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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1906)
LOCAL LORE. A carload of hogs and a car of -cattle were shipped this morning by Hour, & Jones to Portland. Karl Steiwer of Jefferson spent Monday and Tuesday visiting O. -A. C. friends. Mrs. L. F. Wilson and Mrs. K. A. Helm spent Wednesday af ternoon visiting Albany friends. Hoppicking in the Oswald West yard will end tonight. The crop has been saved in perfect con dition. Subject at the Christian Church next Sunday moraing: "The . Theory and Practice of Christianity; Evening: "Leaving Home." -A . special sermon to young people. Monday a license to wed was issued by Clerk Vincent to James Edward Watson of Kings Valley and Hedwig Pazina, aged respect ively 28 and 16. Lyman A. Bundy arrived Thursday to resume bis college course. He has been employed since April in drug stores at Amity and Dayton. The Herron fruit drier is in operation this week, drying Italian prunes from the Herron orchard of about 500 bushels. The same :plant is drying prunes for Zierolf, Hinton and others in the vicinity. Congregational church-Worship and sermon n '-oo. Vesper service - and sermon 7:30. Strangers will be made to feel at home in the church. There will be a meeting of the Plymouth congergation at 2:00' o'clock. Services at 3:00 o'clock. Presbyterian Church, M. A. Hush, pastor. Bible School 10 a. m. "Worship n:a.m. subjeci, "The Knowledge of God". C. E. Meeting . 6:30 p.m. Evening services at 7:30 subject, "Does The Church Give .An Uncertain Sound". Rose Eytinge, the well known actress, who spent three months in Corvallis last winter has accepted an engagement in "The Bishop's Carriage," and is to play the nig Eastern cities during the season, opening at New York nextThurs: lay. Mrs. M. L. Pipes and daugh ter TTellie spent a few hours in this -city Tuesday enroute to their home an Portland a'ter a stay of nice 'weeks at Newport. The visit at the coast was for tbe benefit of Mis-. IKTellie's health. iuc uwi ui iasi weaneuay occasioned much remark. It was a hotter day than is common in .September. It was however, but -one degree hotter than the 23rd day of September last year. That day the mercury went to 86. Last Wednesday it was 87. On Tues day it was 85 and on Monday 83. The pastor's subj-cts at the First Methodist church Sunday are Morning: "Mountains". Evening: -"The Chief Business of Life." .fter the services in the evening - an .""Acquaintance Hour" will be v held far the purpose of the renewal T I. 1, l f 1 . TTT 1 . United Evangelical church. .Regular services with the exception inac me evening services will begin one half hour earlier or Christian Endeavor at 6:30 and preaching at 7:30 P- m. Morning subject "Gid- j eori' (Fleece". Evening subject Ujast Opportunities". Perhaps the largest individual -crop raised this season in Benton ws by Herron brothers, Robert and 'Clayton. The aggregate from their fields was 8,ooo bushels. The Ufirgest part of it was wheat, and Lucy auiu.ii. uclulc mc laiii was wt f r-rcffl r rr Art rnfc nor Kictid rtuwi 111 1 1 fir wi rL MvrrayH in - ( ii : 1 l 1 " O bushels per acre. They had one of tne -ocai'Viais crops iu iuc counry, 1 r t T- ,.1 o 0 j i A teacher in a small school in VGanMen was giving a lesson on the vsjsoulation of the blood. Trying to make it clearer, she said: "Now, children, if I stood on my head the "blood, as you know, would run in to it, and I should turn red in the face. Now, Jimmy," continued the teacher, addressing a small boy, "what I want to know is this: How . 'CLLiiiy - uca.i 1 v u usiici?. Tier at:ie. is it that while I am standing up right in the ordinary position the blood does not run into my feet and turn them red?" "Why, because yer feet ain't empty." A commission of physicians -appointed by Judge Frater of Seat tle to inquire into their sanity has -declared that Esther Mitchell and Maud Hurt Creffield were at the time of the shooting of George Mitchell and are now afflicted with aranoia, a kind of insanity involv ed in structural defects of the ner vous system. The commission an nounces that they are lunatics that orient to be confined in a proper asvlum. and it is the plan to bring them to Oregon for commitment in the Salem asylum. Dr. Pernot has returned from a brief visit to Portland. Rod Na9h passed threugh towD today en route to Portland for a brief trip. M1b8 Lotta McAdanoa of Port land, arrived Wednesday for an in definite vieit at tbe home of Mr. and Mre. Lee Heckle. M. E. Church,South: Sabbath School at 10:30, a. m. The regular church services morning and even ing. J. A. Ellison pastor. Mrs. L. L. Porter returned to her home at Oregon City, Sunday. