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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1912)
10 THE ROOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22. 1912 o LA) o BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Tho only Baking Powder made, from Royal C rape C ream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE TENNIS CLUB DANCE IS GREATLY ENJOYED The nee rlvtn ty the West Side IViml Cluli I'.rldaj evening vn ine of t tie iiioHtJi-iijovnMe hih-IuI events of the unuiiii. There was a lurce at tendance and diuielnu was enjoyed from nine till twelve o'clock. Music was furnished liy Yogi's orchestra. Several circle two-steps proved par ticularly popular. The next two dances In the series which Is lelng jrlven by the club have lieeu set for Friday. May 31. and Friday, June 21. There werea numlier of out-of town truest at the dance Friday. Theyln cludecl the Misses Maine and Anna Stoner, of l'ittsburtf, I'a , who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Law. rence; Mrs. R. M. IIoss, Miss Maud Untenant, William M.Thurston, H i. Itlrkner, J. (4 Hrenneman, J. K Clark and H. Blackniar of Mosler; Mrs. I'. H. Caufield of Oregon Clty. who has tieen visiting her daughter. Mrs. L. A. Henderson; Miss Bertha Mas ters and William Masters of Port land, who have leen visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Thomp son, and Miss tteraldlne t'oursen of Portland, who Is visiting Miss Le nore Adams. Hair Goods Combings made up to order. Switches and puffs of genuine human cut hair. In any shade desired. liragg Mercantile Co. will lie pleased to show them and give prices. Mrs. Eva Woodburn, Phone ltM-M. Pickers' and Packers' Tickets We print them, and If you are go ing to Deed some order uow by card or phone and we will print them promptly. Hood River News, phone M. Spring delivery wagon for sale cheap, Just the thing to haul U-rrles In. See The Star Grocery. 20 RAILROAD COMPANY AND COUNTY AGREE At a conference held In this city the last of the week an agreement was reached In'tween representatives of theO.-W. R. & X. Company and the county court as to where the road around the rock point this side of Shell Rock will be located. This was the only point of dispute between the railroad and the county. tiovernor West was at first Inclin ed to Insist that the railroad move Its tracks towards the river suhV lently to permit the road to pass be tween the tracks and the rock on the same grade. At the meeting here last week Chief Engineer (Jeorge W. 15osclike and At torney Wilson, counsel for the rail road were present. They were met by County Judge Culbertson. I ounty Commissioners McCnrdy and Khoades, County Surveyor Murray Kay, IVputy District ttorney John Baker and W. E. King of the special committee appointed by the Com mercial Club. Mr. Boschke showed that the Col umbia River at a point dfrectly north of the tracks at that point Is 123 feet deep and that a fill could not be constructed. He stated that the railroad would grant a right of way around the rock at a point ten feet above the railroad tracks. After due deliberation the county court agreed to this arrangement as U'lng the test that could lie expected under the circumstances. It Is be lieved that It will be satisfactory to Governor West, although It will mean an expense of about $2."H) to build the road around this dllticult point. Regular Sunday excursion to Paik dale. Pleasant trip for yourself aL i Meeds. old irons for new! perhaps in your attic or cellar or maybe in your pantry you have one of the earlier models of the now tamous Electric Hatiron It's a good iron the best made in its day. But, its old and a bit clumsy. Then again, vast im provements have been made in electric Iron con struction. Why not exchange it for a new 1912 model with the heating element guaranteed for five years We mean exactly that. Bring us any old domes tic HotpointElectric Iroriyou may have plus $3.00 and we'll give you i this latest model in exchange Don't forget thatit has the Hot lVint, the Cool HandlertheAttached Stand and the heating element is Guaranteed for Five Years "a woman's work is never done" - unless 'tis done the jfoftnway. cook iron - heat Electrically Hood River Gas & Electric Co. Pboic 55 ill cascade Ave. NUMEROUS BENEFITS FROM SOIL SURVEY Many practical benefits are ex pected from the tvjll survey which is now under way In this valley. The work of the I'edral