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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 2016)
FEATURES 6A Tomorrow’s horoscope Librarian’s request out of line Dear Annie: Shortly after I had knee surgery, I went to the library wearing my (prescribed) compression wrap to prevent blood clots. This compression wrap makes an intermittent hum- ming sound. A few minutes after entering, the librarian walked over and asked what the hum- ming noise was. I showed her the compression wrap and said that the medical equipment was pre- scribed by my surgeon. She then asked me if I could turn it off. I did, but I wasn’t happy about it. After leaving the library, I turned the compression wrap back RQDQGZHQWWRWKHSRVWRI¿FHQH[W door. I asked the postal employee if the noise bothered her and she said it was perfectly OK to wear it LQWKHSRVWRI¿FH Tell me, Annie. If a library SDWURQZHUHXVLQJDQR[\JHQWDQN would the librarian ask the per- VRQWRWXUQRIIWKHR[\JHQZKLFK makes more noise than the com- pression wrap? What should I have VDLG DIWHU H[SODLQLQJ ZK\ , ZDV wearing the compression wrap? :DVQ¶WVKHLQWKHZURQJWRH[SHFW me to turn off medical equipment? — Illinois Library Patron Dear Patron: Libraries are supposed to be quiet places (al- am his third wife.) During the dinner, this couple stood up and spoke to the assem- bled guests about my husband’s Creators FRXUWVKLSDQGPDUULDJHWRWKH¿UVW Syndicate Inc. wife. This went on for about 12 minutes, dragging down an other- Kathy Mitch- wise joyful occasion. ell and I considered this to be Marcy Sugar H[WUHPHO\ FUXGH DQG UXGH DQG thought it showed very poor man- though we get plenty of letters ners. What do you think? — Third saying otherwise). Nonetheless, Wife Dear Wife: We think the cou- most libraries these days have areas where some conversation ple could have found a better time and even cellphone use is per- WR H[SUHVV WKHVH WKRXJKWV +DG mitted. Someone probably com- it been your anniversary party, plained about the noise from your WKLV ZRXOG EH LQ H[WUHPHO\ SRRU compression wrap, but a piece of WDVWH +RZHYHU LW ZDV D FHOHEUD- medical equipment should be tol- tion of your husband’s birthday, erated. If necessary, the librarian and all good memories are to be could have directed you to a more FKHULVKHG+LVODWHZLIHSRVHVQR UHOD[HGVSDFH<RXFDQSKRQHWKH threat to you, and it is natural for library and ask about their noise your husband to recall her fondly SROLF\ DQG H[SODLQ ZKDW KDS- and for her relatives to make the pened. We think you deserve an effort to remind him of her. They may have assumed that, with an- apology. Dear Annie: Please tell me other wife in between, you would whether I am overreacting. We not mind too much. Either way, had a very special surprise birth- please be the bigger person and day in an upscale restaurant for let this go. It serves no purpose my husband’s 90th birthday. Re- to hold a grudge or continue to be OXFWDQWO\,LQYLWHGKLV¿UVWZLIH¶V DQQR\HG<RXORRNVRPXFKEHWWHU QLHFH DQG QHSKHZ7KH ¿UVW ZLIH when you are gracious about such passed away several years ago. (I things. Annie’s Mailbox THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2016 By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Focus exclu- sively on positive, desirable options. If it’s not a win for everyone involve it’s not good enough for you, either. This bold approach will eventu- ally lead to your promotion. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Sign up. Vol- unteer. Say yes. It doesn’t matter if you know how to approach the task at hand, as you’ll learn along the way. Your attitude makes you a perfect fit for anything that sounds fun to you. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). While most compliments are nice to hear, they are not all created equal. Someone will elevate ver- bal admiration to an art form. You’ll love how it feels to receive these kudos, and you’ll learn to give as such. CANCER (June 22-July 22). If you’re won- dering what keeps someone coming back and back and back to you, it’s all that fresh excitement, kindness and tenderness you give. You never give your attention the same way twice. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll appreciate the ones who keep their correspondence short and to the point. You tend to accept calls and visits from this type because you know it’s not going to drag out. You’d do well to emu- late this succinct style going forward. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Unlike zoo an- imals, people often get to design their own cages. It sometimes takes them a while to realize this, though. You have more freedom than you think. Current boundaries are either illusory, self-imposed, or both. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your soul is searching for someone to nurture. At the same time, it scares you to take on too much responsibility — that’s because you know FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE deep down that you’ll give yourself fully to it! SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Many want to be in your “club,” whatever that means to you these days. For some it’s a professional situation. One warning: Make sure the ones you take on are really ready and qualified to play at your level. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The negative emotions needn’t be shoved aside; nor should they be obsessed over. Acknowl- edge these feelings as natural and accept- able. They will flow through you and dissipate. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Inaction frustrates you. What are they waiting for? The truth is, they are waiting for an invitation from someone like you. Go on now; throw the doors open and encourage them to walk through. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You see right through the sad people putting on a good face. You also see through marketing ploys, ulterior motives and anyone trying to achieve an end through the act of pretending. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Someone may be pressuring you, but don’t rush to make a choice. When you do make up your mind, you’ll strongly lean toward the option that gives you the most space and possibly an escape hatch. TUESDAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 9). You ex- press yourself in new ways, and others will have a better understanding and healthier respect for you because of this. You’ll gain fans, too. Carve out time to learn a new skill in March; you’ll profit from this in April. July sends your heart on a mission. September brings you and a loved one closer than ever. Cancer and Libra adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 10, 2, 22, 38 and 15.