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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1912)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22. 1912 9 CLASSIFIED ADS" EVERYBODY READS THE NEWS "WANT" ADS. 9 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS For sale Steam sprayer in good working condition. Price $125. Call at Kickett'a orchard next to Pine Grove store or phone Odell 185 and call for S. T. Kicketts. 17tfc Tor Sale Indian Runner duck I eggs. White egg strain. $1.00 per setting of 12. J. Jr. Elliott, Wyeth, Oregon. I2-23p Tor Sale Studebaker 3-inch I wagon, good as new. Plow, cultivator and other small tools, Phone 320-X. 18tfc rggs For Hatching-$1.00 for 15, LSingle comb white Leghorns, pure bred and best winter layers, K. E. Campbell, West Side, Ala meda Way, Phone 201K3-L. Noons and evenings. 18-21c nee Supplies Send me yonr or Dders early and save time and money. Everything in the bee line. Address W. W. Dakin, 1205 Seventh St. Phone 107X 15-tfc ror bale very reasonably, one I bedroom lounge. Phone 32(Jk. Tor Sale Roll-top office desk. Igood as new. Price $17.50. IX E. Rand, Phone 328-X. 20-21c Tor Rent Modern house, corner 8th and Columbia. Apply Tele phone Office. ?(Mc Por Sale -Double seated hack; new heavy team harness and 3 1-4 Mitchell, widetire wagon. All in good condition. Would ex change for horse and buggy. J. Rinner, R. I). No. 3, Phone 2152-M. 20-21c For Sale at a Bargain Five shares East Fork Irrigating stock. Call on or address Ives& Frey, Mt. Hood. Ore., or Butler Banking Co., Hood River, Ore. 21-24c Furnished House to rent for June, July and August. Best location; finest view; out of the dust. W. H. McClain, phone 2G8L. 21-tfc EM PLOY M ENTcOLy M n Wanted - By married man. work ing on Hood River farm now, a change to another farm. Does all general farmwork. Address "C.'lcare of News. 21-24p Wanted Work on ranch or orch ard for entire season by a man fairly intelligent and physically sound. No previous experience and wages no object. How about it? M. A. Trummer. 447 Alder St., Portland, Ore. 20-21p Farm Help and Berry Pickers The Hood River Apple Growers Union and the Davidson Fruit Company have arranged with the Y. M. C. A. Industrial Employ ment Agency of Portland, to fur nish all classes of farm help, in cluding berry pickers, for the farmers and fruit growers of the Hood River District during the coming season. When you need help either phone or write the Union or the Davidson Fruit Co. and the calls will le promptly forwarded to us and filled. No charge to employers. 20tfc Wanted Anyone who wishes to hire help or anyone seeking employment, to call on Mrs. Myrtle Morris, Cascade Avenue, first door west of Mt. Hood ho tel Phone 114-M. 13tf-c Wanted Some one to grub ten acres on contract. Upper Val ley. J. W. Simmons, Parkdale, Phone Odell 27X3. 20-23c Tor Sale Fresh milch cow, black IJersey. Address E. M. Miller 1301-13th St., or phone 225-X. 20-21p For Sale -Heavy work team at very reasonable price. Address Homer Rog rs, Parkdale, Ore., phone Odell 277. 20-23p have a young Jersey bull that I am standing at my place three quarters of a mile west of the ball park. Am away from 9 un til 11:30. M. J. Foley. 17-24p For sale One old horse, capable of hard work, $35: also one A-l gelding, weight 1250. Phone 2102X. Cutler Bros. 17tfc Red' and S. for setting, uoth breeds are pure blood and are of the egg laying strains. Money could not buy any better stock. The bird head ing my best pen of Reds was pronounced the best bird seen on the coast this vear. Call 293-L or 300. S. H. Scobee. 8tfc or Sale Six head of horses. Care W. G. E. Smith. Phone 1912-K. 18-21p for Sale-S. C. R. I. I C White Leghorn eggs F F BUSINESS ADVERTISING For Sale Comfortable seven room cottage in pleasant loca tion. Four lots with trees, shrubs and fine hedge. Small barn at back. See owner at 729 Hazel Ave. 19-22p Oakdale Greenhouses Geran iums, salvia, verbena and other bedding plants. See the roses in bloom this summer and have stock reserved for Fall or next Spring. Plants and cut flowers at Franz's. Fletcher & Fletcher, Hood River. 19-tfc IF you have not worn a Spirella Corset you have not known real corset satisfaction. Its pat ented boning makes it the most flexible, durable, comfortable, lightest, coolest, most sanitary corset ever made, and it perma nently retains its shape. Ap pointments to suit your conven ience in your own homo. Send card or phone 118-K. Mrs. Hat tie Castner, 272 Cascade Avenue, next door west of Gilbert Imple ment Co. 12-tfc or Sale A few choice 8-weeks- old pigs. F. H. Dwinnell, Phone 191-K. 20-21c or Sale A fresh Durham Shorthorn cow. Now milking etween 5 and 6 gallons daily. 'hone or write Ives & Frey, Mt. lood, Ore. Phone Odell 268. 21-24c MR. DABNEY WRITES OF TRIP ABROAD or Sale Riding pony. Also drives single. Sound and not afraid of autos. Phone 133, 21-22c F F or bale splendid driving or general purpose horse, weight about 1100, handsome, kind and gentle, high life and thoroughly broken, not afraid of anything. Inquire R. A. McClanathan, on corner just south of East Barrett School. 21-tfc Ulanted Buggy horse in return II for its keep. Will give treatment. Phone 227-M. good 21-tf F or bale i earn or iuuu-pouna farm horses. They are also good roadsters; 7 and 8 years old; also harness. Can be seen at Moore's Feed Yard, or phone L. H. Rose, Oregon Hotel, ltp F or Sale Dock and Bill, the best known team in Hood River county. Having bought an auto truck we have no further use for them and offer them, together with harness, for- quick sale at $100 cash. Weight 1350 each; age 10 and 1 1. Connoway Mer cantile Co., Inc., Odell 191. ltc REAL ESTATE SECTION I o exchange one 8-room resi dence, three lots, one 6-room house, three lots, four lots across alley, worth $0500. for fruit farm in Hood River valley. Address Alex Service, Fairfield, Wash. 21-25p F For Sale -230 acres of land, from $50.00 per acre up. Will sell 20-acre tract with part in trees. C. J. Calkins. Phone 50-K. tfc or Sale By Arthur F. Lewis & Son, Real Estate, Lewiston, Idaho. $3,000 will buy a large. modern, well-built bungalow near State Normal School. Lew iston, Idaho. Good reasons for selling. Bearing orchard in Lew iston Orchards, Idaho, for sale. Peaches and apples. Five acres. Close in. One of the best tracts among hosts of fine orchards. Speak quick before owner changes his mind. $400, this week, will buy three large lots in Riverview addition. Lewiston, Idaho. Bargain. Chance for home, garden and orchard, ltc LOST AND FOUND ADS L ost- Dark gray overcoat be tween town and Tucker s bridge. Finder please leave at News office or phone Odell 125. 20-21 p MANY USERS IN HOOD RIVER VALLEY OF OXYPATIIORS TRY THIS MEDICINE AND IF NOT SATISFIED RETURN (iuaranteed to cure without drugs Paralysis, Rheumatism, llrlghts Disease, l.lver Trouble!, Nervous ncmf, Wood I'olHonlng, May I ever L. J. GATES, 2102 K (Continued from Iunt wwkl Mayence, at the bead of deep water naviKUtion, 1h the center of the wine induxtry on the middle Rhine. It hag a population of 115,000 people and Its hiatory, dating back more than 2,0uo yeura. This place haa much interest to the touritttg and from it a visit can eaxily be made to Weinbaden and Frankfort, both of which are Interest Ihk cities. In going from Mayence to Hi-idle- burg one passes through some inter esting country with much market gar dening which is mostly done by wom en. whi work cows and oxen or a horse ind cow, etc. A part of the way Is through wild, weird and some dense forests. Heldleburg has 50.000 people. It lies on both sides of the River Nekar, and two miles from its junction with the Rhine. The Church of the Holy Ghost, dat ing back to 1400, is an interesting structure, and in it the Reformation begun by preaching and administer ing Sacrament in both kinds, but in course or time a bitter strife arose between the two factions and a wall was built through, dividing the church in the center, the Roman Catholics using the choir and the Protestants the nave. The wall has been removed and replaced several times, and the last time it wag rebuilt was In 1893 Thus the lion and the lamb lie down together in peace' and worship God with a wall between them. Heldleburg Castle Is one of the