Bureau of Soils under this head Includes a careful classltlcatloa under Held conditions of all the soils In a given area, the materials lielng studied to a depth of six feet. They are separated and classified after a careful study of the surface soils and subsoils to deter mine their physical properties and their adaptation to crops to which climatic conditions of the region sur veyed are favorable. F.acu type of soil Is fully described In a report and the location and exteut of the soil areshowu on a map printed In col ors. The physical properties, origin suitability for agriculture, range of crops for which it may le used, and the cultural methods under which the most profitable returns can lie secured, are fully set forth. Such Im portant facts as the quantity and kinds of Injurious alkali salts which may be present, drainage conditions aud Irrigation problems are carefully Investigated and recommendations made whereby advantage may be taken of the favorable conditions and the unfavorable may be ovei come. Areas of alkali land are out lined In a map and suggestions given for their reclamation. The classification of the soils of a state Is an essential preliminary step In the establishing of seed testing and plant breeding stations, enabling experimenters to give definite and accurate Information regarding crop production on the various types through the state. The Information made available by soil survey work eliminates the possibility of locating such breeding stations on local soil types not representative of the main agricultural lauds of the state and of securing results which can uot be applied with assured success. Careful inquiry conducted by the Pureau ol Soils has clearly demon strated that certain soil types are best adapted to particular crops orse rles of crops and that such crops reach greatest perfection In that particular soil environment. The planting of these crops on soils differing from their accustomed habitat requires a readjustment of the fuuctlons of plant growth to meet the new envi ronment and frequently results In so checking their growth as to cause either a partial or total failure of the crop. APPLE BREVITIES FROMEXCHANGES An effort was made during the past summer by the Missouri State board of Horticulture to co-oerate with t lie apple growers of the state In the disposal of their crop. Many of those who have orchards are not well situ ated for getting In touch wfth the markets, and are In Isolated places where npple buyers do not easily reach them. Much Variability There Is much variability In the chemical composition of arsenate of lead, as was previously shown. How ever, in the proportions used in spray ing there Is always enough arsenate present to poison the delicate, newly hatched worm. It Is the physical condition, the flocculenee, the ability to stay In suspension, that counts most In selecting a brand of lead. Arsenate that has dried out Is less flocculent and, therefore Is less valu able s a codling moth spray, al though its arsenic content remains the same as liefore. The most effect ive strength of arsenateof lead seems to be one pound to fifty gallons. Tills st rengt h lias proved satisfactory In practice In the orchards where It has iM-eti used. Apple Holdings Reported Apple holdings In the I 'lilted States are estimated at this time to be In round numbers .'dH),0W barrels and 4H,00 to 4."0,(KK) boxes. Last year at this time stocks were about 100,000 tarrels and Sil.OOO boxes. Considerable complaint Is heard on account of the fruit not keeping well but the same trouble has been ex perienced right through the season. It Is thought that the hot dry sum mer of 1!)11 In some of the apple pro ducing sections kept the fruit from developing keeping qualities anil on this account large quantities of np ples have Ikti lost. CAN AT HOME With one of our Home or Factory Oanners. Can Fruit, Vegetables, Meats, Fish or Fowl, in glass or tin. Cook pork and beans. Steam puddings. Capacity up to 10,(X)0 cans daily Price $15. (JO to $200. Complete instructions and "Se crets of the Canning Business" tell the whole story. A splendid business to engage in. Get par ticulars of THOS. J. ROSS 27 Fourth Hire. J'orlland, Oretro CAMAS PRAIRIE WE HAVE rich bottom lands ready for the plow at one half the price it would cost you to clear timber land. This land will give you an income at once and the present price will insure you a