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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1913)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1913 t No Old Goods We have a Complete Line of Fresh Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. We invite your inspection (lf:t kllltt &iVzru hKfcK UbLIVfcRY: East 9:30 a.m., West 8 a. m., 10 a. m., 4 UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List your places f or'special attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate . .'. Insurance Improved and Unimproved OrchardjLand Hood River Connection GUY Y. EDWARDS & CO. Phone t A Choice Lot of MT IDCCDV CTnl In Standard Varieties to offer for the Season 1912-13. Also some Select PEOINA BULBS C. D. THOMPSON Phone 3232-M R. R. No. 2 HoodJW, Ore. ft AVING purchased Brayford in the Rockford Store about three months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the bestof our ability. GIVi: US A TKIAI, MERCER & CO. PHONE NO. 5 Transfer and Livery company Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved, Stored or Packed for Shipment. HOOD RIVER, ... OREGON. P. B. SNYDER llood River Plumbing Company Phoni C8X Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE 3RfGl Express and Baggage Furniture and Pianos Mo-Vcd All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office Phone 29 Residence 238K TAFT TRANSFER CO. . t I W S ror Lime, temeni anu House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK PR1 NT JShal Is NO JOB TOO LARCE OR NEWS JOB The on our Shelves Ck... J. R. KINSEYJ OVOr Phone 231 3:30 p. m.: Wl ..- I p.m. m Clv JM, - t. U. C. M. Ranch, Parkdale 77-Odell Upper Hood River Valley, Ore. t t the entire interest of E. WAREHOUSEJ)NHRST STREET B. B. POWELL A 1 T t Vrinting TOO SMALL FOR DEPARTMENT SHOULD GROW ONLY THE BEST VARIETIES None but the highest class of apples should be grown In the box apple dis tricts of the Northwest, urges George W. Coburn, .manager of the Chicago office of the Wenatchee Valley Fruit Growers' Association, In a letter re ceived by J. W. W. McDonald, assist ant manager. The experience of the past season proves this very positively says Mr. Coburn, who continues: "In a season like the present, when the country Is flooded with good, cheap apples, it Is sufficiently difficult to sell our fine varieties at satisfactory prices. This difficulty becomes almost an impossibility when it comes to sell ing the hundred or so odd and common varieties which the association has been called upon to market this sea son. Poor Varieties Hard to Market "No one can recommend such vari eties as Viking, Bull Moose, Ingram, Sheep Nose, Shackelford, Seek-no-fur ther and many others. These varie ties lack quality. Nobody wants them and they, come Into Immediate compe tition with Eastern apples in barrels and in bulk. 'In order to sell these varieties it Is necessary to place them in some out of the way town where the trade knows nothing about Western Box ap ples and have them worked off upon an equally ignorant public. The re sult Is very undesirable, since the small markets we are trying todevel op will Judge all our apples by the Inferior fruit sold to them. Markets Are Injured "By continuing the production of Bmall apples and poor varieties, we are greatly injuring the present markets and the future of our industry. At the most.the Wenatchee district should not produce more than 15 sorts of fall and winter apples. The present bear ing trees producing poor fruit should be worked over to the varieties that have become standards. Each section now has enough data to enable the individual grower to determine which of the high quality apples is produc ed to the highest degree of perfection in his particular locality. These should be grafted on the lower grade stock as rapidly as possible. Our present experience shows that in a heavy crop year, our poor varie ties cannot be marketed profitably. They will not bring the expense of growing plus the cost of marketing. and it seems likely that the time is not far distant when the association in self-protection, will be unable to ac cept for shipment any apples that can not be sold to good advantage. "We are experiencing considerable trouble in the marketing of Kane Spitz en bergs on account of the comparative lack of color of this variety. This is the cause of a good deal of justified complaint on the color of our Spitzen bergs. We are obliged to lay consid erable stress on the distinction be tween the Esopus Spitzenberg and the Kane Spitzenberg to the obvious dis advantage of the latter. It would seem advisable to dicontinue the planting of any but the Esopus Spitzenberg, and these only where they can be depend ed upon to turn a solid red color." YAKIMA FRUIT GROWERS ELECT At its annual meeting the Yakima Valley Fruit Growers' Association re elected J .H. Robbing, general mana ger; M. E. Olson, Parker, president; George E. C. Johnson, vice president; U. G. Merrill, Emerald, second vice president; J. E. Shannon, treasurer; P. D. Spencer, auditor; trustees, Frank K. Sickles.Naches; L. H. Parsons, N. Nob Hill; J. J. Rudkln, Kennewick; F. F. Morris, Grandvlew; O. S. Follans bee, Zillah; Dr. A. J. Pressy, Selah. BOX APPLES DOING BETTER Box apples are doing better in the New York market, although pr'?e are still low, according to the following Mail report: "There is a fair demand for Western boxed apples ,and at auction Washing ton Spitzenberg stock sold in a range of $1.70 to 2.30 a box, an average of $1.76 a box for the 630 boxes offered. The call for box stock seems to be more or less local in character and much of it Is going out to retail trade. A feature of the market Is the fact that while the crusade against high retail rates on apples Is still In progress In a half hearted way, there has been no appreciable falling off in retail charges. The situation so far ns the average retailer is concerned is on the same level so far as the consumer's cost goes. Buyers are content to take hold, as they need the goods, and the improved tone Is due very largely to the fact that arrivals have been on a Bmaller scale." GIVES INSTANT ACTION Charles N. Clarke, Druggist, reports tha A SINGLE IK)SE of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com pounded In Adler l-ka, the German ap pendicitis remedy, stops constipation or gas on the stomach INSTANTLY. Many Hood River people are being helped. Yacht Racing Cleanest Sport In the World By Sir THOMAS LIPTON, English Yachtsman c O MY MIND YACHT RACING IS THE CLEANEST AND BEST SPORT IN THE WORLD. IT IS A GOOD THING, TOO, FOR A NATION TO FOSTER. IT BREEDS IN YOUNG MEN A LOVE FOR THE 8EA THAT PREPARES THEM FOR THE NAVY IN TIME OF WAR. Look at Germany, for instance. In that country the yachting game is nationally encouraged. The kaiser seta the example by taking a personal interest in the sport, and as a consequence there are a lot of young chaps of the right sort TAKING TO THE SEA AS NATURALLY AS DUCKS TO. WATER They go in for the eport of it and stay in for the decks of their yachts they go finally, many of them, to the quarter decks of the kaiser's warships. Germany's strength as a sea considerable degree by the fact POPULAR THERE. Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday School at 9:45, H. C. Dietz, superintendent Preaching at 11 a, m. Young People's Meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m . Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:45. These are all gospel meetings. Our motto: "Jesus Only." All are cord ially Invited. W. P. KIRK, pastor. Thus far no way has been discov ered to make the parcel post shake down the furnace mornings and carry out the ashes. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. In the matter of the estate of Jessie Grace Woodworth, deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River Coun ty, Administrator of the estate of Jessie Grace Wood worth, deceased, and having qualified, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, within six months after the date of this notice which said date will be the date of the first publication of the same to said Ad minlstrator at the office of L. A. & A. P. Reed, his attorneys, at No. 190 Second Street In the City of Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon. ROY N. WOODWORTH, As Administrator of the estate of Jes sie Grace Woodworth, deceased. Dated January 8th, 1913. 2-6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Ke- ziah S. Walton, deceased. Notice is hereby given In compll ance with law that the undersigned have been appointed Executors of the Will of Kezlah S. Walton, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of George R. Wilbur, Esq., 14 and 15 Hall block, Hood River, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof, to-wlt, January 8, 1913. WALTER H. WALTON, TRUMAN BUTLER, 2-6 Executors. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Whereas in a certain suit then pend ing in the Circuit Court of Hood River County, Oregon, wherein Harry G. Claassen was plaintiff, and R. W. Hay ward and Marie Hayward, husband and wife, and R. H. Hayward were defend ants, an execution and order of sale was Issued thereout on January 24, 1913, upon a Judgment entered In said cause and suit on January 21, 1913, In favor of the plaintiff, Harry G. Claassen, and against the defend ants, R. W. Hayward and Marie Hay ward; which said execution and order of sale is to me directed and com mands me to sell the real property hereinafter described for the purpose of satisfying said Judgment which was and is In the sum of $111. 