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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1912)
10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1912 n WWT it 1 tAbsolutelPure FheonlyBaklngPnwdarmade kk, iforaRiiyalOrapainojrartar u wj Qualifies Ky I ttVS Kltf III AbsolutelPure n fl (4. ROAD MEANS MUCH FOR HOOD RIVER "Since the county court has author ized the expenditure of $100,(u0 for the improvement and macadamizing of the joining link in the Portland-Hood River automobile road much prop erty owned in Hood River by Port land investors has been taken off the market," said George Smith, of C. E. Smith & Son, recently. "That thous ands of Portland people will motor to Hood River and back on Sundays when this road is completed there can be no doubt. The drive will be free from dust, while the scenic beau ties of the route will appeal to every "With direct automobile connection visitor and tourist who makes the trip with Hood River there is no question that many Portland families will make their summer homes in the Hood Riv er Valley. This will prove a great boon to that section. The Hood River Valley has a great future, and no one appreciates this so much as does the Portland resident." Christian Science Services Christian Science services are held in the Commercial Club rooms Sun days at 11 a. m. The subject will be "God, the Preserver of Man." S. S. at same hour in Room 2, Davidson Bldg. Wednesday meetings in same room at 8 p. m. Reading room open daily, 2 to 5 p. m. Loan Agency. Loans offered $300 $500, $700, $1000. Loans wanted $200 $250, $400, $600, $800, $1000. Apply to A. W. Onthank. 45 tfc MARKET IMPROVING EXPERTJECLARES That the market on fancy boxed ap ples will soon Improve and prices go (iky ward is the opinion of J. W. Thorn, a veteran New York dealer, who has spent the season in Pacific Northwest districts and whose operations extend over a period of forty yeurs. Mr. Thorn says that at present there are no more fancy boxed apples of large sizes in sight in this country than there was a year ago, and that by January 1 there will be less than there was at the beginning of 1912. He gives as one reason for this the practical failure of the bulk of the Colorado apple crop to reach the fan cy stage, because of extremely cold weather In September, stunting the, growth of the fruit and preventing its proper coloring. Another reason is the enormous consumption of apples that has already occurred and is now- continuing in all parts of the country. "The market started right this fall to encourage consumption," said Mr. Thorn. "Prices were low and they continue low. The result is that thou sands of loose carloads of the cheaper junk grown in the Hast and Middle West have gone into consumption, and the good work is still going on. In ail my experience I have seen nothing like it. Furthermore, I have never st en it fail that the lower prices go bt fore the holiday season, the higher they will go afterward, while if the up ward tendency becomes pronounced before Christmas, a corresponding slump occurs afterward. "For those who have the better class of apples, the obvious and sensi ble thing to do at this time Is to get them into cold storage, so that they will be in the best possible condition when the market improves later in the season, as it is practically certain to do. "It is true that some sales of boxed apples in the Eastern auctions have been disastrous, but that is plainly the result of too many associations and other selling agencies using these auctions. For the box apple business selling through the auctions is noth ing short of suicidal, either this or any other year. For four years past the big auction houses have been doing their utmost to get control of the box ed apple business of the Pacific North west, and have offered all kinds o inducements to gain that control." The News for fine printing. