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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 2016)
FEATURES 6A Tomorrow’s horoscope Mom-in-law makes life hard Dear Annie: I’ve been mar- ried for 32 years to “Conrad,” and ZH KDYH WZR WHUUL¿F DGXOW VRQV 0\ PRWKHULQODZ ZLOO EH VRRQDQG&RQUDGLVKHURQO\FKLOG ,KDYHQHYHUKDGDJRRGUHODWLRQ- VKLS ZLWK KHU LQ VSLWH RI DOO P\ HIIRUWV 6KH FKRVH QRW WR DWWHQG RXU ZHGGLQJ UHFHSWLRQ EHFDXVH LWZDVKRVWHGE\KHUODWHH[KXV- EDQG¶V VHFRQG ZLIH ,QVWHDG VKH WROG XV WKDW VKH VWD\HG KRPH GUDQN FKDPSDJQH DQG ³FULHG DOO QLJKW´ 6KH KDV D ORQJ KLVWRU\ of making snide remarks when QRERG\LVWKHUHWRZLWQHVVWKHP 0\KXVEDQGDQG,DUHLQ0DXL IRU D PRQWK 3ULRU WR RXU GHSDU- WXUH , SURYLGHG D OLVW LQ D ODUJH IRQW RI DOO FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU IDPLO\ PHPEHUV SK\VLFLDQV GHQWLVWV HWF DQG FOLSSHG LW WR D PDJQHWRQKHUUHIULJHUDWRU :KLOH ZH¶YH EHHQ JRQH KHU FRQGR KDV GHYHORSHG D EDVH- PHQW OHDN 0\ KXVEDQG DQG , have been on the phone with her GDLO\ UHJDUGLQJ LQVXUDQFH UHSDLU ZRUN HWF 'XULQJ RQH FDOO VKH FRPPHQWHG WKDW VKH KDG QR RQH WR SKRQH ZKLOH ZH ZHUH DZD\ 0\ KXVEDQG UHPLQGHG KHU WKDW VKH FDQ FDOO RXU VRQV ZKR OLYH QHDUE\DQGVKHUHSOLHG³1R\RXU ZLIHWROGPHQRWWRERWKHUWKHP´ Annie’s Mailbox Creators Syndicate Inc. Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar 7KLVZDVDFRPSOHWHOLH+HWROG KHU WKDW , ZRXOG QHYHU VD\ WKDW EXW VKH LQVLVWHG WKDW , KDG 0\ ¿UVW UHDFWLRQ ZDV WR FDOO KHU RXW RQLWEXW,ZDQWP\KXVEDQGZLWK PHDVDZLWQHVVZKHQ,WDONWRKHU , ZDQW WR EH VXUH , DP FRXU- WHRXV ZKHQ ZH VHH KHU %XW KRZ GR , JHW KHU WR VWRS O\LQJ" ² Annoyed DIL Dear Annoyed: If Mom is VWLOOORRNLQJWRGLVFUHGLW\RXDIWHU \HDUVLWLVQ¶WOLNHO\WRFKDQJH :H ZRXOG DOVR DGG WKDW DV VKH JHWVROGHUVRPHRIWKLVEHKDYLRU PD\JHWZRUVH<RXDQG\RXUKXV- EDQGQHHGWRSROLWHO\ILUPO\DQG UHSHDWHGO\ FRUUHFW 0RP ZKHQ- ever she does this, so she knows VKHLVQ¶WIRROLQJDQ\RQH:ULWHLW GRZQLIQHFHVVDU\VRWKDWZKHQ \RX DUH YDFDWLRQLQJ WKHUH LV D UHFRUG $OVR LQIRUP RWKHU IDP- LO\ PHPEHUV RI DQ\ LQVWUXFWLRQV \RX KDYH JLYHQ 0RP <RX ZLOO EH OHVV DJJUDYDWHG NQRZLQJ WKDW others are aware of what’s going RQ Dear Annie: , UHDG WKH OHWWHU IURP ³7KH 2QHV /HIW %HKLQG´ ZKR VDLG WKDW VKH DQG KHU KXV- band raised her three kids with no KHOSIURPWKHLUELUWKIDWKHU1RZ that the kids are grown, the bio- GDGLVEDFNLQWKHSLFWXUHDQGWKH NLGVDUHKXQJU\IRUKLVDWWHQWLRQ 6KH IHHOV WKH\ DUH OHDYLQJ KHU LQ WKHGXVW ,ZDVOLNHKHUFKLOGUHQ$WRQH SRLQW,IHOW,QHHGHGWRHVWDEOLVK D UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK P\ IDWKHU VR WKDW , FRXOG EH DW SHDFH , GLG LW IRUP\RZQZHOOEHLQJDQGKRSHG P\PRWKHUZRXOGXQGHUVWDQGEXW VKHZDVXSVHWDQGKXUW6KHWRRN WKDWDQJHUWRKHUJUDYH,WVDGGHQV PHWRWKLQNDERXWLW 3OHDVH WHOO ³/HIW %HKLQG´ WKDW D UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK WKHLU IDWKHU LV SUREDEO\ YHU\ KHDOLQJ IRU KHU FKLOGUHQ,WKDVQRWKLQJWRGRZLWK KHU ,I VKH FDQ MR\IXOO\ VXSSRUW WKHPLQWKLVHIIRUWLWZRXOGEHWKH JUHDWHVW JLIW VKH FRXOG JLYH ² Been There Dear Been: 7KDQN \RX IRU SUHVHQWLQJ WKH RWKHU VLGH :H KRSH³/HIW%HKLQG´VHHVWKLVDQG XQGHUVWDQGV THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2016 By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Body build- ers know that the way to get stronger is to lift more weight and do it for more repetitions. That’s what you’re up to these days: The more you try to do, the more you’re able to do. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). In just this one day you could achieve many tasks, but you wisely home in on the single most im- portant, heart-fortifying activity on the list and find profound satisfaction in sticking to that. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Those who laugh too much seem too eager to please, while those who laugh too little are repellent buzz-kills. You’ll strike the perfect balance, seeing the humor but not always calling it out. CANCER (June 22-July 22). To be inter- esting you have to be interested. You’re both. In fact, you may want to pull back a tad: As you’ve probably noticed, you’ve hooked some amorous attention that may not be entirely appropriate to your current situation. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Don’t let yourself become too overwhelmed by the long list of things you’d like to do, accomplish, experi- ence and own. It’s quality thoughts that make a quality life, and you can choose those at any moment. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ll get to the bottom of the problem by sensing when there’s more. Mostly this happens when you question people and they seem to be holding back. In most cases, a gentle nudge will be all it takes. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You don’t need a four-leaf clover. Your luck is already packed inside your current life. For the most part, you know exactly what your good fortune is and how to use it, but you’re overlooking some- thing, too. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Sometimes you need a cynic, a critic or a realist. But not today. It doesn’t matter what you’re do- ing; positive thinking and optimism will bring solutions and success. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The only reason you’re not achieving a desired outcome is that you still don’t believe that it can be, should be and will be yours. Con- vince your head and your whole being will follow. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Friends will want to visit. Family will want your time. Work will want your attention, too. You feel like blowing everything off just to be with one certain person — and it’s not a bad idea! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You notice the various ways people choose to share themselves with you, and you point out what’s special and different about each con- tribution. That’s why they feel so spiritually “seen” around you. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You can’t act effectively unless you understand the situa- tion. For now, take the pressure to act off of yourself completely. What’s important is that you learn and become so wise the correct action will flow naturally from you. FRIDAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 26). You’ve an eye for beauty, and you’ll be surrounded by it this year. Before March is over you’ll be unofficially in charge of a project that’s even less official, which is officially the best posi- tion to be in! A loved one makes you proud in May. In July there will be money from an investment you made long ago. Sagittarius and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 40, 13, 28 and 15.