Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1912)
2 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1912 TOJLPIT Visit our Ladies' Suit Department 2nd Floor, and see the Big Specials we are offering in this line. :: :: :: :: j y a We are selling a Genuine w C .mm Panama Hat, new shapes, You oughl not to overlook the special prices we have in shoes on our bargain table. There are surely some big values here. :: special, each. Methodist Church Sunday ax-hool at WriNta. in. Preach liiK wervlcea at 11:00 a. m Theme: morning, "I. In tit nt Kventhle;" evening. "The lVmoerncy of K" Union " or (ieiiernl fonfereiuv IiuprHloui." Keineinlier Junior league at 3 p. m. KpwortliJ Ingue at p. in. Prayer meeting on Thurmlar evening at 7:W o'clock. All art" cordially Invited to at tin J Ihivf Mervlces. Stranger made wel . mine. W. II. Young, Pastor. Baptist Church At the Tuewd-iy evening meeting Mr. Hiirgrenvew will offer n conrwe of tii'lli-H on ('lirlnllanlty Ana lysed." the winn' lielng a coneidera tlon of the organization and Hplrlt of 1 tie ChrlHtlan faith. The work w ill h- presented In four ectloii a fol lows: I. Ancient cuntom and their effect on the vocabulary of the pre ei.t; II. The Mechanic hope of an cient day; 111. Innplratlon; IV. The Chrlt for today. Any one de Hiring to follow- these considerations will lie made welcome. United Brethren Church Sunday School nt 10 a.m. Sermon and morning worship at 11 a. in , Huliject, "The I'npaluted Picture." K. at 7 p. m. I5tg evangelistic meeting at 8 o'clock. Special music nl rehearsal following the sermon Wednesday night. A cordial wel come Is extended to all. Christian Science Services Christian Science services will lie held In the Commercial Club rooms Sunday at 11 a. m., subject, "Soul and Body." Sunday school at 11 a. ni. In room 6, Davidson building. Wednesday evening testimonial meetings are held In Davidson building All are cordially lnvltel to attend these services. Heading room open dully, No. 6, Davidson building. NEW REPAIR SHOP FOR AUTO TIRES IS OPENED H. R. Field has opened at 413 Oak street a vulcanizing and tire repair shop. He has put in an equipment to repair blowouts, put on new treads and do tube work and repairing of all kinds. He also intends to carry a line of rubber goods. Mr. Field is a specialist in this line and invites patronage of local automobile men. It If you want anything In the liee line, ak W. W. Dakln; phone 107X 1j tfe CGABAmS I T M fTlen's CCctfies See our Clothcraft Blue Serge Special No. 5130, guaranteed all wool, and fast colors $15.00 You have never seen, and we have never before offered as good a value as the Clothcraft Blue Serge Special No. 5130 at $15.00. The cloth is every bit as good as it looks. It is guaran teed all wool, fast color, full Indigo and full weight. The makers guaran tee this clothcraft Blue Serge Special, also insure lasting shape and satisfac tion in every detail of workmanship, wear and service. We back up this guarantee with our own, so you can't possibly go wrong in deciding on this Clothcraft Bine Serge Special, at $15.oo You really cannot appreciate the exceptional value of this Special Suit at $15 unless you call and see it and try it on. We have the largest and most reasonable priced line of Men's and Boys' Suits in the city. Speclaf 4-in-hand, all pure silk ties, with sew ed and open ends, full length and new and pretty patterns. These are good 50c values anywhere. Our O special price, only AJ Special Ladies' Sailor Hats in light and dark straw, Milan or Golf braid, Qr regular $1 values, special VC Men's fine French Balbriggan Under wear, in ecru, blue, black and grey, basket weave, plain brown or black. These are odds and ends and are regu lar 50 and GOc values. All sizes in the lot in both shirts and drawers but not a complete run of colors in any one kind. Special Ladies' Washable Underskirts made of good grade gingham in stripes and plain colors with embroider- A C ry ed ruffles, each wt Ladies' Washable Underskirt of black and white striped gingham, with pleated flounce with a jive inch accor- dian pleated ruffle of black sateen at bottom, each 75c Ladies' Underskirt of soft finished black heatherbloom, made with tuck ed flounce and accordian pleated ruffle and extra dust ruffle, A7 each aPaH-y Ladies' Washable Underskirt, natural linen color with fancy embroidered ruffle at the bottom, each, only 75c Special We have placed on special sale this week a bunch of ladies' silk and net Shirt Waists that for value cannot be beat anywhere made of good grade white silk, trimmed with fine val lace and insprtinn and some with embroi dered fronts and tucks, values up to $o.00. Special, your choice $1.49 CfiiCflren's Dresses We have one of the finest lines of ready-to-wear Dresses for Children, in percale, gingham and Madras, nice ly trimmed with