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Lulu Spangler. Frank White bas accepted a position aa piano tuner at tbe Flatt er music store, this city. David Lifter baa become an employe and assistant at the fame establishment. Teacher "Tommy, who was Joan of Arc?" Tommy (who is considered good at guessing), "Noah's wife." S. L. Kline arrived this noon from Portland. Waller, who weDt there with bini two days ago, will remain in the city for several days. Members of the Oregon Press Association pasted through town today en route to the annual meet ing to be held at Newport tomor row and Monday. Two business seas-ions wiil be held tomorrow and two Monday, according to Presi dent Hayter, and several matters of importance to the business are to be considered. The Newspaper statement is that Hammond has sold the C. & E. to Gould, and that it is to be the mfans by which Gould's Western Pacific line is lo reach tbe coast. If true it will mean a connection of the extended C. & E. with Eastern lines and" a conversion of that line lot 1 an important road. Ose evening an argry com plainant appeared inCoppie's barn. "Your bull chased me across that field ihis morning." "Did he? Well, I am sorry. Hurt ye much?" "eee here, I've come to tell you that j ou ought to take that bull out of tbe field." "It's my field, likewise, my bull." "I guess you dont know who 1 am." "Well, no, I duono's I'do." "I am tbe mayor of Scar borro and president of the Scaiboro & Taitville Railroad." "B ye?" arkt'd Jim, respectfully. "Well. by did Vt ye tell that to the buil?" The popularlv attended enter tainments of the Wtstern Lyceum Bureau of last winter are to be re pelled again this eeascn with a omplete change of attractions and with programmes of higher order. Ail Crvallisites rerre mler th" ex cellence of labt w i Uer't- programmes. They wtrd given under the auspices of the Coogrejz-tioua lists, who are managing the cuaittr again this winter. Amoog the celebrities are overuor Laiollette, tbe reformer Btatssman, Leonora Jackson, the violinist, wbo has played before all the courts of Europe and many oth er notable people, Th canvas for tickets begins next Monday, and those who fail to invest will miss i. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. W. McDonald and wf. to H. H. Harrison six acres at Summit, $300. George W. Fuller to Emma S. Fuller, 2 lots in Wilkins add, $1. Emma S. Fuller and hus. to Et ta Fuller Howard, one kt in block 2 in Wilkins add. $1. R. C. Baughman and wf. to B. Small, two acres near Albany, $700. S.J. Irwin to H. R. Nehrbas, j J OVUIU VI JL UllUUIMiJ it M. J. Aldrich and hus, to F, C. Walters 160 acres southwest of Monroe, $2000. Miriam Malone to F. C' Walt ers, 140 acres sou tn west ot mon- roe. $200. W. G. Aldrich and wf. to F. C. Walters, 152 acres southwest of Monroe, $2000. F. C. Walters and wf. to Monroe Mill Co. . 106 acres southwest of Monroe. $4697. E. Hobson to the Moaroe Mill Co., 320 acres southwest of Monroe $5i5. United States to W. H." Living ston, 160 acres six miles northwest of Corvallis. A massive Quincy granite monument has been erected over the grave of the late Gen. Abner Doubleday, at Arlmg ton. bv hia former comrades 01 the First Corps Association, Army of the Potomac. Tne column 13 similar to that which marks the grave of Gen, Philip Sheridan. . , Mrt $ Something New in Columbia Brussells Art Squares just received at Hollenberg & Cadys We very cordially invite every lady in Corvallis and vacinity to call at our store and examine the goods If you appreciate something EXTRA NICE you will find it in these rugs. In texture, quaiity and de sign they are absolutely the finest that was ever shown in this vicinity at particularly attractive prices. We can entertain you for an hour with our elegant display of rugs and you will admit the time was well spent. Then kindly tell your neighbor when you go home S he will appreciate it. We can also show you Administers, Tapestry, Brussells and All-Wool Art Squares. . . Hollenberg Complete House Furnishers. lash Paid lor - I will pay the highest cash price for all kinds of Second Hand Goods. O. ROGOWAY Northeast Cor. 2nd and Monroe, North Hotel Corvallis. L Continued irom page 1. turn green with envv. Trnn. if h flea is found, tte money will be forthcoming. Bat there is no doubt about the presence of fleas in quantities at the second district school. That is headquarters and thtra are millions in it. Philadelohia. Sept. 18 While uodergoii g an X-ray examination at the Polyclinui hospital today Martin F Mniohv of Renova, Ptnnsplvauia, a in,ker and cn of the richest men in 1 ha state, uied as though stricken by lightning. Mr. Murphy passed a rigid exam ination before going into tbe oper ating chair aod bis heart action was Dronounced pertect. The surgeons believe that some unknown quality entered the ray ni frillfld him. The examination wa-madeto determine whether or not Murphy was suffering from a cancer, lhe ray enterea tne inroai on the left side, two inches below the ear, snd penetrated diagonally down and through the chest to a Doint of emergence just below tne eighth rib. The course of the ray was directly through tbe heart. As the X-rav flashed upon Mur phy he stiffened strangely . Imme. . . . . 