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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1912)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1912 GO-OPERATION IS URGEDBY SHEPARD A dispatch from Wenatchee U to the effect that at a meeting of the I'uyallup association of fruitgrowers the last of the week, K. II. Shepard of this city, editor of "Iletter Fruit," preached the gospel of co-operation as being the salvation of frultgrow era of the Northwest. The pauncea recommended by State Senator IV. 11. raulhauiUD, president of the I'uy- allup and Sumner Fruitgrower' As sm'latlon, wim the tlxlug of the retail price at the lowest possible figure ho that the conHumptlon will be In creased. It wuh stated by Senator I'aulha mus that the I'uyallup association, by forcing the retailer to Hell the I'll) allup berries at prices fixed by the association, had trebled the market for berries. The careful at teutlou paid to pre-coollng of berries nlso accounted for the success of the l'liynlliip growers, said the speaker. The only business not organized today on a co-operative basis, said Mr. Sliepard, Is that of the farmer und fruitgrower. Why the same reasons that make for successful co operation In stores and all business ventures should not obtain for the fruitgrowers, the speaker declared he could not understand. It Is Inevita ble, however, that the grower must eventually decide upon co-operation, he said. Me agreed with the former speaker that the cost of production and marketing should be minimized. Mr. Shepard's strong plea, however, was for co operation In growing and In selling. The average orcharillst, he satil, even If a good business man, has not time to attend to both grow ing and marketing, am) so must sell through some form of distributing agency. County Bills Allowed Claims against Hood Itlvcr county durlng the month of January, 1912, and allowed at the February, 11)12, session of the county court: Hoy 1) Smith, labor on roads.. f !) (M) Hans Lage, salary road super visor, 4th quarter 40 40 II F F.ndclmau, same H3 7." Thos I.acey, same 122 "0 Hoy I Smith, same 110 00 Warren Miller, same !!" .r0 L V Tomllnson, same 10 00 Tlind (ilazler, same :t! .' ('has Wallace, labor on roads 8 25 W A Davidson, same 19 2.1 II F Kadelman, same 7 00 F Ilradford, same 10 00 M Fushlma, same 19 00 (' Stranahan, same N 25 Thos F Jolnnon, tax notices.. :0 00 Ilrown & Peltz, sawing wood 2 "0 O H t'astner, fruit Inspector... 2 5." City of Hood Hlver, wnterrent "5 Cottage Hospital Association, care of Indigent "1 00 (ieo W Plmmlck, work on tax roll....'. Hi 50 Hood Hlver (ilacler, printing and supplies IW 50 H D (iould, repairing faucet... 50 Home Telephone Co, phone rent ami calls fi s5 Hood Hlver News Co, publish ing claims 2 50 W K Hanson, stampsand Inci dentals 0 .T5 Thos F Johnson, Incidentals... 4 90 O I. Henderson, care of Indi gent 4 K) O II I.ynn, extending tax roll (J4 75 I'en Lage, tile for roads 1 80 DUKing With Crescent A Better Baking Powder The Trim Looking Team Bhown in the picture, are evi dently good roadsters. In order to keep them so, no pains should le spared to keep them carefully shod. As Experienced Morseshoers we know the importance of keeping- them carefully shod. Let us do your horseshoeing work. You wont regret it. SHIVELY & DRISCOLL Phone GJ-X J W Plfer 4 Co, legal blanks and olllce supplies 19 65 Tacltlc Stationery & 1'rlotlng Co, blank books and ribbons 28 75 E M Ollnger, constable fees 7 50 W I) Rogers & Co, supplies for Indigent 2 50 Stewart Hardware & Furni ture Co, road supplies 10 80 Shaw & Hronson, care of Indi gent 32 50 Mrs Nettle Johnston, care of Indigent 20 00 Stanley-Smith Lumber Co, lumber for roads 05 45 Geo I Slocom, office supplies. .. 4 65 J M Wood, supplies fur Indi gent 10 00 J () Tompkins, Juror circuit court 10 40 J P Goodpasture, same 9 20 Ed I-age, same 9 90 J W Ingalls, same 9 00 M 1'endergast, same 10 00 W S Nlchol, same 9 00 J It Nunamaker, same 9 CO J W Moore, same 10 00 A Whitehead, same 9 00 J It Jackson, same 10 40 (J II Hobblns, same 9 CO Peter Saltzman, grand Juror... 10 00 Fred E New by, same 9 00 John H Sosey, same 9 00 O II Baker, same 9 00 C W Heed, same 10 40 H W Chapman, witness grand Jury 4 00 H E Miller, same 5 30 Hurt Kent, same 4 00 William Davidson, care of In digent 8 00 Mrs J B Hunt, care of indigent Indian 15 00 Boys' and (Jlrls' Aid Society, January allowance 10 00 Chas N Clarke, drugs for Indi gent 50 Bushong & Co, registration supplies 44 10 W II Lawrence, salary fruit Inspector 22 days 147 85 Flint Bradford, 2 bob cats 4 00 W II Lawrence, stamped en velopes 11 45 J H Hellbronner, oflice rent... 15 00 II A Van Horn, fees court re porter 30 00 Hood Hlver Plumbing Co, plumbing 13 05 A McCurdy, salary county commissioner, Jan. 1912 18 00 O II Hhoades, same 19 40 Candidate for District Attorney To the Republican voters of Wasco Crook and Hood Hlver counties: I hereby announce my candidacy for the Hepubllcan nomination for dis trict attorney for the Seventh Judi cial District, comprised of Wasco, Crook and Hood HI ver counties, at the coming primaries to be held April 19, 1912. If nominated and elected, the duties of the district at torney's otllce will always have first consideration. I shall strive fully to enforce all laws, and protect, to the utmost of my ability, the Interests of the whole people of my district. 