Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1913)
1 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1913 i yi p t Like a roar of thunder from an unseen cloud comes word from Barde & Levitt that they are inaugur Corvallis and Hood River. We knew it would happen to the other three stores, but at the last minut newest merchandise at terrific reductions. Every dollar's worth of merchandise must be converted ir that wilfquickly reduce the stock. Crowds of people will visit the store during this big clearance sal help themselves. Extra help employed so that everyone may be waited upon as quickly as possible. Men's and Boys' WEARING APPAREL. The Tremendous Low Prices that will prevail di The Great Bargains in Clothing, Overcoats, Slipons, Imported IMelburg English Gil will enable"many a man, young: man or boy in Hood River and vicinity to save from One-Third to One-Half on their Wearing to sell at the Lowest Possible Figure; but this Gigantic Clearance Sale outshines everything attempted before. THE KEY T( S12.50 SUITS SACRIFICED FOR S7.35 1 Here we have a Nice Variety ot Men s buns in neat conservative patterns as well as the nobbier styles and patterns for Young Men. Thi3 i3 a Big Saving for you. A First Class $12.50 Suit Sacrificed for only $7.35 S15.00 SUITS SACRIFICED FOR $9.35 Our range of styles and patterns in Our $15.00 Suits cover everything a man could wish for, consisting of new Browns, Grays, Light Tans, Brown and Blue mixtures in Worsteds, Cheviots and Cassimeres. Our $15.00 Suits are the world's best All-wool Suits Sacrificed for only $9.35 $20.00 SUITS SACRIFICED FOR $12.85 Here we have hundreds of new nifty patterns for Young Men and Men who stay young. In Our $20.00 Line of Suits we have a nice number of the new Norfolk Suits Blue Cheviots, Browns, Blue Serges, Hair-lined Worsteds, Gray and Brown Diagonals Velour Worsteds. A monstrous bargain while these Suits are Sacrificed for only $12.85 S25 TO S30 SUITS SAB Here we offer the world's best") such famous makes as Kuppenh Garson and Meyer. These lini tion to the best dressersBlue Grays. This is an Extra Sacrifl $151 Fi 50c President Suspenders in Light and Heavy weight, clearance sale 29c 15c Hosiery in black and tan all sizes. Clearance price 7c 50c Underwear Derby ribbed, medium weight, all colors, cele brated Haines garment 33c 35c Wool Hose Just the thing for cold weather. Clearance price 18c 25c and 35c Suspenders in Heavy and Light weight, a special for Clearance Sale 15c $1.00 Dress Shirts New, nifty patterns at Clearance Sale for 68c Shelves Full of High Grade I mous Bargains. Stock upfc CLEARANCE SALE, BE HATS of All Shapes Slaughtered for This Clearance Sale Soft Hats in all the classy shapes and the new shade? that are popular including the new Velours and Beavers, also Stiff hats in r.ny desirable shape at big Sacrifice Prices for a quick clearance. The follow ing prices prevail on all shapes :iid shades: $2.00 Hats all shapes and shades. $1.29 $2.50 Hats all shapes and shades $1.68 $3.00 Hats all shapes and shades $2.15 $3.50 Hats all shapes and shades $2.65 $5.00 and $6.00 genuine Beaver Hats $3.85 We are Located on Oak Street I between 1st and 2nd Streets East End of Town I Part of the List of the Many Bargains that Prevail Here During Our Big Slaughter Sale Regular 20c or 3 for 50c hose Sacrificed 11c 25c Lisle Hose Sacrificed 18c 35c Silk Hose, double heel and toe, long lengths and all colors, Sacrificed 21c 50c and 75c Silk Hose in all shades Sacrificed 37c 50c and 75c Neckties, narrow shapes, wide French ends, bat wings and in all the new Spring colors Sacrificed for only 38c 25c Belts, tan, brown and black, Sacrificed 18c 50c Belts, tan, gray, brown and black, Sacrificed,38c 75c Belts, tan, gray, brown, black, Sacrificed ... 59c $1.50 Broadway Dress Gloves $1.15 $2.00 Broadway Dress Gloves $1.29 $3.50 Extra Fine Auto Gloves $2.45 $2.00 Gauntlets, fine fitters $1.40 $1.00 Work Gloves 68c 75c Work Gloves 45c $1.00 Fleece-lined Wool Underwear Sacrificed. .68c $1.00 All-wool Spring Weight Derby Ribbed Under- wear Sacrificed 79c $1.50 Cooper's Derby Ribbed Underwear Sacri ficed for only $1.15 $3.00 Spring Needle All-wool Spring Weight Union Suits Sacrificed $1.95 $8.00 Heavy Roughneck Genuine Australian All wool Sweaters Sacrificed $6.45 $6.50 Roughneck Sweaters All-wool Bradley Make Sacrificed $4.35 on TERRIFIC SLASHING Our Shoe Stock is over stocl on the floor and no place tc our reason for slashing the Unheard of Prices. Button . ent, Gunmetal, Tan and Vel in black and tan. Highcut at Tremendous Bargains. E er should take advantage SHOE SAVINGS. I $3.00 Button and Lace Shoe $3.50 Button and Lace Shoe $4.00 Button and Lace Sho $4.50 Button and Lace Sho $5.00 Button and Lace Sho O G