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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
life Vol. XIX.-No.3 I CORVALLIS, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 22.1906. -JB, W. IBVUTM Ml to ana Proprleto. Jdoes it pay JtO INVESTIGATE? FRIGHTENED BY IT. When you want anything in the line of " Clothing, come and see our line, get prices. TWe balance our quality and prices defy competition. Our clothing sales has made big strides in the past few years and this has justified a big increase in our buying. Never before has our store received such a big ship ment as this spring we have clothing Nob by clothing for sale. Investigate. 4. And Easterners Dont Seek Western Homes so Much Frisco Earthquake. A marked decrease in the arrival of Eastern homeseekers has been noticeable since the San Francisco earthquake. Real estate agents and others in all parts have observ ed the difference, and called atten tion to it. ' For several weeks after the earthquake there was practically no arrivals whatever. Of late, however, a few have begun coming but not in the numbers formerly in 1 ' vogue. 7 That the earthquake was the cause of the condition Is ' known by reason of the fact that in several Lstances '. Eastern friends wrote persons who had come out to . the Coast and urged them to return East where dreadful earthquakes never happen, but where cyclones occasionally blow up a town or city or raise the devil generally. Real estate agents also report that for a time correspondence with Easterners inquiring after Western homes. ceased altogether. Of course to people east of the Rock ies, everything on the Coast is "Tee West" and to thousands an earthquake in - (Jaliiorma means that the whole . Coast is quaky, and that settles it, In time they ought to learn that Oregon is free , from the troubles that fret the rest of humankind. Corvallis, Oregon Great Line Metis fine Shoes. ' No Prizes go with our Chase & Sanborn High Grade COFFEE In fact nothine goes with our coffee but cream, suar and SATISFACTION P. M.ZI aole agent for ;a au:;-jriSS r . OOFFEE Chase iiwe New Sporting Goods Store. A new and complete line consisting of Bteycles, Guns, Ammunition. Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, . Knives , Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries In fact anything the sportsman need can be found at my store. Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop, v All Work Guaranteed. M. M. LONG'S Ind. Phone 126. Corvallis, Oregon. At Belief otratain. .j Prof Mack will again ' be princi pal in Bellfouotain school. No teacher has as yet been secured for the primary department. Mrs. Crouch and daughter, of Michigan, who came here some two months ago, have become disgusted with so much rain, and left Mon day for their old home. j ; ... f Mre. Laird and daughter, AddiP, returned to their home in EugeDe, after a few week's visit with H. T. Brietow and family. . From the oicnio eiven at this place Jane 2d, the earn of $77-37 was realized which goes for the ben efit of the ground. Foster Belknap and Harlan Bel knap went to Salem Monday to at tend the graduating exercises. : Grace Nichole, of Corvaliia, has, been visiting friends in this place. The new bell for the church ' in this place has arrived and will soon bj placed ihTposition., It is; quite a large ' bell, 3O inches and weighs several hundred pounds. Josie Benham is in Junction City with ber grandpa who is in very poor health. Mrs. Ingram has been very tick for the past two wseke. bne .was yery little improved at last account , Chief of Police Notice I wish to call the attention of the public to "ordinance No. 196 which was approved by the Mayor on March 26th 190 regulating the use ot barbed wire in the construction of fences and also reg ulating the swinging of gates, which in substance is as follows: Sec. r. No barbed wire fences shall be constructed or allowed to remain bor dering upon or adjacent to anv street within the corp rate limits of the (Ji.y ot Corvaliia. Sec. 2. No person, firm or corpora tion owning or occupying any . premises abutting upon any street in the City of Cervallis shall hereafter hang, construct, maintain or allow to remain any swing ing gate which may swing over any part of any street or sidewalk within the cor porate limits of the City of Corvallis. If the provisions of this ordinance are not compiled with by the 1st dty of Jnly 19O6 it will be incumbent upon me to emorce the law. - . W. G. Lane. Chief ot Police. Have you tried the Economy fruit j ar ? Zierolf keeps them. Economy fruit jars for sale by P. M. Zierolf. Get yonr Economy fruit jars at Zierolf s. . 5 Ctmtn Per Setting . For -gg. Best 'brown Igbome. J. B. Irvine, Corvallis. HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains' in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish,. . also showing you over the country. 