1 pledge myself to give my personal attention to the needs of each of the counties comprising the Seventh Ju dicial District. adv l Pkpi-kh. The Isenberg-Shaw Case Referring to an item In last week's News In connection with the Isen hcrg damage suit In which the fol lowing language was lined, "It Is un derstood, however, that Mr. Isentn-rg received a satisfactory financial balm," we wish to state that the manner In w hich this case was set tled was not made public, this ar rangement being made by stipula tion between the parties concerned. Dr. Shaw says: "The case was really one of prop erty rights and has tx-en adjusted In a !'innerat1sfactory to all parties." The physician declares that the suit came out of the Instigation of personal enemies and to seek re- vengea gainst him. No Information whatever as to the nature of the settlement has leen given out. This statement Is made with a view to correcting any Injus tice which may have been done Dr. Shaw. Informal fon previously re ceived came from a source unfriendly to Dr. Shaw, as has since been learn ed. f 100 Reward, $100 The readers of this pnjier will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh Itetng a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Jnternnlly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, (). Sold by all druggists, "5c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. When In need of printing remetnlHr the News. Burpee's Sweet Peas worked. Burpee's Spencer Sweet Pea Seed Ready Now. The Hon. Hrs. E. Kenyon, a beautiful prinrose color. Janet Scott, a rich pink, enormous size. King Edward VII, the modern firefly, crimson color. Hiss VVillmott, rich orange pink, shaded rose. Maid of Honor, light blue and pink, rich violet. Navy Blue, large flower, deep violet purple. Assa Ohn Spencer, a soft rose pink. Burpee's White Spencer, reselected pure white. to 30 Announcement by W. A. Bell To the Hepubllcan Electors of Crook, Hood Hlver and Wasco Couu ties: I hereby nnnounce myself as a can didate for the Hepubllcan nomina tion for District Attorney at the coming primaries, April 19; that I have resided In the district -5 years, at Prlnevllle and The Dalles, Oregon, and have been In the active practice of law for the past 1 years; that. If nominated and elected, I will, during my term of office, devote my entire time to the duties of the ofliee to the exclusion of other law business, and give my personal attention and first consideration to the business of the olllce, and will personally assist the officers In each county In the enforce ment of the criminal law, and espe cially will 1 exert myself to enforce the law ngatnst vice. Immoral acts and the trafllc In white slavery, adv W. A. ISki.i.. We Repair Motor Cycles Bicycles Lawn Mowers Sewing Machines Type Writers Cash Registers Moving Picture Machines Small Motors (TU"r?cnd) All kinds of Locks All kinds of Fire Arms Saw Filing BERGMAN & BRITTAIN Gun and Locksmith GENERAL REPAIR WORKS Stewart Hardware Co. Building Thone 11 IO ioe You Know the Kind." Will be sold by us "j this year. We have added P P M V this line to our line of relia- ble seeds. If you want your Garden and Flowerbed to be a pleasure to you, send us your SEED requirements. Jend It JVOW and Secure Liberal Discounts Should besownassoon as the ground can be Follotv the Procession tvhich leads to the eed Department of the or tor Time Means Money Do Not Delay FLAT RATES MEAN 1. Assurance regarding amount of monthly bills. 2. No variations due to long or short days at different seasons of the year. 3. No engineering terms or uncommon rates or schedules to deal with. 4. Liberal use of lights, flatirons, toasters and other ap pliances without excessive bills. 5. Annoyance due to meter reader's visits each month obliterated. I Vhonc Call built bring our representative to you toith a proposition you cannot afford to miss. Uhc ICOl Hcst of Tcrx)icc at the HOOD RIVER GAS & ELECTRIC CO. "Acme of SERVICE at LOWEST COST" PHONE 55 Office 214 Cascade Ae. Clover and Alfalfa Seed Every pound we sell you this year will be warranted not to contain dodder. Every lot we bought has been tested by the United States Department of Agriculture We know what IOE OE HAVE YOU INVESTIGATED OUR OW FLAT KATE For ELECTRICAL SERVICE V JLiV I Lolvcst IOE we are selling you. IOE Cost or D 5