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ON DEATH OF A. S. BLOWERS Peter A. Porter circle. No. 25, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic of Portland have passed the following resolutions of respect in remembrance of A. S .Itlowers, one of the best known .G A. It. men of this city and Portland, whose death occurred the latter part of November: "Whereas, God In His divine wis dom has removed from our midst our honored comrade, A. S. Blowers, and "Whereas, His demise has taken one more of the' Boys in Blue from the fast thinning ranks of the G. A. R., therefore be it "Resolved. By the members of Peter A. Porter Circle No. 25, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, that we extend our Bincere sympathies to his bereaved family and sorrowing com rades, and be It further "Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for the period of 30 days; and be It further "Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread on our minutes, a copy be presented to General Comp son. Post No. 22, G. A. R., a copy sent to his family, and a copy be furnished two daily papers for publication. "SARAH CARPENTKR, "Senior Vice President "ADEL K. LAWRENCE, "Secretary "ELIZABETH FEGHTLING, "Treasurer." Notice Calling for Bids of Hood I ver Water System Pursuant to a resolution of the Com mon Council, duly and regularly adopt ed on the 2nd day of December, 1912, notice is hereby given that the under signed. City Recorder of the City of Hood River, will receive sealed pro posals at his office in the City of Hood River, Oregon, up to eight o'clock p. m. on the 23rd day of December, 1912, for the construction of Divisions 1, 3 and 4, of the Water System of the City of Hood River, and the purchas ing of the necessary material by the city therefor. The work of construct ing said divisions and furnishing the material therefore will be let in three contracts; that is to say, a separate contract for Division 1, 3 and 4 re spectively, and bids shall be made sep arately on each division, the city re serving the right to reject any and all bids. Each proposal must be accom panied by certified check, payable to the order of the City of Hood River, equal to at least five per cent of the amount of the bid, as liquidated dam ages in case the bidder, if awarded the contract, fails to furnish bond in a sum of not less than twenty-five per cent of the estimated cost of the work to be done or material to be furnished. This bond shall be satisfactory to the Common Council of the City of Hood River and shall be furnished within ten days after the receipt of the no tice by the successful bidder that the contract has. been awarded to him Said bond to be conditioned upon the faith ful performance of the contract ac cording to the plans and specifications therefor, now on file In the office of the City Recorder. And notice la further given that complete plans and specifications are on tile In the office of the undersigned the City Recorder, and may be seen and examined by prospective bidders, and that copies of such plans and specifications will be furnished any bidder by the undersigned, the City Recorder, upon the deposit by the bidder of $5.00 with said recorder to be held in escrow to insure the safe re turn of said plans and specifications to the City of Hood River after the opening and awarding of bids for Bald work. AH labor, work and material to be done and furnished under this call for proposals shall in all respects be done and furnished In accordance with said plans and specifications. Divisions 1 and 4 or said Water System will be re quired to be completed by June 1st, 1913. In Division 3, the 14 inch pipe provided therein to be furnished said city, must be delivered by March 1st, 1913, and the work provided for under said division must be completed by April 1st, 1913. All proposals for do ing said work or furnishing material for Baid system will be opened and considered by the Common Council of the City of Hood River at the Council Chambers in said city on the 23rd day of December, 1912, at the hour of eight o'clock p. m. on said day. said day. This notice is published in the Hood River News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published at the City of Hood River, for eighteen con secutive days prior to the opening of bids for said work In accordance with resolution of the Common Council un der date of December 2nd, 1912, here tofore referred to. H. L. HOWE, City Recorder. 