta Lowerman will lead the Christian Endeavor next Sunday night at 7 o'clock, subject Ephesians 4:11 to 16. Mr. Hargreaves an nounces that he will preach at 7:43. The Guild meets with Mrs. Eads Thursday afternoon and there is much business to attend to. For Wednesday (tonight) at eight President Lecey has called a meeting (jf the executive committee of the En deavor Society. The executive com mittee consists of all officers and the chairmen. There is important busi ness to be considered. On Thursday Mrs. J. E. Ferguson :in;e for publication shall be for six consecutive weeks, and the 14th day of May, 1&13, as the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are hereby further notified that said date is and will be the date of the first publication of this summons. Dated May loth, L. A. & A. P. REED, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 20-26 Hood River, Oregon. gave a birthday luncheon in honor of j her mother. Mrs. M. A. Hawthorne.' Only grandmothers were eligible. Mrs. Ferguson will soon give another luncheon to elderly ladies who could not be included in this list. Mr. Fer guson covered a good many miles In bringing these ladies in his automo bile and rteurning them to their sev eral homes. A delightful ride, a fine luncheon, music and a regular old- fashioned visifing made a delightful a.'ternoon not soon to be forgotten. It is Mrs. Ferguson's custom to give yearly parlies to her mother. The ladies present represented Germany, Massachussetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Missouri and all had lived In Hood River for some time and several of them for 30 years. Those present were: Mrs. M. A. Hawthorne, Mrs. Lundy, Mrs. Jochimson, Mrs. Martha Wood. Mrs. A. B. Shelley, Mrs. Poole, Mrs. Lafferty and Mrs. C. C. Masiker. The graduating exercises of the Odell School will be held at the Hall Thursday night. May 15th, An enter taining program will be given by the pupils of the various classes and an addr'-ss to graduates will be given by Ilev W. R. Young, pastor of the M. E. Church at Hood River. A recep tion to the teachers will follow in the library rooms. IJy the way, Odell has contributed f67.50 towards the library site in the city. This includes the gift of the Development League and Library As sociation - The Christian Endeavor voted at their business meeting to do nate their books to the Odell Library. Those who have them out please bring them in. The Ferguson ISible Class will en joy an entertainment and supper in the Methodist Church on Friday evening. May 16. They have 90 en rolled, the largest rural class in the state. Sunday morning Rev C. M. Carson will omit his usual sermon on the third Sunday- and instead there will be a short program with special mu sic and addresses. This is In honor of the visit of Mrs. McLaughlin's class from the Congregational Church X 4 I AUCTION! AUGT ON All the property of the D. D. Hail Keal Estate Co. of Mosierf Oregon, will be sold at public auction on Saturday, May 17th, on the premises at Mosier. Horses, Wagons, Harness, Cross-cut Saws, Complete Grubbing Outfit for 20 men, Harrows, Disc, etc. . , . . . LOT 00x120 and all the Office Fixtures of the best equipped real estate office in Wasco County consisting of Koll Top Desk, Safe, Typewriter, Typewrit er Desk, Office Chairs, Splendid Filing Cabinet, Rugs, Maps, Etc. Remember the dateSaturday, May 17th, at 2:00 P. At. I as Leslie Dutler and C. K. Marshal will bring the teacher and class out In their auto's. Atruly delightful oc casion is expected. Sunday School at the M. E. Church begins at 10 a. m. Last Sunday even ing there were special services in honor of "Mother's Day" at the Union Church. First there was a helpful Song, Bible and prayer service, ably led by Mrs. M. D. Odell and Miss Mabel Hunter. During the services appropriate solos were given by Mrs. Gertrude Caughey, Mrs. Guy Smith, Mrs. Dutro and Miss Viola Mapcs. Leslie Iiutler gave an ad dress. His kind help in these affairs is much appreciated. Mrs. Margue rite Walter read heart-moving selec tions showing' a mother from Dr. Luke of the Labrador." Mrs. Dutro read a most Interesting paper in work for child welfare which the Parents and Teachers' Circle has done and will do this summer. These meetings bring us nearer together. Mrs. Talmage and Miss Hope Shel ley spent Sunday at O. L. Walters'. Just let your seed grow, whether It Is religious or otherwise and don't disturb the roots. CASCADE LOCKS Miss Esther Coke spent Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4, at Under wood. Dr. Dittebrandt was called to Port land last week on account of the ill ness of hig father. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thad Glazier Tuesday, May 6. Mrs. Inez Thompson, who has been spending a week In Portland, returned last Thursday. Holland Harter and sister, Miss Grace Ilarter. spent Saturday In Hood River. Mrs. A. C. Ruck of Hood River spent, two days last week visiting Mrs A. O. Adams. Mrs. A. O. Adams and niece, Miss Esther Coke, left Saturday for a short visit In Underwood. Melvin CoMins, left Saturday for Green Point, Ore., where he Is em ployed. A son was born to M.r and Mrs. Thurner last week. Mrs. C. L. Coke and daughter Mary are spending three weeks In Under wood and Stevenson visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. Sam Early of Stevenson spent a couple of days visiting Mrs. Amlaw recently. Mrs. Annis Wheeler of Portland Is visiting at. the home of Mrs. Thad Glazier. The regular business meeting and semi-annual election of officers of the parsonage la t Tuesday. A (fhnce was given Saturday ev ening by the' Women of Woodcraft. Mrs. Osborne served punch. A. O. Adams, Jr., of Underwood, was In town Saturday and Sunday. Mlss Martha Alvlck of Portland, for merly fif this place, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Vera Olln. OAK GROVE A few friends of Mrs. George C. Gladen gathered at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. English last Tuesday evening to help celebrate Mrs. Glad en's birthday. An enjoyable dinner was served. Mr. and Mr. Hayt came out from 'own Monday to spend the day with W. L. Nichols and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hayt have Just returned from New York and are planning to locate on their ranch in the Pine Grove sec tion. Mrs. James W. Church and children of Salem are spending a week at the home of Mrs. Church's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Albright. They were accompanied by Misg Ethlwyn Albright, who has been In Portland for the past several weeks. Melvin Vanausdall was taken to the! Hood River hospital last week suff ering from an attack of appendicitis. He was operated on Thursday and Is getting along nicely. Everybody is asked to keep in mind the entertainment by the school chil dren on the last day of school. May 2,3. There will be a lunch at noon, followed by exercises In the after noon. These latter will consist of an Indian war dance, winding of the May pole and other things approp riate to the occasion. Everbody is invited. The school children spent Friday afternoon in cleaning up the grounds around the stlioolliouse and across the road. In addition to all their other work, the young people are practising twice a week, under Mrs. Doyden's direction, for the play that chines off about the middle of June. Fleming Absher had a surprise on his eleven. h birthday. There is another family on the Sid ney ranch to take the place of Ralph Perry w ho left las:, week for Port land. I Friends of Hattie Atkinson were sorry to hear of her Illness and hope she w ill soon recover. FIR Mrs. H. F. Iiarrett and daughters. Esther and Margaret, have moved to Pete Clancy's ranch, where Mr. I!ar rett is grubbing. The girls ride horseback to school. Jack. McCuary and Tom Lee are now working on Tom Absher's ranch. (Later) H. F. Marreit has moved his fam ily back to his farm. He is through working for Pete Clancey. Visitors tr town this week were Mrs. G. T. AL .er. Miss Clara Absher, Mrs. C. Sutlierlin, K. A. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Iiarrett and daughters, Esther and Margaret, G. T. Absher and John Hale. Charlie Sutlierlin butchered a veal Thursday. We had a good rain the last of the week. John West, E. I). West and Joe Jacob are at work on the roads. John and E. I). West walk about eight or ten miles every day. Joe Jacob walks close to 14 or l.i miles each day. BARRETT Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tucker are vis iting at Lyle, Wash. The Iiarrett School will have a pic nic on Thursday, May l.", fur parents and friends. All are cordially invit ed. Mrs. San ford Tate, who has been visiting ' friends in Portland the past wick, returned home Sunday. The friends nnd schoolmates of May Kiieg surprised her last Friday evening lu honor of her birthday. A most delightful evening was enjoyed. Those present were Misses Louise Forry. Agnes Miller, Mattie Jensen, Ruby and lluelah Craton, Laura Guig nard Laura Kellogg, Muriel Seaton; Messrs. Chris and Alphonso Flre baugh, Arnold Herry, Roy and Francis Miller. Gert Abbott, Perry Williams and Julius Jacobson. Mr. Murphy, vho has been teach ing at New Holland, Oregon, closed his school nud returned home Satur day. Mrs. Stauffer entertained at a din tier party Wednesday. Their guests ere Mrs. A. A. Ili-nnett, Mrs. F. M. I'eugh and Mrs. W. E. Cauller Mrs. Dr. Mills spent several days in Portland last week, returning home Sat ii rday. Mrs. Fred Tate left for a visit in Portland Tuesday. Our road supervisor is putting up railings along the approaches to the bridge over Cedar Creek, a much v i dec! improvement. WANT REV. PARSONS RETURNED Members of Rev. J. II. Parsons' congregation are anxious that he be returned by the state conference to bis work here, which has been very sm cje.-sful. A petition bearing a larj,e number of names Is being circulated and will be presented to the conference by Mrs. Flora Hart ley, delegate from Grace U. II. church. I!uy your coal of Taft Transfer Com pany. "tfc Monttfi I Complete JOHN DEERE LINE OF Vehicles and Implements Gilbert Implement Co.