largest and finest ruins in Germany If not in Kurope. It Is located on a high hill overlooking the city, rivers valleys and forests, and from it one can see in the distance the Harz Moun tains, while further away the dim out line of the Vosges appears. Heldleburg Cattle. The castle was built in the thirteenth century, of red or brown stone, and Its many statues and ornamental carv ings makes It very beautiful. The old well. 25 feet In circumferance and nearly 100 feet deep, has the same careful workmanship: every stone Is dressed and perfectly curved and fit so closely that one can hardly discern where one is Joined to the other. Much of the castle was used as prison, and as I wander from one dark cell to an other and look out through small Iron grates secured in strong, thick walls, my mind drifts back to olden times, when prisoners sat around on the bare cold rock floor and thinking, mother, dear, of you, and the bright and happy home so far away." There is a beau tiful porch connected with the castle with ortly winding walks and paths and enclosed by a high stone wall. Strassburg, dating back 15oo years before America was discovered, has a population of 150,0im, and is the cap itol of Alsace and Ixraine, and is one of the best fortified cities in Kurope. It is surrounded by fourteen forts with a garrison of 15.000 men, the beautiful country surrounding is mostly taken up with market gardening. There is a building covering several acres of ground where the markets are held two days in each week, and It was my pleasure to attend one of them, and it was Interesting to see the peasants coming in from the dif ferent districts, each one in his own peculiar dress and mode of convey ance, which consisted of wagons and carts drawn by cows, oxen, a horse world. Its quaint stone and brick buildings are of much interest. The Cruciform Church, built In the fifteenth century is 4i)0 feet in length and Its interior is beautiful, and contains one of the largest ilpe organs in the world, having nearly 5,ikm pipes. In going to Cologne we passed through a beautiful country all the way. This art of Germany lies in a higher altitude and the land Is used more for agriculture, etc. Cologne Is one of the attractive cities of Ger many. sltiKited on the River Rhine, and has a population of 40ohm. It lies In a semi-circle with a broad boule vard beautified with various kinds of trees, shrubs and flowers encircling It. The Cologne Cathedral. The Cologne "Cathedral is the larg est and most costly building of its kind in Germany. The tower Is more than 50(1 feet high and one may ascend nearly to Its top by means of steps. The decorated windows are exception ally fine. Its large bell, made from 22 French cannons, weighs 2t! tons, and its mellow tone is most beautiful and may be heard for many miles. Cologne dates back more than 2.000 years, and much of the old Roman wall and some of the massive towers may be seen. The Pontoon bridge, across the river, Is composed of lit! steel boats and has been used for general traffic for many years. The railroad bridge Is one of more than ordinary notice. It Is so wide that It carries five railway and two street car tracks, hesldes two passageways each 12 feet, for footmen. We are now sailing up the winding River Rhine with Its picturesque scenery all around and our next stop was made at Ronigs- wlnter, or Seven Mountains. This is a pretty summer resort, and two miles away, on the top of the nearest moun tain, rests the old ruins of the Drach enfels Castle, and from it one Is able to see many miles up and down the river. The Seven Mountains are most ly covered with woods of different kinds, with winding roads nnd drive- ed a haven which is far away from their nativity, and it is interesting to ways leading to and past many beauti ful mansions, hotels, etc. Coblenze is 110 miles from Cologne. and in going that distance we passed many quaint old villages and towns, with' vine-clad hills with beautiful country seats, castles and old castle ruins crowning the higher and more rocky ones. Coblenze Is at the Junc tion of the Moselle and Rhine Rivers, and one of the