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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1912)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1912 r ay llll.l.Y K.IKT.MAN Kx convict KvatiKfltot, who In to cpt'iik here. WILL TAX FRUIT TREES IN STATE OF WASHINGTON Fruit trwH In Wawhlngtoii are uot to Ik? exempt from fixwHuinent for taxation purpoHi'M. The ntntt tax cotumlxHlon ho rult-i la a formal opinion to the ant'xnnor of Chelan county. It hnn titt-n the cuntom Id many mi-tlnim of the utate to exempt fruit tree, lint there In no authority for thin urnlcr the constitution uuil Htipreme court deciKlon, hold the Htate tax conimlriHton, although the legislature did pass a law exempting them. The tax commlwulon cite a deci sion of the supreme court to show that the legislature had no power to exempt any property from taxation, it la announced by the commission that some counties have exempted fruit trees, while In other counties the trees are taxed. Mens Dress Shirts WK AKK OFFERING some extra big bargains in Men's Dress Shirts made of hijih grade madras and percale in stripes and figures, band collars; some have plain, others pleated fronts -good clean stock. Also a good assortment of soft collar Shirts in very pretty patterns made of corduroy and cheviot shirting with dainty silk stripe or check medium dark "J and light colors, shirt suitable for most any kind of wear,' and one" that will give perfect satisfaction in appear ance or wear, and in values up to $2.50, your choice, -v each f C MUSICAL TEA GIVEN BY MISS CARLISLE'S PUPILS At n musical te.t given at her studio on Prospect Avenue, Miss Maude Carlisle presented her pupils In a well-rendered program on Sat urday afternoon. The numbers were given an excellent Interpretation and showed excellent technical training, the solos lielng given entirely from memory. About fifty guests were present. Miss Carlisle was assisted In receiving by her sister, Mrs. Frank lyu Smith, and tea was poured by Mrs. K. T. Simpson and Mrs. ('has. N. Clirke. Those who took part In the pro gram Included linger and 'Douglas Simpson, I'.eryl Clark, Vivian and Aluha Shrum, Aldlne Itartmess, .lennette Ituley, Mary Iabney, Irene Kalcy, Mildred lludley, a-ui Crump and Newton Clark. Men's Hats Men's Hats in soft or stitf styles, in tans, greys, browns and blacks, values up to $3.50, your choice.. 98c Mens Shoes WE HAVE received several big shipments of Shoes during the past week, and are well prepared to supply you with the very latest in the line of footwear. No. 2272 Men's gun metal calf blucher, Goodyear welt, half double sole, Loraine rn last, the pair OJiOU No. ltU0 -Men's gun metal calf button, Goodyear welt, half double sole, Adlon last, a very snappy Shoe and one that will give good wear. The ai aa Pair... 04iUU No. 1G3G-Men's tan calf button. Goodyear welt, single sole, fussy last; this shoe has the high bump toe. Military heel, wide extended sole, short vamp, the shoe that fits the foot perfectly, holds its shape and is in every way up to the minute in style and the very best of shoe value in point of wear, the pr. . We also have a splendid line of patent leathers, box calf, kanga roo and elk skin, prices from $ 1 .50 a pair, up. Ladies Shoes NEW LOT just opened up. including all the newest and latest styles. No. 4G8- Ladies' Vici Comfort Shoe, with very flexible sole, cushion inner sole, blucher cut, medium low rubber heel. If your feet hurt you we are sure that you will find nothing as comfortable as this. It not only gives you comfort but it is a dressy shoe and one that gives the best of wear. The Fn pair OZiOU No. 6719 American Lady, vici button, cap toe, Goodyear welt sole. Military heel, short vamp, high round toe. the pair No. 6718 American Lady, tan calf button, cap toe Goodyear welt sole, Military heel, high round toe; short vamp, a very popular shoe and one that gives the best of service, the OQ Or Pair OwiU No. 6650 American LadySpec'l. patent leather, button, turn sole, Cuban heel, plain toe, stage last. S3.00 THE PARIS FAIR THIS is aimed at you; we hope it will hit you just rijjht, and that you will take just a few minutes and look over the special prices we offer on HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS This is one of the very latest styles, and for dress wear cannot be surpassed. It fits the foot ier- fectly and gives comfort as well as a very stylish appear ance. The pair S3.50 We also have Ladies' Shoes in Velvets, Suedes, Box Calf and Canvas. Shoes to suit all in price and style. We carry the largest and most complete line of Footwear for Men, Women and Children in the county and our prices are the lowest. Boys' Underwear Special We have a few odd lots in boys' Underwear, in fleece lined and wool, separate garments and some Union Suits. Boys' draw ers, sizes 22. 