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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 2017)
8A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2017 Atheist seeks removal of Christmas banner Associated Press Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard A banner in Eugene encourages church attendance for Christmas. An atheist is demanding that city officials re- move the banner that he believes is a violation of church and state. EUGENE — A man has threatened to sue city officials in Eugene because of a Christ- mas banner that he believes is a violation of the separation of church and state. The banner that stretches above a downtown street advises people to attend church this Christmas and cel- ebrate Jesus Christ. Rene Salm, a published atheist who lives in Eugene, told The Register-Guard that he has contacted the Ameri- can Civil Liberties Union and is trying to find a lawyer. “I feel like I’m being assaulted, telling me to go to church and celebrate Jesus,” said Salm, who has published books titled “NazarethGate” and “The Myth of Nazareth.” Other residents have raised similar complaints, the news- paper reports. The city allows community groups and nonprofit orga- nizations to install banners for up to three weeks to pro- mote events. The city has des- ignated three spots for street banners. The group or organiza- tion must submit a completed application and pay a $37.45 fee. It is responsible for install- ing and removing the banner. Virgil Adams applied in July to hang the Christmas banner between Dec. 12 and Jan. 1, according to a copy of the application. “He can go and get a per- mit and do what he wants,” Adams said of Salm. “It’s a free country.” It’s the second year in a row that a Christmas banner has led to complaints in the city that’s home to the Univer- sity of Oregon. Councilor Betty Taylor raised the issue in February, noting at a council meeting that the banner displayed in December 2016 caused a stir. Kathryn Brotherton, now Eugene’s acting city attorney, responded that the city can’t regulate the content of any banner if it makes the space available to the public, so long as the applicant complies with the program’s rules. “A banner advertising an Easter service and a banner advertising a picnic at Alton Baker (Park) have the same ability to buy that spot and be posted there,” she said, according to a video of the meeting available online. Taylor then asked if the city would permit a banner for an event in support of the Ku Klux Klan. Brotherton answered “yes.” CL ASSIF IE D M ARK ETPL A CE P lace classified ad s o n lin e at w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m o r call 503-325-3211 104 Special Notices A small town newspaper with a global outlook One of the Pacific Northwest’s great small newspapers T HE D AILY A STORIAN Thrift Store 207 7th St. Astoria, Oregon (Formerly Coast Rehabilitation Services) It is that time of year to clean out the house before the holidays. Here is a perfect solution-Our Thrift Store will take salable items Monday-Saturday 9:30am-5:00pm We are downtown Astoria at 207 7th St (503)325-1011 We provide pickup service. Delivery is also available for a nominal fee. Suggestions: Rugs, furniture, technology, musical, pictures, lamps, exercise & sports equipment, baby items, toys, clothes, crafts, holiday items, jewelry, shoes, pots & pans. Weekly Sales! 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