grtiitest wine centers in Germany, and is much noted fur its fine Moselle wines. Near the city Is the Stolzenfels Castle, built In the twelfth century. In going from Co blenze to Illngen one passes through a very rough country with hills and low mountains on each side of the river, with cnsfle crownings nnd old ruins. some or which were neatly ouscurert by vine and foliage, anil sloping back from the river the rock terraces con tain thousands of acres of vlnyards. Illngen Is a quiet, quaint little city or eight or ten thousand people. It lies at the Junction of the Rivers Rhine and Nuke, and across the latter there Is a stone bridge built by the Romans 13 years H. C, and has been In con stant use since that time. Tbf people have their peculiar dress and habits, which adds interest to "Fair liingen-on-the-Rhlne." Uusy Klopp, which is situated on a knoll near the renter of the town, wag erected on the enclosing walls of a Roman fort and from it one can get a magnificent view. The Par ish church was built nearly luoo years before America was discovered, and ts of much Interest. As we go up the on one Side of their person from head to foot, and on the other side they wear black; then another will tine some other colors, and so on, and in all it makes quite an interesting spec tacle. The Queen's Palace is large and handsomely finished and the large structure rests on 14,M0 piles. Here, as In other Holland cities, the castes of the ladies are designated on the streets by the rich ones wearing a gold cap with a thin lace over it on her head; the next in wealth wears the silver cap, and the poor, by the clumsy wooden shoes on their feet. A trip to Amsterdam would not be complete without making some neigh boring excursions and visiting some of the so-called dead cities around Zuiderzee. Consequently, our next place of Interest was at Marken, a fishing village of nearly l.Sou people, located on a low, flat island Beveral miles square, bounded by the Zuiderzee and the North Sea. The people are of that same peculiar dress and habits of the old Dutch Hollanders of long ago. They all wear the clumsy wood en shoes. The men and boys, with pants legs larger than the hobble skirt. The women and girls with skirts pro portionally as large, with waists like Joseph's coat of many colors, and each one with a curly lock hanging down in front of their ears, and with a white cap on with ioint8 that curl up toward the ear. The people are extremely clean and clever. The sole occupation of the men Is fishing, while the women and girls do much lace work and knitting. but few of them ever leave the island and they seem contented and happy. They are all followers of Calvin and they attend church in the same old edifice in which he used to preach. They have two schools, one of which is a bible school. From here we went to Volendam. Volendam. This town hat nearly 3,000 people who are also fishermen, and have a large cannery, and every day one will see hundreds of their fishing smack in the cove near the tow-n. Their gaily colored houses, with their peculiar costumes and man ners are intensely interesting. Edam has a population of 3.''0 and they have some very picturesque old houses. Here Is established lame dry ers and smokers, and the herring are sent there for that purose from many places. They have . fifteenth century church that has considerable interest. Edam is famous for Its cheese making, and while here we visited one of the factories. Here they keep their cows, their feed, make the cheese, and themselves reside all under one roof. and everything is neat and clean, and In a perfectly sanitary condition. In the summer time, however, the milk ing is done in the pastures, near a canal and the milk taken in boats to the factory. At Monikondam, another quaint old place, with its many Dutch peculiarities, we went on board a canal boat, and for twenty miles or more passed through a land of green pas tures with thousands of head of the fine Holsteln cattle and saw the old Dutch windmills pumping water from the drain ditches and running it into the canals, which are in many places two and twenty feet higher than the pasture land on each side of it. (To ik continued) Furnished or unfurnished office or housekeeping rooms for rent. Reed & Henderson, Inc. 2 ttf Real Estate Bulletin Are You in the Market for Snap? LOOK THESE OVER 1C0 acres in Upper Valley, near Mt. Hood store, cost to clear not to exceed $d per acre. All cood apple land. I under ditch. No waste. Price $50 per acre. Terms $3000 cash; balance to suit. 40 acres, 17 acres in 7 year old Spitz and Newtowns, balance partially cleared; very fine red shot soil none steep or rocky. 