1 j diately the ray was tusea oa ana it was found tbat Murpbv had been killed. Noh Wehstt-r's turn: What is tbat fearsome rumbling tbat we bear? It seems to come from down be low tbe pave. Can it be tbat another earthquake's near? Ob, no; keep cool aid banish every fear That's Noah Webster tornug in his grave. Rogo way's Second Hand Store. A FINE line of Zonophone lecords. i isher's music store. Notice to Creditors. In the Matter ot the Estate ) 01 Feed Long, deceased. ) ' Notice is hereby elven to all Dersona concern. ed that the undersigned has been duly appointed aanuniEirafor 01 tne eiaie 01 saia rea imub, deceased, by the county court of Benton county, state 01 uregon. AJ1 persons naving ciauns aealnst said estate ol Fred Lone, deceased, are proper vouchers, duly verified as by law requir ed, within six months from the date hereof, to the undersigned at his residence in Summit pre cinct, Benton county, Oregon, or at tne law 01 of E. E. Wilson, In Corvallis, Oregon. Dated this 7th day of September, 1906. K. R. LONG, administrator of the estate of Fred Long, deceased. & Cafly. Send Hand DJED SUDDENLY OF HEART DISEASE. How frequently does a toad line simi lar to the above greet us in the news papers. The rush, push and strenuous ness of the American people has a strong tendency to load up to valvular and other affections of the heart, attended by ir regular action, palpitation, dizziness, smothered sensations and other distress ing symptoms. Three of the prominent incrodionts of which Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery is- made are recommended by some of the leading writers on Materia Medica for the Gure- of just such cases. Golden Seal root, for instance, is said by th Unitci States Dispejtsatoby, a stand ard authority,-"to impart tone and in creased power to the heart's action." Numerous other leading authorities rep resent Golden Seal as an unsurpassed tonic for the muscular system in general, and as the' heart 13 almost wholly com posed of muscular tissue, it naturally follows that it must be greatly strength ened by this superb, general tonic. But probably the most important ingredient of " Golden. Medical Discovery," so far s its marvelous cures of valvular and ether affections of the heart are con cerned, is Stone root, or Colliiisonia Can., Prof. Wm. Paine, author of Paine'a Kpitomy of Medicine, says of It: "I, not lonir since, had a patient who was y) much oppressed with Talvmlar disease of rue heart thai his friends were obliged to i'arry him up-staira. He. however, eradually recovered under tbe influence of Collin sonin (medicinal principle extracted from Stone roots, and is now attending to his business. Heretofore physicians knew of no remedy for the removal ot so distressing and so dan serous a malady. With them it was all guess-work, and It fearfully warned the afflicted that death was near at hand. Col llnsonln unquestionably affords relief in such cases, and tn most instances effects a euro:" Stone root fs also recommended by Drs Hale and Elllngwood, of Chicago, for valvular and other diseases of the heart. The: latter says: "It is a heart tonic of direct and permanent influence." "Golden Medical Discovery," not only cures serious heart affections, but is a most efficient general tonic and invigor- ator, strengthening the stomach, invig orating the liver, regulating the bowels and curing catarrhal affections in all parts of the system. Sr. Pierce's Pellets sure Constipation. If you want clover and grass seeds go to Zierolf s. Economy fruit jars at Thatcher & Johnson's. YOUNG PEOPLE can save from S5Q to $i00 by takinztbeir Business or Short hand training in the Corvallis Business College, and are more sure of a good position than if they attend a school in Portland. How is the time to en. ter. Day or Night school. Rogoway's Second Hand Store. Notice to Creditors. Notice Ik hereby given tbat On the 28th day of July, 1906, the un-'erelirned was duly confirmed and appoiuted executor of the last will and tes tament and estate m Zelle Dodele, deceased, by by the county court the state ol Oregon for Ben ton county. All peisons haying claims against said estate are required to present the same du ly verlfled to me at my. home near Wells, In Benton county. Oregon, or at the law office of E. Holgate In Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated at Corvallis, Or., this 3d day of August, 19C6. l PACLE. DODELE, Executor. We are Giving Our special attention and will promise our customers bar gains in the following lines: Dry Goods, Gents CU&tmg, Boots, Shoes Rubbers, Hosiery for both LadiM awl ftatk, Groceries, Flour, Breakfast Foods, Etc. We Give Highest price for Eggs, Butter and Chickens. We Deliver To all parts of Corvallis and Additions at all hours of the day with our special quick delivery. We Have Both ph one. VICTOR There is one guaranteed Specialty that occupies a position of particular merit among goods of its class because of the care and specialization which enter into the manufacture of the entire product. The name is Packard Shoes A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Mens Furnishings. Corvallis, The Gem Cigar Store All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool room. Jack Milne, prop. G. B. fiorning, g The Grocer. p We are not inoliapd Co writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods and customers speak for themselves. OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION 6. B WANTED Hbp PiGkers! TO BUY Hop Baskets, Japanese Cuffs, . ...... Groceries, Meats, Provisions,' Flour, Etc. Etc. In fact we carry the assortment in groceries for the Hop Pickers. iiiiaiiiiumaimiu Hodes' Grocery P. MOSES Oregon. X to spend much time in 5 fiornina Rione S03