24, 26, 28 and 30; shirts, sizes 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32; boys' Union Suits, size 28 only, your choice, the garment P fj only 3 Just received a new line of Fringe Trimming Airwidths Hood River's Best i Largest Store ULPflT 7l av MINIATURE GARDEN IS SHOWN IN STORE WITDOW A miniature uirlen. Hilornei with a waterfall, creek ami little pooil. In b'-lng prepared In the nIiow window of the Stewart Hardware Company In order to demoiiHtrate the Kruw InK qualities of Burpee neeilx. The w Indow 1 a reallHtlc an well an nrt lntlc piece of work. It now only awaits the appearance of the plants to make It complete. Christian Science Services Christian Science wrvlcen will lie held In the Commercial Cluh rooms Sunday at 11 a. m., subject, "Soul." Sunday school at 10 a. tn. In room 6, Davidson building. Wednesday evening testimonial meetings are held In Davidson building All are cordially Invited to attend thei-e services. Heading room open daily. No. 0, Davidson building Methodist Church Sunday school ut 10 a. ni. Preach lug services at 11 a. tn. an I 7:'-'M p m rhemes, morning, "The Heavenly Vision," evening, "The Hani Way." Junior league at ' p tn Kpw orth league at Oil'.o p. m. I'ra.wr meeting ou Thursday evening at ".''M oYlock All are cordially linited to attend these services. Strangers made wel come. . I-, doling, pastor. Entertainment at Pine drove The Ladles' Aid society of Pine Grove church will give a coii'vrt with a program of high order and the Is-st talent the valley nffoids, on Wednesday. Feb. 14, l'.MJ. at the church. 1 nine ami bring our friends The concert will be followed by a social hour. City Office Moved To New Rooms The city recorder's odiee has moved Into its permanent location Id the quartern recently vacated by the Davenport Harness Compauy on Oak Htreet lietween First and Second streets. The city water otliee will move Into the same oltice on thel.'tli ,f the month. f -- ----- Economical Spices There is a big Saving when you buy good SPICES. You don't have to use much of any particular spice in order to secure a delightful food or preserve. We have piquant, sharp, pungent and tart spices that give a relish and zest to cooking. CHAS. N.CLARKE GLACIER PHARMACY Hood River :: :: Oregon GOOD ROADS MEN LISTEN j TO ADDRESS BY EXPERT j (Continued From Paire 1) j ent nt the meeting to ask questions anil a number availed themselves of the opportunity. One of the Interesting features of the meeting was the address by Iv L. Smith, who gave some reminiscences of Lincoln. Mr. Smith attended the convention at which Lincoln was uninitiated and It left a vivid Impres slon on his mind. He reviewed In an I interesting manner the conditions as I they existed just prior to the conven- j tion. He spoke of the attempt of the Smith to extend slavery Into the ter- ! ntorles anil reviewed the Dred Scott decision and Its effect on the people. Feeling ran high and many illustra tions were given by Mr. Smith. The convention, the tight to nominate Lincoln and the storm of enthusiasm that followed his nomination were st riklngl.v pictured. An Interesting fai t brought oi.t by Mr Smith was that the Oregon dele, tratetotlie convention named Hot ace tireeley s his proxy and the lat ter, lH-nldes voting for Lincoln, was one of the most active workers in liU behalf, so t ha t Iregou maybe said to have done much towards nomi nating Lincoln. Secretary Kanffinan contributed to the program in Interesting Lin coin anecdote. ''Illinois" was snug by a quartet which Included Lev. A. Harris, Murray Kay, tieorge K. Wilbur and Hanks Mortimer. They were accompanied by A. L. t 'rocker. C. C. I-mmon spoke In behalf of the newly-organized (iood Loads League and urged t hat all the local boosters Join. Mr. Marls, represent ing the o. A. ('. extension depart ment, spoke of the country life move ment, mention of w hich Is made In another column. How to cure a cold Is a question In which many are Interested just now. Chamberlain's Cough Letnedy has won Its great reputation nnd lm ineiise sale by Its remarkable cure of c ilds. It car. always be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. PROHIBITIONISTS TO ORGANIZE HERE A mass convention of the l'rolil bittonists of Hood Liver county has been called for next Monday at 10 o'clock to be held in t he Commercial Club rooms. The object of this convention Is to elect a county cntral and executive committee for the joining two years as well as delegates to the state con- EAST SIDE IRRIGATING COMPANY HOLDS MEETING . , (- - , "... h - I III IiUMmI ilil - ' - A meeting of the Fast Side Irriga ting Compauy was held the last of the week at the Commercial Club Finances were discussed and a reso lution was passed providing for the issuance of $10,000 worth of addition al stock In cases where It Is possible to deliver the water to buyers with out extra expense. Directors were elected as