25 inches free water. Price for short time only $200.00 per acre. Terms J cash, balance 5 years. 5 acres close to town on West side, all in hiprh class 2 and 3 year old commercial orchard. air house, pood barn, etc. Price $4250. Terms on part 10 acres in Belmont district. 9 acres in 4 year Spitz and New- towns; 1 acre timber reserved for buildinp; site. On main road. Vice $5500. Terms $1000 cash. balance to suit. Ilijrh class central Oresron stock ranch, value about $15000, to ex change for Hood River valley property. This is not junk and is not plastered with a heavy mortjjapre. ...Insurance.., Of All Kinds Written In Stand ard Companies Only G, Y. EDWARDS & GO. Office Hotel Orejion Mil. Phone No. !K ON YOURWAY HETHER you arc coming or going you will need a good SUIT CASE or HAND BAG. We can supply you with GOOD GOODS at RIGHT PRICKS ALL LEATHER SUIT CASES $4.35 aTnd 6 All Leather Suit Cases, with or without straps, linen shirt fold, solid JL. M metal frame, brass trimmings, double corners, triple 1 hinges, a good $5.00 case for LADIES' SPECIAL 24 Inch Black Grain or Smooth Brown Leather Suit Case, JL. 9 pocket lined, brass trimmed, very light and strong: NcS Jlm a $10.00 case for JW.-T OUR BEST 24-Inch Hand-Sewed Full Sole A. . a- nn Leather, all leather lined, one H I 1 I II I of the best cases made 1 vJVfVr Sole Leather, leather lined, solid brass frame, brass trimmed, hand sewed, Club Bag, 1 6-ln. $12.00; 18-ln. $13.50 Other Suit Cases and Bags, up from . $2.50 BRAGG MERCANTILE CO. Winning the Glidden Tour Absolute Proof of Maxwell Reliability Haxwell won the Glidden Tour from New York to Jacksonville, Florida, under the worst road conditions on record--a 1454-mile journey through mud and sand, over swollen streams and storm-racked mountains--the hardest test to which motor cars have ever been subjected. Of the 6-1 competitors, includ ing cars priced up to $6000, the Maxwell cars were the only team to finish with a perfect score, and secured the Glidden trophy. Another Maxwell entered by Gov. Hoke Smith also finished with a perfect score, and won the Anderson trophy offered for the best individual car showing making the Maxwell triumph a clean sweep. In spite of conditions, these Maxwells, noon and night, reached every control exactly on time and showed 100 per cent efficiency at all times. This remarkable demonstra tion of Maxwell reliability was no surprise to the 47,000 own ers of Maxwell cars. Maxwell dependability has been demon strated to them by years of consistent daily service. The 36 hp. MAXWELL 5. $14)4 f. o. b. Factory, including SrK-Slanrr Special Is 1012's "Undi We predicted that when we an nounced the car. The Glidden tour proves it. The hg, stylish, beauti ful 3G-hp. five-passenger touring car is unequalled by any car within $300 of its price. We want you to see this car note its ventilated fore-door, flush Mde. vestibuled steel body.inside control, Columbia Honeycomb Type Radia tor and new designed bonnet an , $1 450 sputed Leader" aristocrat in appearance. The ex planation of the remarkable price $1480 is found in the pre at rrp.rv; facturinp and distributing econom ies of the United States Motor Co. We also invite you to inspect the other 1912 Maxwell models, a'.i em bodying the famous Max we-", char acteristics of Reliability. Durability and Economy. Send (or the story of the (Hidden Tour and other valuable and Interesting literature containing Information every man should have who N thinking of buying an automobile. They are say "send books." Tip-Top Auto Company, Inc. C. P. McCAN, Manager PHONE 109 - HOOD RIVER, ORE. 1