speculation as well. White Salmon orchard men insure you a home market FOR YOUR HAY and PRODUCE LET US T12L.L, YOU ABOUT IT To) JO)n 1Q Dm sua s 0n Paint Your Own Carriage you can do it yourself and at little expense. It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors. ACME QUALITY CARRIAGE PAINT (Neal's) is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni ture, garden tools and all surfaces that must withstand exposure and hard usage. Ready to brush on and the label tells how. E. A. FRANZ CO 12 ACRES 6 acres in Apples and Pears; house and barn; on two county roads. Abun dance of good water with place; 1 mile from town. EASY TERMS Would consider trade In city property H. M. PRINDLE, :: P. 0. Box 357 7" I AT HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. R. MI.KI.LStN, Proprietor Brt4r .1 f . C. . Ltqhorm. W. P. Rock n t. C. Rh.O mini Httt. Indian Nunntr Oyckt Pr and Day OUi Chi.ks after Jen. 1st Or rr ikerl now. Poultry yenln 1 i milf. wret of city at Frank ton. Prion. X&l-X. T. I. TWKKItV Mutual Inenranr. at Per Cmt of ONI Lin. Kate, rin Ineurenr. on Huil'linsr in Count of Contrwtion, r'ree. rTT rimur: on thr HrmiiT 4 Economical Housewives... have found our store a blessing. Here you find the tx?st and only the best Groceries Always fresh, always clean and wholesome. Staple and fancy goods) for some of w hich we are exclusive agents. Our free de livery department is prompt, ac curate and efficient. Try us. WOOD'S GROCERY J. M. WOOD, Prop. FOR SALE Practically new PERRY PNEUMATIC WATER SYSTEM with two horse power engine. One GRUBBING MA CHINE at a bargain. Telephone Odell 2X5 How Could H. H.lp Itr Wo Io you think roflrrlnges are tnmlo In honven? She I don't know. IYrhnpn thoy nrc. but I'd be nntlnllod Willi onu mixle In or, that In, of course, I tvHxu't thinking what oh, Charlie, do you rcnlly mean It? Chicago llec ord -tlcrnld. FOR SALE Quarter Skctiom Per petual free water right. Shot and, best for apples. No heavy timber to clear, len acres cleared. The price and terms are right. Sell all or cut into tracts. 1 mile from R. R. depot. Address owner, 17 Ainsworth bldg., Port land, Ore., or G. Y. Edwards & Co., Hood River, Ore. Wire Wound Continuous Stave WOOD STAVE PIPE KELLY BROS., Agents 4th St. Bet. Oak and State I'hone 227-M Hood River, Ore. Water Works for the Country "Hello. Jim. wh.n did yon put In water-work. i "About month o. U-,?i'i Charley, mil I Dover 'i!'V-V oHied be (or. bow '?1 V VV much convenience and ai -V- uA real enjoyment I've been V V-vH' much convenlei r -V real enjoyment 1 1 11 y 'misting alllhiitl I tilfv. "1 tent tor tre me. IrM book I law ailvertled. called , I ItowIFvulredth. Water a BnDolr Problem.' and It opened my eye, 1 tell you." it convinces me mat i cooia have running water on my place .a easily as town people, fto I ordered an ontrlt, set It up my self, and It works to perfection. It la called tb. Leader Water Supply System "I put In a bathroom, hay. hot and cold water In the kitchen and laundry and you tee what a strong pressure 1 have In this hos.." "How do you get that pressor. Jlmf 11 1 very simple, Charley com pressed air. You see, my windmill pumps water Into a stael tank In my basement (not th. old-fashioned clumsy, outdoor gravity tank). Th. air In this tank, being elastic. Is com pressed Into the upper hall as th. water enters. This compressed air then gives a pressure which force, the water through the pipes all over tiie house, the garden and the barn." "1 can wash my buggies, clean out the stables, water tho gardens, and pip. water to th. stock so easily. It seems almost like a dream." "Then 1 have absolut. fire protec tion, and that's worth a great deal oa the farm you know. uo you want a copy of this book. Mr. Reader? It will show you how .asfly tht. aystem can be applied to your own (arm, and what a time and Itiljor saver It will prove, at moderate cost. The Mtlr oT fix book la "How I Holveri th. Water rlnpply 1'robWtin," srt w . a tK h to aav one lnrmt4. B-tt.f writ sow, MI U). wM. I H frh le ym rniQ'1. Y'u II aunly Joy i legit. AJdrtM Apple Land & Orchard Go. Office No. 9 Oak St. Phone 26 or 2002-K r r c i inisinn Opposite thi Post Office Home Theme 20 1 Spray and -i Garden Hose Plumbing Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Farm Implements and Logging tools repaired. Plow work a specialty. Howell Bros. Two doors east of Fashion Stables lood Rivrr, Ore. Tlione 22 7-X