61, w ith inter est thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from January 21, 1913, and the further sum of $58.05 costs an 1 disbursements Including attorney' fee, and the further costs and dis bursements Incurred and to be Incur red upon said writ of execution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that In compliance with suid execution and order of sale, I will, on the 1st da of March, A. D., 1913, at tho hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the North front door of the Court House In the City of Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for canh in hand for the purpose of satisfying said judgment and accruing costs and expenses the following described real property, to-wlt: Lots numbered Three (3) and Twen ty-two (22) in Block numbered Seven 7) In Idlewild Addition to the City of Hood River, Oregon. Dated this 24th day of January, A. D., 1913. THOMAS F. JOHNSON. Sheriff of Hood River 5-9 County, Oregon. PURE LOVE OF IT. From the power is, I believe, accounted for to a that YACHTING IS MADE SO "Judge, why did you adjourn court for five minutes Just now?" "I felt that I had to sneeze." "Yes?" "And I feared that If I sneezed on the bench the lawyers would make that the basis for a new trial." The rumor that hoop skirts are com ing back next year may be only a wicked plot to discredit the Democrat ic administration. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. Manning L. Howard, Plaintiff, vs. Adolph Grodt, Bertha Grodt, Chris tian Frederick Grodt, Doris Grodt Kahl, Dora Grodt, Dorothy Grodt, Emma Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Gustave Grodt,, John Grodt, John Dltlef Grodth, Johann Detlef Frederick Grodt, Jo hanna Dorethea Grodt (insane), W. Wulf, guardian of Johanna Dor ethea Grodt, Neta Grodt, William Grodt, William Grodt, John Kahl, the unknown heirs of Charles Grodt deceased, and also all other persons or parties un known, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendant. To Adolph Grodt, Bertha Grodt, Christian Frederick Grodt, Doris Grodt Kahl, Dora Grodt, Dorothy Grodt, Emma Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Gustave Grodt, John Grodt, John Ditlef Grodth, Johann Det lef Frederick Grodt, Johanna Dorethea Grodt (insane), W. Wulf, guardian of Johanna Dorethea Grodt, Neta Grodt, William Grodt, William Grodt, John Kahl, the unknown heirs of Charles Grodt, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the ex piration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date is hereinafter stated, and if you fail so to answer or appear for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his Complaint, to-wit: For a decree determining all claims adverse to Plaintiff which you or either, or any of you may have or claim to have In any right, title, es tate, lien or interest in that land situ ated in the County of Hood River, State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wit: The Northeast quarter (NEU) of the Southeast quarter (SEVi) of the Southwest quarter (SW,) of Section 14, Township 2 North of Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian. That by said Decree it may be de clared and adjudged that you or eith er, or any of you have no right, title, estate, lien or Interest whatever In or to said land, or any part thereof, and that the Plaintiff is the owner of the title to said land, and to every part thereof, in fee simple; that you and each of you be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim whatever in or to said land adverse to Plaintiff; and that Plaintiff may have such other relief as to the Court may seem equitable. You and each of you are hereby ser ved by the publication of this sum mons in accordance with an order made by the Hon. G. R. Castner, Coun ty Judge of Hood River County, Ore gon, duly made and entered in the above entitled cause, on the 23rd day of December, 1912, which order pre scribes that you and each of you shall appear and answer said Complaint on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons; that the date of the first publication of this summons was fixed in and by said order as the 25th day of December, 1912, and the date of the first publication hereof is De cember 25th, 1912. ERNEST C. SMITH, 61 67 Attorney for rialniff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. Gilford D. Woodworth, and Rose Wood worth. Plaintiffs' vs. Rose E. Hotch- kiss, Standard Orchard Company, corporation, Anson W. Stone, Defend ants. To Rose E. Hotchkiss, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last day of six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs herein will take a decree against you for the sale of the hereinafter describ ed real property sitaated in Hood Riv er county, Oregon.for the foreclosure of that certain mortgage thereon, dated November 22nd, 19U9, made and exe cuted by defendant. Standard Orchard Company, a corporation to the above named plaintiffs to secure the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($70UO,00), and Interest, which said mortgage was duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of said Hood River County, Ore gon, on January 18th, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. and recorded In Book 3 of Mort gages on pages 627-8 and 9, pursuant to default made In the payment of In terest secured by said mortgage and all as follows, to-wlt: 1. For Judgment against the said defendant Standard Orchard Company for the sum of Two Hundred and Five and 63-100 Dollars ($205.53), together with Interest thereon from Jan. 2nd, 1913, and for the further sum of One Hundred Twenty Five Dollars ($125.