follows; J. H. Ferguson, M. Hawthorne, J. II. Day, Peter Mohr, M. I'endergast, A. W. Peters and II II. W'tiugh. At a Subsequent meeting of the directors officers were elected as follows .1. II Ferguson, president;.!. II. Day, vice president It II W augh, secretary, and I'lanchar, treasurer. O. Ho.V El lil'.Ni; W". fllAI IN ventlon to lie held In Portland Feb ruary '".), and to transact other Im portant business. F.ugene W Chalin, who was camli date for president on the Prohibition ticket in llHis, w ill lie present and will address the enliven tion. State Sec retary Taylor will also deliver a speech. The convention will continue through t he day, Mr. Chalin speak ing at the afternoon session and again In the evening. We print our paper MONDAYS and TUESDAYS. Copy required Monday J. C. Johnsen Home of GOOD SHOES Where the Best Values ComeFrom Concert O.A. b Clee and landolin Clubs 40 nr-CoIlege youths in songs and stunts gw40 Monologues, Songs. Har the "Harry Lauder of the West." Monroe Opera House, Friday Evening, Feb. 16 SEATS ON SALE AT THE USUAL PLACE Prices, 50c, 75c and $1 .OO "Live over again those College Days of yore" Notice to Architects The school board of school district No. 11, Hood Klver county, State of Orpgon, will be In ochsIoii at Oak CJrove hall at 10 a. in. on February 115, Hill, to consider plans for a four room brick Hclioolhouse complete at an estlmatad cost not to exceed $K!,(Hi0. Plans for a one and two story with full basement to be con sidered. The board reserves the right to reject any or all plans. it H. M. Fka.ntih, Clerk. Pine drove Ladies Sew The ladles of Pine drove Aid so ciety wish to notify their friends and acquaintances that they will do plain sewing at afternoon meetings occurring every two weeks. If you want to buy anything from a guinea hen to a fruit farm adver tise In the News and you will tlnd It. Notice ol the Settlement ot Account Tn the County Court of the State of Oreirun, for Hood Kivor County. (In I'robate. ) In the matter of the eutate of Kranria Conlon, deceased. Notice ia hereby siven that Koae Conlon. Ad ministratrix of the eatate of r'rancia Conlon. de ceased, haa rendered and presented for aettlement to, and tiled in the County (ourt of the said County and State, her tinal account, aa auch Ad ministratrix and that Friday the 15th day of March. I HI 2. at 2 p. m. of aaid day. at the court room of aaid County Court, in Hood Kiver in the aaid County and State, haa been duly appointed by the aaid County Court aa the time and place for the aettlement of the aaul tinal account, at which time and place any person intereated in the said estate may appear and tile his exceptions in writing to the aaid tinal account and contest the same. KOSKCONI.ON. Administratrix of the Ketale of Kranns Conlon, deceased. Hated this 10th day of February, lili. 7-11 BARGAINS IN GROCERIES AT HUGGIN'S CASH STORE You save on all grades of Groceries when you buy from us Coffee in Hulk, per pound ..25c, 30c and $ ..T5 All our 3 lb. cans Coffee, Dependable, M. J. 15 and Ar lington Club, jier can l.()5 3 cans Carnation, Sunrise, Pioneer and Jersey Cream Milk for .25 All our 50c per can Baking Powder for 45 Cream Rolled Oats in bulk, per lb. .05 3 lb. can Ghirardelli Chocolate for 85 3 cans Al Standard Tomatoes for 25 3 cans Al Standard Corn for .25 A & L solid packed Tomatoes, doz . 1.25 A & L Corn, per doz, $1.25, case 2.40 Swift & Co. SugarCured Breakfast Bacon, ier lb 18 Swift & Co. Sugar Cured Hams, jer lb 18 Read our prices each week in this paper and Compare with those you pay elsewhere L. H. Huggins r-jg HERBINE For the Bowels A Cure for Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver and Irregular Bowel Movements. Constipation it th moat common disorder of th bowl It affecti both aexea and! all aire but Is morn prevalent araonc women berauae their duties: In tho Jiotwchnl.1 require less physical exercise than the occupation of men; therefore women Buffer most from Its baneful effect. ( i ' A constipated pernon Is an mny victim when expoied to inr r.frl1i,Vd'"ei"?rr,"'umonla! Typhoid Fever. Malaria, Kheumatlam. r,mall Pox. Yellow FcVcr and Hrlhfe Disease gather their annual riarvcst of death amonjr thoao who aro habitually conatlpated i:ven though they eacapo these dlneaaes, such persona are always nlllriu more or leag. They have headarhes, bad digestion, dlxxl ne. vlrtlgo (blind atnggera), sallow complexion, flatulence Ins it strength; and no energy at nil. llerblne haa a moat admirable ffrrct In the bowels; It Is cooling, purifying and regulating It puts a prompt check on biliousness, wind In the bowels, nervous ness, heartburn, bad breath, low spirits, drowsloeaa la the d. time and nervous wakefulness at night, " M" ' Price 50c per Bottle. ?w.ncs r. mump hopwctob tx. touts, mo. 4 I'o.' Weak Sight or Bora Eyes, v.oe Stephen Ere Salve. It tmfts. CHAS. N. CL.AHKI-: