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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1912)
0 A SCIENTIFIC HOAX. THE HOOD:KIVER Soldiers Tliey and J Acl Sailors .-"- Asa Don't A Guard Want c j Against War ) Conflict c- ? ' "' ( I J By Rear Admiral BRADLEY A. F1SKE of the United States Navy AH is not so much a disease as it is a SYMPTOM OF DIS EASE a symptom of that general rivalry and struggle which characterizes not only human nature, but all nature. The modern doctor knows quite well, because the bit ter experience of the past ages has taught him that GETTING RID OF SYMPTOMS DOES NOT CUKE DISEASE. It is necessary that ho should go deeper. And when I say these things they do not in dicate that I and other naval people do not realize war's evils. I am merely pointing out that there has been so great an outcry against war that people have begun to THINK IT IS THE ROOT OF EVIL "That is not what the Bible says. It say? the love of money is the root of evil. And who shall say that love money is not MORE STRIKINGLY EXEMPLIFIED IN TIMES OF PEACE than it ever has been in a camp or on a battlefield ? BUT 60LDIER3 DONT WANT WAR. SAILORS DONT WANT WAR. THEY DO NOT MEAN WAR EITHER; THEY MEAN PEACE. YET IT IS THE FACT OF THEIR EXISTENCE WHICH IS CAUSING ALL THE OUTCRY, FOR THEIR EXISTENCE MEANS EXPENSE, AND IT IS REALLY AGAINST THEIR COST THAT THE GREAT OUTCRY HAS BEEN RAISED. REALLY THEIR MISSION IS TO FIRST LOCAL IZE AND THEN PREVENT CONFLICT. The Steel Cating Worm and the Origin of th Mythical Inseot. A letter published Id the New York Engineering Newa from Mr.- EL Gyb bon Kpllsbury give tbe origin of the myth regarding tbe "steel eating worm." About 18(10, be any a, em ployees of varloua Iron, steel and chemical works of the district aur roundlug Ilnspe, Id Germany, used to meet at a botel In order to discuss ubjects of general Interest, with tbe result that a society known aa tbe "Dlk," which In English signifies "fun," was formed. The steel eating worm waa created at one of the meetings and an editor from one of the neighboring towna was made tbe subject of the Joke. Tbe 'insect'' was manufactured from a piece of gutta percha tube and waa ex hibited Jn a bottle half full of scale. Tbe woYin waa filled with dilute hy drochloric acid and when properly dis turbed with a glass rod It would emit a drop of tbe acid, which, on attacking tbe scale, served to prove that tbe cor rosion was due to a secretion of tbe worm and that the ozldea formed Its food Tbe editor accepted the exhibit In good faith and published an account of the alleged discovery, with the con sequence that It reappeared In many other Journals and bus since been re produced elsewhere at varying Intervals An Incident of Old Japan. On March 24. 1WW. an English minis ter was for the Brst time received with ceremony by the mikado, and tbe story of that reception illustrates remarkably the transformation of Japan nnder Mut suliito It had been fixed for the pre vious day. but on his way to tbe palace Sir Harry Piirkes was fiercely attacked by two Japanese swordsmen. So sud den and furious was the assault that nine of tbe eleven men of the escort were wounded. Tbe nose of Mr. Sa to w's pony and Sir Ilarry's belt were cut but Sir Harry himself was nnin J ii red and pursued one of tbe assail Hr.ts Mr. Kreeman-Mltford "found him at the angle of the street with the headless body of one of our enemies at his feet" The other, a samurai, was degraded and executed; the reception came off next day. and the mikado Is sued a decree forbidding all assaults upon foreigners. Get a Present Of Real Value Something you can enjoy yourself or present to a friend for either Christmas or New Years. With every purchase of $1.50 or over, until they are all gone, we will give one of these handsome Souvenir Spoons, with our best wishes. (Eastman Kodak Goods Excepted) Don't buy your CHRISTMAS Candy until you see Our Assort ment. LIGGETS '2 lb, 1 lb and 2 lb boxes A Christmas Gift for the whole family. EASTMAN KODAK We have them in prices from $1.00 to $65.00. BOX PAPER DELUXE The finest you ever aaw. Worth more money than we are asking for it. HUYLER'S CANDY LARGE ASSORTM ENT JUST IN CIGARS Large assortment. Just the thing for a Xmas gift. All sizes and prices. CARL. A. PLATH DRUGGIST The GXaJUL Store Creeping Salt. Here is something iu the course of natural phenoiueun that will Interest and Instruct tbe little folk If tbey look into it curiously: Into a tumbler half full of water dissolve Just as much common