contrasting materi als and buttons all the newest and daintiest styles for all ages from 1 year up to 16 years, and priced at 25c, 35c, 45c and up adies' House Dresses You cannot afford to bother with the making when you can buy such nicely made and stylish looking House Dress es as we are offering you, at the most reasonable prices. To appreciate the big values you must drop in and look them over. You will be surprised to see how reasonable we can fit you out. 3fSD r LOO fit Uhe PAMIR AIM HOOD RIVER'S LARGEST AND BEST STORE FRANKTON V. R. Absten visited friends at Husum, Wash., for a few days last week. Miss Lena Baker was called to Portland Saturday by the death of her little nephew. The intermediate and primary grades of Frankton, together with Columbia school, had a de lightful picnic on the banks of the Columbia last Thursday. The Misses Cora Clarkson, Ed na Merchant and Davidson and Mrs. W. T. Eddy went to White Salmon Monday to engage in strawberry packing. Mother's Day will be observed Sunday afternoon at Frankton. Rev. Parsons will preach at 3:30. Bible school will start promptly at 2:30. Everyone, both young and old, is cordially invited to attend these meetings. At the recent meeting of the school board J. E. Stubbs was chosen to wield the rod over our school another year. This PICTURE TAKING is simpler than you think, providing you have chosen the right Kodak and have been instructed right. Almost every day in the year, Indoors and out, something presents itself that is worth "taking.' There's a fascination in Kodakery that both young and old enjoy, and there's a Kodak for all. To advise you in the se lection, to assist you in getting Btarted, and to help you in getting better results is the purpose of our Kodak Depart ment. Keep a pictorial record of the things that interest begin now. Come in and look over our line and Have a talk with our Kodak Expert CARL A. PLATH DRUGGIST The 5t&XcJ!JLi Store will make six consecutive terms for Prof. Stubbs at Frankton. During the past five years our school has ! progressed rapidly under his direction. Alderbrook was the scene of a" merry party Saturday night, when Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nickel sen entertained the Frankton high school and Prof, and Mrs. J. E. Stubbs. The evening was spent in games and music. A delicious lunch was served. Oregon Lumber WHOLESALE and R ETA I L LARGE STOCK OF Band Sawed Lumber on Hand WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT REASONABLE FIGURES CEDAR POSTS CEDAR SHIP LAP and SHINGLES Estimates Furnished. Call on Either Phone DEE, OREGON OAK GROVE V. A. Rahlis of Portland is visit ing his brother, R. A. Rahlis. Mrs. Learning of Portland is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Pregge. Fred McLaren of Pendleton, Ontario, is visiting his brother, A. K. McLaren. The Ladies' Aid of the church will meet this week with Mrs, William Crapper. W. L. Nichols and family left last Thursday to spend a few days at The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. King re turned last week from Victoria, B. C, where they have been for the past two weeks. Miss Gertrude Irwin, who ha3 been teaching school in the Mt. Hood District, returned Saturday for the summer. The West Side Tennis Club Dance, which was held in Heil bronner Hall last Friday was well attended and was a success in every way. Mrs. C. N. Ravlin met with a painful accident last week, hav ing the tip of her forefinger bit ten off and her thumb badly bruised while feeding their horse. It is certainly a pleasure to know that Mr. Rahlis' boast that it rains every time he starts to irrigate his berries is not an idle one. That rain Sunday wa3 a fine one. The vanguard of the straw berry pickers has arrived for several of the earlier patches. The larger number of the grow ers, however, will not begin to pick in any quantity for ten days or two weeks as yet NEAL CREEK One of the Pine Grove Sunday School classes spent Sunday on Neal Creek. Dr. and Mrs. Williams and Dr. F. C. Brosiua and family spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Krohn. H. W. Randall of Portland has just finished setting five acres to apple trees. This land was clear ed this spring. The contract for Mr. Sherman's apple house was let last Monday to J. H. Jeppesen for the carpen ter work. Mr. Jeppesen also got the contract for the concrete work which he will start some time this week. M. D. Hicks of Hood River is going to start clearing on his 40-acre tract south of the Chap man & Sherrard place this week. The game warden who has charge of this part of the coun try is inspecting all irrigation ditches which take water of Neal Creek. Messrs. Chapman and Sher rard of Portland spent two days last week on their place. They burnt about 40 acres of brush and expect to clear some of this land next Fall. LADIES ARE ALSO TO GO TOJORTLAND A meeting of the committees which are arranging the trip to Portland next week Wednesday held a meeting yesterday at which it was decided that ladies will also be taken along. Lunch eon will be taken with the Ad Club at the Multnomah Hotel. Railroad tickets will be good returning as late as Friday, May 31, giving an opportunity to spend Decoration Day in the me tropolis. It is absolutely necessary that all those wishing to go should notify Secretary Scott of the Commercial Club and secure tickets by next Monday. It is expected that a large del egation will attend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Montague Sidney are spending a few weeks in Portland. They are having an elaborate home, equipped with all modern conveniences, constructed on their ranch above Fir. NO SIB, I CAN'T GET APPENDICITIS I Eat All I Want to Now. No Mora Caa on tha Stomach or Sour Stomach. No Mora Hoavy Faellng After Maala or Conitlpation. No matter what you'vn tried without KettlnK relief JL'HT THY simple buck thorn bnrk, Rlycerlne, etc., as compounded In ril.KH-l-K A! You will be surprised at the QUICK results and you wlll be (CTiarded nualnst appendicitis. The V'Kltr r I KM 1 lJnr will neip you itnn treatment with ADLKIl-I-KA will make you feel better than you have for years. This new German appendicitis remedy antlneptlcizen the stomach and bowels and drawn off all Impurltlea. A PINOI.K IK)SK relieve gas on the stomach, aour stomach, constipation, nausea or heavy feelln after entlnir almost AT ON'K. A ahort treatment often cures an ordinary caae of appendicitis. Chas. N. Clarke Sole Agent For Hood River County mm :;-;KagS?f.y Mark Cameron's box factory at Odell opened Monday for the season's run. Bishop Paddock and Miss Knight are expected today for a few days stay. The copious rain Sunday was of great benefit to all crops, es pecially strawberries. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence, who have rented their place, have gone to Portland for the summer. In order to serve as a connect ing link between ranchers who want berry pickers or other help and the man who is looking for work, R. F. Van Valin, repre senting the employment depart ment of the Portland Y. M. C. A., arrived yesterday and has established his headquarters at the Union. Mrs. Frank Warren, Jr., and daughter Ann Elizabeth of Port land are guests at Mrs. Alma. Howe's for a couple of weeks. Miss Rosemary Baldwin and brother Albert, who have been spending a month at Mrs. Howe's, have returned to Portland. Mrs. George Shetky has come for the summer. Mis3 Mallie Effinger has arrived from Portland to spend a month. C. A. McCar ger and wife of Mosier have been recent guests. Thraa Esaentiala For Success. lie w ho woulj succeed must arm himself with lb lee it is I and most nec essary weapons lirt. lit- must tinve ceaseless Industry; second, be must have limitless ambition of purpose; third, ho must possess unquenchable enthusiasm, coupled with n determina tion to succeed. IJIvp-n these three and something else besides the gift of I in agination und It matters not, I be lieve, whether the life of a mno be gins In a cobbler's shop or a grocery store or whether It begins In such an Illuminating Joyfulness In henutlful things as that which brightened my early childhood. Wltb any beginning (success will, of a surety, be his who makes himself truly deserving of It. Howard Pyle In Woman's dome Cora pan Ion. Professional Prida, A local pugilist was brought before a police magistrate charged with as sault Bald the magistrate: "Prisoner, complalnaut says that you willfully and maliciously knocked his bat off." Cp spok the accused, pride In bis voice: "No, your honor; I didn't knock bis bat off. t knocked him from ander bis bat"-New York Times. Bargain Grocery The Best Sugar, 15 lbs $1.00; per sack... .$G.30 The Best Patent Flour, per sack 1.45 Cloverleaf Butter, per square 75 Good Oranges, per dozen 20 10 Bars Good Laundry Soap 25 "Otter" Brand Clams, small flat, per can 10 " " " medium, 2 cans for .25 " 'large can 25 Lowest Prices, Highest Quality Your money will buy more from us L. H. HUGGINS Hia Way. "At tbe beginning of each week Tlte wad gives bis wife the money to run the bouse on during the week." "1 suppose be asks ber how much money she wants and then bands It over?" "No, be asks ber bow little she can (ret nlonjr with and hands thnt over." Houston Post Gntiouticement We are now open for business with fresh and cured meats. Our goods will satisfy you and so will our prices. Let ms show you. Carman s fflarftet On the Heights Phone 147X zzzzzzzzzzzzxzzzzzxzzzzzz: (iO TO J. Ii. HEILBRONNER Si CO. S For Peal Estate Bargainr Mellbronner Building 1 cszxxx in Tojttn and Valley hood Klver, Oregon zxxxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxzzxz rn The NEWS For Printing.