- 00), as and for attorney's fees, togeth er with plaintiff's costs and disburse ments herein. 2. For the usual decree for the fore closure of said mortgage and for the sale of the following described real property, situated in the County of Hood River and State of Oregon, to wlt: All that part of the Northeast quarter (N. E. ) of Section Twenty-nine (29), in Township One (1) North, Range Ten (10) East of Willamette Meridian, ly ing west of the right of way of the Mount Hood Railroad Com pany, and containing about 80 acres, according to the United States Government Surveys there of, by the Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon, according to law and the prac tice of this court; that said sums afore said be made a specific and subsisting lien upon the said real property, at taching as of November 22nd, 1909, and prior and superior to any claim. right, title or Interest of any or all of the above named defendants, or any or all persons claiming under, by or thru them or any of them; that the said real property be sold as afore said, to pay the said sum of Two Hun dred and Five and 53-100 Dollars ($205.53), together with interest there on, the said sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) as and for attorney's fees and plaintiff's said costs and disbursements, herein; that upon the said sale, Sheriff pay the proceeds to the County Clerk of said Hood River County, and the said County Clerk apply the proceeds as by law provided; that said de fendants and each of them and all persons claiming' by, through or under them and each of them be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all equity of redemption from said sale and in and to said real prop erty as by law provided; that said plaintiffs be entitled to become a pur chaser at said sale, and that upon such sale the purchaser be entitled to enter into possession of said real property and hold the same as by law provided; and that plaintiffs be entitled to have the said sale of real property confirm ed by the above named court. That plaintiffs may have such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable in the premises. You are hereby served by publica tion of this summons by virtue of an order of the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the Circuit Court of Hood River County, Oregon, duly made. granted and dated on the 18th day of January, 1913, for the service of this summons upon you by the publication thereof and in accordance therewith, and which order prescribes that the time for publication shall be for six consecutive weeks, and the 22nd day of January, 1913, as the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are hereby further notified that said date is and will be the date of the first publication of this summons. Dated January 18th, 1913. L. A. & A. P. REED, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, 4-10 Hood River, Oregon. T. 1. TWEKDY Mutual Insurance t 60 Per Out of OM Line Kate. Fire Inouranre on Building! in Course of Construction, Free. NOTAftY PlUt.lC OM THE HFIOHT Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, opposite Smith Block, Hoort River NEW SCHEDULE fflcunt Meed RaiCread f Effective 12-01 A. M. ? Sunday. Sept. tnh I i Ml ; 00. J Lv. Howl Kivrr Ar. . t M K OR roweniale . t ISO IS Switchback 2 . Van Horn 2 l S 40. , Mohr i Ik. 06. ! dell . 2 ' 15 Summit 1 N 20 L Hloucher 1 4.1 46.. i Wmana ID 10 10 liee 1 ) 10 IIS I Trmit l iwk I is 10 40 I Wunriworth . . . 1 i 10 4S! Ar. Parkdale L. Ion A. WILSON, Acnt. rrs. j Ok W3 AVOID THE BIG RUSH FOR Day-Old Chicks By placing your orders early. Day-Old Chicks Breeding Stock EGOS FOR HATCH IMJ FROM S. C. White Leghorns W . P. Rocks S. C. Rhode Island Reds and Indian Runner Ducks We are arranging to furnish our custom en with exceptionally fine Baby Chicks and Ducklings. HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. I. NICXELSES. Proprietor Set Poultry Tards at Franktoa. Pbooe 3282-1 J. C. Johnsen Home of GOOD SHOES Where the Best Values Come From KELLY BROS. MAY and OATS Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and Straw Phone 227-M Fourth Street between Oak and State COAL! Rock Springs COAL TRANSFER & LiVERY COMPANY Cottage Hospital Hood River's Medical In stitution. Open to the public for the treatment of Medical and Surgical cases. Rates on applica tion. Address, COTTAGE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL r " "v. W. J. BAKIiR Real Estate Loans In5urance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited WE FURNISH FRUIT PICKERS ANO PACKERS And All Kind of Employees. .. NIGUiHA & CO. 1'hone 160 14 I ant Oak Strict II.mhI RUer, Or.