table salt as can be beld In solution Let it stand for a few days aud see bow the Bait creeps out of tbe wnter. up the Inside of the glass and down tbe outside Just like a thing of life trying to escape from its environ ment. And wben all the salt Is ap parently out of prison the water re mains as salty as before! It Is a pretty demonstration I The Honeymoon Over. "No one comes to see me," said she I wearily, "as tbey did before I was . married." "Speaking of tbat fact." said he, "I used to call on you seven evenings In j tbe week at that time But 1 am aa bad off as you -I now have nowhere j to go " I Moving. fie read the letter twice and then said. "This Is cue of the most moviuR j pieces of literature I ever aaw " "Is it an apH'ul for aid?" asked bis wife "No. It's a note from tbe landlord saying he has raised the rent" Her Property. Now and again things happen on the football Held which go to add to tin gnyety of the nation. On one occasion, for instance, during a certaiu league mntch In the north, tbe referee some bow managed to lose hla whistle. There was not another whistle to be found, and It seemed that the gnme would have to come to a sudden and Ingloti ons end. until the referee bit upon an ingenious scheme, fie produced a latchkey from his pocket and mnnnged to tootle merrily enough on It till sud denly, as he approached the touch line a woman's shrill voice was heard ex claiming: "Fred, come here at once. Where did you get that latchkey?" As he listened to the guffaw which went up from the assembled crowd that referee was the most sheepish looking man on the ground, and as be ! thought of the curtain lecture looming ahead his heart became like lead with in bis bosom. London Answers. Thousands of Pish Are Now Hatching Every Day At the Underwood Hatchery This Is a Sight worth Traveling: Miles to See and Cap tain Treiber, of the Underwood Ferry, Has Arranged to Carry Passengers Direct to the Hatchery for the Next Four Weeks, During Which Time the Hatching Will Be at Its Heighth. MI IU) In F cesa Ladies' Coats Last Monday morning we placed on sale 3CTof the Famous In dian Head Models Ladies Coats. We will confess we bought too many Coats, and are determined not to carry any Coats over into the New Year. The lot consists of Coats in Blacks, Tans, Greys, in fact all the season's wanted colors, perfectly tailored, and for 1 0 days, or as long as the lot lasts you may choose at just OFF THE REGULAR PRICE $13.50 to $28.50 COATS, NOW 56.75 to SI4.25 ONE-HALF Men's. Women's. Bovs' and Girls' LMILLIo 1 Sweaters, Sweater Coats Radically Grev Cotton I REDUCED FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Sweater Coats Blue and Red Trimmed 18 Cents NOTICE Everv Sweater in our stock included in this sale Prices here emoted, eood for Thurs day, Friday and Saturday This Week Only. Men's and Women's Sweaters $4.00 Grey Shaker Knit Wool P) 7Q Sweater, with Ruff Neck Collar OZi I 3 $3.00, $3.50 Red Wool Sweater, CO 1Q Ruff Neck and Byron Collar OZi I J $2.00 Grey and Brown Wool Sweat- Pi 1 Q er Coat, Byron Collar . . 0 1 1 1 0 $12.50 Handmade Grey Sweater PQ QC Coat, Byron Collar OOiOj $7.50 Hunters Olive Sweater Coat. PC QC extra heavy OwidJ $6.00 Heavy Wool Shaker Knit Pyi QT Sweater Coat.. OHiOJ $6.50 Athletic, Tan, Turtle Neck PA QT Sweater 04iJJ $3.00 Athletic Sweaters, colors PO 1C blue and red wZilJ fluids', Boys' and Girls' Sweaters $1.25 Wool Coat Sweaters, assorted QQp colors oOb To $1.75 White Coat Sweaters. Pi QQ Now u I ifc3 $2.25 Ruff Neck Sweaters, assorted PI TQ colors .-Cm iU J $3.00 Girls' Grey Sweaters with PI QQ Byron Collars Oil JU $3.00 Girls' Russian Coat Sweaters PO 10 Now OZi I J EEAGG 1ERCAMTI CO. classified ads. EVERYBODY READS THE NEWS "WANT" ADS. BUSINESS ADVERTISING FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Sale Kitchen range, inquire of Kline, 1303 Cascade Ave. 47tfc For Rent Dowden Potato Digger Has record of 2C0 bushels per hour. Can hand work beat that? For terms call Scott, 'phone 111. 32tfc Fine 7-room cottage on Cascade Ave, west of 7th street, for sale cheap. 3 chambers and a sleeping porch ,bath, pantry, attic and basement. Inquire at office of A. W. Onthank. 36tfc The News for good printing For Rent Two large, bright rooms, partly furnished, hot and cold water. Murray Kay, phone 32-B 44tfc For Sale One and two-year-old apple trees Including Delicious, Winter Ba nanas, Ortleys, Newtowns, Spltzen bergs, and other leading varieties. Al so Rurbank potatoes. Write or phone J. T. Nealeigh, , Hood River. Phone 218K. 48tfc For Rent Two and three-room suites for light housekeeping. Modern con veniences. Apply Mrs. II. O. Frederick Ul." Sherman, or phone 69-L. 4!tfc For Rent Desirable, well-furnished bungalow to acceptable tenant. Janu ary to April $:15. K. J. Patterson, Heed & Henderson. 