1 AMBLER 6c WATTE RS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance v Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. Notice. ..The. Corvallis Ice and Butter Company, will be ready to receive cream Wednesday June 20th. For Sale. Cream separator and five head of milk eows. Inquire of rank SKinner, Wren, Benton county. For Sale. Kegistered . bulls tor sale; one three year old and two yearlings. Terms reasonable. For further par ticulars inquire of J. E. Wyatt, Corvallis, Oregon. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby Riven that the undersigned has been drily appointed by the coanty court of the state 01 Oregon lor ine coanty 01 uenion, aa mlnlstrator ot tne estate ot William Heckler, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are neieuy requirea so present tne same to me properly verified, ua by law required, at the office of J. F. Yates, Corvallis, Oregon, with in six months from tne date hereof. Dated this 19th day of June, 190. ANNIE SECK1X. Administrator of the estate of William Secklsr, Deceased. For Rent. Large rooming bouse. Partly furnished. Apply W. S. Whitten. Newport, Ore. . Ice and ice cream delivered by the Corvallis Creamery Co. in large or small quantities to any part of the city. Go East at reduced rates. The , Southern Pacific company announces reduced round trip rates to the East for the season of 1906 as follows: Corvallis to Chicago and return, $73-95- St. Loais, $69.95. -: Mil- waokie, $72.15. St. Paul and Min neapolis, $62.45. Sioux City, Coun cil Bluffs, Omaha, St. Joseph, At chinson, Leavenworth and Kansas City, $62.45. " Sale dates June. 4, 6, 7, 23, 25. July 2, 3. August 7, 8, 9, Sept. 8, 10. ' Limit going, 10 days. Return limit 90 days but not af ter Oct. 31st. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, Bank BIdg. Houm . 10 tola and a to 4. Phone, office 83. Residence SSI. Corvallis, Oregon. Rentier Blackleg is Here ,., , We have just received 45Mal lable Iron Beds, all prices, from $2 90 up. One thousand yards Matting, justin. New wall Paper just received. Lower than any house in Benton county The ; new folding , Go-Carts are here. V For Floors, j Woodwork, etcT x We' don't have time to' change our" ads every week, but ; we sell goods to beat theband. Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish-! ing Goods 4 rooms full. ' Acme Washer. Remember Blackledge is Here SUMMER SCHOOL Monmouth State Normal School. June 27 to Aug. 7th and Aug. 13 to Sept. 7th. First six weeks devoted to special preparation for County and State Exams. Last four weeks a continuation of Normal instruction and special attention to Piimary Me thods with model pupil classe?. Faculty of over Twenty Instructors, Regular Normal Faculty assisted by noted college and public school educators. - Tuition 1st Term $7.50 2nd $5. For catalog, summer school cicnlar or other information write Pres. E. D. Ressler, Monmouth, Oregon. .. NUMBER TOOK THE $8SUI u O, B. Connor. Carrier R. F. D. No. 2, held the lucky number. We have a few Summer Suits left which we are offering at 20 per cent discount. A great bargain. Don't miss it. A. K. RUSS. Corvallis, Oregon. The only Exclusive Dealer in Men's Furnishings. ... H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon 'rfirp over postoffica. Residence Cor PttUi uiid Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be en at liranam at " -'nam's drug store, Sunday Excursion on the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad To Newport and Return. Sunday excursions will leave Albany at 7:30, corvallis 8, Philomath 8:12, Wren 8:30, Blodget 8:50, Summit 9:0s, Nash ville 9:25'. Eddyville 10, Morrison 10:2!, Jiifc uijy 10:30, Toledo 10:55 a. m. Euery $urday durii?D$ tb$ apytner Iafi or 89193 Season or 3-day tickets good going or re turning on Sunday excursions - from all points. Fare for round trip: " Albany, Corvallis, Philomath $1 56 Philomath to .Chit wood - 1 00 Morrison to Stores - ' 75 Toledo, Mill 4 and Oysterville .-' 50 concert, turf bathing, life saving drille, uuauiig, iisuiug auu garnering pretty water agats. WILLAMETTE VALLEY Banking Company Cokvaxxjs, Oregon. Responsibility $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Boys County, City and School Warrants. The Bank o California Principal Correspondents. SAN FRANCISCO FOBTUND SEATTLE TAG O MA. MEW YORK Messrs. 3. p. Horftan Co ' CHICAGO National Bank of The.Repob- LONDON, ENG. N M RothsolUlds Bona CANADA. Union Rank af Canada I 6earit&e Qigaatnie .STORIA. Tha Kind You Hate Always Bou Hand Cream Separators. Hand Cream Seperators sold on $5 months pay-. ments. Several different makes. Write yourJname and address below and send to Independence Creamery Independence, Oregon; for particulars and information about the dairy industry.' . Name : Address '.. 1 :. Rorniiigt The Grocer. We are not inclined to spend much time in writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods and customers speak for themselves. OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WEJtfANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION 6; B fiornino