49-61 An Offended Painter. ITere Is n story of Whistler's Irascible treatment of Lady Meux. of whom he pnlnted three portraits. It Is told In Thomas Way's "Memoirs of Whis tler." "In view of the number of sittings Whistler wanted and his severe treat ment of his models, I think It enor mously to the credit of Lndy Meux that she should have continued through two and stnrted on the third portrait in which she was painted wearing a mantle of Russian sables. There was a story thnt. being one day not op to the mark, she sent her maid to stand for ber. dressed in the sables. This so offended Whistler thnt promptly the maid's face appeared In place of that of the mistress, and. If the picture still exists, there It probably remains." The women turned out manfully. FRANZ COMPANY FRANZ COMPANY FRANZ COMPANY FRANZ COMPANY FRANZ COMPANY 4 -a 2... , , nz3 mm MsV - I U',.'Ll MV .s m gji $j JS i The only Full Enamel Lined Steel Range in the World, selling at a popular price MisS NdOmi CttTtGY'-Champion Biscuit Baker of Hood River This little 9 year old lady won the QUICK MEAL STEEL RANGE in the contest Saturday last, and you may believe she did not do it easily, for there were almost 100 other pans of mighty good biscuits a revelation to the hundreds of "grown ups" who watched the skillful little hands at work and saw pan after pan of snowy white puffs go into the big QUICK MEAL RANGE and come out in 4 to 6 minutes beautifully browned. It was hard to keep the crowds from gobbling them up before the Judges got them. Mr. Franz thanks all the Utile girls and their parents for their interest and is only sorry he could not present every one of them with a little range. Tush The Button-and Rest 13 iiSV-" We Have Them- 15 StyleSand don't think of them on the same day that you do of the old-fashioned Morris Chairs.. .These are great, deep, lux urious library chairs.. . Done in finest leather and frames of solid quartered Oak. The most comfortable of Easy Chairs As Low As..., 0 o A Wonderland of Toys Look in our windows at the "Samples" Note what 15 cents will buy See the al most impossible values at 10 cents. You never saw Toys at these prices before. The selection is well nigh unlimited. Choose Now while choosing is good SLIP THIS LIST IN YOUR MEMO BOOK For Her For Him SAFETY RAZOR KNIFE GOOD TOOLS SHAVING BRUSH SMOKING SET STEIN RIFLE EASY CHAIR FOOT 8TOOL PAINTED CHINA CUT GLASS SILVERWARE HAMMERED BRASS SCISSOR SET ROCKER CARVING SET DAVENPORT MAGAZINE RACK CEDAR CHEST RUG Buffets and China Closets Your Holiday Buying GROCERIES NEW NUTS No. 1, soft shell, very best, per lb 20c No. 2, soft shell, very best, per lb 15c Brazil's Best, per lb 15c Almonds, best, per lb 20c Mixed Nuts, per lb 17Jc RAISINS AND CURRANTS Raisins, best 16 oz. package 3 for 25c Best 12 oz. package 4 for 25c We have all other ingredients for your MINCEMEAT Package Mincemeat 10c and 2 for 25c OTHER SUGGESTIONS- Dates, Figs, Bulk Raisins, Citrus, Lemon and Orange Peel, Canned Mincemeat, Pickles, (Heinz) Cranberries, Horse Radish, Bananas, Oranges, Pumpkins and Squash fW See our Fancy Soaps and Cigars put up for Christmas Presents Remember We Deliver Orders of a Reasonable Size E. E. KAESSER'S CASH STORE JUl . '. -.3i Hy Nothing better men! A gift for the whole family. We'll take the risk of suit ing "her." If it does not, we'll gladly exchange af ter Christmas. $16.00 Up The one illustrated is in fumed or waxed oak, a 01 R Cf) splendid value at wluiwU All Christmas purchases will be delivered as near the hour desired as possible Hood River, I Or AA iCrvir err Oregon uuQ (SSM Underwood, Wash. After the Doctor THE DRUGGIST The doctor's work is only half what has to be done.for the pa tient And if the druggist be lacking in ability and care the prescription might as well have never been written. But we make a special study of each case and our own medical knowledge is thorough enough to be of great use to us in those sometimes oc curring cases when the doctor, in his haste, makes a slight error. CHAS. N. CLARKE We are Prepared tor Winter a Complete Stock ot Hand Sleds Snow Shoes Norwegian Skiis and Skates Call on us when in need of anything in the - - l.l Hardware line. It will pay you as well as us Blowers Hardware Co. I The Firm that "Makes Good" 6 1 CP. SUMNER Opposite tbt Post Olllci Horn Phona 20 Snraii and Garden Hose Plumblnq Congregational Church Service will bo hold an usual next Sunday. The pastor will preach In the morning on "Tho UnpurchaHabln Gift." In th evening Mr. Harris will give an Illustrated talk with the Htrrn opt Iron on the life of the foreign and belated races In our land, from Alaska to Porto Hlco. All are cordially Invit ed to these services. Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Farm Implements and Logging tools repaired. Plow work a specialty. Howell Bros. Two doors cast of Fashion Stables I lood River, Ore. Phone 22 7-X Unitarian Church The services next Sunday are as fol lows: Sunday School at 10; service at 11 with sermon, "The Attitude of Liberal Christianity In the Problems of Civilization" or "Liberal Religion applied;" at 6:30 the Young People's Religious Union will hold Its meeting with Lena Koberg as leader.