50c For Rent One comfortable- light housekeeping room, 18 per month. Comer 6th and Sherman sts. Phone 243-K. 50-51c For Sale -Seasoned wood. Oak or fir... Phone J. J. Knapp. 3232-X.. .SOtfc For Sale or Trade - For town property or acreage, eighty acres located at Hend, Oregon, fifty acres under culti vation, well improved. Address F. It. Taylor. 60-61 p " When In need of printing remember the Newa. LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS For Sale Sorrel mare, eight-year-old, sound and a good worker single or double. W. B. Tewksbury with Ap ple Growers' Vnion. Residence East Barrett district. 49 50p For Sale Good steady orchard horse; Old buggy and harness go with horse. Dr. Waugh, Kliot Bldg. 49-50c For Sale Thoroughbred Huff Orping ton chickens. Phone 2082-L. 4!-50c S. C. Rhode leland Rede I have a few very fine cockerels for sale. Get your next season's breeders while the selection is good. Also, some good yearling hens, bred from prize-win ning Block. E. F. Batten, Phone 2012 M. 48tfc Wanted Clean rags. We will pay boys a cent a pound for clean rags de livered at the News office. For Sale Single-comb White Leghorn, Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red pullets. Phone 89 Odell. 50-5tc For Sale Cow. Phone 1S42 X 60-51p To Let Pony, saddle and cart for two or three months of winter. Very ser vlceable animal to ride or drive. Ad dress John Goldsbury, Parkdale, Ore. 50 51c ForSale Fine young Pekin ducks. dressed or alive Order now for Xmas Miwt sell, leaving city. Also carrots and fine Hurbank potatoes. A. H. Smith, Paradise Farm. Phone 331:?-L. 50c Wanted -Saddle horse through the winter, must be safe for girls to rld Ph. mo 287-F. 5('C For Rent Three light housekeeping rooms, furnished. Phone 234-M. 50 61 p Winter In the East last week. In dian summer here. Time to think of Christmas. IF you wish to do any tiling you may order your cement tile from H. W. Krussow. Phone 3202-M.47-50p Oakdale Greenhouset Geraniums, sal via, verbena and other bedding plants. See the roses in bloom this summer and have stock reserved for Fall or next spring. Plants and cut flowers at Franz's. Fletcher & Fletcher, Hood River. 19tfc EMPLOYMENT COLUMN Wanted Girl to do general house work. Phone Mrs. J. E. Robertson317 K or call at 1009 Columbia st. 49-50c REAL ESTATE SECTION For Sale At a sacrifice, 20 acres or chard land in Willow Flat district. For particulars see E. Kline at Hood River Gas & Electric Co. office. 24tfc For Sale at Sacrifice 25 acres in Bel mont district. 18 acres in rchard; 7 acres In bearing; balance one to four year trees. Fine spring; good build ings; implements. Must be sold at once. Address B. care of News LOST AND FOUND ADS Lost Heavy gold ring with one dia mond. Finder please return to F. Mor rison, 1106 State street and receive reward. 37-38C Lost Pocketbook, containing about $18 somewhere between Second St. and Belmont church. Finder please return here and receive suitable re ward. 49 50p mm 1 T - j "v 4 - c HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. I. NICKtlSllH. rroprletor Brctdt r ! S. C. W. Itghornt. W. f- Racks tni t. C. Rhoft ltln Rtds. Indian Runntr Duck ttrvediT nd jroun itix-k fiw !. Or tT booked now. Poultry yanl l'i mil wmt of city t r rmnktun. I'hon i2Si-X. Pruning The pruning season is here and we want to get as much done as possible before bad weather comes. Those wishing pruning or grafting done this season by an experienced and reliable party will do well to call up 39-X or address E. R. Lafferty, 223 Avalon Way, Hood River. AI refer ences and years of experience in Hood River and Ritter Root valleys. 4:Uf LUL Underwood and White Salmon FRUITGROWERS ATTENTION!! We have opened a Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing Shop at Underwood and are prepared to do all kind of Wagon Repairing. Forging. Etc... We make Grubbing Hooks. ... SHIVELY 4 DRISCOLL Underwood. Wash. A Matter of Luck. This conversation between a winter and a diner in a restaurant notorious for the sinallne of til- poriirMi i' served is reported in "Hyxtand'T: " "Well, sir." tsk'-J the wiilter,"liii'. did you find your beef?'' -Oh, I junt happened to ulilfi a pot.i toe, and well, there It wa." Couldn't beat this weuther